Vision and Strategy 2020+ OUTSTANDING
2021-2022 01329 815 200
College Overview 4 College Context 5 Purpose, Mission, Vision 6 Our Culture 8 Our Strategic Priorities 9 Financial Summary 10 Student Statistics 12 Workforce Statistics 14 Self Assessed Grades 16 Quality of Education 17 Behaviours and Attitudes 21 Personal Development 23 Leadership and Management 25 Education for Young People 27 Adult Learning Programmes 29 Apprenticeships 31 Provision for Learners with High Needs 33 Contribution to Skills 35
Outcomes for Learners 37 DSAR Validation 38 16-18 Outcomes by Department 39 16-18 Enrolment 40 19+ Outcomes by Department 41 19+ Enrolment 42 Qualification Type 43-44 GCSE Comparison 43-44 Apprenticeship Achievement 44 News Stories 45 Social Media 47 Student Spotlights 49 Environmental Sustainability 50
I am delighted to present the self-assessment and annual report for Fareham College, academic year 2021/22.
This report is a critical analysis of the college performance against the key judgements and provision types evaluated in the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework. Included also, are relevant metrics related to the college financial performance over recent years, along with a demographic profile of our staff and student body.
We continue to provide outstanding support for our students and have maintained excellent achievement rates, year after year. Our students are well prepared for their future successes and our excellent links to local and regional employers add value to our students’ studies and their future success.
The College has further increased its standing and reputation in recent years, seen by many now as a regional and national leader on many collaborative programmes which sit at the heart of government ambitions for technical and professional education reform.
Our large, and growing, apprenticeship provision, combined with our successes in the first waves of T Levels, has positioned the College as the leading technical and professional further education provider in the Solent region.
Our excellent links with employers enable us to support students’ industry placement options, and workforce industry exchange programmes for teaching staff, provide students and staff with insight to current industry standards, open doors to apprenticeships and employment, share equipment and work collaboratively.
Our ability to meet the government policy objectives in the Further Education (FE) Whitepaper, ‘Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth,’ as well as the enhanced 2023 Ofsted inspection (which provides a judgement on our response to meeting local skills needs) is already deeply embedded in the way the College works.
I am pleased to recommend the self-assessment as an accurate evaluation of Fareham College as an outstanding Further Education College, delivering a strong response to skills needs.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 4
Information about Fareham College in 2021/2022 PRINCIPAL / CEO Andrew Kaye WEBSITE ADDRESS ADDRESS Fareham College Bishopsfield Road Fareham PO14 1NH AGE RANGE OF LEARNERS 16-18 19+ APPROXIMATE NUMBERS OF ALL LEARNERS OVER THE FULL CONTRACT YEAR 3614 FULL-TIME 1530 PART-TIME 2084 COLLEGE OVERVIEW including Apprenticeships
Fareham College serves the communities of Fareham and Gosport, and increasingly beyond. Between the two boroughs there are approximately 200,000 residents. Both boroughs have economic activity rates higher than the national rates and out-of-work claimant rates lower than national rates.
The College works closely with Hampshire County Council and unitary authorities of Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils. Hampshire county’s economy is worth more than £35 billion with 65,000 businesses operating in the area and over 689,000 people in work.
More locally, Fareham College is at the heart of the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). The Solent economy has a population of 1.24 million, 42,000 businesses and a gross value added (GVA) of £31 billion. It has a range of assets that are globally renowned, a strong small medium enterprise (SME) and skills base, and a thriving research community through its universities and research institutions.
Over recent years the College has established itself as a high-quality and responsive further education provider. We now consider our future as a leader of a wider College group structure. Over the course of this strategy, the College will seek to establish a meaningful change in structure and scope to provide wider regional benefit by leading a consolidation of the current competitive post-16 landscape to a more coherent and collaborative group of Solent Colleges.
Total Number of Learners at Fareham College
The college strategic plan and response to skills needs is influenced by its strategic relationships with a wide range of organisations, including:
• The Solent LEP
• Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
• Hampshire County Council
• Fareham Borough Council
• Southampton City Council
• Portsmouth City Council
• Business South
• Maritime UK (Solent)
• Maritime Enterprise Zone
• Royal Navy
5 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
to 199
to 149
to 99
to 79
to 59
to 49
to 39
to 29 10 to 19
16-19 Profile
Our purpose is our cultural norm, our why.
Our purpose is who we are at our absolute best and the role we are here to fulfil.
Our purpose comes from our culture and is connected to our aspirations.
Our purpose brings value through increased employee engagement and higher levels of productivity.
Our purpose is timeless, whereas our mission (what we do day-by-day) can change – it’s influenced by our external environment, changes in government priorities and regional competition.
To have high expectations for our students and help them achieve their fullest potential.
6 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
To enable all our students and apprentices to be successful in their future, whatever that may hold for them, through high-quality technical and professional education and training.
By 2026 we will lead a better distributed, more coherent, and collaborative group of Solent Colleges.
Through this, we will provide outstanding education and training across a wide community of students and employers in the Solent region. Our work will support the skills needs of employers and improve regional productivity and economic development.
7 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Our culture is our personality and character; it is made up of our shared values, how our people behave and interact, how decisions are made and how we approach our work.
We create a culture where RESPECT is deeply-embedded for all that work, study and visit Fareham College.
We encourage INNOVATION in design, development and delivery of our curriculum and services.
We promote EXCELLENCE in staff and student performance.
Our culture is the golden thread connecting everything we do.
