ICP 824
ICP 824
CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………………………………… 4 1.0 ASSIGNMENT BRIEF……………………………………………………………………………
2.0 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………….
3.0 Contract Administrator’s Instructions………………………………………………
What are the method of contract administration’s instruction?
ii. What If Architect's Issued Drawings / Details Without An AI?
iii. Are oral or verbal instructions counted as instruction?
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 5.0 vs PAM 2018 cl. 2.0……………
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 5.1 vs PAM 2018 cl. 2.2a………..…
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.2 vs PAM 2018 cl. 2.2a…………..
iv. What is the period to comply with the instructions by Contractor? 9 v.
- PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.3 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 2.4……………..
What happen if contractor fail to comply accordance to 9-10
stipulated time or minimum 7 days after issuance of such instructions?
- PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.3 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 2.4……………..
vi. If there is no more money due? -
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.4 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 2.4 & 30.4…
vii. If the instruction given is variations and there is a dispute, it is 10 fair to the Contractor if the Works is already done? Common
practice administrator may set a Disclaimer “This Instruction
Does Not Incurr Any Cost and Time Impact” upon issuing to Contractor………………………………………………………………………………..
viii. Is contractor’s responsibility to go ahead with work even though 10 dispute in the instruction?…………………………………………………………
4.0 Contractor’s General Obligations………………………………………………………. i.
Contractor to complete the Works in accordance to the Contract 11 Documents -
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 10.0 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 1.1…………
ii. Temporary works and construction method
iii. Design works and responsibility by Contractor
PAM 2018 cl. 1.2…………………………………………………………………
- PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 22.0 and 10.0(d) vs PAM 2018 cl. 1.3
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iv. Contractor to plan the works and have a good management 13-14 practise
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 10.0(b) vs PAM 2018 1.4………….
PAM Form cl. 1.4 Discrepancies between documents ………………….
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 10.0 (e) - 10.0 (k)………………………
5.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………..
vi. Other obligations of contractor -
ICP 824
First of all, Praised to Allah S.W.T for giving me the opportunity to complete the
task that is given to me within the time. Special thanks to Associate Prof. Sr. Ts. Dr. Zulhabri Ismail for his guidance and knowledge regarding this subject of ICP 824 Construction Procurement and Contracts.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my class member of ICPM 2020 for
their kind encouragement in sharing knowledge in completion on of this tutorial.
Last but not least, I would like to express my special gratitude towards my
spouse and son for always understanding and giving me such attention and time whenever I need. Thank you.
ICP 824
ICP 824
“It is not the beauty of a building you should look at, it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.” – David Allen Coe1
All construction work is done within a contract except that done by a person for himself. Contract is a means of action in business and industry and most other
human affairs (Ho, 2010 as cited in Coiller, 2001)2. A construction contract is an agreement between an employer (sometimes referred to as the client) and a
contractor to construct, repair, modify, renovate or even demolish something in an agreed time frame, for an agreed price and to agreed standards (Bowsman,
2016)3. Subsequently, standard forms are normally a recognised by both parties
which are printed and published by an authoritative body of the industry . These forms set out the terms or conditions on which the contracts between the parties are to be carried out. It is also noted that these terms or conditions are deemed to be agreed and are not subject to further negotiation and/or
amendment. Standard forms are generally suitable for a wide range of common projects or works (Singh, 2004)4.
