Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 101: Introduction to International Relations
Understanding International Relations The Nature and Scope of the Field Basic Approaches and Methods for Studying IR Learning the global political map
Key Concepts and Issues
The Westphalian System Sovereignty States Non-state Actors
International System Order Anarchy Alliance System
Power National Powers National Interest Balance of Power
Foreign Policy Propaganda Diplomacy
Security Collective Security Common Security Human Security Security Dilemma Levels of Analysis Great Powers Middle Powers and Micro States
Bipolarity Multipolarity and Unipolarity Hegemony
Intervention Peace Keeping and Peace Building War and Conflicts Terrorism Nuclear Proliferation Disarmament and Arms Control
Global Political Economy Globalization Global Trade and Finance Communication Revolution Culture
Regime International Law International Institutions Integration and Regionalism Global Environment
Poverty Development Human Rights Gender
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Key Concepts in International Relations by Martin Griffiths & Terry O’Callaghan (Routledge: 2004) International Relations by Joshua S. Goldstein (Pearson: 2004) The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations by John Baylis & Steve Smith (OUP: 2005) The Oxford Handbook of International Relations by Christian Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal (eds) (OUP: 2008) Handbook of International Relations by Walter Carlsnaes et al (SAGE: 2005) International Relations and World Politics by Paul R.Viotti & Mark V. Kauppi (Prentice Hall: 2008) International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues by Robert J. Art & Robert Jervis (Pearson: 2005) Readings in International Relations by Jon C. Pevehouse & Joshua S. Goldstein (Longman: 2008) World Politics: The Menu for Choice by Bruce Russett, Harvey Starr & David Kinsella (Wadsworth: 2006) Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics by Marti Griffiths (Routledge: 2007) International Relations in a Changing World by Joseph Frankel (OUP: 2001) Classics of International Relations by John A. Vasquez (Prentice Hall: 1996) International Politics: States, Power and Conflict Since 1945 by G.R. Berridge (Prentice Hall: 1997) Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace by Hans J. Morgenthau (SBA: 1960) Power, post-colonialism and International Relations: Reading Race, Gender and Class by Geeta Chowdhury and Sheila Nair (Routledge: 2002) Readings in World Politics by Steven L. Spiegel et al (Wadsworth: 2005) The Structure of International Society: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations by Geoffrey Stern (Pinter Publishers Ltd: 1995) Essential Readings in World Politics by Karen Mingst (W.W. Norton: 2004) The Global Future: A Brief Introduction to World Politics by Charles W. Kegley, Gregory A. Raymond (Wadsworth: 2007) The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations by Graham Evans (Penguin: 1999)
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 102: Major Themes in Modern World History (1400-1900)
Maritime Revolution and the Expansion of the Global Trade The Rise of the Modern European State System Religion and Religious Warfare Revolutions and Aftermaths Renaissance The French Revolution The Enlightenment The Industrial Revolution, Major Empires and Imperialism Capitalism in World History Slave Trade World Population Growth Global Migration Colonialism and the Colonies Nationalism Political Order in the Non-Western World (India, China, Africa etc) Warfare International Politics in the 18th and 19th Century Science and Technology in World History Eastern Origins of Western Civilization Contemporary Debates over Modern World History
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List The New Penguin History of the World by j. M. Roberts (Penguin: 2004) The Making of the Modern World: Connected Histories, Divergent Paths: 1500 to the Present by Robert W. Strayer (St. Martins: 1995) A History of Modern Europe: From Renaissance to the Present by John Merriman (W.W. Norton: 2004) The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500-2000 by Paul Kennedy (Fontana: 1989) Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past by Jerry H. Bentley & Herbert F. Ziegler (McGraw Hill: 2007) Experiencing World History by Paul Vauthier et al (NYUP: 2000) From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life by Jacques Barzun (Harper Collins: 2000) The Global Experience: Readings in World History Since 1550 by Philip F. Reiley (Prentice Hall: 2001) A History of Civilization by Fernand Braudel (Penguin: 1995) The Birth of the Modern World: 1780-1914 by C.A. Bayly (Wiley-Blackwell: 2004) The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation by John M. Hobson (Cambridge University Press: 2004) The Age of Empire: 1875-1914 by Eric Hobsbawm (Vintage: 1989) The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848 by Eric Hobsbawm (Vintage: 1996) The Age of Capital: 1848-1875 by Eric Hobsbawm (Vintage: 1996) War Made New: Technology, Warfare and the Course of History: 1500 to Today by Max Boot (Gotham: 2006) War and the World: Military Power and the Fate of Continents, 1450-2000 by Jeremy Black (Yale University Press: 2000) The Origins of the Modern World: Fate and Fortune in the Rise of the West by Robert B. Marks (Rowman & Littlefield: 2007) The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science by John Henry (OUP: 2001) A Concise History of the Modern World: 1500 to the Present by William Woodruff (Palgrave-Macmillan: 2002) War and the Law of Nations: A General History by Stephen C. Neff (Cambridge University Press: 2005) Reorient: Global Economy in the Asian Age by Frank, Andre Gunder (University of California Press: 1998) Europe and the people without history by Wole, Eric R. (University of California Press: 1982) The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy by Kenneth Pomeranz (Princeton University Press: 2001) The Colonizer's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History by J.M. Blaut (The Guilford Press: 1993) An Economic History of Europe: From expansion to development Edited by Antonio Di Vittorio (Routledge: 2002) The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, And the World Economy, 1400 to the Present by Kenneth Pomeranz & Steven Topik (M.E. Sharpe: 2005) The French Revolution: A very short introduction by William Doyle (OUP: 2006) The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction by Jerry Brotton (OUP: 2006) The Nation-State and Global Order: A Historical Introduction to Contemporary Politics by Walter C. Opello, Jr. and Stephen J. Rosow (Lynne Rienner Publishers: 1999) The Rise and Decline of the State by Martin van Creveld (Cambridge University Press: 1999) Migration in World History by Patrick Manning (Routledge: 2005) Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past by Patrick Manning (Palgrave Macmillan: 2003) After Tamerlane: The Global History of Empire Since 1405 by John Darwin (Bloomsbury Press: 2008) Nationalism (Short Histories of Big Ideas) by Richard Bosworth (Longman: 2007) Colonialism (Short Histories of Big Ideas) by Norrie MacQueen (Longman: 2007) The age of religious wars, 1559-1715 by Dunn, Richard S (Norton & Company: 2004)
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 103: World Politics: From the 20th to the 21st Century
Power Politics in Europe at the Beginning of the 20th Century The Last Decades of Russian and Habsburg Empires The Emergence of the US as a World Power China’s Disintegration and the Emergence of Japan as a Regional Power
The Origins and Development of the First World War War & Revolution in the East, 1917 The Paris Peace Settlements and the Legacy of the First World War The World between the Two World Wars The Rise of Fascism in Italy The Great Depression and its Aftermath The Rise of Hitler in Germany Crisis in the East The Spanish Civil War The Outbreak of War in Europe
Germany and WWII The Origins of the Pacific War War-time Diplomacy The Victory of the Allies Surrender of Japan and the End of WWII The Holocaust Legacy of the WWII
Post War Europe The Search for Preponderance The Great Powers and their Interests The US and the Beginning of the Cold War
Decolonization in Asia and Africa The Breakup of the Indian Sub-continent
The End of Civil War and the Rise of the Communists in China The Korean War
Development of the Cold War The Success and Dilemmas of Containment The Soviet Union and the West The Rise and fall of Khrushchev Eastern Europe and the Crisis in Hungary
Recovery of Western Europe Political Developments in West Germany, France, Italy and Britain USA during Eisenhower and Kennedy Years The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Middle East and the West Britain, Israel and the Arabs The Suez Crisis The Struggle for Predominance in the Middle East
The United States and the Soviet Bloc After 1963 Détente and its Discontents The Sino-Soviet Conflict Western Europe in the 70’s and The Rise of European Community Crisis and Reform in the Soviet Union The Afghan War East European Revolutions and the Disintegration of the Iron Curtain The End of the Cold War The Wars of Yugoslavia
Revolutions, Civil Wars, Famines and Military Interventions in Latin America and Africa Since 1945 Nuclear Politics and the Arms Race Politics of Arms Control and Disarmament
The New World Order Turmoil in the Middle East The First Gulf War 9/11 and War against Terror The Second Gulf War Emerging Trends
The Vietnam War Mao’s China The Political & Economic development in the Pacific Rim Cold War in South Asia and Middle East
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List A History of the World: From the 20th to the 21st Century by J.A.S. Grenville (Routledge: 2005) International Relations: From the Cold War to the Globalized War by Andreas Wenger & Doron Zimmermann (Viva: 2004) The World Since 1945: A History of International Relations by Wayne C. McWilliams & Harry Piotrowski (Viva: 2006) World Politics 1945-2000 by Peter Calvocoressi (Pearson: 2001) The Penguin History of the Twentieth Century: The History of the World, 1901 to the Present by J.M. Roberts (Penguin: 2004) The Twentieth Century World and Beyond: An International History Since 1900 by William R. Kaylor (OUP: 2005) National and International Conflicts: 1945-1995 by Frank R. Pfetsch & Christoph Rohloff (Routledge: 2000) Mastering Modern World History by Norman Lowe (Palgrave: 1997) Diplomacy by Henry Kissinger (Touchstone: 1994) The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991 by Eric Hobsbawm (Pantheon: 1994). A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East by Fromkin David (Henry Holt & Company: 1989) Cold War: An Illustrated History, 1945-1991 by Isaacs & Downing (Little Brown & Company: 1998) The Cold War: An International History by S. T. Ball (Arnold: 1998) Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Michael B. Oren (Penguin: 2003) The South Asian Century 1900-1999 by Zubeida Mustafa (OUP: 2001) How Israel Was Won: A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Thomas Baylis (Lexington: 1999) A Companion to International History 1900-2001 by Gordon Martel (Blackwell: Eastern Europe Since 1945 by Geoffrey Swain (Palgrave-Macmillan: 2003) Comrades!: A History of World Communism by Robert Service (Harvard University Press: 2007) The Third Reich: A New History by Michael Burleigh (Hill and Wang: 2001) The Balkans: A post-Communist history by Robert Bideleux and Ian Jeffries (Routledge: 2007)
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 104: Global Environmental Politics
Governing the International Environment Global Institutions for the Protection of Environment Role of Environmental NGOs The Structure of International Environmental Regimes The Issues related to Compliance and Enforcement Agenda 21 Sustainable Development The UN and Global Environment The Kyoto Protocol and its Aftermath
US Role in Making Environmental Regimes The EU and the Environmental Governance System
Ecological Conflicts Environmental Justice The History and Development of Environmental Movements Green Politics Environmental Disasters and International Cooperation Environmental Concerns in South Asia and the role of SAARC
The Political Economy of Deforestation Population Control Demographic Challenges to Peace and Security North-South Tension Regarding Toxic Wastes Endangered Species
The New Economy of Water Water Wars Air Pollution and the Polluters Agriculture Mining Dams Natural Resources and Conflicts Biodiversity Energy Policy of the Global Powers
Environmental Concerns for Bangladesh Arsenic Crisis Flood Cyclone Drought Overpopulation Air Pollution Industrial Wastes and Water Pollution Energy Policy Disaster Management
Debates over Global Warming and its Consequences The Skeptics
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List The Global Environment: Institutions, Law and Policy by Norman J. Vig & Regina S. Axelrod (Earthscan: 2006) The Global Environment in the Twenty-first Century: Prospects for International Cooperation by Pamela S. Chasek (United Nations University: 2000) Global Environmental Politics by Pamela S. Chasek, Janet Welsh Brown, David Leonard Downie (Westview Press: 2006) Handbook of Global Environmental Politics Edited by Peter Dauvergne (Edward Elgar: 2005) Global Environmental Politics: Power, Perspectives, and Practice by Ronnie D. Lipschutz (CQ Press: 2003) Global Environmental Policies: Institutions and Procedures by Ho-Won Jeong (Palgrave Macmillan: 2001) Global Environmental Governance by James Gustave Speth (Island Press: 2006) Global Warming: A Very Short Introduction by Mark Maslin (OUP: 2009) Global Warming: The Complete Briefing by Sir John Houghton (Cambridge University Press: 2004) Global Catastrophes: A Very Short Introduction by Bill McGuire (OUP: 2006) Understanding Global Environmental Politics: Domination, Accumulation, Resistance by Matthew Paterson (Palgrave Macmillan: 2001) Global Environmental Governance: Foundations of Contemporary Environmental Studies by James Gustave Speth,Peter Haas (Island Press: 2006) Environmental Movements: Local, National and Global by Christop Rootes (Routledge: 1999) Earthly Politics: Local and Global in Environmental Governance by Jasanoff, Marybeth Long Martello (The MIT Press: 2004) The International Politics of the Environment: Actors, Interests, and Institutions by Andrew Hurrell, Benedict Kingsbury (Oxford University Press: 1992) Trade, Environment and the Millennium by Gary P. Sampson & W. Bradnee Chambers (United Nations University Press: 1999) Justice, Posterity and the Environment by Wilfred Beckerman and Joanna Pasek (OUP: 2001) The Compromise of Liberal Environmentalism by Steven Bernstein (Columbia University Press: 2001) Environmental Policy by Norman J. Vig (CQ Press: 2003) Fifty Great Thinkers on the Environment by Joy A. Palmer (Routledge: 2004) Bangladesh Environment: Facing the 21st Century by Philip Gain et al (SEHD: 1998) Bangladesh: Land, Forest & Forest People by Philip Gain (SEHD: 1998) The International Political Economy of the Environment: Critical Perspectives by Dinitris Stevis et al (Lynne Reiner Publishers: 2001) Green Planet Blues: Environmental Politics from Stockholm to Johannesburg by Ken Conca and Geoffrey Dabelko (Westview Press: 2004) Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto by Earnesto Zedillo (Brookings: 2008) Global Warming: Myth or Reality? The Erring Ways of Climatology by Marcel Leroux (Springer: 2005)