8 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
9 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 10
SUMMARY Tuition fees and education contracts 9% Other income 4% Other grants and contracts 1% Funding body grants 86% 21/22
11 Self-Assessment and Annual Report 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 £’000 % £’000 % £’000 % £’000 % Funding body grants 12,333 80% 11,930 82% 12,411 87% 13,702 86% Tuition fees and education contracts 2,015 13% 1,467 10% 1,404 10% 1,404 9% Other grants and contracts 143 1% 461 3% 127 1% 73 1% Other income 880 6% 643 4% 392 3% 758 5% Total income
- 14,501 -
Pay costs
69% Other operational expenditure
31% Total expenditure
- 980EBITDA % 11% - 9% - 1% - 2%Depreciation 1,379 10% 1,307 10% 1,475 11%
11% Interest and other finance costs 163 1% 156 1% 162 1% 152 1% Surplus/(Deficit) excluding pension revaluation 679 - 186 - (950) - (746)Margin exc pension revaluation 4% 1% -7% 5% Pensions - revaluation charges 255 2% 656 5% 1,089 8% 1,044 7% Surplus/Deficit 424 - (470) - (2,039 - (1,790)Margin 3% -3% -14% -11%
8,233 63% 8,897
13,150 - 12,852 - 13,647 - 14,957 -
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 12 19/20 19/20 % 20/21 20/21 % 21/22 21/22 % 16-18 1914 55% 2036 55% 1877 51% 19+ 1576 45% 1644 45% 1808 49% 19/20 19/20 % 20/21 20/21 % 21/22 21/22 % No level 16 0% 2 0% 0 0% Entry 40 1% 9 0% 123 3% Level 1 118 3% 173 5% 189 5% Level 2 1454 42% 1487 40% 1474 40% Level 3 1506 43% 1587 43% 1445 39% Higher 356 10% 422 11% 454 12% Age Level STUDENT STATISTICS
13 Self-Assessment and Annual Report 19/20 19/20 % 20/21 20/21 % 21/22 21/22 % Male 2054 59% 2070 56% 2084 57% Female 1436 41% 1610 44% 1601 43% 19/20 19/20 % 20/21 20/21 % 21/22 21/22 % Learning Difficulty 647 19% 525 14% 573 16% None disclosed 2664 76% 2604 71% 2551 69% Not provided 179 5% 551 15% 561 15% 19/20 19/20 % 20/21 20/21 % 21/22 21/22 % Not provided 56 2% 25 1% 13 0% Other 285 7% 287 5% 496 13% White British 3149 90% 3368 92% 3176 86% 19/20 19/20 % 20/21 20/21 % 21/22 21/22 % Full Time 1523 44% 1710 46% 1624 44% Part Time 1967 56% 1970 54% 2061 57% Gender Ethnicity Student Numbers Learning Difficulty
14 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
15 Self Assessment Annual Report 2021-2022 # % Teaching 122 42% Support 128 44% Management 25 8% Senior Management 4 1% Full Time 170 58% Part Time 124 42% ETHNICITY WHITE/BRITISH 192# 62% NOT PROVIDED 90# 29% OTHER 27# 9% UNDER 30 30-40 40-50 50-60 OVER 60 39# 13% 80# 27% 73# 25% 73# 25% 29# 10% STAFF ROLES STAFF AGES 96# 33% 198# 67% DISABILITY GENDER 9# 3% 285# 97% 15 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
SELF ASSESSED GRADES 16 Self-Assessment and Annual Report Quality of Education OUTSTANDING Behaviours and Attitudes OUTSTANDING Personal Development OUTSTANDING Leadership and Management OUTSTANDING Education for Young People OUTSTANDING Adult Learning Programmes GOOD Apprenticeships GOOD Provision for Learners with High Needs OUTSTANDING Contribution to Skills STRONG
• Leaders, managers and staff consistently set a culture of high expectations/professional behaviours for all learners resulting in high retention and achievement rates. Level 1 programmes have seen a marked improvement in achievement.
• Highly skilled subject specialists coupled with industry-standard resources, which are employer endorsed, ensure that learners develop the skills required to secure positive destinations.
• Collaboratively developed curriculums to meet the needs of local employers, learners, and the local enterprise partnership ensure that we are addressing identified local skills needs and developing strong community links. Allianz and Zurich is an excellent example of how employers have collaboratively developed the curriculum to support the skills required in industry.
• Strong partnerships with awarding bodies enable appropriate and timely adaptations to teaching and assessment; this ensures that learners have every opportunity to succeed on their course, regardless of any future lockdown periods.
• High quality of teaching and learning in most faculty areas leads to positive outcomes. The majority of staff are graded as good or better through the annual quality cycle.
• Achievement of high grades in Maths GCSE qualifications was excellent due to the ‘mastery’ approach adopted in the curriculum delivery. Research undertaken through the CfEM (Centre for Excellence in Maths) project supported this development.
• Achievement of functional skills Math’s and English qualifications is strong due to the range of delivery approaches. Masterclasses, blended learning and online delivery supported the employer and apprenticeship needs.
• Robust internal quality assurance of qualifications led to positive awarding body reports for most subject areas. Tracking and monitoring of action plans enabled prompt interventions where required.
• T Level programme results are excellent, achieving 93% overall. Many of these learners progressed onto positive destinations. For example, second year Digital T Level learners progressed onto degree level apprenticeships in their chosen field, university, and higher technical qualifications.
• Develop consistent assessment and internal quality assurance processes to ensure that appropriate skills are acquired for engineering and construction subjects in line with curriculum plans.
• Improve the tracking and monitoring for learners and apprentices to ensure timely interventions and support are put in place to further increase positive outcomes.
• Consistent tracking of destination data across Adult and Apprenticeship programmes requires further improvement.
OUTSTANDING 17 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
18 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Executive Summary
The quality of teaching and learning delivered to our learners is excellent and the curriculum offered meets the needs of our local and regional skills priorities. All learners achieve well and consistently above the national rates.
19 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Our curriculum intent is strong, and our Lecturers and Assessors have an excellent understanding of the curriculum and how it supports learner development. Curriculum design and sequencing are informed by and are responsive to our learners starting points. This means most of our learners make positive progress throughout their programme and achieve as a result of the skills, knowledge and personal development content embedded within our programmes. Progression from our Adult SWAP courses is strong with feedback indicating that the learning gained from these courses equipped learners to successfully secure Apprenticeships within their chosen field.
Fareham College is focused on delivering outstanding technical and professional programmes that fully prepare learners for their next steps onto Higher Education or employment. Placing employers at the heart of our curriculum development, shaping the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to help people at all stages of their careers, build the skillsets needed to respond to modern technology and drive an innovative knowledge-based economy.
Learners and apprentices benefit from good CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) which ensures they are matched to the most appropriate course of study. This, coupled with outstanding support areas that cover pastoral, academic and employability elements throughout each programme means that learners are retained and achieve well.
Industry employer boards work collaboratively with each Faculty to not only inform the subject content of the curriculum but to advise on the sequencing of skill acquisition. This ensures that learners make excellent progress and build upon their knowledge and skills over time.
In most areas, robust tracking and monitoring that considers individual starting points is effective and enables Lecturers and Success Coaches to set individualised targets that are ambitious and supports learner development both academically and pastorally. In a few areas, further development of evidencing tracking and monitoring is required to ensure consistency of reporting across all areas.
The quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TL&A) is measured to ensure that the assessment of performance considers a wide range of information. Methods include; self-reflective lesson observations, developmental observations, peer observations, peer mentoring, developmental action plans, CPD (Continuous Professional Development) activities, learner outcomes, student surveys and focus groups. These measures result in outstanding teaching and learning where delivery staff feel empowered and supported to apply new pedagogical theory to their industry knowledge meaning that learners are able to make sustained progress against their starting points.
Student survey feedback indicates that 93% of learners on study programmes would ‘recommend the College to a friend’, 98% of learners ‘feel supported by the college and their lecturer’. A focus on capturing more frequent apprentice and adult feedback will ensure that any concerns raised, are dealt with, and monitored timely.
