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Malaysia is a signatory to the ASEAN Declaration on Environmental Sustainability which, inter alia, declared to “promote conservation
and sustainable management of key ecosystems, including forests, coastal and marine habitats and to increase the cumulative forest cover in the ASEAN region by at least 10 million hectares by 2020” .
Source: https://asean.org/?static_post=asean-declaration-on-environmental-sustainability
“Asia’s growth is tremendously dirty, polluting, damaging and carbon intensive. ” Sachs said the situation is no different in Malaysia that while on the path of development, it is not developing sustainably. He added that Malaysia has remarkable bio and cultural diversity, but they are not being adequately protected. (Jeffrey D. Sachs, 2012)
Penang was originally founded by Captain Francis Light when he took possession of the land on behalf of East Indian Trading Company on year 1786.
In the year of 2008, Penang has listed as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.
According to UNESCO, the awarded are based on ;
"The protective measures for the properties are adequate. Both towns exhibit a generally acceptable state of conservation, although efforts are required to ensure the conservation of shophouses. The management plans and structures are adequate, and can be enhanced through the continuing conservation programs of the State Party. "