Empathy Process

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senior studio process book farinaz valamanesh | 2017

table of contents





concept inspiration


first attempt - DNA+


second attempt - empathy pills


solution - empathy


visual language empathy - logo mark


empathy - color exploration


empathy - typeface



empathy - boards


empathy - stories


empathy - package and manual


empathy - poster


final words




inspiration It was February of 2017, the first semester of my senior studio class, when I first heard of an executive order of President Trump that banned people from seven Muslim countries from entering the United States. My home country, Iran, was on the list. That meant no visiting parents, friends, and family for God knows how long. It was one of the most painful, direct discriminations I’ve experienced in my life. I was so angry and frustrated that



despite working on a totally different topic for my senior capstone project, I decided to change and dedicate it to this issue. I wanted my work to be touching and make people take a moment and think about discriminative actions that don’t involve them and they are used to ignoring. I wanted others to feel and understand what I was going through but didn’t know how. So I got started with experiments and research.

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first attempt DNA+

I came up with the concept during a talk I had with my mother. She told me, “Imagine how our world would look if we could choose how we look. We could control our privileges.� That was a very abstract idea but I thought I could develop it to address privilege and discrimination in a hopefully eye-opening approach. That was when the DNA+ project started. I did some research about the idea of a perfect human in the history.



Like Plato’s Kallipolis idea or even Nazi’s master race. I also looked at works that have already been done by artists related to DNA and genetic engineering, such as Stranger Visions by Heather Dewey or Facial Weaponization Suite by Zach Blas. Finally, I decided to create and brand a hypothetical company that gave people a chance to alter their DNA, raise their chance of privilege in society, and eventually create a solution for how to eliminate inequalities.

Fag Face Mask Zach Blas 2012


In the first critique of the semester, I got so many comments from our faculty regarding the purpose of the project. Some of them thought that I’m advocating for DNA change and existence of a perfect gene. This was a failure for my purpose. So I had to find a solution to avoid miscommunication.

This approach was too technical, misleading and distracting from the main goal of the project. Mind map of DNA+

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Part of logo sketches for DNA+

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Brainstorming for company’s name

Research for the DNA+ logo


second attempt empathy pills After the first critique, I decided to stay away from the satirical approach and make it more direct and positive, as it was also more compatible with my personality. I was going to brand a company that created empathy pills in different categories that let those who take theses pills temporarily change their appearance to the category of their choice. The thought process behind this was that I believe one of the reasons why people fail to understand each other and discriminate against others is that they

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Final stage of logo design for Empathy Pills

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cannot put themselves in another persons’ position. I wanted to give them this opportunity literally. I chose the term empathy to make these products be self explanatory, and avoid misunderstandings. However, it did not work. In my mid-semester critique, the main feedback that I received was about the morality of the pills. They were even compared to chemical castration in Europe. It was nowhere close to my intention, so I started looking for another solution.

This approach raised so many objections towards the morality of pills to alter one’s body.


solution empathy In the beginning of the second semester of the senior studio, I was left with an idea and no working execution. It was really stressful, as I only had half of my initial time left to solidify the concept and repeat the whole design process for it. I was about to have a nervous breakdown when my professor told me, “why don’t you make it interactive? People learn more when they are involved in the project,” and I realized that’s the best way that I could access people’s feelings. Why hadn’t I thought about it before? I started testing different ways that I could bring interactively to my project. I tried an interactive poster, VR, paper folding, games, etc, some of which ended up in my final piece in an alternative way. 18 empathyprocess

Part of poster experimentation

VR experimentation using Google cardboard


I finally decided to symbolize the act of empathy through a board game-like interactive piece. I developed a way through which the audience could symbolically put themselves into another person’s shoes. I decided to gather real stories about inequalities to also raise awareness towards empathy in my body of work. I created a kit for the piece that engaged people in a few simple steps. They first revealed the stories on the empathy board, read them, and added them on the board of stories. At the end, they were encouraged to share their own stories. I pitched this idea in my third critique, finally everyone understood my project, and they liked it.

The empathy kit idea was a success.

