13 minute read
“World’s most powerful” two-axle sugar beet harvester powers ahead
Ropa introduces the new Panther 2S as the “most dynamic and powerful” beet harvester, o ering greatly improved e ciency paired with digital networking.
Sporty, modern design is combined with manoeuvrability and agility in the new Panther 2S, creating the ultimate workhorse, the manufacturer says.
Thanks to the new 796hp Volvo Penta inline engine, with a maximum torque of 3,650 Nm and 16.12-litre capacity, there are su cient power reserves for the most extreme lifting conditions. With an award-winning and soil-protecting chassis system with roll stabilisation and automatic slope compensation, a new generation of extremely high-performance computers forms the centre for telematics, predictive analytics, online diagnostics and assistant systems for partially autonomous sugar beet harvesting, just like in the Tiger 6S.
The cabin with its panoramic view, adopted from Tiger 6S, gives a generous feeling of space.
In comparison with the previous model, the Panther 2S has two 12.1in operating terminals with high pixel density resulting in even sharper resolution. In addition, the Panther 2S has high-de nition digital cameras as standard.
Connection to myROPA with R-Connect telematics and remote diagnostics are as standard.
The integrated telematics module is the basis for proactive Service 4.0, particularly for predictive analytics plus fast assistance and diagnostics if service is required. A service technician can link directly to the terminal and the machine control system to assist the driver. The R-Connect in the myROPA portal is ideal for drivers and managers for online order processing and optimisation of machines and eets.
The Panther 2S has an enormous cleaning power. The rst turbine, with a 1,740mm diameter is followed by two more, each with a diameter of 1,550mm, before the beet is moved gently into the 1,000mm wide bunker elevator.
The extra long unloading conveyor was based on the length and concept of the Tiger 6. It is located between both axles, directly after the articulated joint. When loading on trailers driving alongside, the transfer angle is shallower. The unloading conveyor is 1,600mm wide and can be folded in three places. Gentle polyurethane ngers guarantee high feeding capacity with short unloading times of as little as 50 seconds with a full beet bunker holding around 30m³.
The automatic slope compensation via four hydraulic cylinders and sensors is unique among two-axle beet harvesters. The entire vehicle is inclined to the slope by up to 7% and thus held horizontally. The lifting unit runs itself scanning the soil surface. Thus, the slope stability is signi cantly improved.
Furthermore, driving comfort is increased as the driver remains in an upright seating position.
Direct transmission via direct linear cardan shafts from the distributor gear onto the rear axle and to the front axle guarantees the best possible traction even in variable or di cult soil and harvesting conditions. In the road mode, the drive can be adjusted stepless from 0–40km/h at a reduced engine speed. The new ‘intelligent main steering switch’ automatically synchronises the articulation and the front-axle steering as well as the straight-ahead positioning of the rear axle.
With a 16.12-litre capacity, common rail injection, SCR catalytic converter and AdBlue, the power generation of the engine type is even more e cient and cleaner.
At only 1,000rpm it generates 3,550Nm, enabling the machine to lift beets longer in the low-speed range, i.e. fuel-saving.
Precision scalping and topping is o ered by R-Trim – automatic adjustment of the topper height and R-Contour – automatic share depth adjustment of individual rows at the RR lifting unit
Both systems adapt their working depth to the changing conditions in the beet crop throughout the eld. The automatic systems react to di erent crown heights or to ground unevenness crosswise to the direction of travel. The currently used measuring system at the scalper has been extended by an additional measuring system for recording the ground contour directly at the beet rows.
A powerful on-board computer on the lifting unit reads all measured values within a split second and, with the aid of the newly developed software, changes the topper height or the lifting depth for the individual rows. The combination and interaction of both systems make the driver’s work much easier and allow partly autonomous guiding of the lifter attachment. Topping losses due to changes in the condition of the crop are avoided without stress for the driver despite the reduction in the size of cut-o leaf stalks. This prevents not only the unnecessary pickup of soil by the lifting share and increased fuel consumption due to excessively deep lifting, but also root fracture of the beet if harvesting too at.
Numerous features o er additional bene ts and comfort for drivers when operating the Panther 2S. For example, the machine is fully equipped with even more powerful LED lights, direction indicators and rotating beacons; a new design for the central electrical system; optimised working hydraulics for depth guides and cleaning units; a new machine controller that complies with current safety guidelines; an increased service-friendliness of the electrical and hydraulic systems. The Panther 2S will be available for purchase as a production model for the 2022 sugarbeet season. Pre-production models are already in operation for this year’s sugar-beet campaign. UK importer CTM will have a demo machine arriving in January. FG
Ropa Panther 2S – the “most powerful” two-axle sugar-beet harvester in the world.
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Sugar Beet Biostimulant claims to out-yield competition
In independently-veri ed trials, Xbeet enrich 200 has delivered 1.4% (more than 1t/ha) of additional yield when compared to its previous Xbeet enrich 100 product and other treatments on o er.

