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Could waste help fuel the future?
New technologies are allowing waste-to-energy to become a sustainable option.
When the by-products of agriculture, industry and day-today life arrive at a waste processing facility, by most accounts they’ve reached the end of their useful life. However, the millions of tonnes of readily biodegradable waste produced each year hasn’t finished being useful yet. Here, Matthew Stone, Chairman of Renovare Fuels, explains how waste material like this can help displace over two billion litres of fossil fuels each year — and generate financial rewards.
It’s no secret that waste is a mounting problem around the world. According to a World Bank study, cities will create approximately six billion tonnes of solid waste every day in 2025. This would be enough to fill a line of rubbish trucks totalling 5,000 kilometres long, each day.
Currently, this waste is handled in several ways, including incineration, landfill disposal, recycling and even energy conversion. It’s these latter two methods of waste processing that are considered the most environmentally friendly and sustainable, allowing used products to be repurposed to reduce the amount of waste buried on Earth. This is particularly important given the focus that European countries have placed on reducing waste pollution, especially plastics.
The European Union’s (EU’s) focus on reducing plastic waste brought waste-to-energy technology into the limelight in the past year. In early 2018, a proposal to include fuel derived from fossil fuel waste materials, such as
discarded plastic, in the EU’s renewable energy directive (RED) gained momentum among several member states. This faced criticism from several environmental non-government organisations (NGOs), notably Zero Waste Europe.
However, the concept behind this idea is still effective if it is applied to waste materials that are not derived from fossil fuels. A prime example of this is food waste, which a recent report from the Boston Consulting Group anticipates will total 2.1 billion tons annually in 2030. This will be the equivalent of 1.5 trillion US dollars wasted every year.
By applying the same waste-to-fuel approach to food waste, countries and businesses alike can reclaim this otherwise lost value. The process for biodegradable waste often involves anaerobic digestion, in which it is broken down into biogas that can be converted into a liquid fuel using a Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) process.
Unfortunately, the process of producing biofuels with an F-T process is very energy intensive, so it has to be done on a large scale, with external input, to make it a viable option. This has significantly affected the uptake of investment in biofuel technology.
However, this is now changing. Renovare Fuels has developed a new technology to efficiently turn biogas into a high-grade liquid fuel that can be used as a direct replacement for fossil fuels. The technology uses a specially developed F-T catalyst and advanced engineering techniques to overcome the barriers that have traditionally held the process
back. This results in a carbon-neutral method of efficiently producing a drop-in fuel that is physically and chemically similar to traditional petrol, diesel and jet fuel.
In addition, the process itself is entirely selfsufficient, with the water and gas produced being reused to power the system itself. This means no external energy input is required and the process remains carbon neutral.
Crucially, this means that businesses can reap financial benefits from the waste they produce. This is particularly useful for agricultural businesses and wastewater utility operators, where the biodegradable byproducts of other operations can be converted to, and used on site as, a source of energy for future processes. Because the biofuel is middle distillate and virtually identical to traditional fossil fuels, engines do not need modifying and the new fuel can directly replace existing fuels, or be blended as required.
On a wider scale, this means that Renovare’s fuel can directly offset the usage of fossil fuels for petrol, diesel and jet fuels. Based on a 2016 report from DEFRA, the UK produces 31.8 million metric tonnes of biodegradable waste every year. From this, Renovare estimates that its technology can displace more than two billion litres of fossil fuel annually.
With this breakthrough in waste-to-fuel technology, it’s apparent that landfills are not the end of the line for biodegradable waste. With the right technology and systems in place, countries and businesses can combat the global waste problem and offset fossil fuel reliance in an efficient, effective way.