Fairfield Woman Nov/Dec 2009

Page 1


Kim Kat Kristoff

Anya Kishinevsky

Ted Davey

Greenwich Associates for Well-Being

Excellence in Plastic Surgery with a Caring Touch

The Window People

Page 37

Pages 8-9

Page 24

The Law Offices of

Adele R. Jacobs, LLC

Know Your Patient Rights pages 18-19

Publisher’s Note Welcome to our Nov/Dec 09 edition of the Fairfield County Woman. The fall season has arrived as well as the time of year that we begin to wear warmer clothes, sip on hot cocoa and prepare for the holiday season. I really enjoy this time of year when I can take a scenic drive throughout Connecticut to witness the beautiful color changes of the leaves. As you may know, October was breast cancer month so if you haven’t already, please take the time to make an appointment with your doctor for a checkup. The staff of FC Woman would like to thank all of our newest contributors on joining our publication. Also, please mention to them that you have read their articles and please support them with your patronage. HAPPY HOLIDAY to all of our staff, contributors, readers and their families. Please, feel free to view our web site at www.fairfieldwoman.com.

Adela Gallagher ~ Publisher

On the Cover Adele R. Jacobs, Esq. Law Offices of Adele R. Jacobs, LLC. - see article on pages 18 & 19 about Patient Rights.

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November/DeCember 2009

Fairfield County Woman

About Us

About Us

Let LetMe MeIntroduce IntroduceYou Youto tothe the#1 #1 Nationally Syndicated Women’s Woman’s Newspaper Newspaper in in the U.S. U.S. Syndicated Allow me to introduce you to The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper. Each of our Woman’s Newspapers is an informative and enlightening resource for the community. Published six times a year, we serve readers with valued information in a wide variety of special columns and features Written by local experts in their respective fields, from Health and Medicine to personal Finance and Travel,. The Fairfield County Woman’s Newspaper provides the best in local contacts and the latest information available We offer editorial coverage, a low advertising rate and most importantly, targeted marketing to women. Read on to find out what we can offer you as a contributing writer... Target Audience Are you aware that women make 80% of all the consumer and health care decisions? The FCW will become a primary

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If you enjoy meeting people, you will enjoy this job. E-mail your resume to Gallagher@fcwoman.com or fax your resume to 203-708-9186. Fairfield County Wo m an

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September / oCtober 3

Table of Contents Medical Professionals Women’s Health Care of New England............................................. 5 Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania................................................ 6-7

Foundations & Charities Leukemia and Lymphoma Society T.E.A.M....................................... 25

Anya Kishinevsky, MD - Plastic Surgery........................................... 8-9 Empowering Women through Microfinance..................................... 26 Connecticut Spine & Health............................................................ 10 Memorial Sloan-Kettering ............................................................ 11

Women in Profile. ................................................... 27-29

Quick Fixes Impart Aesthetic Appeal................................................ 12

Fabulous Food

Health & Wellness

Millie’s Home-Made Wedding Cakes......................................... 30-31

Agora Spa is the perfect Getaway................................................... 13 Step into the Next Dimension of Gymnastics.................................... 14 Astrology: A Tool for Self-Discovery................................................. 15 Massage Therapy for Women.................................................... 16-17

Route 22................................................................................. 32-33


Law Professionals

Lynn Romano Photography............................................................. 34

Know Your Patient Rights........................................................... 18-19


Business & Finance Are You Satisfied how your Website is Working for You?............... 20-21

Education Helping Young Girls Deal with the “Mean Girls Syndrome”............... 22

Home & Garden The Window People....................................................................... 23 Basement Systems........................................................................ 24


November/December 2009

Leo P. Gallagher & Son.................................................................. 35 About Breast Cancer................................................................. 36-37 Greenwich Associates for Well-Being (GAFWB) – Supporting the GREEN in Greenwich NOW........................................................... 38 Sound Tigers........................................................... Inside Back Cover Sports Center of Connecticut..............................................Back Cover

Fairfield County Woman

Medical Professionals


Thomas Ayoub, M.D. • Deanna DelPrete, D.O. Alicia Kerr, M.D. • Jay Ugol, M.D. Christine Waldron, D.O. • Christine Dombrowski, CNM Brenda Dunlap, APRN • Maryam Hedayatzadeh, M.D. Nicole Protomastro, APRN

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30 Stevens St. Norwalk, CT 644-1160 Fairfield County Woman

10 South St. Ridgefield, CT 894-3777 November/December 2009 5

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals

A Mother’s A Mother’sAppreciation Appreciation of of A MothersChildren’s Appreciation of Children’ofsPhiladelphia Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia Children’sHospital Hospital of

“LMommy!” I have heard ook what I did

those words a few thousand times in the past ten years. They typically follow one of Victoria’s self-taught accomplishments like learning to write her name, tying her shoes, and playing the harmonica. Somehow, she achieved all of the above without help from an adult. Victoria began life determined to succeed and nothing has changed since then. Victoria’s inner strength and relentless pursuit of independence has not only allowed her to charm anyone who crosses her path, but it has also kept her alive. My beautiful daughter was born on a warm summer day in July of 1997. The excitement of her birth turned to sadness with our doctor’s diagnosis of her malformed valves, narrowed aorta, and multiple holes in her heart. Specialists from Children‘s Hospital of Philadelphia informed our family that complications were severe and life threatening. We could take Victoria home so she could get strong enough to survive life-saving, open heart surgery. Within her first month of life, she fought through the perils of heart failure, experienced her first open heart surgery and gained enough weight to come home

My beautiful daughter was born on a warm summer day in July of 1997. The excitement of her birth turned to sadness with our doctor’s diagnosis of her malformed valves, narrowed aorta, and multiple holes in her heart. with her family. We knew right away that Victoria was an extraordinary child. As she grew for the next two years, Victoria spent her time capturing the hearts of everyone who met her. At the grocery store people would always compare her to Shirley Temple and Victoria played the part well. It seemed as though she was born with the ability to make people smile. Victoria continued to live life as though nothing had happened to her. However, that was not always as easy for those who loved her. My husband and I crossed our fingers before every visit to the cardiologist, hoping that this would not be the visit when we

Victoria plays in the grass with her new kitten.

The Gloucester County Woman 2009 The6County Woman Magazine November/DeCember

Victoria and her mother ??? relax in the Garden. not know. Our family is proud would schedule her next surgery. of this because it has allowed That time did eventually arrive Victoria to grow up just like any in June of 1999. At 23 months other child. of age, Victoria endured her However, events of this past second open heart surgery. This time, the procedure replaced both year made it impossible to hide Victoria’s condition from her her pulmonary and aortic valve. classmates, teachers and friends. The intricate intervention was Her cardiologist, Dr. Paul performed by world- renowned Stephens confirmed Dr. Thomas Spray, the that Victoria had same surgeon Unfortunately, outstarted to out who completfew people realize grow some ed her first of the surgery. that the Child Life Department Once even exists. But for families who work that was done again, are faced with childhood medical in 1999. Victoria fam amazed concerns, it quickly becomes Our family prepared everyone with a lifeline. for Victoria’s her immeasurthird surgery that was able strength. She scheduled for January. We all was sitting up and asking for knew it would be different this breakfast the very next morning. time. Victoria was old enough The next eight years of to inquire about her procedure, Victoria’s life were surgery-free. recovery, and chances for survival. She started kindergarten, took Now we all had the same fears dance classes, played soccer and concerns. But it was our job and softball and grew into a as her parents to present her with fine young lady. Considering the facts while encouraging her all that Victoria was doing, we to be strong. We turned to our tried to keep her cardiac issues faith to soften the anxiety of the in the background. We wanted unknown. But once again, it was her to live normally and not to Victoria who became the teacher, be known as “the kid with heart the coach, and the champion. problems”. Most of the time, it She never once complained would take months for someone about the pain. Instead she conto realize that she had a cardiac centrated on being strong enough history. If it was not for her chest scar, most people would to walk into the playroom in the


Child Life Department. There she would be able to play air hockey, draw pictures, make crafts and email her friends and family. Within 48 hours after surgery Victoria was beating her dad in air hockey. Her recovery was another success story. When asked about having open heart surgery at such a young age, Victoria says, “It wasn’t all that bad, I would do it again if I had to.” She credits the Child Life Department for making her time in the hospital not just bearable, but actually enjoyable. As her parent, I can help heal her wounds and dry her tears but there was one thing I was unable to do for her. Victoria needed to feel normal. I cannot thank The Child Life Department enough for doing just that for my daughter. While the best doctors in the United States were taking care of the medical aspects of my child’s care, the Child Life Department was making sure my little girl felt comfortable, welcomed, and perfectly normal even though it was for just moments at a time. Thanks to the Child Life Department, a few moments of normalcy quickly turned into a ride down the elevator and out the door towards home. Unfortunately, few people realize that the Child Life Department even exists. But for families who are faced with childhood medical concerns, it quickly becomes a lifeline. Sherry Polise, Child Life Specialist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, describes the mission of Child Life and all it has to offer for families. “The Child Life Team, at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, consists of Certified Child Life Specialists, Music and Art Therapists, Teachers and other individuals that all work for one common

June/July 2009

June/July 2008 Fairfield County Woman

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals Providing Comprehensive Inpatient and Outpatient Providing Comprehensive Inpatient and Outpatient Care for Providing comprehensive inpatient and outpatient Care forChildren Children from Birth through Age 19 from Birth through Age 19 care for children from birth through age 19

goal, to normalize the hospital experience for patients and families. The hospital is often a strange and overwhelming environment for children. Yet, through play, art, and music, this department brings comforting, familiar and fun things into the child’s hospital life. We strive to make sure kids can still be kids, despite their hospitalization.” Polise and her coworkers are able to help ease the pain of hospitalization and they do so with grace and integrity. “Any 10 year old, even a particularly brave one such as Victoria, has a tough road ahead of them after open heart surgery. The road includes countless blood draws, painful walks after surgery, and plenty of icky tasting medicine! Here at Children’s Hospital, my team and I work with doctors and nurses to ensure patients, like Victoria, receive a full range of care to support them both physically and emotionally.” Victoria is now back to school, asking tons of questions and periodically forgetting her homework just like the other kids her age. Her father and I could

not be happier. We have a lot to be thankful for this year. We are thankful for our family and

friends who sat with us in the waiting room and called every hour on the hour, the nurses

who cared for Victoria as if she was their own, the surgeons and doctors who brilliantly made use of their God given gifts, and the special people who work in the Child Life Department at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. They are the unsung heroes who are just as vital to a child’s recovery as the surgical team. Every moment we share with Victoria is a testament to the compassionate human spirit that is so perfectly shared by every employee at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.


Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia South 34th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Dr. Thomas Spray, world-renowned heart surgeon, takes time to chat with a young boy to help him feel at ease.

