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REVEILLE Admiral Farragut Academy. . . the Choice of a Lifetime Alumni Newsletter 2008



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Admiral Farragut Academy is proud to launch Its 75th Anniversary Year! Excerpt from Captain Fines’ 2008 Commencement Remarks on May 17th

…Most years I have addressed the graduating classes, telling them what opportunities Farragut presented them, and how well NEW ALUMNI CENTER Pg 4 Farragut prepared them to tackle the challenges that lay ahead. For ten years now, EMAIL ADDRESSES URGENTLY it has been my honor to serve as Headmaster NEEDED Pg 5 of Admiral Farragut Academy. And as the years have passed, I have grown to appreciate it more and more. One of the things I ALUMNI NEWS Pgs 6‐14 appreciate about Farragut is that it is not only the students who are afforded opportunities it ALUMNI TESTIMONIAL Pg 15 is also the staff. So this year, let me talk briefly about what Farragut has given me, and if I can RELATIONSHIPS...MESSAGE FROM be so bold, what Farragut has give all of the DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT educators on stage with me this morning. Pg 16 FREE GMAIL ACCOUNT FOR In my travels in support of the academy, it has ALUMNI Pg 16 been my privilege to become acquainted with TAPS Pg 17 some truly extraordinary individuals. Today, I get to share a stage with the President of the HOMECOMING GOLF EVENT AT Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, our guest speaker, Mr. Richard Fisher. This past fall, I BARDMOOR Pg 18 had the opportunity to have dinner with Brigadier General Charlie Duke, one of our HOMECOMING RESERVATION country’s moon‐walking astronauts. In the FORM FOR OCTOBER 2008 Pg 19 Spring I traveled to New York and Boston to sit with captains of industry, like the Chairman of ALUMNI UPDATE FORM Pg 20 our Board George Michel, Frank Wendt the past chairman of John Nuveen and Company, and other people who have made significant impacts to our society, economy and nation. In April, I even got to visit with Lorenzo Lamas, the film and television star. What is the connection between all of these dynamic WILL YOU HELP US ? Pg 3

individuals? They are alumni of Admiral Farragut Academy, and they began their journey to success sitting right where you are today. Now that I have been with Farragut for close to twenty years, I am seeing my own former students – many of whom I have taught and coached – accomplishing amazing things. I could tell stories about Chad Schwarm, a 1992 grad, who occasionally tested the boundaries of Farragut, and now is Major “Killer” Schwarm, one of our highly skilled fighter pilots in the United States Marine Corps, and is serving his fourth tour in Iraq. Or I could talk about Ashley Patterson, our 2002 Battalion Commander, who is now a political journalist who spends most of her days on Capitol Hill. Or about how I got to watch a young lady named Andrea, who I had taught algebra in Middle School, land her SH‐60 Seahawk helicopter on our football field for Homecoming two years ago. She stepped out of that cockpit as, Navy LT Andrea Alvord, but I could not help being reminded of her shyness as a young cadet. I even get to watch a former student when I turn on the Television and watch Bravo’s Top Chef. If you watch the show, please root for Spike! I know our parents are very proud of their children, but as educators, I would like to think we too get to share in the pride of all Admiral Farragut graduates…

“Success is Never Accidental”






