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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF TO OUR DEAR READERS Greetings and a warm welcome to our very first issue of Voices. I couldn’t be more excited to have this magazine made it to this point. With a great effort, the editorial board have overcomed the struggle to bring this magazine into life. Voices From Abroad is an initiative to start a student-run monthly magazine. We aim to document the opinions, voices and beliefs of Malaysian students here in the United States on matters of Malaysia’s national interest. We set out to create an online magazine that would empower Malaysian student to think critically on matters of national interest. We hope to create a user friendly platform that able to unify and document diverse opinions, stances and beliefs for Malaysian students to access. We believe students are the future leaders of Malaysia, their voices today would be the decision of tomorrow. So keep in mind that this magazine does not just belong to me or the editors or the staff, but to the whole Malaysian student community. This is your magazine and it is your chance to speak out and let your voice to be heard. Remember, your voice matters. We are honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful students. This magazine is not possible without their hard work and willingness to share their thoughts and voices. Not to mention, to have such great organizations like National Assembly of Malaysian Students in America (NAMSA), Malaysian Entrepreneurship Association USA (MyEA) and US East Coast Presidential Council (EPiC) to support our hard work and effort.
Mohammad Fareed Rosli is a Sophomore at Penn State University majoring in Economics. While he’s not wasting his time reading books, he will either be thinking about life, singing karaoke, or being a part-time Dota player.
We, Voices From Abroad, would like to wish you a happy semester. Watch our progress, as we dig deeper to more fascinating issues that you are going to love reading. Lastly, we appreciate your support and welcome you to read our First Issue: “Sending Us to America”.
With warmest thanks and love,
Mohammad Fareed Rosli, Editor-In-Chief.
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CONTENTS VOICES FROM ABROAD 3 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR-in-chief The Editor-In-Chief talks about the role of the magazine in empowering students in the United States and also as a platform for our voices to be heard.
6 WHAT’S NEXT? So, your dreams came true. You got your long awaited acceptance letters from the universities you applied. You were making decisions on which school to attend because you don’t want to make the wrong call because you knew decisions like this can be life changing.
»»p.15 p.12
10 WHAT WILL WE HAVE BROUGHT HOME? I remember sitting by the roadside thinking about the future. It was my last week in Malaysia before I left to the US. My heart was filled of hopes and dreams of a fresh start; but my mind was infected with doubt and trepidation.
13 WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? This criterion is something that came from my observations and aspirations, picked from my mentors, seniors and peers.
»»p.39 p.19
There are a few adjective please occasions that have happened throughout my four-year journey as a student in America. These events have taught me indescribable values—lessons learnt from the heart, not the mind.
19 studying abroad: are we worth it? Studying abroad is not something unheard of for Malaysians, even before 1957. During colonial era of our history, “driven by a deliberate policy of ‘divide et impera’”, Malays ruling elite were sent to England to receive British education to co-opt ruling Malay traditional elites to their fold. »»p.17 p.7
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27 BE A TRAVELER, NOT A TOURIST. “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust.
30 cabaran mahasiswa di luar negara.
Menjadi suatu pertanyaan dan perdebatan dalam kalangan mahasiswa Malaysia di dalam mahupun di luar negara apakah yang menjadikan mahasiswa yang menuntut di luar negara kononnya menjadi lebih ‘istimewa’ berbanding pelajar-pelajar yang menuntut di institut-institut pengajian tinggi di dalam negara?
34 INSIDE: nittany lion Unless you want to read a 10-page review paper on the biomarkers of IBD, I think you are better off with a senseless, rambling article instead. »»p.37
37 Brain drain trends If you return to Malaysia, would it be a brain gain for the country?
40 INTERVIEW Featured Student of the Month, Noor Hazmy shares his experiences and insights on why you should get an internship.
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of the 80 thousand students are students like you and I who are currently studying in the United States.
by billy hoo Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
So, your dreams came true. You got your long awaited acceptance letters from the universities you applied. You were making decisions on which school to attend because you don’t want to make the wrong call because you knew decisions like this can be life changing. In fact, the chance to study abroad itself, especially in the United States, as a Malaysian, like most students from developing countries, is itself life changing! Not many students, graduating from high school in Malaysia, would have the same opportunities that we had or shall have. If you need, there are about give-ortake 1.2 million Malaysian students studying in local tertiary institutions - in both private and public institutions - while roughly another 80 thousand other students studying abroad. Approximately 10 percent
My point is, really, now that you are in the United States, how can you maximize or get the most out of your education experience here. Having spent 3 years in North Carolina (Go Tarheels!) and going into my second year of graduate studies in Washington, D.C., I think I can share a little or two about what I think that can get you to maximize your education experience here in the United States.
Plan ahead and if you c a n n o t, e x p l o r e f i r s t ! One of the best things about the American tertiary education system is that you have the luxury to design your own academic plans. It is best suited for those who have a plan in mind already as well as those who have not found one. Speaking from my personal observation, I had a classmate who I believe had planned thoroughly her academic pathway since freshman year. She was really into economics and knew that she wanted to do graduate school in the future. She was already taking all the
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prerequisites in year one and by her second summer I believe, she had already received an undergraduate research fellowship and that by her fourth year she was already taking graduate level courses. That is how useful the American system when you had set a goal in mind. That is why I would urge a lot of you to explore as early as possible and find something that you like and plan on them. Personally, while I always had a passion for Economics, I wasn’t able to make it more relatable to actual life. (Well, not everyone can see how indifference curve is useful in a real-life setting, right?) . But my moment came to me when I took my first public policy course where I thought that was my missing puzzle all along. I always wanted to use economic methods to solve problems, and public
policy is the medium for me to be able to apply economic science. Fortunately for me, that moment came to me just at the end of my sophomore year where I have to declare my second major. I had tried earlier taking up business courses but I couldn’t find myself interested in them. But when you find that “Itu dia!” moment, it’s never too late!
deliberation at the highest level. Questions like “What’s wrong with the parliamentary system?” or “Is it ethical to kill one old person instead of ten young persons?” or “Why do people vote?” are important aspects to our life that we were not trained to think and question critically about while growing up in Malaysia. I believe my good friend, Kok Hin, would agree on this with me. (And yeah, you should read his book and columns in TMI if you had not known him yet)
Take up a course in one of these areas: Political Science, Philosophy and Ethics Take up a course(s) in coding and programming One of my personal favorite recommendations to students in the United States is to take up a course in the realm of philosophy, ethics and political science. Growing up in Malaysia, we never had that opportunity to study such courses that require thinking and
And yeah, if you want to make a lot of money, take up courses in coding and programming. Learn how to make an app or something similar. If I were to be given a chance to travel back in time, I would give coding a
try. Tech-related internships in the U.S. pays a lot and it is also a budding industry in Malaysia. In the world of technology and app making, it feels to me like it is a race. Anyone who comes out with the product first wins! I always regret the fact that I had good ideas in my mind but are unable to produce them because I cannot code. Even if you think that you don’t need them currently, try them out! You’ll never know when you’ll need them. Going into the future, coding will be one of the important ways that could enable you to produce ideas that you are strongly passionate about. My point here is that, it is more than just the money these skills promises.
Take up a double major or similar
This is also one of my
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favorite recommendations. My argument here is simple, as students, we ought to have a number of subject areas that we are interested and that we would love to explore more deeply and learned about it. If you are the complement type like me, you probably would take up majors that are similar to each other. However, this does not mean that you shouldn’t take up majors that strongly differ from each other. A close friend of mine who studied in Harvard was doing Organismic Biology as his primary major but took up Religious Study with a focus on Buddhism as his second major. Another close friend of mine back in UNC was doing business studies and visual arts. She, I can say, is a really great artist. My point here is that a double major enables you to express your interest to a certain level of depth and knowledge. It is natural that you want to learn in the things you are passionate about.
Also, more importantly,
especially for scholars who are not allowed to do a double major, I believe that you should make doing a double major a case for yourself. Over the years, I have seen a number of my friends of the same cohort to have dropped out of college and have their scholarships revoked as they were not performing well, simply because they lose interest in the major the sponsor requires them to complete. A second major, especially if it is something you are passionate about, would act as a buffer that keeps you driven in cases where you suddenly lose interest on your primary major. This, I strongly advise to all of you scholars.
o p p o rt u n i t i e s
Opportunities are abundant in your institutions especially in the summer. At the end of my junior year, I was presented a summer research fellowship to conduct my own independent research on brain drain among Malaysian students in
the United States. It was perhaps the most life changing experience I have in the United States so far in terms of academics because it had inevitably shaped my academic career going into the future. If you are interested in research too, look for similar opportunities! If there is a lab or professor that you would love to get some research experience with, approach them! On the other hand, if you would love to get to the job market after graduation, look for internships whether back in Malaysia or here in the United States. My buddy from UNC who lived with me for two years spent two summers of internships with Khazanah Nasional and eventually found a job with Morgan Stanley after graduation. Another friend of mine was already doing a Bank of China internship as a freshman. Internships are important! Get a headstart! Take it step by step!