The County WomanWoman Magazine Fairfi eld County The Gloucester County Woman



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June/July 2009

June/July November/DeCember 20092008 7

Medical Professionals

Excellence woman’s body. We selflessly carry another human being to term and nourish him or her during infancy. Often, the skin of the abdomen loses elasticity, continues to sag after the pregnancy is over, and develops stretch marks that don’t go away. Sometimes the skin of the breasts loses its elasticity as well, with permanent stretch marks and drooping of the breasts. The nipples and areolae are enlarged and displaced. A “mommy makeover” is a popular procedure that combines a tummy tuck with a breast lift to restore the tight contours of the pre-pregnancy body. A tummy tuck removes excess abdominal skin, stretch marks, and fat. It tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall and results in a flatter abdominal profile. A breast lift removes excess skin and stretch marks to recreate a more youthful, round, and perky breast. Not all stretch marks will be removed - those below the belly button and closest to the nipple are taken away consistently.

in Plastic Surgery with a Caring Touch

How Long Do the Results Last?

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November/DeCember 2009

AnyaFfldChamberAd6.indd 1

No, far from it. Plastic surgery is a medical specialty designed to correct the structural or functional problems that arise from trauma, cancer, birth defects, pregnancy, and aging. Each person’s body reacts differently to these situations, and there is no reason to have to live with a severe deformity caused by any of these conditions. In many cases, your health insurance will cover reconstructive surgery to restore your body’s natural form and to regain the selfconfidence to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What is a “Mommy Makeover?” In many cases, pregnancy and nursing take their toll on a

8/11/08 11:39:19 AM

A mommy makeover is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, including a good diet and exercise. The results are technically permanent but may be significantly diminished with major fluctuations in weight. Women who are planning a substantial weight loss or future pregnancies are advised to postpone surgery. Women who smoke should quit all nicotine products for one full month before surgery to reduce the risks of surgery.

What if I would prefer fuller or smaller breasts? A breast lift can be performed at the same time as breast reduction or augmentation with an implant with no additional scarring. In the past, breast reduction or lift surgery could only be performed with a large “anchor” scar consisting of vertical and horizontal limbs. Savvy patients know that Dr Kishinevsky performs these surgeries with a small vertical only, “lollipop” scar, resulting in rounder, perkier breasts with a fuller cleavage. Breast reduction surgery relieves long-standing back and shoulder pain by removing excess breast tissue but still achieving a beautifully-shaped, lifted breast. Augmentation can be safely performed with saline or silicone implants to increase the volume of the breasts with the most natural texture and shape. During your consultation, you will have the chance to examine and feel both silicone and saline implants and to choose the style, size, and shape you feel the most comfortable with.

Fairfield County Woman

Medical Professionals

Which procedures help a patient to look younger or fresher for today’s competitive job market? Depending on a person’s needs, an eyelid lift or a face and neck lift go a long way towards erasing some of the more severe effects of aging. As the eyes are often described as “the windows to the soul,” removing a bit of excess, drooping skin and the loose fat that makes up the “bags”, whether above or below the eyes, often takes years off a man or woman’s appearance. Dark discoloration can be removed as well, all without leaving a visible scar. A face and neck lift is designed to clean up the jowls and excess skin around the neck, recreating a clean, tight jawline. The scars are hidden within the hairline, so only your hairdresser will know. The result is a natural, rested appearance, without looking fake or “done.” The results often last for more than ten years without a touch-up.

What if I prefer a less invasive approach? Injectable treatments have virtually no downtime and are effective in smoothing many of the lines that appear on the face with aging. Botox is a simple and easy treatment that eliminates horizontal forehead lines, vertical “scowl” lines between the eyebrows, crow’s feet around the eyes, and even vertical lines around the lips. The results last for 3-4 months, and the injections are so quick and painless, they can be done during your lunch break. A soft tissue filler, like Restylane or Juvederm can be used to restore volume to the face. They are effective in smoothing the folds around the mouth, restoring a youthful fullness to lips that have thinned with age, or to erase lines around the chin. The only side effects are injection site swelling or bruising that may last 2-3 days.

What are my options for reconstruction if I will be having a mastectomy or lumpectomy for breast cancer? In this day and age, there are so many options for women undergoing treatment for breast cancer to look and feel their best, there is no reason that any woman should be left with a defect or an asymmetry. If a woman prefers reconstruction with her own tissues, the fat from the abdomen can be used to make a new

Fairfield County Woman

breast with a TRAM flap. If a woman prefers a quicker recovery or a larger breast size, reconstruction with a saline or silicone implant may be an option. A new technique that has been receiving a lot of attention lately is fat transfer for breast reconstruction. Liposuction is performed on the abdomen or thighs and the fat is saved and used to make a new breast or to fill a lumpectomy defect. Fat transfer is simpler and has a quicker recovery time than traditional breast reconstruction and can be done several times to achieve a larger breast size. Also, if you have been considering breast reduction or breast lift surgery and you will be undergoing lumpectomy, your breast surgeon can work with your plastic surgeon to perform these procedures together. Our office will let you know if your insurance will cover breast reduction surgery.

What should I expect from my consultation? When you make an appointment to see Dr Kishinevsky, you will be greeted by a friendly, caring staff. Your wait time will be short, in a pleasant, supportive environment. Dr Kishinevsky will perform a thorough history and physical, then recommend the procedures that would best suit your needs. She will take the time to explain the surgery in detail and to answer all your questions. You will be able to view before-and-after pictures of different surgeries and to examine a sample of any implant to be used. For patients who are concerned with their privacy, we have a fully accredited operating suite, to ensure your safety and comfort. You will be able to speak with patients who have had the same procedures done. You will be able to relax and rest easy, knowing that your treatment will be in well-trained, caring, and experienced hands.

Testimonials It was a pleasure coming to your office. You answered all my questions and made me feel comfortable inquiring about cosmetic surgery. Thank you for all your help regarding my leg, I look forward to seeing you again. I will definitely recommend your facility in the future. Once again thanks to everyone in your office. Jessica, Bridgeport Just a little something to say, thank you! You were my angel when I needed one most. I will never forget your kindness and compassion. God Bless you always. Kathy, Fairfield Your services were greatly appreciated. Our daughter’s wedding would not have been the same without her Father there and looking good. Ellen, Greenwich

November/DeCember 2009 9

Medical Professionals


effect on the central nervous system, may also cause fibromyalgia. This injury may have resulted from a fall, an accident or a sports injury.

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These types of trauma can cause a misalignment of the top vertebra, the axis, which may result in nerve interference that compromises the body’s natural ability to function and heal properly.



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November/DeCember 2009

7/28/09 6:51:12 PM

Not so fast! Yes, fibromyalgia is a debilitating illness with multiple symptoms that may include headaches, anxiety, neck pain, and depression. Who wouldn’t be depressed? The causes of fibromyalgia are generally inconclusive, but theories range from a pain signal malfunction in the brain to some type of viral or bacterial infection to co-occurring chronic fatigue syndrome to hormonal changes – especially since more women than men are affected with the disorder. An injury to the upper cervical spine, that may have had a profound

In one study of 23 participants, who had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, all of whom received Upper Cervical care, every single participant was able to resume their normal activities, including full-time work, within seven months of beginning care. For fibromyalgia sufferers, Upper Cervical care can end their longstanding battle with pain and fatigue and give them their lives back. One of our patients, a former fibromyalgia sufferer, states, “Before I began Upper Cervical care, I thought my life was over. Now, I am pain and symptom free, something I never dreamed possible after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I recommend Upper Cervical care to everyone I know – simply because it works!” Do you know anyone who is suffering with fibromyalgia? Please show them this article to offer them hope and a way out of their pain.

About Upper Cervical Care and Our Practice The human body is a miraculous creation with the ability to heal itself under the proper care and conditions. When your head is not properly balanced on the first vertebra of your spine – the atlas – brain signals from our nervous system to and from all parts of your body are disrupted, causing dysfunction and disease. Your head must remain perfectly balanced and in alignment on top of your neck (atlas) to prevent any interference in the communication network between your brain and body parts. The Atlas Orthogonal instrument we use in our office delivers a mechanical impulse through a metal stylus. This impulse, transmitted through the stylus, exits as an instantaneous compression wave. The stylus does not move at all during the adjustment. It feels like a light tap to the patient. This instrument takes into account the fact that you are a unique individual, unlike any other person on this planet. Your internal structures differ from everyone else’s in the same way as your outward appearance does. Therefore, every adjustment using this technique is tailored specifically to your individual structure and situation with scientific precision and accuracy. The effects of this single adjustment influence the entire spine and nervous system and allow the head, neck, spine and pelvis to return to their proper positions, restoring balance to the body.

Fairfield County Woman

Medical Professionals B:10.3125 in T:10.3125 in S:10.3125 in

renowned team of doctors specializing in neurological cancers removed her tumor and determined that no further treatment was needed. Within weeks, Colleen returned to her job as a physical therapist, and completed her doctorate just nine months later.

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Fairfield County Woman

November/December 2009 11

T:11.25 in

S:11.25 in

Having never spent a day in the hospital, Colleen was shocked when she was diagnosed with a rare, slow-growing brain tumor. She turned to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where patients often have better outcomes than those treated at other hospitals. A world-

Medical Professionals Medical Professionals Quick Fixes Impart Aesthetic Appeal: Little-Known Uses for Common Cosmetic Enhancers

Dr. Jill J. DeBiasi Cosmetic injectables are some of the best known non-invasive cosmetic face lift options in t he United States — and around the world. These procedures have exploded in popularity in recent years, and have become a viable alternative to plastic surgery. However, what many people may not know is that injectables have many more uses than just treating horizontal forehead lines and frown lines. They can help you look good and treat a number of conditions. What is Botox Cosmetic? Botox Cosmetic® (Botulinum Toxin Type A) is a cosmetic product used primarily to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. In medical applications, the toxin is a very small dosage and extremely diluted to achieve desired results, making it safe. Botox prevents the unnecessary contraction of muscles, which is why it was originally used to treat eye muscle spasms and

other medical conditions. Later on, the Food And Drug Administration approved its use to improve the appearance of frown lines — and its popularity took off. Soft Tissue Fillers Soft tissue fillers, such as Juvéderm™ and Restylane®, are injectable gels comprised of hyaluronic acid — a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps add volume and hydration and elasticity. These products are generally used for moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Alternative Uses for Popular Cosmetic Problems As a person ages, the skin changes and the natural volume of youthful skin begins to diminish, resulting in wrinkles forming. It’s easy to see why injectable cosmetic products have been so popular for turning back the hands of time — at least for a little while. However, these same products can be used in other applications to treat everything from excessive sweating to gummy smiles. Patients suffering from headaches are routinely turning to Botox to alleviate severe tension and migraine headaches. Additionally, those with hyperhidrosis, or excessive perspiration, find that the same injections can limit nerve impulses that affect sweat gland activation.

