1 Undergraduate Portfolio

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Master of Architec ture Application 2014


ARC 501

Fall 2013 Space[less] Cit y

ARC 402

Spring 2013 [sub]+[urban] Residence

ARC 401

Fall 2012 [Re]hab Center

ARC 302

Spring 2012 Waterbox[x]

ARC 301

Fall 2011 Vyborg Special Collec tion

ARC 202 Spring 2011

Bastakiya Residence|Studio What is a Wall?

A R C 5 01

Space[less] Cit y Course Dscrpt . Employs advanced design tools to respond to complex architectural projects in a topic, capstone or collaborative studio setting. Focuses on research, experimentation, and specialized techniques leading to comprehensive solutions that address issues of program, context, building technology and/or fabrication. Addresses the discipline of architecture at various scales ranging from conceptual investigations to full-scale fabrication and urban design.

Sharjah, in the last t went y years, witnessed a fast population grow th with a consequent sudden urban expansion. The original historical areas were incorporated in this development without a coherent strategy. With the renewed interest in considering Sharjah as the cultural capital of the UAE its heritage area became critical to por tray and communicate its historical values.

Ret ail. G round Flr.

Ser vice d Apt . 2nd Flr.

Resident ial/O f f ice. 6t h Flr.

Resident ial. 9 t h Flr.

N or t h E lev.

A R C 4 02

[sub]+[urban] Course Dscrpt . comprehensive building design project integrating building technologies with other non-technical design issues. Introduces programming and includes a detailed, design development of an aspect of building technology. Design Intent: To provide flexibility in the units to raise children in the future. To bring these families together in a semi private social space. To lower the cost of construction. User: Young Married Couple

â€œâ€Ś.. the passion for the improvisation, which demands that space and oppor tunit y be at any price preser ved. Buildings are used as a popular stage. They are all divided into innumerable, simultaneously animated theatres. Balcony, cour t yard, window, gateway, staircase, roof are at the same stages and boxes.â€? (One way street. 1924)

Wall Se c . Det ail

First Flr.

G round Flr.

Space is conditioned by societ y and culture and that architec ture is an oppor tunit y that can create social ac tion and ac tivit y. As people become wealthy around the world, they tend to spread out.

A common dream of all cultures and regions is to have a land and call it their own. This process of spreading out and buying lands lead to a place called suburbs.

Se c . B

West E lev.

A R C 4 01

[Re]hab Center Course Dscrpt . Requires Design of open site projects moderate scale with emphasis on building form derived from the analysis of site context and sute planning strategies. In places of enforced confinement such as prisons and other places of detention, access to basic necessities and a salubrious environment are of the utmost importance for ensuring that the inmates remain in good health.

Wind Diagrams

G round Flr.

In developing countries, and especially in crisis situations, health conditions in places of detention are of ten unsatisfac tor y and sometimes deplorable. Prisons may be ver y dif ferent in terms of their architec ture, but they all comprise a range of similar basic struc tures designed to meet the material needs of the detainees.

First Flr.

West E lev.

Sout h E lev.

A R C 3 02

Waterbox[x] Course Dscrpt . Includes studio-based projects with emphasis on the tectonics of building, structure, and envelope. Building case studies and design projects explore a range of material and construction system types including steel, wood, masonry and reinforced concrete. A warehouse with an educational center in sharjah to help prevent the desert growth.

distribution - - - bird-eye view

distribution - - - main circulation path

My concept was to create a ver y rational grid and inser t it into the mountain range and create a tension bet ween the nature and the architec ture. The educational center and Warehouse have t wo massive masonr y walls made out of gabion baskets to help keeping the projec t cool inside. Moreover, the educational center relates back to the vernacular architec ture of the region.

Educat ional Cen. Transverse Se c .

G round Flr.

Longit udinal Se c t ion

First Flr.

distribution - - - interpretive center

Ware house Transverse Se c . warehouse - - - circulation

educational center - - - circulation

Ware house Flr.

A R C 3 01

Vyborg Librar y Course Dscrpt . Advances the fundamentals of the making of architectural form based on concepts derived from space, structure and building construction. Studiobased projects emphasize design strategies for small, multilevel infill buildings with conventional, short-span structural systems. The site may be considered as two components: the library building itself and Torkkelinpuisto Park surrounding the library.

The existing librar y building provides an architec tural contex t for the new Vyborg Librar y Special Collec tion Facilit y design, and the park establishes a landscape contex t that situates the entire projec t within the urban condition. A new path, clear in its organiz ation and compelling in its design that interlock s the old and the new is carefully planned.

Three week s projec t designing a 3x 3m reading room nex t to a 3x 3m cour tayrd. Then moved to Aalto’s Librar y Sp ecial Collec tion by analy zing The existing librar y, and look ing at some case studies such as Renzo Piano’s E xpansion of the Morgan Librar y.

plan scale 1:25

section AA scale 1:25

section CC scale 1:25

DD sectionsection BB scale 1:25 scale 1:25

Basement Flr.

SW E lev.

Aal to’s Librar y Analysis

G round Flr.

Se c t ions

First Flr.

A R C 2 02

Bastakiya Res. Course Dscrpt . Studio based investigation of the fundamentals of making architectural form and space with emphasis on design inquiry, exploration, and process. Concentrates on classic instances of form sources in architectural and interior design: function, experience, structure, construction, and context. Digital media are integral to the studio, and students receive istruction in software appropriate for design purposes.

An existing building got f ired and the land needs a new design whose owner is a family with a k id. This house consists of a residential, of f ice, and exhibition area. Based on the histor y of the region, the house should include a cour t yard that relates back to the old contex t of the area. Privac y should be taken into consideration. Public entrance should be provided for the exhibition area and for the of f ice.

Sout h E lev.

E ast E lev.

First Flr.

Sec t ion BB.

G round Flr.

“ What is a Wall � was the title of a projec t that questioned the basic charac teristics of a wall. In this projec t, we were exposed to dif ferent methods of explorarion including Digital modeling tools such as Rhino, Maya, and Grasshopper along with physical models.

Star ted with Physical Modeling, we moved to Rhino, and we assembled walls manually. Af ter that stage, we star ted using grasshopper, and we took the derived model in grasshopper into Maya for scripting and reaching the f inal result.

Rhino Stage

Physical Model Stage

Grasshopper Stage

Maya Stage

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