Cultivating Success Through Sustainability & Collaboration

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Farm Credit East has been a partner to Northeast agriculture, forest products and commercial fishing for more than 100 years. This means we’re deeply rooted in the industries we serve, including their surrounding rural communities. We work with our customers, who are also our owners, to provide reliable credit, strategic financial services and sound advice. Collaboration is key to our success — and sustaining our cooperative into the future.

That sustainable collaboration starts with our team. The Farm Credit East team works together to help our customers achieve their business goals. With this teamwork approach in mind, in 2023 we evolved our credit and financial services delivery to provide more value to customers and position the cooperative for the future.

Collaboration has also long been part of our financing strategy, especially as we’ve supported our customers’ sustainability efforts. Agriculture is an innovative industry, and Farm Credit East has a history of financing these advancements — from manure injection equipment and digesters to GPS automation, no-till planters and conservation tillage equipment, and everything in between. In order to appropriately finance these endeavors, we collaborate with outside partners, including USDA, state agencies, economic development entities, power companies, leasing companies and other financial providers.

We coordinate with both internal and external industry experts to bring business insights to our customers through our Knowledge Exchange program. This includes outlook reports, webinars, monthly Knowledge Exchange Partner e-newsletters and weekly blog articles.

We frequently collaborate with CoBank, our funding bank, on various stewardship initiatives to amplify our investment in local communities. This includes partnership in the Northeast Farm Credit AgEnhancement grant program, Farm Credit East Cares and the Lipinski Rural Initiatives Award. CoBank is also a partner in our FarmStart investment program to support those getting started in agriculture.

We utilize leading technology solutions to deliver the most efficient and secure tools for our team and our customers. Furthermore, we collaborate with Financial Partners Inc. (FPI) on technology development and safeguards to protect customer information.

In 2023, the board of directors completed a strategic assessment that determined Farm Credit East has the right team and the right partners in place to innovate for the future. However, Farm Credit East can’t be stagnant. Collaboration will continue to be key.

As Farm Credit East looks to the future, we will continue to seek ways to collaborate internally and externally to deliver more value to our customers and move the cooperative forward. As customers evolve their operations, including increased focus on sustainable and regenerative practices, we will continue to provide reliable credit and value-added financial services to support them in these endeavors. And we’ll continue to spotlight their efforts as we believe our sustainability story is best told through the initiatives of our customer owners.


Farm Credit East’s strategic priorities drive our sustainability and are intertwined throughout our business and collaborative efforts — from the sustainable efforts of our customers and our support of the industry’s next generation to employee engagement and safeguards to ensure Farm Credit East remains a reliable source of credit and financial services into the future.


Provide educational resources and financial services to assist members in their sustainability efforts.


Expand into new markets, finance customer sustainability efforts and amplify their stories.


Safeguard customer information.


Enable an inclusive employee culture to provide an outstanding experience for our team.


Remain committed to supporting local communities.


Position Farm Credit East for the future.

intended to provide a general overview of Farm Credit East’s sustainability efforts in 2023. This report is for informational purposes only.
DISCLAIMER Farm Credit East’s 2023 Sustainability Report is




Collaboration has been a key piece of Farm Credit East’s success for the past 100 years. Our team collaborates every day to find the best solutions for our customers. Retail Financial Services Leader Dario Arezzo recently commented, “The value we bring as a team is synergy. We can finance the project, and if there’s grant money, we can overlay that with tax credits as well as advanced planning techniques to deliver the most value for our customers.”

Farm Credit East also collaborates externally to help customers achieve their business goals. From working with USDA to simplify the grant process, partnering with our funding bank to assist startup entrepreneurs or engaging with organizations serving the diversity of agriculture to expand our cooperative into new markets — Farm Credit East is committed to serving all aspects of agriculture, commercial fishing and forest products.

And as members strive to be sustainable in their businesses, both from an economic and natural resources standpoint, Farm Credit East provides financing to assist them in implementing these practices, including innovative financing to facilitate capital projects and other necessary investments.


Sustainable practices in Northeast agriculture, forestry and fishing operations are not new. However, with today’s technology advances, implementing some practices, such as those that produce renewable energy, can be costly and time consuming.