Alumni and Development Center

Visit the Museum


Alumni Center‐Farragut Museum

Cadet Tours


Starts @ Alumni Center

Alumni Lunch


Mess Hall or West Lounge


Off‐Campus at various locations



Parents’ Group Golf Event


Bardmoor Country Club—Bus leaves AFA 0715



Alumni and Development Center

Visit the Museum


Alumni Center‐Farragut Museum

Rifle Range Competition


Rifle Range



AFA Waterfront

Spirit Party


Alumni Center Outdoor Garden

Tail Gate


South End of Al Ross Field

Homecoming Football Game


Al Ross Field

Alumni Class Gatherings







Alumni and Development Center

AFA Alumni Brunch

1000 –1030

Farragut Hall—West Lounge

AFA Alumni Meeting & Election


Farragut Hall—West Lounge

AFA Foundation Meeting


Farragut Hall—West Lounge

Homecoming Parade


Al Ross Field

Alumni Drill Competition


Al Ross Field

Visit the Museum


Alumni Center‐Farragut Museum

Alumni Cocktail Hour


TradeWinds Sandpiper Resort

Alumni Reunion Dinner


TradeWinds Sandpiper Resort

ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME The July Reveille requested information about the Athletic Hall of Fame of AFA North. We are trying to reconstruct the Hall of Fame for the benefit of our northern graduates. When the Toms River Academy closed, these records were never passed along in order to maintain a complete archive to recognize those Hall of Fame athletes. If you were, or know of anyone classmate who had been inducted into the Admiral Farragut Academy Athletic Hall of Fame in New Jersey, please contact the LCDR Joe Holtsclaw, Athletic Director at his email address: Or, mail this information to him at: Athletic Director, Hall of Fame Information, 501 Park Street North, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710. The Saint Petersburg school never had an Athletic Hall of Fame. Therefore, we are requesting any Southern alumnus to nominate an exceptional athlete for any sport and send ua a written review of their accomplishments so we can evaluate this information to determine who should be selected for inaugural Athletic Hall of Fame. Time is of the essence. We want to complete this before the 75th Anniversary of Admiral Farragut Academy. Please put your thinking caps on, review your yearbooks, call and discuss with your classmates…but please let us hear from you soon! Thank you in advance for your assistance. But, what would you expect from graduates of the finest high school in the world.

Alumni Participation Requested The 75th Anniversary of AFA provides a unique forum for our Alumni to participate in the following activities for the benefit of our cadets. We would like to have Alumni contribute to the Wednesday, April 1, 2009 Career Day Celebration by telling about their careers and professional lives. We need our Alumni to participate in one of three formats: In the Lower School we would like to have Alumni demonstrate a “hands on” approach. We need 4‐6 alumni to talk about their professions to the elementary students. Some suggested ideas include Firefighters bringing a Fire Truck to help explain why it’s equipment is important; a Paramedic could arrange to bring his ambulance and explain how it helps him save lives; a visit by a Helicopter Pilot with his aircraft the cadets can examine; or a police dog trainer who can explain how the police department depends on the aid of a police dog in law enforcement. etc. In the Middle Division we envision 6‐8 alumni speakers who would make presentations about their careers. At this level, the cadets will rotate through each speaker’s talk. These talks should take approximately 30 minutes each. We’re hoping to have career military alumni (active and retired) dynamically relate their life’s experiences. Other professions might include a Veterinarian, Marine and Wildlife officer, a Law Enforcement professional such as a Policeman or Sheriff’s Deputy. etc.

The Upper Division format is that of a “Conference Opportunity” with interested cadets. We will utilize many locations (classrooms, library, and lounges) to enable our Alumni representatives to talk answer questions our cadets would like to ask them about their professional careers. This could include alumni who represent attorneys, doctors, scientists, teachers (high school and college, and university), and business professionals such as contractors, printers, computer technologists, automobile dealers, insurance agents, CPA’s, and various examples of our present‐day media (TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines). On Thursday, April 2, 2009 we will continue our videoing of the school’s history by allowing our cadets to conduct interviews with our Alumni who are willing to relate their experiences at Farragut during their days in a particular decade. When this project is completed we will be able to have a DVD record, a technological Time Capsule, which conveys what it was like to attend AFA over the decades in the image and voice of those who lived it. We welcome Alumni who wish to contribute memorabilia to display at this event, or maybe to donate to the Farragut Museum. Please contact CDR Robert Gibbons if you are willing to contribute to this event, of if you would like more information about anything. You can reach CDR (Bob) Gibbons at (727) 384‐5500, or email him at: We would appreciate any other ideas or suggestions you would like to share with us.

