September New Earth 2014

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Where is this mystery Catechists share their stories steeple? Page 4

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2011 September 2014 Vol. 35   No. 32 No. 88 Vol.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth” — Rev. 21:1

“Among the many blessings that God has showered upon us in Christ is the blessing of marriage, a gift bestowed by the Creator from the creation of the human race. His hand has inscribed the vocation to marriage in the very nature of man and woman. Pastoral letter of the USCCB, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan

Encountering and sharing Christ’s love

Diocese planning ‘Year of Marriage and Family’ By Aliceyn Magelky

around the world to take action to celebrate and defend the beauty of n St. John Paul II’s apostolic exmarried and family life. Specifically, hortation, “Familiaris Consorin November 2009, the U.S. Catholic A stained-glass window, above, from St. Edward’s tio,” he formally noted the crisis Bishops approved and published a Church in Seattle shows Jesus, Mary and Joseph marriage and families were facpastoral letter called “Marriage: Love on their flight into Egypt. The feast day of the Holy ing and the need to take action. and Life in the Divine Plan.” The letFamily is Dec. 28, 2014. That date marks the He stated, “At a moment of history ter presents the essential points of tentative launch date for the Fargo Diocese’s Year in which the family is the object of Catholic teaching on marriage. Also, of Marriage and Family. numerous forces that seek to destroy the document points out several Photo by CNS / Crosiers it or in some way to deform it, and challenges to marriages and how the aware that the well-being of society church may address those challenges. and her own good are intimately tied In response to the guiding words of that document, the Dito the good of the family, the church perceives in a more urocese of Fargo set out on a path to develop an initiative to gent and compelling way her mission of proclaiming to all celebrate and promote marriage and family life. people the plan of God for marriage and the family, ensuring Beginning at the end of 2014, the Diocese of Fargo will their full vitality and human and Christian development, and dedicate 12 months to celebrating marriage and family. The thus contributing to the renewal of society and of the people proposed theme, “Year of Marriage and Family: Encountering of God.” Those words led to a more concerted effort by bishops Please turn to YEAR-LONG on page 4


Launch tentatively set for the Feast of the Holy Family

2 ew nEarth September 2014 N

A vote for life


his is a time of opportunity in the state of North Dakota. Right now, we have an opportunity to establish a culture of life in our state and even in our nation.

Bishop Folda’s Calendar An inalienable right

Although the proposed amendment is a legal statement, it is remarkably similar to the stated beliefs and teachings of the Church. The Catechism of Our state legislature voted last year to the Catholic Church states, “Human place a constitutional amendment on life must be respected and protected the ballot, which is often called the Huabsolutely from the moment of conman Life Amendment. ception.” (2270) For very good reasons, And, the Catechism our lawmakers believed goes on to say, “The this constitutional inalienable right to amendment was needlife of every innocent ed to protect the laws human individual is that already offer many a constitutive element protections for women of a civil society and and unborn children. its legislation.” (2273) Moreover, within The legislators were this past year, Pope concerned that these Francis tells us that “a common sense laws human being is always would be overturned sacred and inviolable, by individual judges, in any situation and and they were right. at every stage of develSome of our pro-life opment.” (Evangelii laws have already been Bishop John Folda Gaudium, 213) overturned, and others The wording of are at risk. That is why Measure 1 is eminently sensible, and the Human Life Amendment will be on deserves the support of all persons who the ballot this November as Measure 1. respect the right to life. The language of Measure 1 is simple There are some who oppose the pasand completely consistent with our unsage of Measure 1 who have grossly derstanding of the dignity of all human misconstrued its meaning and its poslife. It reads, “The inalienable right to sible consequences. One of the most life of every human being at any stage significant mischaracterizations is the of development must be recognized assertion that Measure 1 would interand protected.” fere with end of life care and advance It would seem hard to argue with the directives. simple, self-evident truth contained in In fact, a group of elder care experts those words. And, it is hard to imaghave made it clear that Measure 1 will ine why such a clear affirmation of the not affect end of life decisions, and will value of life should be excluded from actually strengthen a person’s ability to the constitutional principles that will stop third parties from denying them shape our laws. the care they need. And, keep in mind that the bishops of North Dakota and the North Dakota “Then I saw a new heaven Catholic Conference have publicly and and a new earth.” vigorously supported advanced directives and patient directed end-of-life Revelation 21:1 care. I can assure you that the bishops of our state would never support Measure 1 if we believed it would jeopardize the rights of the elderly, the ill or the dying.

Bishop’s Message

NewEarth (ISSN # 10676406)

Serving Catholic parishes as the official newspaper of the Diocese of Fargo, N.D. Member of the Catholic Press Association Most Rev. John T. Folda Bishop of Fargo Publisher Aliceyn Magelky Editor Published monthly by The Cath­olic Spirit Publishing Company, a non-profit Minnesota corporation, 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102. (651) 291-4444. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN and additional post offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Boulevard, Suite A, Fargo ND 58104-7605. (701) 356-7900. Personal subscription rate for 11 issues of New Earth per year: $9.

NewEn arth September 2014 1

Public policy expresses morality It seems to me that some of the opponents of Measure 1 are simply using scare tactics to divert attention from the actual language and the real purpose of this proposed constitutional amendment. The facts can be found on the website I hope you will take a few moments to read what it has to say. Some might argue that the church

Sept. 11

9 a.m.

atholic School Pastors and Principals’ meeting, C Pastoral Center, Fargo

Sept. 13-14

Pastoral Visit, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Cando and St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Leeds

Sept. 19-21

nnual Meeting, Equestrian Order of the Holy A Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Denver, Colo.

Sept. 22-24

atholic Extension Mission Bishops Conference, C Lincolnshire, Ill.

Sept. 26

Mass and Confirmation, Belcourt

Sept. 27

Pastoral Visit, St. Michael Catholic Church, Dunseith

Sept. 28-Oct. 1

Presbyterate Days, Jamestown

Oct. 2

orth Dakota Catholic Conference Health Summit, N Bismarck

Oct. 4

5 p.m.

0th Anniversary Mass with 4th Degree Knights of 4 Columbus, Nativity, Fargo

Oct. 5

12 p.m.

ass and Procession, Walk with Christ for Life, M Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo

Oct. 8

12 p.m.

Catholic Charities Luncheon, Holiday Inn, Fargo

Oct. 9

7 p.m.

DSU Newman Center Banquet, Ramada Plaza Suites, N Fargo

Oct. 12

10:30 a.m.

losing Mass of the 100th Anniversary of present C St. Benedict Church, Wild Rice

Oct. 16

10 a.m.

Diocesan Pastoral Council, Pastoral Center

Oct. 16

6:30 p.m.

atholic Medical Association, White Mass, Pastoral C Center, Fargo

Oct. 17

11 a.m.

DRE/Youth Minister Exchange, Radisson Hotel, Fargo

Oct. 18-19

astoral Visit to St. Mary’s, Munich, and Assumption of P the Blessed Virgin Mary, Starkweather

and its pastors, including this bishop, should stay out of politics and should not tell people how to vote. But, the right to life is more than a matter of politics. It is a matter of truth and moral principle. Political activity shapes public policy, which is the concrete expression of ethics and morality, and affects the lives of all of us. Public policy decisions are too important to be divorced from morality, and the church has always tried to bring her understanding of the eternal truths to bear on the shaping of culture

and public life. For centuries, the church has worked in the public square for justice, peace, the dignity of workers and the rights of the poor, the sick, the unborn and the elderly. This moment in the history of our state is no different. As some try to diminish the dignity of human life and its protection, the church reaffirms her constant teaching that all human life is sacred. Pope Francis himself tells us, “An authentic faith — which is never comfortable or completely personal — always involves a deep desire to change the world, to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 183) As people of faith, we have a responsibility to work for the common good, and this must undoubtedly include working for the protection of life, the most fundamental good of all. Will we allow outside forces to impose a culture of death upon our state? We have a chance to keep this from happening. Don’t be afraid to stand up for life in a public way, and if you can, tell others about this important issue, or even volunteer to help with the campaign. Once again, this is a time of opportunity, and I hope you will join me in voting for Measure 1 this fall, so that our state of North Dakota might continue to move towards a culture of life.


Diocese of Fargo

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‘Prayer sets us apart’ Bishop Folda addresses seminarians’ questions during informal forum By Aliceyn Magelky

Official Appointments/ Announcements August 13, 2014 Most Rev. John T. Folda, Bishop of Fargo, has made the following appointments, announcements, and/ or decrees: Reverend Monsignor Brian G. Donahue has been appointed Dean of Deanery III, Diocese of Fargo, beginning August 11, 2014, and continuing ad nutum episcopi. Reverend Monsignor Dennis A. Skonseng has been appointed Dean of Deanery VII, Diocese of Fargo, beginning August 11, 2014, and continuing ad nutum episcope. Reverend Monsignor Gregory J. Schlesselmann has been appointed Director of the Priests’ Continuing Education Committee for the Diocese of Fargo, effective August 15, 2014. In addition, he will assist the pastor of St. Paul’s Catholic Newman Center at NDSU in meeting the spiritual and formational needs of the students. These appointments are in addition to his other assignments in the Diocese of Fargo. Deacon Edward Johnson has retired from active ministry but still has faculties in the Diocese of Fargo. In accord with Canons 122 and 515 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law, the parish of St. Thomas in St. Thomas merged into the parish of St. John the Evangelist in Grafton due to declining demographics and to better serve the people of God. This is effective June 25, 2014. The church building will be given chapel status for five years and be known as St. Thomas’ Chapel.

Bishop John Folda told Fargo Diocese seminarians to always remember in everything to include prayer. “Always, always make room for prayer,” he said. In an intimate question and answer session held in conjunction with the annual seminarian gathering Aug. 8, Bishop Folda spoke of prayer while answering inquiries of 21 men discerning priesthood. “I love being with priests and they love being with each other,” Bishop Folda began early in the session. “I encourage you to gather together because of mutual interests, but always include prayer,” he said. “Something that sets us apart is we make time for prayer; we pray for others.” Also, he warned them not to grow bitter or gloomy, saying, “When people are passionate about something, they can become angry or despondent. Neither one of those is an appropriate response. I doubt that anyone has been converted by these approaches. They are converted by our prayerfulness. If we extend help to others, it should always be with love and always with compassion.”

