Tips For Succeeding With a Raw Vegan Diet

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Switching to a raw vegan diet can have amazing and often almost immediate health benefits. However, learning how to make the switch can be difficult for many. In part this is because it requires learning a whole new method of prepare food that does not center on cooking. In part it is also because it often involves eating new foods for which it can take a while to completely adjust to the taste and texture. Missing the "comfort" foods that one grew up with is often a common complaint by those just starting out on a raw foods diet. However, with a desire to learn new things and by focusing on foods that can replicate many of the comfort foods you grew up with, transitioning to a raw vegan diet can be made easier. Most of those on a raw foods diet are eating a raw vegan diet since eating uncooked animal products is generally unsafe. Here are some tips to help you when starting out on a raw foods diet: 1) Transition Gradually. For some, making the switch to a raw vegan diet can be made at once, but for many this is difficult. So to start, try one raw meal a day, and then over the coming days or weeks, substitute more of your cooked meals for raw food meals. Set a goal for when you will have completely transitioned to a raw foods diet, such as two weeks or one month, so that you have something to work towards while not being totally overwhelmed as you learn a new food preparation style and recipes. 2) Make sure you have plenty of raw vegan snacks available. This is particularly important if you are a person used to snacking on items like power bars or chips during the day. For some, switching to a raw vegan diet prompts more urges to snack, and having these prepared and easily available before the snack urge hits will help you stick to your diet. 3) Learn to prepare raw vegan recipe versions of your favorite foods. These will not taste exactly like their cooked counterparts, but they should be similar enough to make transitioning easier. For example, if you love potato chips, learn to make dehydrated yam chips. If you are a fan of burgers, then try making sunburgers. As long as you are willing to experiment and do not expect exact replications, the new versions can be fun to learn to make and tasty as well.

For some great raw food diet recipes, book suggestions and information about the benefits of a raw vegan diet, visit

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