Talk to your professors – a lot! Perhaps the most important advice of all is that you need to talk to your professors a lot. Tell them what you would like to achieve and they will be able to provide you with a certain direction to help you achieve your goal. Talk to them early in your academic career so that you have more time to work on the directions they share with you. If you have that one professor that you can relate to at the personal level, spend more time with him or her. As international students who live afar from family, it is always useful to have a family figure around you to be there emotionally when you needed support. Also, they are more likely to write you a good recommendation!
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U l t i m a t e l y It is most important that you enjoy your studies in the United States. You don’t want to just take my suggestions above and be a dull and boring student. I would still do all of the above and have my Thursday poker and beer pong nights with my friends or that weekly badminton session on Fridays. The take home is that, get the most of your education here in the US but also enjoy yourself because you deserve it!
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by Tharmelinggem Pillai President US East Coast, Presidential Council, EPiC.
I remember sitting by the roadside thinking about the future. It was my last week in Malaysia before I left to the US. My heart was filled of hopes and dreams of a fresh start; but my mind was infected with doubt and trepidation.
The America in my mind was one that was built on movie clichés. The racist redneck, the black thug, the obnoxious white guy who cannot seem to shut up or the horny college kids from American Pie (no, I haven’t watched this movie. I’m innocent). Some of these stereotypes are real, but they are far from accurate in describing the majority of Americans. After two years here, I have seen a different America. A country where people are kind and friendly; where classmates are eager to talk to you and listen to your experiences; where the rule of law is respected and obeyed. Oddly enough, I have faced far less racism here in the US than in any period of my life back in Malaysia. This is far off from the typical assumption that Americans are rude and racist. The people here are generally tolerant, respectful and sometimes inordinately friendly. I have travelled to almost 40 states in the US, so I would like to think that I have spoken to and connected with enough Americans to make that statement. Studying abroad is an opportunity to explore yourself by exploring the world. It is a chance to meet different people with a different way of thinking
and learn from them. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience that we can draw from interacting and learning from those who are different from us. To say that Americans are an interesting group to learn from would be a severe understatement. There is something powerful about the American psyche that has enabled this nation of immigrants to become the most dominant nation in the history of the world. My favorite part about the American culture is its optimism. The United States of America was started by immigrants who were willing to work hard and dream big in order to achieve success. And that spirit is reflected in every part of the American experience. Random people will greet you on the street. It is ridiculously easy to strike up a conversation while you’re waiting for the bus. They have such an immense entrepreneurial movement because of this spirit; the willingness to try and experiment in order to solve a problem. To be hopeful that there is a solution and to be confident in their own abilities. It is this energy that Malaysian students here should harness and bring back home. The optimism for growth, the willingness to take risks and the desire to work hard
what will we bring
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The optimism for growth, the willingness to take risks and the desire to work hard for a better tomorrow. for a better tomorrow. It is these ideals that can help us challenge current cultural norms, especially norms which are regressive and harmful. It is this spirit that can empower the youth of today to carve up a better Malaysia for ourselves and our children. However, we shouldn’t put America on a pedestal. It isn’t a unicorn pooping out rainbows. Racism, Islamophobia and an immense income gap are just some of the issues that plague this society. The popularity of Donald Trump’s bigoted, xenophobic rhetoric is proof that there is a significant chunk of Americans who have not embraced the ideals of equality and justice. A quick stroll through New York City is a stark reminder of the disparity of wealth; where homeless veterans panhandle outside multimillion-dollar malls. To learn where others have failed is the mark of a wise man. Young Malaysians should work towards avoiding the pitfalls that the American society has faced. Studying abroad is also an opportunity to look inward and self-reflect. Why do you believe that we should respect our elders? Why do you think you need religion to act in a moral manner? How meaningful is race to an individual’s identity?
Basically, why do you believe what you believe? When you are stuck in a cultural shell, you never really question why you do the things you do. There is the tacit acceptance of that way of life because there is a need to conform. When that shell opens up and the world is revealed to you, you have the opportunity to compare and contrast. That experience of challenging your beliefs is one that is immeasurably important in helping you better understand yourself and self-actualize. It is the sums of your experiences that enable you grow as an individual. So studying in America is not simply about getting that degree. It is a window for you to develop your character and broaden your worldview. But are we genuinely bringing back the right skill set and lessons back home? Not really. I know way too many Malaysians students here in the US who have decided to create their own Malaysian village away from home.
Their housemates are Malaysians, their neighbors are Malaysians and sometimes the entire building block is dominated by Malaysian students. This means that their main interaction with Americans and other international students are only in the classroom, where discourse is dominated by the lecturer and there is only a limited amount of time to socialize. They are missing on valuable opportunities to bond and get to know nonMalaysians. It is truly a waste when students decide to settle into the comforts of a familiar Malaysian community in lieu of chasing the golden opportunity to immerse themselves in the American culture. Malaysia will always be there for you, but the window to grow and mature into a global-citizen is tenuous and transient. So grab it and milk that opportunity for all its worth! In this globalized era, national borders have become increasingly dilute. My mom is almost 10 thousand
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Malaysia will always be there for you, but the window to grow and mature into a global-citizen is tenuous and transient.
miles away from me, yet she is still able to nag me about how messy my room was. I have subsequently cleaned up my room by the way (that’s what I tell my mom). Technology means that communication that once took months to happen can now happen in seconds. Journeys that used to take years to complete, can now be finished in a couple of hours. Love that used to be eroded by distance is now strong and lasting due to Skype and Facebook. Thus in this era, patriotism is no longer a default faith that one embraces based on the geographic region that one was born in. Instead, patriotism is a choice. More and more young Malaysians have chosen to abandon this Nasi Lemak-powered boat in favor of Bacon-fueled ships. I know, these are pretty terrible analogies for Malaysia and the Western world. far more enticing to the globalThe economic and social realities minded young Malaysian. But I of these liberal democracies are believe that the infusion of new ideas and energy can invigorate our nation. The lessons that we have learnt here in the US can inspire us to make changes back home. I believe in the future of my country. That someday we can stand at par with these Western nations. Love is not about looking for perfection. It’s not about looking for the most beautiful one or making the most flawless choice. It often isn’t even the easy choice. It is about choosing what makes you happy. Home is where I can find my roti canai and my serunding daging. My char kuey teow and my laksa Sarawak. Where the weather is as warm as the people. Home is where my heart is. Let’s make our home better, together.
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what makes us
University of Michigan, Michigan. This criterion is something that came But to do so, one has to from my observations and aspirapossess self-awareness, knowing tions, picked from my mentors, who he or she is and be deeply seniors and peers. rooted in his or her values and
If I were to describe the perfect Malaysian graduate from the United States, it would be someone who is well-connected but deeply rooted, committed for betterment of society and has deep curiosity. Imagine a 2000-yearold big tree with its roots firm and deep in the earth, some intertwining around the root of other trees and branches extending far on every side. As a student studying in a very diverse country like the States, one must know and grab the opportunity to understand his
or her surrounding, primarily by getting to know the people. To meet new people is to expand one’s horizon and enrich one’s perspectives, which would be useful in liberating one’s self from egocentric and ethnocentric viewpoints. Just like the tree, by extending its branches, it manages to occupy and be aware of a space that has never been reached before, a space that might be unfathomable by smaller trees (let’s just assume that trees can comprehend space and time, alright?).
beliefs. It does not mean that the values and beliefs that one hold cannot be challenged; in fact, those convictions must be challenged so that one can make informed decisions. Only informed decisions can remain unshakable, just like the deep and firm roots of the tree. Open yourself to the tide of questions so that you can leave the shore, sail and seek answers. For me, what used to be a struggle of being constantly challenged especially during the beginning of my college education is now the most rewarding process for it allows me to sharpen my self-insight and reevaluate my convictions. Diverse environment can be uncomfortable and lead to self-seclusion if one is not ready to being questioned and to focus more on similarities rather than differences. As a Muslim, like what is mentioned in Surah Al-Hujurat (49:13), I believe that peoples and tribes were created to allow people to know each other- it is a blessing, not a curse that deviates people from their roots. To be impactful and able to help create a better society, one has to understand the society that he or she is in and to understand it is a skill in itself.
