4 minute read


The choice is clear

Maximise nutrient use ef ciency by correcting soil pH to the optimum ahead of Spring fertiliser applications.

Fast-acting Calciprill is a highly ef cient alternative to agricultural lime that will save you money and improve crop performance by making sure expensive NPKs are fully available to the crop.

For clearly better results, choose Calciprill.

For more information: Contact David McLellan on 07710 712030 or visit www.omya-agriculture.com

• Precise

• Fast-acting

• Convenient

• Efficient

Check your soil is in balance before spring drilling

For growers planning spring cropping, now is a good time to think about whether your soils are going to provide the best environment for crop establishment.

Agronomist David McLellan says one of the easiest and key metrics when measuring soil health is pH.

“When soils become acidic, it can have a signi cant impact on the soil biology as well as the physical structure of the soil,” he says.

“We recommend having soils tested regularly, because not every eld, or every part of a eld, will have the same pH or the same nutrient levels. If you create a pH map of your farm you can use precision farming techniques to apply a granulated soil conditioner like Calciprill exactly where it’s needed.”

Omya Calciprill is made from nely ground calcium carbonate, granulated so that it’s easy to handle and spread using existing farm equipment. According to Mr McLellan, if you apply Calciprill now, you can correct acidity in time for spring drilling.

“The ultra ne particles of calcium carbonate in Calciprill react very quickly with the acid in the soil, improving pH in a matter of weeks, compared with agricultural lime which takes months to achieve the full bene t.

“This will create a better environment for soil biology, improve soil structure and occulation, and allow the new crop to establish more quickly and strongly. There is another key bene t too. At the optimal pH of 6.5, nutrient use e ciency will increase, as more nutrients become available to the crop – saving you money on expensive NPK fertilisers.” FG

Maximise your nitrogen efficiency with Calcifert Sulphur

If the supply of nitrogen is not balanced with adequate sulphur, the nitrogen available for crop use may be excessive in relation to sulphur and therefore under utilised.

Trials of Calcifert Sulphur have resulted in:

Strengthening of the plant’s physical structure, helping to protect against disease, using sunlight and nutrients more efficiently

Improvements to spring barley yield where there was a sulphur deficiency

Increase in grass protein levels in three on consecutive silage cuts on grassland

Improved digestibility of grass forage

Improved soil structure and workability by reducing compaction caused by equipment and livestock www.lkabminerals.com/product/calcifert/

Is sulphur the missing link between soils, crops and nutrition?

Sulphur is an essential mineral nutrient which has been perhaps overshadowed by talk about N, P and K.

Sulphur has a central role in the production of amino acids methionine and cysteine which are the building blocks of protein in plants, directly impacting on the nutritional value of human and livestock feeds.

Soil analysis carried out by Lancrop laboratories shows that there is an average sulphur de ciency of 85% across all soils tested. This suggests that not enough is being used across the UK and/or that the recommendations in the fertiliser manual are out of date and need re-evaluating.

Sulphur is also a readily leachable element which will need applying each year.

There is often confusion about the yellowing of crops, and which nutrient is de cient; sulphur de ciency shows in the younger leaves, while nitrogen de ciency will cause yellowing in the older leaves.

Sulphur applications facilitate the e cient use of nitrogen. In a time of high fertiliser prices, this is essential for productivity and pro tability. There is considerable evidence that the inclusion of sulphur increases yield and quality of crops grown, having an impact on the nutritional composition of crops harvested, Calcifert reckons. This leads to reduced feed costs in the livestock sector where bought-in feed costs are reduced due to the quality of the forage produced.

Sulphur also plays a key role in allowing N to be used more e ciently,

Same Field \ More Yield

producing greater yields for the same application of N fertiliser and with the potential to cut N rates due to improved utilisation. There is also research evidence that shows that its inclusion in a fertiliser program reduces the leaching of nitrates from the soil into water courses.

Calcifert has found improvement in yields and quality through its trial work across several crops.

Trials in OSR with Calcifert Sulphur 200kg, when compared with a control of zero SO3, showed an increase in yield of 1t of crop /ha.

Trials and farmer testimony have shown increase in both grain and straw yields through the application of Calcifert Sulphur. Further improving grain quality and passing standards for both bread-making wheat and malting barleys.

The use of Calcifert Sulphur on a grassland farm in Northern Ireland resulted in an improved pro tability of 1.3 ppl which was a result of higher quality forage, higher forage DM yield, and reduced bought in feed costs. Regular users report increased yields of rst cut silage from the early inclusion of Sulphur in the fertiliser program.

Calcifert LS11 has the dual e ect of liming and providing sulphur, ideal for early spring applications to ensure soil is in optimum condition.

This has shown increases of 10% grass DM yields due to the improved total sulphur application. FG

Polysulphate fertilisers increase productivity and quality, in a more sustainable way:

• Balanced nutrition benefits

• Increased nutrient use efficiency

• Better establishment and root development

• Improved yields and quality

• Reduce your carbon footprint

Ask your local distributor or agronomist for details.

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