The Farmlander- May 2022

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5 minutes with Claire Nicholson New Farmlands board member Claire Nicholson talks about her background and how her Māori heritage informs her vision for sustainable agriculture. Tell us about your experience and how you believe this will help Farmlands?

followed by a shift to Auckland which

I have continued along the path of

saw me join a pharmaceutical company

solutions-driven product development

I come from dairy farming families

where I looked after the national dairy

working closely with sheep, beef and

with long histories in the Horowhenua

portfolio and latterly became the

dairy farmers in the research phases.

and Taranaki and more recently

country manager. This role gave me

In addition to my operational expertise,

Southland. This farming background

a much deeper understanding of the

I also have experience on a range of

inspired me – along with the James

animal health issues facing farmers

boards in the agri sector including

Herriot ‘All Creatures Great and Small’

and through research, enabled the

research and development, Māori

books – to become a veterinarian. My

development of solutions that were both

agribusiness and environmental entities.

30-year career has taken me along

practical and improved profitability.

This gives me a diverse, strategic

paths I would never have considered

This role also gave me insight into

view of both the current and future

as I was working my way towards a

supplier companies – such as

challenges farming faces and insight

vet degree at Massey University.

Farmlands – and the need to identify

into the technologies and services

My clinical career started with dairy

quality products, ensure supply

being developed to help farmers

practice in Morrinsville and then my OE

chain reliability and provide technical

maintain a profitable, sustainable

started in North Wales followed by a

support so their customers get the best

business that meets the requirements

move to small animal practice in London

possible solutions and service. With

of regulations and compliance that are

before returning to Tauranga. This was

the establishment of my own company,

constantly being thrown at them.


Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © May 2022. All rights reserved.


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