Congratulations 2020 Finance Graduates

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2020 Graduates Finance

While I would rather do this in person and be able to shake your hand, I will extend a virtual handshake and congratulate you on a job well done. Congratulations to you, the Class of 2020. The skills you have learned at the Farmer School of Business in the Finance program will serve you well. Being able to assess risk and return, plan for uncertainty, and take smart risks to increase value is what the core of Finance is all about. It will certainly prepare you for your future and the opportunities that lie ahead. It was a pleasure working with all of you during your time here. I am always amazed and proud of what you have accomplished thus far as students and look forward to following your accomplishments as proud Miami alumni. Please be sure to keep in touch. Whether it is for reunions with friends, recruiting for your company, mentoring the next generation of students, come back to campus as often as you can and stop by to say hello. Those that have stood by you and supported you while you studied at Miami are especially excited to see this time arrive. Be thankful to your family, friends, and mentors who have supported you along the way. As you begin your career, fellow Miami alumni will continue to serve as mentors. Reach out and connect to them as well as look for ways to support those who are following in your footsteps. This network of Miami alumni will serve you well. Congratulations! Love & Honor, Joel

Congratulations graduates! It has been a great honor to be part of your collegiate career and I look forward to seeing what you accomplish in the future! I hope that you all remember your time here in Oxford fondly and that you come back to visit campus when life has returned to normal.

Regards, Lee Biggerstaff

Congratulations to the Miami University Class of 2020! I enjoyed getting to know many of you in Oxford and on our trips to NY, Europe, and Asia. I wish you all the best in the future. I am certain that there are many great things still to come. You did it! Tom Boulton

To the Graduates of 2020: Congratulations! Your journey as a Miami student may not have ended as you had planned, but you achieved your most important objective – your degree. A degree in finance from a prestigious institution like Miami University is no small achievement. Your experiences here have helped to shape you in ways, both big and small. Your finance degree is worth much more than the sets of facts, figures and formulas you learned (some of which you committed to longterm memory, and some of which you recalled just long enough to make it through your next exam). Your experience at Miami has influenced how you think and reason. It bolstered your confidence and improved your decision-making abilities. It expanded your perspectives, and helped you to see the world through the eyes of others. Upon graduation, you will become part of a large and influential network of Miami alumni, ranging from recent graduates who, like you, are just starting their careers, to captains of industry and prominent public policy makers. Both Miami faculty and alumni care about your continued success, and can offer you support and advice, should you need it. One day, when you’re in a position to help others using your influence, knowledge and experience, you may discover that nothing is more rewarding than giving back, while expecting little in return. I want to personally wish you all the best as you move on to the next challenge in your life. May all of your investments be positive NPV. And, as you follow your passions, may you experience all of the happiness and fulfillment that a well-lived life can offer. Love and Honor, Kelly R. Brunarski

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 on your incredible achievements and welldeserved success! Although you’re leaving behind many happy memories of your time here at Miami, your graduation is just the beginning of a bright future. Don’t stop learning, exploring, growing, and challenging yourself to be your best. Good luck and best wishes on all your future endeavors!

David Gempesaw

Congratulations to the Class of 2020 on your incredible achievements and I want to congratulate all of you, on the hard work and perseverance that has helped you to complete your time here at Miami. My favorite part of working with students is seeing the incredible things that your talents help you do next! Whatever you do, do it well. You have the skills to craft the life you desire. Find your purpose and let it drive you. I hope that many of you will reach out in the future, and have a conversation about where life has taken you, and come back to visit my classroom and help future generations of Miami students know just how much they can achieve. Good luck and congratulations. It has been my pleasure, Brad Goldie

Congratulations 2020 Graduates! You are moving into the next exciting phase of your lives and so many new opportunities are waiting for you. I wish you every success as you embark on this journey. I hope you look back on your years at Miami University as some of the best of your lives. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” You’ve made the investment, now it’s time to collect the interest. All the best in your future endeavors, Yvette Harman

Dear 2020 Finance graduates, First and foremost, congratulations on your graduation! This achievement is a remarkable accomplishment, and one that should be celebrated properly with those you love and those who helped you along the way. We must celebrate all of life’s victories, however major or minor they may be. In these uncertain times, be assured that you have acquired a valuable set of skills that will serve you well throughout your professional and personal lives. Do not neglect the networks you have formed while at Miami, as they will be the source of many future opportunities. Be open to new challenges and possibilities, and realize that you possess the adaptability to be bold in your pursuits. I have enjoyed the time I have spent with many of you during our shared quest for knowledge. I am impressed by your ability, humility, and humanity.

