The Farmlander - November 2021 South

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5 minutes with Dr Richard Spelman | Dr Richard Spelman explains the project to Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor.

LIC Chief Scientist Richard Spelman on breeding cows that emit less methane.

we could improve methane efficiency

cows and ensuring we continue to

in dairy cattle. Working with CRV, we

produce dairy food for the world.

travelled the world and looked at how other countries were undertaking methane measurement in dairy

Were there any particular challenges in designing and setting up the pilot?

cattle. We are now doing this work.

One of the most significant challenges

Given its potential, how special

first COVID lockdown. We had issues

in the pilot was doing this through the

What was the genesis of this project?

is this work for you?

LIC undertook extensive work in

Greenhouse gas mitigation is very

measuring methane production in

country and there was also an impact

important to the dairy industry now

the early 2000s. This work was part

and in the future, especially biogenic

on being able to do the research at our

of a gene discovery programme

methane. Right now a lot of the

and through this we discovered that

discussion is around reducing numbers

measuring methane on a large number

of cows whereas this project gives

Now there will be a much larger study

of animals was very difficult. A visit

us the opportunity to identify animals

– what progress has been made?

from Harry Clark, Director at the NZ

that emit less methane per kg dry

The larger study commenced in 2021, a

Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Research

matter that they eat – thus having the

year after the pilot study. LIC undertook

Consortium, reignited interest in how

ability to farm more methane-efficient

measurements over 120 bulls in April,


with getting machines and feed into the

research farm as it was due to start when we went into Level 4 lockdown.

Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © November 2021. All rights reserved.


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