By delivering a well-planned and cohesive curriculum, coupled with excellent industry relevant facilities and equipment, learners can consistently produce work of a high standard and develop the skills required to progress onto the next level or enter employment in their chosen industry.
All learners studying English and Maths GCSE’s make positive progress with 48% of Maths learners and 39% of English learners improving upon their grades on entry. The curriculum is responsive and individualised based on learner knowledge gaps highlighted at the start of the academic year and contextualised to the vocational subject area where possible.
We have a firm focus on developing and improving teaching, learning and assessment through staff training and development, which is both externally and internally led. The focus of CPD is captured through analysis of improvements identified through the self-reflective observation process and lecturers personal developmental action plans. A range of workshops are delivered through set staff development days and in response to specific training requests. Lecturers maintain their industry knowledge by engaging in relevant ‘Industry Day’ CPD, Workforce Industry Exchange activities and some lecturers continue to work in industry alongside their teaching roles. As a result, lecturers are therefore able to deliver relevant industry knowledge, skills and behaviours in an innovative and engaging way.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 20
• Most learners demonstrate positive attitudes to their education and career goals. As a result, overall attendance is good, and learners are committed to their learning. This has been evidenced through participation and engagement in observed lessons.
• Learners have an excellent understanding of how to keep themselves safe from associated risks, resulting in safe working practices in lessons, and online. 99% of study programme learners state that they felt safe at College. This was captured through regular student surveys scheduled throughout the academic year.
• Learner behaviour is outstanding and, in most instances, reflects that of the behaviours expected in employment. The majority of learners progress on to positive destinations.
• The College creates a culture of high expectations and respect and has fully embedded policies and procedures that fairly challenge any learners who fall below these expectations. As a result, the majority of our learners are respectful and mirror the behaviours that would be expected in the workplace.
• The College has a well-established Health and Wellbeing team and Success Coach Team that offers learners the highest levels of support if required. Examples include, 1:1 support meetings, small group interventions, varied and inclusive enrichment, including LGBTQ+ forums and a fully trained therapy dog.
• Development of CEIAG for apprentices is required to ensure that we can appropriately identify any support needs and interventions required. This will ensure that relevant Behaviours and Attitudes are monitored effectively in line with the expectations set in the workplace.
Executive Summary
Leaders and staff have high expectations of learners and actively promote the RESPECT campaign. The implementation of our behaviour management policy has encouraged learners to take ownership of their behaviours and attitudes, offering guidance and remedial action to improve where necessary.
OUTSTANDING 21 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Learners are encouraged to adopt and develop the behaviours and attitudes outlined in the RESPECT policy to ensure they are replicating behaviours expected at Fareham College, within fundamental British values and that of the workplace.
Rigorous processes at the pre-entry CEIAG, and the transition stages for young people, ensure staff are informed of learner profiles and are therefore equipped in advance to make the reasonable adjustments necessary to programmes, enabling learners to succeed and reach their full potential. Some development is required to ensure our apprentices receive equal pre-enrolment focus on profiles and individualised training plans.
Managers and staff set high expectations for both attendance and punctuality from the start of the academic year. Early monitoring of low attendance levels, and subsequent use of our Behaviour Policy, is enforced at the start of each course.
The College disciplinary process relates to attendance, behaviour and educational engagement. It is clear, consistent, and used appropriately across the institution for all learners.
Learner behaviour and overall attendance is excellent, based around an effective and consistent message from the outset. As a result, most learners are well behaved on site and show high levels of respect for each other and staff.
Learners frequently have opportunities to demonstrate their excellent behaviours, going above and beyond to be a part of the Fareham College community. They do this through active participation in Student Board meetings, representation at Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity meetings, their work as Student Ambassadors at open events, as well as volunteering activities such as the Dementia Cookery Group and the Memory Café.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 22
• There is a strong curriculum offered for young people and adults, that gives learners the opportunity to develop their KSB’s (Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours) beyond the classroom environment. A good example of this would be the embedding of KSB’s from Apprenticeship Standards into Study Programmes, enabling learners to develop the skills employers require regardless of the route studied at Fareham College.
• Our Student Support team offer extensive support to our learners who required additional well-being support. Supporting learners develop effective strategies when dealing with potential barriers to learning are effective, with a substantial proportion of learners who accessed support remained on programme and achieved as a result of the support provided.
• Positive relationships with employers to help shape the curriculum, ensures that learners develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours that are required within the workplace.
• Highly effective CEIAG resulted in most learners progressing onto the next level of study or employment. This has been achieved through various events such as the Next Steps fair, the iConstruct Careers event, Careers & guidance interviews, and guest speakers.
• Increase the participation of learners and apprentices in further enrichment programmes.
• Participation in Work Experience opportunities in some areas requires improvement, especially in Construction and Engineering.
Executive Summary
Fareham College prides itself on delivering high-quality technical and professional programmes that deliver industry-relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for learners to have a successful career in their chosen industry.
23 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
For example, the T Level programme offers learners the opportunity to gain valuable academic and practical skills at college, whilst also benefiting from an extensive Industry Placement with an employer. This experience of the workplace enables learners to contextualise their learning and apply their knowledge and skills gained over time effectively.
There is a strong focus on the health and well-being of our learners, with staff implementing robust intervention plans to ensure all learners meet and exceed set expectations. Learners are supported by a highly experienced and trained Student Services team, providing substantial support and guidance if needed whilst studying at Fareham College. Alongside this support, learners have access to Success Coaches who are assigned to each faculty area. Success Coaches effectively supported learners to set aspirational personal targets throughout the academic year. Learners valued the support offered by Success Coaches and 98% of learners on study programmes stated that their Success Coach supported them with their personal development goals. Similarly, Apprentices accessed regular support from their Professional Coach and through the Student Support team when required.
Adult learners reflect positively on the supportive environment at the college that enables them to build new skills and grow in confidence, both in learning and in their personal lives.
The Student Services team are dedi cated and focused on supporting the holistic development and progress of all learners who require additional support and guidance. This resulted in the majority of learners who accessed support made substantial progress in year and achieved their qualifications.
The introduction of student well-being plans (structured plans designed to support learners improve their own well-being) has meant learners have grown in confidence and shown greater resilience towards their studies. Regular tutorials and 1:1 support enabled staff to address emerging issues and the individual needs of the learners signposting additional support as required.
Our centralised tutorial programme, delivered by the Success Coach team aims to address emerging themes (locally and nationally). The programme focuses on a theme each month and includes topics such as Radicalisation and Safeguarding, FGM, Financial Independence, Culture and Beliefs, Mental Health Awareness, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) History and Black History. The Keeping Self Safe programme ensures that learners are kept well informed and know where to seek help and guidance. A more flexible and bespoke tutorial programme for Adult learners is in development.