Facial Aesthetics Dr. Jill DeBiasi, a renowned dentist and specialist in aesthetic cosmetic techniques, uses injectables in her practice, DT Smile Design (www.dtsmiledesign.com). Dr. DeBiasi wants patients and the public to know of the many uses of cosmetic products to enhance beauty and self-esteem. Not only does the doctor see patients in her New York City practice, she will schedule personalized sessions in the comfort of your Fairfield or Westchester County home. “It is my mission for all of my patients to look and feel their very best,” says Dr. DeBiasi. “I now incorporate facial aesthetics into my practice, using products once only offered by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. I can perform a complete palate of facial recontouring options, taking a natural smile to the next level.” Some of the options available to men and women include use of Botox to: • lift the brows • smooth out crows feet • reduce vertical lines that form around the lips • help correct an asymmetrical or crooked smile • smooth a bumpy chin, also refered to as “pebble chin” or “golf ball chin”

Injectables, such as soft-tissue fillers and muscle-relaxing Botox® can treat a number of facial imperfections. • reduce the amount of gingiva showing when someone smiles, to alleviate a “gummy smile.” In addition, soft tissue fillers can be used to: • plump up thin lips for an even better smile • reduce the appearance of lines that run along the side of the nose to the mouth • reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes by minimizing the shadow under the bag • to add volume to the mid face or cheeks, or ehance the cheekbones

The advantages to non-invasive procedures is they can typically be done in a short period of time (20 minutes approximately) and require little to no recovery time. Results of fillers are immediate, while those achieved with Botox can take up to a few days to appear. Maintenance occurs every several months, or as advised by a doctor. To learn more about Dr. Jill DeBiasi’s services or to schedule a home appointment, visit her Web site or e-mail drjill@dtsmiledesign.com

Jill J. DeBiasi, D.D.S. is a graduate of SUNY Albany where she received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry. Dr. DeBiasi continued her studies at New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry, where she concentrated on advanced aesthetic techniques. She is a certified Invisalign Provider, and is a member of the American Dental Association, New York Dental Forum, Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the Academy of Osseointegration. Most recently, Dr. DeBiasi has incorporated facial aesthetics into her practice, enabling patients to take advantage of the ultimate in smile enhancement. Dr. DeBiasi practices at her office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, or in the comfort of your own home. For An AppoIntment or more InFormAtIon, cAll 917-699-8800 or e-mail drjill@dtsmiledesign.com


November/December 2009


Facial Aesthetics Dr. Jill DeBiasi drjill@dtsmiledesign.com 917-699-8800

Fairfield County Woman

Fairfield County Woman

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

the amenities that you may need – the perfect way to begin your SPA visit. Separate men and women’s lounges ensure privacy as well as comfort. Each lounge offers light refreshments, plush sofas and chairs, flat screen television and fine wines and cocktails by request. Fully equipped with a “couple’s room” where loved ones or friends can spend some quality time together while massage therapists melt away tension or wrap their Like the facilities at the Stamford Marriott, soothing treatments. the bodies Agora Spain menu is designed to nourish the Like body, the spiritfacilities and soul with inat healthful the Stamford Marriott, the Agora Spa menu is Agora spa is the perfect getaway dulgences and results-oriented services that designed to nourish the body, spirit and soul with healthful indulgences include rejuvenating facials, therapeutic to revive, rejuvenate and relax. and experiences, results-oriented services that include rejuvenating facials, massage healing wraps and body scrubs, nail care andmassage signature spa Journeys therapeutic experiences, healing wraps and body scrubs, nail – each thoughtfully designed to cater to your care and signature spa Journeys – each thoughtfully designed to cater to individual needs. ConvenientlySpa locatedis onthe the second floor of showers and steam rooms, furnished with all Agora perfect getaway to revive, rejuvenate and relax. your individual needs. the Stamford Marriott Hotel, on this luxurious amenities you may need – the perfect Revive, Rejuvenate and Relax with an Agora’s Conveniently located the second the floor of thethat Stamford Marriott Revive, Rejuvenate andaway Relax spa is designed for the ultimate in relaxation way to begin your SPA visit. exclusive Spa Journey. Get carried to with an Agora’s exclusive Spa Journey. Hotel, this luxurious spa is This designed for the ultimate in relaxation and a place and pampering body care services. 3,600 Separate Get carried away to a place with no stress. Enjoy a customized Agora with no stress. Enjoy a customized men and women’s lounges ensure square foot spabody offers private treatment This 3,600 pampering care services. square foot spa offers private Agora Signature facial that reconditions and privacy as well as comfort. Each lounge offers Signature facial that reconditions and rejuvenates your skin leaving it rooms and lounges thatand havelounges been carefully light refreshments, plushconceived sofas and chairs, flat rejuvenates your skin leaving it with a radiant treatment rooms that have been carefully and with a radiant Release conceived and meticulously thought out to glow. Release acid-buildglow. up from the stressacid-build up from the stress of working out television andspa fine wines and cocktails meticulously thought out to create anscreen extraordinary experience. create an extraordinary spa experience. with a Deep Tissue/Sports Massage or just melt away tension with a Hot of working out with a Deep Tissue/Sports by request. Fully equipped with a “couple’s Begin a JOURNEY to blissful relaxation the minute you enter their Massage or just melt away tension with a Begin a JOURNEY to blissful relaxation the room” where loved ones or friends can spend Stone Massage. Stone Massage. beautifully decorated locker rooms designed sleek wooden individual HotAgora minute you enter their beautifully decorated some qualityof time together while massage Spa’s welcoming atmosphere of friendly staff and professionally locker rooms designed of sleek wooden indi- robes therapists away tension or wrap Agora Spa’s welcoming atmosphere of closets, fully stocked with luxurious andmelt slippers. Enjoy theirtheir trained licensed estheticians and massage therapists are skilled in vidual closets, fully stocked with luxurious robes bodies in soothing treatments. friendly staff and professionally trained luxurious 13-head Swiss showers and steam rooms, furnished with all the estheticians latest spaand therapies and customized results-oriented treatments to and slippers. Enjoy their luxurious 13-head Swiss licensed massage therapists are Revive, skilled in the latest spa therapies and anyone on your gift giving list. Rejuvenate and Relax customized results-oriented treatments to Gift Certificates are available in any denomination and can be Revive, Rejuvenate and Relax anyone on your gift purchased giving list. by calling directly @ 203-977-1234 or visiting

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Book your choice of any 50 Minute Facial & 50 Minute Massage combination and receive a $30 Spa Boutique Credit.

Special package $200 20% Savings 203-977-1234 243 Tresser Blvd. Stamford, CT. 06901 Special promotion cannot be combined with any other package, discount or promotion. Services must be performed on the same day. PRESENT THIS AD UPON ARRIVAL



Gift Certificates are available in any denomination and can be purchased by calling directly at 203-977-1234 or visiting www.agoraspa.com.

A great way to say:

A greAt WAy to sAy; “I love you,” “Thank you,” “Happy Anniversary,” “Happy Holiday,” “Happy Birthday,” or “Just Because…” all virtually guaranteed to Revive, Rejuvenate and Relax!

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Hours of Operation: 7 days a week!

Monday-Friday 10a-8p Saturday 10a-7p Sunday

Fairfield County Woman


November/DeCember 2009 13

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Step into the next DimenSion of GymnaSticS Jessica Romer Next Dimension Gymnastics is one of the most advanced gymnastics centers in Connecticut. Russ & Patty Connelly and Tom & Judy Brady have combined to make Next Dimension Gymnastics a family owned and operated business for the past four years. With 15,000 spectacular square feet of world class gymnastics equipment and a regionally and nationally recognized coaching staff with many years of combined coaching experience, Next Dimension Gymnastics is the center of the gymnastics community. At Next Dimension, every participant will get the best gymnastics instruction available. All of our certified instructors are friendly and professional and work toward the mission of providing the highest quality gymnastics instruction to all children in a safe, fun and positive environment. At Next Dimension we encourage the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of gymnastics recognizing that success is not just measured in victories but also in the joy of participation. We offer programs for individuals from 18 months to adult that give many opportunities to participate in the wonderful sport of gymnastics. Our program, with classes designed for both boys and girls, is separated into two main areas; preschool gymnastics and recreational after school gymnastics. We are also well known for our tumbling classes, adult classes, and competitive teams. Our preschool classes emphasize coordination and motor skill development where children will learn to control and use their body movements. As children progress through the gymnastics program, they will be working on skills that are appropriate to their age and current skill level. We teach and reinforce the importance of strong gymnastics basics at all levels so that each gymnast can be the best they can be while having fun in the process. In all areas of our program participants will have the opportunity to enjoy every Olympic event (Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, Floor Exercise, Rings, Pommel Horse and Parallel Bars). They can jump on one of 2 “tumble trak” tumbling trampolines, our in-ground trampoline or jump into one of the largest loose foam landing pits in Connecticut. They can also enjoy the excitement of our large rock climbing wall. In addition to learning how to hop, jump, land, balance, swing and tumble our program also presents opportunities for children to learn many valuable life skills. Within the structure of our gymnastics classes children will learn the importance of sharing, taking turns, voicing opinions, listening, goal setting, patience, respect, and a willingness to try new things.

Most importantly, our number one goal is to promote self-esteem in our students! That is why Next Dimension has teamed up with the industry’s leading Child Development Specialist Dr. Robyn Silverman to enhance each child’s learning experience. Each month we focus on different power words that help teach students to share, discover, and reflect on various character development ideas. Not only were our class programs a great success this year, but this was a banner year for our competitive team programs as well. We produced many individual state and regional champions ranging from Prep-Optional to levels 4 through 9. We had 21 individual state champions with many of those gymnasts winning more than one event! Our girls and boys teams definitely shined in 2009! Have your very own shining star celebrate their birthday with our fun and energetic staff here at Next Dimension Gymnastics. We offer the most awesome birthday parties where the fun and excitement never ends! During the 1 ½ hour long exclusive party everyone will enjoy jumping, swinging, climbing, and have and overall great time.


November/DeCember 2009

Come in for a free trial class to see what we are all about. We are positive you will love the excitement, fun, professional instruction, state of the art facility, and of course lots of gymnastics that make up our family here at Next Dimension Gymnastics.

They will tumble through the obstacle courses, play in the foam pit, and join in on some awesome parachute games.

Celebrating the start of our 5th Year in Trumbull Through hard work, dedication and the best gymnastics facility in Fairfield County, Next Dimension Gymnastics has quickly become Connecticut's finest gymnastics program!

25 Lindeman Drive Trumbull CT 06611 www.NDGymnastics.com

Fairfield County Wo m an

Next Dimension is also a great place for field trips! Take your pre-school class, scouting troops, or other groups to have a fantastic time in our facility. Other fun activities that take place at Next Dimension include gymnastics sleepovers, cartwheel and back handspring clinics, parent’s night out, exhibitions, and other exciting events!

Next Dimension Gymnastics has 15,000 square feet of fun including an In-ground trampoline, 2 Tumble-Traks, a Huge Foam Pit, Cargo Net, & Rock Climbing Wall!

Call today!