Prost! Tyler Henry

Dear Graduates, Congratulations on achieving this great milestone! You went through a once in a lifetime experience of college life. You worked hard. You studied hard. You took numerous exams. You participated in dozens of group projects and assignments. In the end, you thrived and achieved a great milestone! I am so proud of you all! Congratulations! I am drinking to that. Cheers! Haim Kassa

Dear Graduating Finance Seniors, Big congratulations on your graduation and I am very proud of your accomplishments! It’s time to make your next step and move onto the new stage of your life. Find what you like to do. Pursue your passions. Don't be afraid to try new things and take risks, this is the time to broaden your horizons and leave the familiar behind. Find ways to contribute to the society that are meaningful to you. People more often regret things they didn't do than the things they did. Be adventurous! Best wishes for your next adventure! Xi

Congratulations! This is a time for celebration. I am drinking a Diet Mountain Dew in honor of your accomplishments at Miami University. You are my favorite part of the Finance Department and I miss seeing you in the halls of the FSB. I wish you great success and hope you will stay in touch.

Best wishes, Terry Nixon

Dear Graduating Seniors, Congratulations! Your hard work over many years has brought you to this point in your life. I am proud of your efforts and I wish you both happiness and success in your personal and professional lives. I am honored to have been part of your Miami University experience. It will be exciting to see where life takes you.

Best wishes! Rob Schonlau

Congratulations Seniors! Thanks for all of your hard work over your time in the Farmer School and for your many contributions to making Miami a better place. Always remember that as a Miami finance graduate that you are prepared for any challenge. Please keep in touch and come back and visit often. Best of Luck! David Shrider

Congratulations on your graduation! Be proud of your outstanding accomplishment! You made it! Graduation marks both an ending and a beginning; it is wonderful memories of the past and exciting adventure for the future! I wish you all the best in what lies ahead and good luck. Best wishes, Feifei Wang

Hello graduating students, Congratulations! Completing your degree at Miami is an enormous accomplishment, for which you and your families should be very proud. I wish you all the best in this time of celebration, and hope that your future careers and family lives are fulfilling and rewarding. Warm regards, Anthony Webster


Bachelor of Science in Business Nathan Richard Abbott

Grace A Cameron

Shane Blaise Duffy

Brooks Clarke Adams

Christian Carson Carey

Nikko Alexander Dunkas

Alexander D Alger

John Taylor Carini

Megan Meredith Dunn

William Tyler Allen

Colton Alexander Castellon

Daniel Gage Dyer

Jacob Dean Anderson

Chaitanya Chaudhary

Camille Elise Eckelman

Olivia Elizabeth Anderson

Hui Chen

Cal Jeffrey Elvers

Nathaniel Carleton Andrews

Riddhi Chopra

Sean Rowan Ardura

Daniel Stephen Clark

Hunter Logan Enama

Sophia Rose Armor

Madison Elizabeth Clement

Nicholas W Endre

William Easly Atchison

Marcelo Caraveo Cohen

Zachary W English

David Leyton Austria

Zachary Ryan Cohen

David Joseph Evans

Adrian Nyamekye Awuah

Connor M Cohoon

Samuel John Everson

Karch Russell Bachman

Charles Anthony Cole

Lei Fan

Mason Christian Baich

Case Christian Collareno

Ethan John Farley

Alexander Colister Baker

Eric Pierre Collet

Paige Eileen Farlin

Luke E Bakies

John Benedict Collins

Gillian Leigh Fent Baker

Sophia Jane Balardo

Jacob Conger

Alexa Rae Baldari

Aidan James Connolly

Hope A Fenton

Mason Kyle Barger

John Nicholas Contes

Samuel Christian Flora

Christian Michael Barlock

Jack Craig Corbell

Hannah Camilla Forgo

Michael Reed Barlow

(Graduating August 2020)

(Graduating August 2020)

(Graduating August 2020)

