How Treatment for Pigmentation Help You to Get Rid of Blemishes! It is the pigment called melanin that determines the color of your skin. Sometimes due to external or internal factors pigmentation of the skin takes place, making the skin look uneven with dark or light patches. Pigmentation is of two types, which are hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is due to increase in the production of melanin and it appears as dark patches. It is often caused due to over exposure to sun, taking of certain drugs and due to mental tension and trauma. Hypopigmentation is caused by a decrease in the production of melanin and it appears as light patches on the face and the arms. It is also called vitiligo. There are many home remedies for the treatment for pigmentation, which are safe and do not cause any side effects. Since the face is the most important part of the body and also the exposed part, treatment for pigmentation on face is more common. Many of the vegetable and other items that you use in the kitchen can work wonders with the skin and cure the skin from all diseases. Potato can erase dark patches and blemishes make the skin smooth and shiny. All you need to do is to rub a slice of potato on the face daily. Lemon juice mixed with honey is another remedy as also red onion. Red onion rubbed on the face removes dark spots and freckles. Cucumber juice and aloe Vera gel also remove pigmentation and make your skin smooth, clear and rejuvenated. The tomato is very good for the skin and is a natural bleach. Yogurt also has bleaching affect and it also has a skin tightening property. Oatmeal is an excellent scrub. These three mixed together can work wonders in the treatment for pigmentation. Mix all the three ingredients together and apply the mixture on the affected part. Let the mixture dry completely and then wash off with lukewarm water. Using this daily is sure to make your skin look good and healthy. Avocados, vinegar, guava and bananas also help to remove pigmentation. When you apply the mask on your face you must not leave it for more than 20 minutes. Since the skin differs from one person to the other, one remedy that is good for one person may not work for the other person. So try another until you arrive at the correct one that works for you. You get many creams, oils and Ayurvedic masks in the market for treatment for pigmentation on the face. But before you choose one, make sure that it is not allergic to your skin. Also check if it is made by a recognized company. Eating fruits daily and drinking lots of water to flush out the toxins from your body and keep your skin healthy and supple.