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A lot of the smart phones in the market today can say that they are faster, more reliable, or even more affordable. But out of all of these smart phones, only one smart phone can boast of its size. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the HTC Titan, the newest and the latest offering from the Taiwanese smart phone magnate, HTC. The HTC Titan is a Titan One of the easily noticeable things about the HTC Titan is the size of the phone itself. Even if it has a thickness of about a centimeter, the actual body of the phone is relatively big compared to its other smart phone counterparts. The HTC Titan boasts of a screen size of about 4.7 inches, and an actual phone size that can be measured to about 5 inches diagonally. It can fit perfectly into one's palm without any problems but more than that, the large screen of the new HTC Titan can assure you that you can do a lot of things at the same time with one smart phone. With the large size of the Titan display, you now have a portable media center at the palm of your hand. You can watch your favorite videos on demand, look at pictures, and browse through your music without any problems. Moreover, the HTC Titan can be considered as a smart phone that has a large format display perfect for multi-tasking and avid readers and browsers. But, if there has to be a downside to the large display of the Titan, it would have to be the fact that the HTC Titan can fit your palm exactly. Since the Titan is significantly larger than the other smart phones that you may encounter, you may find it hard to navigate through your phone using just one hand. It is a possible downside which can vary according to one's preference and not according to the settings of the phone itself. Windows Mango - Yes, The HTC Titan is a Windows Phone The Titan runs using a Windows Mobile OS named Magno. This is surprising considering the fact that a lot of the HTC phones carry an Android platform rather than a platform created by Windows. In addition to this, Windows also had some pitfalls in their own attempt to make smart phones, and to integrate their software to other phones. Case in point, the older versions of the Sony Xperia. However, it is only fair to give the Titan a chance, even if it runs under the Windows Mobile platform. Surely, there are some changes which were introduced in this new phone which can be seen by the user. The resolution of the phone does not compromise either, so you it makes up for the change in the operating system. The HTC Titan is a phone that is big in size, but takes in only the essential features of a smart phone. Only time will tell if the Titan will end up being a phone that one can really rely on.
Get the handset free with a HTC Titan contract or take a look at these HTC EVO 3D deals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Alvarado
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