FC Woman May/June 2011

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Fairfield County Woman

May/June 2011

A Bi-Monthly Resource for Women of Fairfield County

Valerie Fields Spirit of Women Connecting women to women. see page 38

Anya Kishinevsky MD Plastic Surgery with a personal touch. pages 6 & 7

Gina Brillon Comedian Actor Writer Are you ‘Perfectly Flawed’? see page 43 Carol McManus The LinkedIn Lady Show airs on: 1490-AM WGCH in Greenwich CT Wednesdays from 9 to 9:30am.

See what the Linkedin Lady has to say... FCW - A Publication Dedicated to Education

& on www.toginet.com internet radio airs Wednesdays from 5 to 6pm.

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V i s i t U s o n l i n e a t w w w. f a i r f i e l d w o m a n . c o m

Table Of Contents Table of Contents

Psycology With Style Specialized Medical

Medical Professionals

Fabulous Business Style

Five Tips toand Lose Weight Are Notlife...........5 True!.............................................................5 Business to Business Creating living ...aThat magical Where you are treated first can make all Step out with confidence............36 & 37 Excellence in Plastic Surgery with a Caring Touch ....................................................... 6 How a Website - Done Right - Can Give Your Business the Competitive Edge ..........32 the difference.............................22 Anya Kishinevsky, M.D. ..................................................................................................7 Westport Business Solutions, LLC ...............................................................................33 The Go-To Place for Health and Wellness .................................................................. 8-9 Simple Secrets to Social MediaThe SuccessRight ..................................................................... 34 Specialized Medicine Stuff Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Care Center ................................................ 10-11 Excellence in Plastic Surgery..........6 & 7 Business To Business How to make networking a fruitful Medical Volunteers Needed ........................................................................................ 12 Career & Self Development

Rose of Hope Luncheon.................8 & 9 The LinkedIn Lady...............................23 experience.................................38 Staying Marketable at Any Age ...................................................................................35 Health & Wellness Twitter for business.............................24 Do you look in the mirror and say, Catch A Healthy Habit .................................................................................................. 13 Fabulous Business Style Just Another Meeting Place Making the mist of marketing Change“What Happened???”................10 Your Mind ... Change Your Life! ...................................................................... 13 your Tina Broccle Image Consultant Not ...............................................................................36-37 Are You Tired from Working Out and Not Able to Stay in Shape? ............................. 14 Experience Doncaster ................................................................................................. 38 Family fun............................................39 dollars........................................25 Measurable results!.............................11 Westport Business Solutions...............26 Recognizing a stroke...........................12 Psychology With Style Your Money Your Business Creating and Living a Magical Life: Part 1 .................................................................... 15 Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA .............................................................................................. Radio Talk Show Energy Savers......................................27 Vanessa Williams, keynote speaker.....44 39 Energy Savers .............................................................................................................. 40 Partner with us....................................28 Norwalk woman arrested....................40 Dental Wellness

Health &Whole Wellness Smile and The World Smiles With You .........................................................16-17 Radio Talk Show Women?& ................................................................41 Catch a healthy habit...........................13 Special Events “Skins” and Porn - Where are the Home Garden Personalized Pharmacy

Women’s Expo.....................................29 Old World Touch for New World Vitamin E and COPD...........................14 Do You Know Where to Fill Your Custom Made Prescription? .............................. 18-19 Partner With Us Treasures....................................41 Locker room banter.............................15 Networking Luncheon..........................30 Partner With Us ............................................................................................................42 Legal

Know Your Child’s Educational and Juvenile Rights.................................................. 20

Finance Fitness Women in Profile Your Money Your Business Photography Estate Tax Planning for An Uncertain 2011.................................................................. 21 LIMRA: Women Save 40% Less to Retire Than Men .................................................. 43

Eight Great Ladies!......................16 & 17 Understanding your money..................31 Family Photographer............................42 Women in Profile ............................................................................................... 22-25

Contractors With Integrity Contractors with Integrity

Not Just Another Meeting Place

Sports Center of Connecticut ..................................................................................... 44

Finance Fitness

Thinking Out Loud

Shut the Door, What Do You Live in a Barn? .............................................................. 26 Planning Photography Concrete hardscaping.........................18 Strategic Business Perfectly Flawed..................................43 CBJ Foundations, LLC ...................................................................................................27 Matthew C. Abourezk, Family Photographer ............................................................ 45 Are yourWindow windows foggy?....................19 for Small Businesses.................32 Veteran’s Washing ........................................................................................ 28

Women and retirement........................33 Home & Garden Restoration ...................................................................................................... 46 Legal Government financialNLdeV assistance for Fairfield County Women’s Expo ................................................................................. 29 Buy/Sell Agreements...........................20 small businesses........................34 The Right Stuff Special Events About Us

Allow Me to Introduce You ......................................................................................... 30


Spirit of WomanConnect............................................................................................. 47

Career & Self Development

Thinking Out Loud

Community Outreach Carolina House....................................21 Changing careers................................35 “Make-Up” .................................................................................................................. 48 Caroline House ............................................................................................................. 31

Be a part of our next issue! Join our growing list of contributors / advertisers.

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May/June 2011


Fairfield County Woman Fairfield County Woman

Publisher’s Note Hello Everyone,

Here we are and it is getting warmer. As I watch the flowers bop up from the ground and see new things emerging everyday, it reminds me to be thankful all the time. We all know that things have been tough for a while, I am sharing a quote for a book called “How to Have Courage, Calmness and Confidence”, So that you know everything is going to be fine. “Whatever conditions confront me I know they represent the next step in my unfoldment”. Hope this helps you today and everyday! Remember time is soon coming to hit the beach and what better way to enjoy the beach than to have Fairfield County Woman at you side and that is where we will be. Can not find us in the stores and normal places we are because we go so fast go on line and order a home delivery subscription. While you are there check out the new features and catagories. We are also pleased to announce the new alliance with GreySkye branding check us out. We are and always will be dedicated to educaton and we maintain the absenses of political or controversial Issues. We keep you our readers in mind as we hold this ploicy. Thank you for your support we strive to reach as many women as possible and we depend on you for our success. Enjoy this latest installment and please don’t hesitate to let us know how we are doing, or what we can do to improve Call us any time 877-812-8693.

Veronica Brillon, Publisher

Front Cover Image by Matt Abourezk Matt Abourezk has been photographing families to fashion to fortune 500 for more than 30 years. Turn to page 42 for more about Matt

Fairfield County Woman


May/June 2011

About Us About Us

Let Me Introduce You to the #1 Nationally Syndicated Women’s Newspaper in the U.S. Allow me to introduce you to The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper. Each of our Woman’s Newspapers is an informative and enlightening resource for the community.

care decisions? The FCW will become a primary resource for the women of Connecticut. Furthermore, the FCW has found our readership to be 2.46 per copy with an average lifespan of 6 weeks. This above average readership is due to current information being referred to friends and family which directly benefit from our contributing articles and editorials.

Published six times a year, we serve readers with valued information in a wide variety of special columns and features. Written by local experts in their respective fields, from Health and Medicine to personal Finance and Travel. The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper provides the best in local contacts and the latest information available. We offer editorial coverage, a low advertising rate and most importantly, targeted marketing to women.


Read on to find out what we can offer you as a contributing writer...

Look inside each issue’s back cover and you will see readership responses and see professional testimonials from our contributing editors and advertisers. Establish yourself as the contributing editorial source for

Target Audience Are you aware that women make 80% of all the consumer and health

primary information in your specialty in Fairfield County.

Distribution FCW distribution is extensive with numerous direct drops (and growing). Free papers are provided to area libraries, medical establishments, YMCA’s, lawyers, dentists, recreation centers, health and fitness clubs, corporate office buildings, real estate offices, markets, salons, car care centers, craft stores, book stores. etc., as well as target home deliveries.

Eliminate your competition by being the only professional in your specialty anywhere in our newspaper. Why divide the response of the readership amongst your competition? Distinguish yourself as the authority in your field by taking the information you discuss with each client and making it available to more than 40,000 readers in the comfort of their homes.

What We Are Not We do not print anything political or controversial. We do not cover local news. The FCW is your direct link to the target market of women in Fairfield County. It has been proven nationally to increase your advertising power and get your message through.


This successful combination of education and advertising creates community awareness for your business, and offers tremendous growth potential. To explore the advertising and editorial opportunities offered by The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper, call us today at 203- 708-9186. The National Women’s Newspaper with over 32 years of experience in over 371 woman’s newspapers, either published or optioned to publish, is 100% supportive of its newest edition, The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper. This educational outlet for women in Fairfield County, Connecticut is long overdue. So, sit back, relax and enjoy reading another great issue!

Join our family of over 18,000 professionals nationally and educate the women of Fairfield County.

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k l The FC Woman is looking for k sales professionals. The FC Woman is looking for sales professionals. Call on local businesses and area Call on local businesses andfull area professionals. professionals. Part time and time positions Part time and full time positions available. available. Training provided.

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Training provided.

Publisher ~ ~Veronica Brillon Publisher Veronica Brillon Editor/Associate Publisher ~ Adela Gallagher Associate Publisher ~ Steven and Gina Brillon Sales ~ Leigh Sexton Frank D. Giampia Graphic Design ~ and Peter Schutz Designs Creative Director/Production Manager ~ Golden Design, LLC & Jelly Graphics Distribution ~ Man in Motion, LLC, Thomas Cossuto Photogrpaher ~ Matt Abourezk

If you enjoy meeting people, you will enjoy this job. If you enjoy meeting you will enjoy this job. E-mail your resume to people, FCWoman.JRNL@gmail.com E-mail your to FCWoman.JRNL@gmail.com or faxresume your resume to 800-939-7796. or fax your resume to 203-247-2808.

Distribution ~ Man in Motion, LLC, Thomas Cossuto

4 MARCH/APRIL May/June 2011


Fairfield County Woman

Fairfield County Woman

Psychology With Psychology With Style Style CREATING and LIVING A MAGICAL LIFE: Part I I am sitting on the top floor of the Starbucks in Fairfield. It is a snowy winter you not wake up and feel sad?” I responded. For many of us, it is not enough day and I am once again contemplating what makes life magical. This morning to make a living, take care of our family and hang out with our friends. Each of I had a psychology/coaching session with a man in his early forties who used to us needs to find our purpose, live our passion and fulfill our desires. When we be an investment banker. Several years ago, he went through a brutal depres- are stymied from doing so as John surely had been, anxiety and depression sion and quit his job. In his twenties, he loved many aspects of being a banker; are inevitable. the technology research, the challenge of landing new clients and the intensity of creating and delivering pitches. However, the hours, the travel and the In general, there are three core components to creating and living a magi“jerks” that he interacted with on a cal Life. First, you must desire it. If daily basis took their toll. After years you examine your life, notice that of non-stop travel, hundred hour most, if not all, of the things that “Have a purpose, work weeks, and mental exhausare proud of have hardly showed tion, he finally sat down with his up by chance. Instead, you have be present and playful, boss to ask for more flexibility and created them through a combinacreate a community in less travel. His boss told him that tion of intention, hard work, and his two young children wouldn’t creativity. The second step is to dewhich you feel a sense of know what they were missing. This serve it. You must deserve a great belonging, and engage conversation turned out to be the life in order to create one or your last straw. At 35, John had finally subconscious mind will sabotage it. in deep friendships. had enough and walked away. He The subconscious mind is very powThis is how I do life.” went out on his own and after two erful and is often programmed with years of hard work his new startup fear, negativity, and limiting beliefs. failed. More depression followed. These underlying “mines” get in the John turned to psychiatry only to way of creating the life you want. - dr. brett denkin find himself in the endless abyss The third step is to know how. The of psychotropic medication. Early knowhow can be complicated and on the morning of our first session multi-faceted. I had a vision in my meditation of Michael Jackson being more or less For close to twenty years, I have “killed” by medications his doctors worked with thousands of people prescribed. This was highly unusual and their countless stories of maksince I never think of Michael Jacking less than desirable decisions, son! When John walked in my door including poor relationship choicfour hours later, I recognized within es, staying far too long in unfulfillten minutes that my vision was no ing careers, or not caring enough coincidence. John was taking seven about their health. Indeed, many different medications for anxiety, were simply acting out uncondepression, and mood instability. scious behavior patterns because He had been diagnosed as bi-polar, they are familiar and comfortable, could barely walk straight, had rerather than listening to their inner cently attempted suicide and felt wisdom and doing what was right profoundly sad. He was a broken for them, the consequences havman. For all intents and purposes, ing a dramatic negative impact on he was being “killed” himself by their lives. The lesson here is that Lawyer Phil Doctor Brett Show night 9 - 10 Open door with Dr. Brett Denkin Wednesday a psychiatrist whom I can only asin order to have success in life and Beginning March 16th 2011Or listen for dr. brett denkin on on 1400WSTC 1350WNLK. stream live from my website sume was well-intentioned. Within business, we must learn to develop WSTC/WNLK 1350/1400 Wednesday nights 9-10pm. six weeks of our initial session he and trust our own inner wisdom was off all medications, exercising daily and feeling much better overall. His di- and then take consistent action to change old habits, limiting beliefs, and poor agnosis was flat wrong. John had no sense of purpose. This morning he came communication. in wondering why he continued to feel sad from time to time. I asked him this: “What have you done with your life over the past five years outside of taking dr. brett denkin, care of your children that you feel proud of? His response was: “Nothing.” So if Psychologist, Consultant, Coach you have done nothing that you feel proud of or energized by then how could 203-247-2808 • www.drbrettdenkin.com

Fairfield County Woman Fairfield County Woman

w w w. d r b r e t t d e n k i n . c o m 5

MARCH/APRIL 15 May/June 2011

Specialized Medicine Excellence in Plastic Surgery with a Caring Touch surgery could only be preformed with a large “anchor” scar consisting of vertical and horizontal incisions. Dr. Kishinevsky performs these surgeries with a small vertical incision, also known as a “lollipop” scar, resulting in rounder, perkier breasts with fuller cleavage. Breast reduction surgery relieves longstanding back and shoulder pain by removing excess breast tissue but still achieving a beautifully-shaped, lifted breast. Augmentation can be safely preformed with saline or silicone implants to increase the volume of the breasts with the most natural texture and shape. During your consultation, you will have the chance to examine and fell both silicone and saline implants and to choose the style, size, and shape you feel the most comfortable with.

What is a “Mommy Makeover?”

By: Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.


ow can plastic surgery help me feel more confident and look younger for today’s competitive job market?

Depending on a person’s individual needs, an eyelid lift, face or neck lift can go a long way towards softening the effects of aging. As the eyes are often described as “the windows to the soul,” removing a bit of excess, drooping skin and the loose fat that makes up the ‘bags”, whether above or below the eyes, often takes years off a man or woman’s appearance. Dark discoloration can be removed as well, all without leaving a visible scar. A face and neck lift is designed to clean up the jowls and excess around the neck, recreating a clean, tight jaw line. The scars are hidden within the hairline, so only your hairdresser will know. The result is a natural, rested appearance, without looking fake or “done.” The results often last for more than ten years without a touch-up. There are also minimally invasive approaches to a younger appearance with Botox, injectable fillers, or laser resurfacing.

May/June 2011

In many cases, pregnancy and nursing take their toll on a woman’s body. Often, the skin of the abdomen loses elasticity, continues to sag after the pregnancy is over, and develops stretch marks that don’t go away. The skin of the breasts may lose its elasticity as well, wit permanent stretch marks and drooping of the breasts. The nipples and areolae can become large and displaced. A “mommy makeover” is a popular procedure that combines a tummy tuck with a breast lift to restore the tight contours of the pre-pregnancy body. A tummy tuck removes excess abdominal skin, stretch marks, and fat. It tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall and results in a flatter abdominal profile. A breast lift removes excess skin and stretch marks to recreate a more youthful, round, and perky breast. Not all stretch marks can be removed - those below the belly button and closest to the nipple are taken away consistently.

