Northfield News 2022 Graduation

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Northfield News localmatters


Luke Ailabouni

Alexis Albers

Nicholas Albright

Fredy Alvarez Jr

Anthony Amys-Roe

Mitchell Anderson

Emma Arden

Amelia Arnold

Joseph Auge

Luis Avilés

Berit Aylin

Anna Bae

Parents: Sara Ailabouni, Adam Ailabouni Future plans: Attending Loyola Marymount University Film School

Parents: DeWayne & Laura Arden Future plans: Exploring my options

Parents: Henry and Tiffany Albers Future plans: Attending college to study film writing.

Parents: Katie and Carl Arnold Future plans: Attending Lawrence University.

Parents: Ryan and Allison Albright Future plans: Attending the University of Minnesota Duluth and studying Civil Engineering.

Parents: Mark & Heidi Auge Future plans: Attending Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Nancy Salinas, Francisco Rosas Future plans: Going to college

Parent: Elisseth Payés Future plans: Studying to be a Nursing Assistant

Parents: Carley and Lindsay AmysRoe Future plans: Joining the workforce

Parents: Bo and Mari Aylin Future plans: Attending the University of Minnesota Duluth

Parents: Chad Anderson, Jody Anderson Future plans: Continuing my education at a college or Vo-Tech

Parents: JiSoo and Heather Bae Future plans: Attending the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B2


Katelyn E. Balster

Jake Balvin

Emma Baragary

Wyatt Barber

Jimmy Bartusek, Jr

Ava Becken

Matthew Bell

Paige Benjamin

Connor Berndt

Carson Blaisdell

Jackson Blomberg

Grant Boardman

Amelia Brandt

Zach Broden

Lydia Buckmeier

Emma Butzler

Lindsey Canedy

Christian Cardenas

Parents: Frank & Christie Balster Parents: Stephanie & Brenton Balvin Future plans: Attend Barton College Future plans: Attending the DCTC in Wilson, North Carolina. Major Business Administration program in Education. I plan to become a teacher at a middle school or high school and coach softball.

Parents: Brad and Kristin Bell Future plans: Attending University of North Dakota

Parents: Stephanie Lefebvre & Greg Brandt Future plans: Attending DCTC

Parents: Nicole & Desmund Monroe Future plans: Barbering School

Parents: Nicole & Chris Broden Future plans: Attending the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Parents: Matt and Paula Baragary Future plans: Attending Iowa State University.

Parents: Fred and Tara Berndt Future plans: Attending Carthage College

Parents: Jason and Kate Buckmeier Future plans: Attending University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Parents: Matt and Julie Barber Future plans: Attending the University of Minnesota, Duluth

Parents: Nikki Christophersen and Scott Blaisdell Future plans: Attending the University of Minnesota-Duluth Majoring in Biology with a Minor in Business

Parents: Chad & Renee Butzler Future plans: Attending Winona State University

Parents: Carla and Jim Bartusek Future plans: Taking a gap year to join the workforce and teaching dance at Division Street Dance in Northfield

Parents: Bruce & Jen Blomberg Future plans: Pursuing a career in Aviation Mechanics

Parents: Mick and Karen Canedy Future plans: Attending Dakota County Technical College for Nursing

Parents: Kyle & Amy Becken Future plans: Attending Grinnell College

Parents: Steve and Karen Boardman Future plans: Grant will be attending St. Olaf in the Fall

Parents: Mario & Kerstin Cardenas Future plans: Attending Grinnell College | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Page B3


Katyana Cardenas

Mattias Cardenas

Sofia Chihade

Elise Clay

Ayden Cole

Olivia Collette

David J. Craft

Matthew DeBuse

Cheyanne Defries

Dominic Dennis

Maleighney Deschamp

Jordie Detlie

Grace Dickerson

Gabriel Dickinson

Quentin DuLac

Parents: Mario & Kerstin Cardenas Future plans: Attending Gustavus Adolphus College.

Parents: David and Kristen Craft Future plans: Continuing my education.

Parents: Jen and Tom Dickerson Future plans: Attending Augsburg University

Parents: Mattias & Kerstin Cardenas Future plans: Attending Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Neil and Teri DeBuse Future plans: Attending the University of Denver to study Biological Sciences

Parents: Crosby and April Dickinson Future plans: Attending St. Olaf college.

Parents: Joe Chihade and Daniela Kohen Future plans: Attending Skidmore College in Sarasota Springs, New York

Parents: Dave and Heather Defries Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Daron and Jackie DuLac Future plans: Continuing my education at Dakota County Technical College to study Architecture.

