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Public Safety
Faribault Police Explorers Jason Shuda and Aiden Hanson passed out freeze pops to Pet Parade-goers Thursday evening along Second Avenue NW. (southernminn.com)
25 Fourth Street NW ci.faribault.mn.us/149/Police 507-334-4305 (non-emergency) Fax: 507-334-0990 Facebook: facebook.com/ FaribaultPoliceDepartment Tip line: 507-334-0999
Andy Bohlen
Chief of Police abohlen@ci.faribault.mn.us
Rice/Steele County Emergency Notification System
The Everbridge system provides officials in Rice and Steele counties with the ability to provide prerecorded emergency telephone notification/information messages to targeted areas or the entire city. Residents and businesses located within the city limits are encouraged to sign up for Everbridge to be sure they receive timely emergency notifications when alerts are issued. Enroll in the notification system at member.everbridge. net/453003085612579/login
Steve’s Law:
In Minnesota, “Steve’s Law,” or the Good Samaritan law, passed in 2014, provides limited protections to people who call 911 and/or administer Narcan/naloxone in response to a suspected or known drug overdose.
Snow Emergency Information:
It is illegal to park vehicles on a city street between 1 and 8 a.m. when a snow emergency has been declared and before the street has been plowed curb to curb, whichever occurs later.
No vehicle parking is allowed on Central Ave. from First and Fifth streets between the hours of 2 and 5 a.m. year round.
Vehicles in violation are subject to a citation and/or vehicles being towed.
Check Faribault Daily News or tune in to KDHL Radio – 920AM for snow emergency updates. Alert information will also be posted on the FPD Facebook page and Twitter feed.
Parking tickets:
The Finance Department collects payment on tickets issued by the Police Department for parking violations and removal violations. Make payments on the second floor of City Hall, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday through Friday. Payments accepted are cash, credit card, debit card, check or money order.
Those wishing to contest their parking ticket (orange ticket only) can submit a form to the police department for consideration. Find forms at bit.ly/2YRSHmb
Curfew hours are 11 p.m. on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday until 6 a.m. of the following day; and 12:01 a.m. until 6 a.m. on Saturdays or Sundays. It is a violation for any parent or

guardian of a minor to knowingly permit, or by insufficient control allow, the minor to remain in any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the city during curfew hours.
It is also unlawful for any owner, operator, or any employee of an establishment to knowingly allow a minor to remain on the premises of the establishment during curfew hours.
The city ordinance allows for a few exceptions for curfew. Among others they include being engaged in an employment activity, or going to or returning home from an employment activity. Also while attending an official school, religious, or other recreational activity supervised by adults and sponsored by the city, a civic organization, or another similar entity.
Violators are subject to a fine not to exceed $200.

Photo from www.co.rice.mn.us/208/Sheriffs-Office
122 NW Second St. 507-334-8773 (non-emergency) ci.faribault.mn.us/224/FireDepartment
Dustin Dienst
Fire Chief ddienst@ci.faribault.mn.us 507-333-0396
Combination department with nine full time and 24 part time firefighters, along with the fire chief and an administrative assistant.
Services provided include fire inspection and pre-plan programs for fire protection area, fire prevention, fire suppression, heavy and tactical rescue, medical first aid response, public education and emergency management.

Kids of all ages enjoy firetrucks. Here, a young parade-goer gets a return wave from a Faribault fire fighter. (Greg Davis photo) RICE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Rice County Law Enforcement Center 18 Third St NW, Faribault 507-332-6010 (non-emergency) Fax: 507-334-0268 co.rice.mn.us/208/Sheriffs-Office Troy Dunn, Sheriff tdunn@co.rice.mn.us Jesse Thomas, chief deputy jthomas@co.rice.mn.us
Rice County arrest warrants:
Rice County Jail & Annex
Main Jail: 18 Third St NW, Faribault Annex: 2119 W Hwy. 60 Faribault
In-person visitation is available only at the Jail Annex.
Hours are:
Tuesdays: 8-11 a.m. Thursdays: 6-9 p.m. Saturdays: 8-11 a.m. Visiting registration: bit.ly/3hKkaNp Jail visitation rules: bit.ly/3lfAp5T To visit from home or send an email, set up and account at inmatecanteen.com for video visitation from home The questions or concerns are to be directed to TurnKey Corrections at 715-690-2965 or www.inmatecanteen.com