What are my options for reconstruction if I will be having a mastectomy or lumpectomy for breast cancer? In this day and age, there are so many options for women undergoing treatment for breast cancer to look and feel their best. There is no reason that any woman should be left with a defect or asymmetry. If a woman prefers reconstruction with her own tissues, the fat from the abdomen can be used to make a new breast with a TRAM flap. If a woman prefers a quicker recovery or a larger breast size, reconstruction with a saline or silicone implant may be a good option. A new technique that has been receiving a lot of attention lately is fat transfer for breast reconstruction. Liposuction is performed on the abdomen or thighs and the fat is saved and used to make a new breast or to fill a lumpectomy defect. Fat transfer is simpler and has a quicker recovery time than traditional breast reconstruction and can be done several times to achieve a larger breast size. Also, if you have been considering breast reduction or breast lift

How long do the results last? Surgery is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, including a good diet and exercise. The results are technically permanent but may be significantly diminished with major fluctuations in weight. Women who are planning a substantial weight loss or future pregnancies are advised to postpone surgery. Women who smoke should quit all nicotine products for two months before surgery to reduce the risks of surgery.

What if I Would Prefer Fuller or Smaller Breasts? A breast lift can be performed at the same time as a breast reduction or augmentation with an implant with no additional scarring. In the past, breast reduction or lift


surgery and you will be undergoing lumpectomy; your breast surgeon can work with your plastic surgeon to perform these procedures together. Our office will let you know if your insurance will cover breast reduction surgery.

What should I expect from my consultation? When you make an appointment to see Dr. Kishinevsky, you will be greeted by a friendly, caring staff. Your wait time will be short, in a pleasant, supportive environment. Dr. Kishinevsky will perform a thorough history and physical, then recommend the procedures that would best suit your needs. She will take the time to explain the surgery in detail and to answer all your questions. You will be able to view before-and after pictures of different surgeries and to examine a sample of any implant to be used. For patients who are concerned with their privacy, we have a fully accredited operating suite, to ensure your safety and comfort. You will be able to speak with patients who have had the same procedures done. You will be able to relax and rest easy, knowing that your treatment will be in well-trained, caring, and experienced hands.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation 203.656.9999 Fairfield County Woman

Specialized Medicine Specialized Medical

Plastic Surgery with a Personal Touch • Short Scar Breast

Reduction • Short Scar Breast Lift • Rhinoplasty • Eyelid Surgery –

• Facelift • Liposculpture • Tummy Tuck • Full Body Lift • Full Line

no visible scar for lower lid of Injectables

Call us today for a free consultation:

203.656.9999 V  :

.AKMD.  P R • D, CT   W D • F, CT 

Fairfield County Woman Fairfield County Woman


May/June 72011 MARCH/APRIL

Specialized Medicine

The Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center


une is a busy time for community events and fundraisers, the last chance to celebrate and support our favorite causes before leaving for summer vacation. One of the area’s largest and most publicized fundraisers is the Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center’s Rose of Hope Luncheon. This not-tobe-missed event takes place each year in June, with over 350 Fairfield County women and men attending. The Breast Care Center, the first free-standing, community-based breast care center in Connecticut, has been helping women in the community fight breast cancer for over a decade. This year’s event on June 16 will be the eleventh consecutive luncheon. “The luncheon is for anyone with an interest in breast cancer. It’s also a chance for survivors, their friends and family to gather and celebrate life on a beautiful summer’s day,” says Dr. Donna Twist, executive director of the Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center. “It’s also exciting, with a well known celebrity delivering the keynote address each year. We’ve heard from an amazing group of women who are passionate about women’s issues and women’s health.” Past speakers have included actresses Mira Sorvino, Cynthia Nixon, Mariska Hargitay, Sigourney Weaver and Marcia Gay Harden, Governor Jody Rell, and the late wife of actor Christopher Reeve, activist Dana Reeve. This year the multi-faceted, award-winning performer Vanessa Williams will deliver the keynote address. Williams has sold millions of albums worldwide and achieved critical acclaim as an actress on stage, in film and on television. She has received two NAACP Image Awards which celebrate the achievements of peo-

May/June 2011

navigate them into free and affordable mammograms at our Bridgeport Hospital clinic.” The luncheon also raises money for the Breast Care Center’s supportive services, including bilingual counseling, a schoolbased education program, and their new wellness services in Fairfield. “Our comprehensive program of wellness services is the first of it’s kind in Fairfield County,” says Twist. “We feel its part of our mission to support overall health in women to protect them from breast and other cancers.”

Vanessa Williams will be the keynote speaker at the Rose of Hope Luncheon ple of color in the arts and their “Many of the women we see efforts to promote social justice come from Greater Bridgeport, through their creative endeavors. a community where women have a high risk of early death “Vanessa is such an accom- from breast cancer. This makes plished woman who takes time screening and early detection so out from her busy life to raise important,” says Twist. “Through awareness of women’s health is- our outreach program, we edusues and to support causes that cate women about their risk and benefit women and children,” says Twist. “As a woman who has faced many challenges in her life, both professionally and as a single mother of four beautiful children, she is a role model for our patients and survivors who have to find strength within themselves to fight cancer.” The luncheon also serves as an important source of funds for the Breast Care Center’s programs for women in need, including their Medically Underserved Initiative, which provides free health care to uninsured or underinsured women. Close to 500 women receive free screening and diagnostic services each year, making it the largest program of free care in the area.

Offerings include yoga, massage, mental health counseling, naturopathic medicine, nutrition counseling and Pilates, in addition to plastic surgery, breast surgery and general surgery. Daneen Grabe and Linda Blackwell, both of Fairfield, will cochair the Rose of Hope Luncheon. Both are active members of the Breast Care Center’s President’s Council and Advisory Board.

Daneen Grabe and Linda Blackwell, both of Fairfield, will co-chair the Rose of Hope Luncheon 8

Fairfield County Woman

Specialized Medicine Grabe has a passion to care for others that comes out of her 25 years as a massage therapist and her work with cancer patients, including women at the Breast Care Center. For her contributions to the Breast Care Center, she was awarded the Rose of Hope Award in 2010. In the community, she focuses her generosity on health causes. She is the owner and manager of the Little Pub in Ridgefield.

care given to every woman that comes to the center, without regard to their ability to pay,” says Blackwell. “Having watched my mom and other friends battle through the treatments, I know that for every woman the Center helps, there are children, husbands, friends and families who also benefit because of the special care their loved one has received. The Center’s integrated approach to care helps women address many of their health“The Rose of Hope event en- care needs in one place. I am so compasses all the things that proud to be a small part of this.” make the NPBCC such a wonderful resource,” says Grabe. The 2011 Rose of Hope Luncheon “The event showcases the car- will honor Board Members Lynne ing attitude of the organization, Taikowski and Donna Craft with the inspiring spirit of survivors, the Rose of Hope Award in recand the enduring hope for others ognition of their support of the afflicted with breast cancer.” Center. “They have worked tirelessly for many years in support Blackwell has planned many of of the Breast Care Center,” says the Center’s events and is spear- Blackwell. “They are an inspiraheading their new social media tion to us all, and we are looking initiative. She is active in the forward to a great day.” Near & Far Aid Association, a charitable group. She is a real- The luncheon is sponsored by tor with William Raveis. Connie DeMattia and the DeMattia Foundation and People’s “During the years I have been United Wealth Management and involved, I have seen the great Trust. For the seventh consecu-

The 2011 Rose of Hope Luncheon will honor Board Members Lynne Taikowski and Donna Craft (above) with the Rose of Hope Award in recognition of their support of the Center. tive year, the Rose of Hope Luncheon will be held at the home of Patti and Tom Keegan in Fairfield. “It’s an incredibly beautiful location,” says Twist. “We’re very lucky to have so many women in the community helping us make the luncheon a success.”

For ticket information, call 203-255-5300. Tickets are $275 per guest.

People’s United Wealth Management and Trust is the lead Corporate Sponsor of the 2011 luncheon.

Lynne Taikowski, right, a member of the Board of Advisors and President’s Council, with her sister and mother. Fairfield County Woman


May/June 2011

Specialized Medicine Specialized Medical Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center By Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, M.D. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Sometime during middle age, most of us have that moment— the moment when we look in the mirror and ask “what happened?” We still feel young, but our faces tell a different story. We want our faces to project the youth that we feel internally.

Dr. Jeffrey Rosenthal is a oneof-a kind Plastic Surgeon, who was recently chosen as being the best Plastic Surgeon in Fairfield County. His uniqueness stems from taking the trust of his patients very seriously, and though the use of his consummate plastic surgical skills he maintains each patient’s personal identity during the rejuvenation process. Dr. Rosenthal is also a renowned artist who is a photographer, sculptor and painter. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries in the U.S. and France. Dr. Rosenthal is Emeritus, Chief of Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital; he has lectured nationally and internationally and has appeared in magazine articles, radio and television. He has developed personal cosmetic surgical techniques over 25 years to yield a natural and revitalized appearance of the face and body, which will put the vitality and fire back in your life.

over a year. The results can be so remarkable that it is sometimes referred to as “a liquid face lift.” The manner in which Dr. Rosenthal uses these products is akin to sculpting a face. Merely filling in a line can leave an unnatural appearance; therefore, Dr. Rosenthal fills, lifts, and smoothes the surrounding facial tissues to support and restore a rejuvenated appearance. Dr. Rosenthal uses topical anesthetics and nerve blocks during the procedure to make the transformation painless.

There are non-invasive cosmetic procedures available that, in the hands of an experienced doctor, can help us maintain our personal identity while allowing us to look on the outside how we feel on the Another popular non-invasive reinside. This requires a great deal juvenating procedure is the use of surgical precision and artistry. of Botox to smooth out the upper face. Using Botox, Dr. Rosenthal Plastic surgery and art go hand can transform a tense and wrinin hand for Dr. Jeffrey Rosenthal, kled forehead into a smooth and who has exhibited his artwork both attractive one. He accomplishes nationally and internationally. Dr. this by balancing the many musRosenthal, chief of plastic surgery, cles in the upper face. When you emeritus, at Bridgeport Hospital, frown, your facial muscles are acis in private practice in Fairfield. tivated. Hence, the objective is to A plastic surgeon that specializes balance the muscles. Just as with in cosmetic rejuvenation, he com- a game of Tug of War, by restorpares the steadiness and precision ing an even pull on both sides of required as a plastic surgeon to a the rope, the tension is minimized. sculptor carefully carving a unique Tiny amounts of Botox are sejewel into a finished masterpiece. lectively placed in the forehead, “I love to create. Creativity is what around the outer lids and within I get joy from.” Rosenthal said. the corners of the brows to raise low-lying brows and open the apThere are many non-invasive pro- pearance of the eyes. This creates cedures that can be performed a rested appearance. with little or no downtime. Fillers like Juvederm smooth out lip lines Let us not forget your skin. Dr. and restore lost volume. These Rosenthal has professional skin revolutionary fillers are also placed care aestheticians on his staff that into the folds next to the mouth are trained to evaluate your facial and along the jaw to lift, smooth skin and individualize a regimen and fill wrinkles or contour hol- that will exfoliate, moisturize, prolow areas. Unlike past fillers, Ju- tect and renew the appearance of vederm is a naturally synthesized your skin, giving it a more youthful product that plumps up the skin appearance. and lasts from several months to

10 MARCH/APRIL May/June 2011

One of our newest treatments is Echo2 Plus, an oxygen and vitamin therapy. This has been used by one of our aestheticians on Hollywood stars prior to the Oscars. You may not leave with a golden statue as they do, but your skin will look and feel Red Carpet ready. It is an excellent treatment that immediately rejuvenates the skin—perfect for any pre-special occasion in your life. Our skin care specialists have chosen a unique blend of skin care products that moisturize and lessen the look of lines and irregularities while activating the underlying collagen. Damage control with our anti-oxidant line will preserve the luminous look that we all strive for. These powerful products are medical strength and not available in department stores or spas. In addition to the noninvasive procedures, Dr. Rosenthal has built a reputation for his rejuvenating and natural looking surgical results. He has shown his expertise in facelifts, eyelid surgeries, rhinoplasties, abdominoplasties, breast surgeries, and liposuction. Be confident. Be comfortable with yourself. Beauty starts from within; let Dr. Rosenthal and his caring staff assist you in the process of improving and caring for your beauty!

140 Sherman Street Fairfield, Connecticut



Fairfield County Woman 10

Fairfield County Woman

Specialized Medicine Finally a Body Contouring Treatment that Delivers Measurable Results this extraordinary hands-on-technique and are certified to practice under the Lypossage name.

• Balanced immune function • Improved posture • Cleansing of Fibrocystic breasts • Reduced blood pressure

How are my treatments scheduled? Each Lypossage session lasts about 30 minutes and are performed in a series of 18 sessions over the course of 6-9 weeks. It is important to note that for most clients, it takes 8-10 sessions before the results of the initial treatments become noticeable. After that, progress can often be quite dramatic. By Sergiana Bruno, B.S., LMT, MMP Certified Lypotherapist


hat is Lypossage and is it safe? Lypossage is a non-invasive, natural health treatment that helps to cleanse the body of toxins and retained fluids. Most clients find that Lypossage enhances their energy and mental clarity. While there are some contraindications for specific medical conditions, Lypossage can be safely experienced by most healthy individuals. It is much safer than surgical procedures such as liposuction. However, for those who opt for a more dramatic surgical result, Lypossage can be very beneficial before and after the liposuction procedure. Who can perform my Lypossage treatments? Lypossage Practitioners are specially trained massage and body professionals who have learned

Zone 3 (Face and Neck) • Firms facial tissue • Smoothes texture of skin • Increases elasticity of all tissue • Deep detoxification • Decreased allergy symptoms • Gets rid of jowls • Gets rid of dark circles around eyes • Gets rid of eye puffiness What are some typical results and how will I know what mine are? While results vary, cumulative dimension loss over five key measuring points in Zone 1 averaged 6.75 inches in the original study. It is not uncommon to find cumulative inch loss of up to 13 or 14 inches. Most women find that they will drop one or two dress sizes without a significant reduction in their weight. Your

What are the Zones and benefits in Lypossage? Zone 1 (Thighs, buttocks, and abdomen) • Contours from knees to waist • Reduces Cellulite • Smoothes texture of skin, fat, muscle • Increases elasticity of all tissue • Uplifts buttocks • Decreases size of abdomen • Deep detoxification of thighs, buttocks, and abdomen • Decreases PMS symptoms • Improved posture • Decreased appetite • Eliminated pain in inner thighs

ossage study were restricted from initiating any new diet or exercise program during the course of their treatments, we find that most clients become so inspired by their Lypossage results that they readily adopt lifestyle changes that help them make progress more rapidly. A diet rich in whole, organic foods and regular body movement will contribute to a terrific outcome. Avoiding foods containing refined sugars, preservatives, hormones, caffeine, and salt will keep your newly detoxified body in the best shape possible. Drinking significant amounts of water is also key to keeping the body hydrated and cleansed. What should I do on my own to enhance the results of my treatment? We recommend that you follow an at-home body care regime, including specialized Lypossage treatment products to stimulate circulation in cellulite-prone areas,

Testimonial “I wanted to share my thoughts with you on my more than positive experience with Lypossage. Wow!! After having 2 children, I always hoped to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but could not lose those 15lbs. Well, Lypossage has helped me get close to it. I lost 9lbs and 10 inches off my waist and lower body. I did not expect to achieve these results in just few months. Lypossage is the answer to women who want to lose those inches quickly; who workout and can’t seem to lose those few inches; a new mom that wants to lose the baby fat. You performed Zone 1-now I am able to wear jeans I could barely squeeze my waistline into last year. My rear end is smaller now, something I can definitely feel and see when wearing my jeans. I’m thinking maybe next summer I can wear a bikini again! Just the other day a friend said “you lost weight; I noticed it right away!” I feel a lot healthier and energetic, and it’s been great for my self esteem. I feel younger (which is a plus when you’re almost 45) and more vibrant. It really works! I’m coming back for Zone 2.” - Elaine, Stamford CT

Zone 2 (Upper Abdominals, Chest, Back, Arms) • Contours from waist to base of neck • Reduce flabby arms • Perfect for women who suffered Breast Cancer/Breast Disease • Reduce Lymphoedema • Lifts breasts as posture improves • Decreases fat pocket at armpit • Tones arms • Decreases or eliminates rolls around ribcage • Deep detoxification of chest, back, and arms • Stronger lungs • Decreased PMS symptoms

Lypossage Practitioner will weigh, measure, and photograph you before you begin your program and at key intervals to track your progress. Is there a special diet or exercise program? Though the individuals in the Lyp-

exfoliate and hydrate the skin, as well as improve it’s tone and elasticity. The Lypossage Home Care Collection should be available to you through your Lypossage Practitioner and provides state of the art spa formulas that will bring your skin and body into beautiful condition

Call Today For a Free Consultation: 203-807-3238 156 East Ave. • 2nd Floor • Norwalk, CT 06851 Therapeuticbodywork.2@gmail.com • www.painlesshealing.com Fairfield County Woman


May/June 2011

Specialized Medicine Health

& Wellness

Stroke: Remember the 1st Three Letters ... S.T.R. Recognizing a Stroke Thank God for the sense to remember the 3 steps, STR. Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

My nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. Seriously.. Please read: Stroke Identification: During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ... she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid’s husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don’t die ... they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.