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Developing the interactive idea for Empathy

Final working idea for Empathy


visual language


empathy logomark Finally, the fun part had begun. I had a solid concept and it was time to brand the empathy kit. As I started working on the visual language. My objective was to make the empathy brand friendly and approachable, which I kept in mind throughout the whole process. Designing a logo was my first step. After making hundreds of sketches and creating my top five ideas digitally, I settled on a logo mark that was conceptually strong and worked perfectly with the intention of my work.

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Sketches for logo mark of Empathy

2 2

Top ideas created on the computer, some of which did not work as well digitally

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Final two empathy logo ideas

Final logo concept

It’s too similar to Google Chrome!


Process of finalizing the logomark

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Empathy is not static! Rotate it 45 degrees and make it dynamic. There are many different levels to the empathy logomark. At the first glance, four figures seem to be holding each other’s hands, showing the connection in the act of empathy that is also emphasized by the overall look of the chains tied together. On the lower level, four heart-shaped forms can be seen that are also linked together. I put colors that are usually on the opposite sides, across each other, blue versus red and dark versus light. The circles symbolizing the heads of the figures are also swapped with each other as an indication of sharing of thoughts and feelings.

Final logomark


empathy color exploration While I was working on the logo mark I decided what range of colors I wanted to use to indicate the meanings I had previously researched. I chose CMYK colors with the intention of showing diversity of people and stories. Any type of color and consequently any kind of person with their personal stories can be created from these four basic colors.

30 empathyprocess

Final color palette

C : M: Y : K :

64% 55% 52% 27%

C : M: Y : K :

0% 24% 86% 0%



C : M: Y : K :

C : M: Y : K :

76% 34% 0% 0%


1% 82% 97% 0%



empathy typeface I started looking for a rounded typeface to use as the logomark with the goal to help make the brand more friendly and approachable. I first tried Gotham rounded, which is one the most popular round typefaces, but proportions of the lower case “a” didn’t suit the brand well. Later, I found Volte Rounded and realized right away that this was the one. Being a geometric sans serif typeface, it gave the brand a modern look without compromising its friendly intent. It’s also unique and not as overused. The decision to use lowercase characters for the logotype and also throughout the brand emphasizes on its accessibility. I chose regular weight for the logotype due to it having the perfect amount of roundness while also would creating a nice balance next to the logomark. 32 empathyprocess


empathy Two weights of Volte Rounded that are used in empathy branding

“ a� in Gotham Rounded vs. Volte Rounded

Volte Rounded Regular Volte Rounded Medium

empathykit empathyboard empathystories empathymanual empathyapp

Usage of Volte Rounded regular and medium for different mediums in the brand


I also needed a secondary typeface to use in the body text. I wanted to use a font that pairs well with Volte Rounded. Archer had all the features I needed. It is a well-designed slab serif that creates a nice contrast with the clean look of Volte Rounded. In addition, it’s a geometric typeface that goes well with the modern look of the empathy brand. Its round counter space in light weights and also its round terminals emphasize on the circular forms that repeat throughout the brand.

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Archer Bold Archer Medium Archer Medium Italic Archer Book Archer Book Italic Archer Light




empathy boards First design of the empathy boards

Empathy board was the main piece of the interactive part of the empathy project. I decided to have large scaled boards in order to have both a bigger impact on the audience and the capability to have larger, more visible stories. I used four pieces of magnet boards tiled together, which helped me with the scale. The magnetic feature of the boards also made sharing and revealing the stories much easier.

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Empathy board final look

Board of stories, an extension for sharing stories

For the gallery installation, and as an extension to the empathy kit, I designed another board for sharing the stories. Placeholders were designed to connect with each other, implying the connective process of interaction that would form between participants.


empathy stories To gather the empathy stories, I first reached out to people through a few social media platforms. I realized that unfortunately not everyone is comfortable with sharing their stories. Therefore, I decided to make a Google form in order to keep the stories anonymous. It was interesting how diverse the stories were. They dealt with subjects of inequality towards nationality, sexuality, gender, disability, body image, etc. I made the empathy story pieces from magnets so they could stick to the boards on the wall. The exterior surface of each piece was designed with the brand visual elements, while the stories were pasted on the back side. In order to reveal the stories, the audience can just simply flip the piece over. 40 empathyprocess

It has been more than 2 years since I saw my parents. It breaks my heart when I think millions of people are on board with

• em

pathycard •

• em

pathycard •

• •e m

emppa rd• • atth hyyccaard

banning them from entering the country because they think my mom and dad are "threats to our national security".