Goal: A personal relationship For a little more than an hour, Bishop Folda addressed questions in a casual, roundtable setting meant to foster a mutual personal relationship between him and the men and to help them build a deeper understanding of the shepherd they may serve alongside one day. In the conversation, he fielded questions about his expectations for these men, his favorite memories as a seminarian, challenges Christians and the church face in the world today, celebrating liturgies, life in the diocese and his favorite authors and books. “It is an important and necessary part of formation for seminarians to have a more personal relationship with their bishop,” Bishop Folda commented following the gathering. “In a way, I’m a father in the priesthood to these young men. Whether it’s in a Q & A session or another format,

New Earth photo

At the annual seminarian gathering Aug. 8, Bishop John Folda speaks with 21 men discerning priesthood during a question and answer session. For a little more than an hour, Bishop Folda addressed questions in a casual, roundtable setting meant to foster a mutual personal relationship between him and the men and to help build a deeper understanding of the shepherd they may serve alongside one day.

we need to build a mutual relationship. I need to know them, and they need to know me. I need to know what’s going on in their lives and their formation to help get a better sense of what we need to be doing to assist them in the process.” In a lengthy response to a question about life serving in the diocese, Bishop Folda said, “We must be men of virtue. We must work to bring the Gospel to our culture. We need to be men of joy and men of fortitude. Some people will hate us; love them anyway. We need to show our joy in how we live, in an authentic, quiet way. When we approach people, they should get a glimpse of the joy we have. Don’t let challenges deter-

mine our own living of the faith. Simply live our faith with joy.” While many questions covered serious issues, there was room for a bit of levity and less serious discussion. He shared his deep fondness for the friendships that sprung from seminary, which he holds to this day, as well as his love of books about early American history. Bishop Folda’s years of teaching shone through in his easy manner, approachability and honest response to every topic presented him. Bishop Folda concluded the session by saying, “I pray for you every day. I love you. You are very near and dear to my heart. Continue to be the good men the Lord is calling you to be.”

University of Mary establishes master’s degree in bioethics By Tom Ackerman

The University of Mary announced the development of a new degree, Master of Science in Bioethics, which will be offered in partnership with the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC). The university becomes one of a select few Catholic universities in the U.S. to offer a master’s of science program in bioethics and the first in North Dakota. “There is a pressing need to form Catholic professionals in the field of bioethics, and we’re proud to be developing this program side by side with an experienced and trusted leader such as the NCBC,” said Monsignor James Shea, University of Mary president. “We’re at a critical time in our culture. We need systematic formation of health care professionals who are able to apply the Catholic moral tradition to challenging contemporary issues.” The comprehensive program is expected to benefit thousands of other professionals and specialists around the world in a wide array of venues such as

churches, health care facilities, ethics committees, biomedical and biological research facilities, universities and government, to name just a few. “It is exciting that University of Mary is expanding its identity to include bioethics,” said Karen Rohr, associate professor and the new director of Bioethics and Faculty Formation at University of Mary. “As health care professionals, we encounter complex ethical issues on a daily basis. Technological advances are making it imperative that healthcare providers understand and manage emerging ethical dilemmas as they occur and have the skills to guide patients, families, clinicians and ethics committees toward resolution,” Rohr added. “Clinicians need a structured approach to dealing with ethical questions in their day-to-day practice. The Christian, Catholic and Benedictine mission of University of Mary in partnership with the NCBC provides a framework grounded in faith and reason for developing this structured approach.”

The NCBC Certification program in Health Care Ethics uses the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as the organizing framework for their certification. The University of Mary will offer 12 graduate credits for students and professionals who complete the NCBC Certification. Participants first attend one of the two-day seminars held in three cities across the United States: Sept. 12-13, New Orleans, La.; October 3-4, Philadelphia, Pa.; and Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, Bismarck. Then, students interact independently with an instructor through a series of four learning modules that are provided over a one-year period. The modules began September 1, 2014. Photo courtesy University of Mary

Students examine x-rays in the nursing laboratory at the University of Mary, which will begin offering a master’s degree in bioethics.

Students and professionals interested in the Master of Science in Bioethics program may contact Dr. Rohr for more information at or (701) 355-8113.

4 n September 2014


Year-long initative aims to celebrate marriage, bring families together Aiming for ‘marriage-building’ parishes

Continued from page 1 and Sharing Christ’s Love,” is meant to help focus on celebrating a positive aspect of the faith and to raise awareness at a time when marriage seems to be under attack in many ways. “There is an ongoing battle in the secular world with the Church. Marriage and strong families are positive things that we (Catholics) have. Why not celebrate it?” commented Jennie Korsmo, marriage preparation coordinator for the Fargo Diocese. “With this project, we hope to raise awareness of the beauty in marriage and family, bring families together in prayer and open up opportunities for families to come together,” continued Korsmo. Throughout the year, the Year of Marriage and Family will have monthly themes to help “families realize how they are living the faith.” The combination parish and diocesan driven project will include a prayer card, an official image of the Holy Family, expert speakers on marriage and family, a traveling icon for families to place in their homes and other activities. “The icon can be used to not only evangelize but to encourage families to pray together in a more structured way,” said Korsmo. Additionally, each parish is encouraged to customize or add items to fit the needs of its people. “Our hope is that leaders in our parishes will use this time to celebrate and rejuvenate what we already have,” commented Korsmo. “It’s a great way for priests to evangelize and to build relationships.”

CNS photo / Tyler Orsburn

A family from St. Leo, Kan. poses for a photo outside their rural home. “I want to be a witness to what marriage can be, what family can be and what life on the land can be,” said Kevin Ford, the father pictured in the photo. Beginning at the end of 2014, the Diocese of Fargo will dedicate 12 months to celebrating marriage and family. The proposed theme of the Year of Marriage and Family, “Encountering and Sharing Christ’s Love,” is meant to help focus on celebrating a positive aspect of the faith and to raise awareness at a time when marriage seems to be under attack in many ways.

To help pastors and parishes prepare for the Year of Marriage and Family, the diocesan committee of continuing education for priests has decided to focus many of the talks presented during the annual fall Presbyterate Days around developing and sustaining a “marriage-building parish.” The husband and wife duo, Don and Lorrie Gramer, will facilitate six presentations focused

on a variety of topics around marriage and family life including: A Bishop’s Call to be a Marriage-Building Parish, Worship and Prayer’s Role in Being a Marriage-Building Parish, Forming our Youth and Single Adults, Strengthening the Married and Creating Households of Life, and Love and Marriage Caring and Divorce Healing.

For more than 30 years, the Gramers served as the directors of the office of family life for the Diocese of Rockford in Illinois. While working there, Bishop Thomas Doran, the bishop serving at the time, asked the couple to develop and execute a pastoral strategy to help implement the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Initiative for Marriage within the Rockford Diocese. The idea of “marriage-building parishes” was born. The success of their program led to a new venture: Marriage Building USA. The couple works with dioceses and parishes across the country to help “restore God’s plan for marriage and family in hearts, homes and the church.” The year-long, diocesan celebration compliments the goals and work set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and bishops around the world. Next month, Catholic bishops from across the globe will gather at the Vatican for the first of two synods on the family and evangelization. Additionally, the USCCB has chosen “strengthening marriage and family life” as one of its four priority goals for the 2013-2016 planning cycle. And, the World Meeting of Families, hosted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, will occur Sept. 22-27, 2015. It has been rumored that Pope Francis will make an appearance. Expect to see more articles and stories in this publication and on the diocesan news webpage featuring topics related to the Year of Marriage and Family and each monthly theme.

‘I do.’ What a journey! By Father Dale Lagodinski

More than emotion

Editor’s Note: In the following article, Father Dale Lagodinski shares his insight on marriage and the church. This item originally appeared in a parish newsletter, “The Evangelizer,” for St. John’s Church in Wahpeton. The Diocese of Fargo is planning to kick-off a year of celebrating marriage and family at the end of 2014. More articles, like this one, regarding marriage and family life will appear in New Earth.

Here is one dangerous myth about married love: “I’m leaving . . . I’m not attracted to you anymore. I don’t love you.” As heretical in our self-obsessed culture as this may sound, married love for us radically is not just about how I feel about you or, for that matter, how “romantic” you may be. Of course, feelings and romance are what attract us to one another in the first place. But, at the moment of the marriage “I do,” we move from emotions to free adult decision, to a choice we make which reaches far beyond a life-long commitment of self to the other. Our model is Christ himself. This love is not possible without Christ being at its center, the Bridegroom who was crucified out of love of us, a love that reaches far beyond romance and feeling good. When bride and groom stand before God, the church’s minister and the community of faith, the priest does not ask for our feelings, our attractions, and not a word about romance. He asks us to state our intentions in three hard questions: 1. Have you come here freely and without reservation? Married love has everything to do with a decision I make which lasts even when my feelings may not. When feelings fail, we can turn to this community of faith where Christ lovingly carries us through those scary and confusing times to renewed commitment. 2. Will you love and honor for the rest of your lives?


y father was married to my mother for 56 years, and in that time really did come to love her,” said a priest as he preached at his father’s funeral. A grateful listener whispered, “What a journey and what a glorious ending!” How very, very true are those words for so many healthy marriages. My parents never made it to their 25th wedding anniversary. Dad died suddenly in the midst of harvest leaving my mom with seven children, five still at home. The years following his death were lean and hard for Mom as she raised us all alone. What she treasured were her memories of a faithful man. Not that Myrtle and Tony had the perfect marriage. Dad was not always easy to live with, I’m told. I suspect Mom had her moments as well. My experience of these two, however, is knowledge not of their words but of who these two people were and still are in my life, even to this day. Their decision to stay together through it all taught me love.

Married love has everything to do with how I will behave for the rest of my life, not just when I feel like it. When this love and honor for each other has been damaged, we can turn again to Christ in this community of faith for healing and forgiveness. 3. Will you accept children and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his church? Married love has everything to do with bringing children to adulthood by my regular practice of the faith, not just when I feel like practicing the faith. Weekly gathering with Christ in this community of faith is how we manage.

A matter of doing what is truly needed What I have further learned in life is that few if any committed relationships are ever easy in the long run. Loving relationships are a lot of work. Ask any parent. Romance and good feelings come and go in any relationship and are often tragically confused with love. Love, however, is a matter of doing for self and for the other the good that is truly needed. (That’s why we go to dentists.) However, we can also want what feels good but what feels good may not be what is good for us. (We can avoid dentists.) When someone loves me enough to address my needs, we often are not going to be friends. We might not even be on speaking terms for a while. At that point, the lover knows what the

crucifixion of Jesus is all about. If the beloved whose destructive behavior is confronted can do the hard work of dealing with the behavior, not only can friendship, romance and feelings return, so can a healthy relationship.

No need to go it alone We are not left alone on this great journey of marriage. We can choose those who love us enough to help us do what we need to do or, sadly, we can choose those who will simply enable our destructive behavior. Our priest might be a good guide. Counselors at Catholic Charities may be worth a try. Marriage Encounter retreats can help good marriages become even better. Retrovaille weekends are available in more anonymous locations for marriages with troubles. As your now old pastor, I still must work hard keeping my relationships healthy, too. Six of us priests, who sometimes are not friends, have been committed to monthly gatherings, called Jesus Caritas (Love of Jesus). Wouldn’t it be great if couples at St. John’s had regular committed gatherings that helped us strengthen our marriages? Given the challenges to our marriages today, those gatherings might be well worth a try. What a journey we might have and what a glorious ending we might enjoy! Father Dale Lagodinski serves the Diocese of Fargo as pastor of St. John’s Church in Wahpeton.