Ask the individual to SMILE. Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. It is sunny out today) Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 999/911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

It only takes a minute to read this... A Neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke... totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

May/June 2011 April/May 2009

New Sign of a Stroke ———— Stick out Your Tongue NOTE: Ask the person to “stick” out his tongue ... If the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.



Fairfield County Woman The County Woman Newspaper

Health & Wellness Health & Wellness

Catch a Healthy Habit enlighten you! Although tapping is not new, as was shown on The Dr. Oz show, it is only beginning to find its way into the mainstream of health and wellness modalities. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, has been one of the techniques used by hypnotists for many years. It is now also being used by therapists of all kinds, including chiropractors. Why? Because it works! It works with amazing success on emotional, as well as physical issues. It is something you learn to do and then independently continue to enjoy its benefits.

By Fern Tausig, CH Tap Away Emotional Baggage? Hypnosis statistics… If you have tried EVERYTHING else to get relief from those negative emotions and the physical discomfort they have created, it’s time to tap those old feelings away. If you haven’t already heard about the amazing phenomenon of ‘tapping’, let me be the first to

So, what exactly is EFT and how and why does it work? The theory that supports EFT is based on the Chinese system of health that states that energy flows through our bodies along pathways called meridians. If the energy is blocked or disturbed for any reason, ranging from stress and trauma, to bacteria and toxins, it creates dis-ease which can evolve into disease at worst and

negative emotions, at best. The Chinese use needles, massage and herbs to unblock or move the energy. Tapping is an acupressure technique that mimics those processes. EFT is a technique that uses gentle tapping on the ends of specific meridians to alter the energy of the body. It is similar to rebooting your computer. The process involves a combination of verbal statements and physical tapping. I have successfully used this technique with children who had nightmares and anxiety, as well as adults with migraines and emotional or physical distress of all kinds. As a certified hypnotist and coach, I am dedicated to helping clients become their personal best and I always use the most effective technique to accomplish that end. I use EFT, however, with almost every client because it is effective in most situations. The results are always immediate. The issue to work on is measured on a scale of 1-10 of intensity and then measured again after tapping. It is the only therapy I

know that has the benefit of immediate relief. You may wonder how you can use EFT. First observe where you are in your life. Look at the chronic physical or emotional discomfort you may feel in your body. Most people convert emotional distress into physical distress and don’t know how to release it. Listen to your “self – talk”. If it is negative, you can also change that with EFT. On March 23, I am having an EFT workshop to teach each participant how to use this amazing method and how to apply it to a variety of situations. If you would like more information on EFT, hypnosis or hypno-coaching, or if you would like to reserve a spot at this workshop you can contact Fern Tausig at myHealingHypnosis@gmail.com or www.myHealingHypnosis.com. You can also call (203) 283-4567 for a free phone consult with Fern.

Change Your Mind … Change Your Life! How would you like to learn how to use self-hypnosis and other mind-expanding techniques to become the person you’re meant to be with less effort and greater success? Hypnosis is the fastest way known to change your life. What If you could learn how to be your own hypnotist? What if you could reprogram your own brain? If you can learn to drive a car or use the telephone you can learn how to program your mind to make your dreams come true! You were taught how to read, write, add numbers, use your phone, drive your car, and many other essential living skills but until now…you haven’t had the opportunity to learn how to program yourself for happiness or success. You weren’t given the instruction manual on how to use your mind but that’s exactly what you will learn in this workshop! Have you ever wondered what keeps you from being happier or more successful? A lot has to do with the choices you’ve made based on what you believe about yourself. Your choices are a reflection of

Fairfield County Woman

Fairfield County Woman

your beliefs and your thinking. If you’ve tried dieting and failed it’s because you’re programmed to believe that losing weight is harder than staying the same. You’ve tried will power and that works for a few days but then your subconscious mind programming takes over and your will power is useless. What if there is a better way to make lasting change that was easier, more automatic, and more effective than anything else you’ve been taught? There is a better way to be successful. It’s learning how to program your mind to turn your dreams into reality.

life and create your own destiny. The result is that you’ll be able to create a compelling future, automatically, and experience incredible breakthroughs in every area of your life. This program has been taught to people from all walks of life – busy executives, housewives, students, teachers, nurses, police officers, people just like you who want to live a fuller, happier, better life.

Learn how the human mind works and how to make it work better for you! For more information about workshops to help you learn how your mind works and how you can make changes that will empower you to become the person you want to be, contact Fern Tausig at 203 283 4567 email at myHealingHypnosis@ gmail.com.

In the Change Your Mind…Change Your Life interactive workshop you will learn: How the human mind worksfor and against you. You’ll learn how you became programmed—and how to change your negative, self-limiting programs. You will learn how to rid yourself of unwanted habits by using mind empowering techniques to live life on your terms. At last, you’ll be empowered to take control of your



May/June 2011

Health & Wellness

Vitamin E May Decrease Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Study Finds


ong-term, regular use of vitamin E in women 45 years of age and older may help decrease the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by about 10 percent in both smokers and non-smokers, according to a study conducted by researchers at Cornell University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “As lung disease develops, damage occurs to sensitive tissues through several proposed processes, including inflammation and damage from free radicals,” said researchers with Cornell University’s Division of Nutritional Sciences. “Vitamin E may protect the lung against such damage.” The results of the study are being presented at the ATS

2010 International Conference in New Orleans. “The findings from our study suggest that increasing vitamin E prevents COPD,” reported the researchers “Previous research found that higher intake of vitamin E was associated with a lower risk of COPD, but the studies were not designed to answer the question of whether increasing vitamin E intake would prevent COPD. Using a large, randomized controlled trial to answer this question provided stronger evidence than previous studies.” They reviewed data compiled by the Women’s Health Study, a multiyear, long-term effort ending in 2004 that focused on the effects of aspirin and vitamin E in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer

For more Information call 877 812 8693 May/June 2011

in nearly 40,000 women aged 45 years and older. Study participants were randomized to receive either 600 mg of vitamin E or a placebo every other day during the course of the research.

ers as for non-smokers. Further research will explore the way vitamin E affects the lung tissue and function, and will assess the effects of vitamin E supplements on lung diseases in men.

Although fewer women taking vitamin E developed COPD, they noted the supplements appeared to have no effect on asthma, and women taking vitamin E supplements were diagnosed with asthma at about the same rate as women taking placebo pills. Importantly, the decreased risk of COPD in women who were given vitamin E was the same for smok-

“If results of this study are borne out by further research, clinicians may recommend that women take vitamin E supplements to prevent COPD,” the researchers noted.


Story Source: American Thoracic Society (2010, May 16). “Long-term use of vitamin E may decrease COPD risk”

Fairfield County Woman

Health & Wellness

Locker room banter!

By Debbie Brook Fitness Solutions


oes it really matter if you succeed? Hopefully your answer is yes. One day while I was in the locker room of a well known and very large gym, a woman came up to me and proclaimed “ how can I get your ass! And Thighs! And legs! And abs!“ My response? “What are you currently doing with your body? “ The woman looked at me funny at first then said “ everything, I take Pilates, kickboxing, I run, I take a weight lifting classes and I cycle” what happened next changed this woman’s out look on how she was training herself. I asked her

a simple yet very important question “Are you satisfied with your results?” The woman seemed both annoyed and intrigued as she answered “ well obviously not!” this seems to unfortunately be a recurring problem with many gym dwellers. It’s all to common to get into the habit of taking the same classes or doing the same routine not for weeks or months but for years. And then you are left wondering why you are not reaping the benefits of such extremely hard work.

I will explain to you what I explained to that woman, who is now one of my best training clients. Your beating a dead horse doing what you are doing now. Your routine needs to be a little something called tweaked. Which means basically you need to change it up. I know you’ve heard it a hundred times. And I’m not just talking about switching from walking to jogging. What I am talking about is 3D motion Our bodies meaning our muscles as well as our joints function in 3 planes of motion Sagital : front to back; Frontal: side to side and Transverse: rotation

to side motion (traditional side lunge) or it can be preformed in a transverse plane motion with an internally or externally rotated toe. And that’s just one example of Training three dimension- one exercise. With 3D training there are literally thoually allows us to: sands of exercises you can perform. j Properly condition our bodies j Move with efficiency The push up is another exj And alleviate pain ample of a traditional exerduring functional movcise that can be tweaked, ment for your benefit. You can perform a push up with your So how do you train 3 di- hand position being narrow, mensionally. First I will tell or wide, or you can internally you it’s important to work and then externally rotated where you are success- ( turning you hands in and ful. And grow from there. out) them. Training should What does that mean? well be beneficial right? Then it means, unlike traditional make it work your while. training, which takes you to Train 3 dimensionally. Work where you are unsuccess- to your body to where you ful and keeps you there un- are successful, and keep at til you magically become it! successful, lets take you to Push yourself to surpass where you are thriving with your goals, and you will! a move-take a traditional walking lunge-and build When you choose a proupon your winning points in fession like personal training, it is imperative that you that move. Now we can do that in all understand that people are the three planes we talk- trusting you with changing ed about above. Using the their lives. My main focus walking lunge again as an with you the reader and with example, traditionally it is my clients is for you to undone sagitally, a forward derstand you can and will stepping motion. But it can succeed with the right kind also be preformed in the of training and exercise profrontal plane or in a side gram. (both internal and external) therefore in order for everything work efficiently we should train 3 dimensionally as well.

Got questions? E-mail me : brooksgirlone@yahooo.com Or Catch my blog: http://fitwellforlife.blogspot.com/

Fairfield County Woman


May/June 2011

Women in Profile A

Amy DeLardi

my DeLardi leads a team of skilled professionals in designing websites and creating innovative branding campaigns. Services provided by the Infinite Web Designs team include:

s Custom Website Design s Website Redesign s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) s Print Media Design s Logo Design s Brand Identity

With over 16 years of web and graphic design experience, Amy has expertise in search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to help her clients obtain higher search engine rankings. Amy and her team know a website is a valuable marketing tool that can drive sales, increase business and position companies above the competition. Although websites and graphic design campaigns are the focus of IWD, Amy has donated websites to not-forprofit organizations including TeamBrent.com, which raises money to combat childhood cancer. Amy also speaks to local business groups on the importance of high website search engine rankings and websites as a necessary marketing tool.

Amy DeLardi Founder and Creative Director of Infinite Web Designs, LLC 203 307 5107 www.infinitewebdesigns.com

May/June 2011


Angela Schutz

Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.


lastic surgeon Anya Kishinevsky`s high level of training and experience has helped her develop a reputation for excellence in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology after graduating with honors from Johns Hopkins University in 1996. She received her residency training in general surgery at the Montefiore Medical Center at New York`s Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 2000, and her training in plastic surgery at the Yale New Haven Hospital in 2003.

ngela Schutz is the Managing Director/Founder of Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC, an organization that offers career and executive coaching services, dream coaching, success empowerment workshops and professional speaking services. Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC combines state-of-the-art career services with effective personal growth techniques to help clients reclaim their confidence and land their next job quickly.

Angela holds a Masters in Psychology, five career coaching certifications and has been mentored and trained by Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and Success Principles and Tory Johnson, Good Morning America’s Career Consultant and founder of Women for Hire, the leading career organization for women.

Dr. Anya Kishinevsky stays committed to continuing her education and training to provide her patients with plastic surgery services of the highest quality. In 2005 she received rhinoplasty training in Texas under world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Jack P. Gunter. She also received training in facial aesthetic surgery at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital.

Angela is a contributing author of The Gratitude Book Project Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude and of the soon to be released, The Gratitude Book Celebrating Moms and Motherhood. Angela’s book, Ask Angela a Jobseeker’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Job will be out by summer 2011.

Dr. Kishinevsky believes in giving back to the community and frequently participates in charitable missions abroad, to provide free reconstructive surgery for children in need around the world. She is fluent in Russian, French, and Hebrew, and conversational in Spanish.

If you are looking for a “roll up your sleeves”, “no holds barred”, innovative approach to up-level your career while discovering who you are at your core, Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC is for you!

Angela Schutz Managing Director/Founder of Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC www.driventosucceed.net

Anya Kishinevsky, M.D. 203 656 9999 www.anyakishinevskymd.com



Carol McManus

xecutive Coach, Business Consultant, and Social Media Strategist Carol McManus is the Founder and President of Ywait4success, a coaching, consulting and training business targeted to meet the needs of real estate owners and managers. Carol is a certified Executive Coach who personally works with entrepreneurs and business owners in any industry using laser-focused techniques and fast-track solutions to solve business challenges. Prior to launching her business in 2007, she was the Senior Vice President of Real Estate Operations for one of the world’s largest real estate franchises.

She is the author of “Ten Traits for Top Performers” and is currently working on her newest book, “Reinvent Yourself at Any Age.” After striking out on her own, it was essential to learn new marketing skills.Social media became her break-through secret weapon to success. Carol speaks frequently on how entrepreneurs can develop a successful strategy devoting only 17 minutes a day to social media. Her advice to clients usually includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Profile and Blogging, but her secret sauce is showing people how to use LinkedIn effectively to gain more sales leads, referrals, and new business without selling! Carol McManus carol.mcmanus@ ywait4success.com 203 286 8760 www.ywait4success.com

Fairfield County Woman

Women in Profile A

Gina Brillon

ctress Comedian and writer Gina was born and raised in Bronx New York. She attended Mary Mount Manhattan College studying creative writing and communication. Gina’s first taste of comedy was at a very young age when she was entered in a comedy contest with her twin sister Debbie they won the competition and Gina continued on to aspire to great achievements. She has been featured in Carolines Comedy Club, Laugh Factory in NY and LA, Gotham Comedy club in NY. Has been in production such as Consequences, Went to Coney Island, and the Cyclist. Not only a regular at clubs around NYC, she’s also known on the web, www. livetheatregang.com raves that Gina “reminded us that Whoopi Goldberg was not the last funny female to hit the NYC comedy scene.” Gina is branching out to live radio where she has stared “Think out Loud” her featured article. You can catch Gina on live radio at www.ustream.tv/ channel/thinkoutloud.