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 105: International Organizations
The Development of International Organizations up to World War II Theoretical Approaches to International Organizations States and International Organizations
Functionalism and Interdependence Regionalism Multilateralism Supranationalism and World Government Collective Security
Origins and Creation of the UN Organizational Structure of the UN The UN Secretary-General The Security Council Theoretical Perspectives on the UN United Nations and the Promotion of Human Rights United Nations and Maintenance of International Peace and Security Major UN Operations Crisis and Reform of the United Nations The UN in the Post-Cold War Period
Introduction to the European Union (EU) EU Economic Integration Contemporary Challenges The Question of Enlargement
Introduction to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Contemporary Challenges
Introduction to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Post-Cold War Roles
International Economic Architecture The IMF and the World Bank IMF and the Asian Financial Crisis WTO and Regionalism Controversies Surrounding the WTO SAARC NAFTA History, Development and Future
Critical Issues Voting procedures Membership Representation Withdrawal Enforcement Dispute Settlements
Contemporary Issues Related to IOs and INGOs: Human Rights Environment Women Intervention Nation-building Terrorism Democratization Sanctions Use of Force Global Civil Society
Critiques of IOs The USA and International Organization The Future of International Organization
Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World by Paul F. Diehl (Viva: 2005) International Organizations: Perspectives on Governance in the Twenty-first Century by Kelly-Kate S. Pease (Prentice Hall: 2007) Rules for the World: International Organizations in Global Politics by Michael Barnett & Martha Finnemore (Cornell University Press: 2004) International Organizations: Principles and Issues by A. LeRoy Bennett & James K. Oliver (Prentice Hall: 2002) After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order after Major Wars by Ikenberry, G. John (Princeton University Press: 2001) The United Nations: Confronting the Challenges of a Global Society by Jean E. Krasno (Viva: 2005) The UN Security Council: From the Cold War to the 21st Century by David M. Malone (Viva: 2006) The UN’s Role in Nation-building: From the Congo to Iraq by James et al (RAND: 2005) Mixed Messages: American Politics and International Organization 1919-99 by Edward C. Luck (Brookings: 1999) International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance by Margaret P. Karns & Karen A. Mingst (Lynne Rienner Publishers: 2004) International Institutions: An International Organization Reader by Lisa L. Martin & Beth A. Simmons (The MIT Press: 2001) International Organization: Polity, Politics and Policies by Volker Rittberger, Bernhard Zangl & Matthias Staisch (Palgrave Macmillan: 2006) The Architecture of Global Governance: An Introduction to the Study of International Organizations by James P. Muldoon Jr. (Westview Press: 2003) Delegation and Agency in International Organizations by Darren G. Hawkins et al (Cambridge University Press: 2006) Legalization and World Politics by Judith L. Goldstein (The MIT Press: 2001) International Organizations as Law Makers by Jose E. Alvarez (OUP: 2006) International Organisations by Dr Clive Archer (Routledge: 2001) International Organizations: Theories and Institutions by J. Samuel Barkin (Palgrave Macmillan: 2006) The United Nations: International Organizations and World Politics by Lawrence Ziring (Wadsworth: 2004) International Organizations and Global Governance: A Reader by Friedrich V. Kratochwil and Edward D. Mansfield (Longman: 2005) International Organizations and Implementation: Enforcers, managers, authorities?, Edited by Jutta Joachim, Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek, (Routledge: 2008)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 106: Bangladesh: History, Politics and Culture
Society and Politics in Bengal during the Mughal Period The Advent of European Trading Companies Bengal in the mid-18th Century The Battle of Palashi The rule of East India Company in Bengal
Dynamics and Consequences of the British Rule The Peasant Movements The Revolt of 1857 Reform in the Hindu and Muslim Society Muslim Separatism in the 19th Century Partition of Bengal Muslim Self-determination Anti-Colonial Movements The Legacy of the Colonial Period
Politics in Bengal 1937-1947 The Great Partition The Pakistan Experience Language Movement Rise of Secular Bengali Nationalism War of Independence Great Power Politics in 1971
Bangladesh in the post-71 Period The Mujib Era Political Developments after 1975 The Zia Regime The Ershad Regime The Role of the Military in Bangladesh Politics
The Quest for Democracy Religion and Politics in Bangladesh The Caretaker Government Political Culture of Bangladesh Contemporary Debates
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List A History of Bangladesh by Willem Van Schendel, (Cambridge University Press: 2009) History of Bangladesh 1704-1971 by Sirajul Islam ed. (Asiatic Society of Bangladesh: 1997) The Foundations of Muslim Nationalism in Bengal by Bimal Prasad (UPL: 1999) A Nation within a Nation by Bimal Prasad (UPL:2000) The Foreshadowing of Bangladesh: Bengal Muslim League and Muslim Politics 1936-47 (Asiatic Society of Bangladesh: 1987) The Separation of East Pakistan: The Rise and Realization of Bengali Muslim Nationalism by Hasan Zaheer (UPL: 1998) The Sacred and the Secular: Bengal Muslim Discourses 1871-1977 by Tazeen M. Murshid (UPL: 1996) Pakistan: Failure in National Integration by Rounaq Jahan (UPL: 1994) Changing Face of Nationalism: the Case of Bangladesh by Muhammad Ghulam Kabir (UPL: 1995) Religion, Nationalism and Politics in Bangladesh by Rafiuddin Ahmed ed. (South Asia Studies Group: 1990) Bangladesh: Emergence of a Nation by A. M. A. Muhith (Bangladesh Books: 1978) The Bangladesh Revolution and its Aftermath by Talukder Maniruzzaman (UPL: 2003) Bangladesh: Biography of a Muslim Nation by Charles Peter O’Donnell (Westview Press: 1984) Political Culture in Bangladesh: Perspectives and Analysis by Syed Saad Andalee ed. (UPL: 2007) State, Class and Military Rule: Political Economy of Martial Law in Bangladesh by Ali Riaz (Nadi New Press: 1994) Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issues by Rounaq Jahan (UPL: 2005) Bangladesh in the 1990s: Selected Studies by William Van Schendel & Kersten Westergaard (UPL: 1997) Democracy and the Callenge of Development: A Study of Politics and Military Interventions in Bangladesh by Moudud Ahmed (UPL: 1995) The Zia Episode in Bangladesh Politics by Habib Zafarullah (UPL: 1996) The Caretakers by Fakhruddin Ahmed (UPL: 1998) Bangladesh: Era of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by Moudud Ahmed (Jeeva: 1991) Bangladesh: From A Nation To A State by Craig Baxter (Westview Press: 1998) A History of Bangladesh by Willem van Schendel (Cambridge University Press: 2009)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 107: Introduction to Political Science
Political Science as a Discipline Brief Historical Overview of the Discipline Brief Discussion on Western Political Thought: key figures and their contributions.
Key Concepts & Debates in Political Science
Human Nature Justification of the State Democracy Liberty and Rights Justice Liberalism and its Alternatives Citizenship Multiculturalism Legitimacy Accountability Political Class Election Welfare States
Forms of Government Democratic Parliamentary Dictatorial Totalitarian Presidential & Semi-Presidential Unitary and Federal
Organs of Government Executive Legislature Judiciary
Political Structures and Institutions Political Parties Pressure Groups Public Opinion Bureaucracy Election Local Government Military
Constitution and Constitutionalism Basic Features of Bangladesh Constitution
Political Systems of the Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan, China and India
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List
Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction by Rod Haque et al (Macmillan: 1992) A New Handbook of Political Science by Goodin, Robert E. Ed. (OUP: 2003) Theory and Methods in Political Science by David Marsh and Gerry Stroker (Palgrave: 2002) Ventures in Political Science: Narratives and Reflections by Gabriel A. Almond (Lynne Reinner: 2002) Constitutional Development in Bangladesh: Stresses and Strains by Dilara Choudhury (UPL: 1995) The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions Edited by R. A. W. Rhodes, sarah A. Binder and Bert A. Rockman (OUP: 2006) The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory Edited by John S . Dryzek Bonnie Honig and Anne Phillips (OUP: 2006) American Government: The Essentials by James Q. Wilson & John J. Dilulio (D.C. Heath and Company: 1995) Politics UK by Bill Jones Ed. (Pearson: 2001) Great Political Thinkers: Plato to the Present by William Ebenstein & Alan Ebenstein (Wadsworth: 2000) Political Thought by Michael Rosen and Jonathan Wolf (OUP: 1999) The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy by Anthony H. Birch (Taylor & Francis: 2001) The Soldier and the State by Samuel P.Huntington (Natraj: 2005) Citizens and the State by Klingemann, Hans-Dieter (Editor), Fuchs, Dieter (Editor) (OUP: 2003) Democracy Transformed? by Cain, Bruce E. et al (OUP: 2006) Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy by Hardin, Russell (OUP: 2003) Parties and Democracy: by Budge, Ian & Hens Keman (OUP: 2003) Political Parties: Old Concepts and New Challenges by Gunther, Richard et al (OUP: 2003) Deliberative Democracy and Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Contestations by Dryzek, John S (OUP: 2003) Understanding the Political Philosophers by Alan Haworth (Routledge: 2004) Introduction to Politics: Government and Nations in the Post-Cold War Era by Martin Slann (MacGraw Hill: 1998) Comparative Politics of Third World by December Green & Laura Luerhrmann (Viva: 2004)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
ENG 001: English Language (Non-Core)
Grammar The Parts of Speech Tense Subject-Verb Agreement Determiners, Modifiers and Phrases Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences
Composition & Writing Building Rhetorical Power Strategies for Active Writing and Reading Exploratory Drafting and Thesis Statements Planning, Organizing and Developing Text Writing Paragraph The Style of Language Persuasion and Argument
Style Revising, Editing and Proofreading Citing Reference Punctuation and Mechanics Document Design
Academic Research and Writing Writing Book Review Writing and Documenting Research Papers
Writing for Non-academic Purposes Business Letters Personal Letters Resume and Cover Letters
Vocabulary Antonyms and Synonyms
Reading Comprehension Writing Summary/Abstract Translation
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
A Student’s Grammar of the English Language by Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk (Pearson: 2005) Collin’s Good Writing Guide (Harper Collins: 2003) Writing: A College Handbook, Heffernan and Others, (Norton & Company: 2001) Style Guide (The Economist: 2004) Marphy’s English Grammar by Raymond Murphy (Cambridge University Press: 2004) Collins Cobuild English Usage (Harper Collins: 2004) Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide, Ronald Catter & Michael McCarthy (Cambridge University Press: 2006) Longman Essential Activator (Pearson Longman: 2003) The Penguin Dictionary of American English Usage And Style, paul w. lovinger (Penguin: 2002) The New Fowler’s Modern English Usage, R W Burchfield (Oxford: 2002)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 201: Geopolitics
The History and Development of Geopolitics Political Geography in the Modern World The Revival of Geopolitics Critical Geopolitics Theoretical Issues The Geopolitics of War
The Contribution of Key Geopolitical Thinkers Mahan, Spykman, Mackinder, Kjellen, Ratzel, Kissinger and others
Geopolitics and Geo-economics Geopolitics and Geo-strategy Geopolitics and Space
The New Geography of Conflict Geopolitics of Energy Geopolitics of Natural Resources and Conflict Case Studies: Oil Conflicts in the Persian Gulf, Africa and Central Asia Energy Conflicts in the Caspian Sea Basin
Geopolitics of Water Case Studies: The Nile Basin, Jordan River, Tigris-Euphrates and Indus River Basins Water Wars Civil Wars over Minerals and Timber Case Studies: Africa, Latin America and South East Asia
Critical Geopolitical Areas and their Significance to Global Security
Geopolitics of the United States Eurasia and its Significance to the USA and Russia Sino-American Relations and the Question of Taiwan Why Israel is Important to the USA China’s Interests in Central Asia and Africa North and South Korea The Indian Ocean and the Rise of India as a Geopolitical Actor Russia’s Geopolitical Interests in Central Asia Geopolitical Importance of Bangladesh East Asian Geopolitics The Major Geopolitical Actors in the Middle East Japan’s geopolitical interests European Geopolitics
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction by Klaus Dodds (OUP: 2007) Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy by Colin S. Gray, Geoffrey Sloan (Taylor & Francis: 1999) Geopolitics Reader by Gearoid O. Tuathail, Simon Dalby, Paul Routledge (Taylor & Francis:1998) Rethinking Geopolitics by Gearoid O. Tuathail (Editor), Geroid Tuathail (Taylor & Francis: 1998) Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict by Michael T. Klare (Owl Books: 2002) The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Basic Books: 1998) The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power by Daniel Yergin (Touchstone: 1992) Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space by Gearoid O. Tuathail (University of Minnesota Press: 1996) From Geopolitics to Global Politics by Jacques E. Levy (Editor), Jaques Levy (Taylor & Francis: 2001) Geopolitics and Globalization in the Twentieth Century by Brian W. Blouet (Reaktion Books: 2001) Water Wars by Diane Raines Ward (Riverhead Trade: 2003) Geopolitics at the End of the Twentieth Century by Nurit Kliot, David Newman (Taylor & Francis: 2000) Geopolitics: RE-Visioning World Politics by John A. Agnew (Taylor & Francis: 2003) The Geopolitics of East Asia: The Search for Equilibrium by Robyn Lim, Lim Robyn (Taylor & Francis: 2003) The Geopolitics of Globalization: The Consequences for Development by Baldev Raj Nayar (OUP: 2006) The Geopolitics of Security in the Americas: Hemispheric Denial from Monroe to Clinton by Martin Sicker (Praeger: 2001) Geopolitics: From the Cold War to the 21st Century by Francis Sempa (Transaction Publisher: 2007) Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics by William H. Overholt (Cambridge University Press: 2008) The Geopolitics of South Asia by Graham P. Chapman (Ashgate: 2000) The New Central Asia: Geopolitics and the Birth of Nations by Oliver Roy (NYUU Press: 2007)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 202: International Law
The Nature, Scope and Development of International Law History of International Law Foundations of International Law How International Law Works