Don’t quit. Keep playing. Remembering God’s creative art By Father Bert Miller

Editor’s note: Stories of Faith is a recurring feature in New Earth. If you have a faith story to tell, contact Father Bert Miller at Author’s note: As Faith Formation classes begin and catechists wonder if they will make a difference in the lives of their students, I remember a story about a little boy and a master pianist and how they worked together to make a simple piece a spectacular performance. If you meet students where they are and walk with them to God and the Kingdom, great things can happen. The catechist will plant a seed and likely reap the results. Savor this story and make it a part of your life. I found it in the Eastern North Dakota Synod Newsletter of the October 1999 edition. I first reprinted it in my Christmas cards in 2000.


ishing to encourage her young son’s progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and eventually explored his way through a door marked: “NO ADMITTANCE.” When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the

mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and the spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. At that moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy’s ear, “Don’t quit. Keep playing.” Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began

September 2014 n 5

“At that moment,

the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano and whispered in the boy’s ear, ‘Don’t quit. Keep playing.’. . . Whatever our situation in life and history. . . God is whispering. . ., ’Don’t quit. Keep playing… Father Bert Miller

filling in the bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. And, the audience was mesmerized. Whatever our situation in life and history — however outrageous, howev-

er desperate, whatever dry spell of the spirit, whatever dark night of the soul; God is whispering deep within our beings, “Don’t quit. Keep playing. You are not alone. Together, we will transform the broken patterns into a masterwork of my creative art. Together, we will mesmerize the world with our song of peace.” Father Bert Miller is a pastor at Blessed Sacrament Church in West Fargo.

NDSU Newman center adds development director to staff By Kristina Lahr

At the beginning of the summer, Kyle Jaeger returned to the very place that helped him in his faith journey when he was a student: North Dakota State University’s St. Paul Newman Center. Since June, Jaeger has led fundraising efforts for the organization as the new development director. Originally from Plymouth, Minn., Jaeger majored in business at NDSU, graduating in 2008. “In my six years being away from North Dakota, I have worked solely in Catholic campus ministry as a FOCUS missionary and the director of development for another Newman Center in Mankato, Minn.,” Jaeger said.

“I have always had a longing to come home and serve the church that gave me so much here at North Dakota State University. “The Newman Center made the Catholic faith real,” Jaeger said. “It brought me home through the sacraSt. Paul’s ments and Bible study Newman Center after not practicing for at North Dakota a year. I also met my State University wonderful wife Kalene hired Kyle Jaeger there.” in June 2014. Now as the development director, Jaeger serves the church by raising funds for the Newman Center. While regular

29th Annual Presentation Prayer Center Fund Raiser Brunch with Roxane Beauclair Salonen 11 AM to 1 PM ~ Thursday, Oct 16, 2014 ~ Fargo Holiday Inn Tickets: $30.00 or $240.00 for a table Call 237-4857, ext 211

“Finding Faith at Fort Peck” Now Roxane says she wouldn’t trade her growing-up experiences for anything. Her years on Fort Peck helped lay the groundwork for a faith that has flourished in her adult years, and it was on the reservation where she first heard the voice of God calling to her. What drew her to this divine voice and instilled in her the gift of gratitude despite a challenging beginning? During her presentation, Roxane will share her insights and read some excerpts from her unpublished memoir, “Wasicu Girl,” as well as answer questions.

Roxane Beauclair Salonen, a wife and mother of five children ages 9 to 18, spent her formative years on the Fort Peck Reservation in northeast Montana among the Lakota and Assiniboine peoples, as the daughter of teachers. Roxane currently writes the regularly appearing “Living Faith” column for The Forum newspaper and is an awarding-winning children’s author and freelance writer.

parishes can depend on the tithes of parishioners, the system for the Newman Center needs to be different. “The parish model of development doesn’t work because the Newman Center is more of a side venture to the parishes,” said Jaeger. “It can’t naturally produce the resources needed to reach out to students on campus in today’s society. Students don’t have the financial resources like regular parishioners do. My role is to provide an opportunity for people to partner with the mission on campus. This is done primarily through building relationships with individuals and families who want to change the world through Catholic campus ministry at NDSU.” Jaeger says he is excited to be back at NDSU to give back to the community

that gave much to him when he was a student. “The job has been wonderful so far,” he said. “We’ve been very busy trying to connect hearts and minds for the mission. I see God working through the benefactors who have given so much of their resources, not only financially, to keep the vital mission of Newman alive.” Jaeger hopes that as the involvement at the Newman Center continues to increase, the parish can continue to be financially sustainable. As the financial need is always fluctuating, Jaeger prays the Holy Spirit will continue to be with the Newman Center and his work moving into the school year.

6 n September 2014


St. Catherine’s, Valley City, welcomes new principal Dessonville, By Kristina Lahr

Last year Jason Stangeland felt it wasn’t quite the fit for him as principal of St. Mary’s School in Salem, S.D. He knew God was calling him somewhere else, but he never expected Valley City. “Someone at St. Mary’s invited me to check it out. If my family was really being honest about being open to God’s will, we would apply,” he said. Stangeland has spent most of his life in Brookings, S.D., where he was born, attended college and lived during his first two teaching jobs, first at Elkton Public School, S.D. and then Mickelson Middle School in Brookings. He taught junior and senior high mathematics. In 2012, he became the principal, mathematics and religion instructor at St. Mary’s. Now Stangeland has found his way north to St. Catherine’s Elementary School in Valley City. As the busyness of the school year began, Stangeland knew he found where God was calling him. “I felt comfortable with the community from the start,” Stangeland said. “I knew that I wanted to be at an authentically Catholic school, not just a private school sponsored by Catholics. Submitted photo Here, the community focuses on edu- Jason Stangeland, new principal of St. Catherine’s Elementary School in Valley City, stands with cating the whole child. Yes, we want his wife Barb and children Maximillian, Gemma, Gianna and Carmela. them to do well academically, but we also want them to understand who is another supporter of the school and but lapsed in his faith until his first they are and that work is holy, regardcommunity to help show that the faith teaching job when he was encouraged less of what you are doing. I see that beisn’t just a school or Sunday activity, by a student to go on another TEC reing developed here.” but something to be shared in all astreat. It was then that he had his first One way that Stangeland saw this pects of life. encounter with Christ. development playing out is through Throughout high school and college, “I realized Christ really loved me. the students volunteering at Nearly Nu, Stangeland carried a strictly academic The people at TEC accepted me for who the thrift store in Valley City, to help mindset concerning his faith. He went I was, quirks and all, and that modeled with pricing and inventory. Nearly Nu to his first TEC retreat when he was 17 to me who Christ is. That’s what I see going on here at St. Catherine’s. It’s not just about catechesis but about building up the family. As Mother Theresa said, first Jesus fed the people and then he taught them.”

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Family formation “It can be a challenge to inspire parents to know what is good about Catholic schools if they haven’t had an encounter with Christ,” Stangeland continued. “If someone hasn’t had that experience, how can you explain how important it is? That’s what I love about the family formation here. It’s developing that encounter within the parents. The parents are encountering Christ along with their children.” As the school year begins, Stangeland knows not everything will be perfect, but as welcoming as the community has been, he is confident that no challenge will be too great. “Sometimes you have to ask people to pray for you,” he said, “but here everyone automatically says they will pray for us. You don’t have to ask. It’s so natural for people to reach out to prayer.”

former teacher at Shanley, professes vows as a Dominican By Kristina Lahr

Brother Wesley Dessonville, O.P., professed solemn vows in the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) Aug. 30 in St. Louis, Mo. Brother Wesley is the son of Monica and Ronald Dessonville of Dawson, Minn. He attended St. James Church in Dawson, studied theology at the University of Mary in Bismarck and served as a youth minister at Ascension Church in Bismarck from 2002 to 2006. After college, he worked at Shanley High School in Fargo for three years beBrother Welsey fore entering the Dessonville Dominicans. He entered the novitiate for the Province of St. Albert the Great (Central Province) in Denver in August 2009. Throughout his discernment, Brother Wesley said he was influenced by many priests, religious and lay ministers in the Dioceses of New Ulm, Bismarck and Fargo. He chose the Dominicans, he said, because of his love of teaching and preaching and for their common life. “His passion for the faith made me energetic to follow Christ,” said Chris Savageau, seminarian for the Fargo Diocese and a student of Brother Wesley while attending Shanley. “I still remember the moral lessons that he taught me and how it prepared me for my classes at Benedictine College. He gave us all good, solid principles of how to live an authentic Christian life, a life of holiness.” Since his first profession, Brother Wesley has studied for the priesthood at Aquinas Institute of Theology, a Dominican graduate school for lay and religious students in St. Louis. He also spent a year working at St. Thomas More Newman Center at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Mo. Brother Wesley will continue his studies for the priesthood at the Aquinas Institute with ordination to the diaconate and priesthood in the coming years.

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September 2014 n 7

For Jesus there are no outsiders Bishop Folda reminds pilgrims to Our Lady of the Prairie shrine of the universality of Christ’s love By Sister Veronica, O. Carm.

Bishop John Folda faces the pilgrims gathered for Mass during the 58th annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Prairies shrine located on the grounds of the Carmel of Mary Monastery near Wahpeton.

Carmel of Mary Monastery

The Lord’s desire to be known and worshiped by all nations was the theme running through the Mass reading for Aug. 17. That day more than 150 people gathered for the 58th annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Prairie shrine near Wahpeton. On the grounds of the Carmel of Mary Monastery, the Blessed Mother resides, and annually, people of the diocese bring gifts of their harvest to honor her. Bishop John Folda celebrated Mass with the pilgrims. During his homily, he explained how the day’s Gospel, about the Canaanite woman whose daughter was healed by Jesus, shows that Our Lord’s love extends beyond any one particular language or culture. “No one is an outcast,” he said, “when it comes to God’s Love.” Christ’s love for all of us Gentiles is completely gratuitous. Bishop Folda asked everyone to consider the question, “Did any one of us here earn our place in the Father’s heart?” In accord with Our Holy Father’s request for prayer for the Iraqi Christians, who are being driven out of their homeland, Bishop Folda reminded all of those present at the pilgrimage of how intimately we are united to our brothers and sisters in the Mystical Body of Christ throughout the world. He invited the people to take as their own a moving prayer composed by the Catholic Patriarch of Iraq. The patriarch prayed for the peace needed “to live without fear and anxiety, with dignity and joy.” Bishop Folda said that even though we are here “in this lovely place of serenity and beauty,” we are not far

Prayer intentions of Pope Francis September General intention: People with mental disabilities. That people with mental disabilities may receive the love and help they need for a dignified life. Reflection: What has been my experience of people with developmental disabilitities? Scripture: John 9: 1-5 “So that the works of God may be made visible through him.” Mission intention: Service to the poor. That Christians, inspired by the Word of God, may serve the poor and suffering. Reflection: How does having a heart like the Heart of Jesus open me up to see and respond to the needs of the poor and suffering? Scripture: Luke 18: 18-30 Give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Provided by Apostleship of Prayer,

Submitted photo

from suffering members of the church. “When even one stranger suffers, we all suffer. When one brother or sister is persecuted, we are all persecuted. But, when one is healed or comforted, we are all healed and comforted.”

