1 minute read
Calf transportation
Care should be taken when transporting calves. The less stress calves experience during transport, the healthier they will be on arrival. Bruising of the navel during transport can encourage navel infections, which can develop into joint ill. Take care of calves and handle gently to avoid this.
Top tips for transporting calves
• If transporting calves straight off mum to the calf sheds, spray navel cord with iodine before and after transport. • Any calf trailers used must be cleaned regularly and kept dry. • There should be sufficient room for all calves to lie down. • Ensure there is a protective cover on the floor, such as hay, sawdust or a soft mat. This will ensure animals are kept warm and will also reduce injury. • Protect calves from a wind chill and keep them as warm as possible. • Avoid overfeeding prior to transporting. • Educate carriers about low stress handling techniques. • Feed electrolytes for the first 12 hours after delivery if they have travelled a long distance. • Drive carefully.