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Decades ago when Malaysia was still under British colonization, a group of mostly Western-educated men and women tried to disseminate ideas of reform and independence years before the national movement led by UMNO gained its traction. They consisted of Islamic modernists, who built schools, and secular Malay intelligentsia who represented Indonesia’s Partai Nasional Indonesia and they wanted to unite Malaya. Even though their ideas were isolated and even repressed, the ideas became more relevant afterwards particularly as the country came closer to independence despite the slight difference in flavor of the ideas that later characterize Malay nationalism. Why did they fail in mobilizing people in large scale? Just like in Burma, the initial movement of the intelligentsia were divorced from the peasantry. To begin with, they were centered in the cities yet there were not many Malays who lived in urban areas. They also used newspapers that could reach out to a very small community, making their strategies ineffective and weak. I am sure that many of us want to bring about some form of changes if not for the country, for the family or for one’s self. The point is in
order to make changes, it is not enough to know what is good and what is not or to be merely educated. It is only by truly understanding the surrounding that one can provoke an effective response. One of main things that distinguish American universities from others is its liberal education that has been deeply embedded in the US higher education system, through which students can learn and think across disciplines while obtaining in-depth understanding in a specific field of interest. Students basically have the liberty to shape their education- I can do Astronomy, Pottery and Economics all in one semester, to describe it more vividly. Furthermore, since many Malaysians also work parttime while studying (a friend of mine drove the campus buses!), this would equip us with skills that enrich our experience and shape our personality. However, access without curiosity is a waste. With all the liberty to explore and to try new things, one would be able to master a subject only with intense curiosity. Mastering a subject or a field is crucial not only to help one decide on a career path (which would be challenging for many), it would also determine what contribution one can give to the specific field of interest. Curiosity and passion drive people to go deeper until they embody the subject. I always find passionate people truly fascinating because success can only be achieved when one possesses a laser-like focus, which can usually be found among passionate and curious minds. Curiosity would also bring passionate minds beyond classrooms, rendering the fixed space into one of the sources of education, not the only one. Therefore, embrace what the edu-
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“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” Al-Hujurat (49:13) cation system has to offer. Explore, be curious and let the universe be your playground! I was asked to describe the perfect Malaysian graduate from the United States, knowing that perfection is a paradox and I have not even graduated yet. But the paradox of perfection- that imperfection is perfect- only allows room for continuous improvement. I always remind myself that college is just one of the stepping stones along the path of progress, so for those who are reading this, I hope you will reach a point later in life where you get to say (especially if you graduate from the States), ‘that’s one hell of a life’!
THE JOURNEY I was the only Muslim, like always redundant, in almost all Political Sciences and Law classes on campus. Sometimes I wonder, knowing that United States of America has this wacko idea on its exceptionalism on the international political stage, shouldn’t there be, more international students studying this subject? Or, I feel that it is alarming to have rich and diverse classrooms especially for the arts and humanities subjects be it in America or Malaysia. You see, different from the STEM, subjects like Political Science, International Studies, Sociology and Anthropology are, at one end, important for the cultural sustenance of any respective community. I know we can be tangled with the arguments of what culture really is, but my point here is diversity and representation (I don’t feel comfortable using the word ‘representation’ as it may dilute the complexities, but, voila, here it goes) of people in the academic sphere is crucially crucial to avoid unnecessary dismissal of point of views of the people from
by NUR ADILLA ABD RAHIM University of Washington, Washington
different places. Or, in America’s case, the dominance of WhiteOccidentals ideology is imbued in the very place where students should learn on how to unshackle such mentality—in class, and especially in the university. It was February 1st. I remembered vividly walking towards my Human Rights and Religion class. Like most of you, I swiped my Facebook newsfeed real quick while waiting for the red walking signal to turn white. ‘Happy World Hijab Day!’—many hyped the celebration online on that day and my thumbs swiftly clicked the Like buttons several times. I adjusted my ever-sloppy hijab. I remembered wearing the turquoise Dian Pelangi tudung (sent by Aina through post) on that day, not the ordinary black tudung asrama I have always put on. Some colors for the gloomy Seattle on World Hijab Day! For the class on that day, we were ought to discuss on Layla Sahin vs. Turkey case. The reading was assigned to us a week prior to the day. The case is on a medical student, Layla Sahin, who was in
There are a few memorable occasions that have happened throughout my fouryear journey as a student in America. These events have taught me indescribable values—lessons learnt from the heart, not the mind.
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her fifth year at Istanbul University. In February 1998, the university chancellor send out notice that “[Students whose ‘heads are covered’ (who wear the Islamic headscarf) and students(including overseas students) with beards must not be admitted to lectures, courses or tutorials.” And, as you may have expected, Layla Sahin has had always don the hijab and being brought up in a religious family. Like many of Malay-Malaysian, the hijab is apart of herself, her faith. She went ahead with wearing hijab to school, and as stated in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) opinion, articulating the history of the dispute: “On 12 March 1998, in accordance with the aforementioned circular, the applicant was denied access by invigilators to a written examination on oncology because she was wearing the Islamic headscarf. On 20 March 1998 the secretariat of the chair of orthopaedic traumatology refused to allow her to enrol because she was wearing a headscarf. On 16 April 1998 she was refused admission to a neurology lecture and on 10 June 1998 to a written examination on public health, again for the same reason.” In the court, Layla argued that her rights are violated in accordance to, among others, Article 9 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (now European Convention on Human Rights) which among others wrote that, “Everyone has the right to freedom
of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.” Sounds cheesy, right? But the outcome of the case might surprise you (or maybe not?). I’ll save you the time and surprise: the court ruled in favor of Turkey. They found no violation whatsoever of Article 9 (and others) unlike what was claimed by Layla. Our instructor randomly divided the class
that was that before I realized one of my group mate was staring at me. Intensely. Let’s just call him, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. “Okay, start your discussion now! Quickly!”, our class instructor persisted. As quickly as some of you replied to my Whatsapp message, the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named turned to me, and looked at me from top to bottom. “So, your God really have to be pleased with this hijab thing?” Oh no no no. Please, no. I was left numb. My heart was pacing like crazy. I did not expect that condescending tone of words would
My heart was pacing like crazy. I did not expect that condescending tone of words would be rolling their ways into my ears on that very morning! into two: “One group will present Layla Sahin’s arguments, another group will be Turkey. I’ll give you 15, 20 minutes top for group discussion, and then we’ll do some sort of debate style between the two groups okay?”. I was in Layla Sahin’s group apparently. We moved around and got into our respective group. Do you know that awkward silence at the very beginning of any group discussions? The moment when everyone stares to each other’s eyes while waiting for few others to brisk down and join the group? Well,
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be rolling their ways into my ears on that very morning! I mean, yeah, there was this one day, long before, when I was walking with my friend, Caitlin near the sorority-fraternity area, to the infamous Thai Tom in UDistrict. And a young guy rolled down his car window and shouted, “Muslim go back to your country!”. After some cynical laughter later, Caitlin and I realized that guy (and his friends) might be drunk because the car was driven like maniac. Caitlin was a Mormon and she faced similar yet different remarks after people learnt that
that she is a Mormon and she was from Utah. That was that, you know. The only ‘Islamophobia’, if I may say, that I have experienced to my face. Until that very day. And the fact that he is a college student, in a Law Societies and Justice required class would have whipped me like that. No, I am not exaggerating. My other classmates in the group, glancing at my silence stood up, I believe, not for me, but for the purity of what an educational class in academic world should be—to comment and to inquire properly. They talked eloquently
about Muslim faith and modesty and hijab is a choice and all that. I regained my intellectual consciousness, lol, after few minutes drowning in my own thoughts. “Well, I am the one who will be pleased with this hijab thing. That’s for sure.” We talked backand-forth and I explained that this is my choice, to wear hijab, and how can this plain innocent piece of cloth become the world number one problem? He asked about the five times obligatory prayers, and I explained, that yes, I prayed everyday except for when I have my periods. I am happy to pray
and it is my choice. Before he even asked, I told him that I travelled the world alone, and that, no, neither my dad nor my brother is tailing me everywhere. I lost my patience. I felt that he was being very condescending, pointing only towards me, as apparently I am a Muslim. I was mad because the class should be discussing on Layla Sahin, not me. How ironic since I was the ‘representation’, the ‘diversity’ of the class and I am good with that, but you can differ between bigotry and hate, with pure inquiry, no?
And I explained that this is my choice, to wear hijab, and how can this plain innocent piece of cloth become the world number one problem? Vo i c e s F r o m A b r o a d | J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6
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CENTER PIECE Notable alumni include our Father of Independence and the prince of Kedah, Tunku Abdul Rahman whom alma mater is the University of Cambridge. The practice of sending our young students, often the best and brightest of their generation still continues until today. These young students are not of the royal household, a lot comes from families in lower income strata, but they still share a key trait with the students of old, they are among the select few.