Confidence in prayer The Gospel of the Canaanite woman has a second important lesson: confidence in prayer. As Bishop Folda explained, “She believed that Jesus would not send her away empty handed, and she was right.”

The nuns of Carmel of Mary cannot help but recognize that fair weather is a sign of God’s favor upon the fervent prayers of the people of our diocese, who come annually to honor and thank the Mother of God and to ask her continued intercession for their farms and their families. In fact, it seems nothing short of miraculous that in 58 years the Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Prairies has never once been cancelled or postponed due to rain. The sun always comes out just in time. This year, the group received a dou-

ble blessing: a much needed torrential downpour the night before the pilgrimage followed by dry weather the next afternoon to make possible the rosary walk, outdoor confessions and Mass. The Carmelite nuns are immensely grateful for the volunteers without whom it would not be possible to hold this event each summer. Father Leonard Loegering and the parishioners of St. John the Baptist parish in Wyndmere sponsored the pilgrimage this year, and along with the Knights of Columbus, provided picnic fare for a meal after Mass.

8 n September 2014


Conference explores renewal in Catholic intellectual tradition Briel named to new post, given University of Mary’s highest honor as pioneer in Catholic Studies By Tom Ackerman

University of Mary

Over Labor Day weekend, 200 scholars and seven bishops, including Bishop John Folda, gathered at a conference at University of Mary in Bismarck to discuss the renewal and revitalization of the Catholic intellectual tradition. Also at that time, University of Mary officials announced that Don Briel has been appointed the Blessed John Henry Newman Chair of Liberal Arts at the school, and in recognition of his enduring legacy as the pioneer of Catholic Studies programs across America, the University of Mary bestowed an honorary doctorate upon him. During a banquet following the ceremony, Briel presented his keynote address entitled: “Twenty Years of Catholic Studies.” The three-day celebration included nearly 20 presentations by honored guests including: Father Paul Murray O.P., “Naming the New Lions: Challenges of Contemporary Culture to Christian Faith;” Father William Baer, “The Recovery of Honor in an Age of Dishonor;” and Dr. Jonathan Reyes, “Catholic Culture and Formation of Life.”

Thirst for Catholic identity In 1993, at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., Briel planted a

Photo courtesy of University of Mary

Father Luke Meyer (left), Diocese of Fargo chancellor and director of liturgy, Don Briel (center) and Michael Naughton, director of the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought and professor at the University of St. Thomas, chat at an evening gathering during the Catholic Studies Conference hosted by the University of Mary in Bismarck.

seed hoping it would grow; not only through the love and care of his students, but in their thirst for Catholic identity in university life. Twenty years later, after plenty of watering and pruning by fellow scholars and inspiration from Popes St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, Briel’s seed has grown into a vibrant Catholic Studies project that has now borne fruit in nearly 100 programs in colleges and universities across America. “The gold standard for Catholic Studies programs has already been established. It was established by Don Briel at St. Thomas,” said George Weigel, internationally acclaimed American

Catholic author. “He and his colleagues over the past 20 years have set a model of excellence that everyone else seriously committed to Catholic Studies work in Catholic institutions of higher education does well to emulate.” During a visit to Rome, Briel spoke with Zenit News Service about the rise of such programs. He said the idea emerged in the early 1990s “out of a concern that undergraduates at Catholic universities seemed to lack access to a comprehensive study of a rich and complex Catholic intellectual tradition.” Briel added, “We found a new generation of Catholics who had begun to

realize that they had been deprived of a rich and noble intellectual tradition.” That idea ignited a movement across U.S. Catholic and public colleges and universities 20 years ago. The same groundswell of excitement propelled the start of the Bishop Paul A. Zipfel Catholic Studies Program at the University of Mary in Bismarck; one that’s now become the second largest Catholic Studies program in America. Perhaps, to no surprise and through divine providence, the man shepherding this deeply rooted and successfully growing program is one of Briel’s disciples and a mentee: Matthew Gerlach. “It is time that Don Briel be honored for his visionary and often heroic leadership in the renewal of Catholic higher education in America,” said Gerlach, coordinator of Mary’s program. “This Catholic Studies conference marks a milestone for the faithful study of Catholic thought and culture in the U.S. and throughout the world. In these four short years, I attribute much of our success to the fact that we are faithfully carrying on the best and most vital elements. But in the coming years, we have a distinct advantage which other programs at other universities often do not: our program was initially proposed by the president of the university, Monsignor James P. Shea, and approved by the board of trustees; we have received comprehensive institutional support at all levels of administration at Mary. This conference helps us discern the ways that we at Mary can continue building up not only our own university community, but also others who strive in Catholic higher education throughout the country and beyond.”

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September 2014 n 9

Ice bucket challenge opens door to stem cell conversations By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, a major fundraising effort that began this summer to raise money to research a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease, has left many people scratching their heads. The challenge involves dumping a bucket of ice water on someone’s head and nominating others to go through the same process within 24 hours or make a donation to the charity of one’s choice to support further research to treat and cure ALS. The ALS Association, based in Washington, is the largest organization researching the disease. The challenge went viral on social media. As of Aug. 26, the ALS Association had received $88.5 million in donations from July 29-Aug. 26 compared to $2.6 million during the same time period a year ago. Friends have challenged friends on Facebook and celebrities have joined the fundraising fray. Now with schools starting their new year, Catholic schools across the country have also considered the challenge. But, there has been some hesitation, particularly after reports that the ALS Association, which is researching for a cure for the disease, uses embryonic stem cells in some of its research. Some dioceses have issued statements urging schools that participate to send donations to other research organizations, such as the John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Iowa City, Iowa, which does not use embryonic stem cells in its research. The Catholic Church opposes any research involving the destruction of human embryos to create stem cells. Adult stem cells, so called because they are derived from living human beings, also have promising scientific value but do not require destruction of an embryo. The reprogrammed stem cells can sometimes be used to replace damaged cells.

ALS Foundation clarification Carrie Munk, a spokeswoman for the ALS Association, told Catholic News Service in an Aug. 26 email that the organization primarily funds adult stem cell research and is at the end of funding one single embryonic study, which is funded by one specific donor. She said that if someone “is uncomfortable with any type of research we do, they can restrict their gift” stipulating that it not be used in the embryonic stem study or any stem cell research. In a statement about its research funding, the association said it “primarily funds adult stem cell research. Currently, the association is funding one study using embryonic stem cells, and the stem cell line was established many years ago under ethical guidelines set by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.” An Aug. 20 statement from the Archdiocese of St. Louis points out, “There is nothing immoral about raising awareness for diseases and ethical research towards curing diseases; there is no reason Catholics can’t participate” in the ice bucket challenge. “The key, however, is to ensure that donations from participation are being utilized to support morally licit research.” The statement also explains the church’s stance against embryonic stem cell research, saying it is “always morally objectionable because a human per-

CNS photo / John Stegeman, The Catholic Telegraph

Tom Otten, principal of Elder High School in Cincinnati, and Jim Rigg, superintendent of Catholic schools for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge at the school Aug. 21. Their donations will go to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Iowa.

son must be destroyed to harvest his or her stem cells.” The archdiocesan statement quotes the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which said, “The use of embryonic stem cells or differentiated cells derived from them — even when these are provided by other researchers through destruction of embryos or when such cells are commercially available — presents serious problems from the standpoint of cooperation in evil and scandal.” The archdiocesan statement urged Catholic participants in the challenge to send donations to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute. Similarly, New Orleans Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond told archdiocesan priests and employees in an Aug. 13 email that it is “possible to participate in the ice bucket challenge and to do so in a way that is morally acceptable.” “We have received questions on this project. Many people do not realize that some of the research is done with embryonic stem cells, which is against our pro-life stance,” he wrote. The archbishop urged participants in the challenge to specify how their donations should be used or to send their money to charities that do not use embryonic stem cells in research. He noted that many people in the New Orleans archdiocese suffer from ALS, including Jesuit Father Ray Fitzgerald, former principal of Jesuit High School New Orleans, who announced he was stepping down last year because he had been diagnosed with ALS; and Steve Gleason, a former football player with the New Orleans Saints, who was diagnosed with ALS and is an active advocate for ALS patients.

A teachable moment An Aug. 20 memo to archdiocesan pastors and principals from the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New-

ark similarly urged Catholics considering the fundraiser to be aware of where their money is going or to specify how it should be allocated. “There is no stigma in restricting your contributions to ALS to research using adult stem cells only or to nonstem cell research,” it said. The statement also encouraged donations to local organizations or hospitals caring for those with a particular disease. It noted that this particular fundraiser provides a unique opportunity

to engage parishioners, staff members and students “in a conversation about the church’s position on stem cell research.” The memo urged church leaders to “be present, as Christ wants us to be, to those who may approach us with the idea of participating in a particular fundraising event because someone in his or her family suffers from the disease.” “That person’s pain and anguish is very real, and as a church, we should work to ease that burden,” it said.

10 n NewEarth

Hospitality, leadership, evangelization Three catechists share their joy of teaching, passing on the faith By Aliceyn Magelky On Sept. 21, Catechetical Sunday, the church will applaud and formally commission all catechists designated to serve in parishes across the diocese and around the world. Every year, on the third Sunday of September, we recognize and pray for those individuals who are called to share the teachings of the Catholic Church, primarily through youth catechesis. “Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith” (noted from the U.S. Conference of Catholics Bishop’s website). Parents are the primary catechists of their children. However, parish communities across the diocese are blessed with volunteers called to bring the church’s teachings to the world around them, specifically the young people of their parish. Who are these individuals, those willing to share in learning and living the faith? As the individuals featured in this story will tell you, they are ordinary folks. As the people that surround them will add, they have an extraordinary love of the Catholic Church.