International Law Today Theories and Interpretations
Sources of International Law International Law and Municipal Law
The Subjects of International Law Self-determination in International Law
Sovereignty Recognition Territory in International Law Air Law and Space Law The Law of the Sea Jurisdiction Immunities State Responsibilities
The Law of Treaties
State Succession Settlement of Disputes Neutrality
The UN and International Law Legal Aspects of International Institutions
The US and International Law Contemporary Issues & Debates
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List International Law by Malcom N. Shaw (Cambridge University Press: 2005) The Politics of International Law by Christian Reus-Smit (Cambridge University Press: 2004) International Law and International Politics by Beth A. Simmons, Richard H. Steinberg (Cambridge University Press: 2007) Lawless World by Philippe Sands (Penguin: 2005) International Law in World Politics: An Introduction by Shirley V. Scott (Viva: 2005) Akehursts’s Modern International Law by Peter Malanczuk (Harper Collins: 1997) International Law: Classic and Contemporary Readings by Charlotte Ku & Paul F. Diehl (Viva: 2004) Principles of International Law by Sean D. Murphy (Thomson West: 2006) International Law, Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-oriented Approach by Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Steven R. Ratner, David Wippman (Aspen Publishers: 2006) Custom, Power and the Power of Rules: International Relations and Customary International Law by Michael Byers (Cambridge University Press: 1998) International Law Frameworks by David J. Bederman (Foundation Press: 2006) Handbook of International Law by Anthony Aust (Cambridge University Press: 2005) The Epochs of International Law by Wilhelm G. Grewe,Michael (ByersWalter de Gruyter: 2000) The Limits of International Law by Jack L. Goldsmith,Eric A. Posner (Oxford University Press: 2006) The Role of Law in International Politics: Essays in International Relations and International Law by Michael Byers (Oxford University Press: 2001) Modern International Law: An Introduction to the Law of Nations by James H. Wolfe (Prentice Hall: 2001) International Law by Antonio Cassese (Oxford University Press: 2005) International Law in the 21st Century: Rules for Global Governance by Christopher C. Joyner (Rowman & Littlefield: 2005) Law Among Nations: An Introduction to Public International Law by Gerhard von Glahn, James Larry Taulbee (Longman: 2006) International Law: Cases and Commentary by Mark W. Janis, John E. Noyes (Thomson/West: 2006) Justice, Legitimacy, and Self-Determination: Moral Foundations for International Law by Buchanan, Allen (OP: 2004) How International Law Works: A Rational Choice Theory by Guzman, Andrew (OUP: 2008)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 203: Refugees, Migrants and the Displaced
International Protection of the Refugees The early days of UNHCR Refugees and International Law
Refugee Problem since the Second World War The problems of Africa, South Asia, Indo-China and Central America Repatriation in the 1990s Displacement in the former Soviet Regime
Asylum in the Industrialized World Changing Dynamics of Displacement Environmental Refugees Refugees and International Conflict Refugees and Security Stateless Persons Contemporary Case Studies
Causes and Consequences of Forced Migration Case Studies
Issues related to Internal Displacement Case Studies Rural-Urban Migration Development and Displacement Case Studies
Global history of International Migration Migration and Citizenship Migration and Identity politics Migration and Labor Western powers and the control over International Migration Debates over Immigration Migration, Remittance, Brain Drain The new slaves of Global Capitalism Migration and Security Contemporary Debates
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Refugees and International Relations by Gil Loescher,Laila Monahan (Oxford University Press: 1990) International Migration and Security: Immigrants as an Asset or Threat? by Elspeth Guild (Routledge: 2005) Dangerous Sanctuaries: Refugee Camps, Civil War, And the Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid by Sarah Kenyon Lischer (Cornell University Press: 2006) The UNHCR and World Politics: A Perilous Path by Gil Loescher (Oxford University Press: 2001) The Price of Indifference: Refugees and Humanitarian Action in the New Century by Arthur C. Helton (Oxford University Press: 2002) International Migration: A Very Short Introduction by Khalid Koser (Oxford University Press: 2007) International Migration: Globalization's Last Frontier by Jonathon W. Moses (Zed Books: 2006) Refugees in a Global Era by Philip Marfleet (Palgrave Macmillan: 2005) The Uprooted: Improving Humanitarian Responses to Forced Migration by Patricia Weiss Fagen et al. (Lexington Books: 2005) Worlds in Motion: Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium by Douglas S. Massey, et al. (Oxford University Press: 2005) Beyond Charity: International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis by Gil Loescher (Oxford University Press: 1996) The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World by Stephen Castles, Mark J. Miller (The Guilford Press: 2003) The State of the World's Refugees: Human Displacement in the New Millennium by The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Oxford University Press: 2006) Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions by Aristide R. Zolberg, Peter Benda (Berghahn Books: 2001) Citizenship and Migration: Globalization and the Politics of Belonging by Stephen Castles, Alastair Davidson (Routledge: 2000) Development and Displacement by Jenny Robinson, et al (Oxford University Press: 2002) The Refugee in International Law by Guy Goodwin-Gill, Jane McAdam (Oxford University Press: 2007) International Migration: Prospects and Policies in a Global Market by Douglas S. Massey, J. Edward Taylor (Oxford University Press: 2004) Exploited: Migrant Labour in the New Global Economy by Toby Shelley (Zed Books: 2007) Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective by Wayne Cornelius et al. (Stanford University Press: 2004) Exile and belonging: refugees and state policy in South Asia by Pia Oberoi (OUP: 2006)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 204: Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues
Concepts and Theories of Human Rights International Human Rights Law: Theory and Practice The History and Development of Human Rights The United Nations and Modern Human Rights Regimes International Human Rights Law and Domestic Law Democracy and Human Rights Globalization’s Impact on Human Rights Environmental Rights Human Rights and Development Debates over Universal Human Rights The Death Penalty The International Bill of Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights International Covenant on Civil and political Rights International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Regional Protection of Human Rights European Union and Human Rights The Inter-American System The African Charter Human Rights in South Asia Asian Perspectives
Group Rights Equality and Non-Discrimination The Rights of the Minorities The Rights of Peoples and Indigenous Peoples The Rights of Women Rights of the Child
Rights of the Refugees and the Migrants Freedom of the Press Background of the Laws of War The UN and the Laws of War The Geneva Conventions Law and Armed Conflict Since the Second World War Enforcing Laws of War
International Humanitarian Law Torture Combatants, Non-Combatants Civilians and POWs War Crimes Crimes against Humanity Genocide Apartheid Racism Terrorism
Major Trials, Tribunals and Courts Nuremburg Trials, Tokyo Trials The Balkan Trials ICTR ICC
Humanitarian Intervention Law and Ethics of Humanitarian Intervention Alternatives The US Foreign Policy and Human Rights The Authoritarian Regimes Sanctions and Human Rights The Role of Media
Human Rights Situation in Bangladesh Contemporary Issues
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Contemporary Human Rights Ideas by Bertrand G. Ramcharan (Routledge: 2008) International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals by Philip Alston, Ryan Goodman, Henry J. Steiner (Oxford University Press: 2007) From Nuremberg to The Hague: The Future of International Criminal Justice by Philippe Sands (Cambridge University Press: 2003) The Global Struggle for Human Rights: Universal Principles in World Politics by Debra L. DeLaet (Wadsworth Publishing: 2005) Of War and Law by David Kennedy (Princeton University Press: 2006) Rethinking Human Rights: Critical Approaches to International Politics by David Chandler (Palgrave Macmillan: 2002) Crimes Against Humanity: The Struggle for Global Justice by Geoffrey Robertson, Kenneth Roth (New Press: 2007) The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism by David Kennedy (Princeton University Press: 2005) Textbook on International Human Rights by Rhona K. M. Smith (Oxford University Press: 2007) Human Rights in International Relations by David P. Forsythe (Cambridge University Press: 2006) The Politics of Human Rights by Savic Obrad, The Belgrade Circle, Obrad Savic (Verso: 2002) Human Rights in Global Politics by Tim Dunne, Nicholas J. Wheeler (Cambridge University Press: 1999) Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas by J. L. Holzgrefe, Robert O. Keohane (Cambridge University Press: 2003) Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society by Nicholas J. Wheeler (Oxford University Press: 2003) Universal Human Rights: Moral Order in a Divided World by David A. Reidy (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.: 2005) International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Treaties, Cases, and Analysis by Francisco Forrest Martin et al. (Cambridge University Press: 2006) Exploring International Human Rights: Essential Readings by Rhonda L. Callaway, Julie Harrelson-Stephens (Lynne Rienner: 2007) Freedom on Fire: Human Rights War & America’s Response by John Shattuck (Viva: 2005) Human Rights: New Perspectives, New Realities by Adamantia Pollis & Peter Schwab (Viva: 2002) Evaluating International Humanitarian Action by Addrian Wood et al (Zed Books: 2001) Debating Human Rights: Critical Essays from the United States and Asia by Peter Van Ness (Routledge: 1999) The Human Rights Reader, Edited By MICHELINE R. ISHAY (Routledge: 2007) The Liberal Project and Human Rights: The Theory and Practice of a New World Order by JOHN CHARVET AND ELISA KACZYNSKA-NAY (Cambridge University: 2008)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 205: Bangladesh in International Affairs
The Emergence of Bangladesh in South Asia The Roles of Great Powers during the Liberation Struggle International Public Opinion and Support for the Independence of Bangladesh
Bangladesh and the Middle East The Issues Related To Religion, Oil and Remittance
Our Western Neighbor Concerns over the Border Conflict with India Bangladesh and Pakistan
Bangladesh and the USA Toward Strategic Partnership US Interests in Bangladesh
Dealings with China Military Issues
Bangladesh and Japan Aid, Investments & Other Issues
New Insights into Myanmar-Bangladesh Relations Bangladesh and the East & South-East Asia Making New Friends: Central Asian States and Bangladesh
Bangladesh’s Role in International Organizations Bangladesh in the UN The Peacekeepers WTO And Trade Liberalization in Bangladesh IMF Conditionality In The Case of Bangladesh World Bank and Development Issues of Bangladesh
Bangladesh in the Regional Organizations SAARC: New Possibilities BIMSTEC OIC
Migrant Workers of Bangladesh Maritime Security of Bangladesh The Threat of International Terrorism in Bangladesh Energy Security of Bangladesh from Global Perspective
Bangladesh’s Image in the Global Media Why Bangladesh Matters
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Bangladesh in International Politics by Muhammad Shamsul Huq (UPL: 1993) The Role of India in the Emergence of Bangladesh by Sucheta Ghosh (Minerva: 1983) Critical Times: Memories of a South Asian Diplomat by Fakhruddin Ahmed (UPL: 1994) American Response to Bangladesh Liberation by A.M.A. Muhith (UPL: 1996) Strengthening Cooperation and Security in South Asia Post 9/11 by Farooq Sobhan ed. (UPL: 2004) Bangladesh’s Maritime Challenges in the 21st Century by Mohammad Khurshed Alam (Pathak Samabesh: 2004) National Security of Bangladesh in the Twenty-first Century by Mohammad Humayun Kabir (APPL: 2000) Bangladesh: Origins and Indian Ocean Relations 1971-1975 by Denis Wright (Academic Publishers: 1988) Privileged Witness: Memories of a Diplomat by Arshad-uz Zaman (UPL: 2000) Bangladesh: Internal Dynamics and External Linkages by Abul Kalam ed. (UPL: 1996) Foreign Policy of Bangladesh: A Small State’s Imperative by Emajuddin Ahmed (UPL: 1984) Bangladesh, South Asia and the World by Emajuddin Ahmed & Abul Kalam eds. (AP: 992) Looking Outward: Bangladesh in the World Economy by Nurul Islam (UPL: 2004) The Last Days of United Pakistan by G.W. Choudhury (UPL: 1994) Liberation and Beyond: Indo-Bangladesh Relations by J. N. Dixit (UPL: 1999) U.S.-Bangladesh Relations: A Critique by Sarbjit Sharma (UPL: 2001) National Interest and Foreign Policy: Bangladesh’s Relations with Soviet Union and its Successor States by Golam Mostafa (UPL: 1995) Bangladesh in the United Nations: A Study in Diplomacy by Nurul Momen (UPL: 1987) Non-Military Security of Bangladesh: External Determinants by Rumana Samiruddin Khan (UPL: 1996) Bangladesh-Southeast Asia Relations: Some Insights by Shaheen Afroze (APPL: 2001)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 206: Gender, Development and International Relations
Gender and International Relations Feminist Critique of IR theories Concepts and Terminologies Feminist International Relations Theorizing Masculinity Masculinities, IR and Gender Politics Remaking Hegemonic Masculinity Gendered Dimensions of War, Peace and Security Gendered Perspectives over State, Democratization and Global Order
International Security and Women Women’s Security Indigenous Women
The Sociology of Gender The Gendered Person Gender in Interactions and Institutions
Work, Family and Gendered Institutions Gendered Jobs and Workers Deconstructing Gender Inequalities and Differences
Women, Religion and the Law Gender Planning in Developing Countries The Case of Bangladesh Women and Politics Women Representation in the Political Bodies
Violence, Insecurity and Women Women in war and Peace Women as victims of natural disaster
Gender and Development Contested Meanings of Development Development and International Relations: Theory and History Theories of Development The Discourse of Developmentalism Feminist Critique Global Economy and Development The Development Project (From the Late 1940s to early 1970s) Global Infrastructure The Globalization Project (1980s-) East Asian NIEs
Women and Environment The Social Dimension of Development: Poverty, Population and Hunger Post-Cold War era and the Third World Development in a Global Context
Global Women’s Movements The UN Development Decades and Women The Decade for Women and the Lost Decade Strategy and Dynamics of Feminist Activism Feminist Leadership and Challenges
Sustainable Development Greening of Development Theories Development and Transfer of Knowledge and Technology Rethinking Development Alternative Future?
