1 minute read

The search is over...

We have found the holy grail.

when used protectantly,

Fiona Burnett (left) of SRUC explained that prothioconazole, uxapyroxad and mefentri uconazole gave e ective rhyncosporium control, particularly when used protectantly, although a mix of actives (as in Ascra Xpro and Revystar) was more e ective than straights and also make for a good antiresistance strategy.

Prothioconazole and mefentri uconazole gave reductions in ramularia. Fluxapyroxad was less e ective than the azoles tested.

Brown rust was well controlled by all fungicides tested while for mildew, SDHIs uopyram and bixafen add a useful protectant activity (seen in Ascra Xpro). For net blotch, azoles add useful activity to SDHIs.

OSR control

Moving on to OSR disease control, there are various e ective azole and non-azole options for phoma stem canker control. Yield responses ranged from 0.4–1.0t/ha in 2022, with little bene t from applying greater than 50% of full label rate (as part of a two-spray programme).

Product di erences in canker control and yields became more evident when disease pressure was high.

In terms of light leaf spot, azoles and non-azoles are both e ective and producing similar control of disease and yield.

All modes of action available for sclerotinia control can now be used elsewhere in the fungicide programme.

To watch the full conference, visit: www.ahdb.org.uk/agronomists FG

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