Chase C Forte

Michael Joseph Battaglia

Brendan Joseph Corriere

Annika Keitz Fowler

Sarah Jo Baurer

Emily L Cresta

John Oliver Freim

William Thomas Becker

Colin Michael Croghan

Matthew Joseph French

Samuele Belgioco

Christopher K Crouse

Noah A Fruecht

Nolan James Bertog

Ana L Cunillera

Matthew Aaron Gable

Vincenzo Leonardo Bianco

Christian Douglas Daniels

Daljeet Singh Rachpal Singh Gadiwale

Ethan Andrew Black

Nina Victoria de Caris

Mariana Genevieve Galiga

Thomas W Blake

Robert Fox Dee

Kevin Matthew Gallagher

John Joseph Blesi

Nicholas Connor Deuch

Olivia Jean Gandy

Lillian Simone Bloomberg

Brittany N DeWilkins

Mingrui Gao

Ryan Blake Boadway

Zachary M Dillard

Patrick James Garden

Samuel Wyatt Boleky

Lucas Wade Dillon

David John Garee

Maxwell Jeffrey Bostak

David Robert Diltz

Megan Elizabeth Garrett

Joseph E Braun

Patrick John Dittoe

John Gavula

Michael Bradley Brigeman

Scott Edward Dlugos

William Henry Geller

Jared Kane Brown

Kyle Whitney Dodson

Michael Joseph Gerbus

Matthew David Brown

Brenna Kathleen Driver

Alexander Edward Glynn

Andrew Michael Bubnar

Scott Andrew Drum

Matthew T Granata

Charles Dean Burkhead

Rongjian Du

Elliot Drechsler Greffin

Astrid Florence Cabello Vincenzo Calabrese

(Graduating August 2020) James Ryan Duff

Carter Dooley Griesedieck Christopher James Grillo

Bachelor of Science in Business (cont.) David Sidney Grossman

John Andrew Latessa

Michael Lee Guffey

John Gregory Laubach

Reed A Haabestad

Maxwell Robert Lehnhardt

Liza Haehnle

(Graduating August 2020)