Here’s your new Alumni Center / Development Offices and Farragut Museum


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Dear Alumni, We are working diligently on behalf of all alumni to assure the benefits received over the past 75 years by those who attended Admiral Farragut Academy will endure long into the future. Our endeavor is to bring the ability to communicate with our alumni up‐to‐date in this modern high‐tech age. In doing so, it is our intention to “Go Green” by reducing the unnecessary volume of expensive printed communications as they have existed during the past 75 years. We are committed to delivering a better product in every sense of the word to our cadets and alumni. Over the past dozen years or so, a great many of our alumni have begun to acquire high‐tech devices such as personal computers with email capability. In doing so, you have realized how helpful they are in reducing expenses within your individual households. Today you can send your mail to your friends, family and business associates through email. This greatly eliminates the costs of stationary, and postage. Instead of taking days for the mail to reach across the continent it only takes a few minutes. We too, are experiencing this great benefit. We are constantly upgrading our facilities, by adding computers and high speed campus‐wide “Wi‐Fi” capabilities, and soon we will have a new school website which offers even more facility and benefit to all of us. Our classrooms all have “Smart Boards” connected to the Internet. This year our cadets in the 9th grade are using personal computers in the classroom. We communicate with them through email, thus eliminating the needless waste to print and distribute paper. Yet, with respect to our alumni, we presently have only slightly less than 1,000 email addresses out of a potential of nearly 4,000 in our database. The email address is the key to huge savings that will allow us at AFA to participate in the “National Go Green” campaign. We know, based on research studies that we should have in the neighborhood of over three‐thousand email addresses available in our alumni database. Studies show that approximately 7 out of 10 have access to an email address today, either in their home or place of work. To realize the many advantages that email offers, we need everyone to give us at least one email address. Through this address we will be able to deliver the Reveille to you without the expense of printing and mailing it. This could result in an additional $30,000 annual savings that we can funnel back into our Academic programs. However, for those who still wish to receive a hard‐copy we will continue to send you one. Just let us and we will continue to see that you get the printed edition. But, we are experiencing other nagging problems as well. Most of these problems came into existence as the high‐tech world descended upon all of us. That is, in order to facilitate faster communications our telephone companies have aggressively extended their capabilities. They have had to assign new telephone area codes throughout the country. The short side of this has been that as numbers were changed, our database of telephone numbers has become virtually worthless. Therefore, when we receive requests from alumni requesting contact information, we are sadly are able to pass along only the information we currently have in our database. You can help us by simply providing us your present telephone numbers for our database. Your database information is carefully guarded. According to our prime directive, we can only give it to an alumnus of Admiral Farragut Academy. Please take the time to update your database record for us. We need your email address or addresses. We need your present telephone numbers. Please help us in your Alumni Office to be able to serve you better and at the same time save valuable dollars for our academic endeavors. Don’t wait, please do it as soon as you can! This can be done online at: — and then clicking on ALUMNI/AE. Thank you, CDR Bill Monrose Director of Alumni

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VADM Shannon D. Cramer, Jr. ’40, USN (Ret) ‐ We received an update from VADM Cramer. He and his wife, Marie, live in Clemson, SC. He said, “I retired after 40 years in the Navy and I have 10 children, 28 grandchildren and 18 great‐ grandchildren. (I) married for the 2nd time in 1987. I had 5 children and Marie had six children. I lost my eldest son in 2007, so we are down to 10 children. We retired to Clemson, SC and are very happy in our home and area. I was the first to make Admiral from AFA. Sorry, but we will be unable to attend. We cannot travel anymore out of town.” Shannon did not give us an email address. (Nonetheless, we are hopeful of convincing VADM Cramer to join us for our 75th Anniversary next March 31st through April 4, 2009.) John A. Gardella, Jr. ’41 –John Loy ’51 forwarded to us an email he received from John. Here’s what John had to say. “Hi John, We expect to be at Homecoming, God willing! Eyes seem better, not perfect but, at least, I'm can drive. Look forward to seeing you. Best regards, John '41.” You can reach John at his email address:


Donald A. Schwartz ’49 ‐ “Hi Bill, Just a brief note to tell you that your latest News Letter is a terrific edition! Also sending it out electronically is a great cost saving idea—I read almost every word. I'll send you something shortly. I met with Pete Easton ’49 and Jim Edwards ’49 in a restaurant on the beach in Va. Beach. We each walked in to the restaurant not having seen each other for 59 years from the day we walked off the NJ Campus. We are a self‐designated committee organized to generate a good attendance at our 60th in ’09 and of course the 75th for AFA. Any 49’ers interested in joining our committee can contact me at http:// w w w . r e c o g n i t i o n” (Thanks for your comments. Wasn't that a fantastic moment! If there is anything I can do to assist you in contacting your classmates, please let me know. I can send you a pdf list of your classmates with contact information based upon our current files. I'm looking forward to helping you, and any other alumnus in any way I can, and of course looking forward to seeing you next year for your 60th class reunion, as well as the 75th Anniversary for the Academy.) You can also reach Don at his email address: Don Schwartz John H. Loy, Jr. ‘51 – “Bill, Do you have an e‐mail address for John B. Beasley '54? We lived next door to each other at Shamrock Golf Course for years. I lived at 4021 Shamrock Dr. & I think that he still lives at 1349. (Burlington N.C.) We never made the AFA connection until his son (Randy's golfing buddy), spotted my Buccaneer and exclaimed "My Dad has one just like that!) At the time I assumed he was mistaken.

Shortly thereafter Randy left for Farragut. Janet and I moved and converted the home into one of our golf course rentals. Now I see his name in the Alumni Directory. (It really is a small world!) (I could not find an email address for John Beasley and instead sent his “snail mail” address on to John. You can contact John at his email address: Wm. Peter Smith '56N – “Dear Bill, Received the 07/08 Reveille bright and clear. Thanks. Re: TAPS page 27, Robert I. Steinfeld '54N ‐ Per the attached photo, Bob was the first tenor sax (1st row center) in the first AFA Dance Band of 1954. The funniest thing I clearly remember about this was that upon hearing the Band Director, Dayton O. Newton, was talking about starting a dance band, Bob, who at the time was a more experienced saxophone

band player than me, actually came to me asking if he could be in the dance band and how happy he was when I said he would be most welcome. Bob's personality was always cool and level. He liked borrowing my Benny Goodman & Glenn Miller albums but never pulled "upper‐classman" on us in the lower echelon and was fair to everyone. I now wish I could have contacted him about the Band Hall of Fame project before reading of this sad news. Take care, Wm. Peter Smith '56N” You can contact Peter at his email address: (Continued on page 7)

CLASS NEWS (Continued from page 6)

Lawrence M. Blau – ’59 – We received an alumni update form from Larry. He is living in Boca Grande, FL and is retired. He and Betsy have two sons, Andrew, 45 and Christopher 40. They have 5 Grandchildren, all girls. You can reach Larry at his email address: Ed Caldwell ’59 – “Those young folks are going gang‐busters. Congratulations to all the fine teachers that got them there!” You can reach Ed at his email address: Robert E. Kurz ’63 – Robert sent us a copy of a letter he sent to all of his classmates. Here are some excerpts from his letter. “Can you believe it’s been 45 years since we last wore the Farragut uniform and marched on the parade grounds in Pine Beach? I don’t know where the years have gone, but for me, those days at Admiral Farragut were some of the best of my life. The memories have lasted a lifetime (at least up until now)… We left Farragut eager to make our mark in the world. Many of us went to college, married, and started families. In the process (as is often the case), we lost touch with many of our classmates. The closure of the Pine Beach campus in the 90’s, only served to widen the gap. However, I would like to propose that we begin closing that gap by attending our 45th Class Reunion on October 30 – November 1st at the AFA campus in St. Petersburg, Florida. Complete details of this year’s reunion are available in the latest issue of “Reveille” which is available on the AFA website: w w w . f a r r a g u t . o r g / a l u m n i . . . Hopefully, my letter has sparked some interest in trying to rekindle