A Catechist’s Prayer Father of all families, you have called me to serve the family in truth and love as a catechist. May I be faithful to this call, rooted in your Word and open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. May I use these gifts, especially the gifts of faith, hope and love to serve the family as a witness to you, who are love and life and the source and destiny of all families. Let your Spirit enlighten my mind and strengthen my heart so that I can be a path of Christ’s love to families, especially those in need, the homebound and aged, the disabled and disheartened. Through the intercession of Mary and Joseph, I pray for the Church, the Bride of Christ, whose mission to build a civilization of love, passes through the family. Amen.

Dianne Allmaras a charism of hospitality


ospitality should be her middle name,” said Sharon Eversvik the director of religious education for St. John the Evangelist’s Church in New Rockford. Eversvik is describing the warmth and charitable nature that exudes from Dianne Allmaras (pictured at right above), a parishioner at St. John’s and longtime catechist at the parish. Nearing 70 years of age, Allmaras has been teaching or helping in a classroom since she was 15. “I love to teach,” Allmaras said. “There is nothing better in the whole world than to share your faith with others.” Known to open her home to host youth groups, Young Disciples and recently a baseball team, Allmaras has a strong reputation for making everyone around her feel welcome, loved and not alone. This example spills into her approach to catechesis. “The most important thing to me, if I don’t get anything else across [to the kids], is that I want them to know they are loved unconditionally,” she said. “They always have someone with them they can call upon anytime or anyplace.”

Shares her time with seniors, too On top of her duties teaching, Allmaras serves her community by visiting residents of the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd, a nursing and independent living facility located in New Rockford. “If I wasn’t teaching, I’d spend more time at the nursing home; especially in the winter. I’ve come to find that a lot of people don’t have anyone. How we rejoice when a baby is born, but even though it’s difficult, we need to rejoice when a person is sent back to the Lord,” said Allmaras. At the nursing home, I smile all the time. I greet everybody. I want them to see Christ’s love through me.” For many years, Allmaras has been doing her best to serve others and share Christ’s love with them. And, it seems there is no slowing her down. “I thought I might quit while I’m ahead, then someone challenged me, ‘just think what if you change one life, made a difference for one kid; it’s worth it,’ ” commented Allmaras. “None of us may ever know that what we’ve done has had an impact on people, but my heart’s in the right place. I’ll do the best I can do.”

September 2014 n 11

Kirk Ripplinger

Erica Boyle

a father’s example

the evangelist


t took me a while to relearn that it is a father’s God given responsibility to be active in the faith formation of his children,” said Kirk Ripplinger. “That’s the reason I am heading back into the classroom.” Originally from Devils Lake, Ripplinger attended high school at Cardinal Meunch Seminary in Fargo and later joined the U.S. Navy. Upon leaving the Navy and living a single life, Ripplinger started as a catechist at Holy Spirit parish in Fargo through the urging of an old seminarian friend. “He was a youth minister there at the time and asked if I would be interested in teaching kids,” Ripplinger said. “He knew the roots were planted in me; it was a matter of whether I could teach.” In the beginning, Ripplinger faced challenges connecting with distracted children saying, “It wasn’t easy, because back then ADHD wasn’t really mentioned. Still at that age [4th-6th grade], they are absorbing a lot. To see them get it was a motivating factor for me.”

Now in Jamestown Unfortunately, a change in job schedule made it difficult for Ripplinger to continue catechesis at Holy Spirit. Then, later he moved to Jamestown. Now a father of four children, Ripplinger’s belief in his God-given duty to spearhead the spiritual formation of his children has pushed him into taking the lead of a classroom again this year at St. James Basilica, Jamestown. “I have three daughters. I want them to marry good men of faith. So, I need to be an example of that man,” Ripplinger explained. “Some men have relinquished their role as the religious leaders of their family and given it to the women. The reason I’m jumping back into it is I had to relearn my biblical duties as a father.” When asked how he would define a catechist, Ripplinger said, “An individual who guides others — doesn’t have to be children; it could be adults — to the teaching of the Catholic Church either by instruction or inspiration of the way you live your life.”


atherine of Siena Institute developed and distributes a three-part process aiding lay Catholics in discerning their charisms. One charism, evangelism, describes a person with this gift as one with a passion “that every person truly encounter Jesus and his church and become a disciple. That example depicts Erica Boyle, parishioner and catechist from Sts. Anne and Joachim parish in Fargo, almost perfectly. The love of Christ and the joy she feels oozes out of this young woman on fire with the faith. “I truly want to share the love and joy I have about being Catholic,” Boyle said excitedly. “I always talk about my faith.” During a period around her freshman and sophomore year in college, Boyle’s sister-in-law, then her brother’s girlfriend, was attending RCIA classes. These classes sparked an interest in her and fueled in innate desire to share the teachings of the church. “It was fun to sit around and talk about the faith,” Boyle recalled. “I was, and still am, very excited to learn more.” Boyle’s flame started to grow. She got involved helping with her parish’s youth group alongside her older brother. Later, she helped teach in a classroom of younger kids. During that time, her confidence grew. “The stage as a helper was kind of a time of building up my confidence. After that year, I knew I could do it. So, I approached Connie [Dulany, director of religious education for Sts. Anne and Joachim] and said, ‘I think I can take my own class.’ ” Boyle will start her second year leading a class of teens. While many might shy away from engaging with this age group, Boyle embraces the opportunity. “A big reason I want to teach older kids is I know now the things I didn’t know that I wish I had,” Boyle commented. “Something in me makes me want to show what it’s like to live the faith as a young adult, to let them know it’s doable.” She continued, “I try every day to be better and to show in that moment a bit of hope to guide them to let them know how much God loves them. I don’t like people thinking I’m a goody two-shoes because I’m not. I’m human. I struggle. I fall. That’s why I turn to God. My day isn’t complete without my morning workout and my afternoon adoration. “I just love learning and sharing with others. I can’t even describe it when someone asks why I do it. It’s who I am. My faith is who I am, and I love it.”


“They say it takes a village to raise a child. That may be the case,

but the truth is that it takes a lot of solid, stable marriages to create a village. Diane Sollee


12 n September 2014


The covenant of marriage A Polish anniversary custom illustrates the way that marriage is more than a contract


y son Stephen and I spent ers boarded. an unusual, albeit unusually All of them shared a remarkable exmoving, Independence Day: perience in their youth. As they were We attended the golden wedding annibeing formed into mature Christian versary celebration of my friends Piotr adults by Wojtyla, they helped form an and Teresa Malecki, which began with intellectually, athletically and mysticala Mass of thanksgiving in the Blessed ly gifted young clergyman into one of Sacrament Chapel of the most dynamic priests Cracow’s Wawel Catheof his generation, a piodral — the place where neer in the pastoral stratPiotr and Teresa had exegy he called “accompachanged vows on July niment.” 4, 1964, kneeling before As I said to Stephen aftheir old kayaking and terwards, as we watched hiking friend, the archWojtyla’s kids, no longer bishop of Cracow (who, kids, shake hands, emas Pope St. John Paul II, brace and offer flowers to was canonized some two Piotr and Teresa, “This is months before the Malthe beginning of World eckis’ jubilee.) Youth Day, right here.” Piotr Malecki, Karol I could just as easily Wojtyla’s altar boy at St. have added Love and ReFlorian’s parish and the sponsibility; the Theoloself-described “enfant gy of the Body; the 1981 terrible” of that netGeorge Weigel apostolic exhortation, work of Wojtyla’s friends Familiaris Consortio; the known as Srodowisko, is 1988 apostolic letter on women, Mua distinguished physicist. lieris Dignitatem; and the 1995 Letter Teresa Malecka, who had to convince to Families. Wojtyla (whom she and others called For as I noted in a toast at the anniWujek, “Uncle”), that she was ready for versary dinner the Maleckis’ sons had marriage at age 20, is an accomplished arranged, the network of now-not-somusicologist and the former vice-dean young friends that had gathered around of the Cracow Academy of Music. Karol Wojtyla — men and women who Outside the cathedral, the jubilariresolutely refuse to think of themselves ans were greeted by other Srodowisko as something special — had in fact veterans: Danuta Ciesielska, widow of helped bend the history of the church, Wojtyla’s closest lay friend and kayakand the world, in a more humane diing instructor, the Servant of God Jerzy rection. Ciesielski, whose beatification cause is underway; Danuta Rybicka, who, as a Marriage Under Attack plucky undergraduate in Stalinist PoOne other facet of this happy celebraland challenged the communists who tion struck me with particular force. were trying to expel the nuns from the convent-dormitory where she and othAs on their wedding day when Piotr

Church Matters

Photo Editorial Praise be to Jesus Christ for another great summer with Young Disciples Christine Saah soaks in the sun near the Trollwood Performing Arts theatre in Moorhead, Minn., following the last days as a Young Disciple missionary. Saah was one of 11 Young Disciples (YD) who served the Diocese of Fargo this past summer. The YD teams led 24 camps and served a total of 900 children and teens across the state. Submitted photo

“. . . the priest . . . wound the end of a stole around

their joined hands, its other end remaining around his neck, as the couple renewed their pledge of love and fidelity. It’s a marvelous Polish custom . . . And, it says something very important about marriage . . . What that gesture says is, . . . the couple . . . is engaging in a priestly act, an act of right worship. They are sealing, not a mere contract, but a covenant in which two become one. George Weigel and Teresa first exchanged vows, now, on their golden jubilee, the priest celebrating the thanksgiving Mass wound the end of a stole around their joined hands, its other end remaining around his neck, as the couple renewed their pledge of love and fidelity. It’s a marvelous Polish custom, perhaps familiar in other cultures. And, it says something very important about marriage, which is under assault throughout the world by the forces of moral confusion, misconstrued “tolerance” and societal deconstruction. What that gesture says is, in the biblical and Christian view, the couple “getting married” is engaging in a priestly act, an act of right worship. They are sealing, not a mere contract, but a covenant in which two become one. And, from that unity, from that new family, springs the gift of new life. The church’s official witness to this covenant-making, the ordained priest, exercises his unique form of priesthood by offering the church’s recognition of,

and blessing on, what the couple, in their exercise of the priesthood of the baptized, have covenanted together. That stole, touching both priest and couple, embodies the classic Catholic teaching that the couple who bind themselves for life are the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony. When marriage is reduced to a contract for mutual economic advantage among any configuration of consenting adults, something essential in what Christians understand to be “marriage” is lost. And that, I suspect, is why state marriage licenses that no longer specify “bride” and “groom” but rather “spouse 1” and “spouse 2” seem somehow bizarre. And sad. And dangerous. George Weigel is a senior fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. Weigel’s column is distributed by the Denver Catholic Register, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Denver. For more information about Weigel, call (303) 715-3215.