Parents: Tonja and Randy Clay Future plans: Rotary Youth Exchange in Germany and Colorado State University - Fall ‘23

Parents: Victoria Serreno, Gregory Dennis Future plans: Attending Carleton College

Parents: Bryan and Shelly Cole Future plans: Attending Dunwoody College

Parents: Mark & Maria Deschamp Future plans: Attending University of Wisconsin River Falls studying Veterinary Medicine and Equine Science

Parents: Amy & Todd Collette Future plans: Attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Parents: Jami and Mark Detlie Future plans: Taking a year off to work, and possibly attend a community college. | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B4


Mason Edstrom

Zach Edwards

Saxon Egge

Kaden Ernst

Clara Falcon-Geist

McGuire Fink

Liv Fossum

Zoe Frank

Mallory Fricke

Karyme Fuentes Rivera

Ada Gabert-Nicholson

Giavona Galdamez

Pablo Gallardo

Prescott Garlie

Elleanna Gisvold

Emilio Gonzales

Alex Gordon

Collin Graff

Parents: Chad and Kellie Stewart, Michael and Shelby Edstrom Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: John and Tracy Fossum Future plans: Attending the University of Wisconsin — Madison

Parents: Shane and Kelle Edwards Future plans: Attending Valley City State University in North Dakota to play football and study biology and fisheries & wildlife.

Parents: Kevin & Jaimee Frank Future plans: Attending Gonzaga University

Parents: Eric Egge and Anita Fisher Egge Future plans: Attending Oberlin College for Physics.

Parents: LeAnne & Justin Fricke Future plans: Mallory will be attending Baylor University and will be competing on their Equestrian Team.

Parents: Greg & Kim Ernst Future plans: Attending college

Parent: Floriberta Fuentes Rivera Future plans: Continuing with real estate schooling

Parents: Adrienne Falcon and Dave Geist Future plans: Attending the University of California Santa Barbra

Parents: Marie Gabert and John Ebling, Kenneth Nicholson Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Pablo and Arleene Gallardo Parents: Mark Garlie & Jodie Future plans: Attending Ripon Wensmann College Future plans: NDSU

Parents: Gilbert & Angela Gonzales Future plans: Attending Mankato State University to pursue a Bachelors degree in business management and construction management.

Parents: Luke Gordon & Kelly Costello Future plans: Going into Real Estate.

Parents: Ben & Natalie Chell, Court & Lisa Fink Future plans: Continuing my education.

Parents: Carlos Galdamez & Melissa Rossman Future plans: Attending U of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Parents: Tammy Gisvold and Lee Gisvold Future plans: Attending Luther college and will be playing NCAA womens golf

Parents: Jody & Kurt Gunderson and Chris Graff Future plans: attending the U of M | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Page B5


Syd Graff

Garrett Gray

Kylie Gray

Emma Groth

Amira Haileab

Mack Haines

Aila Hakala

Aidan Hales

Mara Halls

Naomi Halls

Seth Hansen

Sylvi Hanson

Jolee Harris

Avery Hasse

Emerson Herbig

Grace Higgins

Peter Hillmann

Marena Hinz

Dani Hoeppner

Kaelyn Hoernke

Oden Hoff

Teigen Hoff

Dade Holland

Kylie Hoover

Parents: Jody & Kurt Gunderson and Chris Graff Future plans: Attending Winona State University

Parents: Christian and Laura Hakala Future plans: Attending St. Olaf College

Parents: John and Amy Harris Future plans: Attending Minnesota State University

Parent: Jen Blomberg Future plans: Attending Winona State University

Parents: Steven and Kimberley Gray Future plans: Attending Dakota County Technical College

Parent: Amy Hales Future plans: United States Marine Corps

Parents: Jeff and Karna Hasse Future plans: Attending University of Utah

Parents: Tim and Jen Hoernke Future plans: Attending the University of Eau Claire to pursue a career in Nursing

Parents: Deonne and Charles Gray Future plans: Attending TCU in Texas and double major in Econ and Music

Parents: Joel and Molly Halls Future plans: Attending a 4 year college

Parents: Terry & Amy Herbig Future plans: Attending Newberry College in Newberry, SC to play lacrosse and study Sports Management & Marketing

Parents: Andrea & Bryan Hoff Future plans: Rotary Youth Exchange in Belgium then attending Colorado College

Parents: Mike and Jackie Groth Future plans: Attending Dakota County Technical College

Parents: Joel and Molly Halls Future plans: Attending UMD in the fall

Parents: Heidi and Mike Streiff, Jeramie Higgins and Evelyn Future plans: St. Olaf College

Parents: Sarah Carlsen & Brad Hoff Future plans: Attending Clark University to study Biology

Parents: Bereket Haileab and Freweyni Kaleab Future plans: I plan to continue my education at a four-year college.

Parents: Amanda and Shawn Hansen Future plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College for a Degree in Education

Parents: Mary and Matt Hillmann Future plans: University of Minnesota

Parents: Jeremiah & Cara Holland Future plans: Attending Bemidji State University for Wetlands Biology.

