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Women of Purpose Conference 110 Walnut Street, Hartford Ct. 06120 . 860-560-9555 Women Brunch : March 31,2012 @ 2:30pm-5pm The Power of A Praying Women @ 5:30pm-6pm Metashar Dillon Key note speaker March 31, 2012 @ 6pm Brenda Bates President of Diamonds & Butterflies May 1,2012 @11am
We are encouraging all ladies to join us as we celebrate our first women conference. We are looking for a mighty move of God, for healing and deliverance. The conference will be life changing come and tap into purpose and destiny. Saturday from 2:30pm to 5:00pm we will start the conference with our women of purpose brunch which includes a panel discussion dealing with perusing purpose & destiny. Heading the panel is Former Council Women rjo Winch who is currently the Co- chair of the Multi-Cultural Community Alliance. At 5:30pm – 5:50pm The Power of A Praying Women at 6pm the anointed women of God Prophetess Metashare Dillon will be our key note speaker come and receive a word from the Lord. On Sunday May 1,2012 we will end the conference with Minister Brenda Bates who is the President of Diamonds & Butterflies who will be our key note speaker. INFO 860-9385532
Great leaders lead by planting dreams in the hearts of followers. When Jesus “saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them” (Matt. 9:36). Jesus’ vision of people moved Him to action. His vision of people motivated Him to preach His greatest sermon, the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:1ff). His vision of people motivated Him to give His greatest call for prayer, a prayer for workers (Matt. 9:38). Finally, His vision motivated Him to give His greatest challenge, a call to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20). Both vision and dreams (the law uses dreams and vision interchangeably) describe the first mandate of leaders. “A leader must direct people to a desirable objective.” To state it in every day language, “When people buy into your dreams, they buy into your leadership.” Law One: The Law of Dreams Descriptive statement: People follow a leader who directs them to a desirable objective. Prescriptive statement: The leader must direct followers to a desirable objective. When people buy into your dreams, they buy into your leadership. The dream of Martin Luther King, Jr., ignited the black community of the United States. “I have a dream,” he cried from the front of the Washington Monument in the nation’s capital to over one million listening ears. The civil rights leader was an Old Testament seer (prophet). He saw “a little black boy and a little white boy in Georgia play together.” The dream of King led to the passing of Civil Rights legislation giving equality to a disenfranchised minority. He epitomized leadership by leading a nation to legally abolish the pervasive barrier of inequality that was practiced in America. When the black community bought into King’s dream, they made him their uncontested leader. They endured the police dogs that were released on them. They did not give up when fire hoses were turned on them. Many went to jail for the dream. It was a dream of freedom. When the legislators bought into King’s dreams, they enacted the laws needed to carry out those dreams. The most powerful tool a leader possesses is dreams. In the Old Testament, prophets led the nations without the sword, legislative office or political might. They led with a thunderous voice. They spoke for God.
Getting things in order Volume 1 issue 3
GOODNEWS MAGAZINE Good news date; 3/1/12
Words From The Editor
Be Inspired ………………… 07 We are encouraging all ladies to join us as we celebrate our first Passages Gallery………… ……..02 women conference. We are looking for a mighty move of God, for
SPONSOR’S PAGE Auto Page………………….. 10 K & M Jewelry …. ………...06 Salon Page…………….... 08 Triple A Dinner ……..…… 07 QQ Jewelry ……………… 09 Ministry Info……… .……...11 Sponsorship ……………....12
healing and deliverance. The conference will be life changing come and tap into purpose and destiny. Read More on Page 2
SALON DESTINY THE HOW WHERE AND WHY Salon Destiny, founded in 1996 by the owner and proprietor Yolanda Leatherwood, is becoming the premiere salon in the Hartford area and surrounding cities. Read More on page 8
Multi-Cultural Community Alliance 1st Black and 1st Women Council Present is continuing on her community mission with a different plan of action, rjo who was once the only women on the Hartford City Council has joined forces with other strong women who are serious about making improvement around them Read More on page 4
Diamonds & Butterflies, Inc. You don’t want to miss the upcoming work shop that Diamonds & Butterflies will be presenting on March 24, from 1pm to 3pm at the Dream Support Net Work 29 West Main Street Rockville Ct. 06066……….. Read more on page 5
A New Year brings new beginnings, with new hopes and expectation. Live your life purposefully, don't waste your time on things and people that are not heading your direction. Understand you cannot take everyone with you on the 2012 quest. By now you should have evaluated and made some decision that involves letting go and moving forward .
Presenting With Power Presenting with Power Putting leadership on parade does not come naturally to some leaders, particularly those who have led primarily by issuing directives. But presenting with power is a skill easily learned. Once learned, it becomes a habit and each presentation becomes increasingly effective. In Read more on page 9
Sound The Alarm Sound the alarm in Jerusalem! Raise the battle cry on my holy mountain! Let everyone tremble in fear because the day of the LORD is upon us. Joel 2:1 (NLT) Read More on page 6
Diamonds & Butterflies, Inc. “Empowering Women to Change Their World”
As I look around at many of the women and young girls in our society today, it is very evident to me that this is a needed ministry. They have lost their sense of modesty and self-respect; they are promiscuous, brash and bold. More and more women have self-worth issues and allow themselves to be deceived and exploited by the enemy. They are suicidal, depressed, oppressed, and increasingly chemically dependent. I believe God wants to use my life experiences to make a difference in the lives of other women who have had similar experiences and possibly prevent some from having to experience the pain, shame, and destruction of those experiences. If I can touch the life of just one woman, then my life and all that I have gone through, will not have been in vain.