Fairfi eld County Woman 15


Health & Wellness

Astrology: A Tool for SelfDiscovery

Perhaps when you think of the word “astrology” it conjures up visions of crystal balls and beaded curtains. It can be difficult to separate ourselves from the preconceived notions we may have about this ancient art, mostly because many of us do not understand what it is or how it works. In today’s modern world, astrology is a useful tool designed to give seekers new insight into their lives and into

Fairfield County Woman

themselves. Gone are the days when prognosticators used the Sun, Moon, and planets to portend grievously ill events. In truth, today’s astrology is more about “knowing thyself” and about learning how to work with the natural rhythms of life. An astrologer uses a client’s date, time, and place of birth to provide an individual with information about themselves and the events likely to happen in their lives. We think of this in the astrological community as a “road map” or rough “blue print” outlining who you are and what is likely to happen to you during your journey through life as a result. Today’s astrology is not fatalistic - rather quite the contrary. Life is all about choices and what we choose to do with our time on this planet. By using astrology to find out more about ourselves we can become empowered to make better choices, accentuate the qualities that benefit us, and avoid certain pitfalls. Today’s astrology is pragmatic and can produce real results for those who are willing work on the areas of life that need attention. For example, do we find ourselves repeatedly struggling in our careers, relationships, with our families, our finances, or our friends? The struggles we all encounter in life are meant to call attention to the areas we must work on. We can learn how to overcome difficulty by making changes in our thinking, behavior, and our choices.

father that was also shown in her chart. In writing my interpretation I put forth the recommendation that she needed to avoid the tendency to romanticize, idealize, and delude herself when it came to men. The rose-colored glasses needed to come off and she needed to start looking at men for who they really were - not what she wanted them to be. Afterword, during her consultation we discussed this topic and she revealed to me that her father was an alcoholic who flitted in and out of her life when she was a child; yet despite that, to use her words “The sun rose and set upon him” in her eyes. When she did see him, she was so happy that she ignored the fact that he often did not call her and frequently missed birthdays and holidays. As an adult, she was playing out this same tendency again, only now it was affecting her relationships instead. What I offered to her, based on what her chart showed, was a suggestion to create stronger boundaries and set a higher standard for how she was to be treated within relationships. She had to get honest with herself about the types of men she was drawn to and avoid picking those with qualities that were not compatible with what she wanted out of a relationship. This is where the power of choice comes in - in learning more about herself she became empowered to start looking more closely at this aspect of herself and was able to make different and better choices as a result. We are not resigned to our fate if we are conscious of the ways in which we play into it. Every day we are faced with hundreds of different options and have the ability to shape our own destinies. Astrology allows us to discover more about ourselves and can give us a fresh new perspective on our lives, one that could otherwise be lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday living. In learning more about who we are and how we work, we can learn to eliminate the ways in which we stand in the way of our own success, fulfillment, and happiness. As astrologers, we are able to give our clients insights into their own lives and attempt to help guide them to the best of our abilities. Although life is a journey and each person must walk their own path, it helps if someone is there with a lantern to light the way.

For example, a client came to me to have her natal chart prepared. I did not know her nor did I know anything about her other than her first name and the date, time, and place of birth. Upon examination of her chart I found that she seemed prone toward having difficulties in romantic relationships due to a tendency to not be very realistic about men. In delving further into her chart, I found this appeared to be directly related to a difficult relationship with her

November/DeCember 2009 15

Health & Wellness

Massage Therapy for Women Massage Therapy For Women

Most of us know that massage therapy helps reduce pain and improve relaxation. What many don’t know is that massage also provides relief for a multitude of specific health concerns. Various studies have shown positive effects in pregnant women who engage in massage therapy. The effects range from reducing leg and back pain to lessening the occurrence of post-natal complications. For those who aren’t pregnant, massage provides a boost to he immune system that can help women stay healthy and full of energy.

Massage Therapy Strengthens the Immune System Regular therapeutic massage sessions provide significant benefits beyond the immediate relaxation we enjoy. People who experience high levels of stress tend to get sick more than others. Combine stress with lack of sleep and poor nutrition, and our body’s ability to naturally protect itself against bacteria and infection is greatly reduced. Numerous studies have indicated that massage can increase the immune system’s cytotoxic capacity (the activity level


November/December 2009

of the body’s natural “killer cells”) and decrease the number of T-cells, which improves the body’s immune functioning overall. In one study by Gail Ironson, M.D., HIV positive men were given 45 minute massages five days a week, for a month. They showed an increase in serotonin and an increase in cells that are viewed as the first line of defense in the immune system. This is testing a very narrow aspect of the human immune system, but it does lend scientific credibility to a therapy which is widely recognized as therapeutic, based on experience. Strengthen the Immune System Benefits 1. Increases the bodies natural killer cells 2. Aids in the fight against bacteria and infection 3. Enhances the bodies ability to get nourishment to important areas

Massage Therapy for Pain Management Looking for a natural and effective pain management solution? Massage therapy can provide all the relief necessary without the need for pain killing drugs. Massage plays an important role in achieving a pain free lifestyle by utilizing various types of massage, such as swedish, deep tissue, or trigger point therapy. By employing one of the many massage techniques, one can rejuvenate and refresh the mind while improving joint movement, and increasing the flow of blood and nutrients to muscles and other tissue. Manage Pain of Chronic Conditions 1. Fibromyalgia 2. Migraines 3. Arthritis

Massage Therapy Encourages Relaxation In today’s fast-paced world, our busy lifestyles can take a toll on our physical and mental well being. Allowing our bodies to relax and unwind is now more important than ever. A therapeutic massage session provides the ultimate experience in relaxation. The lasting

Fairfield County Woman

Health & Wellness

effects of massage can range from promoting relaxed states of mental alertness to enhancing our capacity for calm and creative thinking. Through massage therapy, we become more aware of our daily stress levels. This allows us to recognize what true relaxation feels like so we can more easily recreate it for ourselves, before stress becomes chronic and damaging. Having this relief from stress increases our energy levels and vitality, as well as enhances

Fairfield County Woman

our ability to cope with and enjoy our daily lives. Relaxation Benefits 1. Improves mental outlook 2. Allows for better handling of pressure 3. Reinforces positive attitude 4. Promotes relaxed states of mental alertness 5. Enhances calm and creative thinking

HOLIDAY GIFT CARD SPECIAL November through December 31 – all gift cards offered at 50% off of our non-member rates. Also purchase a gift membership and receive a complimentary massage to use for yourself or a recipient.

November/DeCember 2009 17

Law Professional

Know Your Patient Rights presented by

Adele R. Jacobs, Esq.

When you go to the doctor or the hospital, you should be a well-informed “consumer.” As a patient, you have rights, and you should not be afraid to assert those rights. You may not have a medical background, and you may be intimidated by the doctor in the white coat, or the scrubs, but it is important to politely, but firmly, ask questions and be an informed “consumer.” You do research to buy a car, an appliance, a house, and/or a pet, so you should not be reluctant to do research about the most important consumer product: your health. Some important considerations: • Know your family history and your medical history Family history is a very important part of any visit to the doctor. Before your doctor’s appointment, ask questions of your parents and siblings, aunts and uncles, to determine what the family history of any diseases or conditions is. Not so long ago, the word “cancer” was spoken in whispered tones as though it was something to be ashamed of, so it might be something that was not spoken about previously in your family. If there is anything notable in your own medical history, you should make that known as well. It is often helpful to keep a note card in your purse or wallet with all of the pertinent information on it, so that you do not forget anything. • Ask questions You should not ever feel like you cannot, or should not, ask questions of your medical providers. You have the right to have your questions answered, and to have them answered in layperson’s terms. Often, once we are in the office, or examining room, we forget what it is that we had questions about. Sometimes, the doctor’s office will be very busy, and the doctor may not spend as much time with you as you would have liked. If you feel rushed,


November/December 2009

you will likely forget your questions. Before you go to your doctor’s appointment, write down your questions and concerns, and bring your notes with you. By taking the time to write down your questions before your appointment, you will maximize the benefit of the time spent with your doctor. Also, when you are at your appointment, take notes if at all possible, or have someone else there to take notes on your behalf. Many of us forget what a doctor says within moments of leaving the office. Remember, nothing is “minor” when it comes to your well being. • Test results Many of us can feel very nervous around doctors, and we are anxious to hear the words “everything turned out fine”, or “you are fine”, etc., particularly after any diagnostic tests. What we should be asking are the follow up questions, such as: “Is that the definitive test for my complaints?” “Are there any follow up tests that I need to take?” “Why or why not?” For example, one test that we are all reluctant to have is a colonoscopy. It is unpleasant at best, however, an extremely necessary and important test to have. It is not only important to have the exam, but it is imperative that after the test, you ask questions. You need to know if the doctor was able to completely see every part of the colon, or if there was any problem encountered during the examination. Colon cancer can be fatal, so it is critical to ask questions. In addition, it is important to make certain that the testing equipment is state of the art, as technology is constantly improving in the medical field. • Hospitalizations If you are hospitalized for any reason, you must be a strong advocate for yourself, or someone in your family must take on that role for you. Again, if possible, have a family member take notes when the doctor comes in. During your stay in the hospital, you should not be shy, or feel that you are “bothering,” any of your caregivers at any time. These medical professionals are responsible for your health and well-being, and nothing is more important. When ANY caregiver comes into your room, you should always ask them if they have washed their hands, and if not, request that they comply. Just putting on gloves does not insure that the caregiver’s hands are now “clean”, as when you use a dirty hand to put on a glove, that glove is now contaminated.

You should also be vigilant in requesting that the room and table tops be cleaned, and that the trash not be overflowing. If you ring for the nurse, and they do not appear, keep ringing. If you do not get any response, then use your phone to ask for the nursing supervisor, and then you should receive the attention you deserve. • Elderly patients If you have aging parents or loved ones, it is critical that whenever possible, someone go with them to the doctor, or spend as much time as possible with them if they are in a medical facility. The elderly often do not get the attention or level of care they deserve. Some doctors may be insensitive to their age or their condition, and either tell them things that will frighten them unnecessarily, or fail to tell them things that are important, because they assume that they will not understand. If you miss the doctor’s visit to the hospital room of your elderly family member (as many doctors visit in the very early morning), you might consider requesting that the nurse page the doctor. You are entitled to know what is transpiring, what the plan is, and why. If the doctor does not respond to the page, you might try having him or her paged again. If necessary, you should schedule a meeting with the doctor and/or the discharge planner, to be fully versed in the care plan. You are the best advocate for your loved one. While your parents or loved ones are still vibrant, you may consider having them sign a health care proxy, or an authorization to allow the doctors to speak with you about their condition and/or care. Some facilities are constrained by privacy laws, and will need written permission to speak with you. It is very important to be an advocate for your health, or the health of your loved one. Speaking up, asking questions, and educating yourself, are all important components of being an “informed consumer.” You have one precious life to live, and there is nothing more important than your health. If you, or someone close to you, feel that you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, The Law Offices of Adele R. Jacobs, LLC has experienced attorneys to help you understand the issues and your rights. For further information, call us at: 203332-7700. Se Habla Espanol.

