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Andrei’s Retirement Dinner 2023 AGM & Lunch
AGM elects Devonian, Richard Maunder, as Chairman for 2024
The 181st Annual General Meeting (AGM) was chaired by The Club Chairman, Meurig Raymond on 4th July.
The 180th AGM Minutes were approved and the Report and Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2022 adopted. The Chairman highlighted the club’s strong financial position, thanking the Honorary Treasurer and Financial Team for their hard work and diligence. The Executive Team were congratulated on running a tight ship, minimising the cost base whilst still maintaining high standards. Impressive given: a war in Europe impacting negatively on so many commercial aspects; rising interest rates; a cost of living crisis and a challenging hospitality recruitment environment. Despite all of this £350K of the £550K loan had been repaid and a further £100K allocated to the Trustees for investment in the Lease Renewal Fund.
Election of Club Appointments
The Club on Monday 12th June, Meurig Raymond, Club Chairman opened proceedings in the Farmers Suite after champagne on the Terrace.
“This is a celebration of thanks of your 7 years at The Club as Chief Executive & Club Secretary. A huge thank you from the Committee and Trustees, the turnout tonight proves the high regard you have earned. After a distinguished Navy career I remember being introduced to you. Since you have mentored me as House Committee Chairman, Vice Chairman and now Chairman. Your support, advice and help has been amazing and extremely helpful. I’m not particularly good at “detail” but your itineraries planned to the nearest five minutes, ensure peace of mind and less chance of an embarrassing moment. All the Chairman you have served are so grateful for the support they have received.
You leave a legacy of a highly successful Club, financially secure. Your legal expertise came into play during the pandemic and the loan secured will be repaid by the end of the year. Whitehall Court Committees have been “interesting” and the complex lease structures are clear. Three attributes shine through; charm, commitment to The Club and knowledge of members, making sure you speak to all.”
Meurig recounted snippets from the team of Andrei joining the painting party on the 8th floor, being rather frightened of a prize bull on Keith Redpath’s farm and revealing that he loves a boogie at the team party!
Vic Croxon thanked Andrei for his assistance with the FCCT and then Tim Bennett, Head of the Trustees, presented Andrei with Farmers Club whiskey glasses and a photo book containing many a memory.
Alison his wife, was presented with a bouquet of flowers to say thank you for her support and as a departing Chief Executive, Andrei was presented with Honorary Membership of the club.
As you are all aware the membership were invited to donate to a Thank You Retirement Fund.
The fund closed to donations after the dinner and Andrei was sent a cheque of the total fund thereafter. A rather nice present on the doorstep. We wish Andrei and Alison a wonderful retirement.
Andrei responded on the night recounting his proudest moments and a thank you to the Chairman and Committees served. He felt indebted to you the members and thanked The Club team for all their hard work.
“Honorary Membership… well… most humbling thank you, The Club is a very special place.”
Proposing the election of Richard Maunder as 2024 Chairman, Mr John Lee OBE DL a recently appointed Trustee, provided an eloquent overview of Richard’s experience. These included a long association with the food processing industry and senior commercial roles working closely with farmer suppliers and supermarket customers, more latterly as Secretary and Chief Executive of the Devon County Agricultural Association. He remains a busy, dedicated Director, maintains a small holding on the Blackdown Hills, is a Trustee of the Addington Fund, and Liveryman at both the Incorporation of Weavers, Fullers and
Shearmen, and Worshipful Company of the Art or Misery of Butchers of the City of London. Chris Riddle, Honorary Treasurer, seconded the proposal, all unanimously approved.
The election of Karen Mercer as Vice Chairman for 2024 was proposed by John Hardman, Membership SubCommittee Chairman. Karen has been involved in the Agricultural industry all her life, and has held various senior positions including directorship of Mercer Farming, the Regional Chairman of Coutts Bank Landowners Client Group and Master of the Worshipful Company of Farmers in 2022. Karen is an ardent supporter of a number of charitable organisations and an excellent fundraiser. Tim Bennett, Chairman of Trustees, seconded the proposal. Both supporters highlighted the strong work ethic, dedication and sense of fun that is encapsulated in Karen. The appointment was unanimously endorsed.
This year the Honorary Treasurer, Chris Riddle, was proposed for re-election by Club Trustee, Keith Redpath, and seconded by Ian Bell, House SubCommittee Chairman. Both supporters recognised the strong financial position of The Club and the role Chris played and the need for continuity. There was unanimous agreement.
The Chairman and Committee recommended Haysmacintyre continue to be engaged as The Club’s auditors, which was unanimously agreed.
The AGM Lunch saw The Farmers Club at its best; outstanding British food, prepared and served by The Club Team, bringing the leaders of the farming industry together to discuss and debate the future direction of UK Agriculture. The Club was fortunate to secure, Tom Bradshaw, Deputy President of the NFU to speak. Tom delivered an inspiring speech on the role of the NFU in delivering opportunities for the industry to become ‘Profitable, Productive and Progressive’, and an honest synthesis of the challenges ahead. His key tenant was that ‘confidence’ is the one aspect that underpinned the whole of the industry and at present confidence was lacking.
Members offered the following reflections;
“Tom opened our minds to consider where our food will come from in the future and how we value it. His speech certainly left members with ‘food’ for thought.”
– Sophie Dwerryhouse.
“An excellent speech which covered well the reality, aspirations and requirements for the UK to have a sustainable food supply, which despite recent price increases is still the third cheapest food in the world as a percentage of income.”
– John Lee.
“Heartening to hear that the NFU continue to remind Ministers that Food Security should be front and centre of Agriculture Policy, and should never be taken for granted.”
– Richard Maunder.
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