Fairfield County Woman
March/April 2011
A Bi-Monthly Resource for Women of Fairfield County
Sergiana Bruno, B.S., LMT, MMP Are You Tired from Working Out and Not Able to Stay in Shape? Then Lose Inches with Lypossage!
Carol Mulready
Carol McManus
CBJ Foundations, LLC, The Only Women Owned Concrete Company in Connecticut
Simple Secrets to Social Media Success
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page: 34
page: 14
“We are taking a new, holistic approach to women’s health.”
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The Go-To Place for Health and Wellness
Doris Pasteleu
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Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center pages: 8-9
FCW - A Publication Dedicated to Education
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Table of Contents Specialized Medical
Five Tips to Lose Weight ... That Are Not True!..............................................................5 Excellence in Plastic Surgery with a Caring Touch........................................................ 6 Anya Kishinevsky, M.D....................................................................................................7 The Go-To Place for Health and Wellness................................................................... 8-9 Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Care Center................................................. 10-11 Medical Volunteers Needed......................................................................................... 12
Health & Wellness
Business to Business
How a Website - Done Right - Can Give Your Business the Competitive Edge...........32 Westport Business Solutions, LLC................................................................................33 Simple Secrets to Social Media Success...................................................................... 34
Career & Self Development
Staying Marketable at Any Age....................................................................................35
Catch A Healthy Habit................................................................................................... 13 Change Your Mind ... Change Your Life!....................................................................... 13 Are You Tired from Working Out and Not Able to Stay in Shape?.............................. 14
Fabulous Business Style
Psychology With Style
Your Money Your Business
Creating and Living a Magical Life: Part 1..................................................................... 15
Dental Wellness
Smile and The Whole World Smiles With You..........................................................16-17
Personalized Pharmacy
Do You Know Where to Fill Your Custom Made Prescription?............................... 18-19
Tina Broccle Image Consultant................................................................................36-37 Experience Doncaster.................................................................................................. 38
Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA............................................................................................... 39 Energy Savers............................................................................................................... 40
Radio Talk Show
“Skins” and Porn - Where are the Women?................................................................. 41
Partner With Us
Partner With Us.............................................................................................................42
Know Your Child’s Educational and Juvenile Rights................................................... 20 Estate Tax Planning for An Uncertain 2011................................................................... 21
Finance Fitness
Women in Profile................................................................................................ 22-25
Not Just Another Meeting Place
Contractors with Integrity
Shut the Door, What Do You Live in a Barn?............................................................... 26 CBJ Foundations, LLC....................................................................................................27 Veteran’s Window Washing......................................................................................... 28
Special Events
Fairfield County Women’s Expo.................................................................................. 29
About Us
Allow Me to Introduce You.......................................................................................... 30
Community Outreach
Caroline House.............................................................................................................. 31
LIMRA: Women Save 40% Less to Retire Than Men................................................... 43
Sports Center of Connecticut...................................................................................... 44
Matthew C. Abourezk, Family Photographer............................................................. 45
Home & Garden
NLdeV Restoration....................................................................................................... 46
The Right Stuff
Spirit of WomanConnect.............................................................................................. 47
Thinking Out Loud
“Make-Up”................................................................................................................... 48
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Fairfield County Woman
Publisher’s Note Hello Everyone, Spring is in the air! That means we are sheding the coats and boots and getting ready to ride the waves and soak in the sun. What better way to enjoy the beach than to have Fairfield county woman at your side! And that is exactly where we will be. While you persue through our pages, we hope you’ll consider a home delivery subscription of future editions of FC Woman. You can also visit us online at http://www.fairfieldwoman.com/, where you can check out our new features and catagories. Having trouble finding us in the stores and normal places? That’s because our readers snatch up copies as soon as a new issue comes out! The good news is you can go on line and order a home delivery subscription anytime. While you’re there you should check out the new features and catagories. We are also pleased to announce the new alliance with GreySkye branding. We are and always will be dedicated to educaton and we maintain the absence of political of controversial Issues. We keep you, our readers in mind as we hold this ploicy. Thank you for your support we strive to reach as many women as possible and we depend on you for our success. Enjoy this latest installment and please don’t hesitate to let us know how we are doing, or what we can do to improve Call us any time 877-812-8693. Remember to check out these articles : • Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center • Danbury Research Clinic • Thinking out Loud : Thoughts on Thoughts • CBJ Construction
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Let Me Introduce You to the #1 Nationally Syndicated Women’s Newspaper in the U.S. Allow me to introduce you to The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper. Each of our Woman’s Newspapers is an informative and enlightening resource for the community.
care decisions? The FCW will become a primary resource for the women of Connecticut. Furthermore, the FCW has found our readership to be 2.46 per copy with an average lifespan of 6 weeks. This above average readership is due to current information being referred to friends and family which directly benefit from our contributing articles and editorials.
Published six times a year, we serve readers with valued information in a wide variety of special columns and features. Written by local experts in their respective fields, from Health and Medicine to personal Finance and Travel. The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper provides the best in local contacts and the latest information available. We offer editorial coverage, a low advertising rate and most importantly, targeted marketing to women.
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Fairfield County Woman 11 silver street P.O. Box 226,Middletown, Ct 06457 E-mail: FCWoman.JRNL@gmail.com www.fairfieldwoman.com Phone: 203-600-4999 • Toll Free: 877-812-8693 Fax: 800-939-7796 Publisher ~ Veronica Brillon Editor/Associate Publisher ~ Adela Gallagher Sales ~ Leigh Sexton and Frank D. Giampia Creative Director/Production Manager ~ Golden Design, LLC Distribution ~ Man in Motion, LLC, Thomas Cossuto
Fairfield County Woman
Specialized Medical
Five Tips To Lose Weight ... That Are Not True! Myth #1: A Calorie is a Calorie is a Calorie….Is it true? It is not unusual for people battling weight gain to hear from a dietitian or a physician “a calorie is a calorie is calorie.” This old saying implies that to lose weight it doesn’t matter what we eat as long as we cut back on the total calories consumed. The less the total calories taken in, the more the weight loss…. But is it true?
all American women are dieting – often in secrecy. None of us like to admit that we are unhappy with our weight and are trying to lose weight with the latest diet. The latest diet because the previous ones are no longer trendy or failed to work. Even when people succeed, they do not want to tell friends, family members and co-workers that they had to diet to lose weight.
Indeed, outside of our bodies a calorie from orange juice is the same as a calorie from chicken or chocolate. But inside our bodies that old dogma doesn’t hold up because foods are not just consumed, they have to be digested as well. The process of digestion or integration of nutrients into the body is not equally efficient for different food types. For example, fat is 95% efficient. Meaning of 100 calories of fat consumed, 95 calories are stored in the body (mostly in fat cells.)
The truth is that there is no secret diet or weight loss solution out there. Even if there were secret solutions, they would not apply to everyone. Your secret diet, supplement, surgery, medication, or exercise routine may not work for your friends even if you divulge it to them. It is not about a secret formula or a secret diet. When people ask “oh, what is your secret” they are really saying “ congratulations!”
Carbohydrates are about 85% efficient meaning 15% of calories are lost during digestion. Finally, protein is only 70% efficient. Our body cannot store fish, beef or chicken protein. It has to break down all amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and re-assemble them into human proteins. This process wastes about 30% of the calories consumed from protein. That is one reason that all calories are not the same. Another reason all calories are not the same has to do with our metabolism – how our bodies decide to process food at any given time. For example, studies have showed that eating the same amount of calories (in a study of college students it was 2000 calories) in one meal in the morning versus in the evening have different effects on body weight. Eating more at night causes more weight gain. Myth # 2: Shut your mouth and you will lose weight! How many times have you heard overweight people say but “I do not eat much at all?” How many times have you noticed that your overweight friends or relatives eat very little at the dinner table? People who skip meals or even starve themselves are under the impression that the only way they will lose weight is to drastically cut their caloric intake. Indeed, even doctors tell their patients “shut your mouth and you will lose weight…” We now know that this “myth” is not true. The discovery of a gut-brain axis regulating appetite and satiety has shed a new and fascinating light on the physiology of cravings, feeding, as well as energy storage. Signals released from our stomach such as the hormone ghrelin, or leptin which is released from fat cells, among others, all “talk” to neurons in our brain. Ghrelin levels rise when we fast, peak immediately before meals, and are typically higher during weight loss and in anorexia - as if the stomach is telling the brain to eat more. Before a meal, blood ghrelin levels can double depending on the timing and amount of calories eaten at the previous meal. Skipping lunch would therefore trigger more appetite for a bigger dinner. In addition to controlling appetite, ghrelin also shifts the body’s metabolism to an energy-sparing mode by slowing fat breakdown and by lowering body temperature. So, people who starve themselves should know that by doing that, they are shutting down their metabolism and increasing their appetite. When they finally eat, whatever the portion size, the food “sticks to them” that is it goes directly to fat cells for storage. By eating the right food choices, it is possible to lose weight while eating more. Raising your metabolism is similar to feeding a furnace high-octane logs around the clock. It burns faster and hotter! Myth # 3: Tell me your secret.. There is a diet out there called the “Da Vinci Code diet.” When people ask me what it is, I tell them I do not know because it is a secret! At any given time, roughly half of
Fairfield County Woman
Here is how I see it: As you lose weight the healthy way, people acknowledge your success and are appreciative of your newly regained sense of control. There is indeed a lot of pleasure in weight loss. The waistline is shrinking, the cheekbones are once again prominent, and energy and libido are back up to where they were decades ago. People are noticing, sometimes they even try to ask you out. Others come to you and quietly ask you how you did it, where did you go, what are your secrets, etc. You are glowing in success. You have truly achieved something that millions of people want but are unable to get. You have lost fat, gained strength in body and in your spirit and look fantastic. If your life and body transformation do not bring you the sweetest pleasures there is something wrong! You are delighted that your efforts have paid off. You are body proud and you know it: that is your secret!
bigger.” Or, “I had to fire my trainer because he would kill me but I was getting bigger and bigger.” Is it possible that exercise would cause more weight gain? Absolutely, most exercise regimens are anabolic meaning they help you get bigger and stronger. Sometimes, it is important to gain muscle to lose fat. But usually, people who are overweight or obese have plenty of muscle. Therefore, they just have to use them to burn calories. Sub-maximal and frequent fat-burning exercise such as a brisk walk or low-impact aerobics, and whole body callisthenic workouts is the way to go. Here are other reasons why some people don’t lose weight with just exercise: Exercising, dieting and still gaining weight? Which group do you belong to? -Hefty Athletes (crew, football and hockey players in particular) who eat everything in site after a long aerobic training session. -College Partiers who exercise hard for three straight days but party and hang out starting Thursday nights till Sunday (pizza, pasta, beer, cake…) -Good Wives who watch what they eat all day and even exercise an hour a day but overeat to keep company of their husbands at nights or weekends - husbands usually choosing the menu! -Weekend Bingers. They work hard all week, exercise regularly and then drop the ball completely on the weekends. A weekend getaway: extra bonus!
-Socialites. Try to be committed to weight loss, fundraisers and board meetings all at once! The “society calories” win over the private sweat and chagrin. -Boat People. Once off shore, the rules of thermodynamics no longer apply. Calories do not count when consumed on the boat! -Serious Bingers, Night Eaters and Closet Eaters: Calories do not lie no matter how much you exercise. Reza Yavari, M.D. is Board Certified Endocrinologist, Adjunct Faculty at the Yale School of Medicine and author of It Must Be My Metabolism! Dr. Yavari is also Chair and CEO of Beyond Care® a leading lifestyle management and metabolic rehab center offering services to individuals and corporations. Beyond Care and Dr. Yavari have been featured in national and local media including CNN News, NYTimes, Shape, Yoga and More magazines among others.
Myth # 4: Doc just tell me what me what to do. Unfortunately, I hear this from my patients more often than I would like to. “Doc jest tell me what to do” translates as “Doc spare me the details of the process just give me a diet…” The problem is without grasping the knots and bolts of the process of change, all diets (or any lifestyle change) are bound to fail. Dietary and exercise guidelines are important. But cognitive skills such as time management, setting priorities and boundaries, organizational and stress reduction techniques are more important. Further, these skills have to be customized and personalized. For example, for people who travel a lot, lifestyle change tools have to take into account and adjust to time spent in airports, meals at restaurants or the road, nights spent in hotels and sometimes lack of access to healthy food choices or exercise equipment. The flip side of this myth is in the fact that doctors cannot tell people what to do when it comes to lifestyle change. Docs do not learn much nutrition, even less about exercise in their medical training and have even less understanding of weight gain or loss! Finally, they do not have time to interview their patient in debt to give them personalized and relevant lifestyle change advice.
Beyond Care’s lifestyle medicine services can be extended beyond our facilities to companies looking for on-site wellness and disease prevention. Programs qualify for FSA and other benefit accounts. Check www.beyondweight.com for information about work-site programs.
So what are you supposed to do? First, understand that there is no quick fix even it is recommended by your doctor. Second, understand that the “money” so to speak is in the coaching process. Third, understand that there are many ways to lose weight – some are more successful or easier than other – and that there is one approach out there that will work for you. Finally, understand that for lifestyle change to take roots, it has to be constantly re-evaluated and changed. The exercise you begin with will have to be modified for you to reach your goals. The food choices and the portion sizes have to be re-examined as well. So, “doc just tell me what to do” should be replaced “doc I need a health coach, can you help me?” Myth #5: No Pain No Gain. Exercise to get bigger? I often hear: “Doc I exercise everyday and I am getting
Specialized Medical
Excellence in Plastic Surgery with a Caring Touch What is a “Mommy Makeover?”
By: Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
How can plastic surgery help me feel more confident and look younger for today’s competitive job market? Depending on a person’s individual needs, an eyelid lift, face or neck lift can go a long way towards softening the effects of aging. As the eyes are often described as “the windows to the soul,” removing a bit of excess, drooping skin and the loose fat that makes up the ‘bags”, whether above or below the eyes, often takes years off a man or woman’s appearance. Dark discoloration can be removed as well, all without leaving a visible scar. A face and neck lift is designed to clean up the jowls and excess around the neck, recreating a clean, tight jaw line. The scars are hidden within the hairline, so only your hairdresser will know. The result is a natural, rested appearance, without looking fake or “done.” The results often last for more than ten years without a touch-up. There are also minimally invasive approaches to a younger appearance with Botox, injectable fillers, or laser resurfacing.
In many cases, pregnancy and nursing take their toll on a woman’s body. Often, the skin of the abdomen loses elasticity, continues to sag after the pregnancy is over, and develops stretch marks that don’t go away. The skin of the breasts may lose its elasticity as well, wit permanent stretch marks and drooping of the breasts. The nipples and areolae can become large and displaced. A “mommy makeover” is a popular procedure that combines a tummy tuck with a breast lift to restore the tight contours of the pre-pregnancy body. A tummy tuck removes excess abdominal skin, stretch marks, and fat. It tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall and results in a flatter abdominal profile. A breast lift removes excess skin and stretch marks to recreate a more youthful, round, and perky breast. Not all stretch marks can be removed - those below the belly button and closest to the nipple are taken away consistently.
How long do the results last? Surgery is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, including a good diet and exercise. The results are technically permanent but may be significantly diminished with major fluctuations in weight. Women who are planning a substantial weight loss or future pregnancies are advised to postpone surgery. Women who smoke should quit all nicotine products for two months before surgery to reduce the risks of surgery.
What if I Would Prefer Fuller or Smaller Breasts? A breast lift can be performed at the same time as a breast reduction or augmentation with an implant with no additional scarring. In the
past, breast reduction or lift surgery could only be preformed with a large “anchor” scar consisting of vertical and horizontal incisions. Dr. Kishinevsky performs these surgeries with a small vertical incision, also known as a “lollipop” scar, resulting in rounder, perkier breasts with fuller cleavage. Breast reduction surgery relieves long-standing back and shoulder pain by removing excess breast tissue but still achieving a beautifully-shaped, lifted breast. Augmentation can be safely preformed with saline or silicone implants to increase the volume of the breasts with the most natural texture and shape. During your consultation, you will have the chance to examine and fell both silicone and saline implants and to choose the style, size, and shape you feel the most comfortable with.
What are my options for reconstruction if I will be having a mastectomy or lumpectomy for breast cancer? In this day and age, there are so many options for women undergoing treatment for breast cancer to look and feel their best. There is no reason that any woman should be left with a defect or asymmetry. If a woman prefers reconstruction with her own tissues, the fat from the abdomen can be used to make a new breast with a TRAM flap. If a woman prefers a quicker recovery or a larger breast size, reconstruction with a saline or silicone implant may be a good option. A new technique that has been receiving a lot of attention lately is fat transfer for breast reconstruction. Liposuction is performed on the abdomen or thighs and the fat is saved and used to make a new breast or to fill a lumpectomy defect. Fat transfer is simpler and has a quicker recovery time than traditional breast
reconstruction and can be done several times to achieve a larger breast size. Also, if you have been considering breast reduction or breast lift surgery and you will be undergoing lumpectomy; your breast surgeon can work with your plastic surgeon to perform these procedures together. Our office will let you know if your insurance will cover breast reduction surgery.
What should I expect from my consultation? When you make an appointment to see Dr. Kishinevsky, you will be greeted by a friendly, caring staff. Your wait time will be short, in a pleasant, supportive environment. Dr. Kishinevsky will perform a thorough history and physical, then recommend the procedures that would best suit your needs. She will take the time to explain the surgery in detail and to answer all your questions. You will be able to view beforeand after pictures of different surgeries and to examine a sample of any implant to be used. For patients who are concerned with their privacy, we have a fully accredited operating suite, to ensure your safety and comfort. You will be able to speak with patients who have had the same procedures done. You will be able to relax and rest easy, knowing that your treatment will be in well-trained, caring, and experienced hands.
Call Us Today for a Free Consultation
203.656.9999 Fairfield County Woman
Specialized Medical
Plastic Surgery with a Personal Touch • Short Scar Breast
Reduction • Short Scar Breast Lift • Rhinoplasty • Eyelid Surgery –
• Facelift • Liposculpture • Tummy Tuck • Full Body Lift • Full Line
no visible scar for lower lid of Injectables
Call us today for a free consultation:
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MARCH/APRIL 7 8/11/08 11:39:19 AM
Specialized Medical Photography by Amy Griswold-Rocchi
The Go-To Place for Health and Wellness The Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center, an innovator in breast care in Connecticut since 1999, is taking a new, holistic approach to women’s health. The Center, the first free-standing, community-based breast care center in Connecticut, now offers a comprehensive program of women’s wellness services at its expanded offices at 111 Beach Road in Fairfield, the first of its kind in Fairfield County.