Student Board meetings provide learners with an opportunity to raise issues directly with the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) through this forum and provides an opportunity for all learners to influence change and enhance the learner experience at Fareham College. Sharing the outcomes of the ‘You said, we did’ campaign, ensures that learners are aware of the benefits of constructive feedback, develop negotiating skills and fully understand the decision process undertaken to resolve highlighted issues.
The College provides a wide range of enrichment activities to support the personal growth of learners. A strong enrichment programme coupled with a well-designed and structured curriculum, varied work experience opportunities mean learners have access to many opportunities that enhance their learning, developing transferable skills needed to successfully gain employment.
Highly effective CEIAG for young people resulted in most of our learners progressing onto the next level of study or employment. This has been achieved through various events such as the Next Steps fair, the iConstruct Careers event, Careers interviews and guest speakers. Some improvements will be required to ensure our adult learners receive an equal level of service and support required to enable positive destinations and career options.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 24
• Governors and senior leaders have set a clear strategic plan for the college, which has been updated to reflect the recent changes to colleges’ duty to respond to skills needs, as set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022. As a result, the curriculum is very well aligned to the Solent LEP priorities, the local labour market, and the Department for Education’s professional and technical education reforms.
• Continued and substantial strategic investment in the college’s facilities has provided outstanding learning environments for all students and apprentices. Students develop skills directly linked to the equipment they will go on to find in industry.
• Leaders and managers provide excellent oversight of, and support for, the health and wellbeing of students and apprentices. As a result, learner retention is very high and safeguarding matters are identified and supported swiftly and effectively.
• Leaders and managers have high expectations for learners’ and apprentices’ achievement and progression; most full-time learners achieve their qualifications and many do so with high grades. Apprenticeship achievement rates are much improved from the prior year due to improved leadership oversight.
• There is excellent support for the continuous professional development of staff which has improved teaching and learning and enabled them to remain current in their professional context. Innovative use of the Strategic Development Fund has enabled new Workforce Industry Exchange programmes to be developed with employers and in collaboration with other local colleges to reskill teachers in specialist subjects like marine, digital and low carbon construction.
• Leaders and managers engage with parents, learners, and, where appropriate, employers effectively to support learner’ and apprentices’ progress.
Governance of Fareham College is GOOD Arrangements for Safeguarding are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE
• Monitoring staff workload, wellbeing and feedback consistently across the College ensuring that resulting actions to support this are communicated effectively.
Executive Summary
Leadership and management is outstanding; governors, leaders and managers have very high expectations, and these are embodied in their day-to-day interactions with students, employers, and staff.
25 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Leadership and management are outstanding; governors, leaders and managers have very high expectations, and these are embodied in their day-to-day interactions with students, employers, and staff.
Leaders and managers engage effectively with staff at all levels and deal with issues that arise effectively and swiftly, where appropriate. Staff survey results indicate positive employee satisfaction and the college has a range of methods for recognising employee contribution which are well received. Levels of sickness absence, turnover and recruitment issues are low.
Leaders and managers have significantly increased their focus on student and staff health and well-being with a range a of initiatives designed to provide support for all and targeted where required the most.
The college has a very strong culture of safeguarding and well-being support for learners. Staff receive frequent safeguarding updates and regularly engage in safeguarding training.
Leaders and managers have made effective use of the additional Tuition Fund provided by the Department for Education in response to Covid-19 impact on missed learning. This has allowed learners to receive small group and one-to-one support to help them improve their levels of attainment.
Employer engagement and employer involvement in the design, delivery and evaluation of training is very good and enables curriculum managers and teachers to ensure training meets the needs and standards of industry and the local skills gaps.
Parents and carers benefit from regular and accessible updates about the college, services, and the progress of the young people they have parental responsibility for.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 26
• Achievement for 16-18, Level 3 programmes of study is consistently above the national rates. As a result, progression is strong with a large proportion of learners moving into their chosen next steps.
• Highly effective Careers, Education, Initial Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) ensures that learners are matched to the most appropriate programme of study. Resulting in excellent retention and achievement rates in most subject areas.
• Achievement of L1 programmes has improved, allowing learners to progress onto the next level of study. Early interventions to support maths and English skills through the study centre has enabled learners to take these next steps.
• Our curriculum intent is strong, and our lecturers have an excellent understanding of the curriculum and how it is sequenced to effectively support learner progression and stretch. For example, learners progress from Pre-T to full T Level programmes and on to positive destinations with employer endorsement and consultation.
• All staff consistently set a culture of high expectations and professional behaviours for all learners. Evidence of tracking and monitoring behaviours and setting of individual SMART targets ensures learners are meeting or exceeding expectations based on their starting points.
• Achievement rates of EHCP/HNS and Care Leavers are strong and perform in line with learners studying on the same programmes. Thorough initial assessment takes place, where staff can identify individual learners needs, and adapt accordingly.
• Learners have well developed, personal, social, and independent learning skills, which has been supported by the introduction of Success Coaches and timetabled independent study. A rich range of topics are discussed through the tutorial programme, enabling learners to gain new skills that support their development beyond the curriculum delivery.
• Improve the timeliness of interventions for learners studying GCSE English and Maths to increase the proportion of learners making at least one grade progress.
Executive Summary
Level 2 and Level 3 programmes have performed well and are above the national rates. Level 1 programme outcomes have significantly improved as a result of a well-planned curriculum offer that included an academic, English and Maths and a large personal development element to the delivery.
27 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Overall achievement for Level 3 programmes was excellent in areas such as Health and Social Care, Games Development, Sport and Photographics. Level 2 programmes will require some monitoring in the new academic year. The return to fully assessed exams did have some impact on the overall retention and achievement rates for Level 2 learners.
Most of our learners progress well, complete and achieve their qualifications. Retention is high and the 3-year trend for retention demonstrates high levels of sustained commitment by students to complete their studies.
All learners that are required to retake their Maths and/or English qualifications study for their GCSE’s. Extensive support was put in place to ensure that learners can make at least one grade progress from their starting point. Lecturers identified where intervention where required through regular in-year assessments. Maths and English coaches delivered one to one and small group sessions to ensure positive progress was made. Additionally, learners had access to ‘Ketch’up’ classes, higher maths sessions, half-term revision workshops, contextualised delivery sessions and focused student voice.
Leaders, managers, and lecturers ensure that the curriculum is designed to equip learners with skills and knowledge to progress to higher level programmes, Higher Education (HE), employment or Apprenticeships. Curriculum Maps identify the curriculum opportunities available from Entry Level through to Level 6 enabling learners to successfully map out their progression journey into employment.