Gina is one of the funniest New Faces of the Latino and mainstream comedy scene.

Gina Brillon www.ginabrillon.com

Fairfield County Woman

Lisa Wexler



Sergiana Bruno

ergiana Bruno is a licensed massage therapist who practices in Norwalk, CT. Sergiana had graduated from the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy from Westport, CT in 2008. She also graduated from the University of Connecticut and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Human and Health Development the same year. Sergiana’s uniqueness makes her different from ordinary massage therapists. Sergiana works diligently in her practice and she dedicates her efforts to help clients reach optimal health. As a skilled therapist, Sergiana decided to use a new modality which is known as Lypossage to help women stay in shape without invasive cosmetic surgery. She wanted to help women have firmer body tone, reduced cellulite, and reduced sagging tissue underneath the arms. So therefore, Sergiana became a lypotherapist. She completed her studies at the Lypossage Training Institute in Alexandria, VA. In addition, Sergiana is certified in medical and prenatal modalities.

isa Wexler is the creator and host of the award-winning talk radio program, The Lisa Wexler Show, broadcasting in the Fairfield County, CT/ Metro NY areas from 4-6 p.m. weekdays on Coxradio’s AM 1400 WSTC/1350 WNLK. Lisa won the 2010 “Gracie” Award as Best News/Talk Show for her interview with Gloria Steinem and was awarded the title “Gold Coast Best Radio Personality” in 2009 and 2010 based on a reader survey. She is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University and the New York University School of Law, where she won the American Jurisprudence Award for Excellence in Constitutional Law. The mission of the Lisa Wexler Show is to entertain and inform, with humor and empathy. Lisa is particularly interested in giving voice to the voiceless, such as children, animals and oppressed women.

Lisa recently published her first book, Secrets of a Jewish Mother, co-authored with her mother, Gloria Kamen and sister, Jill Zarin. (Penguin/Dutton).

She currently serves on the Board of the Jeffrey Modell Foundation for Primary Immunodeficiency Research and the Advisory Board of Jane Doe No More. Lisa Wexler has been married for 28 years to Bill Wexler, is the mother of two children and shares her pillow with her beloved Bichon, Sugar. www.lisawexler.com

Sergiana Bruno, B.S, LMT, MMP Certified Lypotherapist 156 East Ave, 2nd Floor Norwalk, CT 06851 (203) 548-7292 Therapeuticbodywork.2@ gmail.com www.painlesshealing.com

Lisa Wexler www.lisawexler.com



Valerie Fields

alerie Fields is a facilitator of women’s events, an inspirational speaker and Founder of Spirit of Woman Unlimited and Spirit of WomanConnect.

Her passion to enrich the lives of women was born out of a recurring dream where she saw herself as a bridge uniting the common interests of women. She believes women are powerful beings and very significant to birthing much needed initiatives that will change our communities and our world. She likes to regard herself as a “connector of women” because she understands the value of connections and the amazing opportunities that are possible for every woman when they connect and share rather than compete and compare.

If you are a business owner, a woman entrepreneur or someone who wants to discover what you are passionate about and give life to a dream you had to defer, Valerie invites you to come and be a part of a dynamic networking experience that is focused on you and what you uniquely have to offer to others.

Valerie J. Fields www.spiritofwomanconnect.org 203 912 2756

May/June 2011

Contractors With Integrity


ver the past several years, staying at home to spend time with family and to save some money has become more popular. Simultaneously, as home values have dropped, many people have been reevaluating their home improvement budgets while trying to make their homes their own personal paradise. If an affordable way to upgrade your outdoor living space is what you’ve been looking for in order to increase the value of your home as well as finally have the comfortable and beautiful surroundings you’ve always envisioned, CBJ Foundations, LLC, based out of Bethlehem, CT, can make your dreams a reality. CBJ has recently begun offering decorative concrete hardscaping by StoneMakers. In April of last year CBJ’s team, lead by owner Carol Mulready, participated in an extensive training seminar to learn all of the ins and outs of this remarkable application. Carol and her crew spent time in a classroom setting learning the engineering and technical process, followed by hands on training. During field training, CBJ participated in the building of a 40’ retaining wall with a built in waterfall, a fire pit, a patio and walkway, patio bar, and stonefaced an existing retaining wall. Concrete hardscaping is anything you can imagine it to be- a beautiful stone fire pit, a tranquil waterfall, an aesthetically pleasing retaining wall, or anything else you can envision for your land. The work is completely customizable and is offered at a more affordable price than stone

May/June 2011

masonry work. An additional benefit is that your project can be completed in a fraction of the time real stonework takes. CBJ can create retaining walls, waterfalls, steps, patios, fire pits, and outdoor kitchen and bar spaces from concrete, carved and colored to look like real stone, rock, or wood. The StoneMakers’ application of concrete makes seemingly unaffordable hardscaping features, such as a waterfall or built-in patio bar, attainable to the average homeowner. As a business woman as well as a homeowner and mother, Carol fully understands the value of upgrading a home. She continually points out to her family, friends, and customers that your home should feel like your palace. Personally, she loves spending time with her family in the outdoor living area of her own home and really encourages others to beautify their property. Carol understands her customer’s desires as homeowners and says “Our motto is ‘Quality and Customers First’, so we want to make sure you’re completely satisfied when the work is completed and your home looks and feels the way you envisioned it. It’s important to me that the customer’s questions are answered, and we’ll work with you on all the details of your project.”

County. The process is simple and affordable. First, contact CBJ to discuss your vision for your property. “We can help you design the outdoor living space of your dreams. You can choose the look and color of the stone or wood. We have several books depicting the colors, textures, and patterns that you can choose from” Carol explains. Second, you’ll need to prepare your site and will most likely need an excavator. CBJ can offer recommendations on expert excavators if needed. Finally, CBJ will pour, shape, carve, and color your concrete project to look like real stone. This process usually only take a few days and you can be enjoying your peaceful new setting by the weekend! Concrete work is durable and the return on investment for installing hardscape work (the landscaping term that typically refers to outdoor landscaping other than plants and greenery) is tremendous. In the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) top remodeling trends, outdoor living areas ranked number four.

David Montoya, owner and founder of StoneMakers says about Carol, her company, and her involvement with StoneMakers: “In the construction field, CBJ is excited to bring this revo- people look at woman as inferior lutionary product line to Fairfield and with a sense of insignificance,

however coming from someone who deals with contractors from all over the country, I assure you I have yet to meet a person with the passion, tenacity and love for her craft as Carol Mulready has. Her attention to detail and constant quest for quality puts her in a category above the typical contractor. StoneMakers and I look forward to growing and cultivating our relationship with CBJ Foundations.” Carol Mulready has been in the concrete business for over 30 years. She has grown CBJ Foundations over the past 15 years from a small startup of 3 employees and borrowed equipment to a respected business of 10 employees and a fleet of trucks. She is an active member of the National Women in Construction Association, as well as the Better Business Bureau and the Waterbury Chamber of Commerce. Currently all three of Carol’s children work for CBJ Foundations. Her two sons work in the field and her daughter in the office. CBJ is a full service concrete construction company and can serve your foundation, waterproofing, and decorative concrete needs. Please visit CBJ’s website, www.cbjfoundationsllc. com, to read about more of their projects and see more pictures. To discuss your project, please call (203) 263-5183 or email cbjllc@aol.com.

Carol Mulready CBJ Foundations 203 263 5183 Bethlehem, CT 18

Fairfield County Woman

Contractors With Integrity Veteran’s Window Washing

By Joe De Vito Wow, what a great summer we just had due, in large part, to our affiliation with the Fairfield County Women’s Journal and all the new friends we’ve made through our work. For this issue, we thought we’d address some of our customers’ and friends’ most frequent concerns: Q. What do you use to wash the windows? A. My kids…no, seriously, we use an environmentally safe anionic soap and water s o lution. It is safe around pets, plants and people.

es in price based on window type and accessibility. You can check our prices on our website: http//: www.veteranswindowwashing.com. Q. Are you a licensed contractor? A. Yes, our Connecticut Home Improvement Contractor registration number is: HIC.0618719. Our insurance certificate is available upon request.

Fairfield County Woman

A. Most modern glass is composed of two panes of glass (also called double glazed) with a space between that is filled with an inert gas (usually argon) and sealed to increase the energy efficiency of the window. There are times when the seal between the two panes become worn out or invaded and, essentially, the gas oxidizes (think of metal rusting) and leaves a foggy, streaky stain in between the glass panes. When this happens, it is best to replace the glass portion of the window (though there are some companies out there who claim they can repair this oxidation through a chemical process).

A. Generally, we need to bring these double glazed windows to a near-by glazier to be replaced (usually a ten-day to two week lead time); and, then reinstall the repaired sash when it’s ready. Q. Do gutter guards work? A. Some work better than others, but there is nothing as efficient as having your gutters manually cleaned. We recommend you do this twice a year (spring and fall). Don’t forget we will also clean exterior brick and stone, provide power washing and perform small wood repairs.

“Professional Service First... Your Satisfaction Always”

Joe De Vito Owner/Operator

Residential & Commercial Window Washing Power Washing • Gutter Cleaning No Job too Small! • Call for an Estimate

Q. Are your prices standard? A. We don’t charge anyone a different price based on zip code. There are, however, differenc-

Q. Do you repair thermopane windows?

Veteran’s Window Cleaning Co., LLC

Q. What services do you provide besides window washing? A. We’ll do anything on a ladder that a homeowner doesn’t want to do. For instance, we clean chandeliers (an important detail before the fall and winter entertaining season begins). We’ve also been known to hang holiday decorations and change bulbs.

Q. Why do my windows seem foggy?

Phone: 203-313-2636 or 203-313-3320 19

May/June 2011



he Importance of a Good Buy-Sell Agreement and he New Federal Women-Owned Small Business Program an insurance policy for each individual owner (e.g. a business with 6 individual owners would result cross-purchase of 36 life insurance policies (6 owners x 6 policies each); (ii) if among the owners there is a great age disparity, or if some owners have health issues which effect their insurability, a disparity among the owners in the cost of the premiums may be the result (i.e. the premium on a younger owner costs less); and (iii) the cost of funding the buy-sell agreement may be greater if the owners are in a higher tax rate than the business itself. Stock Redemption Agreements

Are you a part owner of a small business? If so, any small business with multiple owners (i.e. shareholders, partners or members) should always be concerned about what might occur if one of the owners dies. Can the surviving owners avoid interference from the family of the deceased owner? Will the survivors have the money available to pay to Estate of the deceased owner for the value of his or her interest in the business? For all of these reasons and more, small business owners are best served by entering into a buy-sell agreement while they are all alive. FORMS OF BUY-SELL AGREEMENTS AND TAX IMPLICATIONS The Cross-Purchase Agreement With the cross-purchase agreement, each owner of the small business purchases an insurance policy insuring the life of the other owners. The purchaser is both owner and beneficiary of the policies. Upon the death of one of the owners of the business, the surviving owners use the life insurance proceeds to equally purchase the deceased owner’s shares. The benefits of this type of agreement are as follows: (i) the family of the deceased owner will receive a tax basis equal to the fair market value of the decedent’s share of the business at the date of death, thus likely avoiding any income tax as a result of the sale; (ii) the life insurance proceeds received by the surviving owners are not subject to income taxation; (iii) for the newly purchased interest, the surviving owners will be entitled to a tax basis equal to the purchase price (this steppedup basis will likely reduce future income taxes if the surviving owners later sell their interests in the business); and (iv) the insurance proceeds are not subject to the corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT) and because the policies are owned by the individual owners are also not subject to the claims of business creditors. The disadvantages of this type of agreement are as follows: (i) the plan is difficult to administer if the business is owned by a large number of people who must buy

May/June 2011

Another commonly used type of agreement is called a stock redemption agreement, in which the business owns policies on the lives of each of the owners. When an owner dies it is now the business who buys the deceased owner’s interest with the insurance proceeds. The benefits of this type of agreement are as follows: (i) a prime advantage is that it is easier to administer for multiple owners (e.g. unlike above now a business with 6 individual owners would result in the purchase of only 6 policies); (ii) the business and not the individual owners will bear the differences in the cost of premiums due to age and medical differences among the owners; (iii) the business will not recognize income for tax purposes when it receives the insurance proceeds (the corporation must, however, consult its accountant to understand the possible effect of the entire transaction on the earnings and profits of the business). The earnings and profits will increase with the life insurance proceeds received, but expenses will rise due to the repurchase of the ownership interest, so all of the owners of the business should consult an accountant to understand the overall result of this type of agreement.

more than a 50% interest), that owner is deemed to have an ownership interest in the life insurance policy due to the owner’s ability to designate a beneficiary, as well as other ownership interests. Thus, the benefits on receiving life insurance proceeds may be substantially reduced if estate taxes are incurred as a result of the life insurance proceeds being included in the estate. It should also be noted that if you are a family-owned small business that the IRS will often dispute the purchase price of the buy-sell agreement as not being for fair market value. Due to all of these potential complexities it is imperative that any small business considering a buy-sell agreement consult its attorney, accountant, and life insurance agent as to the best type of agreement, life insurance policies and valuation of the business. No small business should enter into such an agreement without first consulting its accountant to discuss all of the possible tax ramifications, along with a skilled insurance agent to discuss the various types of policies that may be purchased. THE WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM Last week the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) announced that the Federal Government’s new Women-Owned Small Business (WSOB) program went into effect on February 4, 2011. http://www.sba.gov/

Estate Tax Implications

“Implementing the Women-Owned Small Business contracting rule has been a top priority for the Obama Administration and SBA,” said Admin. Karen Mills. “Womenowned businesses are one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. As we continue to look to small businesses to grow, create jobs and lead America into the future, women-owned businesses will play a key role. That’s why providing them with all the tools necessary to compete for and win federal contracts is so important. Federal contracts can provide women-owned small businesses with the oxygen they need to take their business to the next level.” See The Business Wire, February 1, 2011. http://www.businesswire.com/news/ home/20110201006619/en/SBA-Announces-Contracting-Program-WomenOwned-Small-Businesses

When a cross-purchase plan exists, the proceeds from the life insurance policies are not included in the deceased owner’s estate because he or she is not the owner of beneficiary of the policy. However, this benefit may not be available under a redemption plan. If the deceased owner possessed a controlling interest in the business (i.e. a shareholder who owns

This new Federal contract program will provide greater access to federal contracting opportunities for WOSBs. The program allows contracting officers to set aside specific contracts for certified WOSBs and will help federal agencies achieve the existing statutory goal of five percent of federal contracting dollars being awarded to WOSBs. Id.

The disadvantages of this type of agreement flow to the individual owners. It is a significant disadvantage that the surviving owners do not get the benefit of a step-up in basis when the business purchases the deceased owner’s interest. Rather each individual business owner retains their respective tax basis in the business. As a result, if the surviving owners then sell the business at a later date, this may create the potential for greater capital gains.