Dr. Roselle Crombie consults with a patient
Norma Pfriem Breast Care Center Winter 2011 Health and Wellness Programs All classes and workshops are held at The Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center, 111 Beach Road, Fairfield unless otherwise noted. • Look Good, Feel Better: March 29, June 28, September 27, December 1; Tuesdays, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. A 2-hour program for women in active treatment for breast cancer, teaches techniques for self-imaging and ways to reduce appearance-related side effects caused by treatment. Presented in conjunction with the American Cancer Society. Cost: Free. Pre-Registration Required. • Guided Meditation: Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Mar 16 and 30. Reiki Master Karen Pirhalla will help you relax, decrease your stress levels, restore your energy and bring calm and balance to your life. Attend one session or all. Suggested Donation: $5.00 per session. Pre-Registration Required. • NEW!! Kripalu Yoga, beginner and intermediate level. Weekly - Tuesday & Friday 9:15 am. Joan Shanley, Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher of Luminous Yoga, LLC will conduct this class. Class size limited to 6 students. Payment by cash or check $18/class ($15 students) Pre-Registration Requested. • NEW!! Pilates. Weekly - Monday 11:30 am & Thursday 10:00 am. Laura Pennock and Doris Pasteur Hall of Black Rock Pilates conduct this class. Class size limited to 6 students. Payment by cash or check $17/class ($14 students) Pre-Registration Requested. • Therapeutic Facial Spa with Dr. Veronica Waks, Naturopathic Physician, Saturday, March 5, 2 sessions – 10 am – 12 noon and 1 pm – 3pm. Sessions limited to 6 attendees. Includes personal evaluation of skin type, facial beauty needs and daily skin care plan with complementary complete therapeutic facial. Value $140. Cost: $45 per person. Pre-registration required with payment or credit card to hold spot. • Yoga Movie Night, Thursday, March 10, 7:00 – 9:00 pm. On view: “Enlighten Up”, an informative and informational documentary on the transformational potential of yoga. Hosted by Joan Shanley, Certified Yoga Teacher. Cost: free. Pre-registration required. • Osteoporosis: Tuesday, March 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Mary Rocchi, LPT facilitating. Learn about osteoporosis, factors influencing bone health, and tips for preventing this disease. Instruction will be provided in safe body mechanics and exercise dos and don’ts. Cost: Free. Pre-Registration Required. • Tea with Dr. Veronica Waks: Wednesday, March 23, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Managing your Cholesterol Levels Through Diet and Exercise. Cost: Free, Pre-registration required. • Tea with Dr. Veronica Waks: Wednesday, April 20, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Topic TBD. Cost: Free, Pre-registration required. • Private appointments available. Private appointments are available with any of our providers: naturopathic physician, nutritionist, licensed massage therapist, Reiki master, hair and wig consultant, undergarment and breast prostheses specialists, or one of our licensed clinical social workers or psychotherapists. Enjoy the comfort, privacy and convenience of the Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center at 111 Beach Road, Fairfield. Cost: available upon request. To book an appointment or for information call 203-255-5300.
“It’s a tremendous enhancement,” says Dr. Donna Twist, the Breast Care Center’s Executive Director and VP Development. “We’ve added more office space and exam rooms, and new classroom space for workshops and movement classes. Our staff has grown with the addition of ten new healthcare professionals offering a full spectrum of health and wellness services for women.” The Breast Care Center’s expanded women’s wellness program is part of a new effort to promote overall health in women. Offerings include yoga, massage, mental health counseling, naturopathic medicine, nutrition counseling and Pilates, in addition to plastic surgery, breast surgery and general surgery. Dr. Mary Pronovost, the Center’s Medical Director and breast surgeon says “nutrition and other lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise can impact a woman’s breast health as well as her overall health. Our new offerings will help women stay healthy. Best of all, they’re be staffed completely by women, so our clients will feel comfortable getting the care they need.” For more information about the Center’s new women’s wellness services, call (203) 255-5300.
Meet the team
Dr. Zinaida Boutaeva is a psychiatrist with a specialty in addiction psychiatry. She studied medicine at Saint Petersburg State Pavlov Medical University. She was a fellow at Yale University, a resident at Maimonides Medical Center and interned at Staten Island University Hospital. Judith Chessin, MSN, APRN-BC is a psychiatric
nurse practitioner, specializing in issues related to aging, including dementia. Through her work at Yale New Haven Hospital and in private practice, she has extensive experience in helping older adults with psychiatric issues. She earned graduate degrees in adult psychiatric nursing and gerontological nurse practitioner from Yale University School of Nursing. Dr. Roselle Crombie’s general surgery practice is open to all patients. Dr. Crombie, a specialist in general surgery, critical care, trauma and burn treatment, was inspired by her father, an internist, to take a patient-centered approach to medicine. Dr. Crombie trained in surgical critical care and trauma at Yale University and in critical care burn surgery at Bridgeport Hospital. She studied medicine and public health at the University of Connecticut. Doris Pasteleur Hall has over thirty years experience in dance, Pilates and yoga. Hall is interested in the effect of the mind-body connection on movement and applies three widely used systems of movement re-education, Laban, Body-MindCentering, and kinetic anatomy, to help her clients get from where they are to where they want to be. She is a movement/neuromuscular re-educator in Bridgeport and teaches Pilates independently and for the non-profit Body Wise Connection, which provides access to the positive benefits of movement for people with cancer. Dr. Mindy Hersh is a psychologist with nearly twenty years of experience working with patients with depression, anxiety, trauma, body image, relationship and parenting issues. She provides a compassionate, supportive and non-judgmental approach tailored to meet the needs of her clients. Dr. Hersh has a special interest in helping clients deal with serious and chronic illnesses and believes that the mind-body connection is important in fighting disease. Dr. Hersh received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Yeshiva University’s Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology in 1995. Dr. Mihaela Nedelcuta is a psychiatrist who works mainly with adults. She trained at Tufts University Medical Center, Dartmouth Medical School,
Photography by Amy Griswold-Rocchi
FOR INFORMATION / REGISTRATION CALL 203-255-5300 Or visit the Center on the web at http://www2.bridgeporthospital.com/cancer/breast/default.aspx Laura Pennock, Certified Pilates Instructor
Fairfield County Woman
Specialized Medical Fundeni Clinical Hospital and Colentina Hospital in Bucharest, Romania. She is a graduate of Carol Davila University of Medicine & Pharmacy in Romania, where she became interested in psychiatry while studying medicine. Laura Pennock is a certified Pilates instructor with a background in movement and dance. “Make your body a place you want to live” has been her motto since 1983, when she began to study Pilates after recovering from dance-related injuries. Pennock teaches clients to safely mobilize and stabilize their bodies. Having watched family and friends battle cancer, Pennock is acutely aware of the physical and non-physical toll illness takes on the body and is determined to help her clients achieve their movement potential. Pennock received her Pilates certification from New York City’s Physical Mind Institute. Karen Pirhalla is a licensed massage therapist and certified Reiki Master. She offers a variety of wellness services, including therapeutic massage, such as Swedish, sports and deep tissue massage, and guided meditation to reduce stress and restore energy. Pirhalla is a graduate of the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy. She generously donates her services to nonprofit organizations, including the Sterling House Community Center in Stratford. Joan Shanley, a certified Kripalu yoga teacher, was inspired by her own transformational experiences practicing yoga to become a teacher. Kripalu yoga combines physical movements with focused breathing techniques and meditation to unite the body, mind and spirit and create increased health and wellness. At the Breast Care Center, Shanley will evaluate participants physical capabilities and invite them to explore their own path to well-being. The practice of yoga has been shown to reduce the side effects of treatment, such as stress, insomnia, fatigue and depression. Jenn Spitzer is a certified Registered Dietician with over seven years experience counseling individuals with eating disorders, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and obesity in healthy eating and weight loss. Spitzer has worked with adults before, during, and after bariatric and lap-band surgery to help patients with their weight loss, and with overweight children and their families to prevent childhood diseases. Spitzer was an elementary school teacher when she first noticed the effect of nutritional deficiencies on learning and was inspired to study nutrition at the University of New Haven. Dr. Veronica Waks, a licensed naturopathic physician, combines a contemporary naturopathic approach to healing with the insights of a medical doctor. She uses the latest techniques of botanical, physical, and behavioral medicine to help her patients regain and maintain their health, a process she encourages her patients to be actively involved in. She also counsels patients in nutrition. Waks uses naturopathic techniques to help prepare cancer patients for and reduce the complications of treatment. Waks graduated from the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine. She received her MD degree from the Vladivostok Medical University. Erica Wright is a licensed clinical social worker with over ten years experience working with individuals, couples and families. She has counseled patients struggling with anxiety, depression and issues surrounding loss and incorporates many of the strategies she learned at Harvard University
Fairfield County Woman
Medical School Department of Continuing Education’s training program in mind/body medicine. Ms. Wright also facilitates support groups for patients and their caregivers facing medical issues and physical and cognitive changes. Ms. Wright is a graduate of Syracuse University and received her Master’s degree in clinical social work at New York University. She completed a post graduate program at the Ackerman Institute.
Photography by Amy Griswold-Rocchi
Dr. Anke Ott Young is already a familiar face to patients at the Breast Care Center. For many years, this plastic surgeon specializing in breast reconstruction and surgery has helped women reclaim their lives following a mastectomy. Dr. Young is a member of Bridgeport Hospital’s Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and a partner in the New England Center for Oncoplastic Surgery. She graduated from the University of Saarland in Homburg, Germany, where she received a doctorate in forensic psychiatry and a medical degree. She was chief resident at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center.
Registered Dietician Jennifer Spitzer and Licensed Massage Therapist Karen Pirhalla Photography by Amy Griswold-Rocchi
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Dr. Mindy Hersh counsels a patient
Take the first step toward a healthy life! Join us on the road to wellness. The new women’s wellness services at The Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center will support you on the road to wellness. Our experienced and compassionate staff will help you achieve your wellness goals, with programs to help you make lifestyle changes to improve your health. Best of all, they’re staffed completely by women, so you’ll feel comfortable getting the care you need. •Massage •Meditation •Mental health counseling •Movement Re-education
• • • •
Naturopathic medicine Nutrition counseling Pilates Plastic surgery
• • • •
Reiki Therapy Yoga General surgery Support Groups
The Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center 111 Beach Road • Fairfield, CT 06824 • tel 203-255-5300 • fax 203-255-5496
Specialized Medical Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center By Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, M.D. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Sometime during middle age, most of us have that moment— the moment when we look in the mirror and ask “what happened?” We still feel young, but our faces tell a different story. We want our faces to project the youth that we feel internally.
Dr. Jeffrey Rosenthal is a oneof-a kind Plastic Surgeon, who was recently chosen as being the best Plastic Surgeon in Fairfield County. His uniqueness stems from taking the trust of his patients very seriously, and though the use of his consummate plastic surgical skills he maintains each patient’s personal identity during the rejuvenation process. Dr. Rosenthal is also a renowned artist who is a photographer, sculptor and painter. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries in the U.S. and France. Dr. Rosenthal is Emeritus, Chief of Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital; he has lectured nationally and internationally and has appeared in magazine articles, radio and television. He has developed personal cosmetic surgical techniques over 25 years to yield a natural and revitalized appearance of the face and body, which will put the vitality and fire back in your life.
There are non-invasive cosmetic procedures available that, in the hands of an experienced doctor, can help us maintain our personal identity while allowing us to look on the outside how we feel on the inside. This requires a great deal of surgical precision and artistry. Plastic surgery and art go hand in hand for Dr. Jeffrey Rosenthal, who has exhibited his artwork both nationally and internationally. Dr. Rosenthal, chief of plastic surgery, emeritus, at Bridgeport Hospital, is in private practice in Fairfield. A plastic surgeon that specializes in cosmetic rejuvenation, he compares the steadiness and precision required as a plastic surgeon to a sculptor carefully carving a unique jewel into a finished masterpiece. “I love to create. Creativity is what I get joy from.” Rosenthal said. There are many non-invasive procedures that can be performed with little or no downtime. Fillers like Juvederm smooth out lip lines and restore lost volume. These revolutionary fillers are also placed into the folds next to the mouth and along the jaw to lift, smooth and fill wrinkles or contour hollow areas. Unlike past fillers, Juvederm is a naturally synthesized product that plumps up the skin and lasts from several months to
over a year. The results can be so remarkable that it is sometimes referred to as “a liquid face lift.”
One of our newest treatments is Echo2 Plus, an oxygen and vitamin therapy. This has been used by one of our aestheticians on Hollywood stars prior to the Oscars. You may not leave with a golden statue as they do, but your skin will look and feel Red Carpet ready. It is an excellent treatment that immediately rejuvenates the skin—perfect for any pre-special occasion in your life.
The manner in which Dr. Rosenthal uses these products is akin to sculpting a face. Merely filling in a line can leave an unnatural appearance; therefore, Dr. Rosenthal fills, lifts, and smoothes the surrounding facial tissues to support and restore a rejuvenated appearance. Dr. Rosenthal uses topical anesthetics and nerve blocks Our skin care specialists have choduring the procedure to make the sen a unique blend of skin care transformation painless. products that moisturize and lessen the look of lines and irregulariAnother popular non-invasive re- ties while activating the underlyjuvenating procedure is the use ing collagen. Damage control with of Botox to smooth out the upper our anti-oxidant line will preserve face. Using Botox, Dr. Rosenthal the luminous look that we all strive can transform a tense and wrin- for. These powerful products are kled forehead into a smooth and medical strength and not available attractive one. He accomplishes in department stores or spas. this by balancing the many muscles in the upper face. When you In addition to the noninvasive profrown, your facial muscles are ac- cedures, Dr. Rosenthal has built tivated. Hence, the objective is to a reputation for his rejuvenating balance the muscles. Just as with and natural looking surgical rea game of Tug of War, by restor- sults. He has shown his expertise ing an even pull on both sides of in facelifts, eyelid surgeries, rhinothe rope, the tension is minimized. plasties, abdominoplasties, breast Tiny amounts of Botox are se- surgeries, and liposuction. lectively placed in the forehead, around the outer lids and within Be confident. Be comfortable the corners of the brows to raise with yourself. Beauty starts from low-lying brows and open the ap- within; let Dr. Rosenthal and his pearance of the eyes. This creates caring staff assist you in the proa rested appearance. cess of improving and caring for your beauty! Let us not forget your skin. Dr. Rosenthal has professional skin care aestheticians on his staff that are trained to evaluate your facial 140 Sherman Street skin and individualize a regimen that will exfoliate, moisturize, pro- Fairfield, Connecticut tect and renew the appearance of your skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.
Fairfield County Woman
Specialized Medical
osenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center
Say hello to an all new you this year! • Facelift • Eyelift • Browlift • Botox • Juvéderm • Liposuction • Tummy Tucks • Breast Surgeries • Ear and Nose Reshaping • Innovative Skin Care • Oxygen Facials • Peels • Microdermabrasion • Professionally Exclusive Products Complimentary Botox, Juvéderm, and Skincare Consultations Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, M.D. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 140 Sherman Street. Fairfield CT 203 335-3223 artofplasticsurgery.com
Fairfield County Woman
Specialized Medical
Medical Volunteers Needed Danbury Clinical Research, LLC (DCR), is a multi-specialty dedicated-research group with an independent outpatient study center located in Danbury, Connecticut. DCR provides our research participants with convenient access to our state-of-the-art medical facility where you will receive excellent care throughout their study participation. Our mission is to provide participants with the opportunity to participate in high quality clinical research studies that give you access to potential new treatments in various therapeutic areas. A clinical study is designed to test the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medicine or device, before these treatments become available for
broad use. Each study has a Principal Investigator responsible for managing the overall study and a team of experienced research staff who regularly monitor each participant and ensure study protocols are followed precisely. By volunteering to participate in a clinical research study, you may be able to help researchers find new treatments. In addition, you may receive free medical care and monitoring, and in some cases, receive compensation for your time as a participant in a study. To determine if you should be a study volunteer, you can talk to your healthcare provider, visit www.ciscrp.org to learn about participation and how your rights are protected as a volunteer, or call our clinic and speak with our certified clinical research coordinator.
Laurie Noreika, Clinical Research Coordinator 203-616-2710, Ext #1 c/o Arnold Lentnek, M.D. Danbury Clinical Research, LLC 16 Hospital Avenue, Suite 201 Danbury, CT 06810
If you are not interested in participating, but know someone who might be, we offer compensation for referrals of qualified participants. Volunteers come to us from many sources - advertising in the local community, health fairs, and referrals from their own physicians as well as their friends. As part of our trials, we conduct a detailed informed consent discussion with the participant, follow all screening protocols required to ensure
that participant meets the study criteria, and provide them with information they need to coordinate their health care effectively with their regular physicians. We also work closely with physicians throughout the community to provide education about the clinical research process as well as specific studies that are emerging that may be of value to a particular group of participants. Participants are referred back to their physician at the conclusion of the trial for routine care.
Danbury Clinical Research, LLC. 16 Hospital Avenue, Suite 201 Danbury, CT 06810 Phone: 203.616.2710, #1 • Fax: 203.791.2206 Email: abarnett@danburyclinical.com Or visit our website at:www.danburyclinical.com
For more information please contact: Laurie Noreika Danbury Clinical Research 16 Hospital Avenue, Suite 201, Danbury, CT 06810 203-616-2710, Ext #1
Fairfield County Woman
Health & Wellness
Catch a Healthy Habit enlighten you! Although tapping is not new, as was shown on The Dr. Oz show, it is only beginning to find its way into the mainstream of health and wellness modalities. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, has been one of the techniques used by hypnotists for many years. It is now also being used by therapists of all kinds, including chiropractors. Why? Because it works! It works with amazing success on emotional, as well as physical issues. It is something you learn to do and then independently continue to enjoy its benefits.
By Fern Tausig, CH Tap Away Emotional Baggage? Hypnosis statistics… If you have tried EVERYTHING else to get relief from those negative emotions and the physical discomfort they have created, it’s time to tap those old feelings away. If you haven’t already heard about the amazing phenomenon of ‘tapping’, let me be the first to
So, what exactly is EFT and how and why does it work? The theory that supports EFT is based on the Chinese system of health that states that energy flows through our bodies along pathways called meridians. If the energy is blocked or disturbed for any reason, ranging from stress and trauma, to bacteria and toxins, it creates dis-ease which can evolve into disease at worst and
negative emotions, at best. The Chinese use needles, massage and herbs to unblock or move the energy. Tapping is an acupressure technique that mimics those processes. EFT is a technique that uses gentle tapping on the ends of specific meridians to alter the energy of the body. It is similar to rebooting your computer. The process involves a combination of verbal statements and physical tapping. I have successfully used this technique with children who had nightmares and anxiety, as well as adults with migraines and emotional or physical distress of all kinds. As a certified hypnotist and coach, I am dedicated to helping clients become their personal best and I always use the most effective technique to accomplish that end. I use EFT, however, with almost every client because it is effective in most situations. The results are always immediate. The issue to work on is measured on a scale of 1-10 of intensity and then measured again after tapping. It is the only therapy I
know that has the benefit of immediate relief. You may wonder how you can use EFT. First observe where you are in your life. Look at the chronic physical or emotional discomfort you may feel in your body. Most people convert emotional distress into physical distress and don’t know how to release it. Listen to your “self – talk”. If it is negative, you can also change that with EFT. On March 23, I am having an EFT workshop to teach each participant how to use this amazing method and how to apply it to a variety of situations. If you would like more information on EFT, hypnosis or hypno-coaching, or if you would like to reserve a spot at this workshop you can contact Fern Tausig at myHealingHypnosis@gmail.com or www.myHealingHypnosis.com. You can also call (203) 283-4567 for a free phone consult with Fern.