Parents: Eric & Kristin Haines Future plans: Attending Connecticut College

Parents: Inger and Dan Hanson Future plans: Attending Iowa State University to study Marketing and International Studies

Parents: Jesse and Tracy Hinz Future plans: Attending Gustavus Adolphus College.

Parent: Kari Ann Cistera Future plans: Attending MCAD | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B6


Olivia Hubers

Samantha Ims

Gordon Jandt

Jayna Janssen

Evelyn Jensen

Evelyn Jordan

Tate Journell

Daniel Kamen

Maryam Keita

Peter Kelly

Jacob Kick

Siyeon Kim

Tawni King

Julia Klein

Paige Koch

Hannah Kotek

Kaitlyn Kotek

Darrin Kuyper

Owen Lehmkuhl

Graham Lideen

Clara Lippert

Parents: Jared and Jessi Hubers Future plans: Nursing school

Parents: Tom + Betsy Journell Future plans: Attending the College of Wooster

Parents: Steve and Leanne King Future plans: Attending Montana State University for Bio Chemistry

Lute Larsen

Parents: Douglas Ims and Heather Stanton Ims Future plans: Attending the University of St. Thomas

Parents: Jim & Michele Kamen Future plans: Attending University of Colorado, Colorado Springs to study Computer Science

Parents: Scott and Kathy Klein Future plans: Attending Gustavus Adolphus College

Isabella Lee

Parents: Amy and Gary Larsen Parents: Gary and Chris Lee Future plans: I am attending Dakota Future plans: Attending Gustavus County Technical College. Adolphus College

Parents: Tony & Tracee Jandt Future plans: Attending Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Cherif Keita and Maimouna Toure-Keita Future plans: Attending St. Olaf

Parents: Bob and Kristen Koch Future plans: Attending Iowa State University to pursue a degree in Architecture

Carter Lefkowitz

Parents: Elizabeth Lathrop and David Lefkowitz Future plans: Attending Hamilton College

Parents: Harley and Jessica Janssen Future plans: Jayna plans to pursue a degree in nursing.

Parents: John & Penny Kelly Future plans: I plan to join the workforce and enjoy spending time with my friends and family this summer.

Parents: Jason and Julie Kotek Future plans: Joining the workforce and furthering my education

Parents: Anne and Michael Lehmkuhl Future plans: Attending St. Olaf College

Parents: Micheal and Jenafer Jensen Parents: Jodie Rud and Michael Future plans: Going to school for Jordan graphic design Future plans: Attending The University of North Dakota to study Commercial Aviation.

Parents: Kurtis and Kara Kick Future plans: Attending Iowa Western

Parent: Jill McCausland Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Jamie Kotek and Rebecca Parents: John and Dana Kuyper Kotek Future plans: Serve in the United Future plans: Attend college and States Army major in criminal justice and minor in psychology

Parents: Jessica Markley & Dan Lideen Future plans: Jessica Markley & Dan Lideen

Parents: Sara & Todd Lippert Future plans: Attending Colorado College for Psychology and run track | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Page B7


Samuel Lockner

Blake Malecha

Elijah Malecha

Joseph Malecha

Maggie Malecha

Amira Mallet

Brisa Marquez

Brennan Martin

Isai Martinez

Ella Mayer

Zoe McCausland

Simon McDonald

Danielle McGeough

Edie Meehan

Jake Messner

Cassie Meyer

Elena Mikula

Nick Mikula

Ashley Miller

Brekken Modory

Nation Modtland-Hughes

Addie Molesky

Amaya Monroe

Amelia Monroe

Parents: Christian and Kathy Lockner Future plans: “ Attending the University of North Dakota to study Aviation.”

Parents: Minerva Rodríguez y José Luis Marquez Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: William & Cari McGeough Future plans: Going to St.Olaf College

Parent: Jennifer Hunter Future plans: College in Las Vegas NV

Parents: Vicki & Erik Mckay; Tom & Rhonda Malecha Future plans: Attending Eastern Gateway Community College

Parents: Steve and Kendra Martin Future plans: Attending College Major undecided

Parents: Mike and Trina Meehan Future plans: Attending Luther College

Parents: Grant & Tracy Modory Future plans: attending St. Olaf College to major in English Education & Film/Media Studies

Parents: Rachel & Arlen Malecha Future plans: I plan to attend Hamline University this fall to study Forensic Science.

Parent: Brooke Talamantes Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Chris & Betsy Messner Future plans: Attending SMSU for Agriculture and to wrestle.

Parent: Angela Hunter Future plans: Attending U of M Rochester for a Bachelor’s in Health with the end goal of pediatrician

Parents: Cathy Malecha and Chuck Malecha Future plans: Continuing my education and playing baseball for the University of North Alabama.