Example of standard forms of construction contract that are commonly used in major building works in Malaysia are PWD Form , CIDB Form for Building
Contracts, Agreement and Conditions of PAM Contract , FIDIC forms, and IEM
forms of contract. Further, all this well-known form frequently been adapted by developer to suit their needs of project that evolved into modified forms. Other
than standard form of construction contract, there are a modified version of standard forms of construction contract, model forms, ad-hoc forms which due to situation happened during construction or not planned
bespoke forms which special made or according to the needs of individual
projects are amongst types of form of construction contracts available in the industry (Zulhabri , 2020)5. 1
David Allan Coe Quotes. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from BrainyQuote.com Web site: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/david_allan_coe_204305 2 Ho Chun Han , 2010, Standard Form Of Construction Contract: A Study Of The Application Of Fèdèration Internationale Des Ingènieurs- Conseils (Fidic) In Malaysia 3 Bowsman (2016). A guide to construction contracts, Retrieved June 15, 2020, Web site:https://www.bowmanslaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Guide-Construction-Contracts.pdf 4 Singh KS, H. (2004) Malaysian Law Journal Sdn.Bhd. 5 Zulhabri Ismail, Major Standard Forms Of Construction Contracts, June 5, 2020, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Survey
ICP 824
“Administrating the contracting is like acting in a movie, you are the hero,
you run the show”
- Ar. Ahmad Ridha6.
In construction contract, to ensure that both parties; Employer and Contractor
are compliance with the terms of contract, common laws principles and the statutory provisions, there shall be an administrator, which is called contract administrator. Having said that, construction contracts generally give the contract administrator the authority to issue instructions to the contractor (Designing Buildings,2020)7.
This study will focus on analysing and discussing the conditions and clauses (cl.) related to contract administrator’s instructions and contractor’s obligation in
PWD Standard Form of Contract PWD203A (REV 1/2010) (PWD Form) as
mentioned in Cl. 5.0 S.O Instructions and Cl. 10.0 Obligations of The Contractor whereas in Agreement and Conditions in PAM Form 2018 (with quantities)
( PAM Form), the authority to give instructions to Contractor specifically
empower architect to as mentioned in Cl. 2.0 Architect’s Instructions (‘AI’) and
Cl. 1.0 Contractor’s Obligations. The format of this study is by giving questions and answers in further discussing the clauses. 3.0 Contract Administrator’s Instruction
According to Cambridge dictionary (2020)8 , instructions in business is defined as written advice and information about how to do or use something. These
instructions in construction contract is known as ‘contract administrator’s instructions’ ( CAI’s ). Some other examples of CAI’s name which commonly use in the standard form are ‘Architect’s Instructions’ (AI's) , Superintending Officer’s
instructions (E.R’s instruction). i.
What are the method of contract administration’s instruction?
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.2 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 2.1 and 2.2 6
Ahmad Ridha, 2017, Analyzing The PAM Contract, BeAR Class of 2017, Part III Architectural exam class Designing Buildings Wiki ‘Architect's instruction’ 2020 <https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Architect%27s_ instruction#:~:text=Construction%20contracts%20generally%20give%20the,architect's%20instructions'%20(AI's)> accessed 6 June 2020. 8 Cambridge dictionary, accessed on June 6, 2020 https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/instruction 7
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In PAM Form, Architect’s Instructions (‘AI’) is one of the medium of communication between two parties besides contractor’s engaging site agent
( Cl. 10) as the contractor authorized site representative, issuing certificates and
payment (Cl 30) and issuing notices ( Cl. 38). The AI issued must be expressly
empowered by the condition of contract and must be in writing as mention in Cl. 2.1 and 2.2 and the Contractor shall forthwith comply with all instructions. Having said that, PAM Form CL. 2.2 expressed clearly that written instruction must in the proforma that is clearly entitled the “Architect’s Instruction” in the writing. Emails, site meeting minutes recorded by the architect, letters, issuance
of drawing and specifications recorded in transmittal must be accompanied by
the proforma to have the force of an AI under Cl. 2.2. ( Sundra Rajoo, 2010)9. In contrast with PWD form, any written issuance is acceptable as S.0 instruction as
long as it is issued by S.O as stated in cl. 5.2 without any specific proforma but shall be in writing.
ii. What If Architect's Issued Drawings / Details Without An AI? PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 5.1 vs PAM 2018 cl. 2.2a PAM Form Cl. 2.2a contractor must upon receiving drawings or other form of written instruction, must confirm by issuing confirmation of architect
instruction. This to avoid any dispute in later stage especially when variation of
time and cost. But in PWD form, the S.O instruction is counted without any specific form mentioned in the Cl. 5.1. S.O from time to time may issue further
drawings, details, and / or written instruction that collectively referred as S.O instructions.