Change Your Mind … Change Your Life! How would you like to learn how to use self-hypnosis and other mind-expanding techniques to become the person you’re meant to be with less effort and greater success? Hypnosis is the fastest way known to change your life. What If you could learn how to be your own hypnotist? What if you could reprogram your own brain? If you can learn to drive a car or use the telephone you can learn how to program your mind to make your dreams come true! You were taught how to read, write, add numbers, use your phone, drive your car, and many other essential living skills but until now…you haven’t had the opportunity to learn how to program yourself for happiness or success. You weren’t given the instruction manual on how to use your mind but that’s exactly what you will learn in this workshop! Have you ever wondered what keeps you from being happier or more successful? A lot has to do with the choices you’ve made based on what you believe about yourself. Your choices are a reflection of
Fairfield County Woman
your beliefs and your thinking. If you’ve tried dieting and failed it’s because you’re programmed to believe that losing weight is harder than staying the same. You’ve tried will power and that works for a few days but then your subconscious mind programming takes over and your will power is useless. What if there is a better way to make lasting change that was easier, more automatic, and more effective than anything else you’ve been taught? There is a better way to be successful. It’s learning how to program your mind to turn your dreams into reality.
life and create your own destiny. The result is that you’ll be able to create a compelling future, automatically, and experience incredible breakthroughs in every area of your life. This program has been taught to people from all walks of life – busy executives, housewives, students, teachers, nurses, police officers, people just like you who want to live a fuller, happier, better life.
Learn how the human mind works and how to make it work better for you! For more information about workshops to help you learn how your mind works and how you can make changes that will empower you to become the person you want to be, contact Fern Tausig at 203 283 4567 email at myHealingHypnosis@ gmail.com.
In the Change Your Mind…Change Your Life interactive workshop you will learn: How the human mind worksfor and against you. You’ll learn how you became programmed—and how to change your negative, self-limiting programs. You will learn how to rid yourself of unwanted habits by using mind empowering techniques to live life on your terms. At last, you’ll be empowered to take control of your
Health & Wellness
Are you tired from working out and not able to stay in shape? Then lose inches with Lypossage! “I lost 9 lbs and 10 inches off my waist and lower body.” Each Lypossage session lasts about 30 minutes and are performed in a series of 18 sessions over the course of 6-9 weeks. It is important to note that for most clients, it takes 8-10 sessions before the results of the initial treatments become noticeable. After that, progress can often be quite dramatic.
By Sergiana Bruno, B.S., LMT, MMP Certified Lypotherapist What is Lypossage and is it safe? Lypossage is a non-invasive, natural health treatment that helps to cleanse the body of toxins and retained fluids. Most clients find that Lypossage enhances their energy and mental clarity. While there are some contraindications for specific medical conditions, Lypossage can be safely experienced by most healthy individuals. It is much safer than surgical procedures such as liposuction. However, for those who opt for a more dramatic surgical result, Lypossage can be very beneficial before and after the liposuction procedure. Who can perform my Lypossage treatments? Lypossage Practitioners are specially trained massage and body professionals who have learned this extraordinary hands-on-technique and are certified to practice under the Lypossage name. How are my treatments scheduled?
What are the Zones and benefits in Lypossage? Zone 1 (Thighs, buttocks, and abdomen) • Contours from knees to waist • Reduces Cellulite • Smoothes texture of skin, fat, muscle • Increases elasticity of all tissue • Uplifts buttocks • Decreases size of abdomen • Deep detoxification of thighs, buttocks, and abdomen • Decreases PMS symptoms • Improved posture • Decreased appetite • Eliminated pain in inner thighs Zone 2 (Upper Abdominals, Chest, Back, Arms) • Contours from waist to base of neck • Reduce flabby arms • Perfect for women who suffered Breast Cancer/Breast Disease • Reduce Lymphoedema • Lifts breasts as posture improves • Decreases fat pocket at armpit • Tones arms • Decreases or eliminates rolls around ribcage • Deep detoxification of chest, back, and arms • Stronger lungs • Decreased PMS symptoms • Balanced immune function • Improved posture • Cleansing of Fibrocystic breasts • Reduced blood pressure Zone 3 (Face and Neck) • Firms facial tissue • Smoothes texture of skin • Increases elasticity of all tissue
• Deep detoxification • Decreased allergy symptoms • Gets rid of jowls • Gets rid of dark circles around eyes • Gets rid of eye puffiness What are some typical results and how will I know what mine are? While results vary, cumulative dimension loss over five key measuring points in Zone 1 averaged 6.75 inches in the original study. It is not uncommon to find cumulative inch loss of up to 13 or 14 inches. Most women find that they will drop one or two dress sizes without a significant reduction in their weight. Your Lypossage Practitioner will weigh, measure, and photograph you before you begin your program and at key intervals to track your progress.
Lypossage results that they readily adopt lifestyle changes that help them make progress more rapidly. A diet rich in whole, organic foods and regular body movement will contribute to a terrific outcome. Avoiding foods containing refined sugars, preservatives, hormones, caffeine, and salt will keep your newly detoxified body in the best shape possible. Drinking significant amounts of water is also key to keeping the body hydrated and cleansed. What should I do on my own to enhance the results of my treatment? We recommend that you follow an athome body care regime, including specialized Lypossage treatment products to stimulate circulation in cellulite-prone areas, exfoliate and hydrate the skin, as well
Testimonial “I wanted to share my thoughts with you on my more than positive experience with Lypossage. Wow!! After having 2 children, I always hoped to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but could not lose those 15lbs. Well, Lypossage has helped me get close to it. I lost 9lbs and 10 inches off my waist and lower body. I did not expect to achieve these results in just few months. Lypossage is the answer to women who want to lose those inches quickly; who workout and can’t seem to lose those few inches; a new mom that wants to lose the baby fat. You performed Zone 1-now I am able to wear jeans I could barely squeeze my waistline into last year. My rear end is smaller now, something I can definitely feel and see when wearing my jeans. I’m thinking maybe next summer I can wear a bikini again! Just the other day a friend said “you lost weight; I noticed it right away!” I feel a lot healthier and energetic, and it’s been great for my self esteem. I feel younger (which is a plus when you’re almost 45) and more vibrant. It really works! I’m coming back for Zone 2.” - Elaine, Stamford CT
Is there a special diet or exercise program? Though the individuals in the Lypossage study were restricted from initiating any new diet or exercise program during the course of their treatments, we find that most clients become so inspired by their
as improve it’s tone and elasticity. The Lypossage Home Care Collection should be available to you through your Lypossage Practitioner and provides state of the art spa formulas that will bring your skin and body into beautiful condition.
Call Today For a Free Consultation 203-807-3238
156 East Ave. • 2nd Floor • Norwalk, CT 06851 • 203-548-7292 Therapeuticbodywork.2@gmail.com • www.painlesshealing.com 14 MARCH/APRIL
Fairfield County Woman
Psychology With Style
CREATING and LIVING A MAGICAL LIFE: Part I I am sitting on the top floor of the Starbucks in Fairfield. It is a snowy winter of? His response was: “Nothing.” So if you have done nothing that you feel day and I am once again contemplating what makes life magical. This morn- proud of or energized by then how could you not wake up and feel sad?” I ing I had a psychology/coaching session with a man in his early forties who responded. For many of us, it is not enough to make a living, take care of our used to be an investment banker. Several years ago, he went through a bru- family and hang out with our friends. Each of us needs to find our purpose, tal depression and quit his job. In his twenties, he loved many aspects of be- live our passion and fulfill our desires. When we are stymied from doing so as ing a banker; the technology research, the challenge of landing new clients John surely had been, anxiety and depression are inevitable. and the intensity of creating and delivering pitches. However, the hours, the travel and the “jerks” that he inIn general, there are three core teracted with on a daily basis took components to creating and livtheir toll. After years of non-stop ing a magical Life. First, you must “Have a purpose, travel, hundred hour work weeks, desire it. If you examine your life, and mental exhaustion, he finally notice that most, if not all, of the be present and playful, sat down with his boss to ask for things that are proud of have hardcreate a community in more flexibility and less travel. His ly showed up by chance. Instead, boss told him that his two young you have created them through which you feel a sense of children wouldn’t know what they a combination of intention, hard belonging, and engage were missing. This conversation work, and creativity. The second turned out to be the last straw. At step is to deserve it. You must dein deep friendships. 35, John had finally had enough serve a great life in order to create This is how I do life.” and walked away. He went out one or your subconscious mind on his own and after two years of will sabotage it. The subconscious hard work his new startup failed. mind is very powerful and is often - dr. brett denkin More depression followed. John programmed with fear, negativity, turned to psychiatry only to find and limiting beliefs. These underlyhimself in the endless abyss of psying “mines” get in the way of creatchotropic medication. Early on the ing the life you want. The third step morning of our first session I had is to know how. The knowhow can a vision in my meditation of Mibe complicated and multi-faceted. chael Jackson being more or less “killed” by medications his docFor close to twenty years, I have tors prescribed. This was highly worked with thousands of people unusual since I never think of Miand their countless stories of makchael Jackson! When John walked ing less than desirable decisions, in my door four hours later, I recincluding poor relationship choicognized within ten minutes that es, staying far too long in unfulfillmy vision was no coincidence. ing careers, or not caring enough John was taking seven different about their health. Indeed, many medications for anxiety, depreswere simply acting out unconsion, and mood instability. He scious behavior patterns because had been diagnosed as bi-polar, they are familiar and comfortable, could barely walk straight, had rerather than listening to their inner cently attempted suicide and felt wisdom and doing what was right Lawyer Phil Doctor Brett Show profoundly sad. He was a broken for them, the consequences havBeginning March 16th 2011 listen for dr. brett denkin on man. For all intents and purposes, ing a dramatic negative impact on WSTC/WNLK 1350/1400 Wednesday nights 9-10pm. he was being “killed” himself by a their lives. The lesson here is that psychiatrist whom I can only assume was well-intentioned. Within six weeks in order to have success in life and business, we must learn to develop and of our initial session he was off all medications, exercising daily and feeling trust our own inner wisdom and then take consistent action to change old much better overall. His diagnosis was flat wrong. John had no sense of pur- habits, limiting beliefs, and poor communication. pose. This morning he came in wondering why he continued to feel sad from time to time. I asked him this: “What have you done with your life over the dr. brett denkin, past five years outside of taking care of your children that you feel proud Psychologist, Consultant, Coach
Fairfield County Woman
Dental Wellness
Smile and the Whole World Smiles with You ... A Natural Wonder A smile is an outer expression of a happy inner self. We as human beings know this innately. A smile is a spontaneous event that starts at birth. These first reflex smiles are innate and are believed to make newborns more appealing to keep them safer. Even though these neo-natal smiles have no emotions attached to them, they still have a contagious effect on the adoring parents, family and anyone who can see this smile. As we develop and age, a smile captures much more meaning than the spontaneous event that it started as in the beginning. A smile is more than charming; it is essentially a component which lays the foundation to ones social and emotional
well-being. It is a way to share positive emotions with other people. It reflects optimism, happiness, contentment and self–confidence.
to ones unique considerations.
For some people, a smile doesn’t come as naturally as it does to others. It is not too uncommon for many people to be conscious of their smile. This can be due to missing or misaligned teeth, gaps, or stained or discolored teeth, or possibly a “gummy’ smile. At Esthetique Dentistry, we offer smile enhancement to help patients get the smile that they have always desired. We literally can design a smile to meet the patient’s desires for the appearance of their own smile, thus allowing them to have no inhibitions of expressing on the outside, how they really feel on the inside.
• Position of teeth and gums The teeth play a very important role in creating a perfect smile. In order for your smile to be appealing and aesthetic, the teeth have to be in the right proportion and correctly aligned. Along with the teeth, the gums, technically known as the gingiva also play a significant role. There is certain proportion of pink to white, which has to be maintained for the smile to be pleasing and beautiful.
In our experience, it has been a life changing event for people who have gone through this transformation. It is a journey that we travel with our patients step by step to an outcome which most of the time is like metamorphosis. When transforming a patient’s smile, we first try to understand the inner needs and desires of the patient. A beautiful smile comes together only with real understanding of what is the inner need of a patient. It requires little bit of introspection on part of the patient and accurate treatment planning, harmonious smile designing and a clear vision of the outcome by a well-trained cosmetic dentistry team. Smile designing takes into consideration the overall facial appearance, the positioning of the lips, the relationship of teeth to each other and a harmonious interplay of facial muscles with the above. Smile enhancements are customized according
A healthy, esthetic smile from a dental point of few has four components….
• Contour and shape of teeth The teeth need to be of the right shape to be in harmony with the rest of the face. The same size and shape of teeth in one smile would look very esthetic, while in another, they may not. Generally considered, we use slightly flatter teeth with a slightly different amount of tooth display for a man, with a softer, curvier tooth for a woman. It is still important to display front teeth dominantly and create a warm, harmony with the rest of the patients face. It is less about male versus female and more about what looks good in someone’s mouth. If a person is a softer featured person or a vigorous dominant person it will show in their smile display and size and shape of their teeth. • Color and shade of teeth The color of your teeth is very important. We live in a society that has high regards for shiny white teeth. Although some people may not have white teeth as their natural teeth color because of their genetic composition or they may have habits which change the tooth color, there are a lot of methods we can opt for in order to gain a white and lustrous smile. • Harmony of all these with the structures of the face It is necessary to have the teeth in harmony with the face, the lip line, and the curvature of the mouth. Your facial shape can determine how you want the
teeth to look. For example, a long face may need to accentuate width to appear more oval. Someone with attractive features in the center of the face may need bold central incisors to draw attention to that center. The Inner need of the individual How do you want to appear to others? A sophisticated smile gives the appearance of more intelligence, maturity and judgment. A sexy smile gives the appearance of more warmth, energy and boldness. Your age, or how old you want to appear? Longer central incisors make you appear younger. Also, whiter teeth make you appear younger. Conversely, a flatter smile or a more subdued color to the teeth make you appear more mature How can we assist you in a step-wise manner to enhance your smile? At Esthetique Dentistry, our philosophy is to enhance the smile and the underlying beauty and not create an artificial look. We first make sure the teeth and the gingiva are healthy, teeth are in the proper position. In essence the oral cavity is free of disease process, all restorations are taken care of and in some case orthodontics (braces or Invisalign) may be required, for optimal enhancement results, especially to bring teeth in an optimized position. Once the above is achieved and teeth are brought into proper positioning, we make sure the gum tissues are properly contoured with laser contouring to get the proper gingival shape around the teeth. In some cases, gingival grafting may give a more ideal result. Then we address the shape and color of the teeth themselves. In some cases, a simple Zoom tooth whitening may be all that is needed. In other cases, microabrasion of the enamel may be needed. And yet in other cases, veneers ( minimal or no prep or conventional veneers) or metal free ceramic crowns may give the optimal results.
At Esthetique Dentistry we practice the old fashioned art of caring for our patients in a state of the art environment … Ann E. Hogan, DDS
Fairfield County Woman
Dental Wellness The end result of a smile enhancement for many people is a smile to be proud of, one that is appealing with underlying teeth being healthy, bright and well aligned.
ize what our patient’s needs and desires are, as well as expectations. We respect the fact that our lives really are directly affected by what our smile says about us.
Most of our patients have shared with us that this smile enhancement has made them more confident and more appealing. Some have moved up on the ladder of promotions, and have felt that they have been approached with options which they would not have been otherwise. They have observed that this smile enhancement has incited them to smile more often at meetings, appointments or social outings; and they feel that people have reacted to them in a more positive way. We, as our patients, all believe that one of the greatest assets a person can have is a appealing smile that shows beautiful natural-looking teeth.
Every patient is unique and so is every smile. Every patient’s idea of a perfect smile is as much unique, therefore this initial meeting is incredibly important to get to understanding each other. At this initial consultation, we will take a series of extraoral and intraoral photographs, a complete set of xrays, as well as take dental impressions to make models of the teeth, which are all necessary to do comprehensive smile design and planning. We will then come up with recommended options and work together to get the optimal esthetic and functional results that you desire.
Smile Simulation At Esthetique Dentistry, we offer a smile simulation based on our smile designing before we change a single thing in your mouth. We take pictures before we start, and according to a patients wants and needs, we design a smile. Thanks to today’s advancements in technology, we can show you photos of what your new smile will look like before we start any of the procedures. This ensures that we are all heading for the same goals and you get to see how you could enhance your smile with various options.
In what is often considered a selfconscious society, looking and feeling good is an increasingly important aspect of life, for both young and old. Indeed, it is important to keep fit and healthy, whilst we all aspire to improve the way we look and to always feel the awe of the natural wonder………….. the smile.