Parents: Kara Hempy-Mayer and Mike Mayer Future plans: Attending the University of Washington Seattle

Parents: Brian & Becky Meyer Future plans: Cassie will be attending California Polytechnic State University studying environmental engineering.

Parents: Jason and Anne Molesky Future plans: Attending the University of Minnesota.

Parents: Zen and late Mark Future plans: Attending the University of St. Thomas, studying nursing, and playing hockey

Parents: Jill and Eli McCausland Future plans: Attending Arizona State University

Parents: Steve & Kristy Mikula Future plans: Attending Iowa State University

Parents: Nicole & Desmund Monroe Future plans: Inver Hills for 2 years and then transferring into Drake for Dentistry or Astrophysics.

Parents: Krista Mallet and Chris & Raquel Hayes Future plans: Attending Gustavus Adolphus in Saint Peter!

Parents: Eric and Sarah Swan McDonald Future plans: Attending Luther College

Parents: Steve & Kristy Mikula Future plans: Attending Dakota County Technical College

Parents: Thad & Darcy Monroe Future plans: Attending the University of Wisconsin - Stout to major in Supply Chain Management | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B8


Cambria Monson

Nolan Nagy

Siri Narveson

Charles Neeb

Maximilian Neese

Lilly Neily

Sidra Neitge

Rylee Nelson

Anna Nesseth

Thomas Neuger

Mitchell Newman

Kamalie Nieves Romero

Olivia Nollette

Samantha Noreen

Ainsley Nutt

John O’Leary

Alex Organ

Victoria Owusu

Mason Pagel

Maggie Paoli

Jayme Payne

Griffith Pederson

Terra Pelach

Parents: Nick and Sarah Monson Future plans: Attending University of Denver

Parents: Bryan and Diane Nagy Future plans: Attending the University of Dubuque

Parents: Patrick & Patricia Neily Parents: Lisa Neitge and Marty Future plans: Attending Coe college Larson Future plans: Studying Art Education at Hamline University

Parents: Marisela Romero , Juan Nieves Future plans: Business

Parents: Kofi Owusu and Justina Abraham Future plans: Attending Carleton College.

Parent: Mara Greco Future plans: Attending Dakota Technical College

Parents: Bob and Chaz Pagel Future plans: Continuing my education in diesel technology

Parents: Bryce and Amy Narveson Parents: Roz Eaton & Nick Neeb Future plans: Attending Concordia Future plans: Attending the University of North Dakota to pursue College in Moorehead, MN a degree in Commercial Aviation

Parents: Steve & Juellia Nelson Future plans: Attending University of MN Duluth to study Chemical Engineering

Parents: Steve & Neysa Noreen Future plans: Attending UW Stout For Engineering

Parents: Ann and Steven Paoli Future plans: Attending Hamline University

Parents: Greg and Kristin Future plans: Traveling to Spain with Rotary Exchange.

Parents: Rob Nutt and Kelly Lynn Stanton-Nutt Future plans: Attending the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire for Elementary Education

Parents: Jim and Cynthia Payne Future plans: I will be continuing my education, focusing on the health and medical field, with an aim to specialize in children’s medical needs.

Parents: Jacie and Oliver Neese Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Dan and Chrissy Neuger Future plans: Attending Hamline University.

Parents: Dan O’Leary and Melissa Mowers, Claire Linville and Mark Linville Future plans: Going to DCTC for HVAC

Parents: Cassandra and Lucas Johnson, Wade Pederson Future plans: Taking a gap year and joining the workforce.

Parents: Joseph Newman, Ivy Newman Future plans: Diesel Mechanic

Parents: Ken and Jessica Organ Future plans: Studying Global Business Leadership/Spanish/PreLaw at St. John’s University

Parents: Terry and Freda Pelach Future plans: Attending U of M | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Page B9


Jeanette Pelletier

Holden Peterson

Julia Peterson

Reid Peterson

Elliott Piker

Lucia Poole

Ella Pribyl

Kolton Pryor

Logan Pumper

Gretchen Radtke

Madeline Radtke

Coledon Rataj

Kaed Rauk

Adam Reisetter

Jacob Reister

David Rhoades

Mary Rizzo

Cody Roen

Christopher Rosas Bermudez

Andrew Ryden

Evelyn Salgado

Tate Sand

Wyatt Sandler-Westall

Bailey Sauve

Parents: Zack and Jenny Pelletier Future plans: Attending Luther College

Parents: Chad and Farrah Pribyl Future plans: Attending Coe College to major in nursing

Parents: Jen and Brent Rauk Future plans: Bemidji State University

Parents: Fernando Rosas And Vianey Rosas Future plans: I will be attending St. Olaf college to major in Business/ Marketing.