••eem mppaatthhyyccaarrdd ••

• em

pathycard •

Sample of the two sides of the empathy stories

• •eem m pathycardd• • p a t h y ca r

• em

pathycard •

• •e m

e mppa rd• • atth hyyccaard

• em

pathycard •

• em

pathycard •

• em

• em


pathycard •


empathy package & manual An equally important part of the empathy project was the design of the empathy kit. I wanted to put all the parts of the interactive piece into a single package. The challenge I had was the size of the boards. The stories had to be readable, so I could not make the boards smaller. In order to fit all the components while also saving materials and space, I designed the package in layers. Various different parts fit on top of each other and can be pulled out easily with a ribbon. I also used magnets in the packaging to continue the theme.

42 empathyprocess

magnet clasp

Make it efficient and as small as possible. boards manual stories

pen Inside of the empathy kit

Reveal . Share . Connect


Use something from the experimental period. Empathy manual is one of the things from the beginning of exploration that I brought back to the project. It is an explanation on how the interactive piece works. I was inspired by the Logo Loop folding catalogue I received in the Interactive Annual issue of Communication Arts magazine. It starts from the first page and by folding four times returns back to the first page. I implemented the idea into the manual designed for the empathy kit, since the steps could repeat as many times as the audience wanted to.

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Different steps of empathy manual


empathy poster I wanted to have a poster to grab the attention of the audience and let them know that they can interact with the art piece. To make it more compatible with the overall theme of the project I decided to make the poster interactive as well. I gave the audience this opportunity to once again reveal and connect with the stories. The circular elements were perforated and could peel away. Stories would gradually appear after the top layer was removed by the audience.

46 empathyprocess

Why not make it interactive?

Pe e

Pe e




Finalized empathy poster with showing the interactively

You hear assaults mostly in whispers. Sometimes it is slight

It has been more than

suggestions. Students or co-workers warn

2 years since I saw my parents.

you. Then it is your turn, a cycle to repeat.

It breaks my heart when I think

When it gets really terrible, they open an

millions of people are on board with banning them from entering the country because they think my mom

investigation. It builds up like a residue that begins to reek of exhaustion and terror. And it

and dad are "threats to our

everyone. But aren’t we so advanced and

national security".

progressive? Have we not shattered the glass ceiling?

and left. My boss, who was a cis man, said free card? Did I miss something while my “not

could do both of those things, he was immediately them to the let me be the director the documentary. given go-ahead. Based onofexperience, I can

President” was reaching for some Pussy? Pardon me, he and others have found Jesus and are now trying

Surprisingly guaranteethey you did thatnot thisaccept is not ita since matterI was of a woman. was unbelievable, told beingThat the oldest child… it’s a they matter ofme

to regulate it. I don’t need a virtual message


l Pe e

l Pe e him, “Gross! Having sex with her would be like wrestling with a sack of bowling balls.”

same gender means I’m a sinner and I

I’ve always been uncomfortable with my

deserve to rot in hell.

weight, and that comment has stuck

l my sexuality or harasses me for being gay, even though being gay is not me, it’s only a part of me.

Pe e



In high school, I wasn’t interested in drinking or using drugs, and I told my then-boyfriend that I would not stay with him if he participated in those activities. His friends made fun of both me and him. They would call him a pussy, and tell him that I was a no-good straight-edge bitch with a giant stick up my ass. I’m grateful that he stuck up for me and respected my choices… but I wasn’t invited to any of his friends’ events, even the sober ones.

Andréa D.

many times and I am worried that my

my answer have been like not getting my dream job, weird look of people

with me ever since.

or even not making friends.