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Manly states: Masculinities, International Relations, and Gender Politics by Charlotte Hooper (Columbia University Press: 2001) Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post–Cold War Era by J. Ann Tickner (Columbia University Press: 2001) Women, Culture, and International Relations by Vivienne Jabri and Eleanor O’Gorman (Lynne Rienner: 1999) Women in World Politics, An Introduction by Francine D’Amico and Peter R. Beckman (Bergin & Garvey: 1996) Feminist Theory and International Relations in a Postmodern Era by Christine Sylvester (Cambridge University Press: 1994) Gender and International Relations:Issues, Debates and Future Directions by Jill Steans (Polity: 2006) Feminist Methodologies for International Relations by Brooke A. Ackerly, Maria Stern, Jacqui True (Cambridge University Press: 2006) Global Gender Issues by V. Spike Peterson,Anne Sisson Runyan (Westview Press: 1999) Feminist International Relations: An Unfinished Journey by Christine Sylvester (Cambridge University Press: 2002) Gender, Development and Globalization by Lourdes Beneria (Routledge: 2003) Victims, Perpetrators or Actors? Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence by Caroline N. O. Moser and Fiona Clark (Zed Books: 2001) The Women, Gender and Development Reader by Nalini Visvinathan et al (Zed Books: 1997) Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources and Voice by World Bank (OUP: 2001) The Global Women’s Movement: Origins, Issues and Strategies by Peggy Antrobus (Zed Books: 2004) Women, Population and Global Crisis by Asoka Bandarage (Zed Books: 1997) The Socio-legal status of Bangali Women in Bangladesh: Implications for Development by Saira Rahman Khan (UPL: 2001) Women, Men and Society by Claire M Renzetti and Daniel J. Cuvan (Allync Bacon: 1999) Women, Culture and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities by Martha Nussbaum & Jonathan Glover (OUP: 1995) The Elusive Agenda: Mainstreaming Women in Development by Rounaq Jahan (UPL: 1995) Feminism: A Very Short Introduction by Margaret Walters (OUP: 2005)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 207: Introduction to Economics
Introducing Economics Overview of the History of Economic Thought Understanding Economic Indicators
Foundations of Microeconomics Supply and Demand Government intervention in the Market
Microeconomics Background to Demand and Supply Profit Maximizing under Perfect Competition and Monopoly Profit Maximizing under Imperfect Competition Alternative Theories of the Firm The Theory of Distribution of Income Inequality, Poverty and Policies to Redistribute Incomes Markets, Efficiency and Public Interest Applied Microeconomics
Foundations of Macroeconomics The National Economy Unemployment and Inflation The Open Economy
The Roots of Modern Macroeconomics Short-run Macroeconomic Equilibrium Money and Interest Rates The Relationship between the Money and Goods Markets Fiscal and Monetary Policy Aggregate Supply, Unemployment and Inflation Long-term Economic Growth and Supply-side Policies
The World Economy International Trade The Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates Global and Regional Interdependence Economic Problems of Developing Countries
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Essentials of Economics by John Sloman (Prentice Hall: 2004) Economics by Paul Krugman & Robin Wells (Worth Publishers: 2009) Guide to Economic Indicators: Making Sense of Economics by The Economist (Bloomberg Press: 2007) Economics: Making Sense of the Modern Economy by Simon Cox (The Economist: 2006) Principles of Economics by Gregory Mankiw (Thomson: 2004) Economics: The Basics by Tony Cleaver (Routledge: 2004) Economics: A Very Short Introduction by Partha Dasgupta (OUP: 2007) Economics: The Key Concepts by Donald Rutherford (Routledge: 2007) Introduction to Economics by Stephen Dobson and Ssan Palfreman (OUP: 1999) Understanding the World Economy by Tony Cleaver (Routledge: 1997) Economics by Pal A. Samuelson (MacGraw Hill: 1998) Macroeconomics by Campbell McConnell & Stanley Brue (McGraw-Hill/Irwin: 2006) Principles of Microeconomics by N. Gregory Mankiw (Thompson South-Western: 2006) Economic Facts and Fallacies by Thomas Sowell (Basic Books: 2007) New Ideas from Dead Economists: An Introduction to Modern Economic Thought by Todd G. Buchholz (Plume: 2007) The Wealth of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought by Alessandro Roncaglia (Cambridge University Press: 2005) A Brief History of Economics: Artful Approaches to the Dismal Science by E. Ray Canterbery (World Scientific Publishing Co: 2001) An Outline of the History of Economic Thought by Ernesto Screpanti & Stefano Zamagni (OUP: 2005)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 301: Theories of International Relations
Introduction to Theory Evolution of Theories and Approaches in International Relations Relations between Theories and Practices
Major Theories and Approaches:
Historical and Philosophical Approaches Idealism, Realism & Neorealism Behavioralism and Post-Behavioralism Liberalism & Neoliberalism International Society School Game Theory Pluralism & Globalism Rational Choice Theory Systems Theory Hegemonic Stability Theory Balance of Power Theory Integration Theory Regime Theory Collective Security Theory
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security, Barry Buzan & Ole Waever, (Cambridge University Press: 2003) Bridges and Boundaries: Historians, Political Scientists, and the Study of International Relations, Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman, (MIT: 2001) Theories of International Relations, Scott Burchill and Andrew Linklater, (ST. Martin’s Press: 1996) International Relations and the Limits of Political Theory, Howard Williams, (McMillan Press Ltd: 1996) Normative Theory in International Relations, Molly Cochran, (Cambridge University Press: 1999) International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Steve Smith Et Al Eds. (Cambridge University Press: 1996) Political Realism in International Theory, Roger D. Spegele, (Cambridge University Press: 1996) International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism, Viotti & Kauppi,(McMillan: 1993) International Relations Theory Today, Ken Booth & Steve Smith (Eds), (Polity Press: 1999) Theories of International Relations: Transition vs. Persistence, Michael P. Sullivan, (Palgrave: 2001) The Future of International Relations: Masters in the Making?, Iver B. Neuman & Ole Waever (eds), (Routledge: 1997) Social Theory of International Politics, Alexander Wendt, (Cambridge University Press: 1999) A Reader in International Relations and Political Theory, Howard Williams et al (eds), OUP: 1995: Buckingham Four Seminal Thinkers in International Theory, Wight Martin, (OUP: 2004) International Society and its Critique, Alex J. Bellamy, (OUP: 2005) Critical Theory and International Relations: A Reader edited by Steven C. Roach (Routledge: 2008) Idealism and Realism in International Relations: Beyond the Discipline by Robert M.A. Crawford (Routledge: 2000) Classical Theory in International Relations edited by Beate Jahn (Cambridge University Press:2006) Beyond the Ivory Tower: International Relations theory and the issue of Policy Relevance by Joseph Lepgold and Miroslav Nincic (Columbia University Press: 2001) International Relations Theory: A Critical Introduction by Cynthia Weber (Routledge: 2005)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 302: Strategic Studies
Fundamentals of Strategy Theory of Strategy Essence of Strategy and Tactics National Objectives and Military Aims
Grand Strategy Guerrilla Warfare Total War Limited War Sea and Air War
History of Military Strategy from the 5th Century B.C. to the 20th Century A.D. Overview of the Contributions of Eastern and Western Strategic Thinkers Clausewitz Sun Tzu Kautilya
Major Wars in History Strategy of the First and Second World War Strategy in the First and Second Gulf War
The Origins of Western Way of Warfare The Modern War Elements of Modern War The Death of Warrior Tradition and the American Way of War Revolution in Technology and Warfare
Non-Western Experience Democracy and War Humane Warfare Posthuman War Future of Warfare Military Errors and Flawed Strategy
Strategy in the Nuclear Age Nuclear Doctrines The Contribution of Soviet Strategic Thought The Transformation of War Information Warfare The Importance of R&D Intelligence
Strategy of Arms Control and Disarmament Continuity and Revolution in the Making of Strategy Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy of USA, Russia, China and India The Strategic Importance of Bangladesh
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler by Earle, Edward Mead. (Dehradun, Natraj Publishers: 2003) The Making of Strategy: Rulers, states, and war by Murray, Williamson (Cambridge University Press: 1999) Strategy by Hart, B.H. Liddell (A Meridian Book: 1991) Winning Modern Wars: With a New Preface Iraq, Terrorism, and The American Empire, Clark, General Wesley K. (Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.: 2006) Security, Strategy, and the Quest for Bloodless War by Mandel, Robert (Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.: 2006) The Oxford History of Modern War by Townshend, Charles (Oxford University Press: 2005) Waging War without Warriors? The Changing Culture of Military Conflict by Coker, Christopher(Lynne Rienner Publisher: 2002) Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies by John Baylis, James J. Wirtz, Eliot A. Cohen,Colin S. Gray (Editors) (OUP: 2007) Modern Strategy by Colin S. Gray (OUP: 1999) Clausewitz: A very short Introduction by Howard, Michael.(Oxford University Press: 2006) The Sling and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century by Colonel Thomas X. Hammes (Zenith Press: 2006) The Culture of War by Martin van Creveld (Ballantine: 2008) War Made New by Max Boot (Gotham books: 2006) Understanding Modern Warfare by David Jordan et al. (Cambridge University Press: 2008) Another Bloody Century: Future Warfare by Colin S. Gray (Phoenix Press: 2007) On War by Carl von Clausewitz (Author), Beatrice Heuser (Author), Michael Howard (Translator), Peter Paret (Translator) (OUP: 2008) Contemporary Nuclear Debates: Missile Defenses, Arms Control, and Arms Races in the Twenty-First Century by Alexander T. J. Lennon (Editor), Alexander T.J. Lennon (Author) (MIT Press; 2002) Nuclear proliferation in South Asia : crisis behaviour and the bomb edited by Sumit Ganguly and S. Paul Kapur (Routledge, 2009) Bomb scare: the history and future of nuclear weapons by Joseph Cirincione (Columbia University Press, 2007) Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy by Mark M. Lowenthal (CQ Press: 2008) Arsenals of folly : the making of the nuclear arms race by Richard Rhodes (Knopf, 2007) Dangerous deterrent: nuclear weapons proliferation and conflict in South Asia by S. Paul Kapur (Stanford University Press: 2007) The Art of War: Sun TZU by Clavell, James.(Hodder Mobius: 2005)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 303: World Powers and International Order
Concepts of Power, Structure, Order, Change and Continuity Theoretical Issues of International Order Order and Disorder after the Cold War 9/11 and the new realities
The United States as the Super Power The US view of the World and Global Leadership US Economic and Military Power Debates over US Empire
Trans-Atlantic Partnership US Interest in the Middle East US Interest in East and South East Asia Contemporary Issues
The European Union as a Global Leader Major European Powers and their Interests Politics of Expansion EU as an Economic Power Common Security and Foreign Policy Interests in Africa and Middle East Relationship with the outside world
Russia in the Post-Soviet Era Decline or Resurgence Economic Reform Relationship with the Western Powers
Japan as the Economic Power New Security Thinking Aid Politics Regional & International Role
China as the Rising Superpower Chinese Economic and Military Modernization Contemporary Issues
India as a Regional Power Strategic Partnership with the USA Nuclear India and her Strategic Doctrines Relationship with the Neighbors