Adam J Nadler (Graduating August 2020) Zachary Lee Narcross Brock Richard Nelson

Bradley Hauptman

Tristan James LeMon

Andrew Stephen Newman

Delaney J Hawkes

Joseph Kimble Levitt

Hoa Lien Nguyen

Jia Tian He

Nan Li

Thi Quynh Anh Nguyen

Peter George Heimbold

Hongyuan Lin

Tianyao Ni

Delaney Elizabeth Hetrick

Zimin Lin

Ziqing Ni

William G Hoffman

Peter L Lincoln

Natalia Vanessa Niebrugge

Kaleigh Nicole Holcomb

Victoria Grace Lineweaver

Paul Anthony Novelly

Alexandra Elizabeth Hollister

Nolan Hans Lissman

John William Noyen

Tate C Howell

Ming Liu

Catherine Rose O'Connell

Alexis Caroline Hutchison

Tanner Joseph Lockwood

John Daniel O'Grady

Luc Richard Jambon

Jack Charles Loewengart

Reilly Patrick O'Hara

Griffin William James

Alan Hillis Lozer

Cole R Ohlrich

James Thomas Jennings

Di Lu

Ehinome Olumese Omofoma

Yunshan Ji

Junjie Luo

Collin O'Sullivan

Alexander Noel Jimenez

Alexander Vincent Macauda

Megan Rose Palazzo

Mackenzie Rae Jones

Alvaro Julio Madero

Dionisis Petros Papadatos

Michael Thomas Jones

Michael Christopher Magnarelli

William J Parilla

Morgan RaeAlton Jones

Carlee Rose Mahan

Kushal Patel

Sydney Elizabeth Jones

Garret McEwan Markey

Sharuti Girish Patel

Jacob Andrew Josselyn

Alexander Jameson Marshall

Samuel Wheeler Patterson

Thomas Joseph Joyce

Daniel Jackson Matheny

Connor Charles Pazdzior

Carolyn Ann Jungers

Cameron John McCullough

Arman Pegahi

Brittany Mae Kaiser

Dylan R McDermid

Tiffany Melinda Penwell

Pierce Mitchell Kaufman

Kaelyn Taylor McDonald

Jonathan M Perry

Mitchell David Kellett

Joseph James McDonnell

Gregory Sean Petraco

Thomas George Kelley

Lyndsey Marie McDonnell

Edward B Pettegrew

Ryan Patrick Kelly

Anna Clare McKenna

Chase T Pfister

Alexander W Kenkel

Allison Marie McVeigh

Terra Grace Philips

Peter Leland Kent

Benjamin Peter Melvin

David Robert Pilipovich

Jacob William Ketterer

Zachary Charles Menoes

Cameron Anthony Pirochta

Alexander Hiatt Kneisel

Richard Harry Michalik

Cole Ronald Popelas

Kyle Ronchetti Kochevar

Brett Andrew Miller

Regan James Puzzitiello

Nicholas Joseph Kovesdi

Mitchell George Moellenhoff

Han Qiao

Jacob Donald Lacher

Christian Mohs

Adrian K Rafalski

Natalia A Lacki

Riley Timothy Molloy

Jason Christopher Ramel

Thomas Gerald Morand

Nayana Tara Ravishankar

Grace Elizabeth Laliberte

Marissa Abigail Morris

Michael Kentaro Rawlings

Jason Hunter Landes

Kevin Banyar Myers

Michael Regan

(Graduating August 2020)

Bachelor of Science in Business (cont.) Jidanyang Ren

Zilan Shen

David Laurence Watson

Luke James Riashi

Zihao Shi

Colin McDonald Weinert

Isabella Richards

Emily Rose Shirley

Nicholas Christopher Welsh

Michael Scott Richter

Jeremy Thomas Siliato

Dena Marie Werts

Daniel R Rigney

Madison Marie Slovak

Madeleine Adele Whissell

Michael Patrick Riley

Maryanne Elizabeth Smith

Edward Anthony Wight

William Jacob Ringer

Ian Christopher Socrates

Jonathan Todd Winge

Elisabeth A Rizzi

Shrey Soni

Kyle Patrick Winkler

Jacob A Robb

Nicholas Kyriacos Sophocleous

Andrew Christopher Wodzisz

Ryan Marc Robertson

Sabato G Sorice

Patrick Finley Wright

Paul Ivan Rocha

Isabella Rose Spinell

Jiaheng Wu

Ross R Roehr

Evan Angelo Spinosa

Jiali Xie

Morgan David Rogers

Grant A Sprague

Yaoxing Xiong

Joseph Rohde

Landon Joshua Stephens

Peiwen Xu

Dante C Rossi

Chloe Rose Stern

John Carl Yacoubian

Elizabeth Carol Anderson Rowan

Lawrence Cartan Sumner

Jacob Christopher Yeager

Joseph Antonio Ruggirello

Bailey Marie Talb

Patrick Charles Young

Sarah Moss Ruh

Brent Douglas Taylor

Ashley Nicole Zakrajsek

Nicholas Floyd Rupert

Jonathan Tetrick

Mingyue Zhao

Nicholas Matthew Ruth

Nicholas C Thompson

Zixin Zhou

Thomas G Ruth

Julia M Timko

Zhekang Zhu

Trevor Richard Sahr

Bradley Burke Toth

Jacob Samuel Zimerman

David John Samar

Tyler Hunter Tribble

Nikhil Sheth Sample

Alexander Thomas Trunko

Benjamin Sandler

Matthew T Truong

Sarina Sangal

Samantha N Usher

Michael D Sargent

Andrew John Valadka

Conrad Georges Sauser

Owen Thomas VanDenHeuvel

Jacqueline P Schlag

Thomas Elliott Vandertill

Alexander Henri Schlatter

John Howard Vesevick

Lily Katherine Schmitt

Brooke M Vespoli

Marc M Schneiderman

Blake Angela Marie Wainscott

Thomas Michael Schoger

J'Quaan Waite

Gregory Martin Schorsch

Jordan McKenzie Waller

Jacob Edward Schroeder

Haoyu Wang

Lukas Michael Schroeder

Mohan Wang

Patrick Hunt Schuler

(Graduating August 2020)

Celine Rose Schulte

Zeyu Wang

Joseph Paul Schultz

Zichun Wang

James Alexander Sedlacek

Ziming Wang

Steven M Sellers

Paige LaMore Ward

Stefane Aleah Sexton

Justin T Warner

(Graduating August 2020)

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