Fareham College implements robust Quality Assurance processes for all programmes of study. This is monitored through our KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and Deep Dive cycles resulting in timely interventions for highlighted areas of improvement.
These processes lead towards development opportunities, sharing of best practice and additional support for lecturing staff. Assessment of learning and timely feedback resulted in most learners making positive progress on programme.
Highly effective CEIAG ensures that learners are matched to the most appropriate programme of study; this is evidenced through excellent retention and achievement rates in most subject areas.
The College has also met the requirements to support the increase in SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) provision with 66 learners with Educational Health Care Plans who required specialist and individualised support.
The ‘At Risk’ monitoring register positively impacted learners’ retention and re-engagement. This created a whole-college approach to ensuring appropriate, individualised intervention and support was offered to learners who required additional pastoral support.
Safeguarding is effective. Leaders, managers, staff, and learners are aware of the College’s commitment to safeguarding, and all staff are aware of their responsibilities to safeguard learners. Staff are appropriately trained and actively engaged in external agency forums to ensure that information is shared, and knowledge is current.
Transparent reporting, monitoring and intervention is in place, meeting statutory requirements, ensuring that referrals are effective and managed through formal channels and multi-agency working. Learners feel safe and know whom to ask for help and support.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 28
• Our Adult provision is employer focused and as a result meets the skills needs locally and regionally. A key example of this is with the ‘SWBA - Get Site Ready (Health and Safety)’ cohorts where learners achieve their CSCS cards, enabling them to progress onto apprenticeship programmes or gain employment directly after the course.
• Some Adult courses consistently achieve well above national rates, with excellent progression into related employment. For example, 100% of our adult barbering learners progressed into industry.
• Adult achievement at L1 has improved. This improvement was a result of careful tracking and monitoring, which included pastoral support and prompted early interventions such as the embedding of flexible delivery approaches.
• The ESOL provision has had a positive impact and as a result had 100% achievement. This is an example of how we have supported the needs of the local community, in response to the Ukranian conflict, strengthening our relationship with the Job Centre Plus.
• Develop initial CEIAG for Adult learners to ensure that all learners are enrolled onto the appropriate programmes, at the right level and as a result achieve their set career goals.
• Improve retention and achievement of GCSE Maths high grades 4 and above.
Executive Summary
There are some high performing courses with strong achievement, including SWBA - Get Site Ready (Health and Safety), Beauty therapy L2, Traineeships, L4 Advanced Beauty Therapy, and Accounting L2.
29 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
There is good achievement on our subcontracted traineeship programmes for adults. This area has seen substantial growth and increased quality and compliance checks, excellent teaching, learning and assessment and strong tracking and monitoring has contributed to these outcomes. Similarly, adults undertaking maths and English qualifications through our subcontracted provision have excellent achievement rates.
Our adult learning programmes have a clearly defined purpose, that is relevant to the education and training needs and interests of learners, and to local employment opportunities, supporting local and national priorities.
There is a focus on government priorities to support the levelling up agenda community offer that enables adult learners the opportunity to reskill or upskill. Effective partnerships with stakeholders such as Jobcentre Plus ensure that adult learners have access to employment opportunities.
The introduction of a robust initial assessment process for enrolling on GCSE programmes, coupled with improved attendance and progress tracking supported positive achievement of English grades. The achievement of maths high grades was below the national average and a focus on retention in this area will be required in the new academic year.
The newly formed ESOL provision provided much needed support to the local community and has enabled 100% of learners the opportunity to progress onto further study.
There is a wide range of enrichment opportunities available to all learners and a relevant and engaging tutorial programme that covers topical themes, employability skills and safeguarding information and updates. However, more consideration needs to be given to the accessibility of these opportunities for Adult learners. A renewed focus on the flexible delivery of this additional provision will ensure our Adult learners have equal access to enrichment, support and guidance.
Further development of our processes and timely monitoring of progress will ensure that Apprenticeship and adult CEIAG/Assessment is used to tailor programmes appropriately. Individual starting points of learners can then be used to effectively tailor programmes even further, considering the individual starting points of our learners.
30 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
• Excellent achievement rates in IT and Engineering Apprenticeships, with overall achievement aligned to national average rates due to improved TLA and timely interventions to support achievement.
• Initial assessment is used effectively to target the development of new knowledge, skills, and behaviours and as a result, individual needs are catered for meaning learners’ progress at or above the expected level.
• Bespoke apprenticeship models, delivered in partnership with employer’s, address specialist skills gaps locally and nationally.
• Improved sign-up process engages with employers to ensure that apprenticeships are effectively planned and that all parties are committed to the programme.
• Delivery teams have current industry skills by participating in workforce industry exchange activities, this enables them to teach the most current techniques adopted by employers in the workplace.
• Occupational traineeships and sector-based work academy programmes provide learners with a direct route into apprenticeships, particularly in groundworks.
• Apprentices receive value added training in addition to what is required of the standard across many programmes.
• Tracking and monitoring are inconsistent across a small number of programmes leading to unclear progress and untimely achievement.
• Implementation of a robust learning support screening tool will ensure that learners with additional and hidden needs are identified timely and supported more effectively.
• Increased employer engagement in apprenticeship reviews will ensure that employers are aware of progress and are able to effectively support gaps within the workplace.
Apprenticeships are designed and planned in partnership with our employers, who are actively engaged throughout the onboarding process to ensure that starting points of apprentices are clearly identified and programmes agreed that develop upon prior knowledge, skills, and behaviours.
31 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Apprenticeship overall achievement rates have improved by 10% and retention rates have improved by 20% compared to 20/21 which now align to the national rates.
Whilst recruitment of staff remains a challenge across construction and engineering sectors, the college embeds innovative approaches to address this challenge in partnership with employers through workforce industry skills exchange activities and collaborative delivery, for example, Allianz and Zurich have supported the upskilling of engineering coaches to successfully deliver specialist apprenticeship content and the Solent Civil Engineering Employer Group (SCEEG) regularly accommodate trainers out on site to ensure their industry skills remain current.
Increased training and ongoing support which includes monthly progress monitoring mechanisms and termly progress boards with delivery teams to track the apprentice’s journey has led to improvements. Due to a substantial proportion of our employers being SME’s, it can often be challenging for employers to attend 10-weekly apprentice reviews, the college is addressing this through flexible means and providing written progress updates when an employer is unable to attend. Occupational traineeships and sector-based work academy programmes provide learners with accessible routes into civil engineering apprenticeships, a model the college are keen to expand upon in sectors that struggle to recruit. Many apprentices receive added value training in addition to the standard delivery model to ensure they excel within the workplace and their future careers, for example, groundworker apprentices receive additional training for them to gain their plant operations tickets thus enabling them to carry out more tasks when working on site.
