The Farmlander - September 2021

Page 47


Tailing ideal time for selenium, B12 doses Selenium and vitamin B12 are both vital nutrients, and if your sheep are deficient it can have a significant economic impact. If your farm soils are low in selenium and/ or cobalt, tailing is an excellent time to begin supplementation.

Lambs with B12 deficiency show signs

Multine is now available with B12

of ill-thrift despite grazing good green

(Multine B12) or with B12 and a 2mg

pasture. Cobalt is the trace element

dose of selenium in combination

required for vitamin B12 synthesis,

(Multine B12 Selenised).

but about 46 percent of New Zealand

For ewes 2-4 weeks pre-lamb,

Selenium is a trace mineral found in soil

about over-supplementing selenium,

and pasture; once ingested, it acts as

vitamin B12 has a high safety margin4

an antioxidant, preventing and repairing

and can be used at the same time as

cell damage. Selenium-deficient sheep

other cobalt supplements, such as

may have low fertility, be ill-thrifty or

mineralised drenches.

immune-suppressed. About 30 percent

Supplementation of selenium and/or

of NZ pastures provide insufficient selenium for grazing stock.1 If you are

vitamin B12 from tailing may coincide

For more information, contact your Farmlands Technical Field Officer or the friendly team at your local

with lambs receiving clostridial

Farmlands store.

unsure about the selenium status of

vaccines such as Multine ,

your farm, work with your vet and/

New Zealand’s leading 5-in-1 vaccine.

or farm advisor on some testing

Clostridial vaccination programmes

before supplementing, as overdosing

require that lambs receive two doses

can cause toxicity. Where selenium

– a sensitiser at tailing or weaning

supplementation is indicated, 2mg is

followed by a booster dose 4-6 weeks

the optimal dose for lambs 10-20kg in

later. Stock should then receive an

weight, while 5mg is more appropriate for heavier sheep2.

annual booster of clostridial vaccine,

4.Mulvaney C, Hodgson B, Cuttance W. MSD data on file.

with replacement ewes receiving their

Vitamin B12 is important for energy

booster pre-lamb to provide passive

ACVM Nos: A11766, A0934, A0935, A11311. Schering-Plough Animal Health Ltd.

metabolism. Young, growing ruminants,

protection to their lambs via colostrum.

© 2020 Intervet International B.V. All Rights Reserved. NZ-MUL-200700007

like lambs from tailing, have the highest

For convenient selenium and vitamin

Article supplied by MSD Animal Health

B12 requirements of any class of stock.

B12 supplementation from tailing,


pastures provide insufficient cobalt for sheep.3 While you should be careful

Multine 5-in-1 Selenised (containing 5mg selenium) or Multine B12 are appropriate if you would like to combine clostridial vaccination with injectable selenium or B12 supplementation.


1.Beef and Lamb New Zealand, Trace Element Nutrition of Sheep, March 2020. 2.West D, Bruere N and Ridler A (2009). “The Sheep, Health, Disease and Production”. Massey University Press p138, 200. 3.Knowles SO and Grace ND. Vitamin B12 status and the effects of vitamin B12 supplementation during the first year of life of spring calves from pasture-fed dairy herds. NZ Vet Journal, 2014: 274–8

Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © September 2021. All rights reserved.


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Tailing ideal time for selenium, B12 doses

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