The SBA released instructions on how to participate in the program on its website: http://www.sba.gov/content/contracting-opportunities-women-owned-smallbusinesses. To qualify as a WOSB, the business must be: (i) at least 51 percent owned and controlled by one or more women; (ii) be primarily managed by one or more women; (iii) the women must be U.S. citizens; and (iv) the business entity must be considered small according to SBA size standards. Another aspect of the program is designed to aid “economically disadvantaged” WOSBs. In order to be deemed “economically disadvantaged,” in addition to all of the requirements above, the WOSB must meet specific financial requirements, which are as follows: (i) the woman’s personal net worth must be less than $750,000 (with some exclusions); (ii) her adjusted gross yearly income averaged over the three years preceding the certification is less than $350,000; and (iii) the fair market value of all her assets is less than $6 million (with some exclusions). How does a WOSB participate in the Program? The steps are set forth on the SBA website, but are as follows: (i) read the WOSB Federal Contract program regulations in the Federal Register and the WOSB Compliance Guide (ii) Register in the SBA Central Contractor Registration (CCR) as a WOSB or an EDWOSB; (iii) Log onto SBA’s General Login System (GLS) and go to the WOSB program repository and upload all required documents; and (iv) update your status in Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA). If your business, or someone you know, may bid on or otherwise qualify for a federal government contract, you should contact your local Small Business Administration Women’s Business Center for assistance. To find out the location of your area Women’s Business Center log onto the SBA website at: http://www.sba.gov/ content/womensbusiness-centers

50 Washington Street, Suite 510 Norwalk, CT 06854 T.203.750.5868 F.203.750.5968 rjs@sandorlaw.com www.sandorlaw.com twitter: @sandorlaw DISCLAIMER: IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: Under regulations issued by the U.S. Treasury, to the extent that tax advice is contained in this correspondence (or any attachment hereto), you are advised that such tax advice is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used by you, or any party to whom this correspondence is shown, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending the tax advice addressed herein to any other party.

Fairfield County Woman

Community Community Outreach

Vikki was a young married woman when she moved to the United States from Mexico with her American husband several years ago. New to this country, Vikki was determined after the birth of her children to learn English and teach her daughters the language as well. She heard about Caroline House, which was a little over a mile from her home. She signed up for English classes and enrolled her two year old twins in the pre-school. Rain or shine, in the heat or cold, Vicki pushes her stroller and shows up for classes. She has perfect attendance and is determined for her children to succeed. Vikki will graduate in June 2011. Her daughters who now speak fluent English will be placed into an English speaking kindergarten. She will finish at Caroline House with English and life skills to be able to advocate for her children at the pediatrician or with the twin’s teachers! Caroline House is a nondenominational education center teaching literacy and life skills to low income immigrant women and children. Founded by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, it is located on the East Side of Bridgeport in an impoverished neighborhood. Caroline House has nurtured and educated over 1,300 women and children since opening its doors. Caroline House promotes family literacy and views the parent as a child’s first teacher and reading as a child’s first subject. When mothers and children learn to speak English, children do much better in school and the entire family is more stable. Through the Mother and Child Literacy Program, Caroline House addresses Connecticut’s achievement gap, which is the worst in the nation among economically disadvantaged children. Every child who graduates from the Caroline House preschool is accepted into an English speaking kindergarten. Additional programs offered are after school and summer programs for underserved youth, basic literacy classes and citizenship classes.

574 Stillman Street • Bridgeport, Ct 06608 phone (203) 334-0640 • Fax (203) 334-0248 MARCH/APRIL 31

Fairfield County Woman Fairfield County Woman


May/June 2011

Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

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renowned team of doctors specializing in neurological cancers removed her tumor and determined that no further treatment was needed. Within weeks, Colleen returned to her job as a physical therapist, and completed her doctorate just nine months later.

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# MARCH/APRIL May/June 2011

Fairfield County Woman 22

Fairfield County Woman

T:11.25 in

S:11.25 in

Having never spent a day in the hospital, Colleen was shocked when she was diagnosed with a rare, slow-growing brain tumor. She turned to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where patients often have better outcomes than those treated at other hospitals. A world-

Business To Business

Simple Secrets to Social Media Success 2. If your business is selling real estate, LinkedIn is still important for long-term relationships, but a Facebook page can be extremely useful in establishing you as the expert in the market you serve – not by telling everyone about your homes for sale – but by sharing your great knowledge about the home buying and selling process and tips on what residents want to know about your community.

ter people get to know you. 2. Use your profiles, your updates, your wall postings, and your tweets to share some of your intellectual property. That’s a very daunting and formal phrase, but simply put, it means tell people a little bit about what you know. You would be amazed that things that are obvious and come second nature to you are revelations to others. 3. Build trust by serving others. Always be looking for opportunities to share information or connect people in your network, or point people to solutions. Your generosity will pay big dividends because what you are really doing is building trust and confidence and that is the foundation for people wanting to do business with you.

3. If you want to stand out on Twitter, it is important that your tweets reflect the keywords that others may be searching for. You will attract followers whose interests mirror your messaging and ultimately the services or products you provide. By: Carol McManus Every day there is something new to report as it relates to social media. One of the most recent revelations was the impact that a grass-roots movement could have on changing the entire political structure of an entire country. That’s both scary and inspiring! A story that captured everyone’s heart awhile back was the unknown singing talent from across the pond who, through YouTube became an overnight sensation – you guessed it – Susan Boyle! Again, a little scary but absolutely inspiring.

“Yes, Carol! I want to be more effective using LinkedIn to bring me more refurrals, leads, and closed business” If this is you, then e-mail me today Carolmcmanus@linkedinlady.com to receive my hottest tips for LinkedIn users. Just put hot tips in the subject line.

Let’s focus on the inspiring aspect of what is happening in cyberspace and how you can apply it to your own situation. The goal is to get found, leave an impression, and motivate others to spread the word on your behalf. If we break that down it’s really a simple formula for success.

You will receive my • Top 5 Must-Do’s to have an effective presence on LinkedIn • Top 5 Mistakes that are driving people away from your profile

GET FOUND: If you want to get found, you have to start by getting in the game. This is no time in the history of your business to be a wallflower. But I don’t recommend to my clients that they jump into the deep end of the pool without a few critical swimming lessons.

This is totally FREE.

1. Choose what sites you feel match your personality, your business objectives, where your potential clients or customers hang out and then build complete and appropriate profiles to attract others to you. For example, if you are a professional consultant seeking to find new businesses to serve, then LinkedIn would be your first choice. You should build your profile highlighting your business accomplishments, your expertise, education and credentials, and support your information with recommendations from others who are representative of the people you want to connect with.

MOTIVATE OTHERS TO SPREAD THE WORD: Since the beginning of time, it has always been a business owner’s objective to get their customers to say good things to their friends, relatives and neighbors about why they should do business with you. Your goal online through social media is to stimulate that same type of response from your connections, your friends, or your followers. 1. Give really cool tips, tricks, hints, and secrets that intrigue and inspire people. For example: What are the best days to shop for fresh vegetables or fish? What chemicals should you be concerned about if your dry cleaner is using them? What is the best site online to find coupons? What should you ask your divorce attorney before your hire him? 2. Be inspirational, motivational, and funny. The words and videos that go viral first and sustain over time are the ones with universal messages that touch our emotions. You don’t have to be the author – you have to be the publisher. What quotes inspire you? What thoughts motivate you? What makes you laugh (appropriate humor, please)? Share it!

LEAVE AN IMPRESSION: When you are using cyberspace to connect with people, you have to work a little harder than when you are face-to-face at a networking meeting. In the Internet world, they don’t have the immediate benefit of seeing you up close and personal, feeling the strength of your handshake or the power of your smile. All of those things must be implied through your words and your positioning.

3. Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to encourage people to pass on the message to others. Sometimes the simple act of asking makes all the difference. I have a friend who regularly asks me to re-tweet on Twitter. Just that simple request makes it easy for me, helps him, and stimulates me to do something that I might not have done on my own simple because I want to help him out. So my advise? Get in the game…share, give back, connect, redirect…inspire and motivate…and above all…have FUN!

Testimonials: I do not use the term “world class” very often but Carol McManus is certainly that. Three minutes into her presentation at the Executive Women’s Network, I knew this person was offering the audience more than a course in “Social Media 101”. Carol’s extensive background and experience gives her the opportunity to help people understand the business part of Linkedin, not just the marketing part. N. Sutton – One Smart Mother (Fairfield, CT) “I am working through your program [LinkedIn System for Success] and realize just how much I need to do in order to be effective in using social media. My eyes have been opened and in just 2 weeks since I started using her methods I now have 6 people I will meet with. Your system is taking LinkedIn from an interesting place to go online to a step by step strategy to getting closed business.” L. DeLorenzo – NT Financial (New York, NY) Working with Carol is always a pleasure, She has an incredible knack for helping businesses to increase their profitability in a tough market. Carol brings her unique combination of expertise, insight, and care to help business owners, their managers, and their people to identify and implement the changes that the difference on the bottom-line. K. Herron – SocialGrow (Boston, MA)

1. Allow your personality to come through in your words. This is called authenticity and it is imperative that your represent yourself in an honest way. However, this comes with a word of caution. If, by nature, you are a little sarcastic or dry-witted, then I recommend you pull back on those quips in the written forum. Save your best for the verbal conversations that evolve af-



Fairfield County Woman


May/June 2011

Business To Business

Twitter for Business: 10 Tips to Get the Conversation Going simple.

2. Schedule Your Golden Tweets

By having knowledge about the latest and greatest tools and tips you will be ahead of the curve and you will be able to skyrocket your Twitter success.

Twitter traffic varies throughout the day, and throughout the week. The busiest time on Twitter is at the end of the work day, between 3-5pm. Weekdays are far busier than weekends, and Thursday and Friday are the busiest days of the week.

3. Use Your Twitter Tools

By: Cynthia Cavoto President, Marketing That Works For You


witter is becoming a popular social media site for business owners to connect with their customers. But is it working for them? Follow these 10 tips on Twitter and watch your conversations get started!

1. Reciprocity is Key Follow and be followed, Retweet and be retweeted, follow and be followed. You have got to give in order to get, and the more time you are willing to invest in others the more likely they are to give you the time of day. Reciprocity is a powerful thing and you have to give a little to get a little. Once your network grows to several thousand followers don’t let it get to your head, I try to respond to everyone who sends me a @mention. This is the key if you want to build a big brand and a strong network. You’ve got to talk to people to really connect with them, it’s just that

May/June 2011

My favorite is TweetAdder, but there are many that are awesome. From Hootsuite, to Manage Flitter, to Twitter Marketing Software, to TweetDeck, there are many choices to explore.

4. Be Choosey Some people recklessly autofollow people, and this I do not recommend, but it still happens and these robotic follows devalue the action following someone. To really get someone’s attention the best way is to talk to them, and listing is a powerful method as well.

5. Engage Discipline yourself to respond to everyone that talks to you. It does take effort by its very effective in building your influence.

6. Relationships Take Time Relationships are not instantaneous, the take communication and sharing over time. To build deeper relationships with people you meet on Twitter it might make sense to connect with them on Facebook as well.

7. Add Value This point has been key to my success on Twitter, and my

ability to achieve thousands of retweets. Even if you are not an avid content creator you can still add serious value by sharing awesome content.

8. Don’t Focus on Selling Everyone likes to buy things but no-one likes to be sold. Twitter is a place to build relationships, and if you focus on doing that people will click your links and look for products that you have to offer. Focus on the connections and the cash will flow.

9. You are Your Brand Resist the urge to use your profile picture as your avatar. You are your brand, so act respectable if you want respect. I tend to tweet about one tweet an hour, sometimes a little more, sometimes much less. Conversational tweets don’t count, as they are only seen by people who are following both people tweeting.

10. Remember that Twitter is Still a Baby Although Twitter is a household


word at this point it is still only about 5 years old and it’s only been main stream for less than two. This means that there are still epic developments to come. By having knowledge about the latest and greatest tools and tips you will be ahead of the curve and you will be able to skyrocket your Twitter success. My final words of advice are these: building your brand through social media takes time and patience. It won’t happen overnight but it will happen. Just be consistent and genuine. And of course, have fun as you tweet! Social Media Strategist Cynthia Cavoto uses the public’s zeal for the internet – specifically social media websites – to help businesses promote their products and services. Cynthia Cavoto can be reached at Cynthia@mymarketingthatworksforyou.com or 203.414.5509. Visit www.mymarketingthatworksforyou.com to learn more.

Fairfield County Woman

Business To Business

Making The Most Of Your Marketing Dollars In 2011 By Amy DeLardi, Founder & Creative Director Infinite Web Designs, LLC

203.307.5107 InfiniteWebDesigns.com

New marketing tools are constantly evolving on the Internet. While having options is a great thing, the steady stream of new marketing choices can make it overwhelming to know what is the best fit for your business. With the shift of marketing focus towards the Internet, it’s important your marketing plan reflects where your time, energy and money will be going. Internet marketing is made up of different components including social media, search engine optimization, and websites/blogs. According to a marketing report distributed by Hubspot, over the past year, 88% of marketers have maintained or increased their Internet marketing budget. Your website is the most important element of your Internet marketing plan, so be sure to plan for the resources to do it right.

Here are a few things to consider including in your marketing plan to help keep you ahead of the competition:



Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Businesses are increasingly aware of the importance of SEO in building and maintaining an advantage over the competition. You may have a great website, but if search engines cannot find it, you will not have an effective online presence. It is estimated 85% of individuals use search engines to find services and products, and of this group, very few will click past the first few pages of search engine results. SEO helps ensure a website will get more traffic by being listed in the top positions in the search engine results. Unlike most marketing strategies, SEO works 24/7 to give you a high return on your investment. Be sure to use a web professional to assist you in planning your budget as there are a number of SEO options out there to maximize your web presence. Your website is your best online advertising, so make it count by finding the right SEO strategy for your business.

“Just as you go for an annual physical with your doctor, plan for a website check up too.”

Social Media

(Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, ect...) Don’t be fooled by the use of the word “social” or the fact some social media sites started out as a hub of activity for teens and tweens. Social media is becoming an increasingly important marketing tool across every industry and age-group, so be sure it’s in the conversation when building your marketing plan. Social media is not a fad, but a shift in how people communicate. According to Facebook, they have over 500 million users who spend over 700 billion minutes per month browsing personal and business pages. Not building social media into your marketing plan means ignoring a huge online population who may want the services or products you offer, so their dollars will be going into the pockets of your competitors who have embraced this new form of connecting. As an added bonus, the more you participate in social media, the more you are helping the optimization ie: the “findability” of your website. With so many social media sites online, there are sure to be many that would be an excellent fit for your business.

Website Wish List

No matter how much you love your website, there is always something you wish was better. A website facelift may help boost traffic to your site, and more traffic means more potential sales. More traffic also has the benefit of improving the optimization of your website (SEO). Just as you go for an annual physical with your doctor, plan for a website check up too. People expect websites to be contemporary with up-to-date information and features. It is important to apply resources that ensure individuals browsing your site don’t navigate away disappointed. Be sure that once a person gets to your website or social media venue they can find what they need quickly and easily. If you are considering a total re-design or maybe just a few upgrades, consult with a web professional to help brainstorm ideas on the future direction of your website functionality and design.

Most people have heard about or been directly affected by the power of Internet marketing. It is the job of businesses to determine the needs of their company and invest in the future. If you find the markets strategies of yesterday are not as effective as they had been, or believe your competition is passing you by, it’s time to try something new. In this day and age, some of the first new things to try are re-vamping your website, starting up on social media, and employing search engine optimization techniques to drive people to your website. Talk to a web professional today to help you create your online strategy to make sure your company gets the results it deserves.

