1 minute read


1. Some of us may be enjoying a cheeky gin over Christmas... The second word of this brand is also the name of a teat disinfectant (8) SAPPHIRE

2. White and gold may make you think of glittering Christmas decorations. But what date in January 2023 is this white gold sale happening? 20th

3. This exciting new product sounds like another word for bearable (9) ENDURABOL

4. Pirates of the Caribbean has nothing on this new barley variety (9) BUCCANEER

5. What Hugh might you nd at the top of this new winter bean stalk? (10) BONNEVILLE

6. If knights were farmers, they might use this to reduce ammonia emissions from urea (11) NITROSHIELD

7. This King is feeling immobilised (8) KINGQUAD

8. Think big, think di erent – just like this Japanese company (6) KUBOTA

9. What is Maddie Green's job title? (5, 7) PARTS MANAGER

10. This grain cleaner sold for £220. Where was it made? (4,2,7) BURY ST EDMUNDS

11. Who described John Deere Machine Sync as a 'real game changer'? (7,10) CHARLES LEADBETTER

12. Approximately how many hours had the replacement Powerstar engine worked? 2,600

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