Studying abroad is not something unheard of for Malaysians, even before 1957. During colonial era of our history, “driven by a deliberate policy of ‘divide et impera’”, Malays ruling elite were sent to England to receive British education to co-opt ruling Malay traditional elites to their fold.
Under Rancangan Malaysia Kedua 1970-75 (RMK 2), “Mara’s training division expended some $12 million in providing 993 scholarships and 743 loan awards to qualified persons for study in local and overseas institutions”. Furthermore, under MARA sponsorship, around 240 youth were trained at the vocational institute in Japan, India, and Federal Republic of Germany. During this period, 1971-1975, there were 6050 Federal, States and MARA Sponsorship awarded to students to receive their education abroad. In 1975, it is estimated that the total number of Malaysian studying abroad reached 31500.
Number of Malaysian students overseas in 1975.
In 1975, 47% of 41454 Malaysian students pursued their degree abroad. Early in Tun Mahathir’s administration, he Vo i c e s F r o m A b r o a d | J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6
announced the “Look East Policy”. Consequently, in the period of 1982-1994, the Government of Malaysia had sent a total of 1466 students to Japan, the Land of Rising Sun.
Fast Forward: Present Day According to National Education Statistic: Higher Education 2013, a total of 78,936 Malaysian Students were studying abroad. 24,815 of them were sponsored.
Capital investment from government Getting tertiary education abroad is without a doubt extremely expensive. In terms of Ringgit, the tuition fees and cost of living in universities abroad are much higher than the total cost of studying in local universities. For instance, for one student in the Pennsylvania State University, the government would have to pay around RM132,000 ($33,000) for the tuition fees, and
Annual tuition fees and students’ allowances for different universities in the United States.
another RM50,800 ($12,700) for living allowance. It brings to a total of RM182,800 every year. Meanwhile, the average tuition fee in Malaysia(which excludes hostel fee) for public universities is around RM2,000 and another RM10,200 for living allowance every year. (RM182,800/12200 = ~15) Approximately, sending a student overseas is equivalent to sending 15 students to study in local universities. It is for sure, not a small ratio. So let’s think for a moment, are we really worth of 15 local students? What have we learned and done to gain such privilege?
Analysis that constraints to facts and figures only does not do justice to this important issue. Simple calculations of cost and benefits often cannot paint a full picture on the worthiness of sending us abroad as investments in human capital. Therefore, how exactly one should measure the intangible benefits of education to human being? Is it by assigning numbers to skills obtained by graduates? Or perhaps, by analyzing the opportunity cost of money spent on education which could be directed to some other facet of our life. Our approach is also to see “qualitatively” on the worthiness
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of sending Malaysian students abroad. However, it should be noted that our analysis is neither comprehensive nor canonical.
The Downside
There will be enough money for the university’s departments to expand and improve their facilities for the students. The departments could collaborate with outside organizations or
Penn State
Well, it is an awful lot of public fund used to send our students abroad every year. Let’s think for a moment, the opportunity cost of that money. It goes without saying, that the money used to send our students abroad can be directed to increase the quality of our local university. Perhaps, there is no need to slash public university funding in our Belanjawan 2016, if we stop sending our students abroad. With the amount of money that are spent on overseas education, it can be used in many, many ways. For example, we can use a fraction of that money to employ the best people in academia to teach here (a lot of them), in Malaysia at our own public university. Just a side note, with that same amount of money (~RM180,000 per year), instead of sending 5 students overseas, we could have hired a knowledgeable and experienced Harvard’s ranked professor to privately teach or tutor 10-15 local students for the entire year. By using this method, the local students are able to fully ‘utilize’ the professor and that is much more effective compared to sending students overseas, as many of them does not really ‘utilize’ their professors in the universities (such a waste of resources). Plus, another fraction of that money to build classrooms, labs, or any infrastructures needed to accommodate these world class academicians.
alone has 1061 student organizations, it is possible for the public universities in Malaysia to be the same. With enough funding, more clubs or student organizations can be created by the students and thus promote civil society. companies to create more opportunities for the students and enhance their learning. In fact, there will be enough money to install state-ofthe-art technology in a campus environment, which is vital for students’ education. Students of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors will need to master computer skills to keep abreast with the technological advancement in the world. Meanwhile, for Liberal
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Arts students, having access to a big database is a must, so that they would be able to conduct a research. So with enough money, we can actually bring a world class education to Malaysia and make it accessible to all students. Well, everyone deserves a good education! For the snobbish and elitists haters (read: brilliant Malaysian students overseas) of better local public university, they will argue something along the lines, “By studying overseas, the students are not just getting a world class education, they will also acquire other vital skills, as added values, along with their degree”. Malaysian students overseas acquired many soft skills such as leadership, communication, and resourcefulness from daily life experience on and off campus. Well, guess what haters, if more money are given to the public universities in Malaysia for student activities, the same (more or less) skills can also be acquired by the local students. Students can learn the exact soft skills while handling a vast varieties of activities. If Penn State alone has 1061 student organizations, it is possible for the public universities in Malaysia to be the same. With enough funding, more clubs or student organizations can be created by the students and thus promote civil society. So, why the need to spend billions there, when we can achieve the same things here for pennies? The more obvious thing that can be done by that huge amount of money is granting more full scholarship to more Malaysian students to study locally. By helping to reduce their financial burdens, the
students will be able to focus on their study and education. Without worrying about money, they are able to explore the world at their fullest, just sayin’.
on the bright side One of the main arguments of sending Malaysian students abroad is for them to receive a world-class education. Students of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors can reap the benefits of acquiring the technical know-how of developed nations and bring it back to our beloved Malaysia. These graduates can use the knowledge for the sake of our people, be it for the material betterment of the society or heightening our intellectual pride for discovering great things that have befuddled humankind. It also helps these graduates to receive a world class education since Malaysia is still sorely in need of these technical capabilities to further aid our development. However, Does sending our students abroad fulfill our needs? To what extent will it solve
our problems? So, what is it that make spending billions of Ringgit justifiable? Arif Zakwan, who majors in Biotechnology at Pennsylvania State University has offered some insights on this matter. For him, to receive education in the United States, from American Education System is to fully immerse ourselves in American classroom experience and embrace the different mentality in academia, rather than just absorbing the material in class. Arif maintained that advancement in Science and Technology relative to the rest of the world afforded these American Professors to instill the confidence and spirit of the greatest scientists in their students. For example, Arif’s Professors inculcate the belief that these young students are going to be the future Dr. Salk, the man who found the cure to polio, saving mankind from this crippling disease. Furthermore, Arif loves the fact that university here encourages their students to dictate their own learning. This autonomy is very valuable as it provides the flexibility for the students
Does sending our students abroad fulfill our needs? To what extent will it solve our problems?
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to be an expert in the field of their own choosing. He also said that he is lucky to have the opportunity to explore and be an expert in the field that is not yet well developed in Malaysia. On the other hand, for students who major in Liberal Arts such as in Political Science, Economy, Sociology and other Liberal Arts majors, the results of their education is more nuanced, it does not translate that well into technical skills. Nuanced, but still vital to our country. What is lacking in technical mastery of AUTOCAD, MATLAB,
third international students who being selected as one of the Fund Managers for Nittany Lion Fund, a mutual fund run by students that handled investments worth more than 7 million USD. He is in charge of handling 200,000 USD worth of investment in Telecommunications sector. Even before graduating, Andrew has been exposed to the real world of finance. Although he is not a sponsored student, Andrew’s case is the perfect example that illustrates the kind of opportunity that available for Malaysian student overseas.
with these fine institutions and gain insights into the inner working of such institutions.