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List International Order and the Future of World Politics by T. V. Paul, John A. Hall (Cambridge University Press: 1999) On Global Order: Power, Values, and the Constitution on International Society by Andrew Hurrell (OUP: 2008) Approaches to World Order by Robert W. Cox (Cambridge University Press: 1996) The Tragedy of Great Power Politics by John J. Mearsheimer (W. W. Norton & Company: 2003) The Cold War and After: Capitalism, Revolution and Superpower Politics by Richard Saull (Pluto Press: 2007) The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism by Andrew Bacevich (Metropolitan Books: 2008) Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Niall Ferguson (Penguin: 2005) The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic by Chalmers Johnson (Holt: 2004) Blowback,: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson (Holt: 2004) China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia by David C. Kang (Columbia University Press: 2007) China: Fragile Superpower by Susan L. Shirk (OUP: 2008) The next great clash: China and Russia vs. the United States by Michael L. Levin Levin, Michael L (Praeger: 2008) India: from regional to world power by Ashok Kapur Kapur, Ashok (Routledge, 2006) China's security interests in the 21st century by Russell Ong (Routledge: 2007) Gauging U.S.-Indian strategic cooperation edited by Henry Sokolski (Strategic Studies Institute: 2007) The elephant and the dragon: the rise of India and China and what it means for all of us by Robyn Meredith (W.W. Norton: 2007) Russia: re-emerging great power edited by Roger E. Kanet (Palgrave Macmillan: 2007) Security in the new Europe by Andrew Cottey (Palgrave Macmillan: 2007) Russia in the 21st century: the prodigal superpower by Steven Rosefielde (Cambridge University Press: 2005) India: the emerging giant by Arvind Panagariya Panagariya, Arvind (OUP: 2008) Is there still a West? : The future of the Atlantic Alliance edited by William Anthony Hay and Har (University of Missouri Press: 2007) The EU as a Global Player: The Politics of Interregionalism by FREDR SODERBAUM (Routledge: 2007) The EU and the European Security Strategy: Forging a Global Europe by Sven Biscop (Routledge: 2008) Japan in International Politics: The Foreign Policies of an Adaptive State by Thomas U. Berger et al (Lynne Rienner: 2007) Japan's International Relations by Glenn D. Hook (Routledge: 2005)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 304: Diplomacy and International Negotiation
Diplomacy foreign policy and diplomacy
Evolution of diplomatic theory and practice Machiavelli Grotius Richelieu Kissinger
Early development Renaissance Diplomacy Diplomacy in the European state system Ottoman Diplomacy New diplomacy
Role of the Diplomat: Past and Present Diplomatic tools and machinery Foreign Service & foreign missions
International Law and Diplomacy Diplomatic conventions Protocols Privileges and immunities
International Negotiation The Emerging System of International Negotiation Process, Metaphors and Structures of International Negotiation Strategy, Actors and Outcomes Approaches and Perspectives of International Negotiation Case Studies: Arms Control, Regional Conflict, Trade and Environment
Negotiation and Bargaining Language of diplomacy Correspondence and communication Roles of special envoys, foreign ministers and Heads of States Negotiating across cultures The Art of Lobbying Contemporary Issues of International Negotiation
Bilateral diplomacy Personal diplomacy and summitry Multilateral diplomacy Case studies
Crisis diplomacy Coercive diplomacy Economic Sanctions Case studies
Public diplomacy State & Non-State Actors in Public Diplomacy Public Diplomacy of USA, UK, Japan, Germany, China, etc Diplomacy and Intelligence Diplomacy and propaganda Diplomacy and Human Rights
Diplomacy of the big powers, medium powers and small powers Diplomacy at the UN Case studies Contemporary Issues
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Modern Diplomacy by Barston R P (Longman: 1988) Diplomacy: Theory and Practice by Berridge G R (Palgrave: 2002) Diplomatic Classics by Berridge G R (Ed) (Palgrave Macmillan: 2004) Diplomatic Theory Form Machiavelli To Kissinger by G R, Berridge (Palgrave Macmillan: 2001) Diplomacy At The Highest Level by David Dunn (Macmillan: 1996) The Practice Of Diplomacy by Keith Hamilton and Langhorne Richard (Routledge: 1995) Innovation In Diplomatic Practice by Jan Melissen Ed (Macmillan: 1999) Positive Diplomacy by Peter Marshall (Macmillan: 1997) Diplomacy by Harold Nicholson (Institute of Diplomacy: 1988) Crisis Diplomacy: The Great Powers since the Mid-Nineteenth Century by James L. Richardson (Cambridge University Press: 1994) Diplomacy for the Next Century by Abba Eban (Yale University Press: 1999) Essence of Diplomacy by Christer Jonsson, Martin HallAdd (Palgrave Macmillan: 2005) Force and Statecraft: Diplomatic Challenges of Our Time by Paul Gordon Lauren, Gordon A. Craig, Alexander L. George (Oxford University Press: 2006) International Negotiation: Analysis, Approaches, Issues by Victor A. Kremenyuk (Jossey-Bass: 2002) Multilateral Diplomacy and the United Nations Today by James P., Jr. Muldoon, Joann Fagot Aviel, Richard Reitano, Earl Sullivan (Westview Press: 2005) Multilateral Negotiations: Lessons from Arms Control, Trade, and the Environment by Fen Osler Hampson, Michael Hart (The Johns Hopkins University Press: 1999) Negotiating a Complex World by Brigid Boyer, Mark A. Wilkenfeld, Jonathan Starkey (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: 1999) The Rise of Modern Diplomacy, 1450-1919 by M. S. Anderson (Longman: 1993) The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations by Jan Melissen, Donna Lee, Paul Sharp (Palgrave Macmillan: 2007) Studies in International Mediation by Jacob Bercovitch (Palgrave Macmillan: 2003)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 305: Foreign Policy Analysis
Foreign Policy Analysis Approaches Relevant Concepts and Terminologies
Typology of Foreign Policy Determinants and Capabilities Tools of Foreign Policy Theoretical Analysis
The Role of Media and Public Opinion Propaganda and War Sanctions Foreign Policy of Small States
Foreign Policy Decision Making Models of Foreign Policy Decision Making Decision making as an Approach to the study of IR The Scholarship of Decision Making Groupthink and Beyond Political Group Dynamics and Foreign Policy Psychological Issues
Crisis Theories of Crisis Behavior Crisis Management versus Crisis Diplomacy Crisis and the International System Values, Interests and Objectives Perception and Misperception Crisis Bargaining Risk Internal Politics Case Studies
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Foreign Policy Analysis: Continuity and Change in its Second Generation by L. Neack, J.A.K. Hey and P. J. Haney, eds. (Prentice Hall: 1995) Foreign Policy Analysis, Classic and Contemporary Theory by Valerie M. Hudson (Rowman & Littlefield: 2006) Foreign Policy Analysis: A Comparative Introduction by Marijke Breuning (CQ Press 2001) Approaches, Levels, and Methods of Analysis in International Politics: Crossing Boundaries by Harvey Starr (Palgrave Macmillan: 2006) Economic Sanctions and Presidential Decisions by A.Cooper Drury (Palgrave Macmillan: 2005) Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis by Graham Allison and Philip Zelikow (Longman: 1999) A Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen by James G. March (Free Press: 1999) Perception and Misperception in International Politics by Robert Jervis (Princeton University Press: 1976) Beyond Groupthink: Political Group Dynamics and Foreign Policy-Making by aul 't Hart, Eric K. Stern, and Bengt Sundelius (University of Michigan Press: 1997) Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and International Ambition by Jack Snyder (Cornell University Press: 1991) Counting the Public In: Presidents, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy by Douglas C. Foyle (Columbia University Press: 1999) The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy by Christopher Hill (Palgrave Macmillan: 2003) Organizing for Foreign Policy Crises: Presidents, Advisers, and the Management of Decision Making by Patrick J. Haney (University of Michigan Press: 1997) Foreign Policy in a Constructed World by Armonk, Vendulka Kubalkova, ed. (M.E. Sharpe: 2001) The New Foreign Policy: U.S. and Comparative Foreign Policy in the 21st Century by Laura Neack (Rowman & Littlefield: 2003) The Foreign Policies of Middle Eastern States by Raymond Hinnebusch & Anoushiravan Ehteshami, eds. (Lynne Rienner: 2002) The Psychological Dimension of Foreign Policy by Joseph de Rivera, Columbus (Charles E. Merrill: 1968) New Directions in the Study of Foreign Policy by Charles F. Hermann, Charles W. Kegley, Jr., Kegley, and James N. Rosenau, eds. (HarperCollins: 1987) Strategic Politicians, Institutions, and Foreign Policy by Randolph M. Siverson, ed., (University of Michigan Press: 1998) Foreign aid and foreign policy: lessons for the next half-century edited by Louis A. Picard, Robe (M.E. Sharpe: 2008) Chinese foreign relations : power and policy since the Cold War by Robert G. Sutter Sutter, Robert G Lanham, (Rowman & Littlefield: 2008) New dimensions of Chinese foreign policy edited by Sujian Guo and Shiping Hua (Lexington Books,: 2007) Russian foreign policy beyond Putin by Eugene B. Rumer (Routledge: 2007) A Faustian foreign policy from Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush : dreams of perfectibility by Joan Hoff (Cambridge University Press: 2008) US Foreign Policy Since 1945 by Alan Dobson (Routledge: 2006) From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations Since 1776 by George C. Herring (OUP: 2008)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 306: Politics of Globalization
Globalization Theories History of Globalization Ideology of Globalization
The Cultural Dynamics of Globalization Global Media and Globalization The Consumer Society
Managed Globalization Globalization and the Retreat of the State Globalization and Sovereignty
Capitalism and Globalization Masters of the Globalized World The Overseers The World Bank, IMF and WTO
Regional Sub-globalization
Globalization in the Periphery Globalization from Below Globalization and Emancipation
Globalization or Americanization? McWorld and its critics
Globalization and the Politics of Resistance The Anti-Globalization Movements Tragedy of the Commons
Globalization and the Information Society Information Cultures Network Dynamics Free labor Soft Control and Communication Bipower Cultures of Science Science, Technology and Society
Future of Globalization Alternatives
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Many Globalizations: Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World, Berger et al, OUP:2002: UK Globalization and the Politics of Resistance, Barry K. Gills, Palgrave:2001: New York Geographies of Global Change: Remapping the World, Johnston et al, Blackwell:2002: UK The Globalization Decade: A Critical Reader, Leo Panitch et al, Merlin Press: 2004: UK Studies in Globalization and Economic Transitions, Keith Griffin, MacMillan: 1996: UK Globalization and Its Discontents, Joseph Stiglitz, Penguin:2002: UK Juggernaut Politics: Understanding Predatory Globalization, Jacques B Gellinas, Zed Books: 2003: UK Science, Technology and Society: A Sociological Approach, Restive et al, Blackwell: 2006: UK Media and Society in the Twentieth Century: A Historical Introduction, Gorman and McLean, Blackwell:2003: UK Challenge and Change in the Information Society, Hornby and Clarke, Facet: 2003: London Tomorrow’s People: How 21st Century Technology is Changing the Way we Think and Feel, Susan Greenfield, Allen Lane: 2003: UK Globalization and belonging : the politics of identity in a changing world by Sheila L. Croucher (Rowman & Littlefield: 2004) The anthropology of globalization : a reader edited by Jonathan Xavier Inda and Renato Rosaldo (Blackwell Publishers: 2002) Beyond Borders : Thinking Critically About Global Issues ( Worth Publishers: 2006) A Future Perfect : The Challenge And Hidden Promise Of Globalization by Micklethwait, John (Crown Business: 2000) Globalization and the Race to the Bottom in Developing Countries: Who Really Gets Hurt? By Nita Rudra (Cambridge University Press: 2008) Globalization Challenged: Conviction, Conflict, Community by GEORGE RUPP (Columbia University Press: 2006) Globalization’s Contradictions: Geographies of discipline, destruction and transformation Edited by Dennis Conway and Nik Heynen (Routledge: 2006) Making Globalization by Robert J. Holton (Palgrave: 2005) Trade, Globalization and Poverty Edited by Elias Dinopoulos, Pravin Krishna, Arvind Panagariya, and Kar-yiu Wong (Routledge: 2008)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 307: Research Methodology
Part A (Quantitative)
Research in Social Science Various Methods of Research Historical Method Philosophical Method Observation Survey Research Case Study Field Works Experimental Methods
Content Analysis Ethics and Politics of Research Modern Approaches & Techniques
Theory Construction of Theory Inductive and Deductive Theories Links between Theories and Research
Basic Statistical Concepts and Techniques Data Types and Source of Data Collection of Statistical Data Variable Constant Population Demography Frequency Distribution
Various Measures of Central Tendency Mean Deviation Standard Deviation Correlation Dispersion Regression Analysis Probability Time-Series
Bell Curve Statistical Errors Hypothesis and Testing Hypothesis Sampling, Statistical Inference Scaling Techniques
Strategy of Research Design Preparing Questionnaire and Interview Schedule Interpretation and Report Writing.
Part B (Qualitative)
Methods of Qualitative Research Qualitative Research Design Analysis of Qualitative Data. Language of Qualitative Research. Philosophy of Science Nature and Scope.
Key Concepts: Ontology Discourse Epistemology Objective and Subjective Knowledge Paradigm Reason Rationality Growth of Knowledge Dialectics Semiotics Falsification Structuralism and Post-Structuralism Empiricism Post-Modernism Construction and Deconstruction, etc. Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research.