What to expect at your smile enhancement appointment at Esthetique Dentistry At Esthetique Dentistry, we can help you to have the smile you have always desired. The first visit is of paramount importance at our office. This is where we get to know each other and real-
“I can’t find words to express my deepest appreciation for my implants. After years of bridges to longer bridges and eventual dentures, my bone was deteriorating and my dentures were continually rocking and giving me problems. After I was told that I couldn’t have implants done because my bone had resorbed too much, I felt so hopeless. Thank you for making what I was told impossible, POSSIBLE. “ EJH- Lake George “The two things I remember most about my dental implants are how fast and painless the procedure was, and how completely normal I felt the next morning. Now that the crown has been attached to my implant, it feels and looks like my original tooth.” JP- Stamford “I was tired of my dentures always slipping. It was embarrassing and I was uncomfortable talking and eating with others. Adhesives were difficult to use and they never seemed to work. Dr. Hogan suggested dental implants to stabilize my denture two years ago when she first met me, and this year I finally went through with it. The surgeon at Esthetique Dentistry had a wonderful personality that matched his skill and competence. The procedure was easy and now my dentures stay in place no matter where I am or what I eat. Thank you so much.” EE- Stamford
Contact Us Today to Schedule your Appointment 26 Strawberry Hill Avenue • Suite 2F • Stamford, CT 06902 203.348.9338 • www.EsthetiqueDentistry.com
Fairfield County Woman
Personalized Pharmacy
Do You Know Where to Fill Your Custom-Made Prescription? Established in 1995, Bryce Rx Labs is a licensed pharmacy practice that specializes in the compounding of medications. By offering an alternative to commercially available products, which match patients to prescriptions, physicians can now match prescription requirements to individual patient needs. Starting with approved FDA chemicals, each prescription is custom formulated for you as per your physician’s direction. We are not a retail pharmacy with a compounding component, but a compounding only pharmacy located conveniently off of the Merritt Parkway (Exit 35) at 30 Buxton Farms Road in Stamford, CT. Parking is readily available. Bryce Rx Labs has been in Stamford for 11 years and recently moved to the new location. Founder and owner Robert P. Giuliano, MS, RPH, ABDP, was previously the Pharmacy Director for two New York City teaching hospitals, as well as the founder of United States Home Health Care Company, a home IV/nursing pharmacy, before starting Bryce. Bryce Rx Labs is modeled after a hospital pharmacy operation which has been transposed to the ambulatory sector, and as such, Bryce is able to service the needs of both physicians and patients. Our pharmacists and technicians are trained in principles of compounding and aseptic techniques. We work ex-
tensively with specialty care practices and institutions with a focus on the compounding of all sterile parenternal formulations (including preservative free and/or preserved injectables, irrigating solutions, opthalmics, nasal sprays, etc.) At Bryce Rx Labs, we also compound prescriptions for the following disciplines (this list is not inclusive): Urology (erectile dysfunction and sexual health), Women’s Health (Bio-Identical Hormonal Replacement Therapies [BHRT] and female sexual dysfunction), Pain Management (injectibles and transdermals), Veterinarian, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Lactation, Pediatrics and many, many others. We recently updated our website, www.brycerx.com, to include the convenience of an on-line prescription refill. Since most people are not familiar with what a compounding pharmacy can provide, specifically Bryce RX Labs, here are some benefits of prescription compounding: • Strengths not commercially available. Compounding assures all patients that they can have the precise dose they need. • Form not commercially available. Compounding allows the best drug delivery system options for patient and physician. Oral, injection, sup-
For additional information, please call 800 RX USA RX (800 798 7279) and ask to speak with a pharmacist. 30 Buxton Farms Road Stamford, Connecticut 06905 www.brycerx.com 18 MARCH/APRIL
pository, or transdermal routes are all possible. Also, compounding provides for many drugs not currently manufactured or in dosage forms not currently available. • Improve or eliminate undesirable flavors by substituting custom-made flavors that kids really love! Flavoring can be used in pet medications as well. • Changing the usual route of administration. Bryce Rx pharmacists can alter traditional routes of delivery. For instance, a flavored sublingual (under the tongue lozenge) for a hard-to-swallow pill or a transdermal cream in place of injections. • Eliminate preservatives, dyes, and potential allergens. People with asthma or hypoallergenic patients will benefit from prescriptions that are compounded preservative-free or dyefree or that use alternative “fillers.” • Sugar intolerance. Compounded syrups with non-caloric sweeteners help diabetics control blood glucose. • Discontinued drugs. Occasionally, drug companies discontinue production of effective drugs which are no longer profitable to them. If this happens, Bryce Rx pharmacists can very often duplicate that formula. Bryce Rx Laboratories, Inc. specializes in the formulation of drugs that are not commercially available or may be unavailable due to a drug shortage. Our pharmacists use state-of-the-art technology with FDA approved chemicals so that your finished medication meets your doctor’s exact specifications. Backed with this advanced technology and a complete inventory of USP chemicals and formulas, Bryce Rx Labs pharmacists can compound practically any medication. From topical creams and lozenges to veterinary medications, bioidentical hormones, to impotence injections prepared in a state of the art “clean room”, your prescriptions will be prepared individually by an experienced Compounding Pharmacist. Our staff of pharmacists are available at Bryce Rx Labs for patient consultations, 800 792-7279. Our most frequently asked question
is “Why don’t you Accept Insurance Plans?” There are so many insurance plans available that we have decided to focus our expertise on solving your medication problems and to let insurance companies utilize their expertise in solving insurance related needs. The Universal Compounding Insurance Form, which you can submit directly to your insurance carrier, is provided to patients with all dispensed prescriptions. These forms, when submitted by patients directly to their insurance carrier, should result in payment coverage for their compounded prescription(s). If you need assistance, or if other forms are required by your insurance carrier, our billing department will gladly assist in completing whatever paperwork is required. Another frequently asked question is “What is BHRT and does it provide patient benefits?” The chemical structure of Bio-Identical Hormones (“BHRT”) is exactly equivalent to the hormones the body produces. For example, the recent publicity regarding the findings of the “Women’s Health Initiative” (WHI), an extensive study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that synthetic hormones pose a serious health risk to women, not so with BHRT compounds. The findings report that the solution is replacing the synthetics with BHRT, which restore the body’s hormone balance at the cellular level, identical to what the body no longer produces in effective quantities on its own. All compounded prescriptions require a prescription from your physician. The prescription can be faxed in by your physician’s office, you can mail it or drop it off to our facility. For additional information, please call us at 800 RX USA RX (800 798 7279) and ask to speak with a pharmacist. Although appointments are suggested, you are welcome to tour our facility at anytime.
Fairfield County Woman
Personalized Pharmacy
Do you know where to fill your custom-made prescription?
NOW YOU DO For additional information, please call 800 RX USA RX (800 798 7279) and ask to speak with a pharmacist. Bryce Rx Laboratories, Inc. 30 Buxton Farms Road Stamford, Connecticut 06905 www.brycerx.com
Fairfield County Woman
Know Your Child’s Educational and Juvenile Rights PRESENTED BY ADELE R. JACOBS, ESQ. AND PIPER A. PAUL, ESQ.
Educational Rights
Have you been told by the school your child is not doing well because they simply are not trying? Have you been asked “what is going on at home�? Did your child perform poorly on the CMTs? Does your child often feel sick before going to school or visit the nurse frequently while at school? Does your child frequently get into trouble? Has your child been suspended or expelled? These are all red flags and as a parent or legal guardian you need to take immediate action to protect your child to ensure your child receives an appropriate education. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) children with learning, neurological, behavioral and medical differences are protected, and services must be in place so your child can have access to the education to which they are entitled. All states must follow this federal law. States can provide more protection than granted under the federal law, but not less.
The law requires that students be mainstreamed to the maximum extent possible. The days of locking or segregating students into separate rooms are gone and parents need to be aware of this. Appropriate testing is required by law to determine if a child has any specific learning difference that need to be addressed. The law requires that scientifically based research programs be used to address students’ different learning styles and that progress be carefully monitored and that there are many protections in the law which parents or legal guardians need to learn so that they can effectively advocate for their child. Teachers and staff members are often hard working, and genuinely want what’s best for your children, however, their hands are often tied by administrators. You should learn your rights, and the rights of your child, so you can effectively insure your child can access their education.
Know Your Rights When Your Child is Bullied
Connecticut law requires boards of education to publish bullying policies for the students. Boards must create and impleIn Connecticut, a child has a right to an ed- ment policies to address bullying in their ucation, and there are many procedures schools. Connecticut law defines bullying and safeguards to protect children with as “any overt act by a student or a group disabilities. Parents or legal guardians also of students directed against another stuhave rights, and there are many procedur- dent with the intent to ridicule, harass, INJURY al and substantive rules that PERSONAL must be fol- humiliate or intimidate the other student !1.5 &11 3/:7.*8 @ @ lowed by the school system. while on school grounds, on a school bus, 43897:(9.43 ((.)*398 @ @ or at a school-sponsored activity.� Boards 4, .9*8 @ @ The mission of IDEA is to “ensure that all must inform all students annually of their *+*(9.;* 74):(9 @ @ children with disabilities have available right to file complaints, and schools must #38&+* 74):(98 @ @ to them a free appropriate public educa- report these incidents to the State De 1&>,74:3) !(-441 3/:7.*8 @ @ tion, that emphasizes special education partment of Education. Recent statisand related services designed to meet tics on bullying indicate that over 80% of their unique needs and prepare them for ACCIDENTS AUTO children are bullied during their school further education, employment, and inde- careers, &7 ((.)*398 @ @ least 10% of children and that at 4947(>(1* ((.)*398 @ @ pendent living.� Schools are responsible are subjected to repetitive bullying and/or @ for educating students until they either "7:(0 ((.)*398 @ harassment throughout their schooling. #3.38:7*) 4947.898 @ @ graduate from high school, or turn 21. 3/:7.*8 "4 *)*897.&38 @ There are things that can be done to help @ protect your child,@ and you should not 7:30 7.;*7 @ Parents or legal guardians must follow hesitate .9 @ counsel in bullying to seek:3 @ legal their instincts when they sense that some- situations. thing is wrong. It is important to seek MEDICAL MALPRACTICE legal advice as soon as possible to learn Juvenile Disciplinary Rights Wrongfuland Death @ @ what needs to be done to protect your Children frequently get into trouble, Brainwho Damage @ @ child and how to navigate the complexSpinal Injuries @ @ and out of school and Cord receive in school world of special education law. Many par- suspensions, Birth Injury @ rights. When your have @ @ ents are reluctant to initiate anything that child Misdiagnosis is frequently @in trouble, it is a red Nursing Home Neglect @ @ could be perceived as making waves. Your flag. Children are not Misconduct @ @ inherently bad, and child’s education is the greatest gift youSurgical children do not want to get into trouble. give them. Fear should not guide you. Stamford Danbury
203.648.4419 MARCH/APRIL
AdId: R 2000901 - 01 CustId: 1200081896 Dir/Iss: FFMCT YP1 08/2008 UDAC: DT - PCW ATTUID: md5295 Date: 06/17/2008 08:48:AM
203.517.4632 YPH: 100263 Attorneys YPSH:
Getting into trouble is a warning sign that your child needs help, and that intervention is needed immediately. The law requires positive behavior reinforcements, not punitive. Often schools have resource officers in schools that are frequently in touch with the local police, leading to arrests in school. Arrests out of school are often reported to the Superintendent of Schools which can trigger a suspension or expulsion hearing. Suspensions can turn into expulsion hearings, and before you know it, your child is no longer allowed in the public school they were attending. Your child has rights that must be protected. It is strongly advised that you be represented by counsel at expulsion hearings, and that your counsel be very familiar with educational law, expulsion/suspension law, and criminal law. There are many concerns if your child is arrested at school, and has a pending juvenile case. Our firm
handles educational, juvenile, and criminal matters. Your child’s 5th amendment rights must be protected. Children and parents /legal guardians have many rights, and you should not agree to an expulsion, or a transfer to another school, without first consulting with an experienced attorney.
If you have a child who you suspect may have educational issues, is being bullied, or is being brought to an expulsion or suspension hearing, the attorneys at Jacobs & Quiles, LLC stand ready to assist you. Attorney Piper Paul, of counsel to our office, is an experienced special education attorney, and will be happy to meet with you and discuss your case. Feel free to contact us at: 203-332-7700 for an appointment. Law Professional
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Fairfield County Woman
AdId: R 2000901 - 01 CustId: 1200081896 Dir/Iss: FFMCT YP1 08/2008 UDAC: DT - PCW Rep: 14564 - ag4716 ATTUID: md5295 GAUDIO ANTHONY Date: 06/17/2008 08:48:AM
203.502.7330 Fairfield County Woman
YPH: 100263 Attorneys YPSH: Rep: 14564 - ag4716 GAUDIO ANTHONY
Estate Tax Planning for an Uncertain 2011 $500,000.00 and that many professionals carry in excess of $1,000,000.00 in life insurance coverage, it is not difficult in this area to have an estate that is valued in excess of the estate tax exemption. See www.city-data.com/county/ Fairfield_County-CT.html The following are some of the ways in which an estate planning attorney can assist you in saving your family from paying unnecessary estate taxes in 2011: 1. Leave Your Assets to your Spouse and Make Gifts to Charities
As part of the Bush tax cuts the federal estate tax was eliminated in 2010, but is set to return in 2011 and rise to an astounding fifty-five percent (55.00%) and affect all estates in excess of $1 million dollars. Recent reports have indicated that the White House may have reached an agreement with congressional Republicans under which the estate tax rate would be set at 35% for the next two years and affect only estates over $5 million. See “Obama Attempts to Quell Democratic Unrest on Tax Deal”, Wall Street Journal, December 7, 2010. The fact remains that no one is sure what is to come or what our estate tax laws will look like in the future. Due to this great uncertainty, it is important to know how our estate tax laws will look in 2011 and know your available estate planning options. Effective as of January 1, 2011, the first $1 million of any estate will not be taxed by the federal government; meaning estates that are valued under $1 million will not be taxed at all. This means that for any person dying in 2011 that they can pass $1 million of their assets tax-free. This is referred to as your estate tax exemption. Most middle and lower class families cannot imagine having an estate in excess of $1 million. However imaginable or not, for any family located in Fairfield County this is not a large number. In calculating the value of an estate the IRS includes many of the following assets: (i) value of your home; (ii) life insurance proceeds; (iii) retirement accounts; (iv) investments; (v) collectibles; and (vi) cash. Given the fact that the average home in Fairfield County is worth a little less than
Fairfield County Woman
Leaving property to your spouse or to charity is the simplest way to save on estate taxes. Any bequest to your spouse is tax free and is not subject to estate tax. In fact in Connecticut, if you fail under your Last Will & Testament to leave any assets to your spouse, he or she can take a spousal election which gives them the right to use 1/3 of the estate for the rest of their life. See Connecticut General Statues §45a-436. In addition, bequests to charities are valid deductions that can reduce the value of your estate. By way of an example, let’s assume your half interest in your home is worth $250,000.00, you have a retirement account of $250,000.00 and life insurance in the amount of $750,000.00 for a total estate value of $1.250 million. If you leave your entire estate to your spouse it will pass tax-free. However, if you want to leave the bulk of the assets to your children, it can still pass tax free if you elect to leave at least $250,000 in some combination to your spouse and charity. There will be no tax on the $250,000 you left to charity and your spouse, and your heirs will not have to pay estate taxes on the $1 million remaining estate because it passes tax free under the federal estate tax exemption. 2. Leave $1 million in a Credit Shelter or Bypass Trust You can create a Credit Shelter or Bypass Trust as part of your Last Will & Testament sheltering your federal tax exemption. Example 1: Simple Last Will & Testament The Smith’s, a married couple, have a combined estate worth $2 million. Mr. Smith dies in January 2011 leaving his
one half of the estate ($1 million) to Mrs. Smith with no tax planning provisions in his Last Will & Testament. The resulting estate tax will be $0.00. However, Mrs. Smith dies later that year and she leaves the entire $2 million estate to the Smith’s children. For Mrs. Smith’s estate the children will be able to use her tax exemption of $1 million, but cannot use Mr. Smith’s exemption, which was used when Mr. Smith passed his assets to Mrs. Smith. The result is a taxable estate of $1 million and an estate tax in the area of $400,000+.
appreciates the increase in value is also removed from your estate.
Example 2: Credit Shelter or Bypass Trust
If Mr. & Mrs. Smith want to maintain some control over their gifts, they can protect the money while still complying with the $13,000 per person per year gift tax exemption by leaving the money in trust for each child and making use of Crummey letters. See Internal Revenue Code §2503(b). Under these types of trusts the gifts are in essence limited and delayed until the Smith’s die.
Using the Smiths again, with their same $2 million estate, Mr. Smith dies first, but this time under his Last Will & Testament he leaves $1 million to a Credit Shelter or Bypass Trust for the use and benefit of Mrs. Smith, which will then pass to their children upon the death of Mrs. Smith. The estate tax for Mr. Smith’s estate is still zero. Also, under the tax laws the money put in trust for the use and benefit of Mrs. Smith is deemed not to be a part of Mrs. Smith’s estate. When Mrs. Smith dies, Mr. Smith’s $1 million passes to the children tax free under Mr. Smith’s federal tax exemption, and Mrs. Smith’s $1 million also passes to the children tax free under her federal tax exemption. The Trust preserves Mr. Smith’s tax exemption of $1 million resulting in an estate tax bill of $0.00 and a tax savings of more than $400,000.00. 3. Life Insurance Planning As mentioned above, unless planned for properly, the proceeds of your life insurance will likely be included in your taxable estate. By consulting an estate planning attorney you can avoid those consequences through the formation of an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT). Under an ILIT the trust owns and holds your life insurance in trust for the benefit of your beneficiaries. Our federal estate tax laws provide that once three (3) years have passed the Trust is deemed to be the owner of the policy, meaning it is likely that no estate tax will need to be paid on the proceeds of the policy (be sure to consult with an attorney to insure that you comply with the strict rules and procedures). Perhaps more importantly, with a whole life insurance policy it means that if the value of the policy
4. Lifetime Gifts Every individual person can gift up to $13,000 to another person per year taxfree. A couple in turn can gift twice as much. Let’s say the Smiths have 3 children, each of whom is married. They can gift to each child and their respective spouse a total of $156,000 per year taxfree. Any amount over this will be subject to the gift tax.
What is the benefit of all of these gifts? Simply put, gifts once made are removed from the value of your estate. For example, assume the Smith’s gifted the $156,000 described above in 2011 (or placed the money in trust making use of Crummey letters), the money was invested, and the value of the gifts grows to $300,000 at the time the Smith’s die. Now the Smith’s have gifted $300,000 to their children without paying any estate tax. Contact your estate planning attorney to determine if any of these suggestions, or alternative planning techniques, may be used to save your heirs from paying federal estate tax.
50 Washington Street, Suite 510 Norwalk, CT 06854 T.203.750.5868 F.203.750.5968 rjs@sandorlaw.com www.sandorlaw.com twitter: @sandorlaw DISCLAIMER: IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: Under regulations issued by the U.S. Treasury, to the extent that tax advice is contained in this correspondence (or any attachment hereto), you are advised that such tax advice is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used by you, or any party to whom this correspondence is shown, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending the tax advice addressed herein to any other party.
Women in Profile Jeffrey Rosenthal, M.D. Jeffrey Rosenthal, M.D., is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon specializing in cosmetic surgery and facial rejuvenation. He was Chief of Plastic Surgery at Bridgeport Hospital and has been in private practice for 25 years. Dr. Rosenthal specializes in cosmetic surgery which results in a natural-looking appearance that can only be accomplished by combining art and science. He uses his creativity and imagination to achieve balance and harmony, be it as a surgeon, artist, poet, writer, sculptor, illustrator or inventor. Dr. Rosenthal has said, “My art enhances my surgery by allowing me to be creative while embellishing the individual and personal identity.” His powers of visualization and imagination are coupled with skilled hands which allow him to successfully meld together art and plastic surgery. “Plastic Surgery is an art form that allows you to feel good about yourself by either restoring or rejuvenating a natural healthy appearance.” “The blending of art and science has always been my artistic endeavor and I have found that there is no higher form of art than to sculpt and redesign the human body.” Dr. Rosenthal deems himself fortunate to have had three art exhibitions in France as well as showings in Westport and Stamford Connecticut; Discovery Museum, Bridgeport; Fairfield University, Walsh Art Center Gallery; and in New York City. Dr. Rosenthal memberships have included: The Connecticut Board of Plastic Surgeons Executive Committee, Operating Room Committee at Bridgeport Hospital, Medical Executive Committee at the Surgery Center of Fairfield County, and the Connecticut State Medical Insurance Committee. Additionally, Dr. Rosenthal is the Chairperson for a national medical book review service. His reviews of plastic surgery texts and writing reach 300,000 subscribers and medical librarians in the country. He has lectured both nationally and internationally on plastic surgery topics and has had numerous articles written about his art in combination with cosmetic surgery. Likewise, these subjects have been discussed during appearances and interviews on both radio and television. Rosenthal Cosmetic Surgery & Skin Care Center • Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, M.D., Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 140 Sherman Street, Fairfield, Connecticut 06824, 203-335-3223 Web: www.artofplasticsurgery.com
Anya Kishinevsky, M.D. Plastic surgeon Anya Kishinevsky`s high level of training and experience has helped her develop a reputation for excellence in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology after graduating with honors from Johns Hopkins University in 1996. She received her residency training in general surgery at the Montefiore Medical Center at New York`s Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 2000, and her training in plastic surgery at the Yale New Haven Hospital in 2003. Dr. Anya Kishinevsky stays committed to continuing her education and training to provide her patients with plastic surgery services of the highest quality. In 2005 she received rhinoplasty training in Texas under world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Jack P. Gunter. She also received training in facial aesthetic surgery at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. Dr. Kishinevsky believes in giving back to the community and frequently participates in charitable missions abroad, to provide free reconstructive surgery for children in need around the world. She is fluent in Russian, French, and Hebrew, and conversational in Spanish.