Make The Most of your Marketing Dollars in 2011

Fairfield County Woman



203.307.5107 | InfiniteWebDesigns.com

May/June 2011

Business To Business


n interview with Nevil Ede, CEO and Founder of Westport Business Solutions LLC (WBS), one of Fairfield County’s largest, full-service management consulting practice. FCW: What makes WBS different to other consulting practices and how does it support businesses in the Fairfield County area? Nevil Ede: Today, there are a lot of independent consulting practices in our area working with local businesses. For the most part, they do a great job in helping businesses address the particular problems they face as it relates to their own specific area of expertise. However, no business problems ever can truly be resolved in terms of looking only at a single focal point. If businesses are going to invest money in consultants, then they should require that that investment help them develop a sustainable solution – a solution that takes into account all the other facets of their business. At WBS we have developed (and TradeMarked) the concept of the “Enriched SolutionTM.” We look at every client need in the context of their business as a whole, bring in experts from different professional backgrounds and build a sustainable solution from the inception of the project. FCW: Can you give us a practical example of how this process might work. Nevil Ede: Absolutely. Imagine a business that realizes it needs to upgrade its computer systems to either replace systems that do not give it the information it needs to be competitive, or, their business has simply outgrown the capacity of what they have in place. Their first reaction is to contact an Information Technology (IT) specialist consultant. That is fine – to a point. However, choosing and configuring a new system is just a step in the process. How they buy and account for the elements of the new system are Financial decisions; how they manage their people issues (bringing in new expertise, training, procedures), these are Human Resources and Talent Acquisition decisions; how they contract for the purchase and management of the new systems are Legal and Logistics decisions. While an independent IT specialist can help with each of these areas, they are, by definition, not an expert. At WBS, we look at every solution in the context of supporting the needs of the business as a whole by using expert professionals for each element, and developing a sustainable solution that will support its future needs. FCW: Bringing in all these experts? – isn’t that going to be expensive? Nevil Ede: On the contrary. It is the most economic way of addressing each client’s business need. Each consultant works efficiently and expertly only at their particular piece of the solution. More importantly, they do it in cooperation with each other. At WBS, there is no

May/June 2011

redundant effort, no on-the-job learning, no need to go out and research things that are outside of a consultant’s area of expertise. The most expensive solution for any client is one that does not last – the infamous “Band Aid” solution. Our reputation is built upon building sustainable solutions that provide long-term value to clients. Finally, our rates are extremely competitive when compared to larger practices as we operate with a simplified infrastructure and a low overhead base. The consultant to whom the client explains their business needs will be the person responsible for developing their solution. FCW: Who are the WBS consultants and why is WBS so relevant to businesses in Fairfield County? Nevil Ede: Our consultants are all experienced professionals from the Fairfield County area with their own successful consulting practices. The have joined WBS because they realize that to bring optimum solutions to clients requires bringing in different professional disciplines working in concert with each other. Each consultant brings to WBS those facets of their skill set about which they are truly passionate and each believes in the concept of the “Enriched SolutionTM.” With regard to Fairfield County, while our clients span the Eastern Coast of the US and we have relationships with other professional practices around the world, this is where we all live. This is the community we belong to and choose to support. Miggs Burroughs the noted local artist designed our logo, local photographers provided our business graphics, local web-designers developed our website and all our banking, legal and insurance support is right here as well. FCW: Last question. This all sounds great if you are a big business but how relevant are you to smaller businesses in the area? Nevil Ede: It is true we have a number of large clients. However, we have a wide variety of smaller clients too, including some not-for-profits. Nothing is more satisfying for me personally than being part of helping a small client become a much larger one. To do that, we need to be relevant, competitive and help them build what I’ve talked about, namely, sustainable business solutions. I encourage any business in the area which is facing business issues now or in the future for which they need help, to reach out to us. There is no cost or obligation, and in the event that we can’t help you with what you need, we’ll help you find the resources that do. I see helping the Fairfield County Community grow as an important part of our role as members. After all, as I said, we live here too. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce WBS to your readers.


The Members of the WBS team (As pictured) Dianne Hennessy (Human Resource Services) Peter Winkler (Lean Business Optimization) Jay Gronlund (Branding & Intl. Marketing) Nevil Ede (GRC & Due Diligence) Richard Williamson (Finance & Treasury) Robert Donovan (Business Advisory Services) John Martin (Legal Services) Veronica Brillon (Human Resource Services) Marc Roberts (Talent Acquisition) Paul Weston (Information Technology) (Not pictured) Barbara Phillips (CPG Marketing) Peter Wrampe (Industrial Technologies)

WBS Testimonials: “WBS showed an amazing ability to quickly learn our industry and have helped our business build an infrastructure that will represent the platform for our future expansion and diversification. We now have so much more confidence in our key financial indicators as well as our ability to manage all aspects of our business.” Victoria McMillan – President, Victoria Nicole Inc. www.victorianicole.com “WBS bring a true passion to their work, which is a core value we share at Pearlman’s. We had found their counsel to be thoughtful, insightful and balanced. The depth of the WBS team’s experience means that we are always able to look at our decision processes from a variety of different angles, quickly and concisely.” Bill Pearlman – President, Pearlman’s Jewelers Inc. www.pearlmansjewelers.com

Westport Business Solutions llc “Building Solutions One Business At A Time, Building Businesses One Solution At A Time”

191 Post Road West, Westport CT 06880

203 221 2776

www.westportbizsolutions.com Fairfield County Woman

people the way we want to be treated and that meant helping people as well. You know, “The Golden Rule”! So, it’s no wonder that I have ended up over he years doing businesses that would ead people to finding out about good health, and being able to earn financial reedom along the way.

tricity, particularly now that deregulation is upon us. There are 17 states already deregulated for commercial accounts with 30 more slated to become so and then on across the states. Both residential and commercial accounts are available in 3 states: CT, PA and MD with NY and NJ next.

Your Money Your Business

He was also involved with Amerex’s development of natural gas and electricity derivative instruments, and the adoption of the online trading booth.

helping customers save money on a bill that they have to pay anyway!

Business To Business

For more information on saving money, go to www.napower.com/energysaver or for Broker information go to: www.napower broker.com/energysaver

Both gentlemen had retired and due to the deregulation of this industry today, founded North American Power in

Energy Savers Energy Savers

We as Energy Brokers help people save Today’s economy forcesto most of us they the ability re-to money onhad a bill that they are earn already think about alternative choices towas earn sidual income. My focus paying and there is NO COST to switch! multiple streams of income. With that be inthe onnumber the leading edge of Weto became 1 energy comin mind, I have always been looking products would That enhance pany our firstthat few months. was on forinalternative ways to save money people’s lives and went to severso impressive that Wells Fargo Bank household expenses, particularly in enal us different companies over many gave $75 million dollar ergy:aelectricity, gas and credit oil thatline! could years when I felt that advanced We also also share help the saveexceptional our planetopportudown the better an formulas and with technityand of becoming Energy Broker road. niques were available. us as the Energy Deregulation industry putsByusa in a unique position ofbeing earning stroke of good luck of in the Today’s economy forces most substantial monthly, residual income right place at the right time, I had the of us to think about alternative as the deregulation theand telecommugreat fortune to of meet become afchoices to earn multiple streams nications didof over years ago of filiatedmarket with one the20 two owners of income. With that in mind, when AT&T,new thecompany, major telephone ser- I a brand North American have always been looking for provider was mission forced to whose is “break-up” to becomealthe I became a Fashion Consultant in even the asvicePower, As far back as I can remember, ternative ways to save money on s far back as I can rememand scores of people became wealthy FifthaAve at Saks Fifth Ave for about veryClub young child, I can recall my moth- best and brightest provider of cleaner household expenses, particularber, even as a very young and more economical oil andof elecbeing involved in thegas, beginning er and always that we more must treatfrom 2 years thensaying decided to get inly in energy: electricity, gasdereguand tricity, particularly now that child, I can recall my moththat deregulation. It’s all about TIMING, people the way we want to bemore treated volved in helping people become oil thatis in could also helpare save our lation upon us. There 17 states there the beginning! er always saying that we andofthat meant helping people asmust aware health and nutrition thru awell.being the road. already down deregulated for commercial actreat people wayRule”! we to planet You know, “Thethe Golden So, it’s home based business where theywant had counts with 30 more become led byto energy bewonder treated and thatincome. meantup helpno that I have ended overNorth American Power isslated he ability to earn residual My so and then on across the Both By a veterans stroke ofwith good luck of being over 50states. years of ing people well. You know, the years doing businesses that wouldindustry ocus was to be in as on the leading edge residential and commercial accounts in the right place at the right time, “Thepeople Golden Rule”! it’sgood nocombined experience at the very highlead finding outSo, about of products thattowould enhance peoavailable in 3and states: CT, PA MD had fortune to and meet levels inthe oil, great gas electricity, Kerwonder that I have ended up andwent being to earn financialest Iare ple’shealth, lives and toable several different with NY and NJ next. and become affiliated with one of over the years businesses freedom along thedoing way. when companies over many years I felt ry Brietbart and Carey Turnbull. the two owners of a brand new that would lead people to hat advanced and better formulasfinding and We as Energy Brokers help people save North PowBreitbart was theAmerican President and I out actually wasavailable. in thehealth, food and fashion about good and be-Mr.company, echniques were money on a bill that they are already mission is toand become of whose the United Companies built industry, my children were grown,CEOer, ing ableafter to earn financial freedom paying and there is NO COST to switch! the best and brightest provider and I was starting out in the busialong thejust way. We became the number 1 energy comness world. I wanted to help people of cleaner and more economical pany in our first few months. That was 40 MARCH/APRIL learn about great food got their I actually was in theandfood and gas, oil and electricity, particularso impressive that Wells Fargo Bank first Blue Ribbon from after a Cooking fashion industry, my school chil- ly now that deregulation is upon gave us a $75 million dollar credit line! indren NYC were wheregrown, I brieflyand taught before I was justI us. There are 17 states already We also share the exceptional opportubranched out in tothe own a catering busi- deregulated for commercial acstarting out business world. nity of becoming an Energy Broker with ness, “Secret Service”. It was fun helpcounts with 30 more slated to I wanted to help people learn us as the Energy Deregulation industry ing people plan parties long before so and then on across about great food and got their become puts us in a unique position of earning itfirst became a “hot” business and the states. Both residential and Bluesuch Ribbon from a Cooksubstantial monthly, residual income iting wasschool as if allinthose parties were “my accounts are availNYC where I briefly commercial as the deregulation of the telecommuown” and therefore, not necessarily able in 3 states: PA20and taught before I branched out to nications market didCT, over yearsMD ago profit making! andthe NJmajor next.telephone serown a catering business, “Secret with whenNY AT&T, Service”. It was fun helping peo- vice provider was forced to “break-up” I became a Fashion Consultant in the Energy Brokers helpwealthy people plan parties long before it be- We and as scores of people became Fifth Ave Club at Saks Fifth Ave for about ple save money on a bill that they came such a “hot” business and 2 years and then decided to get more in- from being involved in the beginning of are already paying and there is it wasinas if all those volved helping peopleparties become were more that deregulation. It’s all about TIMING, COST switch! We became “my own” and therefore, notthru nec-a NO being there to in the beginning! aware of health and nutrition the number 1 energy company in essarily profit making! home based business where they had our first few months. That was so the ability to earn residual income. My North American Power is led by energy impressive that Wells Fargo Bank I became a Fashion Consultant focus was to be in on the leading edge industry veterans with over 50 years of us a experience $75 millionatdollar credit combined the very highin products the Fifth that Ave would Club at Saks Fifth of enhance peo- gave line! We also share the exceptionest levels in oil, gas and electricity, KerAve for about 2 years and then ple’s lives and went to several different ry Brietbart and Carey Turnbull. al opportunity of becoming an decided to get more involved in companies over many years when I felt helping people become more that advanced and better formulas and Energy Broker with us as the EnMr. Breitbart was the President and Deregulation industry puts aware of health and nutrition thru ergy techniques were available. CEO of the United Companies and built a home based business where us in a unique position of earn-

actually was in the food and fashion ndustry, after my children were grown, and I was just starting out in the business world. I wanted to help people earn about great food and got their first Blue Ribbon from a Cooking school n NYC where I briefly taught before I branched out to own a catering business, “Secret Service”. It was fun helpng people plan parties long before t became such a “hot” business and t was as if all those parties were “my own” and therefore, not necessarily profit Bymaking! Lucy Brown By Lucy Brown



Fairfield County Woman

it into thirteen divisions from four and the notional value of the energy products the company brokered was in excess of $750B a year. United was the first broker of energy derivatives and did not have a competitor anywhere in the world for 2 years. When sold in 2005, company was still the #1 broker of crude oil globally.

March of 2010 to help homeowners and businesses take full advantage of the deregulation energy rates while doing their part to reduce America’s dependency on fossil fuels and foreign oil.

I am an Energy Broker Area Manager with this company as once again, I love to help people and show them how to save money! This is a company that is Mr. Turnbull was a Senior Partner and dedicated to massive growth across Managing Director of energy broker- the country and is guided by the solid age firm, Amerex, which he co-founded reputation and impeccable and stellar in 1983. While there, he hadresidual developed business leadershipin ofAsia. theseHetwo gentlemen. ing substantial monthly, was also the companies regulated futures busiThe tremendous feature is the unique income as the deregulation of the involved with Amerex’s developness on the International Petroleum potential for visionaries to take advantelecommunications market did ment of natural gas and electricExchange in London founded of the timing for financial freedom over 20 years ago and when AT&T,its itytage derivative instruments, and particularly in this as well as petroleum brokerage business in Asia. the major telephone service pro- the adoption of theeconomy, online trading He was involved with Amerex’s helping customers save money on a bill vider wasalso forced to “break-up” booth. development of natural and elec- that they have to pay anyway! and scores of peoplegas became tricity derivative instruments, andinthe wealthy from being involved Both For gentlemen had retired and adoption of the online trading booth. more information on saving the beginning of that deregula- due to the deregulation of this money, go to www.napower.com/ention. It’s all about TIMING, being industry today, founded North ergysaver or for Broker Both in gentlemen had retired and due there the beginning! Power March of to the deregulation of this industry to- American information go to:inwww.napower 2010 to help homeowners day, founded North American Power broker.com/energysaverand North American Power is led by in

energy industry veterans with over 50 years of combined experience at the very highest levels in oil, gas and electricity, Kerry Brietbart and Carey Turnbull.

businesses take full advantage of the deregulation energy rates while doing their part to reduce America’s dependency on fossil fuels and foreign oil.

Fairfield County Woman

I am an Energy Broker Area Manager with this company as once again, I love to help people and show them how to save money! This is a company that is dedicated to massive growth across the country and is guided by the solid reputation and impeccable and stellar leadership of these two gentlemen. The tremendous feature is the unique potential for visionaries to take advantage of the timing for financial freedom particularly in this economy, as Mr. Turnbull was a Senior Part- well as helping customers save ner and Managing Director of money on a bill that they have to energy brokerage firm, Amerex, pay anyway! which he co-founded in 1983. While there, he had developed For more information on savthe companies regulated futures ing money, go to www.naor business on the International Pe- power.com/energysaver for Broker information go to: troleum Exchange in London and founded its petroleum brokerage www.napowerbroker.com/ Mr. Breitbart was the President and CEO of the United Companies and built it into thirteen divisions from four and the notional value of the energy products the company brokered was in excess of $750B a year. United was the first broker of energy derivatives and did not have a competitor anywhere in the world for 2 years. When sold in 2005, company was still the #1 broker of crude oil globally.


Fairfield County Woman

May/June 2011

Business To Business

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keep it there.