iii. Are oral or verbal instructions counted as instruction? PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.2 vs PAM 2018 cl. 2.2a Architect instruction in PAM Form is not accepting any oral instruction. In
contrast with PWD Form, if instruction is given orally by the S.O., i.e during site meeting, and captured in the minutes of meeting, it is consider as a record for
the said instruction. In addition to that, the S.O shall issue written instruction
within 7 days after giving the oral instruction or confirmation of the instruction within 7 days by Contractor from the date of the oral instruction given as
mentioned in cl. 5.2. It is arguable that an oral instruction will not be legal and 9
Sundra Rajoo, 2010, The PAM 2006 Standard Form of Building Contract— A Change in Risk Allocation.
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enforceable, therefore parties need to be very careful when agreeing oral
instructions to the scope of work. These oral instructions have led to disputes in many cases.
Analysis of case laws regarding oral instructions Example of disputes in the case of S.C. Taverner and Co. Ltd. v Glamorgan County
Council (1941), the court held that in the absence of any order in writing, the contractor's claim to recover the additional cost of the works must fail,
eventhough there was an oral instruction given to the contractor. Different judgment came from the case of Redheugh Construction Ltd. v Coyne
Contracting Ltd. and British Columbia Building Corporation (1978). In this case, the court held in the favor of the sub-subcontractor, stated that the
sub-subcontractor was entitled to payment for the extra work, based on oral instruction received from the employer through the project manager.
iv. What is the period to comply with the instructions by Contractor? PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.3 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 2.4 In both PAM form cl. 2.4, minimum specified time to comply with the instructions is 7 days upon Contractor having receive the instruction. If Contractor fails to adhere with the instructions, the Employer may, without
prejudice appoint third party to carrying out the works and any additional works and set-off the payment is due from the Contractor. For specified time
less then 7 days is only apply for PAM form cl. 4.3 conforming to statutory obligations. Whereas, in PWD Form, Contractor must comply with the
instruction within 7 days after the written instruction is received as mentioned
in cl. 5.3. It can interpret as early as the date contractor received the instruction, he need to respond in writing immediately if he needs more time to comply. v.
What happen if contractor fail to comply accordance to stipulated time or minimum 7 days after issuance of such instructions?
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.3 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 2.4 Both standard forms mentioned without prejudice that Employer may set-off
the Works and employ and pay other person. The cost of employ and additional
cost in connection with the Works shall be set-off by the Employer. The set off
procedure shall refer to cl. 30.4 for PAM Form and cl. 33.0 PWD Form the cost FARHANA BINTI MOHAMMED ISA
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and expenses ( including on cost charges) shall be deducted from any more due or to become due under the Contract.
vi. If there is no more money due? PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 5.4 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 2.4 & 30.4 Both form of contract mentioned that Employer will recover the cost from the Performance Bond or as a debt to Contractor as stated in PWD Form cl. 5.4 and PAM form cl. 30.4.
vii. If the instruction given is variations and there is a dispute, it is fair to the Contractor if the Works is already done? Common practice administrator may set a Disclaimer “This Instruction Does Not Incur Any Cost And Time Impact” upon issuing to Contractor. In PAM Cl. 3.4(b) , architect or employer should be given a notice within 28days before any set-off made. Further, it mentioned that Contractor if found any dispute amount due to set-off, Contractor to give notice and send by hand or registered post the reason and particular of disagreement within 21 days after
receiving the set-off amount from the Employer. If both disagree within 21 days after receiving the contractor’s response, either party may refer to adjudication
cl. 36. In PWD Form , there is no provision of timeline found in the condition if dispute found, prior to adjudication. PWD form cl. 66.0 mentioned that if any dispute or different shall arise, Contractor shall refer to the officer named in the
Appendix for for a decision. If contractor fails to receive decision from the officer or dissatisfied with he decision, then shall refer to arbitration within 45 days.
viii. Is contractor’s responsibility to go ahead with work even though dispute in the instruction? Yes, both form mentioned that Contractor shall comply with the instruction. In PWD Form it clearly mention that contractor shall proceed with the works due
diligently whether the amount set-off is agreed or not cl. 66.2. In PAM Form, it mentioned that Contractor shall comply in regards to any matter in regards to
Architect empowered under the Conditions of Contract Cl. 2.1. It is fair to both parties, as the instruction is based on conditions of contract and related to the works to be done. The amount agreed is based on professional judgement of architect.