Adele R. Jacobs, Esq. Adele R. Jacobs has over 25 years of experience in the personal injury arena in Connecticut and New York. Prior to opening her own practice to represent the rights of injured plaintiffs in Connecticut, Ms. Jacobs had more than 10 years of experience as an insurance defense attorney in New York City. As one of the premier solo female litigators in the area, her goal has been to give the personal touch needed by injured people, or those who have lost a loved one, while using her expertise and tough mindedness to guide them through our challenging legal system. Her warm and friendly style with clients sets them at ease from the moment they enter her doors, and her experience and expertise, as well as her willingness to go the extra mile, make those clients certain they have come to the right place. With the recent addition of two associates, the ability to provide personal attention has grown even further. Ms. Jacobs has always been involved in community activities by serving on local and statewide community boards, and supporting many philanthropic causes. Ms. Jacobs has been recognized by her peers in Connecticut Magazine as one of Connecticut’s top attorneys for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, as well as New England Top Attorneys for 2009 and 2010.
Gina Brillon
Actress Comedian and writer Gina was born and raised in Bronx New York. She attended Mary Mount Manhattan College studying creative writing and communication. Gina’s first taste of comedy was at a very young age when she was entered in a comedy contest with her twin sister Debbie they won the competition and Gina continued on to aspire to great achievements. She has been featured in Carolines Comedy Club, Laugh Factory in NY and LA, Gotham Comedy club in NY. Has been in production such as Consequences, Went to Coney Island, and the Cyclist. Gina is branching out to live radio where she has stared “Think out Loud” her featured article. You can catch Gina on live radio at www.ustream.tv/channel/ thinkoutloud.
www.anyakishinevskymd.com, 203–656-9999
Fairfield County Woman
Women in Profile Amy DeLardi
Ann Elizabeth Hogan, DDS
Founder and Creative Director of Infinite Web Designs, LLC (IWD), Amy DeLardi leads a team of skilled professionals in designing custom search engine optimized websites and creating innovative graphic design campaigns.
Dr. Hogan knows that when you feel good about yourself and have a great smile to help open doors, it is easier to face life’s challenges. With her high level of education and training, she has been able to help many patients achieve oral wellness and obtain smiles that can make others smile. In 2005, after intense didactic and clinical training, she received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from New York University. After completing a one year general practice residency at the Brooklyn Hospital Center, she began practicing dentistry in Stamford in 2006
Services provided by the Infinite Web Designs team include: • Custom Website Design • Website Redesign • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) • Affordable Website Hosting • Copy Writing / Content Editing • Print Media Design • Logo Design • Brand Identity With over 16 years of web and graphic design experience, Amy has a deep understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to help her clients obtain higher website search engine rankings by Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL. Amy and her team also understand that a website is a valuable marketing tool that can drive sales, increase business and position companies above the competition. Although websites and graphic design campaigns for small to medium-sized businesses are the main focus of IWD, Amy is proud to give back to the community. She has donated websites to not-for-profit organizations including Fairfield’s TeamBrent.com, which raises money to combat childhood cancer. Amy also speaks to local business groups and organizations on the importance of high website search engine rankings and how a website is an invaluable marketing tool. Based in Fairfield, Connecticut and founded in 2001, Infinite Web Designs, LLC serves all of Fairfield County, New Haven County, Westchester County, New York and New Jersey. Please visit Infinite Web Designs on the web at www.infinitewebdesigns.com or call 203.510.3134 for more information.
Dr. Risa Sloves, D.C. , D. I C.C.P. Dr. Risa Sloves has been in private practice in Connecticut with her husband, Dr. Mark Joachim, for over 20 years. She is currently 1 of 10 Chiropractic Physicians in Connecticut to have a 3 year post-doctorate degree and Board Certification in Maternity and Pediatric Care. Dr. Sloves focuses on providing exceptional chiropractic treatment for all aspects of pre- and post-natal care and she is certified in both the Webster and Bagnell Breach Turning Techniques as well as acupuncture. In addition to helping pregnant women with common painful conditions such as low back pain, sciatica, pubic pain, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Sloves also provides pediatric chiropractic care including cranial sacral treatment for children of all ages and abilities. Some of the more common pediatric conditions that Dr. Sloves sees include colic, gastric reflux, torticollis, plagiocephaly, ear infections, asthma, allergies, ADD/ADHD, autism and sensory integration issues, scoliosis, sports injuries, “growing pains” and wellness/preventative care. Dr. Sloves’ goal is to help all pregnant woman have an educated and empowering delivery and to encourage families to strive for a life of optimal wellness. Her husband, Dr. Joachim, is the first and only physician in Connecticut to have advanced certification in the BioSET Allergy Elimination Technique which is a non-invasive, drug-free and injection-free approach that can diagnose and eliminate food, environmental and chemical allergies. He also runs the Non-Surgical DRX 9000 True Spinal Decompression facility in their office for patients suffering with herniated/ bulging, or degenerated discs, sciatica, stenosis and failed low back surgery. Dr. Sloves has been the Fairfield County Leader of the Holistic Moms Network for many years and she is the founder of Women of Wellness, a network of prenatal and early family care, in Fairfield County. Dr. Risa Sloves, D.C. , D. I C.C.P., Chiropractic Physician Board Certified in Pediatric and Maternity Care Associates in Family Chiropractic and Natural Health Care, P.C. 156 East Avenue Norwalk, CT 06851 (203) 838-1555, www.ctchiropractic.com www.ctspinalpaincenter.com, www.eliminate-my-allergies.com
Fairfield County Woman
Dr. Hogan grew up the youngest of eleven children being the daughter of an internist and a nurse in a family of professionals. She was raised to work hard and to appreciate the value of a job, well done. She had good role models and was met with high expectations, and in turn, has high expectations of herself. One invaluable lesson she took from her father was to never stop learning. It is with this in mind that Dr. Hogan has stayed committed to continuing her education and training to provide her patients with dental services of the highest quality. She chose not to specialize in one area of dentistry, but rather to become skilled in several areas, including endodontics, cosmetic dentistry, and both Invisalign and conventional orthodontics. As a faithful follower of the “laughter is good medicine” philosophy, Dr. Hogan sets her patients at ease with a pleasant demeanor and relaxed manner, allowing them to open up with their concerns. A good relationship is essential to a good outcome, as is listening to and understanding the patient’s needs and expectations. It is with that ideal at Esthetique Dentistry that the office is able to offer full dental services, including all aspects of general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, implant dentistry, periodontics, orthodontics and endodontics within the confines of a single office.
Amanda Root Amanda Root is Vice President of Operations and co-owner of Tri-City, based in Milford, CT. She is the third generation of her family to oversee the day to day operations of the company, who has specialized in providing residential appliance repair, heating and cooling installation and repair, plumbing installations and repairs, and home energy services since 1962. Amanda studied business at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield and has completed various management courses with Nexstar Network. She also sits on the board of directors and is the recording secretary for the Milford Network of Executive Women. Amanda dedicates time to helping others, through Thanks-4-Giving food drives with the local Boy Scouts of America groups, as well as helping to facilitate an annual scholarship drive focused on continuing education for women. Working for Tri-City since the age of 14, Amanda has come to learn the ways of the business world, developing problem solving and customer service skills that are far beyond her age. When asked about Amanda’s influence on the business, owner Seamus Warakomski says, “Her competitive drive helps in building a successful and responsible team, and her out of the box thinking help implement processes and system to leverage her several responsibilities so she can take accountability for all actions. I am very proud of her many accomplishments.”
Women in Profile Val J. Fields Hi, my name is Val J. Fields, I am a facilitator of women’s events, an inspirational speaker and Founder of Spirit of Woman Unlimited and Spirit of WomanConnect. My passion to enrich the lives of women was born out of a recurring dream where I saw myself as a bridge uniting the common interests of women. I believe women are powerful beings and very significant to birthing much needed initiatives that will change our communities and our world. I like to regard myself as a “connector of women” because I understand the value of connections and the amazing opportunities that are possible for every woman when we connect and share rather than compete and compare. If you are a business owner, a woman entrepreneur or someone who wants to discover what you are passionate about and give life to a dream you had to defer, I invite you to come and be a part of a dynamic networking experience that is focused on you and what you uniquely have to offer to others. For more info, visit www.spiritofwomanconnect.org or feel free to contact me directly at 203.912.2756.
Fern Tausig, CH Fern Tausig, CH is owner of Healing Hypnosis . As consulting hypnotist she is certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. With a 6th year level of education in secondary health education, and 35 years of teaching experience, she has a passion for both education and wellness. Fern graduated from The University of Rhode Island with a BS and did her graduate work at Southern Connecticut State University. Using a variety of modalities, including EFT, NLP, and Past Experience Regression, she helps clients achieve a healthier, happier, and more productive life through her private and group hypnosis sessions. She has helped clients lose weight, quit smoking, eliminate bad habits, as well as fears, phobias and anxiety. Fern regularly presents workshops and seminars for corporations, associations, and social clubs. She sees private clients and conducts group hypnosis sessions by appointment in Norwalk, Orange and Middletown CT. Call now for your free phone consultation. She may be reached at www. myHealingHypnosis.com, myHealingHypnosis@gmail.com 203-283-4567
Tina Broccole, Personal Stylist
Sergiana Bruno, B.S., LMT, MMP Certified Lypotherapist Sergiana Bruno is a licensed massage therapist who practices in Norwalk, CT. Sergiana had graduated from the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy from Westport, CT in 2008. She also graduated from the University of Connecticut and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Human and Health Development the same year. Sergiana’s uniqueness makes her different from ordinary massage therapists. Sergiana works diligently in her practice and she dedicates her efforts to help clients reach optimal health. As a skilled therapist, Sergiana decided to use a new modality which is known as Lypossage to help women stay in shape without invasive cosmetic surgery. She wanted to help women have firmer body tone, reduced cellulite, and reduced sagging tissue underneath the arms. So therefore, Sergiana became a lypotherapist. She completed her studies at the Lypossage Training Institute in Alexandria, VA. In addition, Sergiana is certified in medical and prenatal modalities. Sergiana Bruno, B.S, LMT, MMP Certified Lypotherapist 156 East Ave 2nd Floor Norwalk, CT 06851 (203) 548-7292 Therapeuticbodywork.2@gmail.com www.painlesshealing.com
Tina Broccole graduated from the prestigious Philadelphia College of Textile and Science in 1995. Her professional career spans 17 years where she has coached and trained hundreds of individuals from personal clients who needed guidance in defining their personal style and its expression through wardrobe, to corporations such as Nordstrom where she hired and trained visual merchandising teams that styled and merchandised separate departments from fashion-forward young and trendy, to classic women’s evening wear and black tie. Whatever your personal style, Tina can help you identify your look, and express it with confidence. Fashion styling is not a “second career” for Tina; rather it’s the next chapter in a lifetime dedicated to the industry. For the past several years, Tina has also devoted her personal time to competitive ballroom dance. She is currently ranked first, nationally, in International Latin, and first in American Rhythm in her age group and skill level. Since hair, makeup, grooming and costume design are part and parcel of this very competitive sport, Tina has also expanded her business to include ballroom fashion and styling, and has helped many competitive ballroom dancers find their inner diva. Tina Broccole’s services include: Image Consultant/Fashion Stylist Personal Shopper Wardrobe Organization For your personal consultation call us at 914-262-4197 Email: tinabroccole@mac.com or visit us on the web at www.tinabroccole.com
Fairfield County Woman
Women in Profile Angela Schutz
Lisa Wexler
Angela Schutz is the Managing Director/ Founder of Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC, an organization that offers career and executive coaching services, dream coaching, success empowerment workshops and professional speaking services. Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC combines state-of-the-art career services with effective personal growth techniques to help clients reclaim their confidence and land their next job quickly.
Lisa Wexler is the creator and host of the award-winning talk radio program The Lisa Wexler Show, broadcasting in the Fairfield County, CT/Metro NY areas from 4-6 PM weekdays on Coxradio’s AM 1400 WSTC/1350 WNLK. Lisa won the 2010 “Gracie” Award as Best News/Talk Show for her interview with Gloria Steinem and was awarded the title “Gold Coast Best Radio Personality” in 2009 and 2010 based on a reader survey. She is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University and the New York University School of Law, where she won the American Jurisprudence Award for Excellence in Constitutional Law. The mission of the Lisa Wexler Show is to entertain and inform, with humor and empathy. Lisa is particularly interested in giving voice to the voiceless, such as children, animals and oppressed women.
Angela holds a Masters in Psychology, five career coaching certifications and has been mentored and trained by Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and Success Principles and Tory Johnson, Good Morning America’s Career Consultant and founder of Women for Hire, the leading career organization for women. Angela is a contributing author of The Gratitude Book Project Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude and of the soon to be released, The Gratitude Book Celebrating Moms and Motherhood. Angela’s book, Ask Angela a Jobseeker’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Job will be out by summer 2011. If you are looking for a “roll up your sleeves”, “no holds barred”, innovative approach to up-level your career while discovering who you are at your core, Driven to Succeed Consulting LLC is for you! You can reach Angela by going to www.driventosucceed.net
Carol Mulready Carol is the founder and owner of CBJ Foundations, LLC. She has been in the concrete construction business for over 35 years and has owned and developed CBJ over the past 15 years into a company known for its professionalism and superior results. Carol brings her creativity as well as knowledge when working with customers. She is dedicated to providing the best service possible to customers as well as volunteering with the community. She also demands an excellent work ethic from all of her employees. Carol volunteers her time by giving speeches at local schools and Girl Scout meetings about owning and running a construction business. She also volunteers as an MRT on the local ambulance association. She tries to take some time from her busy schedule to enjoy spending time with her family, hiking, cross country and down hill skiing, and mountain biking. Contact info: 203-263-5183 CBJLLC@aol.com www.cbjfpundationsllc.com
Lisa recently published her first book, Secrets of a Jewish Mother, co-authored with her mother, Gloria Kamen and sister, Jill Zarin. (Penguin/Dutton). Lisa has served on the Board of Directors of two Jewish Community Centers as well as her synagogue. She currently serves on the Board of the Jeffrey Modell Foundation for Primary Immunodeficiency Research and the Advisory Board of Jane Doe No More. Lisa Wexler has been married for 28 years to the same guy, Bill Wexler, is the mother of two children and shares her pillow with her beloved bichon, Sugar. For more information and to hear any show at any time, go to www.lisawexler.com.
Carol McManus
Executive Coach, Business Consultant, and Social Media Strategist Carol McManus is the Founder and President of Ywait4success, a coaching, consulting and training business targeted to meet the needs of real estate owners and managers. Carol is a certified Executive Coach who personally works with entrepreneurs and business owners in any industry using laser-focused techniques and fast-track solutions to solve business challenges. Prior to launching her business in 2007, she was the Senior Vice President of Real Estate Operations for one of the world’s largest real estate franchises and prior to that, the Chief Operating Officer of the #1 affiliate for the company, growing her Hawaii franchise’s bottom line by over 4000% in 3 years! She is the author of “Ten Traits for Top Performers” and is currently working on her newest book, “Reinvent Yourself at Any Age.” After striking out on her own, it was essential to learn new marketing skills and to make a fast impact on a limited budget. Social media became her break-through secret weapon to success. Carol speaks frequently on how entrepreneurs can develop a successful strategy devoting only 17 minutes a day to social media. Her advice to clients usually includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Profile and Blogging, but her secret sauce is showing people how to use LinkedIn effectively to gain more sales leads, referrals, and new business without selling! Carol can be reached by email at carol.mcmanus@ywait4success or you can call her directly at 203-286-8760.
Fairfield County Woman
Contractors With Integrity Shut the Door, What do you live in a Barn?
home energy assessment performed by the BPI certified technicians at Tri-City. By Amanda Root I’m sure all of you have heard this sentence (or some version of it) from your parents at one point in your life. If you really think about it, the sentence actually makes some sense. Can you imagine how much it would cost to really heat & cool a barn? What most people don’t know is that they’re still heating & cooling the great outdoors AFTER they’ve shut all the doors and windows. Studies have found that air leaks in the average home in Connecticut add up to one giant hole that is 4 foot in diameter. Can you imagine what your Mom or Dad would yell if they saw a 4 foot hole in the dining room wall? Homeowners don’t realize the hole is there, because it’s not smack dab in the middle of the dining room wall. Typically these air leaks are coming from mechanical penetrations - such as chimney bypasses, plumbing & electrical chases, etc – that are located under the insulation in your attic or in other inconspicuous places you wouldn’t think to look. Since hot air rises, it is very easy for air to leak to the outside (you really are paying to heat the whole neighborhood!). And when the air you’ve paid to heat & cool leaks to the outside, the air that replaces it (called make-up air) comes from the outside to be heated & cooled by your HVAC system. Did you ever wonder why you only feel drafts in the winter? It’s because the hot air that you paid to heat is rising, leaking to the outdoors, and being made up by cold air being pulled in around windows, doors, etc in your home. It is a never ending cycle that you spend hundreds of dollars per year in utility & heating bills to overcome. So what’s the best way for you to put an end to this energy waste? Have a
When Tri-City performs an energy assessment at your home we will determine all the ways your home is losing energy and wasting your money on energy bills. We will locate the biggest energy wasting air leaks and then seal them – which will reduce your homes air leakage to the outside and save you 25-30% on your utility & heating bills. We will also give you up to 25 Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs and change them for you, seal leaky ductwork, insulate hot water pipes, and install water saving aerators & showerheads. We will evaluate your heating & cooling systems, insulation, and appliances to determine if they are also wasting your hard earned dollars. If we find that there is a need to upgrade one of these things – we will provide you with hundreds of dollars in rebates to upgrade now. Plus, if you upgrade within 45 days of the energy assessment we will provide you with a DOUBLE REBATE which will allow you to get twice as much in rebate dollars.
& cooling system or may need to in the future, now is the time to have your system evaluated by Tri-City. The average cost of an upgrade by Tri-City is $6,500.00 and allin-all the total money back in the form of rebates & tax credits is up to $3,000.00. That’s almost 50% off on a high efficiency home comfort system. My Home Energy manager, Todd Casey, is one of the pioneers of energy savings in Connecticut. He’s spent several years in the field and been involved in over 2,500 energy assessments learning where the biggest leaks and energy wasters are in every type of home. He would love to help you stop wasting energy and start keeping more of those energy dollars in your pockets. If you would like to schedule a home energy assessment - or have any questions about energy assessments, rebates, tax credits, etc – please email him at todd@tricityappliance.com, call him @ 203-874-8279, or visit our website at www.tricityappliance.com.