Pe e

Pe e I'm a seventeen year old gay woman, living with people who literally think I don't

comfortable when a white citizen of the United States asks me: “Where are you from?!” It has been happening too answer would cut back what I’m waiting to get from that person. The consequences of



there is a knife in my chest, twisting

I really don’t feel

I have always been on the larger side. I found out that in 6th grade, one of my good guy friends had had a crush on me earlier in the year, and two of my other “friends” reacted by saying to

Pe e

l Pe e


themselves 'therapists' who claim

have a place in their world. It feels like


even speak English


gay away", cause having feelings for the

every single time someone makes fun of

Pe e

translator. Why? Because he could not

hard-won wisdom.

me to conversion therapies to heal me and


and clearly.

herself. Instead of me they sent a man with

fully human beings with valid and

my parents found out that I’m gay, they sent

me for the two hours I was there…

describe the goal of empathy, simply

not think that a woman can go abroad by

treated them as valuable, worthwhile, and

'make me straight'. I’ve been told to "pray the

up for a membership and checked in with

decided “Reveal, Share, Connect” could

me that my trip was canceled because they did more patient and understanding with them and

they can "fix" my homosexuality. when

40s. When I was 17 a man followed me in a grocery store for 20 minutes. When I was 19 a

adjectives related to empathy, I

gathering information about the exhibition and planning my trip. Three days later, they informed

I’ve met people calling

of grown men, in a “sophisticated” country -the birthplace of Chanel- stared as they made horrid gestures with their hands.

man followed me into a gym, proceeded to sign

report on an exhibition, and I agreed. When I left

in public and that hurts me so much. People’s misconceptions of Autism can hurt me and my


Pe e

Pe e



every day. I know you do too.

B.G. A. D.

I was 9 when I was first catcalled by a man in his

after brain storming and gathering

understand his special needs. They look at him strangely, point their fingers at us or use words like “retarded” or “spastic” when he acts out

board of me too’s. I hear, see and feel them

that I being was asking for too the only girl.much.

I’m a female journalist. A few months ago my manager called me in

my first internship in NYC, a man grabbed my ass and whispered “sexy mama” nothing. Where the fuck is my get out of vagina jail

atbrother, the time. After a fewone collaborations, one if ofhe the who is only year younger,for asked

I was 6 years old when group

I also needed an slogan for my poster,

I have an autistic brother. He is

When I was 22 and working at

collaborate withafter twojunior of my prom, male friends friend’s party I was that I’d“absolutely met in a filmmaking class and make told not.” When I asked if I

documentaries. I have a master’s cinema could live in an apartment my degree second in year in and college, I’d been Iworking a professional a few years was toldas “absolutely not.”for When my


About 1.5 years agotoI go decided When I asked to a to



Pe e

l Pe e

Pe e

Pe e



Pe el


When I asked to go to a friend’s party after junior prom, I was told “absolutely not.” When I asked if I could live in an apartment my second year in college, I was told “absolutely not.” When my brother, who is only one year younger, asked if he could do both of those things, he was immediately given the go-ahead. Based on experience, I can guarantee you that this is not a matter of being the oldest child… it’s a matter of

I routinely make sure my keys are in my hand like blades at night, as I pass by several “woman missing” signs. When I am at a department tears in her eyes says “you need to be careful, because this exist here. A professor being resigning does not mean the threat is gone”, I wonder. Anger. Disgust.

being the only girl.

Frustration. Rinse. Repeat.

Andréa D.



final words

Looking at the overall process of my capstone project, it’s amazing to see despite all the ups


and downs throughout the way, how things came together and helped me deliver my concept. I realized how important research, time management and getting feedback from peers and faculty are. Through this project, I learned how everyone can make an effort to enhance their empathic potential and improve the quality of their own lives and others by looking at the world from another person’s perspective. I hope I could raise awareness towards importance of empathy, help participants connect through their intimate feelings, and share their understanding, compassion, and sympathy.

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Farinaz Valamanesh | 2017 University of Massachusetts Lowell

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