1 minute read


Maximising pumping e iciency, minimising lifetime costs

With the ever-increasing costs of utilities, Prime Irrigation says it can design and install highly e cient pump, pipe and control panel systems to help reduce lifetime costs for electricity and water consumption.

Prime Irrigation speaks directly to the grower to understand their system and site requirements. It then speci es the most e cient underground mains pipework systems for the irrigation ow rates required. Pump equipment with high e ciency electric motors is selected for increased e ciency. This signi cantly reduces energy use and provides long-term savings by only using the power required when operating with the PrimeTime 2020 variable speed inverter drive system, Prime Irrigation reckons.

The PrimeTime 2020 control panel is UK designed and manufactured, speci cally for the irrigation market and has been successfully used during recent years. Each panel is constructed based on a bespoke system design. The inverter drive(s) vary frequency based on system set pressure, and pumped ow rate is monitored by Siemens’ mag- ow meter, for higher accuracy and reliability. The panel includes manual variable speed operation as well as surge and RCD protections, compliant with the 18th edition wiring regulations.

The mobile app connects to your pump remotely and the meter connectivity provides instantaneous and resettable ow read outs. This includes high pressure alarms, trips and high ow leak detection alerts sent via SMS, allowing you to adjust the operations of your

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