“My Farm Credit East representatives took the time to come out to my farm, walk the fields and understand the operation.”
– Hector Perez, Jersey Farm Produce

Farm Credit East provides education and informational resources through its Knowledge Exchange program while also offering grant writing services to assist customers in obtaining funding to implement or improve renewable energy or energy conserving initiatives.

Grant Assistance

With grant funding applications typically being quite involved, Farm Credit East’s knowledge of the available programs and working relationships with grant administrators allows us to address the nuances of completing a successful application. Additionally, in 2023, Farm Credit East established a dedicated grant coordinator role to help organize this complex and sometimes lengthy process.

In working with customers on grant applications, Farm Credit East aims to understand the customer’s goals and then seek funding sources to help cover project costs. “There are so many complicated forms and processes when applying for a grant,” notes Farm Credit East Grant Coordinator Heather LaPierre. “We aim to simplify that process by helping the producer understand what they may qualify for and then set expectations to help create an organized process for drafting and submitting the grant.”

In 2023, Farm Credit East was awarded a grant through the USDA to partner with farmers to provide low-cost grant writing services for those applying for Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants, which fund renewable energy or energy efficiency projects. Known as the REAP Technical Assistance Grant (TAG), Farm Credit East can support drafting narratives, filling out forms, collection of documents required for submittal, assisting with feasibility studies, guidance through the maze of government requirements and much more.

For REAP applicants who are also eligible for Farm Credit East financing, part of the additional value Farm Credit East brings to this process is the option for a bridge loan, as most often grant funds are not received until the project is complete. Additionally, Farm Credit East offers tax expertise to evaluate the potential tax benefits or consequences of completing a project.

“Our team works together throughout the process to make sure the grant fits into an operation’s long-term strategy,” continued Heather. “It’s really a benefit for all involved. We simplify the process for the applicant; the USDA receives complete, accurate applications; and it supports Farm Credit East’s commitment to assisting Northeast sustainability efforts.”


With background and education in agriculture, Hector Perez came to the United States from Mexico in 2000. After spending a few years in New York City to better learn English and agriculture through GrowNYC’s New Farmer Development Project, Hector moved to northern New Jersey.

Through the support of Dirt Capital Partners and Farm Credit East, Hector has grown his farm, Jersey Farm Produce based in Pittstown, New Jersey; expanded his GrowNYC market participation; and achieved his dream of full farm ownership.

“Dirt Capital put me in touch with Farm Credit East for accounting, and the team has helped me to keep an eye on the business ever since,” said Hector.

When it came time to purchase the farm, Hector turned to Farm Credit East for support.

“Both Michael and Douglas, my Farm Credit East credit and financial services representatives, took the time to come out to my farm, walk the fields and understand the operation,” Hector continued. “After talking for hours, Michael turned to me and said, ‘We will be happy to support your dream and lend you the money to purchase the farm.’”

“This is what we do at Farm Credit East — we work together to support our customers’ goals,” said Farm Credit East Senior Loan Officer Michael Somma. As Hector looks to the future, he has plans to continue to adjust his products

to meet the unique preferences of his New York City customers, find efficiencies in his current operations, and possibly even explore a few new products and growing practices. But his end goal is the same as what motivated him in the first place: To grow a variety of quality products.

Farm Credit East has been a long-time partner and supporter of GrowNYC’s programs to help develop those new to agriculture and connect consumers and underserved communities to a fresh, healthy food supply.


agricultural producers and other entities involved in agriculture or related industries.

Visit to download this report.


A key piece of achieving quality growth, one of Farm Credit East’s strategic pillars, is expanding the cooperative’s credit and financial services into new markets. To reach more diverse communities, Farm Credit East is developing partnerships with organizations working to increase diversity in agriculture.

One organization is ORIS (Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success). With locations in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts, both hubs for national refugee settlement, ORIS provides assistance, training and resources to promote selfsufficiency as refugees and immigrants resettle in the U.S. Farm Credit East has provided funding to ORIS through its Farm Credit Northeast AgEnhancement grant program and has also met with the organization’s leaders to discuss various financial options that could support their efforts as well as grower efforts.