Furthermore, Malaysian students in the United States have the opportunity to join field trips to institutions such as the World Bank, Wall Street corporations, United Nations Headquarters, Fortune 500 companies and many other similar locations that can augment their learning on “The Way of the World”. We, including the authors, also enjoyed the opportunity to mingle with University alumni that have worked
youngsters learn from the mistakes of other nations. For example, the United States of America, who history is steeped with Revolution, Great Wars, Constitutional Crisis, Social Movements and many more events that have built the maturity of a nation. To put it into context, partisanship in Malaysia that divide along religious and racial lines are threatening the unity of our country. Public discourse, be it in Mamak restaurants, Facebook’s newsfeed
These kinds of access and experiences provide unique education that does not exist in a textbook and deepened students’ comprehension of their subject area. Comprehension such as this is important to our country as Malaysia needs policymakers, intellectuals, even teachers that can guide public discourse and opinions the right way. Malaysia is a young country but we can be wise beyond our years by letting our
Malaysia is a young country but we can be wise beyond our years by letting our youngsters learn from the mistakes of other nations. or even 3D Imaging, these liberal arts students make up with the understanding of how the world works, to the extent of their learning. Their learning is facilitated by a world class library with massive databases, which always can be accessed for free for their students and, often, professors welcomed the students to join their research. One Malaysian student illustrates this point perfectly. Andrew Kai Ji, from Penn State University, is the
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or nationally broadcast forums, needed guidance and nudging from intellectuals whose education allows them to reason with facts, and persuade with manners, and see beyond the blinding racism. On the other hand, to send youngsters studying abroad, so that they can reason with the unreasonable people back home is paltry results, that certainly does not justify spending hundreds of thousands of Ringgits on each of them. So, what exactly does our society going to get when sending these young students learning Liberal Arts abroad? I am none the wiser. Last but not least, sending Malaysian students abroad create a whole class of new generation that earn good income due to their good education. Tens of thousands of students who are sons and daughters of farmers, rubber tappers, and fishermen, enjoy upward economic mobility upon their graduation since they are well educated to participate in the modern economy. Since the majority of scholarship holders is Bumiputera, arguably, this creates
a new generation of Bumiputera middle class which newfound affluence certainly trickles down to their family and relatives as well.
by ummar fitri hassan assa’ari Penn State University, Pennsylvania
Conclusion Our Government’s efforts to send students abroad to study is certainly admirable. It reflects a country that values education highly, to invest that kind of public money to our youngsters. Hey you, the so-called brilliant and smart student who is studying overseas, do you think you are really worth the same as the 15 Malaysian students studying local? Are you that great? Are you able to give impact as much as 15 students in Malaysia? There is one thing for sure, we do have the opportunity. So let us be worth it!
by mohammad fareed rosli Penn State University, Pennsylvania
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“So, tell me, why do you want to study abroad?” “I want to study abroad so I can travel around the world!” “You do know that you can travel in Malaysia too, right?”
by syaza nazura noor azmi University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin.
“I know, but I want to travel in other countries too. I want to see the Statue of Liberty, take a picture in the Antelope Canyon, watch a live football match in the Emirates Stadium, trek across dessert, pose in front of colorful houses
by the beach, walk down the park full of Sakura trees, dress up in a kimono, see the mountains from the airplane and record a video as I snowboard down the mountain.” “Really? Are you sure it’s not just because other Malaysian students who are currently abroad are doing it?” “………” “Are you sure it’s not for the likes on Instagram or the stream of comments saying ‘Jealousnya!’ or
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‘Bojio!’ or ‘You’re so lucky!’?” “………” “And are you sure it’s not just so you can create a hashtag like #cometravelwithme or #SiPolanVisitsAmerica?”
travelling there, and you may not get the same experiences from visiting any other places. At the same time, take the time to really learn about these places. Spend some time to appre-
history. To challenge yourself to try something different. To understand more about other people. To push yourself out of your comfort zone. And, my personal favorite, it will be an opportunity for you to
“………” I get it. Travelling abroad is fun, yes. I do a fair share of it myself too. Who wouldn’t, right? When you’re studying in a foreign country for a few years, you might as well take the opportunity to explore the place you’re at. You might as well make the most out of your time there and see all the different attractions there are. There are an abundance of interesting and beautiful places to visit, so you should most definitely get out there and explore them. Niagara Falls? Been there during my first Fall break, and man, the water was cold! Florida? Miami and Key West were the bomb during last year’s winter trip! New York City? I go there every month bro, even the Halal Guys people recognize my face. Los Angeles? Dude, did you not see the picture I posted last summer when I met Daniel Radcliffe in Hollywood? But is that really what travelling is all about? Sure, by all means, visit all those places. They are called tourist destinations for a reason, and it’s not always that you’ll have the time (and opportunity) to visit them again once you’re back and working in Malaysia. Each of these places are unique and have different things to offer to the people
ciate the history behind the attractions. Talk to a local and hear their point of view about the place. Visit all the hidden gems in the place, places that people don’t usually do. When you stop to give yourself the chance to learn more in depth about something, you will be able to appreciate the fact that you are able to go and visit it. It won’t just be a visit for the sake of checking it off your bucket list or your ‘Things to do and places to visit before graduation’ list. It won’t just be a trip to cover every single state in the United States. Instead, it will be an opportunity for you to grow as a person. To explore different places and observe different people. To see things from a new perspective. To develop new skills and language. To learn about new cultures and
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learn more about yourself and the people you travel with. If this is your first year in a university abroad, you’ll be surprised about all the things you might learn about yourself or your friends when you’re travelling together. And if you’ve been here for a while, this should come as no surprise to you. That friend we have who is always prim and proper? You probably have never heard them snore in their sleep at night, and oh God, it’s horrendously loud but hilarious at the same time. That laidback and carefree friend? You should see how they act when you’re lost in the middle of nowhere with no internet connection. That shy and quiet girl from your batch in college? Who would have thought that she’ll be the first to skydive from 10,000ft!
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car rental and/or gas money in different ways. You can also check out ways to travel on a budget by CouchSurfing or staying at an AirBnB. This way, you can both save money and meet locals in the new places! So, by all means, travel the world, yes. Visit all the different places and explore every inch of the planet if you can, and learn from your travels. Bring back something more meaningful than an Instagram-perfect picture or a tanned body, from the things you learn before the trip (saving up money and planning out the trip) to the things you pick up during the trip (a new local norm or a new perspective on people).
Heck, even you, the oh-so-adventurous person almost shit yourself just thinking about it. And wait, didn’t you say you’re independent and can take care of yourself? Well, your bank account is close to zero now after your road trip, and you have to pay your rent next week. People keep on posting pictures about all the cool places and fun activities and the cliché “Come travel with me” pose. But people rarely talk about the hard things about travelling, financially or physically. When you were in Malaysia, you dream about visiting all the different places and enjoying time with your friends and
everything. But now that you’re here, you’re wondering about how to save up enough money to travel, pay rent, buy/rent overpriced textbooks and shop for that new PS4 bundle during Black Friday. Well, fret not. There’s tons of ways you could use to achieve all those things. You can work part time on campus and save up extra money, you can share a room with a friend to save cost on rent, and you can always find cheap textbooks by asking your seniors or other students on campus for their used textbooks. As for travelling, travelling in groups can help reduce the cost as you can split the
And don’t stop there. Channel the experiences and the knowledge that you’ve learnt in a way that will benefit other people. How did your travel(s) shaped your view and perspective of life, and how would you act or see things differently now? What can you do to make a difference, however big or small, from the lessons and experiences that you’ve picked while you were travelling? I will leave you now with a quote to ponder upon.
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust.
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oleh: LAILA SABIHA MD SABERI University at Buffalo, The State University at New York, New York.
Menjadi suatu pertanyaan dan perdebatan dalam kalangan mahasiswa Malaysia di dalam mahupun di luar negara, apakah yang menjadikan mahasiswa yang menuntut di luar negara kononnya menjadi lebih ‘istimewa’ berbanding pelajar-pelajar yang menuntut di institut-institut pengajian tinggi di dalam negara?
CABARAN MAHASISWA DI LUAR NEGARA Boleh dikatakan ramai di kalangan golongan muda generasi kita mempunyai peluang yang lebih besar berbanding generasi terdahulu dalam mendapatkan pendidikan tertier, sama ada di dalam mahupun di luar negara. Tambahan pula, dengan adanya tajaan-tajaan mahupun pinjaman pendidikan daripada pelbagai pihak sama ada daripada badanbadan kerajaan, badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGOs), syarikat-syarikat swasta, pusat-pusat zakat dan sebagainya telah memberikan peluang yang lebih besar untuk rakyat Malaysia melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Namun begitu, adalah menjadi suatu pertanyaan dan perdebatan dalam kalangan mahasiswa Malaysia di dalam mahupun di luar negara apakah yang menjadikan mahasiswa yang menuntut di luar negara kononnya menjadi lebih ‘istimewa’ berbanding pelajar-pelajar yang menuntut di institut-institut pengajian tinggi di dalam negara? Apakah benar bahawa dengan melaburkan hampir RM 1 juta untuk seorang pelajar Malaysia ke luar negara adalah
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satu tindakan bijak atau satu pembaziran semata-mata? Oleh hal yang demikian, saya akan mengulas apakah cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa di luar negara dalam proses menjalani kehidupan sebagai mahasiswa.