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, W. Lawrence Neuman, Allyn & Bacon: 2000: USA The Fieldworker and the Field: Problems and Challenges in Sociological Investigation, M.N. Srinivas Et Al, OUP: 2002: New Delhi Research Methods in Social Sciences, Bridget Somekh and Cathy Lewin, Vistaar Pblications: 2005: New Delhi The Practice of Social Research, Earl Babbie, Thomson: 2004: USA Social Research Methods, Alan Bryman, OUP: 2001: New York Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Pauline V. Young, Prentice Hall: 2000: New Delhi Philosophy of Social Science: The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought, Ted Benton and Ian Craib, Palgrave: 2001: New York Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction, Samir Okasha, OUP: 2002: New York Structuralism, John Sturrock, Blackwell: 2003: UK Introducing Social Theory, Pip Jones, Polity: 2004: UK Critical Theory, Alan How, Palgrave Mcmillan: 2003: New York Sociological Theory: Contemporary Debates, John Scott, Edward Elger Pblishing Ltd : 1995: UK The Philosophy of Science by Richard Boyd et al (eds) (MIT:1991) Understanding Philosophy of Science by James Ladyman (Routledge: 2002) The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences by Stephen P. Turner & Paul A. Roth (Blackwell: 2003) Philosophy of Science: A contemporary introduction by Alex Rosenberg (Routledge: 2005) A Companion to the Philosophy of Science by W. H. Newton-Smith (Blackwell: 2001) The Sage Dictionary of Social Research Methods by Victor Jupp (SAGE: 2006) Doing qualitative research: a comprehensive guide by David Silverman & Amir Marvasti (SAGE Publications: 2008) The mixed methods reader by Vicki L. Plano Clark, John W. Creswell, eds (Sage Publications: 2008) Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches by John W. Creswell, (Sage: 2003) The SAGE handbook of qualitative research edited by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln (Sage: 2005) Designing qualitative research by Catherine Marshall, Gretchen B. Rossman (Sage: 2006) Successful writing for qualitative researchers by Peter Woods (Routledge: 2006) The practice of qualitative research by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy (SAGE: 2006) Interpreting qualitative data: methods for analysing talk, text and interaction by David Silverman (Sage: 2006) An introduction to qualitative research by Uwe Flick (Sage: 2006) Foundations of qualitative research: interpretive and critical approaches by Jerry W. Willis et al.(SAGE: 2007) Doing and writing qualitative research by Adrian Holliday (SAGE: 2007) Qualitative research: theory, method and practice edited by David Silverman (Sage: 2004)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 401: Politics of International Economic Relations
The Management of International Economic Relations since WWII
Wealth and Economic Activities National Autonomy The Politics of International Regimes Theory of Hegemonic Stability Governance of the Global Economy
The World Trading System International Trade and Domestic Politics Debate over Free Trade and Protectionism Postwar Trade Regimes From GATT to WTO Contemporary Debates over WTO and its Policy
The International Monetary System History of the Monetary System The Postwar Years: Evolution, Reforms and Debates over the Bretton Woods System US Policy
The State and the Multinationals FDI and MNCs Theories Regionalization of Manufacturing and Services International Regime for FDI and MNCs MNCs in the Third World Contemporary Debates
The State and Development Theories of Economic Development Trade and Development Strategy The World Bank and its Critics
The International Financial System Financial Crisis Regulation Foreign Aid The Debt Crisis Role of IMF
Oil Commodity Cartels and Power
The World Economy in the Post Cold War Period
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List The politics of International Economic Relations by Spero, Joan Edelman (St. Martin’s Press: 1997) Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order by Robert Gilpin (Princeton University Press: 2001) International Political Economy: Interests and Institutions in the Global Economy by Thomas Oatley (Longman: 2007) International Political Economy: State-Market Relations in a Changing Global Order by Goddard, C. Roe et. al. (Viva Books: 2005) The Economic Factor in International Relations by Spyros Economides & Peter Wilson (I.B.Tauris: 2001) Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System by Barry Eichengreen (Princeton University Press: 2008) Contesting Global Governance by Robert O Brien et al (Cambridge University Press: 2000) International Financial Management by Cheol S. Eun & Bruce G. Resnick (McGraw-Hill/Irwin: 2003) Great Transformation: Economic Ideas, Institutional Change in the Twentieth Century by Mark Blyth (Cambridge University Press: 2002) First World, Third World by William Ryrie (Macmillan:1999) Anti-Capitalism: A Beginners Guide by Simon Tormey (One World: 2006) The Elusive Quest for Growth by William Easterly (MIT: 2002) International political Economy; Understanding Global Disorder by Hettne, Bjorn. (UPL: 1996) The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good by William Easterly (Penguin: 2007) The World Trade Organization: A Very Short Introduction by Amrita Narlikar (OUP: 2005) Globalization and the International Financial System: What's Wrong and What Can Be Done by Peter Isard (Cambridge University Press: 2004) Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO by Richard Peet (Zed Books; American: 2003) The Globalizers: The Imf, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers by Ngaire Woods (Cornell University Press: 2007) One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth by Dani Rodrik (Princeton University Press: 2007) Give & Take: What’s the matter with Foreign Aid ? by Sogge, David. (UPL: 2002) The Crisis of Global Capitalism by George Soros (Perseus: 2004) The Transformation of the World Economy by Robert Solomon (McMillan: 1999) Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics by Carol Lancaster (University Of Chicago Press: 2006) Understanding the World Economy: Global Issues Shaping the Future by Cleaver, Tony (Routledge: 1997) Foreign aid: diplomacy, development, domestic politics by Carol Lancaster (University of Chicago Press: 2007) Aid: Understanding International Development Cooperation by John Degnbol-Martinussen (Zed Books: 2003) The challenge of Third World development by Howard Handelman (Pearson Prentice Hall: 2009) Nation-States and the Multinational Corporation: A Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment by Nathan M. Jensen (Princeton University Press: 2008) Backwaters of Global Prosperity: How Forces of Globalization and GATT/WTO Trade Regimes Contribute to the Marginalization of the World's Poorest Nations by Caf Dowlah (Praeger: 2004) The Political Economy of the World Trading System: The WTO and Beyond by Bernard M. Hoekman & Michel M. Kostecki (OUP: 2001) Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang (Bloomsbury Press: 2007) The Origin of Financial Crises: Central Banks, Credit Bubbles, and the Efficient Market Fallacy by George Cooper (Vintage: 2008) The Post-Development Reader by Majid Rahnema &Victoria Bawtree (Zed Books: 1997) Theories of Development by Richard Peet (The Guilford Press: 1999) The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith by Gilbert Rist (Zed Books: 2002) Trade, Globalization and Poverty Edited by Elias Dinopoulos, Pravin Krishna, Arvind Panagariya, and Kar-yiu Wong (Routledge: 2008)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 402: Global Governance
Conceptual and Theoretical Approaches to Global Governance Public and Private Governance Theories of Regulations, Authority Agency and Political Legitimacy in the Global Governance
Global Transformations of Governance New Public Management New Modes of Governance and Regulations Good Governance and the Rule of Law Governance Failure and Debates over Failed States and Weak States Improving Governance in the Developing World
Global Governance and the Causes of Conflict The New Humanitarianism Governance in the Post-Conflict Areas Nation-building Global Economic Governance The Role of the Private Sector Corporate Governance AID, FDI and global governance The Role of G8 and G77 Developing countries in the Global Economic Governance Cross-border Shadow Economy and Global Governance
Global Bureaucracy International Organizations and Global Governance Negotiation Process Democracy Deficit Regional Blocs Transnational Networks and the Growth of Information Society Global Governance and Technology Cyber-Space and International Governance
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List The Global Governance Reader: Concepts and Issues by R. Wilkinson (Routledge: 2005) On Global Order: Power, Values, and the Constitution of International Society by Hurrell, Andrew (OUP: 2008) Invisible governance: international secretariats in global politics by John Mathiason (Kumarian Press: 2007) The new political economy of development : globalization, imperialism, hegemony by Ray Kiely (Palgrave Macmillan: 2007) The challenge of Third World development by Howard Handelman (Pearson Prentice Hall: 2009) Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements by Robert O'Brien (Cambridge University Press: 2008) Contending Perspectives on Global Governance: Coherence Contestation and World Order edited by Alice D. Ba (Routledge: 2005) Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance edited by Anthony McGrew (Polity: 2002) State-building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century by Francis Fukuyama (Cornell University Press: 2004) Establishing Law and Order After Conflict by Seth G. Jones et. al, (RAND: 2005) The Politics Of Global Governance: International Organizations In An Interdependent World by Paul F. Diehl (Lynne Rienner Publishers: 2005) Global Governance and the New Wars: The Merging of Development and Security by Mark Duffield (Zed Books: 2001) The UN’s Role in Nation-Building: From the Congo to Iraq by James Dobbins et al (RAND: 2005) Nation-Building: Beyond Afghanistan and Iraq by Francis Fukuyama (The Johns Hopkins University Press: 2005) Governing Globalization: Issues and Institutions by Deepak Nayaar (OUP: 2002) Governance: South Asian Perspectives by Hasnat Abdul Hye (UPL: 2000) Enhancing Global Governance: Towards A New Diplomacy? Edited by Cooper, Andrew F, et al (United Nations University Press: 2002) The Emergence Of Private Authority In Global Governance by Hall, Rodney Bruce And Bierstecker, Thomas J. (Eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2002) Corporate, Public and Global Governance by Kirton (Author), Michele Fratianni;Paolo Savona;John J. Kirton (Ashgate Pub Co: 2007) Taming Globalization: Frontiers Of Governance by Held, David And Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias, (Eds.) (Polity Press: 2003) Global Governance: Critical Perspectives by Wilkinson, Rorden And Hughes, Steve, (Eds.) (Routledge, 2002) Global Governance for the 21st Century by Colin I. Bradford, Jr. (The Brookings Institution: 2004) Multilateralism under challenge? : power, international order, and structural change edited by Edward Newman, Ramesh Thakur and John Tirman (United Nations University Press: 2006) After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy by Robert O. Keohane (Princeton University Press: 2005) Ethics and foreign intervention edited by Deen K. Chatterjee, Don E. Scheid (Cambridge University Press: 2003) The Architecture of Global Governance: An Introduction to the Study of International Organizations by James P. Muldoon Jr. (Westview Press: 2008) Science, Technology and Global Governance by Joh De La Mothe (Routledge: 2002) Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power and Governance (State University of New York Press: 2002) The Governance of Cyberspace: Politics, Technology and Global Restructuring by Brian Loader (Routledge: 2007) International Organization And Global Governance: A Reader by Friedrich V. Kratochwil & Edwards D. Mansfield (Longman: 2009) International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance by Margaret P. Karns & Karen A. Mingst (Lynne Rienner Publishers: 2004) Fixing Failed States: A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World by Ashraf Ghani & Clare Lockhart (OUP: 2008) Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy by Noam Chomsky (Holt Paperbacks: 2007) Making States Work: State Failure And The Crisis Of Governance edited by Simon Chesterman, Michael Ignatieff, Ramesh Chandra Thakur (United Nations University Press: 2005) Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century edited by John N. Clarke & Geoffrey R. Edwards (Palgrave Macmillan: 2004) The G8, the United Nations and Conflict Prevention edited by John J. Kirton & Radoslava N. Stefanova (Ashgate Publishing: 2004) Global Governance and Diplomacy: Worlds Apart? Edited by Andrew F. Cooper, Brian Hocking, William Maley (Palgrave Macmillan: 2008) A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis by David Rieff (Simon & Schuster: 2003) Global Governance and Public Accountability by David Held , Mathias Koenig-Archibugi (Wiley-Blackwell: 2005) Democratizing Global Governance edited by Esref Aksu & Joseph A. Camilleri (Palgrave Macmillan: 2002) Criticizing Global Governance by Markus Lederer (Palgrave Macmillan: 2005) Limits of Global Governance by Jim Whitman (Routledge: 2005)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 403: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Modern Nation-States
Ethnicity Classification Us/Them Ethnic Identity and Ideology Ethnicity and History Beyond Ethnicity
Nationalism History of Nationalism Theories of Nationalism Modernism, Primordialism, Ethno-Symbolism, Race Major Theorists and their Contribution Renan, Weber, Stalin, Deutsch, Geertz, Giddens, Connor, Kedourie, Gellner, Hobsbawm, Brass, Anderson, Smith
Nationalism: Ancient or Modern? Nationalism: Rational or irrational? Nationalism: Top Down or Bottom up? Nationalist Revival Nationalism and Democratization Ethno-nationalism Nationalism and Propaganda Religion and Nationalism Military Conflict and Nationalizing States Solutions and Alternatives
Nationalism and the Nation-State Origins of the nation-state Nation-state or Multinational state? Globalization and the Nation-State Nationalism, ethnic minority and Democracy Citizenship and National Identity Multiculturalism Multiethnic Society and Conflict Minorities and the State Nationalism and War Ethnic Conflicts Indigenous People and Territorial Conflicts Communal Violence and the Minority The Post-Nationalist Era Continuity and Change in the State System
Case Studies: Indian Nationalism Hindu Nationalism Kashmiri Nationalism Communal Violence in India Islam and Nationalism in Pakistan The CHT Region and Ethnic Conflict Tamil Nationalism Nationalism in the Balkans Arab Nationalism Kurdish Nationalism Basque Nationalism African Nationalism and Nationalistic Movements Irish Nationalism Ethnic Conflicts in Post-Communist Europe Ethnic Conflict in China