September September2014 2014nn13 1

‘Yes’ to Measure 1 protects North Dakota culture of life


allup recently concluded a comsafety regulation on the use of aborprehensive survey of all 50 states tion-inducing drugs on the grounds on a variety of indicators includthat the North Dakota Constitution ing: economics, public affairs, educacontains a “right to abortion” that is so tion, the environment and well-being. broad that even laws upheld by the U.S. The result: North Dakota ranks first Supreme Court would be found unconamong the states on almost every meastitutional under the state constitution. surement. The judge’s “reasoning” is that the The findings come as “liberty clause” of the no surprise. Other surstate constitution means veys show North Dakothat a woman can abort tans giving high ranks to her child without any the North Dakota legismeaningful oversight lature and other elected by the state to protect officials. her health and safeDemocrat or Republity or, where possible, can, this is mostly good the life of the unborn news for the state’s inchild. That portion of cumbents. With apthe North Dakota Conproval ratings that high, stitution states, “All invoters are unlikely to redividuals are by nature move sitting lawmakers. equally free and indeA consistent rule in polpendent and have ceritics is that people don’t tain inalienable rights, like to rock the boat among which are those when the boat appears to of enjoying and defend Christopher Dodson be on the right course. ing life and liberty . . .” Despite the will of the people, however, the “boat” can be Protection for all life rocked, forced to change direction or Most people reading this may ask even capsized by the courts. Recogniwhy the right to life in the same sention of this real threat to North Dakotence does not prevent this kind of ta’s success and way of life is why a biruling. Apparently, the judge did not partisan majority of the North Dakota think that the right to life applied to Legislative Assembly put Measure 1 on every life. For that reason, legislators rethe ballot. sponded with Measure 1, which would Measure 1 is an amendment to the document what we had always thought state constitution. It states, “The in— that the existing right to life applies alienable right to life of every human to every human being at any stage of being at any stage of development must development. be recognized and protected.” The state’s elected lawmakers put The defeat of Measure 1 would have Measure 1 on the ballot in response to a devastating consequences for our state. court decision by a local judge in Fargo. It would mean that courts could deThat judge struck down a reasonable cide that this expansive “liberty” right

Catholic Action

“Despite the will of the people, however, the

‘boat’ can be rocked, forced to change direction or even capsized by the courts. Recognition of this real threat to North Dakota’s success and way of life is why a bipartisan majority of the North Dakota Legislative Assembly put Measure 1 on the ballot. Christopher Dodson trumps the right to life, especially for the unborn, disabled and depressed. For abortion advocates from places like New York and California, this is exactly what they want. They have already established expansive rights to abortions in about a dozen states but never once based on a liberty clause, something every state constitution possesses. For them, what the judge in Fargo gave them was the ultimate prize: a road map for securing an almost unlimited right to abortion in every state.

Meanwhile in Montana . . . Montana illustrates what happens when state courts are given free reign to create abortion rights. The courts in Montana have struck down popular laws limiting taxpayer funding for abortions, requiring parental notice prior to a minor undergoing an abortion, requiring a 24-hour reflection period prior to an abortion, informed consent requirements and even a law requiring that only a licensed physician perform an abortion. But, it does not stop there.

A judge in Montana has concluded that the “right to abortion” found in the state constitution also provides a right to assisted suicide. Surveys show that a majority of North Dakotans are pro-life. Perhaps most Montanans are as well. The difference between North Dakota and Montana is that abortion advocates were allowed to use the courts to block common-sense, pro-life laws to protect unborn children, the sick and dying and women’s health and safety. These laws are part of the social fabric which builds the culture of life in North Dakota. They are part of what makes North Dakota such a great place to live. Let’s stop outside interest groups from destroying what North Dakotans have created. Let’s pass Measure 1 this November. Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. The NDCC acts on behalf of the Catholic bishops of North Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic social doctrine. The conference website is

The gift that gives back


magine making a gift to your parAccording to the gift annuity rates ish, and then opening the mail a few recommended by the American Counmonths later and finding a check cil on Gift Annuities, Mrs. Smith’s age from your church made out to you. entitles her to receive a quarterly check in the amount of $375.00. This repIf you didn’t know better, you might resents an annual annuity rate of six call your church and say, “Hey, what’s percent. Payments will be made for going on here? I gave you people some Mrs. Smith’s entire lifetime. money a while ago and now you’re givIn addition to receiving money back to me. ing regular fixed payWhat’s wrong? Did my ments (partially taxgift bounce?” free), Mrs. Smith will You wouldn’t call your also receive an income church if you had in tax charitable deducyour possession a signed tion. agreement with the Additionally, since Catholic Development Mrs. Smith lives in Foundation entitling North Dakota, she will you to a specific amount qualify for a 40 percent of money every year for state income tax credit. the rest of your life. This How does Mrs. Smith’s agreement is called a church benefit from this Charitable Gift Annuity, arrangement? The Cathand it is one of the most olic Development Founpopular ways to support dation takes the $25,000 the ministries in our parand invests it in a special ishes throughout the diSteve Schons annuity fund, expecting ocese. not only to have enough Here’s how it works. to make the quarterly payments to Mrs. Mrs. Smith is 76 years old. After reSmith, but also to have enough left over viewing the information provided by after Mrs. Smith is gone to benefit her the Catholic Development Foundation parish. and consulting with her advisor, she


writes a check for $25,000 and informs the Catholic Development Foundation that she wants the donation to support her Catholic church. Mrs. Smith also requests that she wants the gift annuity payments to come to her on a quarterly basis.

Gift annuities’ popularity The Catholic Development Foundation has been issuing gift annuities for many years, as have thousands of other charities throughout the country. It is a wonderful way to benefit those who

For information about Charitable Gift Annuities: (Please complete and return this reply form.) Catholic Development Foundation:  Please send me free information about Charitable Gift Annuities  Please contact me about a personal visit. The best time to call me is:__________.  I have provided for my church or other Catholic cause in my will or other estate-planning document.  Please send me information about the Diocese of Fargo Legacy Society. Name____________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________________________ State___________ Zip:____________ Phone:________________________________ Mail this form to: Catholic Development Foundation, Attn: Steve Schons, 5201 Bishops Blvd, Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104 support these charities, as well as set funds aside for future use. Gift annuities can be obtained for the donor or by the donor for someone else. They can run for one-life or for two-lives. They can be funded for any amount over $5,000 with cash or stocks. Payments can begin soon after the gift is made or years later. It’s all up to the donor. To learn more about the gift annui-

ty program at the Catholic Development Foundation, complete and mail the form included in this issue. Or, call me at (701) 356-7926. I would be more than happy to answer questions. Also, you may obtain information at www. Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Fargo and can be reached at steve.schons@ or (701) 356-7926.

14 n September 2014


How do I pray?

By Monsignor Gregory J. Schlesselmann Editor’s Note: If you have a question about the Catholic faith and would like to submit it for consideration in a future column, please send to news@ with “Ask a Priest” in the subject line or mail to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Fargo, ND 58104, Attn: New Earth — Ask a Priest


ne of the most important questions we can ask as disciples of Christ is how does one pray. Since the Lord Jesus commanded us

to pray always (Lk 18:1), taught us the Our Father (Mt 6:9-13) and gave us the example of his own prayer (Mk 1:35, Lk 5:16) in the Gospel narratives, we sense the recurring need to know how to pray well, and rightly so. We can be greatly encouraged by recalling the profound truth that prayer is a personal relationship with the Triune God (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2558) and the free gift of his love for us. While this relationship is rooted deeply in mystery, we can still grow by practicing the most common way of living any relationship: dialogue. Dialogue with God is something always available to us for he is not only all around us but profoundly within us at every moment of our lives. Thus, the most basic form of prayer is to enter into a conversation with God no matter where we are, telling him what we are thinking or feeling, what we long for or what we might be suffering, thanking and praising him for his goodness to us and then listening for his loving response as he tells us what he thinks and desires for us. But, are such fleeting moments of prayer throughout the day enough?

How to start We sense that to live this relationship in a deeper way will mean committing ourselves to giving dedicated time to pursue this dialogue with God. First of all, it helps to have a proper

“. . . the most basic form of prayer is to enter

into a conversation with God no matter where we are, telling him what we are thinking or feeling, what we long for or what we might be suffering, thanking and praising him. . . Monsignor Gregory J. Schlesselmann setting. We need to find a time and a place in our normal schedule when we can be alone, silent and still. We need the solitude so as to be present wholeheartedly to God. Silence enables us to listen both to God and to our own mysterious hearts more genuinely. Stillness frees us from the illusion that prayer is something we do rather than a way of being with the one who loves us more than we can imagine. Does not the psalmist say “be still and know that I am God” (Ps 46:10)? Secondly, once we are settled into this setting, we can simply acknowledge the presence of God with and within us, receive the loving gaze of our heavenly Father and praise and thank him for this gift of prayer. Since every relationship with God is unique, this time of prayer can be lived in a variety of ways: simple dialogue, contemplative listening to his Sacred Word (like the traditional Lectio Divina) or any one of the many forms of prayer the church’s tradition offers to us. What is important is that we give

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time in an intentional way to the most important relationship of our lives.

Count on the Spirit Finally, we should never get discouraged by difficulties encountered along the way, but rather we should humbly accept the reality that we do not know how to pray as we ought and that the Holy Spirit always comes to our aid (cf. Rom. 8:26). We are beloved sons and daughters of the Lord; he sees the good intentions of our hearts and blesses our efforts to grow in our friendship with him. As baptized children of God, we pray in the name of Jesus and in union with his prayer, so we can be assured that grace will abound in our lives and our intimacy with the Trinity deepen for the good of all. Monsignor Gregory J. Schlesselmann serves as director of the permanent diaconate program for the Fargo Diocese.