“My advisor helped me think through every aspect of the business, helped to identify gaps, and prepare for potential market fluctuations.”
– Colleen Francke, Summit Point Seafood Founder

Another collaboration to reach diverse communities is with American Farmland Trust (AFT) to facilitate its New England Farmer Microgrants Program, which provides grants on a reimbursement basis. Grantees with limited resources can apply through Farm Credit East’s FarmStart program to get funding to complete the project up front, with the proceeds from the grant repaying the FarmStart investment upon completion of the project. In 2023, Farm Credit East partnered with AFT on eight investments, two of which have moved on to additional Farm Credit East financing.

In 2023, Farm Credit East also furthered relationships with Cornell Cooperative Extension and New York FarmNet, which both offer programs and resources for Spanish-speaking audiences. This included a presentation by Farm Credit East Consulting Specialist Heather Weeks, who is fluent in Spanish, at a Cornell Small Farmers Conference.

Additionally, Farm Credit East developed a Spanish translated landing page on its website with a dedicated contact us form and translated a suite of products and services brochures.



Colleen Francke, Summit Point Seafood Founder, always knew she wanted to be on the water, but after nearly a decade offshore lobstering, she set her sights on something new — kelp production.

“Kelp is really an amazing product for the environment,” said Colleen. “It requires zero inputs – no fertilizer, no feed and no fresh water to grow it, and in return sucks up significant amounts of carbon and nitrogen from the water as it grows, which helps to clean the bay.”

Today, Colleen harvests macroalgae, the large brown kelp, on 18 acres in Casco Bay, Maine. Production starts indoors in the fall and in November is transplanted to horizontal lines that run about seven feet below the water’s surface. The kelp grows over the course of the winter and is harvested in the spring.


Early in her business, Colleen was introduced to FarmStart and teamed up with a business advisor through FarmStart’s collaboration with SCORE.

“This was the most valuable component of the FarmStart program for me.

My advisor helped me think through every aspect of the business, helped to identify gaps, and prepare for potential market fluctuations. This helpful learning tool turned my project into

something I could actually make a living at.”

As Colleen looks to the future, she is considering ways to diversify the kelp market, including the possibility of using kelp as fertilizer to provide an environmentally sustainable option for crop production, and considering processing her own product to bring to market.

YBSV Incentives

Farm Credit East understands the future of agriculture lies in the next generation and new entrants into the industry. That is why we have developed innovative financing and training and development programs to serve those coming into the industry.

Farm Credit East offers incentives to those who qualify as young (35 or younger), as well as young producers who are beginning (10 years or less experience), small (starting in 2024, this is less than $350k in annual gross sales [previously $250k]), or veteran (postGulf War-era II). In 2023, incentives in excess of $434,000 were provided toward discounts on Farm Credit East’s financial services and training programs, FSA guaranteed loan fees, farm accounting and management software fees, and interest rate assistance. Incentives increased 9.5% over the previous year.


Established in 2005, this first of its kind initiative in the United States assists entrepreneurs and new cooperatives just getting started in agriculture, commercial fishing or forest products by providing working capital investments up to $75,000. Farmstart made 18 new investments in startup agricultural ventures in 2023. Since inception, FarmStart has made 382 investments totaling $17.6 million.


A series of annual seminars that focus on developing the skill sets of next generation managers. More than 90 individuals participated in both in-person and virtual seminars that took place over the winter of 2023-24, up from 74 participants during the 2022-23 season.



Delivering an outstanding customer experience starts with the employee experience. Our employees keep customers connected to the cooperative and keep the association moving forward. Farm Credit East is committed to fostering an enriching employee experience and inclusive work environment.

Nurturing Employee Growth

As noted in this report’s introduction, the board of directors completed a strategic assessment in 2023 that concluded Farm Credit East has the right people to lead the cooperative into the future.

This conclusion is in sync with Farm Credit East’s longtime strategy to grow from within. Nearly all members of the association’s senior leadership team have been promoted over time to obtain their current positions, with many having worked for the cooperative for more than 25 years. With a number of senior leader retirements on the horizon, Farm Credit East will continue to offer ongoing training and development and aim to promote from within the organization when opportunities arise.