Apprentices receive health and wellbeing support through the college support channels and their professional coaches, working in partnership with employers to ensure apprentices are effectively safeguarded. This will be enhanced through providing employers with regular safeguarding newsletters that keep them informed of emerging themes.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 32
• Learners with EHCP (Education, Health, Care Plan) and High Needs perform well and further demonstrate the college’s commitment to offering an inclusive provision that meets the needs within the community.
• High Needs learners can access the full curriculum with 100% integration into the primary curriculum, meaning all learners benefit from the same outstanding teaching and learning and excellent facilities.
• Our learners benefit from individualised designated learning support that ensures learners make positive progress. For example, subject specific Learning Support Assistants are available for learners specifically in Maths and English classes.
• Most learners with an EHCP successfully completed work experience, enabling learners to gain and develop relevant employability skills needed to support progression onto their next steps in education or enter employment.
• Development of transferable soft skills is needed to ensure learners are fully prepared for adulthood and employment in a minority of cases.
• Consistent reporting of evidence in Maths and English in line with our EHCP and HNS plans requires monitoring.
Executive Summary
Students with High Needs have access to a holistic and inclusive provision which provides a wide range of enrichment opportunities that enhances their studies and enables them to make excellent progress and achieve well.
OUTSTANDING 33 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Learners in receipt of an EHCP make positive progress. In 21/22 the College enrolled 66 students with an EHCP and 44 HNS undertaking a range of different courses. Retention and achievement rates are in line with that of their peers, however in some cases, poor mental health has been cited as one of the contributing factors to learners not achieving their programme.
We do not provide a discrete SEND provision, all learners with an EHCP access our full curriculum offer and benefit from additional support provided by the Additional Learning Support Team. The College promotes the ethos of developing independence and instils a focus of setting high expectations for all our learners no matter their initial starting points or individual support needs.
Individual support packages are regularly reviewed in conjunction with the learner to ensure they are fit for purpose and support the individual when preparing for their next steps. Most learners with EHCP’s and High Needs access a range of internal and external work experience which enriches their college experience, supports their personal development and employability skills that will be needed to progress within education or employment. In Addition, the SEND Employability Hub, developed in collaboration with the Local Authority, provides an extra support mechanism to assist High Needs learners gain suitable employment opportunities.
Staff undertake regular professional development to ensure that they have the most up to date knowledge and skills that are needed to appropriately support students with EHCP and High Needs. For example, several lecturing staff and Learning Support Assistants, participated in a comprehensive Autism Awareness course which aims to enable staff to better support learners who are diagnosed, or display signs of Autism. Therefore, more effective measures /adaptations can be explored to ensure our learners achieve.
Our teams are involved with several external partners to ensure that the College meets the evolving needs of our EHCP learners and HNS. This is demonstrated through team contributions to the ‘Individual support plan’ reviewed half-termly, meetings with students, parents, social workers, educational psychologists, course leaders, local authority representatives and other external professionals. Annual reviews are also completed to assess the overall performance and review the required support for the new academic year.
Annual ‘Meet Me Profiles,’ EHCP reviews, ALS plans and electronic progress comments (ProMonitor) inform support requirements to ensure our learners develop independence, the skills needed to enhance their progression opportunities which may lead to T Level programmes, Higher Education or Apprenticeships.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 34
• Occupational traineeships and sector-based work academy programmes developed in partnership with employers provide accessible routes directly into employment and apprenticeships.
• Projects funded through the Strategic Development Fund have identified skills gaps across the region and established strong industry boards across Marine, Net Zero and Digital sectors.
• Our Civil Engineering Training Centre and Centre for Engineering, Manufacturing and Advanced Skills Training, commissioned in partnership with the LEP and local employers’, provide students with the skills to succeed in industry.
• A workforce industry skills exchange programme ensures that staff skills remain current.
• Excellent student progression into further studies and employment.
• Strong links with Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, based at Fareham College, who will lead the local skills improvement plan for the region.
• Established partnerships with the Solent LEP, Local and county councils, Job Centre Plus to ensure local skills gaps are addressed.
• Fareham College are the further education lead for the Institute of Technology, enabling greater collaboration with local FE and HE providers to address skills gaps across the region.
• Successful student industry placements have led to progression routes directly into employment, these placements impact positively on the businesses.
• Employer endorsed curriculum provides young people and adults with the knowledge, skills, and behaviours to be successful in further studies and employment.
• A newly established ESOL and Essential digital skills programme enables adult learners to secure employment and thrive in the local community.
Executive Summary
• Student progression into employment to be reported at a more granular level to clearly identify progression into relevant sectors.
• Further develop links with local community groups to further support progression into employment.
• Continue to establish industry boards across key areas such as Construction, Aerospace and Creative Industries.
Fareham College provides a strong contribution to skills which extend beyond the Solent region. Our Civil Engineering Training Centre (CETC) and our Centre for Excellence in Engineering, Manufacturing and Advanced Skills Training (CEMAST) provide students with training that leads to direct routes into apprenticeships, employment, and sector relevant higher education.
STRONG 35 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Curriculum across the college is developed in partnership with employers to ensure that knowledge, skills, and behaviours linked to occupational standards are developed in our industry standard facilities.
The college engages with employers through industry boards and direct partnerships enabling robust curriculum development and targeted training programmes. Examples of this include our groundworker traineeship programme and ‘get site ready’ sector-based work academy, which provide direct routes into apprenticeships and employment with the Solent Civil Engineering Employer Group (SCEEG).
The college offers a national apprenticeship programme in engineering surveying in partnership with Allianz, Zurich and SAFEd, which targets a national shortage due to an aging workforce and increasing demands of the sector.
T-Levels industry placements and work experience is supported by employers locally who benefit from the scheme which has led to positive progression of students directly into employment and higher apprenticeships. The Hampshire Chamber of Commerce office is based at Fareham college, sharing a college business centre that provides support and working space for employers, Hampshire Chamber will lead the LSIP for the Solent region which will enable the college to make an even greater contribution to the skills across the region.
