AvaFX Vs Etoro - The Battle of the Brokers

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By now almost all Forex traders recognize the importance of a great Forex broker. What most people don't know is how to choose that broker. There are hundreds of brokers promising you the world, but the only way to truly know you can trust a broker is by hearing the experiences of traders who have used their services in the past. Two brokers who stand out in their positive user feedback are AvaFX and Etoro. Both AvaFX and Etoro have stellar reputations especially when it comes to their customer support. So, how does a trader decide between these two top brokers? What type of trader would benefit more from AvaFX and what type would enjoy trading with Etoro? AvaFX has made a name for itself in the market as a top broker for the experienced Forex trader. That is not to say a new trader cannot use it, but AvaFX, with all its advanced and customizable features is more suited for the Forex expert. AvaFX offers both a native and Web based trading platform called the Ava Trader or Ava Java (yes, I know). AvaFX also has top customer support with representatives available 24/7 to answer your question in a professional manner. AvaFX is regulated in the EU and pending NFA regulation. Etoro is yet another top broker but definitely targets the new beginner Forex trader. Well, at least that was the case until recently. Etoro became famous in the industry for its game like experience, which made trading an option for almost anyone, irrelevant of their past experience. Etoro has definitely spread its wings to target experienced traders as well with its Expert Mode. Etoro, much like AvaFX has been known for its great customer support and offers both a native and Web trading environment similar to AvaFX. As you might have noticed, these two brokers share a lot in common with top customer support, low spreads, high leverage possibilities, and market-leading trading platforms. The decision to choose AvaFX or Etoro will come down to the question of experience. If you have no experience and want Forex trading to be as simple as possible, Etoro is your guy. If, however, you want access to advanced features in your trading, AvaFX is a great choice.

DailyForex provides you with all the resources needed to succeed in Forex trading. Read our full AvaFX review and Etoro review at dailyForex.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gil_BZ

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