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VOS – Versatile Opener System
Sustainable Farming • Reduced Input Costs
1. Direct Drill into a wide variety of situations across a range of soil types.
2. Minimised soil disturbance and draft due to low rake angle design.
3. Less draft and reduced wear rates means a lower cost per hectare.
4. Even crop establishment due to greater consistency in seed and fertiliser placement.
5. Increased moisture retention due to low disturbance.
6. Creates a drainage channel ideal for wet conditions.
Direct drilling system “a game changer” for farms
Two farmers shared their experiences using Bourgault’s VOS (versatile opener system)...
Leigh Donger of Peacock Farm describes it as a “real game changer” and even had to double check the eld had been drilled.
“The main reason we changed was because of how VOS distributes the fertiliser; alternative openers just spray the fertiliser on the soil after the coulter. I wanted the fertiliser to be under the seed or at least under the soil. VOS does just this, plus I can go straight from rape seed to beans without changing anything on the drill leg.”
Meanwhile, James Mayes of Bent eld Bury Farms (Sentry Ltd), said they had been min-tilling OSR ground and found it increasingly di cult to produce satisfactory seedbeds that allow for the timely and reliable establishment of the crop, without them drying out and losing moisture.

“I’d looked at a number of competing drill coulters but was always drawn back to the level of low disturbance of the VOS. We spent a few hours with Stuart from BTT UK discussing how the coulter would work and the types of soil conditions we’d expect to be working in, and we nally concluded the VOS would suit our needs. We have to date achieved an acreage of 4,655 and believe we will successfully break the 5,000-acre barrier.” FG
Horsch Sprinter direct drill comparison in Cambridgeshire. Righthand side: Bourgault VOS.
Wider row spacing option available

As interest in mechanical weeding grows, more farmers are looking to sow cereals at a wider row spacing to facilitate this practice. As well as opening the door to a range of weed control options, choosing a wider row spacing has several other bene ts: increased clearance within the coulter frame for better trash ow; reduced running costs as fewer coulter tips need changing and there is more positive pressure as the weight of the drill is divided by fewer coulters.
Alongside the standard 6m, 37row SM-P tine drill, KRM also now o ers a 6m, 24-row version with a row spacing of 25cm.

The SM coulters feature narrow Tungsten carbide tips which run at an attacking angle to pull the tip into work. Each coulter creates a tilth as it pulls through the soil, creating ideal conditions for germination and strong root development. Straw and other residues are moved away from the row, ensuring seeds are placed in clear, moist soil. The undisturbed soil between the rows minimises the risk of weeds germinating and leaves a rm surface for following operations.

For those requiring more output, KRM has an extensive range of mounted folding tine drills with working widths up to 7m. Options include Isobus, variable rate and section control. KRM also o ers a range of mechanical weeding solutions – contact the company for more details. FG