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4.0 Contractor’s General Obligations.
At a glance, both PAM Form and PWD Form have a similar interpretation of
contractor’s general obligations to set the provision for the materials, goods and workmanship that the said works done by the contractor shall be of the
respective quality and standards described in the contract. (Seng Hansen,
2011)10. However, the first major divergence between these two contracts is the obligation of the Contractor to the other party or parties. In PAM form, Contractor has the liabilities to the Employer, in contrast with PWD form,
Contractor has to perform his duties to the Government. As we referred to the
terms Employer, which the party named in the Article of Agreement, and further describe in the definitions under Article 7, it includes the Employer legal successor’s or personal representatives or any Person to whom the right
obligations of the Employer have been transferred with the agreement of the
Contractor. In contrary with PWD form, the Government is refers to the
Government of Malaysia shall hereinafter refers to the Party who is desirous to the Works that shall be performed by the Contractor including the temporary
works as specified in the Contract Document. As a result, both terms refer to the party whom the Contract has been made. i.
Contractor to complete the Works in accordance to the Contract Documents
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) Cl. 10.0 vs PAM 2018 Cl. 1.1 The main obligation of the contractor for both forms is to complete the Works
which has been agreed based on its scope and within the specified period of
time and quality. This is also the general similarities of these two standard forms. The definitions of the Works under PAM form clearly stated that the works
described in Article of Agreement and Contract Documents and includes any changes made to the Works accordance to the Contract. Therefore, it includes
any additional drawings, any Architect’s Instructions, any other information issued by Architect or other consultants. Contract Documents refers to Article 7
Definitions which shall includes i) Letter of Award ii) the Article of Agreement, iii) the Conditions of Contract , iv) the Contract Drawings, v) the Contract Bills, and vi) other documents incorporated in the Contract Document, unless stated 10
Seng Hansen 2011, Obligations in construction projects, Analysis of the Study: Similarities of Three Standard Forms of Contract PWD, PAM and CIDB.
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to be excluded. In similarity, PWD form cl. 1.1(b) define the Contract Documents
as the documents forming tender and acceptance of the followings; i) Form of Tender ii) Letter of Acceptance of Tender iii) Contract Drawings iv) Bills of Quantities v) specifications vi) treasury’s instruction vii) others, all these documents shall be complementary to each other.
PWD form Cl. 10.0(a) mentioned that the contractor shall construct, complete,
test and commission the works in accordance to the specification , contract drawings and any other documents specified in the contract document.