Farm Credit East’s young professionals group has been an important initiative to engage younger employees and prime them for future leadership. Established in 2016, the mission of young professionals is to inspire and connect current and future generations at Farm Credit East. From participating in recruiting events to various employee engagement activities, this group serves an important role in developing our team for the future.

Farm Credit East also offers and supports various employee development programs, including internships, skills coaching,

leadership development curriculums, a tax consulting mentor program, external conferences and training opportunities, and tuition reimbursement.

Collaborating to Expand our Network

Recruiting fresh talent is another key piece of sustaining Farm Credit East for the future. Farm Credit East has extensive connections at Northeast land-grant universities and increasingly other Northeast colleges and universities. The recruiting team is also developing collaborative relationships with Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) chapters at four Northeast universities and growing relationships with collegiate programs with a more diverse student body.

Additionally, Farm Credit East’s director of talent management, Jean Gallagher, sits on multiple Farm Credit System workgroups to further expand the diversity of our team. One is the Farm Credit System Talent Acquisition group, which works closely with the National MANRRS organization, including representing the System at the National MANRRS conference. The other is the Farm Credit System Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) workgroup.

Fostering Engagement

So much has changed in our workplace environment over the past several years. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Farm Credit East continued business operations, which included onboarding new team members — some who didn’t get to step into an office for nearly a year. Following the pandemic, we have continued to implement flexible work schedules affording employees more worklife balance.

team at Connections’23.
“It was great to be together with over 400 of my closest friends!”
– Paul Herrington, Farm Credit East State Certified General Appraiser

However, as we’ve conducted employee engagement surveys in the post-pandemic world, employees are looking for more opportunities to get together with their teammates. In 2023, Farm Credit East was pleased to host an all-employee event. Connections’23, as we called it, provided various career development opportunities and, above all, the opportunity for the team to connect with each other.

“The energy was electric,” said Farm Credit East Internal Audit Manager Daquan Holmes. “It was great to connect with teammates, some who I’ve only met virtually or hadn’t met at all. My internal network expanded exponentially following the event.”

Creating an Inclusive Environment

As Farm Credit East develops its team, it embraces the different skills, talents and experiences each employee brings to the table. To further shed light into these various cultures and experiences, Farm Credit East established Leading Diversity in 2020. This employee led group aims to raise consciousness on diversity and inclusion, while increasing equity and employee engagement.

In 2022, the group developed the Voices discussion series. This regular series provides the entire Farm Credit East team a safe space to build community while discussing diversity and inclusion topics and collaborates with various external speakers and organizations to share unique perspectives.

In its inaugural year, this program aimed to create awareness about what diversity means. In 2023, discussions dove deeper into different areas of diversity, including race, gender, LGBTQIA++ and disability, among other topics. As we look to the year ahead, Voices aims to move dialogue to action, providing more context for how diversity affects employees’ daily lives, their customers, and ultimately creates a more engaged workplace to move the business forward.

Since the launch of this series three years ago, employee participation has continued to increase and feedback has been positive. One employee recently commented, “I’ve been with Farm Credit East for almost 10 years, and the fact that Farm Credit now offers the Voices series has been such a light to me.”

Supporting Wellbeing

Farm Credit East employees have access to a third-party assistance and counseling service free of charge. From financial and legal assistance to resources for addressing issues surrounding family, relationship, work, career or other personal challenges, employees have 24/7 access to resources and counseling services.

Additionally, Farm Credit East provides employees with an ongoing wellness program, which includes wellness activities and informational resources and webinars.

The entire Farm Credit East






$319,741 / Northeast Farm Credit AgEnhancement

$25,000 / Lipinski Rural Initiatives Award

$108,000 / Scholarships (Higher Ed & Ag Educator)

$67,475 / Farm Credit East Cares

$467,443 / Community & Ag Organization Support

Food Bank of Northeastern New York’s CEO Tom Nardacci. “With Farm Credit East’s generous support, the new facility’s expanded freezer and cooler space will enable greater intake of nutritious fruits and vegetables from local farms.”

In 2024, Farm Credit East plans to launch a new Food Access Infrastructure Initiative. This initiative aims to increase its support of these important avenues to connect local farmers to new markets and increase consumers’ access to fresh, local food.