Parents: Trevor and Laura Peterson Future plans: Attending South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD studying Engineering or a related field using Mathematics and/or Science.

Parents: Joe and Becky Pryor Future plans: Undecided

Parents: Lance and Mickey Reisetter Future plans: Attending the University of Iowa to study journalism and mass communication with a minor in sports and rec management.

Parents: Rob & Heather Ryden Future plans: Attending Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA

Parents: Jeff and Ulrika Peterson Future plans: Attending U W La Crosse

Parents: Lisa & Trevor Pumper Future plans: DCTC- Mechanic

Parents: Randolph and Jami Reister Future plans: Attend Luther College and major in economics

Parents: Yesenia & Andres Salgado Future plans: Attending St. Olaf College.

Parents: Laura and Trevor Peterson Future plans: Attending South Dakota State University in Brookings SD in the fall and he will be working toward a 4 year degree in either Environmental Sciences or a related Math or Science field.

Parents: Steve & Mari Radtke Future plans: attending Augustana University

Parents: Elizabeth O’Sullivan and Ian Rhoades Future plans: Attending Grinnell College

Parents: John & Leah Sand Future plans: Attending Bemidji State University.

Parents: Hayes and Kelly Piker Future plans: Taking a gap year to work.

Parents: Steve & Mari Radtke Future plans: attending Augustana University

Parents: Bill and Jane Rizzo Future plans: Connecticut College

Parent: Stacey Sandler Future plans: Wyatt is planning to go into the trades and focusing on becoming an electrician.

Parents: Mary and Eric Poole Future plans: Attending The University of Arizona

Parents: Bobby Rataj and Heather Rataj Future plans: Coledon is a hard worker who loves his job at Cartime, where he will be working full time.

Parents: Ashley Pryor & Ben Roen Future plans: He will be joining the workforce and starting his own company

Parents: Jeff Sauve and Evelyn Hoover Future plans: Attending the University of Wisconsin-River Falls to become a social studies teacher. | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B10


Jayce Schaffer

Anna Scheglowski

Camille Schetnan

Sophia Schewe

Treyton Schlaak

Kyle Schulz

Jaelyn Sexton

Michael Shepeck

Tyler Shimota

James Shuffelton

Christopher Simon-García

Isabel Sokup

Afton Solum

Greta Sorenmann

Alexander Sparks

Cole Stalberger

Ian Stanton

Paige Steenblock

Seth Stensland

Nolan Stepka

Nate Stevens

Peyton Sullivan

Shelby Svien

Ayla Swallow

Parents: Zabrinia Edmonds and Brett Schaffer Future plans: Joining the workforce in construction

Parents: Luke & Shannon Sexton and Tad & Dawnae Campbell Future plans: To take a year off from school

Parents: Tim & Tracie Solum Future plans: Attending Winona State University

Parent: Eric Stensland Future plans: Working

Parents: Vlad and Michelle Scheglowski Future plans: Anna will attend the University of Sioux Falls, where she will major in education and be a member of the swim team.

Parents: Shane and Jennifer Shepeck Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Rose Sorenmann, Dean Sorenmann Future plans: Taking a gap year to travel, attending U of M EMT program.

Parents: Tim and Shannon Stepka Future plans: Attending Minnesota State University Mankato

Parents: Shon and Vicki Schetnan Future plans: Attending Augustana University in Sioux Falls, SD

Parents: Dustin and Angie Schewe Future plans: Attending University of Wisconsin-Stout majoring in environmental science

Parents: Dan and Trista Shimota Parents: Michelle Martin and Future plans: Joining the work force George Shuffelton Future plans: Attending Williams College in the fall and look forward to studying math.

Parents: Jason and Teresa Sparks Future plans: Attending the University of North Dakota for Commercial Aviation

Parents: Brian and Vicki Stevens Future plans: Attending the University of Notre Dame to study finance and play golf for the Irish.

Parents: Clinton and Sheila Stalberger Future plans: Attending Winona State University

Parents: Julie and Bubba Sullivan Future plans: Attending the College of St. Benedict.

Parents: Jennifer Schlaak & Timothy Schlaak Future plans: Attending Concordia St Paul

Parent: Janneth Garcia Future plans: He will be continuing his education

Parents: Edwin and Shelby Oster, Eric Norberg Future plans: Attend college to study business

Parents: Peter & Karie Svien Future plans: On Track team & Double Majoring in Elementary Education & Spanish at University of Sioux Falls South Dakota

Parents: Wade and Shannon Schulz Future plans: University of North Dakota - John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences

Parents: Clare and Jim Sokup Future plans: Attending the University of Iowa - Tippie School of Business

Parents: Trent & Kelle Steenblock Future plans: Attending St. Olaf College

Parents: Melissa and Jarrad Gaede and Christopher Swallow Future plans: Heading for adventure! | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Page B11


Natalie Talbert

Julia Tassava

Johanna Taylor

Drew Teske

Nadia Thimjon

Hunter Thomas

Owen Thomas

Collin Thomas-Green

Abigail Thompson

Gabriel Thompson

Alexander Trebelhorn

Elinor Upham

Ariana Vermilyea

Victor Victoriano

Brandi Vigessa

Joshua Voight

Isaac Warren

Averan Watkins

Jayden Wefel

Calvin Weis

Natalie Welsh

Owen Wheeler

Meg Wiebe

Tess Wiebe

Parent: Valerie Carter Future plans: Working and staying home with my mom and brother!