Subsequent to PAM form cl 1.1 stated that contractor’s obligation to complete
the works in accordance to the Contract Documents and in compliance with the materials, goods and standard of workmanship of the quality and standard
described in the contract or required by Architect in the provision of the contract. The Contractor has the obligation to provide good and quality
materials according to the Contract documents. If the Contractor provide the materials not accordance to Contract document but approved by Architect or Consultants, it will not be an advantage to the Contractor because it’s Contractor obligations to provide good and quality materials (Tan Pei Ling et. all, 2010)11. ii. Temporary works and construction method PAM 2018 cl. 1.2 In PAM form cl. 1.2 , contractor is fully responsible for the adequacy, stability , safety, and method of constructions for temporary works, irrespective of any approval of Architect or Consultants. When there is no design provided by
consultants, contractor fully liable for the temporary works. Example : Strutting
of formwork to support I-beam concreting works. If the strutting works fail,
contractor will be liable because the work is not fit for its purpose and will not be a defense for him to say he has procured a renowned professional engineer to
design the strutting (Tan Pei Ling et. all, 2010)12. However, in PWD Form,
temporary works stated once in the definitions of the Works where it covers all the Works under the contract. To safeguards, Contractor suggest to buy a
separate insurances of works cl. 18.0 or design guarantee bond cl. 22.2 for the temporary works to insure against any loss. 11 12
Tan Pei Ing ... [et al.] (2010) Handbook for PAM 2006 contract Tan Pei Ing ... [et al.] (2010) Handbook for PAM 2006 contract
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iii. Design works and responsibility by Contractor
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 22.0 and 10.0(d) vs PAM 2018 1.3 Referring to PWD form cl 22.0 Design by contractor which shall not specifically mentioned temporary works and construction method, but any stand alone design works done by the Contractor if it required by the Government,
contractor must ensure and fully responsible the design is suitable, functional, safe, compatible and integrate with the design and specifications of the works and must be endorsed and approved by competent person and must be
submitted for S.O for a written consent. Such approval and consent from
relevant parties does not relieve contractor from his responsibility of the design.
Similar in PAM form, the alternative design and specification works done by the contractor is mentioned under cl 1.3 acceptance by the Ar. or Consultant of the contractor design & alternative design shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibilities under the contract. By taking on responsibility for the design, the Contractor will owe a duty of care to the Employer under the contract and not the professional consultants. Cl 10.0 (d) PWD form states: “The Contractor shall perform the Works and discharge as contained in this Contract by
exercising professional judgement and practise , requisite skill, care and
diligence. In performing the Works, the Contractor shall provide well-outline procedures in the form agreed by the Government for reporting and
co-ordination purposes. ” Cl 22.1 (c ) PWD form states: “ The Contractor shall be fully responsible and guarantee the Government that the stand alone design,
integration, execution of the Works, material and workmanship, for the Works are independant of fault, suitable, functional, safe, and compatible with the requirement of the Government.” The standard of care for professionals was laid
down in the case of Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957. It
was held that a professional will not be negligent if he carried out his work to the standard of a reasonably competent member of his profession. (Chidi, 2019).13
iv. Contractor to plan the works and have a good management practise PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 10.0(b) vs PAM 2018 1.4
Chidi Egbochue (2019) Design Liability Under The JCT Design & Build 2016 Standard Form
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In PWD form cl 10.0 (b) , it clearly stated that contractor must perform the works in a proper manner and in accordance to good management practice
and to the advantage of the Government. But no specific cl. under PAM stated it. PAM stands that Contractor to adhere with the what stated in the Contract
document and to plan the works prior to Execution as per contract document or any subsequent document issued by Architect as mentioned under Cl 1.4 PAM form. This shows that PWD form is clearly stated the works must be advantage
to government and not only to follow contract document even though Contractor found it unfair if there is any dispute in the contract document. v.
PAM Form cl. 1.4 Discrepancies between documents
Contractor shall use contract document & any subsequent documents issued by
Architect to plan the work prior to executions. Under PAM Form cl 1.4, if contractor find any discrepancies between documents issued by Architect, he
shall give written notice in sufficient time and description. Notice given to enable Architect to issue Architect instruction within a period which would not delay the progress of the works and such discrepancy will not vitiate the
contract. However, it is not a duty of the Contractor to be checker. Architect or the lead consultant must ensure all the drawings well-coordinated, and shall perform his duties of his profession according to their highest professionalism. vi. Other obligations of contractor
PWD203A (REV 1/2010) cl. 10.0 (e) - 10.0 (k) PWD form Cl.10.0 (e ) - 10.0 (k) mentioned at all times Contractor to perform the works that will protect the government interest and take all necessary steps
to prevent abuse or uneconomical use of facilities. PWD form Cl.10.0 (f) stated that Contractor to inform the government immediately in writing of the
occurrence of any factor or event, which is likely to affect the Works. This cl. is related to application of extension of time PWD cl. 43.0, if such event affected
the progress. In similar under PAM cl. 23.0 mentioning that if Contractor in his opinion progress will be delayed, he must given a written notice. PWD form Cl.10.0 (g) stated that Contractor to provide and maintain qualified and
competent personnel under this Contract. Similar to PAM Form cl. 8.0 Site agent, Contractor to appoint competent site agent and must be a full time workers.