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Nationalism: A Critical Introduction by Philip Spencer and Howard Wollman (Sage: 2002) Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Communist World by Ben Fowkes (Palgrave: 2002) Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History by Anthony D. Smith (Polity: 2002) The Ties That Divide: Ethnic Politics, Foreign Policy, and International Conflict by Stephen M. Saideman (Columbia University Press: 2001) Containing Nationalism by Hechter, Michael (Oxford University Press, 2000) Ethnicity by John Hutchinson (Editor) (OUP: 1996) Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict by Michael E. Brown (The MIT Press: 2001) Nationalism by John Hutchinson (OUP: 1995) Nationalism and Modernism by Prof Anth Smith (Routledge: 1998) Rethinking Nationalism: A Critical Introduction by Jonathan Hearn (Palgrave Macmillan: 2006) Nations and Nationalism by Ernest Gellner (Cornell University Press: 1983) Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction by Steven Grosby (OUP: 2005) Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity by Liah Greenfeld (Harvard University Press: 2007) The Myth of “Ethnic Conflict” by Beverly Crawford and Ronnie D. Lipschutz, (editors) (University of California: 1998) Managing Ethnic Conflict in Africa by Donald Rothchild (Brookings Institution Press: 1997) Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe by Rogers Brubaker (Cambridge University Press: 1996) Ethnonationalism by Walker Connor (Princeton University Press: 1993) Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era by Anthony D. Smith (Polity: 1995) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism by Benedict Anderson (Verso: 2006) Competing Nationalisms in South Asia by Brass, Paul R. et. al. (Orient Longman: 2002) Nationalism and Political Identity by Joireman, Sandra F. (Continuum: 2007) Changing Face of Nationalism; The Case of Bangladesh by Kabir, Muhammad Ghulam. (UPL: 1995) The foundations of Muslim Nationalism; Pathway to India’s Partition, Volume-1 by Prasad, Bimal. (UPL: 1999) The Separation of East Pakistan ; The Rise and Realization of Bengali Muslim Nationalism by Zaheer, Hasan (UPL: 1998) Ethnicity and Nationalism : Anthropological Perspectives by Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Pluto Press: 1993) Islamic Modernism, Nationalism, and Fundamentalism : Episode and Discourse by Moaddel, Mansoor (The University of Chicago Press: 2005) The Psychology of Nationalism by Joshua Searle-White (Palgrave: 2001) Encountering Nationalism by JYOTI PURI (Blackwell: 2004) Nationalism and Internationalism in the Post-Cold War Era Edited by Kjell Goldmann & Others (Routledge: 2000) Nationalism in International Relations: Norms, Foreign Policy, and Enmity by Douglas Woodwell (Palgrave: 2007) The Limits of Nationalism by Chaim Gans (Cambridge University Press: 2003)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 404: Muslim World Politics
Islam and Muslims Islam, Judaism and Christianity in Comparative Perspective Islam as a Cultural System
Islam and Politics in Modern Times Western Challenges Brief History of Muslim Politics in the 20th Century Legacy of the Ottoman Empire
Historical Bases of Muslim Political Theory Unity and Community Islam between Culture and Politics Islam and Modernity
Islamic Worldview The Politicization of Islam in the Global Age Political Islam The Fundamentalist Revolt The Radical Muslim Discourse Roots of Political Pessimism Muslim Attitude towards the State The Sharia and Education in Islam The Role of Ulema
Petro-Islam and Arab Nationalism Islamism in Egypt, Malaysia and Pakistan Revolution in Iran and its Legacy Khomeini and Shiite Islamism Forced Secularization in Turkey Jihad in Afghanistan and Intifada in Palestine
Hamas and Israel Hezbollah and Lebanon Islamization in Algeria and Sudan Radicalism in South East Asia Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism
Islam and Post Colonial Muslim Societies Women’s Freedom in Muslim Spaces The Arabs in the New Millennium
Muslims in Europe Islam and the West Clash of Civilization Dialogue with the West
Contemporary Issues Muslim Minorities in India, Russia and China The War in Afghanistan and Iraq Reform and Democratization in the Middle East Nuclear Politics Shia-Sunni Conflict Minorities in the Muslim Countries Anti-Americanism in the Muslim World USA in the Middle East Russian and European Interests OIC and Cooperation among the Muslim Nations Bangladesh and the Muslim World Human Development in the Muslim Countries Muslim Diasporas and Networks
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Discovering Islam: Making Sense of Muslim History and Society by Akbar S. Ahmed (Routledge: 2001) Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization by Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Harper Collins: 2003) The Future of Political Islam by GRAHAM E. FULLER (Palgrave Macmillan: 2003) The Many Faces of Islam: Perspectives on a Resurgent Civilization by Nissim Rejwan (University Press of Florida: 2000) Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith by vartan Gregorian (Brookings institution press: 2003) When Islam and Democracy Meet: Muslims in Europe and in the United States by Jocelyne Cesari (Palgrave: 2004) Rethinking Islamist Politics: Culture, the State and Islamism by Salwa Ismail (I.B. Tauris: 2003) Political Thought in Islam by Nelly Lahoud (Routledge: 2005) Islam Between Culture and Politics by Bassam Tibi (Palgrave Macmillan: 2005) The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World by Avi Shlaim (W.W. Norton & Company: 2001) Islam: A very short introduction by Ruthven, Malise. (Oxford University Press: 2006) Religion and State: The Muslim Approach to Politics by Brown, L. Carl. (Columbia University Press: 2000) Crescent Between Cross and Star : Muslims and the West after 9/11 by Malik, Iftikhar H. (Oxford University Press: 2006) The Muslim World after 9/11 by Rabasa, Angel M. (RAND: 2004) Islam in Transition Muslim Perspectives by Donohue, John J. et. al. (Oxford University Press: 2007) Islam and Muslim History in South Asia by Robinson, Francis. (Oxford University Press: 2006) Islam ; Communities and The Nation by Hasan, Mushirul. (UPL: 1998) Jihad : The Trail of political Islam by Kepel, Gilles (I.B. Tauris Publishers: 2002) Unholy Wars : Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism by Cooley, John K. (Penguin Books: 2000) Hezbollah: The changing face of terrorism by Harik, Judith Palmer. (I.B.Tauris: 2005) The Crisis by Harris, David. (Little, Brown and Company: 2004) The Clash of Fundamentalisms by Ali, Tariq. (Rupa and Co.: 2005) Islam vs. Islamism : the dilemma of the Muslim world by Peter R. Demant (Praeger: 2006) Colonialization of Islam : Dissolution of Traditional Institutions in Pakistan by Malik, Jamal. (UPL: 1999) Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subjects: Islam, Rights, and the History of Kashmir by Rai, Maridu. (Permanent Black: 2004) The Losing Battle with Islam by Selbourne, David (Viva Books Private Limited: 2006) Hidden Iran: Paradox and Power in the Islamic Republic by Takeyh, Ray. (Times Books/Henry Holt and Company: 2007) Islam in History; Ideas, People, and Events in the Middle East by Lewis, Bernard. (Open Court Publishing Company: 2001) Islam, Modernism and the West by Munoz, Gema Martin (I.B. Tauris Publishers : 1999) Islamic Modernism, Nationalism, and Fundamentalism: Episode and Discourse by Moaddel, Mansoor (The University of Chicago Press: 2005) Syria: Neither Bread nor Freedom by George, Alan (Zed Books: 2003) The Arab Israeli Wars: War and Peace in the Middle East from the 1948 War of Independence to the Present by Herzog, Chaim. (Vintage Books: 2005) Turkey at the Crossroads : Ottoman Legacies and a Greater Middle East by Jung, Dietrich et. al. (Zed Books: 2001) Resurrecting Empire: Western Footprints and America’s Perilous Path in the Middle East, by Khalidi, Rashid. (Beacon Press Books: 2004) The Persian Puzzle by Pollack, Kenneth M. (Random House: 2004) Pakistan: In the Shadow of Jihad and Afghanistan by Weaver, Mary Anne. (Viking: 2002) Indian Muslims Where have they gone wrong? By Zakaria, Rafiq. (Popular Prakashana: 2004) State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East by Owen, Roger. (Taylor & Francis Group, 2000) The road to democracy in Iran by Akbar Ganji ; foreword by Joshua Cohen and Abbas Milani Ganj¯i, Akbar (MIT Press: 2008) Hamas in politics: democracy, religion, violence by Jeroen Gunning Gunning, Jeroen (Columbia University Press: 2008) The politics of chaos in the Middle East by Olivier Roy; translated from the French by Ros Schwartz Roy, Olivier, (Columbia University Press: 2008) Partisans of Allah: Jihad in South Asia by Ayesha Jalal Jalal, Ayesha (Harvard University Press: 2008) Women in Islam and the Middle East : a reader edited by Ruth Roded (I.B. Tauris: 2008) The many faces of political Islam: religion and politics in the Muslim world by Mohammed Ayoob (University of Michigan Press: 2008) Madrasas in South Asia: teaching terror? edited by Jamal Malik (Routledge, 2008) The fall and rise of the Islamic state by Noah Feldman Feldman, (Princeton University Press: 2008) Political Islam in the global world by Aini Linjakumpu Linjakumpu, Aini (Ithaca Press, 2008)
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Beyond terror and martyrdom: the future of the Middle East by Gilles Kepel ; (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008) Islam and the political: theory, governance and international relations by Amr G.E. Sabet Sabet, Amr G. E (Pluto Press, 2008) Islamic extremism: causes, diversity, and challenges by Monte Palmer and Princess Palmer Palmer Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: 2008) Reform in the Middle East oil monarchies edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Steven Wright (Ithaca Press: 2008) Islamist militancy in Bangladesh : a complex web by Ali Riaz Riaz, (Routledge, 2008) Power, faith, and fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present by Michael B. Oren Oren, (W.W. Norton & Co: 2007) Frontline Pakistan: the struggle with militant Islam by Zahid Hussain Hussain, (Columbia University Press: 2007) Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia: Islam, Christianity, and politics entwined by Haggai Erlich (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007) Political Islam in West Africa : state-society relations transformed edited by William F.S. Miles (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007) Islam: past, present and future by Hans KĂźng (Oneworld: 2007) Making Islam democratic: social movements and the post-Islamist turn by Asef Bayat Bayat, (Stanford University Press: 2007) Islamic political radicalism: a European perspective edited by Tahir Abbas (Edinburgh University Press: 2007) Islam, oil, and geopolitics: Central Asia after September 11 edited by Elizabeth Van Wie Davis an Lanham (Rowman & Littlefield: 2007) Between Islam and the state: the politics of engagement by Berna Turam Turam, Berna (Stanford University Press: 2007) Contesting the Saudi state: Islamic voices from a new generation by Madawi Al-Rasheed (Cambridge University Press: 2007) Women in the Middle East: past and present by Nikki R. Keddie Keddie, (Princeton University Press: 2007) The coming Balkan caliphate: the threat of radical Islam to Europe and the West by Christopher Delis (Praeger Security International: 2007) Islamism and modernism: the changing discourse in Iran by Farhang Rajaee Rajaee, (University of Texas Press: 2007) Islam in Europe: diversity, identity and influence edited by Aziz al-Azmeh and Effie Fokas (Cambridge University Press, 2007) The Talibanization of Southeast Asia: losing the war on terror to Islamist extremists by Bilveer Sin Singh, (Praeger Security International, 2007) Jews and Muslims in the Arab world: haunted by pasts real and imagined by Jacob Lassner and S. Ilan (Rowman & Littlefield: 2007) Reaching for power: the Shi‘a in the modern Arab world by Yitzhak Nakash (Princeton University Press: 2006) Breeding Bin Ladens : America, Islam, and the future of Europe by Zachary Shore Shore, (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006) The Shia revival: how conflicts within Islam will shape the futureby Vali Nasr Nasr, (Norton, 2006) The great theft: wrestling Islam from the extremists by Khaled Abou El Fadl (HarperSanFrancisco: 2005) The Islamic challenge: politics and religion in Western Europe by Jytte Klausen Klausen, (Oxford University Press, 2005) Jihad, Hindutva, and the Taliban: South Asia at the crossroads by Iftikhar H. Malik Malik, (Oxford University Press, 2005) Pakistan: between mosque and military by Husain Haqqani (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: 2005) Good Muslim, bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the roots of terror by Mahmood Mamdani (Pantheon Books, 2004) Contending visions of the Middle East: the history and politics of Orientalism by Zachary Lockman (Cambridge University Press, 2004) The war for Muslim minds: Islam and the West by Gilles Kepel (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2004) Globalized Islam: the search for a new ummah by Olivier Roy (Columbia University Press: 2004) A history of the modern Middle East by William L. Cleveland Cleveland, (Westview Press, 2004) Wahhabi Islam: from revival and reform to global Jihad by Natana J. DeLong-Bas (Oxford University Press, 2004) Why Muslims rebel: repression and resistance in the Islamic world by Mohammed M. Hafez Hafez, Mohammed M., (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003) Human rights in the Muslim world: fundamentalism, constitutionalism, and international politics by M Khan, Maimul Ahsan (Carolina Academic Press, 2003)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 405: Ideologies and World Politics
Conceptual Introduction and Typologies of Interpretations From ideology to ideologies: the need for a functional definition Ideology and Symbols Mass Attitudes and Beliefs Composition of Ideology
Contribution of various theorists Ideology and critical thought: The Frankfurt School Karl Mannheim and the Social Roots of Ideology Antonio Gramsci and the Spread of Ideology Louis Althuser and the Reality of Ideology
Origin, Growth and Theories of Political Ideology Making Sense of Ideological Texts Macro and Micro Ideologies
Ideology and Discourse Ideology and Politics The Role of Propaganda
Major Political Ideologies Democracy Liberalism, Classical & Neo-classical Libertarianism
Conservatism Socialism and Communism Marxism and Post-Marxism New Left New Right Fascism Nazism and Neo-Nazism Racism Anarchism Nationalism Capitalism Feminism Ecologism Fundamentalism Social Democracy Toryism Third Way
The end of ideology The Future of Ideology