Parents: Rebecca Speikers and Eric Miller Future plans: Military Basic Training then Waldorf University for Performing Arts

Parents: Winston & Natasha Vermilyea Future plans: Foreign Exchange Student

Parents: Brady Gregg, Laura Wefel Future plans: Freedom Guard

Parents: Christopher and Shannon Tassava Future plans: Attending Carleton College

Parents: Valerie Thomas and Craig Green Future plans: Attending Grinnell College

Parent: Juaquina Vazquez Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Drew and Lisa Weis Future plans: Working for a year before attending Gustavus Adolphus college in fall 2023.

Parents: William and Jodi Taylor Future plans: Attending U of W Eau Claire

Parents: Kim and Roger Thompson Future plans: Attending Mankato State to study nursing

Parents: Daria Kolb; Lynn Vigesaa Future plans: University of Eau Claire; Rehabilitation Science, and pre Med-Track; Army National Guard

Parent: Nichole Schloesser Future plans: Attending DCTC.

Parents: Nikki Teske & Luke Teske Future plans: Attending University of MN -- Duluth

Parents: Wendy Barrie and Todd Thompson Future plans: Continuing my education

Parents: Nathan and Amy Voight Future plans: Serving in the Army National Guard and playing football at College of St Scholastica in Duluth

Parents: Breanna and Matthew Wheeler Future plans: Attending University of Minnesota - Duluth

Parents: Jason & Rachel Future plans: Gap Year

Parents: Rhonda Schultz, David Trebelhorn Future plans: Undecided

Parents: Erik and Katie Warren Future plans: Attending St. Olaf College.

Parents: T.J. and Jamie Wiebe Future plans: Attending South Dakota State University to study Animal Science

Parents: Angie and James Callahan, Landon Thomas Future plans: Undecided

Parents: Maia Larsgaard and Bill Upham Future plans: Going to college.

Parents: John and Jennifer Watkins Future plans: Attending University of Iowa

Parents: T.J. and Jamie Wiebe Future plans: Attending Mankato State University to study Criminal Justice | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B12


Adam Wiese

Parents: Jim & Diane Wiese Future plans: Attending Augustana University

Joanna Winandy

Parents: Luc and Claudine Winandy Future plans: Continuing on with education and work that allows me to travel the world.



Max Winkleblack

Parents: Nick Winkleblack and Joleen Kantola Future plans: Attending UMD in the fall

Belinda Zubia

Parents: Armando & Brisa Zubia Future plans: Belinda will be working for Community School Summer Programming, then continuing her education.


Josh Taylor

Parents: William and Jodi Taylor Future plans: entering the workforce then military service

Colten Tuma

Parents: Lynnette and Chris Tuma Future plans: Joining the workforce


Payton Fredrickson

Ella Whitten

Courtney Friesen-Smith

Soren Matney

Ava Adelmann

William Baldus

Hannah Betzold

Lydia Coonrod

Hunter DeGreeff

Peyton Emerson

Tatum Emmick

Karinna Ergeson

Samantha Errington

Derek Foss

Kilyn Fredrickson

Jackson Gisch

Jefferson Gisch

Macy Green

Parents: Jason Cihak and Nichole Fredrickson Future plans: Continuing education

Parents: Kent Betzold and Nikki Augustine Future plans: Attend Riverland Community College for Health Science Broad and EMS

Parents: Kibby and Mike Errington Future plans: Attend Lake Superior College in Duluth for Surgical Technology

Parents: Darren and Brenna Whitten Future plans: Ella will be attending South Central Community College in the fall

Parents: Jake and Jill Coonrod Future plans: Attend school for nursing

Parents: Brian and Larissa Foss Future plans: Attend University of North Dakota for Air Traffic Management

Parents: Angela Smith and Jon Friesen Future plans: Attending Riverland College for Accounting

Parents: Bret and Kendra Fredrickson Future plans: Attend Oklahoma State University for Exercise Science

Parents: Rachel Matney & Fritz Bogott Future plans: Soren will study Environmental Microbiology at Oberlin College

Parents: Chris and Katie Emerson Future plans: Attend thee DCTC University to be an electrician

