2 minute read

Coccidiosis and Cryptosporidium, both diarrhoea causing infections common in young calves, can be fatal and are hard to treat.
Using Target Powergel and GPC8 in your cleaning and disinfection programme, and following our calf pen cleaning routine, will help to reduce cases.

This routine has been tried and tested and is shown to be e ective in destroying the oocysts which enable infections to spread.
Find out more and read the full article on our website

Effective In Destroying Oocysts

Forage Analysis Assurance Group email: roberta@faagroup.co.uk www.faagroup.co.uk
Feed Adviser Register email: far@agindustries.org.uk www.agindustries.org.uk/feed-adviser-register.html
Accurate forage analysis basis for feed rations
To get the best out of your feeding resources, it’s vital to understand their nutritional quality and use that information to formulate feed rations. That will optimise livestock productivity and ensure feed production e ciency while minimising adverse e ects on the environment.
Professional support and provision of quality feeding advice for farmers is available from members of the Feed Adviser Register (FAR).
There is strict entry criteria to join FAR, based upon training and experience. Advisers must complete the core training and competency tests in all species for which they o er advice before they become full members of the register. FAR membership renewal is annual, requiring continuous professional development to be maintained.
Over 1,100 feed advisers from all over the UK are registered to provide advice for cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry. To nd out more information about FAR and how to nd sound advice from a competent professional near you, visit www. agindustries.org.uk/feed-adviserregister.html
FAR advisers rely on consistent information from nutritional analysis of feed materials, including silage throughout the feeding season. Forage from grass, whole crop or maize is one of the most economic feeds for all ruminants and especially dairy and beef cows.

The Forage Analysis Assurance (FAA) Group works to ensure accurate and consistent analysis of silages to support farmers and feed advisers in formulating rations. Silages are naturally variable materials and FAA Group members commit to achieving the best level of reliability of results currently available by taking part in regular pro ciency tests to ensure quality and conformity of analysis across a range of methods.
NWF Agriculture technical manager Abbi England commented: “Forage makes up a large proportion of ruminant diets, therefore, accurate silage analysis is a basic fundamental need for rationing on farm. Being a member of the FAA gives me con dence in our onsite laboratory forage analysis and allows me to advise the best ration for both animal performance and business productivity. With many farmers currently facing low forage stocks, accurate silage analysis will play a vital role in allowing stocks to be optimised over the winter.”
Visit www.faagroup.co.uk to nd out more about FAA members, check their analysis performance and learn safe and correct farm sampling techniques for silage bales and clamps.
Make sure your forage analysis service is an FAA member and has achieved the FAA quality mark so that you and your feed adviser can have con dence in the results.
Contact roberta@faagroup.co.uk for further information. Animations are also available to watch here:
• FAR: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=cQTEBEgZZn4
• FAA: https://vimeo.com/731358322 FG