PWD form elaborate more on the site personnel under cl. 59.0 Site agent and FARHANA BINTI MOHAMMED ISA
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assistant where they should be capable receiving instruction in Bahasa Malaysia. Any instruction from S.O to the site agent deemed to be given to the contractor.
Furthermore, PWD form Cl. 10.0 (h) stated that Contractor to provide and
maintain at its own cost and expense all equipment and material necessary for
the proper and effective performance of the Works. In contrast, PAM form cl 1.1
is focusing on material goods and workmanship of the works to conform to the description, testing and inspection as stated in cl. 6.0. PWD form Cl. 10.0 (I) stated that Contractor to instruct and supervise its staff and sub-contractor in
carrying the worksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; repair and other works relation to the works. In PAM form cl. 27.9 contractor responsibility to nominated sub contractor , to carry out the
works according to contract in compliance with workmanship, standards and quality that satisfy the architect.
Last but not least, PWD form Cl. 10.0 (j) stated that the Contractor to make good
of any defect, which may appear during the Defect Liability Period. In PAM , this defect works is mentioned under cl. 15.4 and 15.5 where contractor to comply with schedule of defect issued by the Architect. PWD form Cl. 10.0(k) Contractor to carry out any other obligations and responsibilities under this Contract. To sum up, all the clauses mentioned in the contract should be read as a whole,
which is correlated to each other and complement each other for the benefits of the works to complete. 5.0 Conclusion
Which form is better in conveying instruction as contract administrator and stipulated the obligation of contractor clearly and constructively is depending
on its application on the nature of project, mode of finance and owner of the project. In generally, each standard form of contract aims at ensuring effective, efficient and non-disputable contract administration. Nonetheless, variations
arise in certain matters. The understanding of these roles and responsibilities of each parties is important at the preliminary stage especially in selecting
superintending party as well as identifying the contractorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s liability in the
persuasion of the contract. Most of the projects under the government will apply PWD203A contract document while the private sector will use PAM Form document.
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Ahmad Ridha, 2017, Analyzing The PAM Contract, BeAR Class of 2017, Part III architectural exam class
Cambridge dictionary, accessed on 6th June 2020
https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/instruction Chidi Egbochue (2019), Design Liability Under The JCT Design & Build 2016 Standard Form
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Ho Chun Han , 2010, Standard Form Of Construction Contract: A Study Of The Application Of Fèdèration Internationale Des Ingènieurs- Conseils (Fidic) In Malaysia
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Lambang Puspito Jati Yuniantoro ( 2012 )Oral Instruction In Construction
Contractfrom Legal Perspective, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
https://bic.utm.my/files/2018/12/lambangmb111035d12ttt.pdf Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia, (2018) Agreement and Conditions of PAM Contract 2018 (with quantities).
Seng Hansen 2011, Obligations in construction projects, Analysis of the Study: Similarities of Three Standard Forms of Contract PWD, PAM and CIDB. Singh KS, H. (2004) Malaysian Law Journal Sdn.Bhd. Sundra Rajoo, 2010, The PAM 2006 Standard Form of Building Contractâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; A Change in Risk Allocation.
Tan Pei Ing ... [et al.] (2010) Handbook for PAM 2006 contract Timothy Elliott QC MA (OXON) 2006, Contract Administrators - The Obligation Of Impartiality And Liability For Incorrect Certification,
http://www.mondaq.com/uk/x/44164/Contract+Administrators+The+Obligati on+Of+Impartiality+And+Liability+For+Incorrect+Certification accessed 6 June 2020.
Zulhabri Ismail, Major StandardForms Of Construction Contracts, June 5, 2020, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Survey FARHANA BINTI MOHAMMED ISA