Mission Statement: To empower, encourage, and make a difference in the lives of women of every age, race, culture, social/economic status, or religion through the love of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to attend to the whole woman spiritually, emotionally, and physically in a practical way We Believe: When women are spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy, their world will be spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy.
Services • Career Counseling • Resume Consultations • Computer Software Training • Life Coaching • One-On-One Counseling • Support/Peer Groups • Seminars • Workshops
For More Information Contact Brenda Bates (203)691-6040 or (203)376-8962
Brenda Bates, President Diamonds & Butterflies, Inc. Sound the alarm in Jerusalem! Raise the battle cry on my holy mountain! Let everyone tremble in fear because the day of the LORD is upon us. Joel 2:1 (NLT) Joel was one of the Old Testament prophets and the author of the book of Joel. God called Joel to deliver the message of the “Day of the LORD” to the Israelites (God’s chosen people). At that time most of them were living as though they never knew God. Therefore, God used Joel to get their attention. Joel 2:11 says “…The day of the LORD is an awesome, terrible thing. Who can possibly survive?” In verse 12, God says …“Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts”… On January 8, 2012, I attended the opening of the Dream Chasers Support Center and was blessed to meet Pastor Dornett. As we talked and shared our dreams, visions, and purpose, we discovered that we had a lot in common. Mostly, we both love God and have a deep desire to serve him and his people. Although I was raised in church, I spent many years living outside of God’s best for me. I was on the fast track to self-destruction. I was deeply involved in drugs an alcohol abuse and sexual immorality. I was looking for love in all the wrong places but only found deception, despair, disappointment, and depression. I had forgotten that I was a child of God and that He loved me dearly. Finally, I realized my only hope was God. I cried out to Him for help and He heard my cry and rescued me. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, my life was reconciled and my destiny was restored in Him. The real story is God’s great love transformed the ugliness of my life into the beautiful concept of Diamonds & Butterflies, a ministry that is dedicated to empowering women to change their world through the love of Jesus Christ and an intimate relationship with Him. It is my passionate desire to minister to women by helping them to know and understand how precious they are to God and to discover and walk in their divine destiny in Christ Jesus. I believe it is the heart of God that none would be lost and that He wants to restore and reconcile all to Himself. My heart weeps for my sisters who are hurting, deceived, disappointed, depressed, and looking for love in all the wrong places. They have forgotten that God loves them unconditionally and has an awesome plan of redemption in Jesus Christ. I believe, now is the acceptable time to tell them of the coming “Day of the LORD” and encourage them to repent and give their hearts to God while there is still time. Therefore, I gladly accept God’s call today to urgently “Sound the Alarm because the “Day of the LORD” is upon us!” I humbly take my place as an ambassador of the Almighty God, standing strong in the power of HIS might declaring the Gospel of Christ unto salvation. Led always by the Holy Spirit, the One who gives divine guidance, strategies, and insights that will accomplish the task of returning the souls of God’s precious women to the place of reconciliation, restoration and peace in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
Your Dimension Of Greatness
No one can know the potential, Of a life that is committed to win; With courage - the challenge it faces, To achieve great success in the end! So, explore the Dimension of Greatness, And believe that the world CAN be won; By a mind that is fully committed, KNOWING the task can be done! Your world has no place for the skeptic, No room for the DOUBTER to stand; To weaken your firm resolution That you CAN EXCEL in this land! We must have VISION TO SEE our potential, And FAITH TO BELIEVE that we can; Then COURAGE TO ACT with conviction, To become what GOD MEANT us to be! So, possess the strength and the courage, To conquer WHATEVER you choose; It's the person WHO NEVER GETS STARTED, That is destined FOREVER to lose! ~ Author Unknown ~ Back to the top. flower
Communicating With Power By Kevin Daley Recommended By Pastor Hasan Abdullah Written Presenting with Power Putting leadership on parade does not come naturally to some leaders, particularly those who have led primarily by issuing directives. But presenting with power is a skill easily learned. Once learned, it becomes a habit and each presentation becomes increasingly effective. In any meeting, large or small, the effective leader captures the listeners' attention immediately, holds it for the duration of the presentation, and creates the kind of energy that generates action. The leader should organize the message so it is clear and compelling. He appeals to both the heart and head. He tells stories that involve the audience --and reveal his humanity, which is essential for establishing trust. The stories paint word pictures, with characters, settings and action. The leader makes deliberate use of wording, voice, posture, movement and timing. And his most powerful communications tools are his eyes. Steady, warm eye contact conveys credibility. Failure to make eye contact can signal unease, defensiveness or perhaps lack of candor. When talking with one person, the leader looks at the other's eyes, then moves away to avoid causing discomfort. With a large group, he makes everyone feel included by making eye contact with one person in the audience for as long as it takes to express a thought, and then moves his eyes to someone else in a different part of the room. When a leader is able to zero in with eye contact toward one audience member, surrounding audience members benefit too; studies have shown that all the audience members in the area around the person being addressed feel they’re being spoken to directly. Using the eyes this way also alleviates whatever anxiety the presenter may be feeling because speaking one-to-one to an individual comes naturally. In contrast, nervous speakers scan the audience, never finding one focal point, which increases their anxiety because the brain has too much information to process. Using the eyes appropriately is the single most important factor for communicating effectively, it has been shown in an academic study conducted by faculty at the University of Akron's School of Communication. The study evaluated the relative importance of 10 different presentation skills factors in presentations made by participants in Communication presentations training course.
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