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Law Professional


Adele R. Adele R. Jacobs, LLC Jacobs

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November/DeCember 2009 19


by Amy DeLardi • Creative Director, Infinite Web Designs, LLC

Your website and the powerful tool it can be for your business. The internet is a powerful tool that any business can use to grow...but only if it’s done right! Below you will learn more about the value of a well-designed website, what search engine optimization is, why it is important and the impact high search engine ranking has your business. Designing and developing a successful website begins with the creation of one or more ‘pages.’ A typical website consists of a homepage and five to ten sublevel pages. Easy-to-use navigation tools provide the user with a means to access information about the product(s) you sell or the services you provide. A website is typically classified as either an informational site, or an ecommerce site with a shopping cart. Informational sites usually educate the audience on a certain topic or explain available services and then request the visitor to contact the website. Ecommerce sites present an array of goods or services that can be purchased easily and securely right on the website.

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the visibility of a website using, among other things, a combination of keywords, keyword phrases and website content in order to be “noticed” by the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL. The selection, monitoring and modifying of these elements are the critical components of SEO. Search engines are the vehicles that drive potential customers to your website and they use complex ever-changing algorithms (mathematic formulas) to determine where a particular website will appear. In order for visitors to find your site, you need to incorporate the critical SEO elements in your website so that the search engines will consider your site ‘important’ and award you a top level ranking. The search engines are continually revising and updating their criteria for top ranking placements and therefore SEO is not a one-time process.

At Infinite Web Designs we take pride in our ethical, “white hat” approach to SEO. Other specialists may offer ranking guarantees and then (perhaps without your knowledge) use non-compliant optimization techniques. Remember, no one can guarantee top positions in Google, Yahoo, or Bing and they may in fact be putting your website in jeopardy of removal from search engine directories. Don’t let this happen to you.

There are some basic considerations when determining the design and functionality of a website. Here are some of the things to remember when you are beginning your website design and development project: • Define the purpose of your website • Know your target audience • Outline the pages for your site • Visit your competitors’ websites to help determine your approach • Make sure the brand identity of your business is well reflected on your website Now that you have an understanding of the important elements of a well-designed website, it is imperative to understand that even the best site needs to be visible in order to achieve the owner’s goals. This is where Search Engine Optimization comes in!


November/December 2009

Fairfield County Woman


The impact high search engine ranking has on your business: Without search engine optimization, your website cannot compete for a top level placement against the millions of websites now on the internet. Research has shown that a vast majority of internet users go no further then the first several pages of a returned search. Consequently, the necessity of a high ranking is more important than ever, especially for local businesses. Consider this: Consumers are increasingly looking to the internet for information on the products and services they want. According to the Nielsen Online Customer Survey: • 92% of consumers, at one time or another use the internet to research products and/ or services prior to actually purchasing these products or services locally. • 44% of small local businesses have websites; however, this does not mean they are truly effective. If, on the other hand, they are visible on the internet, that leaves 56% of local business behind in the competition. Small businesses have a tendency to spend more of their advertising budget on traditional forms of advertising such as newspaper, yellow page ads and television. However, a recent study by Nielsen Online Customer Survey shows: • 50% of consumers now turn to the internet first • 24% go to Yellow Pages ads • 4% find local businesses in newspapers • 1% on tv Clearly, this suggests that considerable resources should be allocated to developing and maintaining an internet presence for local and regional businesses. At IWD we believe a professional, well designed site lends valuable

credibility to a company and can drive a business. However, if a site is not kept up to date using SEO strategies that business loses money to its competitors every single day. In today’s business environment that’s not something any company can afford.

Infinite Web Designs Services:

At Infinite Web Designs, LLC (IWD) our goal is to help small to medium size businesses create a web presence that is effective in generating qualified leads, increasing sales and facilitating growth. A high ranking can mean the difference between getting motivated traffic to a website or being left behind to competitors. Below is a partial list of services that Infinite Web Designs provides: • Website Design • Search Engine Optimization • Copy Writing/Content Edit • Print Media Design • Logo Design and Branding Our SEO packages include organic placement strategies as well as paid placement strategies. In SEO there isn’t a one strategy fits all approach. Budget, type of website (informational or e-commerce), intended audience and targeted geography are just some of the considerations when designing the right package for your business. IWD’s primary mission is to provide cutting edge websites that are easy to navigate all the

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while implementing proper SEO strategies for better search engine ranking. Whether you are in the process of developing a website or interested in achieving higher page ranking for an existing website, our SEO specialists will create a customized optimization package that best fits your business objectives. We also offer a monthly service that monitors your optimized website. Please contact us

for more information on how we can help your website get ahead of your competition.

www.infinitewebdesigns.com 203.510.3134

November/December 2009 21



a. Include name calling and spreading rumors, in addition to physical violence. b. Have long lasting repercussions not only for victims but also for bullies and even innocent bystanders. c. Begin as early as preschool d. Cause victims to fear school or refuse to attend

The answer? You guessed it – all of the above. Bullying can take many forms, but all of them can have consequences for your child’s physical and mental health, as well as thiern success at school.

What is bullying?

Unfortunately, teasing is often part of growing up – almost every child experiences it. But it isn’t always as innocuous as it seems. Words can cause pain. Teasing becomes bullying when it becomes repetitive or when there is a conscious intent to hurt another. Bullying includes a range of behaviors ❤ Verbal – making threats, name calling ❤ Psychological – excluding children, spreading rumors ❤ Physical – hitting, punching, taking a child possessions Victims of bullying can suffer from long term emotional and behavioral problems. Bullying can cause loneliness, depression, anxiety, lead to low self esteem and increased susceptibility to illness.

How to help

First, give your child space to talk. If they recount a bulling incident, listen, be empathetic. Say “you are sorry, that must be really painful” Then place the ball gently back in their court and ask “What do you think might help? If your child does not verbalize themselves well, try reading a story about teasing or using puppets. You may encourage them to move on by making new friends or joining a school club.


November/DeCember 2009

Once the door is opened Role-playing is an excellent way for children to “practice” their responsiveness to bullying. Try to let them lead their own way in practice. Suggestions and responses should come from them when ever possible.

Intervention and Prevention

Parents do sometimes need to intervene when a child share that they are being bullied. However calling another parent directly can be tricky, even if they are a friend. Do not begin with an angry recounting of the child’ offenses. Set the stage for a collaborative approach by suggesting going to the playground or walking to school together to observe the interaction and jointly express disapproval for any unacceptable behavior. Try modeling the behavior that you expect from your child. Refrain from comments that ridicule people. Make sure that after school activities and play dates are supervised.

Developing skills Researchers have found that victims of bullying who developed assertiveness skills experienced a reduction in bullying. When victims respond assertively, bullies are more likely to stop or find another less assertive victim. Improving social skills can decrease a victims chances of being bullied. Effective social skills training can help students develop relationships with peers, which may decrease the likelihood of them being a target in the future. Social skills can also help the bully learn new ways of interacting with others, in a more positive productive way.

Helping Young Girls Deal with the “Mean Girls Syndrome” Dynamic Life Skills offers Girls Circle

talk groups to help young girls ages 9-18 develop assertiveness skills, self esteem, social skills and to have fun and make new friends while learning! Girls are grouped by age and meet for one hour a week. For more information please call (203) 461-8833 or email: info@dynamiclifeskills.net

Fairfield County Woman

Warm At Home & Garden

Visit Our Full Size Dis

The Window People

your exact needs as winter approaches. Ted has been at the helm for just over 24 years. His passion and knowledge really shine through when you speak with him. Ted’s a very “hands on” owner and wouldn’t have that parka on if he didn’t need to drive home his message – you really can save money by acting now and not waiting until it’s too late! Eileen S. Hiebler © 2008 Merchandiser Publications by

Ted Davey, owner of The Window People, would much rather have been wearing a golf shirt on the day he was photographed! However, by sporting his winter coat and having that snowy house picture for you to see, he is really doing homeowners a favor. Be proactive! Ted strongly urges homeowners to take steps NOW to prevent unwanted and expensive drafts this winter! Pick up the paper or turn on the news and you’ll be quickly reminded that energy prices are on the rise. While homeowners are certainly not able to control energy costs, they can control the energy efficiency that exists within their home. Thanks to their wide selection of products, expert advice, and energy-saving tips, the team from The Window People will help you save your hard-earned dollars! Get Started With A Free Estimate. It won’t cost you a dime, and once Ted has finished, you’ll have a much clearer picture of

The Window People is a company that truly goes above and beyond to help their customers. Founded just over 75 years ago, their time in the industry speaks for itself. Whether you are building a new home, renovating your current one, or simply just researching more energy-efficient doors and windows, The Window People showroom is your first stop. Offering all types of windows, including circle top, double hung, casement, awning, and sash replacement, The Window People guarantees fair pricing and quality installation. Depending on the windows you select, installation could begin in as little as two weeks. When you are ready to complement your new windows with updated doors, be sure to ask about custom wood or fiberglass entry doors. For your patio, they offer French, French sliding, arch rop, or hinged patio doors. Preview your options by visiting them online at www.thewindowpeople. net. Impressive photos await!

Preview your options by visiting them online at www.thewindowpeople.net. Impressive photos await!

Call 203-3231804 & start saving today! trusted by homeowners and contractors, their service is unsurpassed and comes with a 75 year history of success. The Window People Quality Windows & Doors since 1932 42 Magee Ave. Stamford, CT 06902

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Fairfield County Woman

Each Energy Smart Windows Purchased & Installed On all Energy Rated windows and Doors. Not valid on any prior sales or offers. One coupon per customer. Expires 2/28/10.

November/December 2009 23

Home&&Garden Garden Home

A few tips on Surviving a Wet, Musty Basement.

by Larry Janesky Why is your basement or crawl space wet in the first place? Wasn’t the house supposed to be built with drains around the outside of the foundation, to take the water away? These are good questions that many homeowners are asking. Exterior footing drains do exist in many homes. But, over time they have a propensity to clog. Ground water is flowing into these drains, each time it rains and with it comes mud and sediment. That sediment hardens, inside the pipe, much like an artery in your body does. Eventually, that drain becomes less and less effective, until it is no longer functional. Instead of your home suffering a heart attack, you start to get water in your basement.

roof of your home. Where these steps will not solve a water problem, they will help to reduce the volume of water around the foundation. In the event that your particular water problem is more chronic, and these steps help, but are just not enough, there are other solutions available that do not involve digging up your yard. Larry Janesky’s Basement Systems that are much less disruptive. A waterproofing system can be installed in as little as one day, from the inside, and offer a fully transferable written warranty, for the life of the home. One of the most popular methods is a combination of the WaterGuard System, with a TripleSafe Sump Pump System. Any water accessing the floor from under the floor or from the wall/floor joint, or seeping down the walls, is contained in the system and drained out of the house with one or more of the three pumps in the TripleSafe. The thought of an indoor swimming pool is a nice one...but not if it is your basement! If you are thinking about finishing your basement, mold is a major concern. It’s what causes that musty smell in basements, and causes discoloration and ultimately the rot of building materials. Sheetrock is particularly vulnerable, as is any wood product. This is why basements that are finished with conventional methods will have to be re-done at some point when the owner can’t stand

the smell and deterioration anymore. Besides concerns over a surprise groundwater leak, plumbing leaks will happen - it’s not a matter of if you will have water in your basement one day - it’s when. The Total Basement Finishing System uses only mold resistant materials - ones with no vulnerable organic material. TBF wall panels, flooring, trim and ceilings are not prone to damage like drywall, wood moldings, fabrics, wood based flooring, and wood framing. In fact, a TBF basement can temporarily flood from a plumbing leak, inches deep, and it is highly unlikely that any of the flooring, walls, trim or ceiling will need to be replaced! The TBF system has many advantages over soft, insulation wall systems. The solid construction allows mounting of large pictures, heavy shelves or flat screen TV. They are a healthy “green” option, since they are inorganic, and moisture, water & mold resistant. Finishing your basement will not only increase the usable space in your home but will increase your home’s value, protecting your biggest investment. For more information on fixing your basement’s seepage, moisture or mold problems visit www.basementsystems.com, or if your cosidering finishing your basement visit www.totalbasementfinishing.com.

