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Iowa State Bank
Brent Hoogendoorn is using advanced genetics and intensive management to build a strong sheep operation.

By Bob Fitch
Brent Hoogendoorn is a self-reliant sheep producer and he manages his Polypay flock to be self-sufficient.
Brent is building on a family tradition. His grandfather, Ron Zwart of Hawarden, is a long-time sheep producer. His parents, Dennis and Joan, raised and fed sheep after starting out with a farrow-to-finish hog operation and raising cattle. According to Brent, “They started with 40 western ewes in 1999. With the pig market being junk, it was a good time to try the sheep business.” Today, Dennis works for Cooperative Farmers Elevator and Joan works for Whispering Heights nursing home in Rock Valley. They continue to live on the sheep production site east of Lester. Brent and his older brother, Mark, bought their parent’s sheep in 2010. “Then we began to change things to match up with where we thought the future was going. We wanted to try to get away from the