Saya merupakan seorang pelajar jurusan kejuruteraan yang kini sudahpun memasuki tahun akhir di University at Buffalo, New York, Amerika Syarikat. Sepanjang dua tahun setengah saya berada di sini, tidak dinafikan bahawa salah satu cabaran bagi saya adalah sistem pendidikan di sini, khususnya dalam memantapkan ‘Grade Point Average’ atau lebih dikenali sebagai GPA . Pertama, dari sudut pemarkahan, kebanyakan universiti di Amerika Syarikat menggunakan sistem pemarkahan yang lebih ketat berbanding IPTA/S di Malaysia. Berikut adalah sistem pengreddan dan skala pemarkahan di University at Buffalo, NY :
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Amerika Syarikat kerana kita tidak boleh menafikan kualiti pendidikan tinggi di negara kita tidak kurang hebatnya. Perkara yang menjadi topik perbincangan adalah bagaimana mahasiswa di luar negara menghadapi cabaran tersebut demi memastikan kami tidak ketinggalan dalam akademik. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, sepanjang saya menjadi penuntut di luar negara, saya merasakan bahawa silibus kami lebih menekankan pemahaman secara praktikal berbanding teori semata-
keseluruhan konsep kejuruteraan yang diajar sepanjang semester. Ditambah pula dengan penilaian tenaga pengajar untuk mengukur tahap kreativiti pelajar dalam menyelesaikan masalah secara kritis. Aplikasi dan asimilasi teori pembelajaran adalah berbeza jika dibandingkan dengan pemahaman literal dan konteks semata-mata.
mata. Misalnya, dalam subjek yang baru sahaja saya ambil dalam semester lalu (baca : Fall 2015) iaitu IE 420 : Systems Engineering Practicum, adalah kewajiban untuk setiap pelajar menyiapkan tiga buah projek kejuruteraan dalam masa satu semester yang akan memberikan impak pemarkahan sebanyak 75% untuk keseluruhan pemarkahan kursus, 10% adalah untuk kuiz, dan 15% untuk peperiksaan akhir semester. Penekanan terhadap praktikal hakikatnya lebih menguji pemahaman pelajar terhadap apa yang telah kami pelajari. Di sinilah kami dinilai sama ada kami benar-benar memahami
(SPM). Kebanyakan mahasiswa di sini pernah mendapat 11 A+, 10 A+, dan ada juga sebahagian daripada kami juga merupakan pelajar terbaik kebangsaan. Namun begitu, apabila tiba di luar negara, pencapaian SPM kami bukan lagi menjadi kayu ukur yang baik untuk terus cemerlang di sini. Di dalam kelas, mahasiswa kita mungkin hanyalah setaraf dengan mahasiswa-mahasiswa tempatan (baca : penduduk lokal Amerika Syarikat) yang mendapat pencapaian akademik biasabiasa sahaja. Tiada yang menjadikan kami lebih istimewa walaupun keputusan SPM kami sangat
Rata-rata pelajar yang menuntut di luar negara merupakan pelajar-pelajar yang cemerlang dalam Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia
Student’s Final Average: ≥ 94.0 % A High Distinction ≥ 90.0 % A- High Distinction ≥ 87.0 % B+ Superior ≥ 83.0 % B Superior ≥ 80.0 % B- Superior ≥ 77.0 % C+ Average ≥ 73.0 % C Average ≥ 70.0 % C- Average ≥ 67.0 % D+ Minimum Passing Grade ≥ 60.0 % D Minimum Passing Grade < 60.0 % F Failure Walau bagaimanapun, bukanlah menjadi satu isu utama tentang sistem pemarkahan di
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cemerlang sehingga dipuja-puja oleh masyarakat di tanah air. Hal ini demikian kerana konsep survival di luar negara adalah benarbenar menghapuskan amalan ‘spoon-feeding’ yang diamalkan sewaktu berada di tanah air. Tiada ‘study week’, tiada kebenaran sama sekali untuk cuba-cuba melakukan trend ‘copy-and-paste’ dalam menyiapkan tugasan, tiada tips-tips yang diberikan oleh profesor sebelum menduduki peperiksaan, tiada soalan bocor, tiada soalan ramalan, dan tiada juga latihan-latihan yang dirujuk dengan kertas-kertas peperiksaan tahuntahun lepas. Apatah lagi dengan budaya rakyat Amerika yang lebih individualistik yang menjadikan mereka lebih selesa untuk belajar bersendirian berbanding secara berkumpulan. Ya, memang ada dalam kalangan mereka yang suka membuat kumpulan belajar tetapi itu bukanlah stail major mereka sewaktu menelaah.
Lantaran itu, apakah sebenarnya yang membezakan kami dengan pelajar dalam negara? Tiada perbezaan spesifik dalam hal ini, yang ada hanyalah bagaimana sikap mahasiswa itu sendiri dalam mendepani cabaran di universiti masing-masing. Di luar negara, perbezaan bahasa juga menjadi satu rintangan bagi mahasiswa kita. Mungkin hal ini kurang dirasai oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang menuntut di negara-negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar utama seperti United Kingdom dan Amerika Syarikat memandangkan sistem pendidikan primer dan sekunder kita mewajibkan setiap
pelajar untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggeris. Tetapi hal ini menjadi satu cabaran besar bagi mereka yang melanjutkan pengajian di Jordan, Jepun, Jerman, Korea Selatan, China, Perancis, dan banyak lagi negara yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggeris sebagai
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” bahasa ibunda. Hal ini demikian kerana tidak semua pelajar telah mendapat pendedahan yang meluas dalam menguasai bahasa pengantar negara-negara tersebut seperti mana penggunaan bahasa Inggeris yang telah mendapat pendedahan yang luas sejak era persekolahan lagi. Tambahan pula, apabila berada di bumi orang lain, ternyata penduduk tempatan tidak menggunakan bahasa formal atau ‘bahasa baku’ seperti mana yang dipelajari sewaktu program persediaan sebelum berangkat ke luar negara. Perbezaan dialek mengikut daerah dan negeri, limitasi penggunaan kosa kata, kependekan, dan bahasa-bahasa slanga menjadikan proses mendalami sesuatu bahasa memakan
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masa yang lama. Contoh mudah, masakan kita berkata, “Sudahkah kamu menjamu selera sebentar tadi?” apabila bertemu rakanrakan. Sudah pasti kita lebih selesa menggunakan bahasa harian seperti, “Kau dah makan ke belum?” yang tidak pernah diajar di dalam mana-mana buku. Kesukaran menguasai bahasa penyampai menjadikan interaksi antara pelajar dan tenaga pengajar tidak berjalan lancar justeru mengakibatkan mahasiswa sukar memahami isi kandungan kuliah. Mendiang Nelson Mandela pernah berkata, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Kata-kata ini membawa maksud perbezaan antara memahami sesuatu bahasa dengan menghayati sesuatu bahasa. Demi memastikan mereka tidak ketinggalan dalam akademik, proses penguasaan bahasa perlu dilakukan secara berterusan dan progresif tetapi hendaklah dilakukan secara bersahaja dan semulajadi kerana penggunaan bahasa harian atau tidak formal tidak boleh dipelajari melalui buku-buku. Ia merupakan satu pembelajaran melalui pengalaman yang perlu dipelajari menerusi komunikasi harian. Tidak dinafikan proses ini mungkin memakan masa yang lama tetapi semestinya ia menjadi nilai tambah bagi mahasiswa tersebut apabila pulang ke tanah air kerana kemampuan berbahasa asing yang lebih baik daripada orang lain yang tidak menguasai bahasa tersebut.
I S L A M O F O B I A Islamofobia iaitu sikap prejudis terhadap agama Islam
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juga merupakan rintangan yang hebat bagi mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang menganut agama Islam di luar negara. Bukan hanya pelajar Muslim sahaja, hakikatnya pelajar-pelajar Malaysia yang
yang menyahut erti jihad yang dianjurkan dalam Islam? Adakah Islam merupakan agama yang menyokong terorisme dan menyokong kezaliman? Banyak lagi persoalan yang diajukan oleh masyarakat
mengenal agama dan bangsa sentiasa bersatu dalam menangani isu Islamofobia ini. Rakan-rakan saya yang bukan beragama Islam juga turut membantu memberikan cerminan yang baik bahawa Islam bukanlah sebuah agama
Penerangan secara teliti perlu diberikan bagi mengubah dogma masyarakat terhadap Muslim. tidak beragama Islam juga turut menerima tempiasnya memandangkan negara kita merupakan sebuah negara yang menjadikan Islam sebagai agama rasmi kebangsaan. Bermulanya insiden 11 September, Islamofobia merupakan hal yang besar yang tidak pernah putus-putus dibincangkan di media massa seantero dunia. Apatah lagi dengan terjadinya tragedi menyayat hati yang berlaku di Paris pada November 2015 baru-baru ini yang menggemparkan seluruh penduduk dunia cukup memberikan impak yang besar buat umat Islam dalam mendepani krisis Islamofobia. Pelbagai asakan diberikan oleh media serta penduduk setempat yang mencetuskan sentimen keagamaan menjadi topik perbualan di manamana termasuk di dalam kuliah. Adakah benar bahawa setiap individu yang bergelar Muslim bukan pengganas? Benarkah ISIS dan Al-Qaeda merupakan organisasi
terhadap mahasiswa-mahasiswa kita yang berada di luar negara. Bukanlah semua pihak mempunyai sikap prejudis terhadap Islam namun tragedi-tragedi yang tidak diingini seperti pengeboman Boston, insiden 11 September, konflik Israel-Palestin, isu pelarian rakyat Syria, dan konflik dalaman Mesir dan Yaman secara tidak langsung memberi satu pandangan negatif kepada umat Islam. Oleh hal yang demikian, tidaklah mudah bagi mahasiswa kita yang beragama Islam untuk berhadapan dengan situasi ini apatah lagi bagi mereka yang masih mengekalkan identiti seorang Muslim. Penerangan secara teliti perlu diberikan bagi mengubah dogma masyarakat terhadap Muslim. Namun begitu, kami berasa amat bertuah apabila berada di negara asing kerana seluruh rakyat Malaysia tanpa
yang menyokong keganasan. Hubungan baik antara mahasiswa Malaysia yang multirasial berjaya memberi satu eviden yang kukuh dalam menunjukkan keharmonian hubungan antara penganut agama Islam dengan bukan Islam.