In partnership with CoBank, Farm Credit East’s funding bank, Farm Credit Northeast AgEnhancement has contributed more than $3 million since its inception in 1996. AgEnhancement grants support Northeast agriculture industries, youth and leadership development, and diversity and inclusion outreach.

Volunteers Improving Neighborhood Environments (VINES), a volunteer-led effort to build community gardens in Binghamton, N.Y., is a past AgEnhancement recipient. In addition to its 2.25-acre urban farm, VINES also connects youth to agriculture through its Grow Binghamton Youth Program. Each summer, 25 young people are hired to learn about agriculture and work on the farm, while also learning valuable leadership and life skills. Programs like this are an important part of Farm Credit East’s diversity and inclusion outreach as they help develop the next generation of agricultural producers and consumers.

$67,955 / Youth Programs & Sponsorships

$434,865 / Young, Beginning, Small and Veteran Farmer Incentives

$371,582 / Industry Events & Sponsorships

$42, 562 / Charitable Donations

VINES volunteers harvesting fall greens



“I was excited by the Lipinski Rural Initiatives Award because it’s a program that is reinvesting in rural communities — that’s critical.”
– John Tillotson, Deputy EMS Chief Marathon Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps (MAVAC), Marathon, NY

Scan to learn more about the 2023 Lipinski Rural Initiatives Award Recipients


From student scholarships for those in FFA and those pursuing a higher education in an agriculture-related field, to scholarships for agricultural teachers through our partnership with the Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE), Farm Credit East is committed to supporting the next generation of agriculture.

In 2023, we awarded $68,000 in higher education scholarships to 40 student recipients, including three scholarships to students of diverse backgrounds; we supported 15 FFA students’ Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects; and provided $30,000 in scholarships to support 20 educators’ attendance at CASE institutes where they are provided with training and resources to teach courses in the CASE curriculum to high school students.


Our team lives in the same communities we serve. That means many volunteer their time to support those local communities — from building floats for a local parade, to holding leadership roles in community and industry organizations. In 2023, the Farm

Cindy Archibald, Veterans Base Camp Executive Director

Credit East team logged 12,691 hours supporting agricultural organizations and community efforts — a 44% increase from the year before.

“Farm Credit East is not only supportive of our involvement with different industry organizations, but they’re encouraging of us volunteering our time,” said Farm Credit East Appraiser Matthew Sharpe. “The opportunity to give back to the ag youth organizations that inspired me, along with the connections I make when volunteering for organizations that are important to our customers, like New York Animal Agriculture Coalition

(NYAAC), Cornell Cooperative Extension (4-H) and farm bureau, is important to me and beneficial to the cooperative.”


When heavy rain and devastating flooding impacted Vermont and other parts of the Northeast in July 2023, the Farm Credit East Cares Community Fund was quickly activated. This employee-initiated giving fund was established in 2011 with this exact intent in mind — to support farm families and organizations impacted by disasters.

Farm Credit East received additional contributions from CoBank, Farm Credit East’s funding bank, and Farmer Mac to support this effort. A form was set up on the Farm Credit East website for impacted produces to apply for $500 mini grants to help with personal losses and other non-business expenses. The Center for an Agricultural Economy helped Farm Credit East administer the program.

“The grants may be small, but they’re greatly appreciated,” said Chandler Goodhue, Farm Credit East Credit Representative. “A recipient I spoke with had estimated losses of nearly $300,000. He knew he and his family had resources to fall back on, but many of his employees did not, so he passed his $500 grant on to his employees. He was grateful for the helping hand and the chance to look out for others.”

Additionally, Farm Credit East Cares provided $100,000 to organizations providing aid to impacted producers, including the Vermont Community Foundation and the Massachusetts Farm Resiliency Fund.

In years without disaster, contributing employees select the charitable organizations to receive funds. Since the program’s inception, it has contributed more than $1.5 million to Northeast charitable organizations and farm families. in volunteer hours

44% $2021 $87,626 Thousands $190,845 $240,766 2022 2023 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300


“Our information security protocols aim to keep the business functional with the right safeguards in place.”