Seamus Warakomski Owner and President
And many of the upgrades on your heating and air conditioning systems are also eligible for a federal tax credit of up to $1,500.00, but this is only good if the work is done before 12/31/2010 – so the time to act is now. I’ve never seen the kind of rebates and credits on HVAC systems as what is available to customers right now (before January 1st, 2011) so if you think you need to upgrade your heating
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Fairfield County Woman
Contractors With Integrity 90 Guilds Hollow Rd. • Bethlehem, CT 06751
Phone: 203.263.5183
Over the past several years, staying at home to spend time with family and to save some money has become more popular. Simultaneously, as home values have dropped, many people have been reevaluating their home improvement budgets while trying to make their homes their own personal paradise. If an affordable way to upgrade your outdoor living space is what you’ve been looking for in order to increase the value of your home as well as finally have the comfortable and beautiful surroundings you’ve always envisioned, CBJ Foundations, LLC, based out of Bethlehem, CT, can make your dreams a reality. CBJ has recently begun offering decorative concrete hardscaping by StoneMakers. In April of last year CBJ’s team, lead by owner Carol Mulready, participated in an extensive training seminar to learn all of the ins and outs of this remarkable application. Carol and her crew spent time in a classroom setting learning the engineering and technical process, followed by hands on training. During field training, CBJ participated in the building of a 40’ retaining wall with a built in waterfall, a fire pit, a patio and walkway, patio bar, and stone-faced an existing retaining wall. Concrete hardscaping is anything you can imagine it to be- a beautiful stone fire pit, a tranquil waterfall, an aesthetically pleasing retaining wall, or anything else you can envision for your land. The work is completely customizable and is offered at a more affordable price than stone masonry work. An additional benefit is that your project can be completed in a fraction of the time real stonework takes. CBJ can create retaining walls, waterfalls, steps, patios, fire pits, and outdoor kitchen and bar spaces from concrete, carved and colored to look like real stone, rock, or wood. The StoneMakers’ application of concrete makes seemingly unaffordable hardscaping features, such as a waterfall or built-in patio bar, attainable to the average homeowner. As a business woman as well as a homeowner and mother, Carol fully understands the value of upgrading a home. She continually points out to her family, friends, and customers that your home should feel like your palace. Personally, she loves spending time with her family in the outdoor living area of her own home and really encourages others to beautify their property. Carol understands her customer’s desires as homeowners and says “Our motto is ‘Quality and Customers First’, so we want to make sure you’re completely satisfied when the work is completed and your home looks and feels the way you envisioned it. It’s important to me that the customer’s questions are answered, and we’ll work with you on all the details of your project.”
Fairfield County Woman
CBJ is excited to bring this revolutionary product line to Fairfield County. The process is simple and affordable. First, contact CBJ to discuss your vision for your property. “We can help you design the outdoor living space of your dreams. You can choose the look and color of the stone or wood. We have several books depicting the colors, textures, and patterns that you can choose from” Carol explains. Second, you’ll need to prepare your site and will most likely need an excavator. CBJ can offer recommendations on expert excavators if needed. Finally, CBJ will pour, shape, carve, and color your concrete project to look like real stone. This process usually only take a few days and you can be enjoying your peaceful new setting by the weekend! Concrete work is durable and the return on investment for installing hardscape work (the landscaping term that typically refers to outdoor landscaping other than plants and greenery) is tremendous. In the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) top remodeling trends, outdoor living areas ranked number four. David Montoya, owner and founder of StoneMakers says about Carol, her company, and her involvement with StoneMakers: “In the construction field, people look at woman as inferior and with a sense of insignificance, however coming from someone who deals with contractors from all over the country, I assure you I have yet to meet a person with the passion, tenacity and love for her craft as Carol Mulready has. Her attention to detail and constant quest for quality puts her in a category above the typical contractor. StoneMakers and I look forward to growing and cultivating our relationship with CBJ Foundations.” Carol Mulready has been in the concrete business for over 30 years. She has grown CBJ Foundations over the past 15 years from a small startup of 3 employees and borrowed equipment to a respected business of 10 employees and a fleet of trucks. She is an active member of the National Women in Construction Association, as well as the Better Business Bureau and the Waterbury Chamber of Commerce. Currently all three of Carol’s children work for CBJ Foundations. Her two sons work in the field and her daughter in the office. CBJ is a full service concrete construction company and can serve your foundation, waterproofing, and decorative concrete needs. Please visit CBJ’s website, www.cbjfoundationsllc.com, to read about more of their projects and see more pictures. To discuss your project, please call (203) 263-5183 or email cbjllc@aol.com.
Contractors With Integrity
Veteran’s Window Washing
By Joe De Vito Wow, what a great summer we just had due, in large part, to our affiliation with the Fairfield County Women’s Journal and all the new friends we’ve made through our work. For this issue, we thought we’d address some of our customers’ and friends’ most frequent concerns:
Q. What do you use to wash the windows? A. My kids…no, seriously, we use an environmentally safe anionic soap and water solution. It is safe around pets, plants and people.
Q. What services do you provide besides window washing? A. We’ll do anything on a ladder that a homeowner doesn’t want to do. For instance, we clean chandeliers (an important detail before the fall and winter entertaining season begins). We’ve also been known to hang holiday decorations and change bulbs.
Q. Are your prices standard? A. We don’t charge anyone a different price based on zip code. There are, however, differences in price based on window type and accessibility. You can check our prices on
our website: http//: www.veteranswindowwashing.com.
Q. Are you a licensed contractor? A. Yes, our Connecticut Home Improvement Contractor registration number is: HIC.0618719. Our insurance certificate is available upon request.
Q. Why do my windows seem foggy?
Q. Do you repair thermopane windows?
A. Most modern glass is composed of two panes of glass (also called double glazed) with a space between that is filled with an inert gas (usually argon) and sealed to increase the energy efficiency of the window. There are times when the seal between the two panes become worn out or invaded and, essentially, the gas oxidizes (think of metal rusting) and leaves a foggy, streaky stain in between the glass panes. When this happens, it is best to replace the glass portion of the window (though there are some companies out there who claim they can repair this oxidation through a chemical process).
A. Generally, we need to bring these double glazed windows to a nearby glazier to be replaced (usually a ten-day to two week lead time); and, then reinstall the repaired sash when it’s ready.
Q. Do gutter guards work? A. Some work better than others, but there is nothing as efficient as having your gutters manually cleaned. We recommend you do this twice a year (spring and fall). Don’t forget we will also clean exterior brick and stone, provide power washing and perform small wood repairs.
Veteran’s Window Cleaning Co., LLC “Professional Service First...Your Satisfaction Always”
Joe De Vito Owner/Operator Residential & Commercial Window Washing Power Washing • Gutter Cleaning No Job too Small ! • Call for an Estimate
Phone: 203-313-2636 or 203-313-3320 Fairfield County Woman
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Fairfield County Woman
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About Us
Allow Me to Introduce You to the #1 Nationally Syndicated Women’s Newspaper in the USA Allow me to introduce you to our very successful ... “Fairfield County Woman” publication. Each of our Woman’s Publications is an informative and enlightening resource for the community. FCW offers editorial coverage, at a low advertising rate and most importantly, targeted marketing to women. What we are NOT: We do not print anything political, religious or controversial and we do not cover local news. The Fairfield County Woman Publication is published bi-monthly and is distributed FREE OF CHARGE in Fairfield County in various selected locations such as medical facilities, libraries, pharmacies, health and fitness centers, daycares, dance studios, real estate offices, restaurants, salons, book stores, offices, and businesses. The County Woman has been around for more than 33 years and have over 371 publications published or have an option to publish in the United States. FCW is a primary resource publication, which will have a readership of 2.46 per copy with an average lifespan of 6-8 weeks. These numbers come from the National Press Association. This above average readership is due to the articles being referred to friends and family who could directly benefit from the information. FCW challenges our contributors to demonstrate their expertise, understanding and passion for their businesses by writing insightful, objective, and thought provoking articles.
dollars annually and control over 51% of the US wealth? Fairfield County Woman will become a primary resource for the women of Fairfield County. Every business benefits from hitting their target market effectively with their promotional dollars. Each article gravitates to the hands of responsive readers in the comfort of their own homes. FCW is a direct link to the women’s market. Explore the many promotional and advertising opportunities offered to increase your prestige, position and sales to women in Fairfield County. The reasons for the success of Women’s Publications are: We offer you the opportunity to educate the community in your field of expertise, we target women (who make over 85% of all buying decision in this county), we target the distribution points where we know our paper is going to be picked up and read and passed on to friends in the community because we are the primary resource, and we are an exclusive paper, which offers you the ability to distinguish yourself as THE source for information in your particular field of expertise setting you apart form the many other competitors in your County.
You may choose EXCLUSIVITY ... eliminate your competition by being the only professional noting your specialty anywhere in our publication. Why divide the response of the readership amongst your competition? Distinguish yourself as the authority in your field by taking the information you discuss with each client and make it available to more than 42,500 readers in the comfort of their homes. References: Look inside each issue to see the results and responses from other professionals. Establish yourself as the source for information in you specialty in Atlantic County. Join the hundreds of contributors that have heard “I read your article in the Veronica Brillon, Publisher Women’s Publication” as they walk through your door. ACW will give you references from other authors from other geographiWhat we can do for you: cal areas in your same field. (What other Web Advertising: Highlight your busipaper does that?) ness with a web banner on the Primary or Secondary Page of our website. The Results: Assume the average response rate web banner is directly linked to your is a minimum of 1/10th of 1% of the readerpage and website. ship. Multiply that by the average profit per customer, and you will see why this publiJoin the family: cation has been incredibly successful everyBecome part of the growing family of where it is printed. It will pay for itself! professionals who educate while pro-
moting. This proven successful combination creates community awareness for your business and offers tremendous growth potenMay/June tial. FCW can become 2010 Free! your direct link to the women’s market. Businesses who would like to target the women who live, work and play in Fairfield County may reach us by email at FCWoman.JRNL@gmail. com or call us at 1-877-8128693 or 203-600-4999.
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According to statistics: women make 85% of all consumer and health care decisions. Did you know that women are estimated to spend a trillion
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Women control $13 trillion, or 60% of the country’s wealth, according to research conducted by Business Week and Gallup.
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Fairfield County Woman
Community Outreach
Vikki was a young married woman when she moved to the United States from Mexico with her American husband several years ago. New to this country, Vikki was determined after the birth of her children to learn English and teach her daughters the language as well. She heard about Caroline House, which was a little over a mile from her home. She signed up for English classes and enrolled her two year old twins in the pre-school. Rain or shine, in the heat or cold, Vicki pushes her stroller and shows up for classes. She has perfect attendance and is determined for her children to succeed. Vikki will graduate in June 2011. Her daughters who now speak fluent English will be placed into an English speaking kindergarten. She will finish at Caroline House with English and life skills to be able to advocate for her children at the pediatrician or with the twin’s teachers! Caroline House is a nondenominational education center teaching literacy and life skills to low income immigrant women and children. Founded by the School Sisters of Notre Dame, it is located on the East Side of Bridgeport in an impoverished neighborhood. Caroline House has nurtured and educated over 1,300 women and children since opening its doors. Caroline House promotes family literacy and views the parent as a child’s first teacher and reading as a child’s first subject. When mothers and children learn to speak English, children do much better in school and the entire family is more stable. Through the Mother and Child Literacy Program, Caroline House addresses Connecticut’s achievement gap, which is the worst in the nation among economically disadvantaged children. Every child who graduates from the Caroline House preschool is accepted into an English speaking kindergarten. Additional programs offered are after school and summer programs for underserved youth, basic literacy classes and citizenship classes.
574 Stillman Street • Bridgeport, CT 06608 Phone (203) 334-0640 • Fax (203) 334-0248 Fairfield County Woman
Business to Business
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͖͔͗Ǥ͙͕͔Ǥ͕͗͗͘ ȁ Ǥ Fairfield County Woman
Business to Business
Westport Business Solutions, LLC An interview with Nevil Ede, CEO and Founder of Westport Business Solutions LLC (WBS), one of Fairfield County’s largest, full-service management consulting practices. FCW: What makes WBS different to other consulting practices, and how does it support businesses in the Fairfield County area? Nevil Ede: Today, there are a lot of independent consulting practices in our area working with local businesses. For the most part, they do a great job in helping businesses address the particular problems they face as it relates to their own specific area of expertise. However, no business problems ever can truly be resolved in terms of looking only at a single focal point. If businesses are going to invest money in consultants, then they should require that that investment help them develop a sustainable solution – a solution that takes into account all the other facets of their business. At WBS we have developed (and TradeMarked) the concept of the “Enriched SolutionTM.” We look at every client need in the context of their business as a whole, bring in experts from different professional backgrounds, and build a sustainable solution from the inception of the project. FCW: Can you give us a practical example of how this process might work? Nevil Ede: Absolutely. Imagine a business that realizes it needs to upgrade its computer systems to either replace systems that do not give it the information it needs to be competitive, or, their business has simply outgrown the capacity of what they have in place. Their first reaction is to contact an Information Technology (IT) specialist consultant. That is fine – to a point. However, choosing and configuring a new system is just a step in the process. How they buy and account for the elements of the new system are Financial decisions; how they manage their people issues (bringing in new expertise, training, procedures), these are Human Resources and Talent Acquisition decisions; how they contract for the purchase and management of the new systems are Legal and Logistics decisions. While an independent IT specialist can help with each of these areas, they are, by definition, not an expert. At WBS, we look at every solution in the context of supporting the needs of the business as a whole by using expert professionals for each element, and developing a sustainable solution that will support its future needs. FCW: Bringing in all these experts? – isn’t that going to be expensive? Nevil Ede: On the contrary. It is the most economic way of addressing each client’s business need. Each consultant works efficiently and expertly only at their particular piece of the solution. More importantly,
Fairfield County Woman
they do it in cooperation with each other. At WBS, there is no redundant effort, no on-the-job learning, no need to go out and research things that are outside of a consultant’s area of expertise. The most expensive solution for any client is one that does not last – the infamous “Band Aid” solution. Our reputation is built upon building sustainable solutions that provide long-term value to clients. Finally, our rates are extremely competitive when compared to larger practices as we operate with a simplified infrastructure and a low overhead base. The consultant to whom the client explains their business needs will be the person responsible for developing their solution. FCW: Who are the WBS consultants and why is WBS so relevant to businesses in Fairfield County? Nevil Ede: Our consultants are all experienced professionals from the Fairfield County area with their own successful consulting practices. They have joined WBS because they realize that to bring optimum solutions to clients requires bringing in different professional disciplines working in concert with each other. Each consultant brings to WBS those facets of their skill set about which they are truly passionate and each believes in the concept of the “Enriched SolutionTM.” With regard to Fairfield County, while our clients span the Eastern Coast of the US and we have relationships with other professional practices around the world, this is where we all live. This is the community we belong to and choose to support. Miggs Burroughs the noted local artist designed our logo, local photographers provided our business graphics, local web-designers developed our website and all our banking, legal and insurance support is right here as well. FCW: Last question. This all sounds great if you are a big business, but how relevant are you to smaller businesses in the area? Nevil Ede: It is true we have a number of large clients. However, we have a wide variety of smaller clients too, including some not-for-profits. Nothing is more satisfying for me personally than being part of helping a small client become a much larger one. To do that, we need to be relevant, competitive and help them build what I’ve talked about, namely, sustainable business solutions. I encourage any business in the area which is facing business issues now or in the future for which they need help, to reach out to us. There is no cost or obligation, and in the event that we can’t help you with what you need, we’ll help you find the resources that can. I see helping the Fairfield County Community grow as an important part of our role as members. After all, as I said, we live here too. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce WBS to your readers.
The Members of the WBS team (As pictured)
Dianne Hennessy
(Human Resource Services)
Peter Winkler
(Lean Business Optimization)
Jay Gronlund
(Branding & Intl. Marketing)
Nevil Ede
(GRC & Due Diligence)
Richard Williamson (Finance & Treasury)
Robert Donovan
(Business Advisory Services)
John Martin
(Legal Services)
Veronica Brillon
(Human Resource Services)
Marc Roberts
(Talent Acquisition)
Paul Weston
(Information Technology) (Not pictured)
Barbara Phillips (CPG Marketing)
Peter Wrampe
(Industrial Technologies)
WBS Testimonials: “WBS showed an amazing ability to quickly learn our industry and have helped our business build an infrastructure that will represent the platform for our future expansion and diversification. We now have so much more confidence in our key financial indicators as well as our ability to manage all aspects of our business.” Victoria McMillan – President, Victoria Nicole Inc. www.victorianicole.com “WBS bring a true passion to their work, which is a core value we share at Pearlman’s. We had found their counsel to be thoughtful, insightful and balanced. The depth of the WBS team’s experience means that we are always able to look at our decision processes from a variety of different angles, quickly and concisely.” Bill Pearlman – President, Pearlman’s Jewelers Inc. www.pearlmansjewelers.com
Westport Business Solutions LLC “Building Solutions One Business At A Time, Building Businesses One Solution At A Time”
191 Post Road West, Westport CT 06880 • Tel: 203 221 2776 http://www.westportbizsolutions.com
Business to Business
Simple Secrets to Social Media Success for sale – but by sharing your great knowledge about the home buying and selling process and tips on what residents want to know about your community. 3. If you want to stand out on Twitter, it is important that your tweets reflect the keywords that others may be searching for. You will attract followers whose interests mirror your messaging and ultimately the services or products you provide.
