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Maximum e ciency combined with highest precision – the new Solitair DT was designed according to these standards. The result is a seeding combination that is convincing in practice and saves diesel with ease.
wavy disc set up had been well received on a pre-production machine in autumn 2022 in the UK during drill demonstrations.
The DT seed hopper holds a volume of up to 5,100 litres and is available in a dual hopper version. The dual hopper allows the Solitair DT to be used for combined seeding with fertiliser or for sowing di erent seeds. Two variants are available: with the single-shot version, the fertiliser and seeds are placed in a shared seed furrow, whereas the doubleshot version places fertiliser in a line below the seed level via separate fertiliser double disc coulters.
Lemken’s new Solitair DT is available in 4 and 6m widths with demonstration machines available around the UK and Ireland for autumn 2023. FG
E icient crop establishment creates healthier soils
Dale Drills' range of No Till Eco Drills o er users the opportunity to establish crops in an economically e cient way whilst ensuring healthier, more resilient soils, capable of growing higher yielding crops, the company says.

Features include low disturbance tines to keep horsepower requirement to a minimum of just 20hp/m (a 6m Eco M can be pulled with a 150hp tractor). This reduces fuel consumption whilst limiting the weight of machinery on the soil and preventing unnecessary compaction.
Independent drilling assemblies follow contours accurately, ensuring even depth control across the width of the drill, giving rise to a crop which emerges evenly. This feature also reduces the need for additional cultivation passes in order to level seedbeds, saving money and time.
An adjustable hydraulic pressure to drilling assemblies allows users to drill into any seedbeds, from rmer direct seedbeds to looser min till and even into conventional ploughbased seedbeds, reducing the need for multiple drills – again, saving money and time.
An adjustable row width from 12.5–25cm (5–10in) o ers users the versatility to plant crops at the optimum spacing for best yield, whilst the ability to place fertiliser and other products alongside seed optimises establishment.
Dale Drills will be making its drills available for short term hire throughout the UK this spring. If you are interested in trying a Dale Drill visit www.daledrills.com, or contact the company directly. FG
Pneumatic seed drill and power harrow combination