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September 2014 n 15

‘Lord, how good it is that we are here’ Annual seminarian gathering renews, offers time for unity and celebration By Aliceyn Magelky

Each summer, Fargo Diocese seminarians gather to connect and deepen relationships with each other during their annual summer gathering. This four-day retreat, held this year in Harvey, was packed with prayer, fellowship and a little bit of hard work with the goal of bringing renewed focus and fraternity to these young men. “Although most seminarians gather for the Collar Classic or ordinations, this event is the one time they are definitely together,” said Father Kurtis Gunwall, vocations director for the Diocese of Fargo. “We use this time for encouraging them to be invested and to recognize they have support.” Deacon William Slattery, Theology IV student at North American College in Rome, agreed saying, “We use this time to grow in vocation. It demonstrates the unity we have in our vocations. We share failures and successes.” “During sessions and visits, guys have said this is the most enjoyable part of formation,” Father Gunwall continued, “to which the deacons replied with New Earth photo ‘No, it’s getting ordained.’ ” Diocese of Fargo seminarians gathered for a photo after the last Mass celebrated during the 2014 Seminarian Gathering in Harvey on Aug. 9. Each Additionally, the week-long event year, the men come together for fellowship, prayer and to celebrate the next step towards priestly ordination. This year, four seminarians received the often concludes with the celebration ministry of acolyte, three received the ministry of lector and one was admitted for candidacy. of several seminarians receiving a new ministry or moving another step closer ed with caring for the altar and distribtions, but they are acts of faith,” urged allows the seminarian to publicly and to ordination of Holy Orders. This year uting the Eucharist. Receiving the minBishop John Folda during the installaformally declare his desire to receive was no exception. istry of acolyte is the last step before tion Mass. “Any atheist can read the BiHoly Orders, and for his bishop to forFour seminarians received the minbeing ordained a transitional deacon. ble to a crowd of people or hand out the mally accept and support the aspiring istry of acolyte and three received the Installed lectors include: Scott KarEucharists. It takes no great skill or inpriest’s intentions. ministry of lector during the Rite of nick, Grafton; JT (James) Kennelly, Fartelligence, but, to do so with faith, that Institution of Lectors and Acolytes celego; and Jayson Miller, Lawton. As lecis the challenge.” brated Aug. 9. tors, these seminarians will proclaim Also, one seminarian, Zach Howick Photos from the Rite of Admission to the Gospels during liturgies. of Grand Forks, was accepted as a theoInstalled acolytes include: Robert Candidacy, Rite of Installation of Lector “I ask you, my brothers, to take to logian candidate for the Diocese of Keller and Paul Kuhn, Harvey; Patrick and Acolyte and activities from the week heart the ministries you receive today. Fargo during the Rite of Admission to Parks, Coon Rapids, Minn. and Steve can be found at Realize that these are not mere funcCandidacy conducted Aug. 8. This rite Wirth, Munich. These men are entrustnews-events.

New seminarian poster

During the month of August, Fargo Diocese seminarians prepare for and travel to their respective seminaries. In lieu of the “Seminarian Life” column, we present the new seminarian poster listing each current seminarian. Please keep them in your prayers.

16 n September 2014


Thank You Sponsors!

By Father Luke Meyer

Thank you for all who sponsored the seventh annual Putt 4 a Purpose golf scramble held Aug. 4 at the Rosecreek Golf Club in Fargo.

106 people participated with $13,000 raised to benefit seminarian education and youth programs throughout the Diocese of Fargo.

A review of Catholic books and literature

Social media guru Vogt links ‘Saints and Social Justice’

Eagle Sponsors

“Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World,” by Brandon Vogt. Our Sunday Visitor (June 20, 2014). 192 pages. By Father Luke Meyer



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hat’s not fair!” We hear the echoes of this basic instinct for justice expressed by all ages, from the local café to the school playground. Indeed, both original sin and personal sin are real; something has gone wrong with the world from the very beginning. It’s not hard to notice, whether it be personal relationships or social structures, and everything in between. Drawing from the grace of the cross and resurrection of Jesus, the church is intent on being an instrument of justice in the world, setting aright what has gone wrong. However, we often wonder, can I really make a difference? What exactly should I do to make a difference? As a community of faith, the Catholic Church not only has thought seriously about how we spend our efforts to change the world, but also has a collective experience spanning diverse cultures and eras of history. This common and intentional reflection on how faith impacts society is more popularly known as Catholic social thought, which Pope Francis has effectively highlighted in his Petrine ministry. It can be daunting to even begin to digest the mountains of official writings on Catholic social thought, filled with lofty terms such as solidarity and subsidarity.

Engaging biography Therefore Brandon Vogt, the 28-yearold father of four, who has become a pioneer in the church’s evangelization efforts with the Internet and social media, has done us all a real favor in

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Father Meyer serves the Diocese of Fargo as Chancellor and Director of Liturgy.

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providing us with an engaging and informative read in his recent release of Saints and Social Justice. Crafted as he taught a series on the subject in a parish, the style is accessible. Instead of pages of careful distinctions and heady discussion, he offers the reader one of the more engaging forms of writing: biography. Using the lives of the saints as an entry point into Catholic social thought is a brilliant way to teach the subject. The lives of the saints are both tangible and credible, because they were real people with specific vocations and challenges. We can easily identify with them, and see in them what we hope to be. Reflecting on the lives of the saints not only offers us encouragement that we too can make a difference, but also provides a practical road map as a pattern to imitate as we strive to do so. In total, 14 saints are treated, divided into groups of two according to seven classic principles of Catholic social thought, from the life and dignity of the human person, to the dignity of work and option for the poor and vulnerable. Vogt chronicles simple, but inspiring stories. Vogt also peppers the text with informative sidebars, with quotes from Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and even the early fathers of the church. “Saints and Social Justice” reminds us again just how much of an impact a single life can make. This book demonstrates that we are not just passive observers and commentators of history, but called to be co-authors as well. While the challenges of contemporary society are great, with God, we too can desire to be saints, and change the world.

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N 14ewn Earth September 2014

Knights of Columbus announce yearlong program, ‘Family Fully Alive’ By Kristina Lahr

Target: Stronger families

The 132nd Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention took place this year in Orlando, Fla. Aug. 5-7. Nearly 90 archbishops and bishops and many clergy joined approximately 2,000 Knights and family members for the convention. The convention is the largest annual gathering of Catholic bishops in America outside of the annual U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops meetings. Those attending the convention from the Fargo Diocese were Bishop John Folda, Father James Meyer, pastor of Holy Cross in West Fargo; Father Chad Wilhelm, pastor of St. Joseph’s in Devils Lake; Larry Lewandowski, Valerie Bohlig, Brent and Sandee Mikkelson, and George and Paulette Lacher. Convention keynote speaker Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, archbishop of Quebec, said that the convention’s theme this year (“ You Will All Be Brothers: Our Vocation to Fraternity”), Cardinal Lacroix “sends us out into the world that needs to see this love in action through our daily lives, in every family, neighborhood, parish, council and assembly.”

Reaching every family is what Supreme Knight Carl Anderson hopes to do as he presented the new program for families that the Knights are presenting in October called “Building the Domestic Church: The Family Fully Alive.” The program seeks to develop strong Catholic families through a month-bymonth guide. The purpose of the initiative is to strengthen families to be authentic domestic churches through daily prayer, Scripture reading and volunteer projects they can do as a family. Anderson explained that chaplains will be instrumental in promoting the program within state and local councils. The program will not only prepare families for the 8th World Meeting of Families, but it will provide ongoing formation for families in the years to come.

Based on papal teaching Archbishop Lori of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus said the program is based on the pastoral teaching of St. John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. “It is our job to open up this rich body of wisdom and bring it to the parish level, making it accessible to the average family,” Archbishop Lori said. The yearlong program is set to begin in October.

September 2014 Newn Earth 17

Sister Kathleen Atkinson to receive 2014 Caritas Award from Catholic Charities North Dakota By Colleen Hardy Catholic Charities North Dakota

Catholic Charities North Dakota is pleased to announce Sister Kathleen Atkinson, OSB, as the 2014 Caritas Award Recipient. Sister Kathleen, a Benedictine of Annunciation Monastery in Bismarck, is the founder of Ministry on the Margins in Bismarck which was formed to support men and women who fall through the cracks during transitional times, especially for those re-entering into the community from prison or who are homeless. The organization recently opened food banks in downtown Bismarck and Wilton and has helped the Fort Yates Food Bank keep its doors open to those in need. This award, given annually in recognition of those exemplifying faith, hope and love to the least of God’s people, will be presented to Sister Kathleen at the annual celebration luncheon commemorating the 90th anniversary of Catholic Charities North Dakota on Wednesday, Oct. 8, at the Fargo Holiday Inn Sister Kathleen from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Special guest speaker for the event will Atkinson, OSB be Bishop John Folda of Fargo. All are invited to attend. Advanced tickets are required. Tickets are $25 until Sept. 19 and $30 after that date. Tickets can be purchased at or by calling (701) 235-4457.

A glimpse of the past These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in issues of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, New Earth, and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.

September 50 years ago — 1964 On Sunday, Sept. 6, Father James Jeffrey was the honored guest at a farewell party given at St. John’s parish, Grafton. The party was attended by hundreds of parishioners, including many migrant workers still in the Grafton area. About 50 priests were there. Father Jeffrey has joined The Society of St. James the Apostle and has volunteered for five years of missionary service in South America. He left Grafton on Sept. 10 and will arrive in Lima, Peru on Sept. 15. (Reprinted from page one in the September 1964 issue of Catholic Action News)

20 years ago — 1994 Almost 100 pilgrims gathered at Cardinal Muench Seminary in Fargo to remember, renew and celebrate the message and experiences of World Youth Day 1993. The Denver gathering with Pope John Paul II united almost 600 pilgrims from the Diocese of Fargo on their eventful trip of faith. Jill Mayer, coordinator for the reunion said the pilgrimage to Denver was unique and life-changing for many and required a proper closure. (Reprinted from page eight in the September 1994 issue of New Earth)

10 Years ago — 2004

Phone: 701-282-4400 •

The Fellowship of Catholic University Students has returned to North Dakota. FOCUS, established in 1997, was founded to help students become familiar with Jesus Christ. The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, was the first university in the state to have a FOCUS team. This is the first year for FOCUS at North Dakota State University, Fargo. Although each university’s FOCUS requires different goals, each team strives to teach students how to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. (Reprinted from page 14 in the October 2004 issue of New Earth. Editor’s Note: Although this article indicates a return of the FOCUS missionaries to North Dakota, the program had been established on the campus of University of North Dakota in Grand Forks in 2003 with North Dakota State University, Fargo, following suit in 2004. Both campuses continue to receive the benefit of FOCUS missionaries.)

Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, in­­cluding sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian, or an employee of a Cath­ olic school, parish, the dioce-

san offices or other Catholic entity with­in the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Msgr. Joseph P. Goering at (701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or VictimAssistance@ For additional information about victim assistance, visit www.fargo

WE’LL help YOU get the word out To list a parish, school or organization activity that would be of interest to people in the Fargo Diocese, go to

18 n September 2014


Events around the diocese For more news and events, visit the “News and Events” section of the diocesan website:

Listing of fall dinners and festivals across the diocese

Ignatian Retreat Orientation: Presentation Prayer Center, Fargo. Sept. 16 (Tuesday). Call Sister Andrea at (701) 237-4857, ext 211 for more information

Fall events are great opportunities to connect with your parish community. The following are a listing of fall dinners and festivals, by town, submitted to New Earth by the print deadline.