May/June 2011


Fairfield County Woman

Special Events Special Events

Each Attendee Will Receive a Flower Upon Entry Compliments of Events By Peter


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MARCH/APRIL May/June292011

Special Events

Join Fairfield County Woman’s Business Networking Lunch Hour: Women in Business: Friday, May 13th Social Media: Thursday, May 26th Not An Easy Target: Saturday, June 11th Time: Noon – 1pm Venue: Premier Lounge, HSBC Bank, 19 Post Road East, Westport, CT Guest Speaker: Veronica Brillon, Publisher www.fairfieldwoman.com RSVP : By May 10th, 2011 Miranda Fansher 203 962 1533 miranda.x.fansher@us.hsbc.com

May/June 2011


Fairfield County Woman

Your Money Your Business

Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA By: Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA Managing Member of Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA, LLC


I, and my firm, provide a wide array of services to a diverse client base, including real estate professionals, attorney’s, doctors and dentists, chiropractors, insurance agencies, and contractors. Computerized Accounting Systems I am fully expert in QuickBooks™ and Peachtree™ Accounting Software and can help you install, setup and configure your new computerized bookkeeping system. In fact, in 2007 I became a Certified QuickBooks Pro-Advisor Once we install your system. My firm can help you customize it to meet your specific needs and resolve any issues that arise in your day-to-day use of the system. Bookkeeping Services From periodic “write-up” services or “real-time” check writing and bookkeeping, I can take the worry out of running the accounting function or your small business. Today’s entrepreneur may not have the time or expertise to keep up with the minutiae of bookkeeping. Bank reconciliations, loans, credit

Fairfield County Woman

ginning of the year? How did we utilize those resources? What do have left?

he main difference between a small family owned business and its regional, national, and international competitors is not only the size of the companies, the expertise of management or the drive of the owners, but the breadth and depth of the information available in the decision making process. In this modern economy, a oneperson “shop” can work globally. There are no more boundaries.

The purpose of an accounting system is not just the collection, collation, and regurgitation of data in order to prepare a tax return or financial statement. These are compliance issues and have very little value. The true purpose of an accounting system is to provide the information needed in order to make intelligent decisions regarding the resources and assets of a business.

The accounting department is the main provider of information to the business owner. The main drawback is that the information provided is historical in nature. What resources did we have at the be-

There are two main categories of data sets. We are familiar with financial metrics and the information provided by them. Operating expenses, cost of goods sold, current assets, long-term liabilities. These

cards, fixed assets, and depreciation schedules, you could spend a significant portion of your time making sure that the information you need to make financial decisions is in good order. When are you going to have time to do what you are good at, the reason you opened your business was not to be a bookkeeper.

cial statement to extend credit, or you may just want a periodic snap shot of how your business is doing. I can prepare financial statements for internal, management use only, or can provide a compilation, review, or audit, if those types of statements are called for as well.

Income taxes Individual, business, estate, and gift tax, I have over a decade of experience helping people and small business meet tax compliance obligations. However, taxes are not limited to April 15th. The real goal; is not just filing your taxes, but also making sure that you only pay your fair share. Planning is a year-round pursuit, and if it is done well, you can sleep easy on April 14th knowing that you only paid what you were supposed to, and not one penny more. Financial Statements There are many reasons to have financial statements prepared. You may need a loan from a bank, your vendors may require a finan-

Financial Analysis Financial statements are a useful tool for running your business, a financial statement provides information that is critical in the decision making process, however financial statements of all types have severe limitations, the only see the past. In order to see where your business is going, how it compares with its peer group, how effectively the business coverts sales into profits, consider a more in-depth analysis using both financial and non-financial metrics. Business Valuation Are you buying or selling a business? Are you taking on a new partner, or working with a financial planner to make sure your family’s needs are covered with life insurance? Consider the fact that your


measures only tell half the story. The other data set needed to make intelligent decisions regarding your business are non-financial and change depending on your specific industry. A retail store might want to track overhead or sales by square foot. A professional services firm may need to know net income per billable hour. A restaurant should probably concern itself with revenue per seat or table. When we combine financial and non-financial data, we can begin to plan and take a proactive approach to solving problems before they arise. Until this point, your accounting system is only telling you what happened yesterday. It is not helping you dictate what will happen tomorrow.

small business is an asset that may have a substantial value. However, in most instances you cannot go to the Wall Street Journal and look up the stock price. How will you know if you are overpaying for the business you are buying, or if you have enough life insurance to cover your assets when you pass away? Consider having Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA prepare a business valuation so you know how much your business is worth.

Daniel R. Kaufman CPA, LLC d/b/a Sterling Tax & Financial Associates 871-E Newfield Street Middletown, Connecticut 06457

Phone 860-632-8780 Fax 860-632-8797 Daniel@drk-cpa.com www.drk-cpa.com May/June 2011

Finance Fitness

Strategic Business Planning

for Small Businesses of a business plan, many small business owners delay preparing a written document. They argue that they don’t have enough time or that their business is evolving too fast to make a written plan meaningful. However, a well thought out business plan will precisely define the business Jeff Malakoff, President and its growth strategy, identify Financial Management Services the company’s goals and serve as a company’s resume to emvery business, regardless of its size, needs a written ployees, customers and supplibusiness plan. The busi- ers. ness plan is a company’s roadmap for success. A thorough- Before a business owner bely researched and developed gins writing a business plan, business plan allows business they need to have a clear underowners to allocate resources standing of their entire business properly, handle unforeseen and the environment in which it complications and make good is operating which requires them business decisions. A compre- to engage in strategic business hensive business plan addresses planning. Too many people think the essential questions relating strategic business planning is to the issues affecting a busi- something meant only for big ness including ownership, the companies, but it is equally apform of organization, products plicable to small businesses. and services offered, competi- Adequate research will yield antion, competitive advantages, swers to key questions such as operational and marketing strat- - What service or product does egies, financial projections, etc. the business provide? What needs does it fill? Who are the Many small business owners and potential customers for its prodentrepreneurs believe a busiucts or services and why will ness plan is necessary only if they purchase them from your they require outside financing or need to attract investors. While company? How will the company partially correct, a business plan market its products and services can be used for internal/ person- and reach its potential customal uses, assessing the viability of ers? How will the company get business or securing approval the financial resources required from shareholders/ directors as to start the business? What is well as raising bank loans or the company’s value proposiseeking venture capital/ equity. tion and its unique strengths and Despite the critical importance weaknesses.


Once this information is collected, screened and analyzed a business owner can commence developing a comprehensive business mission, as well as company goals, and objectives. Acquiring this information typically requires a significant amount of time and energy. If a business is to survive and prosper, business owners and entrepreneurs must devote the necessary time to identify the niches in which they are most likely to succeed together with their unique value proposition and to identify the resources to succeed.

quate time for researching, writing and redrafting, will provide the business owner the opportunity to allocate assignments and measure progress over time. t Recognize that the process could be much more difficult and take longer than expected. In such instances consider seeking external assistance, sooner rather than later, for the most critical areas of the plan.

t The more important the plan, the longer it will be and the longer it will take to complete. Typical business plans have 10-25 pages excluding appendices Some useful tips for starting the etc., require between two and research required to success- four drafts and take 2-3 months fully write your business plan in- to research and write, with more clude: time devoted to research than writing. t Prior to commencing any research understand the underly- A well researched and written ing purpose of the business plan business plan can provide the i.e.: whether it is for internal pur- structure and vision that will lead poses, to raise money, secure your company to success, so do approval etc. - as this will largely your homework! determine the comprehensiveness and length of the plan, the Financial Management Services amount of research required, the (www.FinMgmtServices.com) use of external help required and provides part-time CFO and Acthe overall time scale. counting/Financial services to growth oriented small and met From the outset, specify the dium sized businesses and nonstructure of the plan in the form profit organizations in Westchesof a detailed table of contents as ter and Fairfield counties. We are this will identify critical issues re- totally committed to your organiquiring research and/or external zation’s success and stand ready assistance. to assist with your business plan needs. Contact Jeff Malakoff at t Creating a work program and +1.973.879.6135 or Jeff.Malatimetable, which allows ade- koff@FinMgmtServices.com

Jeff Malakoff t www.FinMgmtServices.com 973 879 6135 t Jeff.Malakoff@FinMgmtServices.com May/June 2011


Fairfield County Woman

Finance Fitness

LIMRA: Women Save 40% Less to Retire Than Men portant reason for saving (see chart). This finding suggests that women are less inclined than men to prioritize and take on the responsibility for retirement saving.  Another factor the research uncovered was the relative lack of knowledge of women about financial products and services. When rating their own knowledge about financial products and services, men are more likely indicate that they are knowledgeable as compared to women, 29 percent versus 14 percent, respectively.

Contributed by: M. Charles Ross and Ann Marie Nascimento


espite similar individual and household characteristics, the retirement savings of working women lag significantly behind those of men, according to a new research study by LIMRA.

that average DC plan balances of working women 50 years or older are below those of working men of the same age by nearly $63,000. While the average DC plan deferral rate is higher for women aged 50 or older, they are much more likely to earn less than men of the same age (including their spouses or partners), 53 percent versus 40 percent, respectively.

Overall nearly three quarters of men felt at least somewhat knowledgeable about financial products and services, while only 54 percent of women felt similarly.

However, the study revealed that employees with similar financial knowledge levels, regardless of gender, are comparable in terms of their behavior toward retirement The outlook is brighter for planning activities. Men and women younger than 50 who women that are knowledgeare coupled either in marriage or civil union. Gender differences in earnings are less significant in coupled employees under the age of 50 than in those 50 years or older. Women under the age of 50 are more likely to earn the same as their spouse or partner than women age 50 years or more, 15 percent versus 8 percent, The report, Gender Matters: respectively. Retirement Savings of Working Men and Women, exam- LIMRA researchers found that ines men’s and women’s re- across all age groups, men tirement savings behavior. Not are more likely than women to surprisingly, the study found identify retirement as an im“Women’s average defined contribution (DC) plan balances are only 60 percent of men’s average balances,” said Cecilia Shiner, senior analyst, LIMRA’s retirement research. “This is especially concerning because women live longer than men and thus need more retirement savings. In addition to a longer average lifespan, women are more likely to have work disruptions for caregiving that hinder their capacity to save. Therefore, they need to capitalize on savings opportunities while they are working.”

Fairfield County Woman


able of investments or financial products are more likely than those that are somewhat or not knowledgeable to be very involved in monitoring and managing their retirement savings. This finding may suggest that if women improved their financial literacy, they would become more active in retirement planning activities. “As an industry, we have to do more to educate women on the importance of retirement saving and planning,” said Shiner. “Companies can help employers provide the tools and information to encourage them to participate in their DC plans and become more involved in the financial decisions surrounding their retirement. The study was conducted in July and August of 2010 and examined almost 2,500 employees, who did not work for the federal government or military, were not selfemployed, and were eligible to participate in a DC plan. All survey results weighted to be representative of target sample population based on U.S. Census figures.

May/June 2011

Finance Fitness

Connecticut Capital Access Program

Receives Federal Assistance businesses employing fewer than 100 people. Loan guarantees are flexible and can be used for all business purposes including working capital, lines of credit, acquisition of machinery and equipment, and real estate. URBANK requires no additional paperwork for the small business owner; URBANK guarantees are provided through the bank.

By John Lobon


he U.S. Department of the Treasury and Governor Dannel Malloy recently announced that Connecticut will receive $13.3 million for additional financial resources for small business owners. The Connecticut Development Authority’s Capital Access Program, also known as URBANK, will supplement these funds. If you own a small business and could benefit from some financial assistance, this new funding may be just what you need. URBANK provides access to capital for small businesses by offering a firstloss guarantee of 30% on small business loans up to $350,000. The program assists start-ups, early-stage, and small- or mid-sized May/June 2011

URBANK was introduced by the Connecticut Development Authority in 1993 to promote the creation and retention of inner city jobs in Connecticut’s major cities and to assist the economically distressed regions of Eastern Connecticut. Because it was so popular, the program was expanded to areas classified as “distressed municipalities” and “targeted investment communities”. Today, with 143,267 small businesses operating throughout the state, and through collaboration with banking partners, URBANK now provides guarantees on loans to small businesses located anywhere in Connecticut.

For complete details on the URBANK program, please visit the following web page: http://www.ctcda.com/Financing/Small_and_Early_ To determine eligibility for Stage_Business/URBANK/

banking partners will start the process and enhance the potential for loan approval.”

URBANK assistance, bankers and CDA require the fol- For a list of lending partners, visit: http://www.ctcda. lowing: com/Partners/default.asp t A company’s demonstrated ability to repay For any additional information, please contact your the loan. bank or John Lobon, Senior t Reasonable cash flow Vice President of URBANK projections. at the Connecticut Develt A reasonable personal opment Authority. John and business credit his- can be reached by email at tory. john.lobon@ctcda.com, or by phone at 860-258-7825. and t A one-time, non-refund- You can also log on to the able fee to participate in CDA website at www.ctcda. com for any remaining details. the program.


3 1 $ er v o e l v l i e a c e m r s r o t o f t ! ! e ! C r s o r e m n mil ess ow n i s bu

“It’s an easy access program for the small business owner,” said John Lobon, Senior Vice President of the URBANK program. “Just a quick call to any of our 34

Fairfield County Woman

Career & Self Development

Changing Careers for a job, take the job posting and quickly check off everything that you can do on that list. Next count up all the check marks you have put down. Then count up all of the things on the job posting. Don’t leave anything out. Lastly, it becomes a simple equation, divide the number of things you can do into the number of things on the posting. If you are able to do 80% of what’s on the posting, you can appropriately apply for that job. This is step one in the application process.

available. That is good news for you, because if you can demonstrate you have taken the appropriate educational program needed to teach you how to do the job, you may be hired. If you formerly worked in a certain field and want to go back to that industry again, your experience will help you land that job. The best case scenario is when you have had both the education and the experience to do the job.

By: Angela Schutz Managing Director/Founder of Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC


s a career consultant, one of the questions that is most often asked of me to answer is one regarding changing careers. Over and over, people say things like: “How do I prove to an employer that I can do a job in a new industry, if I have never worked in that industry before?”

Sometimes things aren’t quite so clear cut, but with a little practice you can develop the skills to demonstrate how you will be able to do a particular job. Let’s say, for example that you have

If you aren’t excited about every job you are applying for, you need to re-think why you are applying for it.

There are some basic premises to think about regarding this topic. If you needed to have surgery, would you say to your mechanic, I need this operation may I hire you to do it? Of course not, you want someone with both the education and the experience to do the surgery. Nothing less will do.

worked in IT in the hospitality industry. Would you be able to work in IT in the medical industry? Absolutely! It is up to you to demonstrate you have transferable skills that will span both industries.