Is there anything you can do about it, or are you now relegated to living with a damp, moldy basement forever? The answer is yes! There are a few simple things you can do yourself, to limit the amount of water accessing your basement or crawl space. First, keep your gutters clean. Second, extend your downspouts, 7’ to 10’ away from the house. And third, check the grading around your house. Add soil where needed, so the grading is away, not towards the foundation. These three easy steps will help to remove much of the rain water that is running down, from the

424 JULY/AUGU November/DeCember 2009 ST

Fairfield County County Woman Woman Fairfield

Charities & Foundations

Train Endure Achieve Matter

leave impossible behind. get off the couch. meet like-minded people. be extraordinary. create a world without cancer. save lives one mile at a time. Run, walk, cycle, tri or hike and raise funds for lifesaving blood cancer research.









Fairfield County Woman

November/DeCember 2009 25

Charities & Foundations


wo years ago, my 18-year old son, Chris, set off for South America on a gap year, with high hopes of adventure and life-changing experiences. However, in his wildest dreams, he never thought that his experience would give him the opportunity to travel with Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Founder of Grameen Bank, and that he would become committed and passionate about the field of microfinance and women’s empowerment. Today, he seeks to educate others about how to make a difference to the unheard voices of women living in poverty around the globe. You can learn more about how to get involved at www.mficonnect.com.

receive the loan, the whole family benefits. A woman uses the money for the benefit of the family instead of solely for her own gain. This means that the families are able to cross the poverty line, children get educated and the whole community benefits. Microfinance empowers a woman in many ways: increased participation in household decision-making and financial literacy results in a world of opportunity opening up for her. These newly acquired skill sets increase a woman’s sense of self-worth and self-confidence, as well as her status in the family. It also affects personal, social and political dimensions as women become more aware of their rights on both a micro and macro level.

How can we help?

What is microfinance? Microfinance consists of making small loans to poor individuals, mostly women, with no credit or collateral. Worldwide, 96% of loans are made to women. Studies show it to be an effective way to fight against global poverty. The loans are made to individuals to establish or expand an income-producing activity or business, for example, a woman may borrow $30 to invest in a sewing machine so she can produce woven goods to sell. The Grameen model connects women together in small groups of 5 to provide peer support, both emotional and physical (covering the loan if one member gets ill), to each other. It is believed that this contributes to the high repayment rate of 98% that Grameen boasts globally. You can read more about Professor Yunus, his story, and the future of the industry at www.grameen-info.org.

How does microfinance affect women’s empowerment? Most loans are given to women because, interestingly, it has been shown that when women


November/DeCember 2009

Microfinance institutions (MFI’s) are looking for funding and people to become educated and involved in this model, in the hope that it will create greater prosperity and move towards ending poverty. We can all help by adopting a philanthropic model in whatever way we can; for example, if you participate in any of my groups, 15% of that revenue is donated to an MFI to provide a loan to women. At www.kiva.org, you can choose a specific person to donate to, making it even more personal. Old cell phones can also be turned into loans (resold) by dropping them off at my office. Empowering women is at the core of my personal passion and psychotherapy practice, and expanding my horizons to help empower women across the world is exciting and rewarding. The universal law of prosperity supports the notion that helping others will change our own inner and outer landscape as well as that of the women we help. By empowering women to find their voices and believe in themselves, learn financial literacy and improve their status in the family and community, we will expand the ever-widening circle of prosperity and bring abundance to all of us. Microfinance offers infinite possibility for real and measurable change in both our worlds, and the worlds of disempowered women around the world.

Empowering Women Through Microfinance BY


Caroline Temple, LCSW, is a holistic psychotherapist, combining traditional therapeutic methods with mindfulness practice and self-care and empowerment skills to help you take charge of your healing and build your own toolbox. She is also certified in Reiki and Energy Psychology. Caroline’s approach integrates many different modalities, from eastern mindfulness techniques to more traditional therapies. Caroline has a private practice in Fairfield and Norwalk, where she sees individuals and offers groups and workshops. She can be reached at 203-866-9333. www.mywisewoman.com.

Fairfield County Woman

Women in Profile Regina Cornelio Regina has written articles published in Fairfield Parent Magazine, Today’s Teen Magazine and the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities newsletter. She also has been featured on many local radio stations. Regina came to the idea of starting a life-skills coaching business through her teaching experience. She noticed a huge need for “life skills” among children of all different abilities. These life skills are often not taught in school, and with today’s busy life styles, they are not always taught extensively at home. Regina is passionate about working with children of all abilities. As a coach, she can help your child improve their study skills, organizational skills, self esteem, social skills and ultimately become more successful in life! You can reach Regina at 203-461-8833, info@dynamiclifeskills.net, www.dynamiclifeskills.net

Sarah Osbourne

My name is Sarah Osborne, Community Relations and Group Sales Representative for the Bridgeport Sound Tigers Hockey Team. I grew up in Denver, Colorado and attended Littleton High School. I was recruited by the University of Bridgeport and received a softball scholarship. I completed my undergraduate degree from the University of Bridgeport and my Masters in Sports Management from Springfield College. Upon completion of my masters I did an internship with the Colorado Rockies. I enjoy working with the Sound Tigers team because I get to wear many different hats. I am a community relations and group sales representative, but I also assist with the merchandise, customer service, operations and other miscellaneous duties. My main focus is on getting new and returning groups of people to attend Sound Tigers games. I arrange for new schools, companies, and churches to come enjoy a fun night/day at a Sound Tigers Game together! The Sound Tigers offer affordable family fun. We try to make it enjoyable for everyone by adding different themes such as Faith Night, where we have a canned food drive in support of the Souper Bowl of Caring along with a concert at the end of the Sound Tigers game. Additional theme nights include Chanukah with the Sound Tigers, Cancer Awareness Night, and Salute to Armed Forces Night to name a few. We are always looking for new ideas and groups to come out to sing, perform, fundraise, or just have a good time! If you want more information you can email me at


Kim Kat Kristoff

Jessica Romer

Kim Kat Kristoff, LMT, CRM, has been practicing Massage Therapy and Reiki Healing in Greenwich, CT for 10 years and has been directing the Greenwich Associates for Well-Being (GAFWB) holistic network for almost 4 years. To schedule a healing session with Kim or to find out more about joining Greenwich Associates for Well-Being (GAFWB), please call (203)550-0193. For more information, please visit www.GAFWB.com. Thank you!

My name is Jessica Romer, the Senior Director at Next Dimension Gymnastics and I have been teaching gymnastics for 8 years. I received my Bachelors degree in Psychology from Southern Connecticut State University. I love working with children and shaping them into young adults. Gymnastics is my passion and I love to share that gift with others. Sign up for a free trial class or evaluation and you will be sure to have me teaching your children. Call today to make an appointment to see our fabulous facility, Next Dimension Gymnastics 203-372-3222.

Fairfield County Woman

November/DeCember 2009 27

Women in Profile Amy Delardi Founder and creative director of Infinite Web Designs, LLC, amy leads a team of skilled professionals creating and designing search engine optimized websites. Recognized for her creative talent and extensive experience, she also brings an innovative approach to the unique problem solving challenges of website development. Amy has a deep understanding of search engine optimization (seo) and the process and importance of obtaining high search engine rankings. Although business sites are the main focus of iwd, amy is pleased to have donated websites for organizations and charities such as fairfield’s teambrent.Com which raises money to fight childhood cancer. Infinite Web Designs, LLC, a fairfield-based company, specializes in developing search engine optimized websites for small-to-medium size businesses. Amy lectures to local business groups and explains not only the importance of high search engine ranking but also how a website can be used as a valuable marketing tool. She brings 16 years of webindustry experience to her projects resulting in a very diverse portfolio. Please visit infinitewebdesigns.Com to view our portfolio. Amy Delardi, Creative Director

Infinite Web Designs, LLC 203.510.3134 • www.infinitewebdesigns.com

Alethea Hunt Alethea Hunt is a personal astrologer who has been studying the teachings of astrology for over 13 years. Raised by parents who were themselves amateur astrologers, she grew up in an environment where astrology was not regarded a “taboo” word. Though her parents never pushed her to study this art, their open attitude toward the subject led her to begin her own search for answers as she approached adolescence. So began her journey to find meaning in the experiences of life. The more she learned, the more inspired she was to continue her studies and ultimately pass on the wisdom she had gained to family, friends, and later on her clients. Alethea has found astrology to be a useful instrument to promote better selfunderstanding. She has found truth in the teachings of this “cosmic science” and is truly passionate about the difference it can make in our lives. Modern astrology encompasses elements of emotional, psychological, and spiritual understanding and can be of great service in helping us to recognize and overcome the obstacles we all face. Though the hurdles are different for each person, we can learn to leap over them instead of stumbling upon them. In addition to her love of astrology, Alethea enjoys cooking, writing, playing piano, and chatting with friends and family. She is a proud aunt, sister, and wife and enjoys the time she spends with family. She is also socially and professionally active and is affiliated with both the Total Life Care Center in Norwalk and Kindred Spirits in Wilton - two fantastic holistic wellness centers located in the heart of Fairfield County. If you would like to learn more about Alethea’s approach to astrology, her services, or would like to arrange for a consultation, please feel free to contact her at

(860) 354-8799 or via email at AHunt617@aol.com

Maryam Hedayatzadeh, M.D. During my undergraduate training, I realized that I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives; becoming a physician would allow me to do just that. Once I entered medical school, my clinical rotation in women’s health interested me the most. Being able to educate, treat and work with women has been very fulfilling for me. I chose to continue to be an advocate for women’s health by becoming an OB/ GYN; by doing so, I am able to care for women and have the fortunate ability to educate and empower them. Women`s Health Care of New England

761 Main Avenue Norwalk, CT 06851 Tel.: 203-644-1100 www.whcnewengland.com


November/DeCember 2009

Adele R. Jacobs, Esq. Adele R. Jacobs has over 25 years of experience in the personal injury arena in Connecticut and New York. Prior to opening her own practice to represent the rights of injured plaintiffs in Connecticut, Ms. Jacobs had more than 10 years of experience as an insurance defense attorney in New York City. As one of the premier solo female litigators in the area, her goal has been to give the personal touch needed by injured people, or those who have lost a loved one, while using her expertise and tough mindedness to guide them through our challenging legal system. Her warm and friendly style with clients sets them at ease from the moment they enter her doors, and her experience and expertise, as well as her willingness to go the extra mile, make those clients certain they have come to the right place. With the recent addition of two associates, the ability to provide personal attention has grown even further. Ms. Jacobs has always been involved in community activities by serving on local and statewide community boards, and supporting many philanthropic causes. Ms. Jacobs has been recognized by her peers in Connecticut Magazine as one of Connecticut’s top attorneys for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, as well as New England Top Attorneys for 2009 and 2010.