By: Carol McManus Every day there is something new to report as it relates to social media. One of the most recent revelations was the impact that a grass-roots movement could have on changing the entire political structure of an entire country. That’s both scary and inspiring! A story that captured everyone’s heart awhile back was the unknown singing talent from across the pond who, through YouTube became an overnight sensation – you guessed it – Susan Boyle! Again, a little scary but absolutely inspiring. Let’s focus on the inspiring aspect of what is happening in cyberspace and how you can apply it to your own situation. The goal is to get found, leave an impression, and motivate others to spread the word on your behalf. If we break that down it’s really a simple formula for success. GET FOUND: If you want to get found, you have to start by getting in the game. This is no time in the history of your business to be a wallflower. But I don’t recommend to my clients that they jump into the deep end of the pool without a few critical swimming lessons. 1. Choose what sites you feel match your personality, your business objectives, where your potential clients or customers hang out and then build complete and appropriate profiles to attract others to you. For example, if you are a professional consultant seeking to find new businesses to serve, then LinkedIn would be your first choice. You should build your profile highlighting your business accomplishments, your expertise, education and credentials, and support your information with recommendations from others who are representative of the people you want to connect with. 2. If your business is selling real estate, LinkedIn is still important for long-term relationships, but a Facebook page can be extremely useful in establishing you as the expert in the market you serve – not by telling everyone about your homes
“Yes, Carol! I want to be more effective using LinkedIn to bring me more referrals, leads, and closed business.” If this is you, then email me today carolmcmanus@linkedinlady.com to receive my hottest tips for LinkedIn users. Just put hot tips in the subject line. You will receive my • Top 5 MustͲDo’s to have an effective presence on LinkedIn • Top 5 Mistakes that are driving people away from your profile This is totally FREE. LEAVE AN IMPRESSION: When you are using cyberspace to connect with people, you have to work a little harder than when you are faceto-face at a networking meeting. In the Internet world, they don’t have the immediate benefit of seeing you up close and personal, feeling the strength of your handshake or the power of your smile. All of those things must be implied through your words and your positioning. 1. Allow your personality to come through in your words. This is called authenticity and it is imperative that your represent yourself in an honest way. However, this comes with a word of caution. If, by nature, you are a little sarcastic or drywitted, then I recommend you pull back on those quips in the written forum. Save your best for the verbal conversations that evolve after people get to know you. 2. Use your profiles, your updates, your wall post-
ings, and your tweets to share some of your intellectual property. That’s a very daunting and formal phrase, but simply put, it means tell people a little bit about what you know. You would be amazed that things that are obvious and come second nature to you are revelations to others. 3. Build trust by serving others. Always be looking for opportunities to share information or connect people in your network, or point people to solutions. Your generosity will pay big dividends because what you are really doing is building trust and confidence and that is the foundation for people wanting to do business with you. MOTIVATE OTHERS TO SPREAD THE WORD: Since the beginning of time, it has always been a business owner’s objective to get their customers to say good things to their friends, relatives and neighbors about why they should do business with you. Your goal online through social media is to stimulate that same type of response from your connections, your friends, or your followers. 1. Give really cool tips, tricks, hints, and secrets that intrigue and inspire people. For example: What are the best days to shop for fresh vegetables or fish? What chemicals should you be concerned about if your dry cleaner is using them? What is the best site online to find coupons? What should you ask your divorce attorney before your hire him? 2. Be inspirational, motivational, and funny. The words and videos that go viral first and sustain over time are the ones with universal messages that touch our emotions. You don’t have to be the author – you have to be the publisher. What quotes inspire you? What thoughts motivate you? What makes you laugh (appropriate humor, please)? Share it!
Tune in every Wednesday at 9:00 am for
The LinkedIn Lady Show or listen online to live broadcast and archived shows www.wghc.com
3. Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to encourage people to pass on the message to others. Sometimes the simple act of asking makes all the difference. I have a friend who regularly asks me to re-tweet on Twitter. Just that simple request makes it easy for me, helps him, and stimulates me to do something that I might not have done on my own simple because I want to help him out. So my advise? Get in the game…share, give back, connect, redirect…inspire and motivate…and above all…have FUN!
Testimonials: I do not use the term “world class” very often but Carol McManus is certainly that. Three minutes into her presentation at the Executive Women’s Network, I knew this person was offering the audience more than a course in “Social Media 101”. Carol’s extensive background and experience gives her the opportunity to help people understand the business part of Linkedin, not just the marketing part. N. Sutton – One Smart Mother (Fairfield, CT) “I am working through your program [LinkedIn System for Success] and realize just how much I need to do in order to be effective in using social media. My eyes have been opened and in just 2 weeks since I started using her methods I now have 6 people I will meet with. Your system is taking LinkedIn from an interesting place to go online to a step by step strategy to getting closed business.” L. DeLorenzo – NT Financial (New York, NY) Working with Carol is always a pleasure, She has an incredible knack for helping businesses to increase their profitability in a tough market. Carol brings her unique combination of expertise, insight, and care to help business owners, their managers, and their people to identify and implement the changes that the difference on the bottom-line. K. Herron – SocialGrow (Boston, MA)
203-286-8760 carol.mcmanus@ywait4success.com
Fairfield County Woman
Career & Self Development
Staying Marketable at Any Age Be that employee. It is never the right time to be disgruntled at work. If you feel some negativity creeping into your thoughts about your work, take some time to make a list of all the positives and negatives of having your job. If the negatives clearly outweigh the positives, begin searching for a new position, but remain in your current position until you have secured the next.
By Angela I. Schutz
Are You Marketable?
Tough economic times require you to take stock of more than just your finances. In today’s volatile job market, it makes sense to spend some
Keep Your Technology Skills up
to staying in the workforce until you are ready to retire. Whenever you are presented with the opportunity to learn something new at work, be the first to say :�Pick me,� “Teach me.� Showing your eagerness to learn new things will send your employer the message that you are a valuable employee always ready for new challenges.
Revamp Your Resume
date yourself by using an outdated resume style or format. What was an appropriate resume style more than five years ago may be defunct today. Phrases such as: “references upon request� are no longer used and may take you out of the running for a position you want. Get professional help from someone who is current in the industry. Invest in a good Career Counselor who will be able to help you create a results-based resume rather than a responsibilities-based resume. It could mean landing the job of your dreams.
Your resume should always be current. Update it every six months, Another thing you can do is to keep but don’t go it alone. The current up your technology skills. There trends in resume writing need to is nothing that can derail your ca- be heeded. If you have not writreer more than outdated computer ten a resume in many years, don’t skills. There are so many ways to gain the computer skills you need. Join us for our spectacular woman’s conference: Check out your public library for
In the Heart of Success
to be held at the Homewood Suites by HiltonÂŽ on March 4th and 5th.
When you think of one element that every employer wants is an employee who is always positive Be an Educational Sponge and passionate about their work. Your desire to learn may be the key
Fairfield County Woman
s ces
Keep a Positive Attitude
introductory computer classes. You can also take continuing education courses in any of the community colleges that will help you keep your skills current. Having little or no ability to use a computer sets you apart as the type of employee who will always be resistant to change within an organization. Having poor technology skills send up a red flag to potential employees.
time examining your career. Whether you are at the beginning of your career or are a seasoned employee, you must, from time to time, take a hard look at the elements that keep you marketable. You can create a plan for staying marketable at 55, 60 or even 65 or older by following these simple steps:
Your desire to learn may be the key to staying in the workforce until you are ready to retire.
S r t of
In the Heart of Success is a conference unlike any other, where you will meet like-minded women, learn strategies that will help you get on the path to success both personally and professionally AND have lots of fun! The list of speakers is impressive:
Friday night: Karin WhitleyČąÂ?Â›Â˜Â–Čą ˜——ŽŒÂ?’ŒžÂ?ČąÂ Â’Â•Â•ČąÂœÂ?Š›Â?ČąÂžÂœČąÂ˜Ä›ČąÂ Â’Â?Â‘ČąÂŠČąÂ–Â˜Â?Â’Â&#x;ŠÂ?Â’Â˜Â—ČąÂ™ÂŠÂ›Â?¢ȹÂ?Â˜ČąÂ’Â?—’Â?ÂŽČą our passion for life. Kathi CaseyČąÂ?Â›Â˜Â–Čą ÂŠÂœÂœÂŠÂŒÂ‘ÂžÂœÂŽÄ´ÂœČąÂ Â’Â•Â•ČąÂ?ÂŽÂŠÂŒÂ‘ČąÂ›ÂŽÂ•ÂŠÂĄÂŠÂ?Â’Â˜Â—ČąÂŽÂĄÂŽÂ›ÂŒÂ’ÂœÂŽÂœČąÂŠÂ—Â?ČąÂ?ÂŽÂŠÂŒÂ‘Čą everyone how to have a healthy body even if they are baby boomers! Friday night will end with a spectacular pajama party! Bring your martini glass to taste our signature “Heartâ€? Martini. ŠÂ?ž›Â?Š¢ǹȹ —Â?Ž•Šȹ ÂŒÂ‘ÂžÄľ from Connecticut will talk about the intention that led to: In the Heart of Success. Š›‹ȹ ˜ĴŠ from New Hampshire will teach us that it is “Safe to be Brilliantâ€?. Deb Arrato from Connecticut will give us entrepreneur secrets for marketing a successful home-based business. Jan Fraser-Coles from Bermuda will show us why it is never too late to “Dream Dare Danceâ€?. Sharon McGloin from Kansas will teach us ways to avoid the burnout of compassion. Lynne MarinoČąÂ?Â›Â˜Â–Čą ˜——ŽŒÂ?’ŒžÂ?ȹ ’••ȹÂ?Â’Â&#x;ÂŽČąÄ™Â—ÂŠÂ—ÂŒÂ’ÂŠÂ•ČąÂŠÂ?Â&#x;Â’ÂŒÂŽČąÂ?‘ŠÂ?ČąÂ Â’Â•Â•ČąÂ‘ÂŽÂ•Â™ČąÂ Â˜Â–ÂŽÂ—ČąÂ•ÂŽÂŠÂ›Â—ČąÂ‘Â˜Â ČąÂ?Â˜Čą have a healthy relationship with their money. Jin Robertson from Korea will teach us how to have a Warrior Mindset to overcome any obstacles in life. ’슗¢ȹ Â?Â?˜ from Minnesota with teach us the power of spirituality and gratitude in our lives. ÂŽČąÂ Â’Â•Â•ČąÂŠÂ•ÂœÂ˜ČąÂ‘ÂŠÂ&#x;ÂŽČąÂ&#x;Ž—Â?Â˜Â›ÂœÇ°ČąÂ?˜˜Â?’Žȹ‹ŠÂ?ÂœÇ°ČąÂ?Â˜Â˜Â›ČąÂ™Â›Â’ÂŁÂŽÂœČąÂŠÂ—Â?ȹŠȹśŖȏśŖȹ›ŠÄ?ÂŽČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂŠÂ?Â?ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ?‘ŽȹÂ?ž—ǯ dzŠ—Â?ČąÂ?Â‘ÂŽÂ›ÂŽČ‚ÂœČąÂ–Â˜Â›ÂŽÇąČą Â˜Â›ČąÂŠÂ—Â˘Â˜Â—ÂŽČąÂ Â‘Â˜ČąÂ‘ÂŠÂœČąÂŽÂ&#x;Ž›ȹ Š—Â?ÂŽÂ?ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂŽÂĄÂ™Â•Â˜Â›ÂŽČąÂ‘Â˜Â ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ Â›Â’Â?ÂŽČąÂŠČąÂ‹Â˜Â˜Â”Ç°Čą Š—ȹ Â›ÂŠÂœÂŽÂ›ČŹ Â˜Â•ÂŽÂœČąÂ Â’Â•Â•ČąÂ˜Ä›ÂŽÂ›ČąÂŠČąÂ Â˜Â›Â”ÂœÂ‘Â˜Â™ČąÂŠÂ?ČąÂ?‘Žȹ ˜–Ž ˜˜Â?Čą ž’Â?ÂŽÂœČąÂ‹Â˘Čą ’•Â?˜—Ž on Sunday, March 6th from 9 am Ȏȹśȹ™–ȹÂ?‘ŠÂ?ČąÂ Â’Â•Â•ČąÂŽÂĄÂ™Â•Â˜Â›ÂŽČąÂ‘Â˜Â ČąÂ˘Â˜ÂžČąÂŒÂŠÂ—ČąÂ Â›Â’Â?ÂŽČąÂ?Â‘ÂŽČąÂ‹Â˜Â˜Â”ČąÂ Â’Â?Â‘Â’Â—ČąÂ˘Â˜ÂžÇŻČąČąÇť ÂŽÂ—ČąÂŠÂ›ÂŽČąÂ ÂŽÂ•ÂŒÂ˜Â–ÂŽČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ“Â˜Â’Â—ČąÂ?Â‘Â’ÂœČą workshop) This is a weekend not to be missed, and for anyone who brings another woman who signs up for the conference, there will be a special gift because this is the type of event you want to share with ÂœÂ˜Â–ÂŽÂ˜Â—ÂŽČąÂ˘Â˜ÂžČąÂ•Â˜Â&#x;Žǯȹȹ ›’—Â?ČąÂ˘Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂ–Â˜Â–Ç°ČąÂ˘Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂœÂ’ÂœÂ?ÂŽÂ›ČąÂ˜Â›ČąÂ˘Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂ‹ÂŽÂœÂ?ČąÂ?›’Ž—Â?ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂœÂ‘ÂŠÂ›ÂŽČąÂ?Â‘Â’ÂœČąÂŽÂĄÂ™ÂŽÂ›Â’ÂŽÂ—ÂŒÂŽÇˇ For more information and to register for the event: www.IntheHeartof Success.com For a special conference discount listen to —Â?Ž•Šȹ ÂŒÂ‘ÂžÄľČąÂ˜Â?Čą ›’Â&#x;Ž—ȹÂ?Â˜Čą žŒŒŽŽÂ?Čą ˜—œž•Â?’—Â?Čą on Friday, February 28th at 7:00 pm on Conversation Crossroad    ǯ •˜Â? Š•” ŠÂ?Â’Â˜ÇŻÂŒÂ˜Â–ČŚÂŒÂ˜Â—ÂĄÂ›Â˜ÂŠÂ?ČŹ or ‘Ĵ™ǹȌȌÂ?Â’Â—Â˘ÇŻÂŒÂŒČŚÂŁÂŒÂŠÂ’Ĺ&#x;
Fabulous Business Style
Fairfield County Woman
Fabulous Business Style
Fairfield County Woman
Fabulous Business Style
Experience DONCASTER a new way to shop for clothes…
Designed by Patricia Clyne- who designed her own label and formerly designed for Oscar de la Renta. Uses the finest fabrics available around the world…from the same mills used by the top couture designers. Style and design details rival the couture collections, but the clothes are also versatile and priced to suit your needs. Clothes are three-season wear and will work with what you already have in your closet. Available in sizes 2 to 24 and comes in petites and woman’s sizes-everything from suits, to casual to accessories!
Make an appointment to see the collection at a Trunk show in Wilton, CT - March 1st -12th and May 2nd – 14th Or any time at the Manhattan Showroom by contacting us
Gail Hanny
203 -762-5487 h • 203-921-7023 c • gmhanny@optonline.net
Lisa Benison
203-761-1250 h • 203-451-0070 c • lbenison@optonline.net 38 MARCH/APRIL
Fairfield County Woman
Your Money Your Business
Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA By: Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA Managing Member of Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA, LLC
we have at the beginning of the year? How did we utilize those resources? What do have left?
The main difference between a small family owned business and its regional, national, and international competitors is not only the size of the companies, the expertise of management or the drive of the owners, but the breadth and depth of the information available in the decision making process. In this modern economy, a one-person “shop” can work globally. There are no more boundaries.
The purpose of an accounting system is not just the collection, collation, and regurgitation of data in order to prepare a tax return or financial statement. These are compliance issues and have very little value. The true purpose of an accounting system is to provide the information needed in order to make intelligent decisions regarding the resources and assets of a business.
The accounting department is the main provider of information to the business owner. The main drawback is that the information provided is historical in nature. What resources did I, and my firm, provide a wide array of services to a diverse client base, including real estate professionals, attorney’s, doctors and dentists, chiropractors, insurance agencies, and contractors.
Computerized Accounting Systems I am fully expert in QuickBooks™ and Peachtree™ Accounting Software and can help you install, set-up and configure your new computerized bookkeeping system. In fact, in 2007 I became a Certified QuickBooks Pro-Advisor Once we install your system. My firm can help you customize it to meet your specific needs and resolve any issues that arise in your day-to-day use of the system.
Bookkeeping Services From periodic “write-up” services or “real-time” check writing and bookkeeping, I can take the worry out of running the accounting function or your small business. Today’s entrepreneur may not have the time or expertise to keep up with the minutiae of bookkeeping. Bank reconciliations, loans, credit cards, fixed assets, and depreciation
Fairfield County Woman
schedules, you could spend a significant portion of your time making sure that the information you need to make financial decisions is in good order. When are you going to have time to do what you are good at, the reason you opened your business was not to be a bookkeeper.
Income taxes Individual, business, estate, and gift tax, I have over a decade of experience helping people and small business meet tax compliance obligations. However, taxes are not limited to April 15th. The real goal; is not just filing your taxes, but also making sure that you only pay your fair share. Planning is a year-round pursuit, and if it is done well, you can sleep easy on April 14th knowing that you only paid what you were supposed to, and not one penny more.
Financial Statements There are many reasons to have financial statements prepared. You may need a loan from a bank, your vendors may require a financial statement to extend credit, or you may just want a periodic snap shot of how your business is doing. I can prepare financial statements for
There are two main categories of data sets. We are familiar with financial metrics and the information provided by them. Operating expenses, cost of goods sold, current assets, long-term liabilities. These measures only tell half internal, management use only, or can provide a compilation, review, or audit, if those types of statements are called for as well
Financial Analysis Financial statements are a useful tool for running your business, a financial statement provides information that is critical in the decision making process, however financial statements of all types have severe limitations, the only see the past. In order to see where your business is going, how it compares with its peer group, how effectively the business coverts sales into profits, consider a more in-depth analysis using both financial and non-financial metrics.
Business Valuation Are you buying or selling a business? Are you taking on a new partner, or working with a financial planner to make sure your family’s needs are covered with life insurance? Consider the fact that your small business is an asset that may have a substantial value. However, in most instances you cannot go to the Wall Street Journal and look up the stock price. How will you know if you
the story. The other data set needed to make intelligent decisions regarding your business are non-financial and change depending on your specific industry. A retail store might want to track overhead or sales by square foot. A professional services firm may need to know net income per billable hour. A restaurant should probably concern itself with revenue per seat or table. When we combine financial and non-financial data, we can begin to plan and take a proactive approach to solving problems before they arise. Until this point, your accounting system is only telling you what happened yesterday. It is not helping you dictate what will happen tomorrow.
are overpaying for the business you are buying, or if you have enough life insurance to cover your assets when you pass away? Consider having Daniel R. Kaufman, CPA prepare a business valuation so you know how much your business is worth.
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Your Money Your Business
Energy Savers
By Lucy Brown As far back as I can remember, even as a very young child, I can recall my mother always saying that we must treat people the way we want to be treated and that meant helping people as well. You know, “The Golden Rule”! So, it’s no wonder that I have ended up over the years doing businesses that would lead people to finding out about good health, and being able to earn financial freedom along the way. I actually was in the food and fashion industry, after my children were grown, and I was just starting out in the business world. I wanted to help people learn about great food and got their first Blue Ribbon from a Cooking school in NYC where I briefly taught before I branched out to own a catering business, “Secret Service”. It was fun helping people plan parties long before it became such a “hot” business and it was as if all those parties were “my own” and therefore, not necessarily profit making! I became a Fashion Consultant in the Fifth Ave Club at Saks Fifth Ave for about 2 years and then decided to get more involved in helping people become more aware of health and nutrition thru a home based business where they had the ability to earn residual income. My focus was to be in on the leading edge of products that would enhance people’s lives and went to several different companies over many years when I felt that advanced and better formulas and techniques were available.
