The Farmlander - November 2021 South

Page 12

Crew helps Monowai chart stormy waters

A rough start to running their own farm quickly taught Angus and Liv France the benefits of a solid network of supporters, including Farmlands. As the third generation on their family farm, Angus and Liv France know that networking and collaboration are key to the stability and success of their business.

over the winter in what is turning out to

network that supports our business.

be a winning self-sufficient formula.

“It’s great to have a collective team

Looking back on a rough start, Angus

around us who we can quiz, get advice

says he and Liv had to quickly build a

from and just chat around farming

support network. “Luckily we found

practices and batting ideas around.”

Angus and wife Liv took over the family-

good people and they are still the ones

The France family’s farming ownership

owned Monowai Station, near Albury,

who are looking after us today, as we

began in 1948 when Angus’s

South Canterbury, 5½ years ago. While

are looking after them.

grandfather, Jim France, returned from

the sailing wasn’t smooth at first, the

“Our stock agents get the stock

war and drew a ballot block. He had a

couple have persevered and worked

when we need it and then sell it at

few areas to choose from and selected

collaboratively to come up with their

the right time at the other end. From

the property, naming it Monowai after

own programme for the property. The

our accountant and lawyer through

the first Navy vessel he served on.

trading operation now uses the feed

to vet advice and our local Farmlands

The next generation came through with

it grows in the summer to fatten stock

Fairlie store it is a massive interlocking

Angus’s father John and wife Jenny


Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © November 2021. All rights reserved.


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