The college are the FE lead for the Institute of Technology, in partnership with Solent University and four other local Further Education Colleges, which aims to provide a collaborative solution towards addressing skills gaps across the Solent region, capital investment will enable the extension to our CEMAST facility, with a focus on automation and digital technologies. Our newly commissioned Energy Hub provides fundamental skills in Environmental Technologies to support the future workforce demands of Heat Pump, Photovoltaic and Electric Vehicle charging point installation technicians.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 36
37 Self-Assessment and Annual Report OUTCOMES FOR LEARNERS Classroom Outcomes Apprenticeship Outcomes 19/20 20/21 21/22 E&T All 16-18 19+ 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 100% 86.1% 87.5% 83.3% 77.6% 83.2% 85.1% 84.6% 86.3% 83.8% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 100% Apprenticeships 57.0% 43.3% 67.0%
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 38 Quality of Education Behaviours & Attitudes Personal Development Leadership & Management Contribution to Skills Overall Effectiveness CEMAST CETC - Construction Civil Engineering Enterprise & Digital, Industries, HTR Health Care, Early Years, Sport, Science, Uniformed Services Creative Industries English & Maths Apprenticeships 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG N/A 3 DSAR VALIDATION By Department 38
39 Self-Assessment and Annual Report 16-18 Classroom Outcomes by Level Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 100% 74.8% 73.3% 79.1% 87.5% 90.7% 82.7% 93.9% 91.8% 86.6% Overall 86.5% 87.5% 83.3% 16-18 Completers Pass Rates National Rates All levels/subjects 1980 93.5% 90.1% Entry 0 0 93.3% Level 1 170 93.7% 85.2% Level 2 1230 92.3% 89.4% Level 3 580 96.2% 92.1% Level 4+ 0 0% 93.9% Pass Rates 2021/22 19/20 20/21 21/22
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 40 Work Based Learning 0 Accounting 8 Aeronautical 60 Art 42 Automotive 116 Beauty 88 Brickwork 34 Business 46 Business Plus 0 Carpentry 39 CETC 34 Early Years 51 Education and Training 2 Electrical 44 Electrical Installation 49 Fashion 32 Hairdressing 59 Health and Science 89 Hospitality and Catering 39 Information Technology 123 Manufacturing 29 Marine Engineering 34 Mechanical 27 Media 82 Music 36 Painting and Decorating 0 Performing Arts 36 Photographics 51 Plumbing 26 Public Services 51 Sport 61 Sub Contracting 38 Transition to College 60 Travel and Tourism 40 16-18 Enrolment Count
41 Self-Assessment and Annual Report 19+ Classroom Outcomes by Level Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 100% 63.7% 74.6% 85.5% 81.1% 86.3% 84.0% 83.7% 79.5% 79.6% Overall 77.6% 83.2% 85.0% 19+ Completers Pass Rates National Rates All levels/subjects 790 95.3% 92.9% Entry 130 97.6% 94.7% Level 1 130 92.2% 92.1% Level 2 430 96.2% 92.5% Level 3 100 92.7% 90.4% Level 4+ 20 94.4% 80.4% Pass Rates 2021/22 19/20 20/21 21/22
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 42 Accounting 19 Aeronautical 0 Art 4 Automotive 21 Beauty 92 Brickwork 4 Business 8 Business Plus 0 Carpentry 0 CETC 133 Early Years 30 Education and Training 8 Electrical 2 Electrical Installation 4 English 66 Fashion 0 Hairdressing 142 Health and Science 91 Hospitality and Catering 9 Information Technology 8 Manufacturing 2 Marine Engineering 0 Maths 68 Mechanical 0 Media 0 Music 0 Painting and Decorating 0 Performing Arts 1 Photographics 0 Plumbing 3 Public Services 1 Sport 7 Sub Contracting 454 Transition to College 0 Travel and Tourism 0 Work Based Learning 24 19+ Enrolment Count
16-18 Qualification Type
cf. National Rates
Achievement Timely Overall %
National Achievement Timely Overall 20/21 %
Access to HE 100% 74.0%
Award 89.0% 93.0%
Basic Skills Maths and English 43.5% 68.8%
Certificate 81.4% 83.8%
Diploma 83.6% 85.6%
GCSE Maths and English 83.7% 80.9%
GCSE Other 100% 82.3% Other Non-Regulated 100% 95.4%
T Level 93.0% 89.4%
19+ Qualification Type cf. National Rates
Achievement Timely Overall %
National Achievement Timely Overall 20/21 %
Access to HE 76.2% 80.5%
Award 95.9% 94.3%
Basic Skills Maths and English 86.6% 80.6%
Certificate 80.7% 91.9%
Diploma 77.2% 84.2% GCSE Maths and English 100% 90.7%
GCSE Other 100% 76.1% Other Non-Regulated 88.9% 96.5%
Other Regulated 70.0% 89.4%
21/22 Achieved 79.2% 82.2% NR Ach 89.9% 89.9% 21/22 9-4 41.7% 51.1%
43 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
English % Maths %
GCSE 16-18 GCSE 19+
Maths %
21/22 Achieved 84.6% 83.2% NR Ach 83.4% 83.4% 21/22 9-4 20.8% 19.8% English %
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 44 # Overall 20/21 Achievement Overall 20/21 % # Overall 21/22 Achievement Overall 21/22 % NR % Health, Public Services and Care 13 38.5% 11 54.5% 58.4% Information and Comm. Technology 2 N/A 10 90.0% 67.1% Education and Training 5 N/A 17 41.2% 66.4% Construction and Planning 71 31.0% 91 63.7% 58.5% Business, Administration and Law 103 45.6% 113 46.9% 55.5% Retail and Commercial Enterprise 22 68.2% 19 47.4% 49.2% Engineering and Manufacturing Tech 156 56.4% 99 64.6% 61.0% Total 372 47.6% 360 57.2% 57.7% Apprenticeship Overall Achievement # QoE # of Progress % of Progress Grade 1 56 15 26.7% Grade 2 103 40 38.8% Grade 3 202 48 23.7% # QoE # of Progress % of Progress Grade 1 15 9 60.0% Grade 2 8 23 47.9% Grade 3 164 33 20.1% Qualifications on Entry (QoE) Maths Qualifications on Entry (QoE) English
The innovative and bespoke training programme features a six-week Traineeship leading to a 12-15-month Apprenticeship, including training at CEMAST, Fareham College’s Centre of Excellence in Engineering, Manufacturing and Advanced Skills Training, and rotational training, on-site with Giganet in Whiteley.
Giganet is one of the fastest-growing fibre technology companies in the region, seeking to become the leading provider of honest, full-fibre broadband across the South-Central Counties.
The broadband provider has experienced rapid and sustained growth over the last twelve months. Upon securing £250 million of funding, Giganet is looking to develop and invest in training and teaching programmes to build the workforce for the future with a focus on local people serving local communities.
Steve Morgan, Head of Learning at Giganet said
The professional education and development of Fibre Technology Installation Engineers will prove essential for achieving the UK’s aims for nationwide gigabit-broadband by 2025, and core to Giganet’s vision to be the Best ISP in the UK.
45 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
1Fareham College has embarked on an exciting new partnership with multi-award-winning fibre broadband company, Giganet, to train, upskill and develop the next generation of Fibre Technology Installation Engineers.
