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Rural Youth

Club reopening runs to plan

MY last contribution to the Journal was in the Spring edition, which was posted out to members on the declaration of lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic,

writes Club Secretary & Chief Executive Andrei Spence.

In that article I reported on 2020’s first Committee meetings under Chairman Allan Stevenson, as well as welcoming new Committee members, a Monday Evening Lecture from Christine Tacon, and a host of events including visits to Cirque du Soleil, the Oxford Farming Conference, the NFU conference, the Tutankhamun exhibition and a change in the leadership of the Under 30s section, where Eleanor Kay and Alice Hind took over as Chair and Vice Chair.

Who, then, could have predicted the global shock that just about closed down the entire world socially, economically and placed a blanket restriction on exercising individual freedoms we take so much for granted.

Club reopened

As I hope many of you will have been made aware through my newsletters during lockdown, the Club closed to members on Friday 20th March, 36 hours before the official Government announcement of closure, and we re-opened on Monday 13th July – just shy of 4 months!

During that time, most of our events had to be cancelled and those we had planned for later in the year and involving sizeable gatherings were also cancelled (eg Harvest Festival/House of Lords Lunch etc). Most disappointingly our summer agricultural show season was decimated. But we have plans for next year.

Rigorous planning

That last point about making plans is particularly relevant, because the team and I have spent the lockdown period making a vast array of plans, from the financial and re-opening, to the maintenance and operation of our property. Many of these have needed refining, and refining again, in light of Government announcements and public health policy.

It was time very well spent, as when the Government’s relaxation of the lockdown extended towards the hospitality sector (of which we are part), we had detailed and extensive plans for how we would operate the Club, maintaining fiscal cohesion, safety and operating procedures for the plethora of activities we offer.

Team members

Despite the Club being closed and most of the team being furloughed, administrative tasks still required attention. Negotiations with Westminster City Council, HMRC and our Insurers, to name but a few, were extremely important, as was having team members available to answer the steady stream of questions from Club members about membership, booking rooms, restaurant and function rooms and latterly, “The Farmers Club Summer Series” events, which are proving rather popular.

Chairman’s year

As many will know, the Trustees and Committee are very pleased 2020 Club Chairman Allan Stevenson will be able to carry forward a few items from his programme into next year, and will be helping out in an expanded summer show programme, and also thank Keith Redpath (our 2021 Chairman) for his understanding in these unique times.

So, bringing to a close probably the strangest Club news section I have had to write during my tenure, it is with renewed vigour and excitement that my Team and I are back at the Club, determined and looking forward to making up lost ground for members.

A semblance of normality

As I look onto the Terrace basking in bright sunlight, with Chef Paul back in his kitchen cooking very high quality food, Jelle making preparations in the Restaurant, Chase behind the Bar, and the Reception team and back office administration staff all ready to welcome members, it really does feel strange – but also rather reassuring that some semblance of normality (with a few modifications) is returning.

We really look forward to seeing you all back in the near future – we will be doing all we can to ensure your enjoyment and safety in equal measure along with a programme of events to match.

The eight summer agricultural shows we had intended to visit this year all went by the board due to Covid19. But we are already planning for those we might visit next year, with a very clear aim of visiting more than this year’s planned eight, in an effort to catch up on the Club’s important programme of outreach, encompassing the whole of the UK. Financial impact The most obvious impact of the enforced closing of the Club has been economic. The Club has not generated a single penny of income from 20th March until 13th July. The only inflow of cash has been through the Government’s Job Retention Scheme, the value and benefit of which has been undeniable. However, the result has been the cancellation of CAPEX projects for at least two years (fortunately we have only one more section of bedrooms to refurbish in this cycle) and the cancellation of other initiatives that would have tied into our new IT system – but we will get back to these when able. The Trustees and Committee have been unstintingly supportive of the measures we have had to take in order to mitigate the immediate impact on cash flow within the Club and the enduring plans we have to recover what we have lost. However, this will be a long and slow process, there are no quick fixes, and can only be achieved with the support of members visiting the Club and using it. In the context of a world now living with Covid19, and I say this with due regard to personal circumstances and responsibilities, the Club’s recovery will be entirely and directly proportional to its membership using the Club. We really look forward to welcoming you back as soon as you are able. Club Calendar

Diary Dates

Summer 2021 Show plans

See e-newsletters and Club website for details of Club events

Club events

It has been especially pleasing to see that members have responded very positively to “The Farmers Club Summer Series” and we have had good uptake for the limited number of places available. We are planning a number of other, smaller than usual events for later in the year, and Anita and I are keeping alert to other possibilities as other events/attractions etc come on stream.

I am also negotiating a trip to the Netherlands, to visit some of their cutting edge facilities and technology, towards the end of the year, dependant on the situation then. Thus, after a lively start to the year, we are looking to reinvigorate the programme as much as we can for the remainder and support the Chairman whose year has been affected in a way that no other Chairman has since pre-war years.

Member queries answered During the closure, it was my aim that any member query would be answered within 24 hours, and I think in almost all cases, we managed to achieve this. This together with regular newsletters and website updates, has hopefully provided a steady stream of information for members about what was happening with their Club. As a result, I have received very many emails and letters from members who appreciated the way in which we have kept the Club going over the last few months and preparing to start up again now, for which my thanks on behalf of the team.

Entrance lobby complete

Work in the entrance/lobby area of No. 3 Whitehall Court has been completed – restoring the area to its Victorian era splendour.

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