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List The Rise of the Global Imaginary: Political Ideologies from the French Revolution to the Global War on Terror by Manfred B. Steger (OUP: 2008) Key Concepts in Politics by Andrew Heyood, (Palgrave: 2000) Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal by Terence Ball and Richard Dagger (HarperCollins: 2002). Ideals and Ideologies: A Reader by Terence Ball and Richard Dagger (HarperCollins: 2002). Political Ideologies: An Introduction by HEYWOOD, Andrew (MacMillan Press: 1998) Political Ideologies: Their Origins and Impact by Leon P. Baradat (Prentice Hall: 2008) Political Ideologies: An Introduction by Robert Eccleshall et al. (Routledge: 2003) Ideology and Politics by John J Schwarzmantel (SAGE: 2008) Political Ideologies: A Reader and Guide by Matthew Festenstein (OUP: 2005) One Dimensional Man: Studies in Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society by MARCUSE (Beacon Pr.: 1992) Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal. By Terence Ball, Richard Dagger. (Longman, 1999) Ideals and Ideologies: A Reader by Terence Ball, Richard Dagger. (Longman, 1999) Marxism and the State: An Analytical Approach by Paul Wetherly (Palgrave McMillan: 2005) Dogmas And Dreams: A Reader In Modern Political Ideologies by Nancy S. Love (CQ Press: 2005) Marx for the 21st Century Edited by Hiroshi Uchida (Routledge: 2006) Marx: A Beginner’s Guide by Andrew Collier (One World: 2004) Twentieth-Century Marxism: A Global Introduction Edited by Daryl Glaser and David M. Walker (Routledge: 2007) Socialism: A Very Short Introduction by Michael Newman (OUP: 2005) Marx: A Very Short Introduction (OUP: 2001) Democracy: A Very Short Introduction by Bernard Crick (OUP: 2003) Capitalism: A Very Short Introduction by James Fulcher (OUP: 2004) Fascism: A Very Short Introduction by Kevin Passmore (OUP: 2002) Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction by Colin Ward (OUP: 2004) Feminism: A Very Short Introduction by Margaret Walters (OUP: 2006) Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction by Steven Grosby (OUP: 2005) Ideology: A Very Short Introduction by Michael Freeden (OUP: 2003) Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction by Christopher Butler (OUP: 2003) Fundamentalism: A Very Short Introduction by Malise Ruthven (OUP: 2007) A Brief History of Neoliberalism by David Harvey (OUP: 2007) Racism: A Very Short Introduction by Ali Rattansi (OUP: 2007) Ideology by David Hawkes (Routledge: 2003) Ideology: An Introduction by Terry Eagleton (Verso: 1991) Ecologism: Towards Ecological Citizenship by Mark J. Smith (University of Minnesota Press: 1998) Social Democracy in the Global Periphery: Origins, Challenges, Prospects by Richard Sandbrook (Cambridge University Press: 2007) Nazism by Neil Gregor (OUP: 2000) Contemporary Political Ideologies: A Comparative Analysis by Lyman Tower Sargent (Wadsworth Publishing: 2008) Political Ideologies: An Introduction by Andrew Heywood (Palgrave Macmillan: 2007) Introduction to Political Ideologies by John Hoffman & Paul Graham (Longman: 2006) Ideology and International Relations in the Modern World by Alan Cassels (Routledge: 1996) Ideology and Politics by John Schwar zmantel (Sage: 2008) Reassessing Political Ideologies: The durability of dissent Edited by Michael Freeden (Routledge: 2001)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 406: Peace and Conflict Studies
Meanings of Peace Peace Movements Meanings of War Reasons for War System-level Analysis of War
Building Negative Peace Building Positive Peace
Peace Strategy Human Rights Economic Wellbeing Ecological Wellbeing
Nonviolence Conflict Analysis Peace Research Feminist Understandings
Peace building in Post conflict societies Conflict Resolution Peacebuilding Design Security and Demilitarization Political Transition Development Reconciliation and Rehabilitation Operational Imperatives
UN and the Peacekeeping Operations With Case Studies
Nation-building: UN Experience
The Political Economy of Armed Conflict Oil, Drugs and Diamonds
Case Studies: Colombian Drug Trade, Afghan Opium Trade Political Economy of Maoist Insurgency Sri Lanka and Feeding the Tamil Tigers Reconsidering Economic Dynamics of Conflict
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Peace and Conflict Studies by David P. Barash (Sage Publications: 2008) Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies by David P. Barash (OUP: 1999) Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas by David Cortright (Cambridge University Press: 2008) Understanding Conflict Resolution: War, Peace and the Global System by Peter Wallensteen (SAGE: 2007) Peace and Conflict Studies: An Introduction by Ho-Won Jeong (Ashgate: 2001) Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies by Charles Webel (Routledge: 2007) At War's End: Building Peace after Civil Conflict by Roland Paris (Cambridge University Press: 2004) Establishing Law and Order After Conflict by Seth G. Jones et al. (RAND: 2005) Unleashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World edited by Chester A. Crocker et al. (USIP Press: 2007) Nation-Building: A Key Concept for Peaceful Conflict Transformation by Jochen Hippler (Pluto Press: 2005) Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace edited by Joseph de Rivera (Springer: 2009) Contemporary Conflict Resolution by Oliver Ramsbotham et al (Polity: 2005) Making War and Building Peace: United Nations Peace Operations by Michael W. Doyle et al (Princeton University Press: 2006) The United Nations, Peace and Security: From Collective Security to the Responsibility to Protect by Ramesh Thakur (Cambridge University Press: 2006) Peacebuilding in Postconflict Societies: Strategy & Process by Jeong, Ho-Won (VIVA: 2006) The Political Economy of Armed Conflict: Beyond Greed & Grievance by Balletine, Karen et. al.(VIVA: 2005) A force more Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict by Peter Ackerman & Jack DuVall (St. Martin’s Press: 2000) The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution edited by Jacob Bercovitch et al. (SAGE: 2006) Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution by Sean Byrne: Den (Routledge: 2008) Peacemaking In International Conflict: Methods And Techniques by I. William Zartman (USIP Press: 2007) Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis by Ho-Won Jeong (SAGE: 2008) Building states to build peace edited by Charles T. Call ; with Vanessa Wyeth (Lynne Rienner Publishers: 2008) Peace operations : trends, progress, and prospects by Donald C.F. Daniel, Patricia Taft, & Sharon Wiharta, editors (Georgetown University Press: 2008) Telling the truths : truth telling and peace building in post-conflict societies edited by Tristan Anne Borer (University of Notre Dame Press: 2006)
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
IR 407: International Terrorism and Other Transnational Crimes
Problems of defining terrorism History of Terrorism Globalization of Terrorism
Explaining Terrorism theoretically Understanding the Roots of Terrorism Philosophy of Terrorism Psychology and Terrorism Suicide Terrorism Ideological extremism
Religious fundamentalism, violence and terrorism Ethno-national terrorism State Sponsored Terrorism Terror Networks Weapons of Terrorism
The War against Terrorism Terrorism and Media Women and Terrorism
Counterterrorism Intelligence
The UN and Global Terrorism US Foreign Policy and Terrorism International Law and Terrorism Future of Terrorism
Terrorism in South Asia (Pakistan, Bangladesh, India) Taliban, Afghanistan and Al Qaeda Terrorist groups and their ideologies
Human Trafficking Drug Trafficking Sex Trade Money Laundering Small Arms and Light Weapons Transnational organized crimes Legal Instruments to fight transnational crimes
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Syllabus for the BSS Honors Program (2007-8) Department of International Relations University of Chittagong
Suggested Reading List Global Terrorism: A Beginner’s Guide by Weinberg, Leonard (Viva: 2006) Global Terrorism by James M. Lutz & Brenda J. Lutz (Routledge: 2008) The Terrorism Reader edited by David J. Whittaker (Routledge: 2007) The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to al Qaeda edited by Gerard Chaliand & Arnaud Blin (University of California Press: 2007) Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the Twenty First Century by Marc Sageman (University of Pennsylvania Press: 2008) The Far Enemy: Why Jihad Went Global by Fawaz A. Gerges (Cambridge University Press: 2005) Terror in the Mind of God; The Global Rise of Religious Violence by Juergensmeyer, Mark (University of California Press: 2000) Terror and Consent: The Wars of the Twenty-First Century by Philip Bobbit (Alfred A. Knopf: 2008) Descent into Chaos: The United States and the Failure of Nation-Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia by Ahmed Rashid (Viking: 2008) Taliban: Islam, Oil and the New Great Game in Central Asia by Ahmed Rashid (I. B. Tauris: 2008) Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 by Steve Coll (Penguin: 2004) Rethinking the Roots of Terrorism by Jason Franks (Palgrave Macmillan: 2006) Root Causes of Terrorism: Myths, reality and ways Edited by Tore Bjorgo (Routledge: 2007) Countering the Financing of Terrorism Edited by Thomas J. Biersteker and Sue E. Eckert (Routledge: 2008) Global Jihadism: Theory and practice by Jarret M. Brachman (Routledge: 2009) Islam and Violence in the Modern Era by Beverely Milton-Edwards (Palgrave Macmillan: 2006) Daniel Byman, Deadly Connections: States that Sponsor Terrorism (Cambridge: 2005) Inside Terrorism by Bruce Hoffman (Columbia University Press: 2006) Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh: A Complex Web by Ali Riaz (Routledge: 2008) Madrasas in South Asia: Teaching Terror? Edited by Jamal Malik (Routledge: 2008) Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Gilles Kepel (Harvard University Press: 2002) New Political Religions or Analysis of Modern Terrorism by Barry Kooper (University of Missouri Press: 2004) Understanding Terrorist Innovation: Technology, tactics and global trends by Adam Dolnik (Routledge: 2007) Women and Terrorism: Female activity in domestic and International terror groups by Margaret Gonzalez-Perez (Routledge: 2008) Terror, Terrorism, and the Human Condition by Charles P. Webel (Palgrave: 2004) The Mind of the Terrorist: The Psychology of Terrorism from the IRA to al-Qaeda by Jerrold M. Post (Palgrave Macmillan: 2007) Terrorism and Global Disorder Political Violence in the Contemporary World by Adrian Guelke (I.B. Tauris: 2006) On the Ethics of War and Terrorism by Uwe Steinhoff (OUP: 2007) Terrorism, Crime, and Public Policy by Brian Forst (Cambridge University Press: 2009) The Strategy of Terrorism: How it works and why it fails by Peter R. Neumann and M.L.R. Smith (Routledge: 2007) How Terrorism Is Wrong: Morality and Political Violence by Virginia Held (OUP: 2008) Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy edited by John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt (RAND: 2001) Terrorism and US Foreign Policy by Paul R. Pillar (Brookings: 2001) The New Terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass Destruction by Walter Laqueur (OUP: 1999) The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright (Vintage: 2007) Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism by Cooley, John K. (Penguin: 2000) Hezbollah: The changing face of terrorism by Harik, Judith Palmer (I.B. Tauris: 2005) Osama: The making of a Terrorist by Randal, Jonathan (I.B. Tauris: 2005) The Globalization of Terror: The Challenge of Al-Qaida and the Response of the International Community by Schweitzer, Yoram. et. al. (Viva: 2004) Human Trafficking by Maggy Lee (Willan Publishing: 2007) Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery by Siddharth Kara (Columbia University Press: 2008) The Trafficking of Persons: National and International Responses by Kimberly A. Mccabe (Peter Lang Publishing: 2008) Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery by Silvia Scarpa (OUP: 2008) Human Trafficking, Human Misery: The Global Trade in Human Beings by Alexis A. Aronowitz (Praeger: 2009) Understanding Global Slavery: A Reader by Kevin Bales (University of California Press: 2005) Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy by Kevin Bales (University of California Press: 2004) The price of fear: the truth behind the financial war on terror by Ibrahim Warde (University of California Press: 2007) Critical reflections on transnational organized crime, money laundering and corruption edited by Margaret E. Beare (University of Toronto Press: 2003) Terrorism financing and state responses: a comparative perspective edited by Jeanne K. Giraldo and Harold A. Trinkunas (Stanford University Press: 2007)
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Kalashnikov culture: small arms proliferation and irregular warfare by Christopher Carr (Praeger Security International: 2008) The small arms trade: a beginner's guide by Rachel Stohl, Matt Schroeder, Dan Smith (Oneworld: 2007) Terrornomics edited by Sean S. Costigan, David Gold (Ashgate: 2007) Transnational threats: smuggling and trafficking in arms, drugs, and human life edited by Kimberley L. Thachuk ; foreword by Spike Bowman (Praeger Security International: 2007) Small arms and security: new emerging international norms by Denise Garcia (Routledge: 2006) Drugs in South Asia: From the Opium Trade to the Present Day by M. Emdad-ul Haq (Palgrave Macmillan: 2000) The secret history of al Qaeda by Abdel Bari Atwan Atwan, Abdel Bari (University of California Press: 2006) The Al Qaed: a reader edited and translated by Raymond Ibrahim ; introduction by Victor Davis Hanson (Broadway Books: 2007) The ideological war on terror: worldwide strategies for counter-terrorism edited by Anne Aldis and Graeme P. Herd (Routledge: 2007) Inside Hamas: the untold story of the militant Islamic movement by Zaki Chehab (Nations Books: 2008) Hamas in politics: democracy, religion, violence by Jeroen Gunning (Columbia University Press: 2008) Hezbollah: a short history by Augustus Richard Norton (Princeton University Press: 2007) On suicide bombing by Talal Asad Asad, Talal (Columbia University Press: 2007) How Globalization Spurs Terrorism: The Lopsided Benefits of "One World" and Why That Fuels Violence by Fathali M. Moghaddam (Praeger: 2008) Dying to kill: the allure of suicide terror by Mia Bloom (Columbia University Press: 2005) Dying to win: the strategic logic of suicide terrorism byRobert A. Pape (Random House: 2005) No end to war: terrorism in the twenty-first century by Walter Laqueur (Continuum: 2003) Islamic extremism: causes, diversity, and challenges by Monte Palmer and Princess Palmer (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: 2008) Koran, Kalashnikov, and laptop: the neo-Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan by Antonio Giustozzi (Columbia University Press: 2008) The Taliban and the crisis of Afghanistan edited by Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi (Harvard University Press: 2008) Understanding Terrorism in South Asia by Imtiaz Ahmad (Manohar: 2006) Religious Radicalism and Security in South Asia Edited By Satu P. Limaye Mohan Malik Robert G. Wirsing (APCSS: 2004) The Politics of Extremism in South Asia by Deepa M. Ollapally (Cambridge University Press: 2008) Jihad, Hindutva and the Taliban: South Asia at the Crossroads by Iftikhar H. Malik (OUP: 2005) Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror by Mahmood Mamdani (Three Leaves: 2005) War on Terror, Inc.: Corporate Profiteering from the Politics of Fear by Solomon Hughes (Verso: 2008) Terrorism For Humanity: Inquiries in Political Philosophy by Ted Honderich (Pluto Press: 2003) Making Sense of Suicide Missions by Diego Gambetta (OUP: 2006) The Globalization of Martyrdom: Al Qaeda, Salafi Jihad, and the Diffusion of Suicide Attacks by Assaf Moghadam (The Johns Hopkins University Press: 2008)
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