– Deanna Pellegrino, Farm Credit East Information Security Manager

Farm Credit Connect utilizes the following methods to further ensure security.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Farm Credit Connect uses multifactor authentication when logging in. This requires a user to verify their login credentials via another device.

Password Reset Prompts

Farm Credit Connect requires passwords to be updated every 90 days.

Session Timeouts

If inactive within Farm Credit Connect for several minutes, the session will time out. To resume activity, user ID and password must be reentered.

Scan this QR code to watch a short video to learn more about Farm Credit Connect

Customer Communication

In 2023, we released three informational blog articles to provide tips to keep online information secure. This included a feature during Data Privacy Week in January and another during Cybersecurity Month that took place in October. Each of these blogs can be accessed from Farm Credit East’s information security page:


Farm Credit East’s collaborative approach aims to support our members and the industries we serve into the future. Our employees are knowledgeable in the agricultural, forest products and fishing industries, including new technologies and practices.

In fact, Farm Credit East Loan Officer Anna Shuknecht encourages customers to ask her about things outside the everyday course of business. She notes, “Whether it’s about the economy or advances in technology, staying up to date on outside sources can bring important insights back to the farm to keep you ahead of the curve.”

As we look to the future, Farm Credit East remains committed to what’s next for Northeast agriculture. As new technologies come on the market — think variable-rate input application, GPS yield and soil health monitoring, biological products with asymbiotic N-fixing bacteria, robotics and drones, to name a few — Farm Credit East is well positioned to continue to provide consultative assistance and financing for new technologies. These types of advances provide environmental benefits along with financial benefits to our members, and Farm Credit East is proud to support our members in pursuing them.



615 Minot Avenue

Auburn, ME 04210-4052

800.831.4230 / 207.784.0193


4363 Federal Drive

Batavia, NY 14020-4105

800.929.1350 / 585.815.1900


2 Constitution Drive

Bedford, NH 03110-6010

800.825.3252 / 603.472.3554


29 Landis Avenue

Bridgeton, NJ 08302-4396

800.219.9179 / 856.451.0933


25417 NY Route 12

Watertown, NY 13601-5730

800.626.3276 / 315.782.6050


190 State Route 9H

Hudson, NY 12534-3819

800.362.4404 / 518.851.3313


7397 State Highway 80

Cooperstown, NY 13326-3307

800.762.3276 / 607.282.3002


One Technology Place

Homer, NY 13077-1526

800.392.3276 / 607.749.7177


7397 State Highway 80

Cooperstown, NY 13326-3307

800.762.3276 / 607.282.3002


One Technology Place

Homer, NY 13077-1526



785 Hartford Pike

Dayville, CT 06241-1739

800.327.6785 / 860.774.0717


250 Commerce Way

Newport, VT 05855 (Mailing)

Derby (Physical), VT 05829

800.370.2738 / 802.334.8050


240 South Road

Enfield, CT 06082-4451

800.562.2235 / 860.741.4380


9 County Road 618

Lebanon, NJ 08833-3028

800.787.3276 / 908.782.5215


1450 Route 14

Phelps, NY 14532-9542

800.929.7102 / 315.781.7100


394 State Route 29

Greenwich, NY 12834-2650

800.234.0269 / 518.692.0269


1155 Airport Road

Hornell, NY 14843-9144

800.929.2025 / 607.324.2020


28 E. Chautauqua Street

Mayville, NY 14757

800.929.2144 / 716.451.1063


67 Bedford Street

Middleboro, MA 02346

800.946.0506 / 508.946.4455


320 Exchange St.

Middlebury, VT 05753

800.545.1169 / 802.388.2692


669 East Main Street

Middletown, NY 10940-2640

888.792.3276 / 845.343.1802


One Pioneer Drive

Potsdam, NY 13676-3273

800.295.8431 / 315.265.8452


26 Rice Street

Presque Isle, ME 04769-2265

800.831.4640 / 207.764.6431


1281 Route 58

Riverhead, NY 11901-2097

800.890.3028 / 631.727.2188


130 Upper Welden St.

St. Albans, VT 05478

800.545.1097 / 802.524.2938


52 Farmvu Dr.

White River Jct., VT 05001

800.370.3276 / 802.295.3670

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