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• For carpooling purposes, you may request to play with two other individuals These two individuals must also request to play with you, register for the same level and list the same school This procedure only applies to registrations received by the registration deadline.
• A typical schedule is each team playing two games a week
• No practices will be scheduled except for the first week of the league
• Ideally, a maximum amount of players placed on a roster is 12 Exceptions may occur based on the situation
LEAGUES: Leagues are offered for boys and girls ages 5-9 Leagues are set up to allow youth to play with children their same age/grade level (Girls and Boys play together in all levels) Emails are sent out a week before the program starts. Email includes information about what team your child is on. Girls interested in fastpitch softball should contact their high school softball coaches.
Fargo Youth Baseball offers programs for ages 5 and older.
FargoYouthBaseball.com for
League schedules, rosters and rules are available online the week prior to leagues starting: FargoParks.com
Evening Programming
The Fargo Park District is no longer offering an evening program for 5-6 year olds This program is offered through Fargo Youth Baseball Go to FargoYouthBaseball com to learn more
Due to the size of this program, we need many volunteer coaches. Typically parents are the volunteer coaches for this program.
Volunteer coaches do not have to be baseball experts. The volunteer coach’s primary role is to be a positive role model and help the players to have a fun, positive experience. To become a volunteer coach, please specify on your child’s registration form.
Asa Umpires
Individuals interested in umpiring NDASA Softball (slow pitch, fast pitch or coed) are required to attend an NDASA Clinic. (Team captains are also encouraged to attend.) Contact your local ASA Umpire representative(s) for umpire clinic dates and times. For umpire information, call Chris Coleman 430-0391, Koby Dennick 361-0523 or Randi Litchy at 499-6089.