Parent: Craig Gisch Future plans: Attend St. Olaf College

Parents: Luke and Cassie Johnson & Rachelle and Ryon Simon Future plans: Planning to attend a cosmetology school to become a licensed esthetician

Parent: Sarah Boote Future plans: Planning to attend DCTC or University of WisconsinRiver Falls for accounting

Parents: Rob and Amy Baldus Future plans: Attend Southwest Minnesota State University for Business

Parent: Tera Jensrud Future plans: Planning to get master’s in Psychology

Parent: Craig Gisch Parents: Brian and Patty Green Future plans: Attend St. Olaf College Future plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin-Stout for Graphic Design | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Page B13


Jack Hemphill

Jack Hines

Andrew Jenkins

Luke Johnson

Caden Kranz

Mason Lorenzen

Olivia McCabe

Alex Niebur

Derek Niebur

Clay Nielsen

Lucy Rolfe

Faith Scheffler

Ashley Schultz

Alex Smith

Lindsay Sundby

Tyler Tchida

Emily Thomes

Cory Timm

Lindsey VanDeSteeg

Serena Walker

Alicia Webster

Jacob Weckop

Nathan Weckop

Hannah Werner

Parents: Bob and Michele Hemphill Future plans: Full-time plumbing

Parents: Jen and Dan Hines Future plans: Attend DCTC to be an electrician

Parent: Brigid McCabe Parents: Charles and Trista Niebur Future plans: Attend Anoka Ramsey Future plans: Attend college for Community College for Integrative acting Health and Healing

Parents: Jamie And Stephen Schultz Future plans: Attend Inver Hills Community and Saint Paul College For Surgical Tech

Parents: Tony and Heidi VanDeSteeg Future plans: Attend Inver Hills Community College for Science

Parents: Kristine Smith and Randy Smith Future plans: Attend North Dakota State College of Science to be a John Deere Technician

Parent: Vicki Walker Future plans: Take up a career in writing

Parents: Shelly and Rob Jenkins Future plans: Attend Augsburg University for education and to play baseball

Parents: LeAnn and Brandon Niebur Future plans: Attend DCTC to be an electrician

Parents: Scott and Suzanne Sundby Future plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College for Education and swimming

Parents: Greg and Melody Webster Future plans: Attend University of Wisconsin-Stout for Psychology

Parents: Katie and Dave Johnson Future plans: Attend DCTC to be a lineman

Parents: Mike and Angie Nielsen Future plans: Attend Wartburg College for Biology and Math and to play basketball

Parents: Corey and Amanda Tchida Future plans: Full-time drilling fiber optic lines

Parents: Ann and Kevin Weckop Future plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College for Business Management and to play baseball

Parents: Crystal and Ryan Kranz Future plans: Plan to go into the trades

Future plans: Attend University of Winona for 911 Dispatching

Parents: Doug Thomes and Heather Sand Future plans: Attend UW-Riverfalls for Elementary Education

Parents: Ann and Kevin Weckop Future plans: Attend University of Wisconsin-Stout for Construction Management and to play baseball

Parents: Cory and Keri Lorenzen Future plans: Attend University of Northern Iowa for business

Parents: Dale and Tammy Scheffler Future plans: Attend RCTC

Parents: Andrew and Melissa Timm

Parents: Jeff and Jeanne Werner Future plans: Attend South Dakota State University for Animal Science | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B14


Helena Wiik

Parents: John and Lori Wiik Future plans: Attend Minnesota State College Southeast for Nursing

Kendra Yost

Parents: Leslie Gilbertson, Joey Schweich, and Tony Yost Future plans: Plan on schooling to be a welder


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REGIONAL PRESIDENT: RANDY RICKMAN REGIONAL MANAGING EDITOR: PHILIP WEYHE ASSOCIATE EDITIOR: PAMELA THOMPSON REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF SALES: TOM KELLING ADVERTISING: VICTORIA DAVIES, MEGAN KRUEGER, ANDREA WHITE All advertising contained herein is the responsibility of the advertisers. This publication is ©2022 by APG SoMinn and no content can be reproduced without permission. Presenting the Class of 2022 is delivered to all subscribers of Northfield News