Hiring Managers want the same thing. All employers want to hire people with the education, the experience or a combination of both to do the job they have

Most job postings are divided into three sections: the responsibilities, the wish list (MBA preferred, bilingual), and the requirements. Before you apply

Fairfield County Woman

Once you have determined that you can apply for the job, make a list of all the transferable skills you have. For example, if you

have supervised others in one industry, you certainly have the leadership skills and the ability to supervise people in another industry. If you are innovative and have the ability to create procedures that streamline operations, that then becomes a transferable skill. Make a list of all the skills you have gained over your career that are directly needed for the position in the new industry. Be creative so that


you can speak to all those skills when talking with the people in the power to hire you. There are two more points I feel are worth thinking about when changing careers. The first is that networking is your best tool here. You need to engage all the people who know your work to help recommend you to the next organization. Use services like LinkedIn to see if you are connected to anyone in the new company. One in eight people land a job through networking. Lastly, all employers want to hire new employees who have the qualifications and the motivation to do the job. We have highlighted how to determine that you have the qualifications, but your motivation is the key to success. Why would an employer choose someone over you? That person showed how motivated they are to do the job. If you aren’t excited about every job you are applying for, you need to re-think why you are applying for it. You also need to know that if you have no passion for the job, it will come through on the interview. Your ability to demonstrate your motivation to do the job at hand is directly linked to your success in landing it! Angela Schutz is the Managing Director/Founder of Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC, an organization that offers career and executive coaching services, dream coaching, success empowerment workshops and professional speaking services. You can reach Angela by going

to www.driventosucceed.net

May/June 2011

Fabulous Business Style Fabulous Business Style

36 MARCH/APRIL May/June 2011


Fairfield County Woman Fairfield County Woman

Business Style FabulousFabulous Business Style

Fairfield County Woman

Fairfield County Woman



May/June 2011

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

Spirit of WomanConneCt™ ~ HoW to make netWorking a fruitful experienCe By Valerie J. Fields Networking can be a really intimidating experience, especially if you are just starting to do it. On the other hand however, it can also be a very inspiring one depending on how you approach your networking opportunities. There are some people who appear to be naturals at it, while others see networking as a colossal waste of their time, because they can’t see any tangible results. The difference between these two types of networkers is that one sees networking as an art, while the other see it as a science. The truth is networking is an art - it is the art of communication, of conversation and navigation; there is a system of rules or principles that govern its activity. Savvy or successful networkers know and understand this. Contrary to what may have been written by some, there are no real secrets to a successful or fruitful networking experience, but there are certain “acts of engagement” that can make a networking experience both satisfying and gratifying. The act of knowing when to speak, and when to listen; the act of engaging in conversation, not dominating the conversation; and, how to navigate the process, for instance, how not to be intrusive or invasive, but rather intuitive - being able to sense when you are being invited into someone’s presence. Having a sense of these things can make or break a networking experience. It’s a foregone conclusion that business networking is necessary if you want your business to succeed and grow. It is one of the few cost-effective ways to market your business and inform others about the unique products and services you have to offer. It’s an effective way to meet people, to grow your network and expand your circle of influence within a group of other like-minded and

purposed individuals, who are there to do the same. But what ultimately sets apart a savvy networker from someone who is not, is that successful networkers get it. They understand that networking is not centered on their personal agenda; nor is it an opportunity to merely stockpile business cards and talk themselves up. The savvy networker understands

that networking is about creating authentic connections and establishing meaningful relationships. It’s about showing up and sharing. You are responsible for creating your own experience. If you want a fruitful experience, you have to sow some seeds. Not just the seed of your time, but also the seed of your

Testimonial “Valerie Fields is a powerful force and inspiration to all women. Her conferences and workshops offers to women healing, restoration and inspiration to become a better woman. I am grateful for her work and her ability to connect women with themselves and to each other.” De Boone CEO De Boone Consulting

For more info, visit www.spiritofwomanconnect.org or feel free to contact me directly at 203.912.2756

Valerie J. Fields is the founder of Spirit of Woman Unlimited - creator of signature empowerment events for women; and Spirit of WomanConnect, a monthly networking experience that connects the spirit of woman to the soul of empowerment, networking the way women are naturally designed to connect. Valerie can be reached directly at 203.912.2756 or by visiting her websites www.spiritofwomanunlimited. org and www.spiritofwomanconnect.org.

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Fairfield County Woman May/June 2011

actions. It does not matter how productive or unproductive you believe a particular event to be, ultimately if you left and went home with the feeling that you got nothing out of it - whose fault is that? The universal principle of reaping what you sow, dictates that you take full accountability for your actions or inaction. I remember going to a particular networking event, that I knew early on was not going to work for me, but I stayed anyway complaining about how exclusive it was and how nearly impossible I thought it would be to get any face time with certain people who were there. Truth is, I allowed my experience to be guided by my pre-conceived notions and as a result I had a pretty unfruitful experience. What I did not realize, was that networking is not a line it’s a circle; that it’s not a once-and-for-all event, it’s a process. What I finally learned was that it’s all about reciprocity, a reciprocal act - less about what you are there to get and more about what you are there to give. I learned it is unfruitful to approach a networking opportunity just to gain access to a resource; my intention now is to go inspired to be ONE! If there are any secrets to a fruitful networking experience, I would say that would be one of them. Bottom line, if your networking is not working, check your approach and your MOTIVES!


Fairfield County Woman

Not Just Another Meeting Place

Fairfield County Woman


May/June 2011

Radio Talk Show

Norwalk Woman Arrested for Wrong School District?

By Lisa Wexler


s Maya Angelou cautions to tell the truth, not the facts. But I like to start with the facts- then maybe, if we are lucky, we can discern some truth. What we know is that a Norwalk woman, Tonya McDowell, was arrested in Norwalk for lying about her residency so that her five year old son could attend the public schools in Norwalk. She was charged with felony grand larceny of “theft of services” for over $15,000, which is the amount the City of Norwalk claims it pays for a child’s public school education. What else do we know? According to Richard Moccia, the Mayor of Norwalk, who appeared on The Lisa Wexler Show yesterday, Thursday, April 21, 2011, Ms. McDowell was also arrested for selling narcotics within the proscribed limit of a school. Ms. McDowell has a criminal record which includes robbery. Ms. McDowell’s last known residency in Norwalk was when she registered at a homeless shelter in 2009. According to Mayor Moccia, the original criminal complaint came from a private party who complained that she was being physically threatened by Ms. McDowell. The boy’s father

May/June 2011

is currently incarcerated. You have consequences. There are can hear the entire interview adults that work hard to break the cycle of poverty, drug abuse and yourself at lisawexler.com. crime so that their children can So now that we know at least attend better schools, because some of the facts, we need to ask: those adults can afford to pay for Are these facts relevant? Do we them. For adults who are poor care about the history or actions but who wish for a better life for of the mother, when the issue re- their kids, there are many govally concerns the education of a ernment programs and subsidies young child. Prof. Boyce Wat- designed to give those kids a leg kins does not think so. He thinks up. Sometimes the kids themthe mother’s criminal record is selves have to show the initiative immaterial because he believes and promise, other times it is as every child should have the right simple and as cruel as a winning to receive a great public school lottery ticket. education, and in his view, the mom was doing the right thing in I asked Prof Watkins a pointed lying in order to achieve this end. question that he could not adHear his interview on the show equately answer: If you take the as well at lisawexler.com. position that all kids deserve the best education, then why charge Why does this case provoke admission of over 50k per year such strong reactions? Because at Syracuse University, where of Francie Nolan, the heroine of you yourself are employed? Why A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, whose shouldn’t higher education be mother washed floors, sacri- subject to the same standard as ficed, and even lied, so that her you would hold the lower grades, daughter could get the educa- and how can you justify earning tion she deserved. We rooted for your salary at an institution which Francie, we cried when she re- so obviously discriminates on the ceived that diploma. basis of one’s pocketbook? He couldn’t answer, and neither can This case provokes strong reacwe, without admitting something tions because we all know that that all of us already know. The where a kid goes to school can world isn’t perfect. Money still determine his or her entire future. Because we all know that there is buys privileges, including that injustice, inequity, and too much of a better education. Therefore, disparity between our best pub- one needs to work hard and earn lic schools and our worst ones, money. Your other alternative? often located within blocks of Don’t have kids you can’t afford each other. Forget about blocks to raise. away from each other- they might as well be worlds away I can argue both points of view from each other. Because we all because I’ve seen real life exknow that we have to do better, amples of those hard-working that no matter what the troubles adults, and yet I know too that of the parents, our children de- no kid deserves bad parents. No kid should have to be resigned serve better. to a fate of hopelessness and Here is the other hand of the sto- poverty because of the unhappy ry: The other hand is that adults accident of having parents who make choices and those choices made poor choices.


What would I do here? The answer is this particular case seems pretty simple, and I believe Mayor Moccia will do his best to achieve a just result. On the charge of lying about a school district, an investigation should be held as to where the mother really, truly lives. If she has a residence in Bridgeport, as is being supposed, then her child should go to school there, but the state should be involved to supplement his education with head start, day care and other programs that will be useful to the child and enable the mom to have time during the day to work. The state should help her find a job because with that criminal record behind her, she is virtually unemployable otherwise. If she is homeless, Mayor Moccia has said that Norwalk has a program to help her and her child enroll in school and job training programs. On the criminal end? I would drop the charges of felony grand larceny. Incarcerating the mom won’t help anyone, and besides, the mother did not do anything to deserve being jailed. She did not commit an act of violence that would require her to be quarantined from society. She lied on a school form. Big deal. She got caught. I can already hear the pleas of people saying that if she isn’t adequately punished, then what will stop other mothers from doing the same thing? Nothing ever has and nothing ever will. Until we really address the inequities in our school districts, this kind of thing will keep happening. It’s hard to blame a parent for trying. Next stop? Do what is in the best interests of the family. Maybe this little boy will be tomorrow’s Francie Nolan.

Fairfield County Woman

Home & Garden Old World Touch for New World Treasures

Nadia Louyer de Villermay of NLdeV Restoration

“A globe trotter for a good part of my life, I grew to appreciate the roles of our environment, traditions, and cultural patrimony,” says Nadia. “Today, I bring continents a little closer together by using Old World techniques to preserve the New adia Louyer de Viller- World’s heritage.” may, owner of NLdeV Retoration, brings her Nadia works exclusively traditional style and French with wood, follows her trainaccent to the furniture-fasci- ing strictly, making her own nated residents of Westport. materials and only using the techniques that were in use “My workshop is dedicat- at the time the piece was ed to the conservation and originally created. “My unrestoration of furniture and derstanding of the restorer’s gilded objects,” says Nadia. ethic informs my approach Trained in her craft in Paris to my craft. I believe that at the Institut National des any intervention must be Formations Artistiques, de guided by reflection, sensiVillermay apprenticed in Pa- bility and absolute respect risian restoration “ateliers”, for the piece of art. But the which once turned out some personality of an object deof the finest furniture of Eu- velops through time, and rope to fill the halls of Ver- these developments must be respected, not erased.” sailles and the Louvre.

Abstract from the article written by Ryan Doran in the Fairfield County Business Journal on september 29, 2008 entitled “ In restoration, ‘les’ is more - Old World Touch for New World Treasures”

shop focuses on custom furniture and cabinet restoration and refinishing, frame, furniture and wall gilding, inlay and marquetery, and work- desk leather replacement.

possible the past interventions that serve to itentify the period and personal history of the piece. Nadia’s



She has been honored with the Deb Ziegler award for Entrepreneurial Excellence from the Stamford Woman’s Business Development Center.

Fairfield County Woman

According to Nadia, a furniture restorer must be discrete in execution, involving no irreversible restauration, while preserving as much as


Nadia Louyer de Villermay NLdeV Restoration 68 Long Lots Rd. Westport, CT 06880 203 247 9711 nadia@ndevrestoration.com www.nldevrestoration.com May/June 2011

Photography Photography

Darien, CT

Matthew C. Abourezk


Family Photographer


I have been a photographer for more than 30 years but it wasn't until my first son was born (12 years ago) that I became interested in Family Photography. I have been an avid photographer of children ever since. I'm startled by how quickly the moments of my sons' childhood have flown by, and I'm grateful to have recorded their lives so meticulously. I shoot family keepsakes. Although formal portraits are important, I am not a fan of typical “smile for the camera!” photography. I love to capture the joy in children. When kids are having fun, magic happens… magic that you can’t plan, magic that you can’t control, and magic that you will never see when you tell a kid to “smile for the camera”. Visit the Family photo gallery in my online portfolio. Look for the Galleries at: www.talkingbox.tv

Look for Matt’s photo Galleries at:

www.talkingbox.tv Contact Matt ~ Ph (203) 249-7718 ~ Email: matt@talkingboxdmg.com



FairfieldCounty CountyWoman Woman Fairfield

Thinking Out Loud

Perfectly Flawed

ery day? Or do you sit and hope or wish or try to use your “mind” to “will” things to happen instead of actually making the necessary moves to make them happen. I’m not saying you shouldn’t believe in yourself, you absolutely should but then set realistic goals and be honest with yourself. I spent years blaming other people for my lack of success saying things By Gina Brillon like “oh they’re racist” or “they just don’t like me” when the truth his might completely shock is I was refusing to look at the you; so I hope you’re sit- situation and go “oh I need to ting down. Are you ready? that to get what want out of this” I’m not perfect. I know, I know, instead I said “no I’m gonna do I was shocked too. Believe it or want I want and to hell with them not there was a time in my life if they don’t like it”! Not exactly where I went around thinking that the winning or right attitude. all was good and I was flawless. Well maybe not flawless, but I What I should have been doing certainly had no idea the amount was listening to the smart people of flaws I had. Here’s the thing, around me who said things like we are all flawed, even the most “change your outlook” or “be perfect, scratch that, there is no realistic” sometimes that stuff is such thing as perfect. Perfection not easy to hear but if you can is an unrealistic goal, however an get over your emotions and deal achievable goal is to learn to de- with the logic in those statements sire and to strive to be the best you can get further. For myself, you possible and that starts by personally, I have recently done figuring out and admitting your a lot of figuring out and dealing with my flaws, which include but flaws. are not limited to: The first step is admitting you have a problem, that’s what they r Procrastination say in addiction meetings and it holds true for life in general. The r Stubbornness first step is really looking at all r Laziness the things in your life that aren’t where you want them to be and r Fear of both success and failure being really honest with yourself as to why. Take note that I r Childishness said being honest with yourself, meaning that just because your r Jealousy career is not where you think it should be does not mean that And many many more I’m sure! you turn around and say it’s be- But I no longer let these things cause of this person or that per- get me down. Admitting my flaws son and not look at your own and the things that have been drive or work ethic. Are you re- holding me back has only helped ally working as effectively as you me to deal with them and accan? Do you try to better yourself knowledge when I am the cause by the day? Is your goal to make of my failures. I wish I could say more progress and get further ev- I came to this revelation all on


Fairfield County Woman

my own, not the case, it was my boyfriend who lives by this philosophy of doing something daily that betters himself. He has no problem pointing out my flaws or his own, and him pointing out my flaws doesn’t make him the bad guy, although at first it was hard, it makes him someone looking out for my best interest. So maybe you have someone in your life that tells you all the things you don’t want to but need to hear. That’s not to say if someone is


telling you what crap you are you should listen to them, but if you know someone who is extremely successful and they are trying to tell you what you are doing wrong and you refuse to listen or choose to act like you are flawless, well then be prepared to stay EXACTLY where you are. If you take anything away from this let it be that you are not alone in your imperfection; that we are all absolutely, without a doubt perfectly flawed.

Gina Brillon

comed ian s ac tor s wr iter www.ginabrillon.com

Who’s that girl? That’s the question on everyone’s mind lately when rising star Gina Brillon hits the stage. Gina is one of the funniest New Faces of the Latino and mainstream comedy scene. Starting when she was only 18 yrs old, she blew the crowd away with her very first performance at Stand-UP NY. It was only up hill from there, she would go on to grace the stages of The Comic Strip, Boston Comedy Club, and Caroline’s. Her comedy is the perfect blend of personal experiences, growing up racially mixed (Puerto Rican, Italian, American), and Sex Therapy (Brillon studied Sex Therapy before and during her stand-up career). Watching her on stage, you can really see that she loves her job. She has been featured in Comedy Centrals “New Faces of Comedy” and on Si TV’s “Funny is Funny” Brillon was also featured in a full-page article in the “Viva New York” section of the Daily News. Already a published poet, Gina Plans on writing feature films, shorts, and a sitcom based on her stand-up. Not only a regular at clubs around NYC, she’s also known on the web, www.livetheatregang.com raves that Gina “reminded us that Whoopi Goldberg was not the last funny female to hit the NYC comedy scene.”

May/June 2011

The Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center

Rose of Hope Luncheon Keynote Speaker

itÇxáát j|ÄÄ|tÅá Thursday, June 16, 2011 Noon ­ 2:00 PM For Sponsorship or Ticket Information contact bmgord@bpthosp.org $275 General ticket

Helping Women Fight Breast Cancer for Over a Decade

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