Fairfield County Woman

Women in Profile Lynn Romano Lynn Romano’s interest in preserving all of the wonderful things that life has to offer has always been the impetus behind her picture-taking ability. For her it is very intriguing to accurately document the natural progression of a particular life and having the ability to look back on the pivotal moments of that life. Lynn’s goal is to effectively capture the intangible essence of each and every child who wanders before her focused lens. Because each child is vastly unique, Lynn aims to show the varied transitioning expressions in the hope of stealing a genuine glimpse of each child’s authentic personality. In order to uncover the true spirit and the inner beauty of her subjects, Lynn approaches her sessions in a very relaxed and casual manner. Born and raised in Stamford, Lynn has always been snapping away with her camera. Whether it was sporting events or dances for her high school or college yearbook, the first steps her nieces or nephews took, or the sunsets during her many travels her camera was always at hand to capture the moment. Lynn has now been able to turn her lifelong passion into her dream job. You can contact Lynn at www.lynnromano.com, 203.856.6020.

Northeast Natural Health Northeast Natural Health: The Company of Women for Fairfield County Women Northeast Natural Health is a new naturopathic medical practice in Norwalk, located on Myrtle Street near East Avenue. Its founders--Dr. Maren Cornish, Dr. Kazuko Nakamura, and Dr. Medeya Tsnobiladze--are graduates of both the Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture programs at the University of Bridgeport. Our aim is to make Northeast Natural Health a community health center, creating a partnership with the people of Norwalk and surrounding towns in order to help them achieve and support optimal health. As we are very much aware that women are the guiding force in the health of the entire family, we plan to write a series of educational articles aimed at women, mothers, wives, and daughters, which might help them in attaining a balanced, healthy life for themselves and their families. The articles will be on such topics as weight management, nutrition for young athletes, common hormonal issues, and many more. Please pick up the Jan/Feb 10 issue of Fairfield County Woman and look for the first of the articles by the doctors of Northeast Natural Health, which will discuss healthy weight achievement and maintenance --a new you for the new year! 5 Myrtle Street, Norwalk, CT www.northeastnatural.com (203) 642-4710

Fairfield County Woman

Anya Kishinevsky, MD Plastic surgeon Anya Kishinevsky`s high level of training and experience has helped her develop a reputation for excellence in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology after graduating with honors from Johns Hopkins University in 1996. She received her residency training in general surgery at the Montefiore Medical Center at New York`s Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 2000, and her training in plastic surgery at the Yale New Haven Hospital in 2003. Dr. Anya Kishinevsky stays committed to continuing her education and training to provide her patients with plastic surgery services of the highest quality. In 2005 she received intense thinoplasty training in Texas under world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Jack P. Gunter. She also received intense training in facial aesthetic surgery at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. Dr. Kishinevsky believes in giving back to the community and frequently participates in charitable missions abroad, to provide free reconstructive surgery for children in need around the world. She is fluent in Russian, French, and Hebrew, and conversational in Spanish. Anya can be contacted through www.anyakishinevskymd. com, or 203–656-9999.

This space is available for YOU! Would you like to become one of our “Women in Profile”? Reserve your space today! Call 203-708-9186 or e-mail to gallagher@fcwoman.com. November/DeCember 2009 29

Fabulous Foods

Millie’s Home Made Wedding Cakes

What wedding would be complete without a beautiful cake to cut?

A wedding cake is the traditional cake served to the guests at a wedding reception (or in parts of England, at a wedding breakfast) after a wedding. In modern Western culture, it is usually a large cake, multi-layered or tiered, and heavily decorated with icing, occasionally over a layer of marzipan or fondant, topped with a small statue representing the couple. Achieving a dense, strong cake that can support the decorations while remaining edible can be considered the epitome of the baker’s art and skill. The average cost of a wedding cake in the U.S. is $543. A portion may be stored, and eaten by the couple at their first wedding anniversary, or at the christening of their first child. Sometimes this portion is the top tier, and sometimes a portion of the piece from which the bride and groom fed each other, depending on the local customs. The portion of the cake may be frozen for this purpose; the top tier of the cake may sometimes consist of fruitcake, which could be stored for a great length of time. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Delicious, Elegant & Affordable 30

November/DeCember 2009

When planning the most romantic day of your life you have to make so many important decisions, choosing the right cake for your big day may be the sweetest. The time-honored wedding cake not only celebrates the union of two people, but it is also the centerpiece of the reception ad is one of the first things guessts see as they arrive. Your choice in wedding cake design makes a statement about your personality and sense of style. It should reflect you and your good taste. Your special day should be filled with all of the finest, that’s why I bake my cakes from scratch using only the freshest and highest quality ingredients. The freshness and taste are as important as the appearance of your cake. At this time I’m only offering yellow cake, chocolate cake and walnut cake. You can choose from a numerous filling flavours. I work with buttercream, rolled fondant and marzipan. Careful

Fairfield County Woman

Fabulous Foods Publisher’s note on Millie’s Home Made wedding Cakes I can testify from personal experience that Millie is creative with her wedding cakes, she is such a pleasure to work with and her cakes are so delicious. I highly recommend Millie’s Home Made Wedding Cakes!

attention is paid to the little details, and to get them right, I would be glad to set up a complimentary cake consultation to meet in person. You can come with a design in mind or have me help to inspire you. Each one of my wedding cakes are made to order, with each cake tailored to the bride and groom’s tastes. People will remember two things about your wedding: The way you looked in your wedding gown ... and the wedding cake. It is truly the “centerpiece for the whole affair.” Pricing is dependent upen the design so I am unable to quote a price until I have met with you, but I can email you the basic price list.

Testimonials: We had some stressful times while planning the wedding, but we did not have any worries or concerns about the cake. The cake was beautiful and tasted as good as it looked. Everyone absolutely loved it. Monika and Martin, Queens NY Millie was great to work with, very creative and she makes delicious cake. She does all the work herself and she takes great pride in what she does Lucy and Peter, Rocky Hill CT

Fairfield County Woman

Contact Millie’s Home Made Wedding Cakes

Hallo, my name is Millie. I live in Stamford CT. I absolutely love my part time job designing and creating beautiful wedding cakes! Baking has always been a passion of mine since I was a small girl. I baked so many birthday cakes for my family and friends, but it wasn’t until my good friend asked me to make a cake for her wedding that I realized how much I love to create something as special as a wedding cake. I’d like to meet you and hear all about your ideas and plans. Let me be a part of your big day. If you are interested in having a cake designed by me, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. By email: wedding.cakes@hotmail.com Please add my address to your address book to ensure that my emails reach your inbox.

November/DeCember 2009 31

Fabulous Foods Fabulous Foods

Route 22

Restaurant and Bar 1980 West Main St. Stamford, CT 06902 rt22restaurant.com 203-323-2229

People from all over Fairfield and Westchester Counties are making Route 22 Restaurant and Bar in Stamford CT a one of a kind destination for a fun night out! Take a healthy helping of American comfort cuisine at great prices, toss in excellent service, an arcade for the kids, a dash of nostalgia and you have the perfect recipe for Route 22 American restaurant and bar! From salads and burgers to appetizers and award-winning BBQ ribs, the food is terrific and the overall feel of the restaurant is fun! Families, business people, and large groups all feel right at home in the Hollywood-style booths and spacious dinning room. Plus, you can’t beat the unique nightlife with Happy Hours that almost never end, brought to you by the Fairfield County Happy Hour Club! 34 SEPTEMBER / O C T O B ER 32

November/December 2009

Watch all the games on 8 flat screens or check out Live Karaoke on Tuesday and Wednesdays, Fox 95.9 DJs spinning tunes on Thursdays, Rio100 Brazilian Dance Party on Fridays and live Rock-n-Roll Bands on Saturdays. You’re invited! So come on down to Route 22 Restaurant and Bar located at the new Shoprite Center on the Old Greenwich border just a half a mile down from the Greenwich Hyatt.

experience the Nostalgia & Fun of Route 22 for... Corporate Events, Holiday Parties, Business Gatherings, Birthday Parties, Children’s Events, Bar & Bat Mitzvah’s, Sweet Sixteen’s. Relax. Take it easy. And put your next event in the hands of the meeting (and eating!) professionals at nearby Route 22 restaurant! Whether you’re planning an intimate business luncheon for 10… or charting an unforgettable party for 150, we can handle it in style!

burgers and steaks to the finest seafood on the map! Need a full sit-down dinner? Piece of cake. Want a cocktail reception? Easy as pie! Which reminds us – we even offer an exquisite array of tasty dessert dishes for every occasion imaginable. With over 4,000 square feet of space, plus state-of-the-art A/V equipment, full catering capabilities, event planning, live entertainment and a full service bar – the best route to a great event starts here: at Route 22.

Connecticut’s first true “concept” restaurant welcomes you to a world of ‘30’s memorabilia, complete with a fully restored ‘31 Model A Ford. Meanwhile, our seasoned staff tends to your party’s every need…serving up mouth-watering American cuisine featuring everything from sizzling Fairfield County Woman Fairfield County Woman

Fabulous Fabulous Foods Foods

Fairfield County Wo m an

Fairfield County Woman



November/December 2009 33



November/DeCember 2009

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Fairfield County Woman




Fairfield County Woman

November/December 2009 35

Community The National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately 2.5 million women with a history of breast cancer were alive in January 2006. Most of these individuals were cancerfree, while others still had evidence of cancer and may have been undergoing treatment.

About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that starts in the tissues of the breast.

Swelling of one arm (next to breast with cancer)

mammograms, and other tests following treatment.

Weight loss

There are two main types of breast cancer:



In general, cancer treatments may include:

Over the course of a lifetime, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Chemotherapy medicines to kill cancer cells

Risk factors you cannot change include:

Radiation therapy to destroy cancerous tissue

• Age and gender -- Your risk of developing

Ductal carcinoma starts in the tubes (ducts) that move milk from the breast to the nipple. Most breast cancers are of this type.

Lobular carcinoma starts in parts of the breast, called lobules, that produce milk.

In rare cases, breast cancer can start in other areas of the breast.

Many breast cancers are sensitive to the hormone estrogen. This means that estrogen causes the breast cancer tumor to grow.