K E S I M P U L A N Secara tuntas, cabaran yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa di luar negara merangkumi aspek lokal dan global. Cabaran berada di mana-mana, tanpa mengenal individu dan tempat. Bukanlah menjadi perdebatan antara mahasiswa dalam negara dan luar negara, siapa yang lebih banyak menempuh cabaran dan cabaran mana yang lebih besar. Perkara yang menjadi kepentingan asas adalah bagaimana kita melalui dan berhadapan dengan cabaran tersebut dengan baik tanpa meruntuhkan jati diri sebagai warganegara Malaysia serta mencapai matlamat hidup masing-masing.
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W E , M A L AY S I A N S T U D E N T S I N T H E U S A
Hi, there! It seems like you’ve reached *that* part of a magazine again. You know, the obligatory ‘opinion sharing’ part where you’ll get to read a writer’s witty views and thoughts on a specific issue. But, here’s the thing –
I think you are better off with a senseless, rambling article instead. Oh, you’re still here? Great! I thought I lost you at ‘rambling’. So, without further ado, let’s get this nonsensical article done shall we?
of living abroad, something always holds me back from taking that flight home to Malaysia. And since my editor insisted on me including the PennState Malaysian Students Club in the writing, let’s start with how a simple club can make me
I’m not a writer. Sure I do write during my 3 academic years here, but they’re all either lab reports or scientific article reviews. So, what I’m going to do instead of creatively sharing my ‘witty’ opinion is I’m just going to ramble my way through this until I reach the 900-word limit (blame my editor for this). Unless you want to read a 10-page review paper on the biomarkers of IBD,
“How’s life like in America?” is a question that I got so many times from my friends and relatives back home. Now, if you’re anything like me – haven’t been home for almost 3 years and experiences at least one snowstorm every winter – the word ‘homesick’ might hit you closer to home than your real home is (homeception!). But, every time I thought I have had enough
feel, well, at home (cue the shameless ad). The PennState Malaysian Students Club is among the many active Malaysian student-based associations in the USA. Besides our annual general meetings and Malaysian Night(s) (p/s: ours is on 9th of April, save the date!) we also have tons of holiday celebrations like Hari Raya, Deepavali, Chinese New Year, etc. And you know what
inside: penn state
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by siti syafiqah kamarudin Penn State University, Pennsylvania.
Unless you want to read a 10-page review paper on the biomarkers of IBD, I think you are better off with a senseless, rambling article instead.
comes along with celebrations? Food of course! – and friends; let’s not forget about friends. Being one of the heavily Malaysian-populated campuses in the USA, there never seem to be a shortage of home cooked delicacies here. And yes, if you’re wondering where did those food came from, they came from our very own Malaysian students of course. How awesome is that? And this is one of the reasons why I have to say that living here in State College, PA never felt foreign to me. f there’s one thing I could brag about being an overseas student is that almost *all* of us know how to cook. However, just like any other living skills there’s bound to be a difference in the level of mastery. While I pride myself in being able to cook to stay alive (read: 2-minute maggi is my specialty), others pride themselves in being the ‘Master Chef(s)’ of PennState. Some of them even have their own F&B business among the Malaysians here. Now, just to be clear, I’m not being biased (read: I’m totally being biased right now) but if you ever get the chance to come to PennState, you definitely need to try some traditional Malay dishes from D’Allen – one of the student-run home startups here. Every time I’m craving for some good-old rendang or dendeng, they are the ones who I turn to for help. Their food is so good that they can simply beat any given Malaysian-themed restaurants in the USA when it comes to the authenticity of taste. And also, a PSA to all my Malaysian guys out there, the boss/chef behind D’Allen is still single (*winky face*). But what about friends? How does it make you feel at home if you’re surrounded by ‘mat saleh’
everywhere? Well, I’m glad you ask (even though I’m pretty sure you totally didn’t). Like I mentioned before, the people of MSC here *love* celebrations – even when there’s nothing to celebrate for (we just like to hang out and escape the reality that comes in the form of a pile of assignments). These celebrations – or ‘meeting lepak-lepak’ as I like to call them – are often held during the weekends and/or holidays. The board members would organize them and we’ll get constant reminders (read: too many reminders) on our Facebook page about the venue, time, and sometimes, dress codes for the events. Setting aside the fact that food is abundant in this kind of gatherings (I live by the motto ‘Free food is love, free food is life’), we also get to gather round and mingle with one another. Although hanging out with the Americans is hip and cool and whatever you kids call it nowadays, sometimes it just doesn’t feel the same as hanging out with your fellow Malaysians. An afternoon spent ‘lepak-ing’ with other Malaysians here had never failed to make me feel at home again. Besides hangouts, MSC also organizes various career development programs to help Malaysian students on campus with their future/ after graduation plans. And that’s how you know that overseas students are also taking their education as seriously, if not more, as their holiday travel plans (*shots fired*). However, if you’re looking to expand your horizon – and your ‘jodoh’-hunting (*double winky face *) – beyond that of your countrymen and women, do not fret; most of the universities in America offer hundreds of ways to get involved with your campuses’ diverse
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community of domestic and international students. Either through a campus job or a student-run organization/club, you can bet that there is something for each and every student to do here. Taking my previous experience working as an International Orientation Leader as an example, I can definitely tell you that they take inclusion of diversity seriously in their extra-curricular programs – and that includes you too my can definitely use more help for the upcoming orientations (yes, ‘shameless advertisement’ is also another specialty of mine).
hijabist gals! (*big smiley face*). Many big universities in America have a huge population of students, so finding a like-minded community whom enjoy doing the things that you feel strongly about, and most importantly, whom can appreciate your company can really make your college life more worthwhile. So, don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to break out of your shells; go out, attend as many Involvement Fairs on your campus as you could and find your niche. It may take a
while, but don’t worry, you’ve got 4 whole years to figure it out. If you are interested and want to know more about what it’s like being an Orientation Leader, feel free to hit me up. PennState’s Global Office
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There you have it. A whole article of pure rambling-ness. For the incoming freshmen who are reading this: Welcome to America! And please forgive the random nature of this article as it’s just a recounting of my own personal experience. If you’d like to gain more helpful information, please don’t hesitate to bug your seniors (read: please bug them) and ask them about their experiences instead. We understand that travelling millions of miles away from home might come across as scary to some. But trust me on this: everything’s going to be fine because home is where *you* make it to be. You’re the one who gets to decide how you want your life abroad to take shape. If there’s one thing that I regret during my 3 years here, it is failing to realize it soon enough to call this place as my second home. So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and grab your tickets; the whole world is eager for you to start your journey.