Friends of Chimbote Fall Gala Celebration: Holiday Inn, Fargo. Sept. 18 (Thursday). Call Friends of Chimbote office at (701) 364-0162 or visit www.friendsof for more information. Life in the Spirit Retreat: St. Michael’s Church, Grand Forks. Sept. 19-21 (Friday-Sunday). Contact Katie Dubas at (701) 356-7908 or visit www.fargo Deadline to register is Sept. 15 Friends of the Poor Walk/Run: Davy Memorial Park, Moorhead, Minn. Sept. 20 (Saturday). Call (701) 212-0392, email or visit www.svdp for more information. 40 Days for Life North Dakota: Abortion Facility, 512 1st Ave N, Fargo. Sept. 24 (Wednesday). Contact Pregnancy Help Center at (701) 284-6601 or visit www. for more information. Real Presence Radio 2014 Pilgrimage: Holy Family Shrine in Gretna, Neb. and the House of Mary Shrine in Yankton, S.D., Sept. 25-27 (Thursday-Saturday). Contact Stacey at (877) 795-0122 or for more information. THIRST 2014 Men’s Conference: University of Mary, Bismarck. Sept. 27 (Saturday) 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Contact Matthew Kurtz of the Diocese of Bismarck at (701) 222-3035 for more information. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: Hankinson. Oct. 3-5 (Friday-Sunday). Call Ruth Ruch at (701) 219-3941 for more information. Walk with Christ for Life: Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. Oct 5 (Sunday) 12 - 3 p.m. Call Rachelle Sauvageau at (701) 3567910 for more information. Catholic Charities of N.D. Annual Celebration luncheon with Sister Kathleen Atkinson: Holiday Inn, Fargo. Oct. 8 (Wednesday) 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Call (701) 235-4457 for more information.

Dazey: Fall supper. St. Mary’s Church. Oct. 5. 4 - 7 p.m. Adults $12, students $5 and preschool $2. Contact Father Ejike at (701) 435-2310.

For more news and events, visit the “News and Events” section of the diocesan website: news-events Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend: Jamestown. Oct. 10-12 (Friday-Sunday). Contact Mark and Mary Jantzer at (701) 852-6291 or Working and Praying for a Culture of Life in ND: Basilica of St. James, Jamestown. Oct. 13 (Monday) 7 p.m. Contact Rachelle Sauvageau at (701) 356-7910 for more information. Fundraiser brunch with Roxane Beauclair Salonen: Holiday Inn, Fargo. Oct. 16 (Thursday) 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Call (701) 237-4857, ext 211 for more information. National Catholic Conference for Youth Ministers: San Antonio, Texas, Dec. 3-8 (Wednesday-Monday). Call Kathy Loney at (701) 256-7902 for more information. 5-Day Pilgrimage to Mexico: Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine and other notable sites. Dec. 9-14 (Tuesday-Sunday). Call Nancy Orthman at (701) 845-6271 or for more information. To submit events for New Earth and the diocesan website, send information to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or email news@ The deadline for the October New Earth is Sept. 24. The earliest that issue will reach homes is Oct 11.

Ellendale: Fall dinner and raffle. St. Helena’s Church. Sept. 28. 11 a.m.2 p.m. Family $35. Adults $10, ages 6-12 $5, ages 5 and under free. Contact Father Kizito at (701) 349-3297. Fargo: Annual fall bazaar. St. Anthony of Padua Church. Sept. 28. 10 a.m.4 p.m. Adults $9, ages 5-12 $6, ages 4 and under free. Contact Beth Fedje at (701) 237-6063. Fargo: Fall festival. Sts. Anne and Joachim Church. Oct. 4. 6-10 p.m. and Oct. 5. 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Adults $10, children $5. Contact Karla Schell at (701) 235-1514. Fingal: Turkey dinner. Holy Trinity Church. Sept. 14. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Adults $9, children $5. Contact Helen Carpenter at (701) 924-8303. Grand Forks: Old fashioned chicken and meatball dinner. St. Mary’s Church. Sept. 28. 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Adults $10, ages 5-12 $5, ages 4 and under free. Contact Mary Thompson at (701) 772-6947. Horace: Fall dinner. St. Benedict’s Church. Sept. 21. 11 a.m-2 p.m. Adults $9, ages 5-11 $6, children 4 and under free. Contact Maria Saville at (701) 588-4319.

Hunter: Turkey dinner. St. Agnes Church. Oct. 12. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Adults $10, ages 5-12 $5 and ages 4 and under free. Contact Lois Ewertz at (701) 238-4380. Langdon: Turkey and ham supper. St. Alphonsus Altar Society. Oct. 12. 4-7 p.m. Contact Holly Lyons at (701) 256-3717. Medina: Turkey and ham dinner. St. Mary’s Church. Sept. 21. 11 a.m.1:30 p.m. Adults $10, ages 5-12 $5, children 4 and under free. Contact Elly Rau at (701) 486-3414. Velva: Swiss steak fall supper. St. Cecilia’s Church. Sept. 28. 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Adults $9. Contact Father Sharpe at (701) 338-2663. Verona: Chicken and ham dinner. Verona Community Center. Oct. 12. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Family $25, adults $9, ages 5-12 $4, ages 4 and under free. Contact Father Okafor at (701) 2846165. For more information about these events, please contact the parish or visit

For more stories and information visit:

N 14ewn Earth September 2014

September 2014 Newn Earth 19

Birthdays and Anniversaries


Sisters Antonine Foy and Mary Beauclair celebrate jubilees

Walk with Christ for Life to be held Oct. 5 on Respect Life Sunday

By Sister Katherine Fennell

Bishop John Folda invites all to join him in the annual Eucharistic procession, Walk with Christ for Life, on Respect Life Sunday held Oct. 5. The day’s events begin with Mass at noon at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. Mass will be followed by a prayerful, peaceful Eucharistic procession to the state’s only abortion facility. A short prayer service will be held outside the abortion facility, and then those gathered will return to the Cathedral for Benediction. A lunch will be served by the Cardinal Muench Council Knights of Columbus in the church social hall after Benediction. The event is sponsored by the Diocese of Fargo Respect Life Office. For more information, call Rachelle Sauvageau at (701) 356-7910.

On Aug. 15, the Sisters of the Presentation in Fargo gathered to celebrate the anniversaries to religious profession of Sister Antonine Foy and Sister Mary Beauclair.

Sister Antonine

Sister Mary

As a fitting introduction to his homily, Father Leo Stelten shared “the spark of God’s love and concern for others kindled in the hearts and souls of these sisters at a young age became a reality when Catherine Foy and Mary Beauclair came to the Altar of God and professed vows as daughters of the Venerable Nano Nagle, foundress of the Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” Sister Antonine, who celebrated her 70th anniversary, spent 35 years teaching at Shanley High School in Fargo. During those years, she held various offices of the congregation as bursar including: council member, administrative secretary and two terms as superior of the congregation. Later she worked in healthcare facilities as a receptionist. Sister Mary Beauclair, who marked her 60th anniversary, began her ministry caring for children at Villa Nazareth, formerly St. John’s Orphanage, in Fargo. Following that, Sister Mary became a licensed practical nurse. Today, Sister Mary works with residents at Riverview Place, Fargo.

Vandrovec celebrates 100th birthday On Sept. 2, Irene Vandrovec turned 100. To celebrate, an open house was held at The Legacy Place in Valley City. The celebration was hosted by her children: Eugene (Alicia), Robert (Marlys), Michael Irene Vandrovec (Kathy), Jane (Tim) Kelley, Linda (Bob) Retterath, Neil (Jill), Ann, and Bev (the late Ronald) Vandrovec, as well as several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Irene is a member of St. Catherine’s Church, Valley City.

Share life’s milestones As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years to: New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or news@

40 Days for Life kicks off in N.D. on Sept. 24

Submitted photo

Sister Mary Pieta professes vows as a Sister of Life Sister Mary Pieta, 29, professed her first vows as a Sister of Life on Aug. 6. She was raised in Fargo and attended Sts. Anne and Joachim parish. Sister Mary Pieta earned a bachelor’s degree in speech, language and hearing science at Minnesota State University-Moorhead. Prior to entering the Sisters of Life, she served as a FOCUS missionary, sharing the Catholic faith with college students. Sister Mary Pieta is the daughter of Patrick and Brenda Breen, parishioners of St. Anne and Joachim. She has six siblings: Jim (and wife Laura), Aaron (and wife Sarah), Josie, Sam, Madeline and Miriam.

Metzgers celebrate 65 years of marriage Ray and Lorraine Metzger celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary Aug. 19. They were married at St. Joseph’s Church in Devils Lake by Father Adam Hunkler. Later, they were members of Nativity Church in Fargo for 25 years. They have five children, 13 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. The couple now lives in Byron, Minn.

Sister Michaeleen retires; excerpts of her farewell By Sister Michaeleen Jantzer, OSB

. . . My first ministry in the Fargo Diocese was for a summer session in 1968 as a chaplain at St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center in Grand Forks. Afterwards, I returned to the Diocese of Sioux Falls to teach. I returned to the Fargo Diocese in 1980. I have had the opportunity to minister as a chaplain at St. Paul’s Newman Center in Fargo, which included teaching religion classes at North Dakota State University. Since 1986, I have been a pastoral minister at St. James Basilica. . . . I hope to return in November to help celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Fargo originating in Jamestown and the 100th anniversary year of the current Sister Michaeleen building. My responsibilities in Jamestown have included the parishes in Fried, Buchanan, Pingree and Windsor as well as being a chaplain at the University of Jamestown. I am deeply grateful to the bishops, priests, deacons and other religious and all the people of the Fargo Diocese. Ministering in the Diocese of Fargo for the past 34 years has been a special blessing in my life. . . . My address and phone numbers will be: Sister Michaeleen Jantzer, OSB 110 28th Ave SE #310 Watertown, SD 57201 Home # (605) 882-6660; Cell # (605) 956-1696

Mark your calendars for the start of North Dakota’s 40 Days for Life campaign. The faithful of the Diocese of Fargo are encouraged to participate in this campaign scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 24 — Nov. 2. Forty days of continuous prayer to end abortion will begin with a prayer service at 7 p.m. on Sept. 24 in front of North Dakota’s abortion facility, which is located at 512, 1st Ave. N. in Fargo. The 40 Days for Life campaign is a three-fold effort of prayer, fasting and vigilance that is conducted across the nation in all 50 states and around the world. Individuals may sign-up to take an hour vigilance at the state’s only abortion facility in Fargo by contacting the Pregnancy Help Center at (701) 2846601 or To learn more about the 40 Days for Life campaign visit www.40daysforlifend. com.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat to be held Oct. 3-5 A word from Pope John Paul II to those suffering because of abortion: “Do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. . . . The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.” If you or someone you know has suffered from the physical, emotional and spiritual effects of a past abortion, there is hope for healing. Rachel’s Vineyard offers a safe, non-judgmental and confidential weekend retreat for anyone: women, men, grandparents and siblings who struggle with the feelings of loss that can accompany an abortion experience. The weekend begins on a Friday night and concludes on Sunday afternoon. A Rachel’s Vineyard retreat is scheduled for Oct. 3-5 in Hankinson. For more information or to register, contact Ruth Ruch at (701) 219-3941 or All calls are confidential.

20 n September 2014


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