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Benco Products
The Hansen family: Andy, John, Sarah holding Natalie, and Rahkel. Jim Blankespoor
Sioux County, March 2022 Lyon County, March 2022
John and Rahkel Hansen farm with their son, Andy, and his wife, Sarah, southwest of Granville. In addition to growing corn and soybeans, Hansens feed cattle and custom-feed hogs.
John is also an EMT and licensed paramedic. He and Rahkel became first responders more than 30 years ago. Both became EMTs, as did their son, Andy, and daughter, Jessica. Every season on the farm brings its own set of risks: grain bin entrapments; exposure to anhydrous ammonia, chemicals and pit gases; tractor rollovers and ATV accidents; and auger, PTO and combine accidents. John has 2 questions for his fellow farmers: “Is this a safe thing you’re going to do? Are you going to be able to come home tonight?”
With a hint of emotion, he said, “People come up to you after you’ve saved their life. When I’ve done CPR on somebody and they come back to thank me, it means a lot.” For 62 years, Jim Blankespoor of Doon has been working on tractors and equipment for farmers from Lyon and Sioux Counties. “The first tractor I overhauled in this building (back in 1974) was a 1942 or ’44 M Farmall. We had that tractor back in here last summer and it’s still running today. It purrs like a tomcat in a creamery.”
Even at age 82, Jim’s energy seems boundless. However, macular degeneration is beginning to steal his sight. Today, he wears magnifying glasses similar to the ones jewelers wear. The powerful eyewear helps him continue to work in the shop on old M tractors.
So far, diminished vision hasn’t limited Jim’s ability to spot the trucks, tractors and vintage equipment which he overhauls and jump-starts to a new life. Touring his garages and sheds is like discovering a hidden stash of tractors, trucks and motorcycles which have been perfectly preserved – and are now ready to roll onto the show floor.
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