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brain drain
by billy hoo
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
As a Malaysian student in the United States, the question of should I return or should I not return always come to my mind and I believe that it would be the same for you as well as the 7,800 other Malaysian students here in the United States. People will say, if you choose to remain in the United States you would certainly be regarded as a
migration. The reason is that brain drain would mean that developing countries have a limited source of highly skilled human capital like non-renewable natural resources but that is not the case because developing countries are producing new college graduates every single year. More importantly, individuals are making their decision to migrate or return based on
brain drain and if you choose to return to the country it would be a brain gain to the country – or is it? In the literature of skilled migration, this is what we call the mobility of international students. Intellectuals in developed do not favour the term brain drain – perhaps rightfully so – called it instead brain circulation or skilled
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their expected utility and that they maximize their utility by making the right migratory decision if given the opportunity to do so. The latter terms - skilled migration or brain circulation – hence, would mean that in a world of labor mobility, there is some sort of invisible hand that matches skills to the right places. So the question is, does it really mean that Malaysia will experience brain drain if a student like you decide to remain abroad? The short answer is ‘no’ but the long answer is ‘yes’. The short answer is ‘no’ because, every year we do produce new college graduates locally. So the idea here is that even if you decide to leave the country, you can be replaced by these college graduates. However, the long answer is yes, unfortunately. This is simply because, on average, international students from abroad are not perfect substitutes to graduates from local institutions. On an occasional basis, we often hear news that there is a huge graduate unemployment going on in the country and that English proficiency is a challenge for these graduates. This is all proven through studies by World Bank and TalentCorp. The job market in Malaysia is experiencing a skills gap that is needed to be filled by more skilled individuals and the next best alternative are Malaysian students from abroad. And the next question is, if you return to Malaysia, would it be a brain gain for the country? This answer is it depends. The gain to the country is conditional upon the country’s ability to utilize your skill set. I always joked that if you are a PhD holder in Astrophysics from Princeton, you are more likely
not to be appreciated in Malaysia because the institutions in the country do not allow someone like you to flourish. Malaysia will not be able to gain likewise from your returning to the country. Sad but that’s the bitter pill to swallow. But perhaps if you are an engineer, an accountant, or a specialist doctor, the country needs you. Through my research, I am always an advocate for more policies that could help retain talent in Malaysia starting at the tertiary level. I am speaking not about policies that force Malaysian students abroad like you and I to go back but policies that create the environment that encourages returning home of Malaysian students from abroad. Malaysia, in my opinion, may not have done enough in this aspect. One particular policy idea I had in mind is the improvement of internship opportunities or simply the “visibility” of internship opportunities for Malaysian students abroad. Take scholarship programs for example. How often do you hear scholarship programs have an internship pipeline program specifically designed for their scholars? I am speaking of course on the two larger scholarship offering bodies, JPA and MARA. Through my experiences researching on this matter, none of the two scholarship offering bodies have internship pipeline programs that help to place their scholars for internships back in the country. While I don’t think a compulsory internship program should be in place at this moment, there is no effort in their part to be more participative in the scholar’s development often living their scholars, who they have invested heavily
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If you return to Malaysia, would it be a brain gain for the country? upon, to work on their own. I agree however, that scholars have to be motivated to find their own internships. I am advocating this under the idea that some mechanism has to be in place from the sponsors to facilitate internship opportunities should there be motivated scholars. The idea here is to keep the bond between the scholars and the country strong that it will potentially manifest as a return to the country eventually. Internships can achieve this by offering the scholar an idea of his or her job prospect in the country as well as strengthen his or her attachment towards the country which could potentially make the scholar more inclined to return. Now, this is not to say that there is no internship or similar programs that are available in Malaysia. The Perdana Fellowship which places interns with a minister is a program that would achieve this but it lacks the size. JPA’s Management Trainee Program which is run by TalentCorp on the other hand feels a little late because it targets recent JPA graduates and match them to a trainee position job with one of its industry partners. The
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My Asean Internship on the other hand sounds promising but it also lacks the size and is available only for Malaysian students from local institutions. Only recently, that the Structured Internship Program (SIP) was changed in that it now offers tax benefits to companies
that there are too many ads being posted not to the advantage of the potential employee and employers. The idea of retaining talent should not be focused only after students graduate from their tertiary education but throughout
that process. Brain drain can be avoided if opportunities are in place to attract and engage with students studying abroad. Promoting internship opportunities or even only by improving the visibility of internship opportunities between the students and employers can help at achieving this cause. Note from the author: I am looking for interested students who would love to be part of my research team to study the Malaysian student population in the United States. If you are interested, you may email me at yh378@georgetown.edu or call me at 919-4488298. You may also find me on Facebook via this link https:// www.facebook.com/billy.mrlol/.
who hire Malaysian students from abroad and from Malaysian institutions alike. Previously it only offered such benefits to participating companies who hire interns from Malaysian institutions. Even if there are not many special programs available to provide internship opportunities to Malaysian students abroad, by virtue of disseminating information of potential opportunities to the students would be able to help the cause. Companies in Malaysia are finding it difficult to tap into the pool of Malaysian students abroad. Speaking to a host of human resource managers during a career fair this summer, they agreed that there is no such mechanism in place so far. Current job application websites like Jobstreet may not even be useful because ads look too generic and
How often do you hear scholarship programs have an internship pipeline program specifically designed for their scholars? Vo i c e s F r o m A b r o a d | J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6
Featured Student of the Month
Noor Hazmy Noor Hazin The Pennsylvania State University, Class of 2016
What is your major and why did you choose this major? Finance (Minors in Economics and Business & Liberal Arts). I want to apply my interest in mathematics to the real world setting. And also simply because Finance relates to a lot of other things in the world like economy and politics. Share with us about your involvement in extracurricular activities at Penn State. President of Penn State Malaysian Students Club (MSC) 2014-2015, Treasurer of United States East Coast Presidential Council (US. EPIC), Fixed Income Analyst for Market Analysis Group under Penn State Finance Society, Distinguished Member of Beta Alpha Psi Honorary Business Fraternity, voluntary works and case competitions Which company that you had interned with and when is that? CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management (CPIAM), JuneAugust 2014. Vo i c e s F r o m A b r o a d | J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6
What is your position and job scope for the internship? (What kind of job did you do for the company?) I worked under Institutional Sales and Marketing. Basically, I kept track of the performance of the funds that the firm has and compared them to relevant indices like MSCI Islamic Index and Dow Jones Islamic Market Index. Apart from that, I presented my research on the future of the asset management industry to the top senior management of the firm. I was also involved in efforts to reach out to potential investors. I assisted Legal and Compliance department to improve the firm’s compliance to new laws and regulations. Last but not least, I also helped to conduct competitor research in the industry. Please share with us any experiences that are worth sharing while working there (It can be any fun, bad, or challenging experiences that is memorable to you) Traffic jams everyday! I need to stay alert and think on my feet all the time. As a whole, compared to other more established firms, CIMB-Principal does not have a proper internship structure. However, because of that reason, I gained a real world experience through working with other full time employees. The treatment was different as they treated me like an actual employee rather than only as an intern.
Is it hard to mingle with co-workers?
working with Americans and other international entities.
Not really, the staffs were very friendly. Some relationships need to be built not only in the formal setting, but also in an informal setting as well. I always had my lunch or dinner with my colleagues to help strengthened my relationship with them.
Any advice for Malaysian students seeking internship in United States?
What is your struggle when applying for internship and while working with the company? I didn’t experience any significant difficulties. It’s just that spending more than 8 hours a day for 5 days a week could be realllyyyy tiring. What does working with CPIAM feels like and how does it change you? In a way, it exposed me to the real life experience such as the office hours and the real responsibility and obligation towards my superior. It changes my perspective towards the future as well. At first, I thought that I will be working in the corporate world for the rest of my life. But after this internship, I think at some point in my life, most probably I’ll be joining NGOs and starting my own business because I think I found more satisfaction in doing so in a long run. CIMB-Principal is actually a joint venture between CIMB and Principal Global Investors, which is a member of Principal Financial Group (based in Des Moines, Iowa). It is a good firm to work for in terms of its exposure towards
Start early and be as open and flexible as possible. Go out of your comfort zone. Get involved in many organizations and mix with a lot of people (professors, professionals, locals and other international students) on campus. Never too early to start working on your career development, networking skills, and building your resume. Start finding internship as early as your freshman year. Everyone has his or her own strengths and weaknesses, find yours and work on them. Who is your role model? Besides my family, I really aspire to be someone like Dr. Imran Lum (google him up!) What is/are your goal(s) in life? “My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from.” Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I hope to be in the top management of a firm or to pursue my MBA in UK. I want to be more experienced and established in the corporate world by that time. I also hope to be among the main ones who are responsible in building the Islamic Finance industry in Malaysia (or even the world!).
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Editor-In-Chief, Penn State University. mfareedrosli@gmail.com
Editor, Penn State University. adlinizyana@gmail.com
Muhammad hifni as’ari
ummar fitri hassan assa’ari
Editor, Penn State University. hifniasari80@gmail.com
Editor, Penn State University. ummarpennstate@gmail.com
arif asyran jamalulail Creative Director, Penn State University. arifasyranmj@gmail.com
The Editorial Board would like to sincerely thank all of the writers who conributed their talent for the first issue of Voices From Abroad. If you would like to do the same, simply reach out to any one of us. Thank you again for your utmost support for the first issue, and hopefully for many more to come.
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