Southbank Updates
Written by Jack Doughty, UMSU Southbank Activities Officer
With the excitement of Summerfest and O-Week behind us, studies are well under way at the Southbank campus. As any second- or third- year student will tell you, studying at the VCA is like a full-time job. However, unlike your actual job that you want to leave as soon as possible, there’s reasons to stay on campus after class! Clubs, Collectives, and Evening Social events will be on throughout the semester, all of which are fantastic opportunities to meet and hang out with your fellow students and turn those scary, unfamiliar faces into friends! The Music Students Society and Production Society are a great place to meet people studying the same or similar disciplines, and to bond over how fucked the last tute was or to share your superior music tastes. This year we will be continuing to support the Queer Collective, whilst also introducing Southbank specific meetings of the PoC, Disabilities, and Women’s collectives. These are lovely autonomous spaces to meet fellow students who might not be studying the exact same art form, but who may have a lot of similar experiences. UMSU will be delivering monthly evening social events throughout the semester, with our first being the Welcome Party that happened in Week 1. Keep an eye out on our socials for film screenings, live music, and more! Along with the social opportunities and events, UMSU has restocked our breadbin (both digitally and physically) so come on down to the Southbank student hub to grab some noodles or apply for a $50 grocery voucher on our website. Keep an eye out to see when our next fortnightly (vegan) barbeques are as well, for a quick, free, warm meal on campus! ALSO, by now, we’re hoping you’ve seen the debut of our new mascot. We’ve felt the Southbank campus needed to be represented by something large and anthropomorphic for a while now (haven’t you?), so now one of your lovely Southbank OBs has to gets to walk around in a big purple banana costume. Don’t ask us why, this is just how it is. If you have any questions, queries, or just want to share with us your latest Wordle score, email us here at: and play a wonderful game of roulette to see who answers your email! Or just walk up to one of us on campus, or in our office on the top floor of the library! Feel free to check out our Facebook and Instagram as well, everything we’ve mentioned here and more will be posted there: Facebook: Instagram:
Illustrated by Kira Richards