3 minute read

Protecting the young lamb

Almost 50% of total lamb losses occur in the rst 48 hours of life and several sources of UK data from the past 30 years show average mortality rates of 12–23%. Vet, pharmacologist and independent consultant Dr TB Barragry explains the importance of gut health and the bene ts of probiotics.

Newborn lambs have virtually no immunity and a key organ in developing this immunity is the gut microbiome. This consists of a population of billions of commensal organisms (good bugs) which provide many bene cial e ects for the body. In fact, the gastrointestinal tract is now known to be the largest immune system of the body.

This repository of gut-derived DNA is now established as the principal driver of immune health in the lamb. A clear immunological link exists therefore between the gut microbiota, the immune system and the presence or absence of neonatal disease.

The gut microbiome is highly underdeveloped in the lamb at birth, so it is no coincidence that newborn lambs have low immunity and are highly susceptible to infection. Boosting this gut microbiome with probiotic/bene cial bacteria organisms at birth is one way to help enhance immunity and prevent E. coli infection. The short window period after birth is a critical time for the neonatal gut to be populated with bene cial bacteria probiotic organisms, which will then replicate and promote gut protection and strong immunity.

Any outbreak of neonatal enteric disease in calves and lambs (coliform scours and watery mouth) is the result of an overwhelming imbalance between the environmental contamination pressure and the low immune status of the newborn animal. An absolute and direct correlation exists between low immunity at birth and watery mouth or E. coli infection.

The gut microbiome and the immune system are connected. However, this system can only work if it is attended to by the routine prophylactic use of probiotics and bene cial bacteria immediately after birth. Waiting for disease to occur and then endeavouring to deal with it by antibiotic ‘ re ghting’ is a waste of time, money and of the animal’s health and long-term productivity.

Provita Lamb Response is a bene cial bacteria based oral formulation which acts preventatively to augment the gut commensal population of the newborn lamb with protective bacteria, thereby generating gut health, and helping to prevent the establishment of E. coli by boosting local immunity. The product also supplies protective egg powder and vitamins B and E to further enhance gut protection and stimulate early protection against E. coli, and to stimulate metabolism and growth. Readily available energy is also provided in the product.

Why is Lamb Response so e ective?

Lamb Response contains a combination of four highly e ective and unique ingredients, not present in other commercial products, which directly combat E. coli, and enhance the much- needed immunity status of the newborn lamb.

It contains bene cial bacteria which naturally diminish E. coli bacteria, enhance immunity, and ‘seal’ the newborn gut. Lamb Response contains a potent strain of live organisms, which is one of the primary active ingredients of the rst, EU-licensed probiotic (Provita Protect POM-VPS), which is clinically proven to prevent scour and has antibacterial activity against E. coli. This ultra-fast replicating bene cial bacteria will seed the gut, expanding the young lamb’s gut microbiome, which is the basis of the overall immunity. In addition, tight junctions in the gut will be sealed, crowding out and neutralising E. coli pathogens and preventing their establishment within the lamb.

The product also contains egg powder which provides high concentrations of unique IgY proteins; these are more potent against E. coli than usual colostral antibodies. These IgY antibodies have a higher binding a nity for E. coli antigens than conventional colostral antibodies. Thus, the combination of bene cial bacteria plus IGY proteins provides a powerful immediate protection against E. coli, which has been established in scienti c literature.

Additionally, the product contains high levels of the vitamins necessary for the young animal’s metabolism and supplies, especially vitamin E, which stimulates the lymphocytes in the underdeveloped immune system, thus adding a further layer of protection.

Lastly, Lamb Response supplies high energy to stimulate appetite, helps prevent hypothermia (a very common fatality factor in young lambs) and stimulates blood ow through vital organs.

Bene cial bacteria in lambs have been proven in the scienti c literature to have the following e ects:

• Augments general immune function and increasing antibody levels

• Reduces E. coli diarrhoea by 50%, numbers of E. coli in the gut and promotes weight gain

• Trials have shown that lambs given bene cial bacteria had statistical improvement in terms of weight gain, pre-weaning growth rate, and general health when compared to control lambs.

UK sheep farmer James Warwick recently spoke about the e ectiveness of Lamb Response in addressing his issues with watery mouth: “We have had trouble with watery mouth this lambing and Lamb Response was recommended by our vet. Since we’ve been using it, we haven’t lost any lambs to watery mouth! A fantastic product!” FG

The developing gut microbiome of the lamb

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