Today’s economy forces most of us to think about alternative choices to earn multiple streams of income. With that in mind, I have always been looking for alternative ways to save money on household expenses, particularly in energy: electricity, gas and oil that could also help save our planet down the road.
it into thirteen divisions from four and the notional value of the energy products the company brokered was in excess of $750B a year. United was the first broker of energy derivatives and did not have a competitor anywhere in the world for 2 years. When sold in 2005, company was still the #1 broker of crude oil globally.
By a stroke of good luck of being in the right place at the right time, I had the great fortune to meet and become affiliated with one of the two owners of a brand new company, North American Power, whose mission is to become the best and brightest provider of cleaner and more economical gas, oil and electricity, particularly now that deregulation is upon us. There are 17 states already deregulated for commercial accounts with 30 more slated to become so and then on across the states. Both residential and commercial accounts are available in 3 states: CT, PA and MD with NY and NJ next.
Mr. Turnbull was a Senior Partner and Managing Director of energy brokerage firm, Amerex, which he co-founded in 1983. While there, he had developed the companies regulated futures business on the International Petroleum Exchange in London and founded its petroleum brokerage business in Asia. He was also involved with Amerex’s development of natural gas and electricity derivative instruments, and the adoption of the online trading booth. Both gentlemen had retired and due to the deregulation of this industry today, founded North American Power in
March of 2010 to help homeowners and businesses take full advantage of the deregulation energy rates while doing their part to reduce America’s dependency on fossil fuels and foreign oil. I am an Energy Broker Area Manager with this company as once again, I love to help people and show them how to save money! This is a company that is dedicated to massive growth across the country and is guided by the solid reputation and impeccable and stellar leadership of these two gentlemen. The tremendous feature is the unique potential for visionaries to take advantage of the timing for financial freedom particularly in this economy, as well as helping customers save money on a bill that they have to pay anyway! For more information on saving money, go to www.napower.com/energysaver or for Broker information go to: www.napower broker.com/energysaver
We as Energy Brokers help people save money on a bill that they are already paying and there is NO COST to switch! We became the number 1 energy company in our first few months. That was so impressive that Wells Fargo Bank gave us a $75 million dollar credit line! We also share the exceptional opportunity of becoming an Energy Broker with us as the Energy Deregulation industry puts us in a unique position of earning substantial monthly, residual income as the deregulation of the telecommunications market did over 20 years ago when AT&T, the major telephone service provider was forced to “break-up” and scores of people became wealthy from being involved in the beginning of that deregulation. It’s all about TIMING, being there in the beginning! North American Power is led by energy industry veterans with over 50 years of combined experience at the very highest levels in oil, gas and electricity, Kerry Brietbart and Carey Turnbull. Mr. Breitbart was the President and CEO of the United Companies and built
Fairfield County Woman
Radio Talk Show
“Skins� and Porn- Where are the Women? ashamed of, or chooses not to look at. Girls are not the only ones who suffer from the pervasiveness of pornography. Boys may have it worse. Professor Dines’s research shows that men who view porn regularly have trouble having relationships with real women. Young men, in particular, become stunted in their growth, viewing all women as sexual objects, rather than three-dimensional partners.
Defenders of the series say that “Skins� is merely showing what teenagers really do. Whose teenagers exactly? Kids you know, personally? Assuming there are such teens, if the purpose of the show were to illuminate, it would be called a documentary. This is a show designed to entertain, provoke and tease, three buzzwords that make for ratings gold. MTV’s pasting on a “Mature� label while presenting the show during its primetime hours to a viewing audience largely under the age of 14 is more evidence of its coy disingenuousness. Where are the women to object? Strangely silent. Eerily, scarily silent. Women are present in the media. We are producers,
“You don’t have to be Jewish to need a good Jewish mother.� — M O L LY S H A N N O N “Honest, self-aware, and frequently funny, these women deliver a triple-strength dose of universal advice.� —Publishers Weekly “A lovely book.�—K A T H I E L E E G I F F O R D on Today
traight from the mouths of three Jewish moms, Secrets of a Jewish Mother shows that what all these ladies truly work for and want is the happiness, health, and success of their loved ones. In this warm and funny book, they share their insights, struggles, and lessons learned on how to achieve the best life possible.
“Offers heartwarming, no-nonsense advice on relationships, friendships, marriage, career, and family.� —N e w s d a y
casting directors, program executives, agents and attorneys. Our influence counts, if only we would use it. As mothers and role models to young girls, we women have a special responsibility not to permit exploitation of our teens. I was going to name the title of my next book, “How the Women’s Movement Lost the Women.� If the non-backlash towards Skins, and so many other exploitative, hypersexualized depictions of teenagers on our living room screens is any indication, I not only know how the Women’s Movement lost me, I also know why.
Lisa Wexler is a talk radio host, an attorney, a co-author of Secrets of A Jewish Mother (Penguin/Dutton) and the cofounder of Women In Power , a non-profit association whose credo is Knowledge ~ Confidence ~ Power. To hear Lisa’s shows or contact her, go to www.lisawexler. com. Hear Lisa every weekday at AM 1400 WSTC/1350 WNLK from 4:00- 6:00 P.M.
Cover design by Monica Benalcazar Cover Photograph by Claudio Marinesco
$15.00 U.S. $18.50 CAN.
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SECRETS of a Jewish Mother Real Advice, Real Family, Real Love
“As the son of a Jewish mother, I can attest there are secrets. If only I had this book as a child!�
—Larry King
Gloria Kamen, Lisa Wexler, and Jill Zarin
In what could be called “The Jewish Mother’s Guide to Life,� Jill Zarin, the breakout star of The Real Housewives of New York, teams up with her sister, Lisa Wexler, award-winning radio host of The Lisa Wexler Show, and her mother, the estimable Gloria Kamen, who made a splash on Jill’s series last year. Secrets of a Jewish Mother shows readers that being clear about what you want for yourself and your family is always the right way to go. With real-life stories from Jill, Lisa, and Gloria that illustrate their wise and witty tips on dating, marriage, money, and more, Secrets of a Jewish Mother is all the advice you didn’t know you needed but will never forget.
Real Advice, Real Family, Real Love
Emily Nussbaum in this week’s New York Magazine reviews MTV’s “Skins.�, a program which uses actors under age 18, and has been accused of filming scenes which come dangerously close to child pornography. Ms. Nussbaum’s jaded, too condescending attitude towards the depiction of young teens having three- ways, doing drugs and engaging in unprotected, risky and perverted sexual situations both astonished
and disappointed me. Are we so afraid to judge that we are willing to let our most impressionable and tender segment of society, our teenagers, stand alone? They are being used and exploited for their beautiful flesh and the titillation that will surely bring out ratings.
SECRETS of a Jewish Mother
Professor Gail Dines researches pornography and its effects on men as well as women. Her conclusion? In the 1950’s young women were afraid to say yes. Now? Young women are afraid to say no. Is this what the Women’s Movement wanted to achieve? When women like Gloria Steinem fought for the right of women to be free to choose the kind of life they would lead, both in the bedroom and the boardroom, I doubt they envisioned a culture in which young women are just as imprisoned by cultural expectations as they were fifty years ago. Only now, those expectations are for young women to say yes, not no. Oral sex? Big deal‌ doesn’t even, really “countâ€?. Unprotected intercourse? Ok, because after all, you know, he doesn’t like putting a “sockâ€? on it. And where is the young woman in this? Just as manipulated as ever, often coerced into behaviour she is either
Gloria Kamen, Lisa Wexler, and Jill Zarin
Photo by http://assets0.patch-assets.com/assets/photos/000/457/943/57943_collapsed.jpg?1275658197. Your photos, videos & PDFs
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Fairfield County Woman
Finance Fitness
LIMRA: Women Save 40% Less to Retire Than Men saving (see chart). This finding suggests that women are less inclined than men to prioritize and take on the responsibility for retirement saving. Another factor the research uncovered was the relative lack of knowledge of women about financial products and services. When rating their own knowledge about financial products and services, men are more likely indicate that they are knowledgeable as compared to women, 29 percent versus 14 percent, respectively.
By: M. Charles Ross and Ann Marie Nascimento 914-631-1133 • mross04msn.com WINDSOR, Conn., Feb. 3, 2011 — Despite similar individual and household characteristics, the retirement savings of working women lag significantly behind those of men, according to a new research study by LIMRA. “Women’s average defined contribution (DC) plan balances are only 60 percent of men’s average balances,” said Cecilia Shiner, senior analyst, LIMRA’s retirement research. “This is especially concerning because women live longer than men and thus need more retirement savings. In addition to a longer average lifespan, women are more Overall nearly three quarters of men felt at least somewhat knowllikely to have work disruptions for caregiving that hinder their capac- edgeable about financial products and services, while only 54 perity to save. Therefore, they need to capitalize on savings opportuni- cent of women felt similarly. ties while they are working.” However, the study revealed that employees with similar financial The report, Gender Matters: Retirement Savings of Working Men and knowledge levels, regardless of gender, are comparable in terms of Women, examines men’s and women’s retirement savings behavior. their behavior toward retirement planning activities. Men and women Not surprisingly, the study found that average DC plan balances of that are knowledgeable of investments or financial products are more working women 50 years or older are below those of working men of likely than those that are somewhat or not knowledgeable to be very the same age by nearly $63,000. While the average DC plan deferral involved in monitoring and managing their retirement savings. This rate is higher for women aged 50 or older, they are much more likely finding may suggest that if women improved their financial literacy, to earn less than men of the same age (including their spouses or they would become more active in retirement planning activities. partners), 53 percent versus 40 percent, respectively. “As an industry, we have to do more to educate women on the imThe outlook is brighter for women younger than 50 who are coupled portance of retirement saving and planning,” said Shiner. “Compaeither in marriage or civil union. Gender differences in earnings are nies can help employers provide the tools and information to encourless significant in coupled employees under the age of 50 than in age them to participate in their DC plans and become more involved those 50 years or older. Women under the age of 50 are more likely in the financial decisions surrounding their retirement. The study was to earn the same as their spouse or partner than women age 50 years conducted in July and August of 2010 and examined almost 2,500 or more, 15 percent versus 8 percent, respectively. employees, who did not work for the federal government or military, were not self-employed, and were eligible to participate in a DC plan. LIMRA researchers found that across all age groups, men are more All survey results weighted to be representative of target sample likely than women to identify retirement as an important reason for population based on U.S. Census figures.
Fairfield County Woman
Not Just Another Meeting Place
Fairfield County Woman
Darien, CT
Family Photographer
Matthew C. Abourezk
I have been a photographer for more than 30 years but it wasn't until my first son was born (12 years ago) that I became interested in Family Photography. I have been an avid photographer of children ever since. I'm startled by how quickly the moments of my sons' childhood have flown by, and I'm grateful to have recorded their lives so meticulously. I shoot family keepsakes. Although formal portraits are important, I am not a fan of typical “smile for the camera!” photography. I love to capture the joy in children. When kids are having fun, magic happens… magic that you can’t plan, magic that you can’t control, and magic that you will never see when you tell a kid to “smile for the camera”. Visit the Family photo gallery in my online portfolio. Look for the Galleries at: www.talkingbox.tv
Look for Matt’s photo Galleries at:
www.talkingbox.tv Contact Matt ~ Ph (203) 249-7718 ~ Email: matt@talkingboxdmg.com
Fairfield County Woman
Home & Garden
NLdeV Restoration By: Nadia Louyer de Villermay Abstract from the article written by Ryan Doran in the Fairfield County Business Journal on september 29, 2008 entitled “ In restoration, ‘les’ is more - Old World Touch for New World Treasures” Nadia Louyer de Villermay, owner of NLdeV Retoration, brings her traditional style and French accent to the furniture-fascinated residents of Westport. “My workshop is dedicated to the conservation and restoration of furniture and gilded objects,” says Nadia. Trained in her craft in Paris at the Institut National des Formations Artistiques, de Villermay apprenticed in Parisian restoration “ateliers”, which once turned out some of the finest furniture of Europe to fill the halls of Versailles and the Louvre. She has been honored with the Deb Ziegler award for Entrepreneurial Excellence from the Stamford Woman’s Business Development Center. “A globe trotter for a good part of my life, I grew to appreciate the roles of our environment, traditions, and cultural patrimony,” says Nadia. “Today, I bring continents a little closer together by using Old World techniques to preserve the New World’s heritage.” Nadia works exclusively with wood, follows her training strictly, making her own materials and only using the techniques that were in use at the time the piece was originally created. “My understanding of the restorer’s ethic informs my approach to my craft. I believe that any intervention must be guided by reflection, sensibility and absolute respect for the piece of art. But the personality of an object develops through time, and these developments must be respected, not erased.” According to Nadia, a furniture restorer must be discrete in execution, involving no irreversible restauration, while preserving as much as possible the past interventions that serve to itentify the period and personal history of the piece. Nadia’s restoration workshop focuses on custom furniture and cabinet restoration and refinishing, frame, furniture and wall gilding, inlay and marquetery, and desk leather replacement.
68 Long Lots Rd. • Westport, CT 06880 203-247-9711 • nadia@ndevrestoration.com www.nldevrestoration.com Fairfield County Woman
The Right Stuff
Spirit of WomanConnect™ ~ How to Make Networking a Fruitful Experience By Valerie J. Fields Networking can be a really intimidating experience, especially if you are just starting to do it. On the other hand however, it can also be a very inspiring one depending on how you approach your networking opportunities. There are some people who appear to be naturals at it, while others see networking as a colossal waste of their time, because they can’t see any tangible results. The difference between these two types of networkers is that one sees networking as an art, while the other see it as a science. The truth is networking is an art - it is the art of communication, of conversation and navigation; there is a system of rules or principles that govern its activity. Savvy or successful networkers know and understand this. Contrary to what may have been written by some, there are no real secrets to a successful or fruitful networking experience, but there are certain “acts of engagement” that can make a networking experience both satisfying and gratifying. The act of knowing when to speak, and when to listen; the act of engaging in conversation, not dominating the conversation; and, how to navigate the process, for instance, how not to be intrusive or invasive, but rather intuitive - being able to sense when you are being invited into someone’s presence. Having a sense of these things can make or break a networking experience. It’s a foregone conclusion that business networking is necessary if you want your business to succeed and grow. It is one of the few cost-effective ways to market your business and inform others about the unique products and services you have to offer. It’s an effective way to meet people, to grow your network and expand your circle of influence within a group of other like-minded and
Fairfield County Woman
purposed individuals, who are there to do the same. But what ultimately sets apart a savvy networker from someone who is not, is that successful networkers get it. They understand that networking is not centered on their personal agenda; nor is it an opportunity to merely stockpile business cards and talk themselves up. The savvy networker understands
that networking is about creating authentic connections and establishing meaningful relationships. It’s about showing up and sharing. You are responsible for creating your own experience. If you want a fruitful experience, you have to sow some seeds. Not just the seed of your time, but also the seed of your
Testimonial “Valerie Fields is a powerful force and inspiration to all women. Her conferences and workshops offers to women healing, restoration and inspiration to become a better woman. I am grateful for her work and her ability to connect women with themselves and to each other.” De Boone CEO De Boone Consulting
For more info, visit www.spiritofwomanconnect.org or feel free to contact me directly at 203.912.2756
actions. It does not matter how productive or unproductive you believe a particular event to be, ultimately if you left and went home with the feeling that you got nothing out of it - whose fault is that? The universal principle of reaping what you sow, dictates that you take full accountability for your actions or inaction. I remember going to a particular networking event, that I knew early on was not going to work for me, but I stayed anyway complaining about how exclusive it was and how nearly impossible I thought it would be to get any face time with certain people who were there. Truth is, I allowed my experience to be guided by my pre-conceived notions and as a result I had a pretty unfruitful experience. What I did not realize, was that networking is not a line it’s a circle; that it’s not a once-and-for-all event, it’s a process. What I finally learned was that it’s all about reciprocity, a reciprocal act - less about what you are there to get and more about what you are there to give. I learned it is unfruitful to approach a networking opportunity just to gain access to a resource; my intention now is to go inspired to be ONE! If there are any secrets to a fruitful networking experience, I would say that would be one of them. Bottom line, if your networking is not working, check your approach and your MOTIVES! Valerie J. Fields is the founder of Spirit of Woman Unlimited - creator of signature empowerment events for women; and Spirit of WomanConnect, a monthly networking experience that connects the spirit of woman to the soul of empowerment, networking the way women are naturally designed to connect. Valerie can be reached directly at 203.912.2756 or by visiting her websites www.spiritofwomanunlimited. org and www.spiritofwomanconnect.org.
march/april 47
Thinking Out Loud By Gina Brillon
Sitting in the dressing room of a comedy club in NYC trying to cover up the evidence of an over emotional day, I swipe a concealer brush over my swollen tear ducts. Maybe it was the way the concealer made my eyes look, somehow sadder than before, or maybe it was the way it made them feel, like they had just been hugged, either way the next thought in my head was how much of a friend make up had been to me my whole life. I started to really break it down, MAKE – UP, how many times had I used it to actually “make-up” another story or create a new person? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree with using make up to cover up natural beauty, in fact in the last few years I sport my natural beauty more than anything else, I am merely reliving what a good friend makeup has been in times of need. One
“Make-Up” could say there is no stronger bond then the bond between a woman and her make-up bag. Whenever crisis hit there was my faithful old bag, perfectly equipped with whatever I might need, whether it be concealer for swollen tear ducts or to hide that pimple that pops up just before prom, I had a rather enviable arsenal. An arsenal of makeup is a necessity for someone as emotional as me because, as we all know; the world doesn’t stop just because you feel like having a nervous breakdown. You still have to show up for work, get on the train or whatever, that’s where make-up comes in.
all going to be alright, just relax, I don’t know why but to me the word concealer and comfort just work together, it’s like a blanket that goes over your skin protecting you from even your own feelings. The next layer, and proper make-up is done in layers, is powder or whatever foundation you use, I use Bare Minerals. For the foundation layer, well that’s when I get that “okay we are almost there” or “you know what. I got this”. I’m not one for eye make-up it smudges often and can be frustrating, but I definitely know the importance of a good bronzer or blush. Cheek color makes you feel like smiling well it makes me feel that way since it looks like I’m Putting on make-up makes me feel smiling already. Now for the most in control of the situation. As I fun part to me, the lips, you know swipe primer on my face I say ok get how real estate is location, location, it together, you have stuff to do, I location! Well lip color is moisture, move on to the base or concealer, moisture, moisture!! I hate dry lips! and I take a deep breath and say it’s I think they look terrible and I can’t
imagine they feel good. Lips are the Pièce de résistance, first apply a layer of moisture be it blistex or whatever, this layer is for protection, then if you like a lip liner close to the shade of lipstick or lip gloss you plan on wearing, nothing too gaudy, let’s not relieve fashion no’s like dark lip liner light lipstick! Eww! A lipstick should be something soft that compliments your skin tone. Once done applying lipstick I step back take a look at my art work and say “That’s better”. So in conclusion, what a painfully obvious ending, I’ve used it to cover up tears, bruises, pimples, skin spots, tiredness and even used it on stage to create a different persona, my good friend Make-up has been there to “cover up” a lot of life’s mishaps. I guess this is my thank you, thank you my Make-Up my friend.
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