Using cutting-edge seed technology, Xbeet enrich 200 includes all the e ective ingredients of Xbeet enrich 100, with the added bene t of an innovative plant-derived biostimulant. In combination with an elicitor, this boosts early plant growth, helping crops deal with pressures of pest, diseases and competitive weed situations.
As well as the independentlyveri ed trials, Germains Seed Technology also commissions Grower Engagement Trials each year to support the o cial plot and strip trial data.
UK growers face some of the most challenging conditions, and require seed technology developed speci cally to support them.
Germains invests in the research and development of pioneering products designed to deliver higher yields, with all products tested by UK growers in the company’s own Grower Engagement Trials programme.
These trials give UK growers the opportunity to experience rst-hand Germains’ latest treatments, developed by its UK-based R&D team, which is dedicated to developing new sugar beet treatments speci cally for the UK growing conditions.
This eld trial program allows the company to obtain valuable feedback from growers on the performance of the seed technology on a commercial scale, whilst simultaneously giving growers the earliest insight to its most advanced technologies.
In 2021, Germains held 21 grower trials across the growing region comparing Xbeet enrich 200 with new treatments designed to speed up germination, promote early plant growth and deliver higher yields regardless of the varieties selected.
Results from 2021 grower engagement trials:
Treatments have shown consistent improvement across the trials: • Faster emergence • Faster establishment • More plants • More nal yield • Larger leaf area. Grower trials continue to take place in preparation of the launch of Enrich 300.
For more information or to take part in Germains’ grower trials email UKSugarBeet@germains.com or call 01553 774 012. FG

Map showing the 2021 grower sites.
Grower engagement trial.

You don’t need to think outside of the box. Make the right choice to ensure you get more yield in your eld.
Bio stimulants for improved early crop growth
Faster emergence and more canopy cover Promotes plant emergence
Helps deliver consistent, higher yielding crops

Trialled and tested for UK climate Independently veri ed results**
*Based on a UK 5-year average yield of 75.5t/ha. **Independent trials veri ed by NIAB
For more reasons why Xbeet® is best for your Sugar Beet visit germains.com
Xbeet® and Germains® are registered trademarks of Food Investments Limited.

New six-row harvester brings fresh innovations
Grimme’s new Rexor 6200 Platinum is a six-row harvester with 20t bunker, powered by a fuel-e cient Mercedes Benz Stage 5 engine producing over 600hp.

Oppel wheels can o er unparalleled low levels of soil uptake in wet conditions and gentle lifting with minimal earth build-up, but as conditions have to be perfect for this to happen, Grimme also o ers an alternative of walking shares.
Grimme has incorporated its Speedtronic automatic speed control, allowing the forward speed of the machine to match the speed of the cleaning turbines and the ring elevator. Combined with the unique ring elevator with a deep pocket design, it provides maximum crop protection and up to 25% more throughput compared to other harvesters.
Driver comfort was a key consideration, with the Comfort Cab o ering a leather chair that can be both heated and cooled and the incorporation of two fridges. Visual Protect and ProCam monitoring systems combined with the clever shape of the bunker give the driver a clear view of the whole machine in every operation, Grimme says.
This machine is available with ve years of machine checks with a detailed annual maintenance report and veyear Grimme warranty. Customers can also bene t from xed repayments spreading the cost over ve years.
For more information about Grimme UK’s range of sugar beet harvesters or to book a demo, call the team. FG

j.j.metcalfe & Son ltd
Willow Garth Farm, Newby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 9ET
01609 771124 www.jjmetcalfeandson.com