How to Pack Up Whether you’ve been in a shared college apartment or still living with your parents, graduation leads to a time of transition. (GS) Here’s how to pack up in preparation for what comes sometimes through the moving company itself. These can next. be pricey, but they’re also going to be free of the dents and tears typically associated with free boxes you might FIRST QUESTIONS retrieve from convenience or grocery stores. Purchase Moving is always complex and stressful. Start with a packing paper and bubble wrap to protect more fragile few key considerations before putting the first thing in items, and tape to secure everything inside. If you are a box. Are you renting a moving van or truck, or relying managing the move yourself, consider renting a dolly to upon your own transportation? Will there be hired hands, help with heavier items including furniture and appliances. or are friends chipping in? Contracting with a moving It’s also handy for carrying numerous boxes in a single trip. service obviously involves some expense, but there are significant advantages. They’ll know how to safely pack ON MOVING DAY your belongings, and how to stack them for travel. That Unpacking is made immeasurably easier if you gather and leads to less breakage, and fewer scratches and scrapes. list items on a room-by-room basis. Labeling boxes with Your move will also happen in one drive, rather than the different marker colors — like red for a bedroom and blue multiple trips typically needed when graduates rely upon for the kitchen — will also make moving and unpacking their buddies to help out. Finally, professional movers easier. You can quickly identify what’s inside and where it are insured, so you’re covered in the unlikely event that goes, without having to open the box — or even clearly make out the label. Assemble a separate box of needed something happens during transport. essentials for the move, including snacks, phone charger, tools, first-aid items and medication. They’ll come in handy EARLY PREPARATIONS Obviously, you’ll need an array of boxes to pack away your on moving day, and ensure that important things aren’t belongings. Cardboard and plastic sealable versions are lost. typically available for sale at your local hardware store, or | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Page B15

Documenting your Day (GS) All of your perseverance and hard work hard for you to take everything in during the has paid off. But don’t forget to properly busy ceremony. Then get plenty of images as you celebrate with friends and family document this special day. members afterward. These are moments everyone will treasure forever. WHY IT’S SO IMPORTANT As you prepare to venture into college or the workforce, it’s easy to overlook the notable LOOKING AHEAD achievement of graduation. You may be so Your parents will likely want to celebrate this excited about the next step that you don’t watershed moment by hanging a few of these properly celebrate this one. Document it shots on the wall at home. But your new all, anyway. Photographs and video from images can also serve as a career- building graduation will help set these memories in tool. stone forever. One day, after you’ve gotten yourself established in the next phase of your Professional photos raise your game on life, these images will remind you of all that business-focused websites like LinkedIn, while jazzing up your resume. And let’s face it, was accomplished back in school. the first years in college or on the job market are usually pretty lean. You may not be able WHAT TO DOCUMENT Photographs with your cap and gown are to afford something like this again for a while. standard, of course. But don’t forget to get some shots with friends and family in an FINDING A PHOTOGRAPHER informal setting. Suggest an historic building Ask older friends or family members for on campus, or go off the beaten path to an recommendations on selecting a suitable outdoor garden or scenic waterway. Invite photographer. Their experiences will likely classmates too, since they’ve also played a be the most useful in deciding who’s right for you. Do your own research by clicking big role in your academic journey. Ask the photographer to take some through online portfolios, perhaps the best environmental shots at graduation, not just guide for determining a photographer’s your entrance and degree conferral. It’ll be approach. Create and follow a budget for this

process, since some photographers are less affordable than others — and other expenses like apparel, invitations and graduation trips add up. Once you’ve hired someone, be

honest about expectations, but listen for their input too. They may have a suggestion as an experienced pro that you’ve never considered.

Hitting the Job Market (GS) Graduating means turning your attention still require a local workforce, so stay open to to a future in the workplace. But there’s more relocating. But don’t look at this kind of move as an end-point destination. Your first job is to it than polishing up your resume. simply the first step in a long journey. You should also be ready to leverage transferable EMBRACE VIRTUAL REALITY Job seeking officially joined the digital age skills. The industry you intended to join may when the pandemic began, as job fairs and have been impacted in surprising ways over interviews for new positions with hiring the last couple of years, and there could be managers went virtual. Life has begun a fewer job openings for now. Consider jobs in return to normal, but virtual interviews — adjacent fields, even if it’s just on a temporary and virtual meetings, once you’ve landed the basis. Someone with a hospitality degree, for job after graduation — appear to be here to instance, can use a similar skill set in customer stay. They’ll still be used for initial interviews, service. before a company goes through the expense of flying someone to a faraway place to NETWORKING STILL MATTERS discuss an opening more seriously. Virtual It may sound old fashioned, but personal or career fairs have continued, and remote work professional connections still lead to the vast is impossible without online connectivity. So majority of new jobs. Nurture relationships that download the needed software, invest in will advance your career when you’re looking proper lighting, and build up your confidence for a job, and even after you’ve secured one. by practice interviewing in front of your Search out people, on professional sites like LinkedIn or in your every-day life, who have laptop. the kind of job you want — or work at firms where you can see yourself employed. Stay in STAY FLEXIBLE In today’s competitive marketplace, you may touch with professors and other experts from need to broaden your horizons. Consider your school days, since they may be able to remote roles, since so many companies have open career doors. All of them will provide a started allowing employees to work from well of informed advice along the way. home. At the same time, other organizations | Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | PAGE B16

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