Symptoms Early breast cancer usually does not cause symptoms. This is why regular breast exams are important. As the cancer grows, symptoms may include: •

Breast lump or lump in the armpit that is hard, has uneven edges, and usually does not hurt.

Change in the size, shape, or feel of the breast or nipple -- for example, you may have redness, dimpling, or puckering that looks like the skin of an orange.

Fluid coming from the nipple -- may be bloody, clear-to-yellow, or green, and look like pus.

Men get breast cancer, too. Symptoms include breast lump and breast pain and tenderness.

Symptoms of advanced breast cancer may include: •

Bone pain

Breast pain or discomfort

Skin ulcers


November/DeCember 2009

breast cancer increases as you get older. The majority of advanced breast cancer cases are found in women over age 50. Women are 100 times more likely to get breast cancer then men.

Surgery to remove cancerous tissue -- a lumpectomy removes the breast lump; mastectomy removes all or part of the breast and possible nearby structures Most women receive a combination of treatments. For women with stage I, II, or III breast cancer, the main goal is to treat the cancer and prevent it from returning. For women with stage IV cancer, the goal is to improve symptoms and help them live longer. In most cases, stage IV breast cancer cannot be cured.

• Stage 0 and DCIS -- Lumpectomy plus radiation

• Family history of breast cancer -- You may also

have a higher risk for breast cancer if you have a close relative has had breast, uterine, ovarian, or colon cancer. About 20 - 30% of women with breast cancer have a family history of the disease.

• Genes -- Some people have genes that make

them more prone to developing breast cancer. The most common gene defects are found in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These genes normally produce proteins that protect you from cancer. But if a parent passes you a defective gene, you have an increased risk for breast cancer. Women with one of these defects have up to an 80% chance of getting breast cancer sometime during their life.

or mastectomy is the standard treatment. There is some controversy on how best to treat DCIS.

• Stage I and II -- Lumpectomy plus radiation

or mastectomy with some sort of lymph node removal is standard treatment. Hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and biologic therapy may also be recommended following surgery.

• Stage III -- Treatment involves surgery possibly followed by chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and biologic therapy.

• Menstrual cycle -- Women who get their

periods early (before age 12) or went through menopause late (after age 55) have an increased risk for breast cancer.

• Stage IV -- Treatment may involve surgery,

radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or a combination of such treatments.

After treatment, some women will continue to medicaiotns such as tamoxifen for a period of time. All women will continue to have blood tests,

Other risk factors include:

• Alcohol use -- Drinking more than 1 - 2 glasses of alcohol a day may increase your risk for breast cancer.

Fairfield County Woman

Community • Childbirth -- Women who have never had

children or who had them only after age 30 have an increased risk for breast cancer. Being pregnant more than once or becoming pregnant at an early age reduces your risk of breast cancer.

• DES -- Women who took diethylstilbestrol (DES) to prevent miscarriage may have an increased risk of breast cancer after age 40. This drug was given to the women in the 1940s - 1960s.

• Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) -- You

have a higher risk for breast cancer if you have received hormone replacement therapy for several years or more. Many women take HRT to reduce the symptoms of menopause.

history -- cannot be controlled. However, a healthy diet and a few lifestyle changes may reduce your overall chance of cancer in general. •

Breast cancer is more easily treated and often curable if it is found early.

Early detection involves:

Breast self-exams (BSE)

Clinical breast exams by a medical professional

Screening mammography

Most experts recommend that women age 20 and older examine their breasts once a month during the week following the menstrual period.

Women between the ages 20 and 39 should have a doctor examine their breasts at least once every 3 years.

• Obesity -- Obesity has been linked to breast

cancer, although this link is controversial. The theory is that obese women produce more estrogen, which can fuel the development of breast cancer.

Breast implants, using antiperspirants, and wearing underwire bras do not raise your risk for breast cancer. There is no evidence of a direct link between breast cancer and pesticides.

Women 40 and older should have a mammogram every 1 - 2 years, depending on their risk factors. Women should call their doctor immediately if they notice in change in their breasts whether or not they do proutine breast self-exams.

Women 40 and older should have a complete breast exam by a health care provider every year.

Mammography is the most effective way of detecting breast cancer early.

Certain women at high risk for breast cancer may have a breast MRI along with their yearly mammogram. Ask your doctor if your need an MRI.

Screening for breast cancer is a topic filled with controversy. A woman needs to have an informed and balanced discussion with her doctor, along with doing additional reading and researching on her own, to determine if mammography is right for her.

Tamoxifen is approved for breast cancer prevention in women aged 35 and older who are at high risk.

Tests & diagnosis The doctor will ask you about your symptoms and risk factors, and then perform a physical exam, which includes both breasts, armpits, and the neck and chest area. Additional tests may include: •

Mammography to help identify the breast lump

Breast MRI to help better identify the breast lump

Breast ultrasound to show whether the lump is solid or fluid-filled

Breast biopsy, needle aspiration, or breast lump removal to remove all or part of the breast lump for closer examination by a laboratory specialist

CT scan

Sentinal lymph node biopsy

PET scan

If your doctor learns that you do have breast cancer, additional tests will be done to see if the cancer has spread. This is called staging. Staging helps guide future treatment and follow-up and gives you some idea of what to expect in the future.

Prevention Many risk factors -- such as your genes and family

Fairfield County Woman

Contact your health care provider for an appointment if: •

You have a breast or armpit lump

You are a woman age 40 or older and have not had a mammogram in the last year

You are a woman age 35 or older and have a mother or sister with breast cancer, or have already had cancer of the breast, uterus, ovary, or colon.

You do not know how or need help learning how to perform a breast self-examination

After age 40:

• Radiation -- If you received radiation therapy

as a child or young adult to treat cancer of the chest area, you have a significantly higher risk for developing breast cancer. The younger you started such radiation, the higher your risk -- especially if the radiation was given when a female was developing breasts.

When to contact a doctor

Complications New, improved treatments are helping persons with breast cancer live longer than ever before. However, even with treatment, breast cancer can spread to other parts of the body. Sometimes, cancer returns even after the entire tumor is removed and nearby lymph nodes are found to be cancer-free. You may experience side effects or complications from cancer treatment. For example, radiation therapy may cause temporary swelling of the breast, and aches and pains around the area. Ask your doctor about the side effects you may have during treatment.

November/December 2009 37

Community Greenwich Associates for WellBeing (GAFWB) is an excellent resource

for both the professional holistic community and the GREEN consumer. GAFWB provides opportunities for connection; connections that can create long lasting and far reaching positive effects. Connections that foster holistic community, education, healing and growth. One such way GAFWB nurtures holistic connections is through its website, www.GAFWB.com. This site affords the information needed to start creating holistic relationships. The on-line GAFWB Member Directory is an excellent resource for finding knowledgeable and skilled holistic practitioners. The Green Links offer many opportunities to learn about or contribute to the green in our world. There are quotes to inspire you! We have a GAFWB Member of the Month feature. We also have a Community Share e-page that lists many wonderful upcoming holistic/ green events in our area being offered by GAFWB Members. For fun, there are book, song and movie of the month suggestions. Balancing work and play, the GAFWB on-line Calendar of Events lists upcoming GAFWB Events such as our monthly GAFWB Networking Meeting with presentations offered

GAFWB Women’s Wellness Expo “It’s About Your Healing potential.” Keynote Address “The Path to Total Healing from Chronic Pain” by Ingrid Bacci, PhD, CST

Saturday, November 7th, 12:00p.m. to 4:30p.m. Located at the YWCA Greenwich, 259 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT Admission: $10 adults and children over 12 *extra charge for mini-sessions Learn about ways to continuously support your being well naturally! Relax and enjoy well-being lectures, holistic healing mini-sessions*, wonderful green living product demonstrations and joyful live entertainment! Great healthy gift possibilities available for the whole family! An amazing day of community! Sponsored by Fairfield County Woman


November/DeCember 2009

by rotating GAFWB Members. Our meetings are open to GAFWB Members, non-member holistic/ green professionals and the general public with the intention of relationship building and education. Also listed are events such as GAFWB Well-Being Expos, fun GAFWB Workshops such as Happy Hour with Laughing Yoga and Smiling Buddha Meditations and celebratory GAFWB Member events including our annual Organic Potluck Picnic and Holiday Dinners featuring a fun and surprising Synchronicity Gift Exchange Game (invented by the GAFWB Founder). The GAFWB website also has space for advertising eco-conscious services and products! Reaching out, GAFWB communicates with the professional and personal holistic community regularly via e-mail. Our GAFWB Community e-mail distribution list is increasing rapidly closing in on almost 500 members right now! Our well read monthly GAFWB e-Newsletter highlights upcoming GAFWB events and important holistic well-being information. We also send out an informative monthly Community Share e-Bulletin that communicates upcoming events by GAFWB Members. Another great resource we send out monthly is an e-announcement of new and renewed GAFWB Members highlighting their holistic services and contact information, another wonderful way to learn about our holistic community. Creating more connection, GAFWB also finds, receives and creates opportunities. To support fundraising for a local church, GAFWB coordinated a workshop series featuring eight GAFWB Members helping GAFWB Members to build their practices through communication and providing the general public with opportunity for holistic well-being service and information. As a free community service, GAFWB produced an educational holistic wellbeing expo featuring panel discussions by integrative medical doctors, lectures by green living experts and free samples by holistic practitioners. Participants in this landmark event included the Medical Director of the Greenwich Hospital Center for Integrative Medicine and the Event Manager of Audubon Greenwich. GAFWB was a proud participant in this year’s Audubon Greenwich Hawk Watch Festival &

Greenwich Associates for Well-Being (GAFWB) Supporting the GREEN in Greenwich NOW KiM Kat KriStoFF, lMt, crM, FoundEr oF GaFWb & ProducEr oF GaFWb EXPoS


Green Bazaar with our GAFWB Holistic Well-Being Education & Demonstration Station, a wonderfully great success! This month, GAFWB is producing an inspiring Women’s Wellness Expo taking place at the YWCA Greenwich on November 7, 2009 from 12p.m. to 4:30p.m. which is being sponsored by Fairfield County Woman! With all this, GAFWB is thriving and growing connecting high quality holistic well-being practitioners with Integrative Medical Centers, Human Potential Centers and Educational Institutions while simultaneously advocating, educating, facilitating and demonstrating holistic well-being practices through connections with the general public; creating green conversations and lifestyle ideas, options and opportunities for a healthier and happier local community and making positive global contributions through donations to nonprofit organizations in support of eco-conscious well-being. As a holistic well-being practitioner and consumer myself, I have found GAFWB to be a great resource and it is a joy to be a part of such a loving community.

Testimonials “You are creating something very powerful that is needed in this area.”

- M. S.

“I wanted to share someone very special with you. Kim Kat Kristoff is one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met. A one woman powerhouse that is a networking Goddess. She is doing something remarkable I think you may be interested in. Please take a look at GAFWB, perhaps you might be interested in becoming part of the professional family.” - P. Y. “The expo was very helpful to me. You did a great job of pulling it all together.” - G. M.

Fairfield County Woman

Fairfield County Woman

September / October 39

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