AVAILABLE TO RETROFIT MONOPIL AND KLEINE DRILLS, OUR HIGH QUALITY COULTERS WILL VASTLY IMPROVE PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY. For over 10 years, the Rexor series has been setting standards when harvesting beets, chicory roots and celeriac. A large number of innovations and further developments have been incorporated into the 653hp twoaxle Rexor 6200 Platinum with a 20t bunker (30m3).
From the defoliation system to the digging unit and cleaning through to unloading, the focus is on gentle handling of the crop for maximum mass yield.
Ben Burgess customer and Norfolk arable and livestock farmer, Brian Laws, recently traded in his 2017 Grimme Rexor 620 for a new Grimme Rexor 6200 Platinum and says it has generally been a very good machine.
“With its bigger engine, the machine’s performance and throughput has increased considerably when harvesting heavier beet crop,” he comments.
Despite some teething problems, he was able to get back in the eld within 24 hours to continue his harvesting contract, thanks to the local Ben Burgess support team.
“I have looked at a competitor’s harvesting machine to see how it compares but I’ve stuck with Grimme because of the phenomenal back up and service provided by Ben Burgess,” he continues. “Who knows, in three years’ time I may look to see how the technology has moved on in beet harvesting machinery, but the Rexor 6200 is certainly improving performance in the eld for me.”

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Controlling cleavers in beet crops
When tackling cleavers (Galium aparine) in sugar beet, UPL trials have shown that HBZ10 performs well, says UK and Ireland national in uencer, Pamela A Chambers.
Cleavers are generally seen as being early germinators in the beet crop, but they can continue to emerge well into April and have a signi cant impact on the beet yield if not controlled. In UPL 2021 beet trials, cleaver numbers were over 40 plants/m2, in untreated plots. Good control of this weed is desirable to prevent seed return to the soil as well as preventing any yield e ects.
Within the programme trial, the UPL development product HBZ10 (phenmedipham + ethofumesate) was tested to see how it compared to Shiro (tri usulfuron-methyl) – currently considered the ‘go to’ active for cleaver control in beet. HBZ10 was partnered with Bettix Flo (metamitron), plus and minus an adjuvant oil, and with and without Shiro. There were no signi cant di erences between the three treatments, with the HBZ10 giving very good results (see graph). HBZ10 is an EC (emulsi able concentrate). Currently, all liquid annual broad-leaved weed beet herbicides marked are SC (suspension concentrate) formulations.
The UPL weed screen looks at the strengths and weaknesses of actives and formulated products on naturally germinating weeds with treatments being applied at three post-emergence timings. All treatments included an adjuvant oil at 0.5-litres/ha. Results are shown in the table as % control of cleaver biomass and number of plants/m2 to give an overall picture. HBZ10, Shiro and Topkat/Tanaris reduced cleaver numbers signi cantly compared to the untreated, but Tanaris/Topkat was not so e ective at reducing biomass of the surviving plants as the other treatments. Efeckt resulted in a high number of cleavers surviving but they were severely stunted with 95% biomass control.
In 2022, tri usulfuron-methyl, ethofumesate and quinmerac are the three actives that should be considered for cleaver control. At the post-emergence timing, cleavers are best controlled when they are actively growing and are at the rst whorl stage. HBZ10 will hopefully be available in the not-too-distant future for use in beet crops. FG
0 43.6
Untreated HBZ10 + Bettix F. 0.9
HBZ10 + Shiro + Bettix F. 1.8
HBZ10 + Bettix F. + oil
Treatment Active (s)
phenmedipham + ethofumesate Betanal Tandem phenmedipham + ethofumesate Topkat/Tanaris dimethenamid-P + quinmerac
tri usfulfuron-methyl
23rd–26th June Assessments
% Control Cleavers/m2 0 49
95 95.3 86.7 33 96 25.1 3.3 11.3 2.7 2.7
Rileys have the answer for ALL harvesting conditions
Turbines or rollers
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Now another option: Vervaet’s industry leading walking shares lifting onto seven spiral cleaning rollers conveying the beet to a turbine between the front wheels (no trace involved).
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