2Fareham College has successfully secured over £700,000 in funding from the Department for Education to expand current facilities and teaching environments ahead of introducing more T Level programmes in 2023.
The College’s funding comes from a total government capital investment of £74 million which will support 86 T Level projects across the country, ensuring T Level students can learn and study in modern facilities suitable for delivering world-class qualifications.
At Fareham College, the funding secured will enable the expansion and development of Hospitality and Catering teaching spaces and the integration of industry-standard equipment supporting progression into skilled employment and Apprenticeships for learners.
The investment will allow for a full refurbishment of the college fine-dining restaurant, Avenue 141, and the training kitchens used by students on Hospitality and Catering courses.
The region has a strong visitor economy and a high demand for skilled staff in the hospitality sector. Fareham College plays an important part in training the next generation of chefs, caterers and front-of-house teams.
Business leaders, the Chamber team and member representatives attended the launch in the Fareham College business centre, the new home of the independent membership organisation and ‘voice of business’.
Declaring the office open, Hampshire Chamber Chief Executive and Executive Chairman Ross McNally said
This is all about championing growth for our members and strengthening the essential links they rely on between the worlds of business and education. By moving to this fantastic new business centre, we put ourselves at the heart of the facilities and solutions that will be involved in solving the skills gaps Hampshire businesses grapple with day in, day out. We are right here at the junction of business and skills growth.
The business centre is on the College’s 22-acre Bishopsfield Road campus in Fareham and is part of the wider College Business Centre project being delivered under the government’s Skills Accelerator programme. College Business Centres, such as Fareham, provide regional employers with access to the training they require to bridge the skills gaps in their industry.
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 46
Chamber of Commerce has opened its new head office with a pledge to help solve the skills issues regional employers face every day.
Fareham College
Fareham College celebrates oustanding 100% Pass Rate for First Year of T Level Graduates
This year marks the first time T Level students are graduating, and students at Fareham College have excelled in these courses achieving an incredible 100% pass rate!
74% have achieved high grades at merit to distinction*. To achieve the T Level qualification, all these students completed exams, project work and an industry placement of a minimum of 45 days.
We are incredibly proud of these students, who have secured a variety of excellent progression routes from Degree Apprenticeships through to employment and attending universities such as Lancaster, Portsmouth and Chichester.
There is still time to secure your place on a T Level starting in September; find out more and submit your application,
47 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Annual Awards Celebration
We had an amazing Annual Awards ceremony last night!
The Annual Awards were a true celebration of our incredible student successes. Each year, this event puts the spotlight on a small handful of people learning with us, to acknowledge the challenges that have been overcome, the progress that’s they’ve made, and the sheer excellence they’ve demonstrated throughout the college year.
Congratulations to all of the award winners. You have all worked so hard this past year and deserve to be celebrated! A special mention to Niall Dorrington, who won Student of the Year 2022.
Fareham College Student Kia Cooks Up a Storm at the Highland Game Colleges’ Cookery Competition
Kia Vincent, talented Hospitality & Catering student, is crowned the winner of BASC’s National Student Cookery Competition!
Kia commented on the event and her development since she started with us here at Fareham College, “The pastry was a challenge – I had to do quite a few trials to get the pastry how I wanted. First, I overcooked it, then blended it too fine, but finally got it perfect. The pastry was the main challenge!
I have always been driven to succeed. I wanted to develop and learn a new career path; I started on level 1 and progressed through; I am now completing the Level 3 qualification. I believe that to be great at anything, you need to have a strong foundation and learn the basics.”
HNC Students won Best Professional Film at the Portsmouth 48 Hour Film Challenge
Two students from the college’s HNC Media course and lecturer Robert Hind were part of a team that won Best Professional Film at the Portsmouth 48 Hour Film Challenge awards this month. The brief was to make a 2-minute film in the ‘Hammer Horror’ genre. You can find more details of the competition at
48 Self Assessment Annual Report 2021-2022
Fareham College
Fareham College
Fareham College
48 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
Lewis Civil Engineering Apprentice
Before I joined R&W and CETC, I was working as a general labourer with a family friend. I had experience working on site, constructing extensions and extending patios, so the apprenticeship seemed like a perfect fit. The benefits I have received from R&W and the college have also been incredible. There is lots of support to help you throughout.
Holly T Level Childcare and Early Years student
In September 2020, I started on Education and Childcare with the specialism of Early Education. During this course, I have learned how children develop and learn throughout their time within educational settings. I have also learnt how to support children in their holistic development whilst applying a broad range of theories to my work within my placement.
Brad Level 3 Creative Media Production
I loved the course; it was incredibly practical, which suits me perfectly. One of the first projects I got involved with was film production; this was ideal! The lecturing team on the course are very supportive but also encourages you to use your own initiative and work to solve problems you may encounter by yourself first before asking for help.
I am still in contact with many of my lecturers at the College, and they often help me with my freelance or charity work, providing references or advocating for me.
After my time at Fareham, I was due to attend Ravensbourne University in London to study Digital Film Production; however, I changed my mind and decided to pursue launching my own business as a photographer and videographer.
In September, I am attending the University of Portsmouth to study Youth and Childhood Studies with Criminology. The course has helped me focus on the areas within childcare that I would like to work in.
I could not recommend undertaking a T Level enough; this course has provided me with extensive knowledge and practical experience, which I believe is key when it comes to working with children and young people.
49 Self-Assessment and Annual Report
In 21/22 the college reduced its overall carbon intensity by 11% compared to the 20/21 academic year.
Implemented sustainability within the curriculum across study programmes.
Created a kitchen garden and green house, used to supply vegetables to our onsite restaurant.
Lighting upgraded to LED in the car park.
M&E carried out in 580m2 of newly refurbished office space.
The sustainability group are real advocates for green development at the College. We are passionate about driving improvements across the college through projects that have a real impact on our environmental footprint, which can be evidenced through the significant reduction in carbon emissions in the 21/22 academic year.
Targeting a 5% reduction in carbon and a 10% reduction in printing.
Implementing sustainability themes weekly across the student tutorial bulletin.
Exploring opportunities to reduce carbon consumption related to travel. Installing solar PV array on the newly converted Energy Hub.
Bishopsfield Road Campus Energy Hub
Pauline Tilt Award for Sustainability 2022
Self-Assessment and Annual Report 50
BISHOPSFIELD ROAD CAMPUS Bishopsfield Road Fareham Hampshire PO14 1NH CEMAST CAMPUS 1 Meteor Way Broom Way Lee-on-the-Solent Hampshire PO13 9FU CETC CAMPUS 3 Meteor Way Broom Way Lee-on-the-Solent Hampshire PO13 9FU 01329 815 200