our high school friendships. Regardless of whether you can make the reunion, please take a moment to jot me a note. I would love to hear from you and catch up on your life’s journey… Best regards, Bob Kurz, Class of ’63.” You can contact Bob at his email address: Peter Alsop ’64 ‐ PETER is a nationally known singer‐songwriter, educator, and humorist with a Ph.D. in educational psychology. He graduated from Trinity College in Connecticut and did his doctoral work at Columbia University's Teachers' College and Columbia Pacific University. He worked as the Director of The Harbor Schools Residential Treatment Center for emotionally disturbed adolescents in Maine and as a New York City elementary school teacher in the South Bronx ghetto. Peter has produced nineteen audio recordings and seven videos and DVD’s for which he consistently wins "BEST CHILDREN'S" awards from Parents' Choice and the Association for Independent Music. Peter uses songs to discuss sensitive issues by thousands of parents, educators, and human service professionals to help families. His "Wake Up" video with John Ritter helps families prevent child abuse and abduction. He's acted on stage and on television, directed a feature film, and performs extensively at conferences, festivals and concerts through the United States, and Canada as well as hosting an annual training workshops at his Otter Space conference center in Northern California. He lives in Topanga, California with his wife, actress /director Ellen Geer, and their two daughters Willow and Megan. You’ll enjoy clicking on his MySpace link to hear his performances with children. http://

Page 7 Ramon C. Usategui ’66 – “Hi, Bill. I also have good news! I am the newly elected President of the Florida International Bankers Association [FIBA] which has over 70 financial institution members from 18 countries and four continents. I am asking Pat Roth of FIBA to forward to you any n e w s c l i p p i n g s t h e y c o n s i d e r a d e q u a t e , in case you wish to include in your next publication. In case you wish to include a picture with the FIBA news, I’m sending you two of them. They’re a heck of a lot better than the gawky‐looking kid who went to AFA from 1960‐1966…” You can congratulate Ramon for his achievement at his email address: R U s a t e g u i @ B a n k U n i t e d . c o m . (Ramon, thanks for the update and all I can say is I wish I was as photogenic a you. Ramon always joins us for our South Florida Alumni Club Golf Outings. He’s a great golfer too!) Drew Elson ’67 ‐Drew sent this in. “This is probably the most beautiful version of "God Bless the USA" I have ever seen. I hope you will be as moved by it as I was. I don't think I have seen this rendition before. Especially poignant, as wife Mary was sworn in as a citizen yesterday, and parts of the ceremony brought tears to my eyes.” (Drew, unfortunately we couldn’t get this to open. We did want to put it in to honor Mary, our latest new citizen. Congratulations Mary! I hope we (Continued on page 8)


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will have the chance to meet you at a Homecoming celebration soon.) You can try to get a fresh link from Drew at his email address: Joseph B. Jenne, Jr. ’67 ‐ Joe sent us an email update. He and his wife, Waynise are living in Richardson, TX. Joe is in Sales with Texas Instruments. They have two children, Joel and Kyle. Joel is married and he and his wife Ashley have one boy, Emerson, born July 2008. You can catch up with Joe at his email a d d r e s s : LCDR Craig Baugh ’68 – Craig sent us an online update with p i c t u r e s . Here is what he had to say, “(I) retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) after a career spanning 30 years of federal service. After six years in the US Navy, (I) began (my) career with DIA in 1984. To honor (my) career of federal service, (I) was awarded the Defense Intelligence Directors’ Award by LTGEN Michael Maples, Director of DIA.” Not sure how large of a picture you need, but I attached a small one here. Let me know if this doesn’t work. I also attached the award write up. Unfortunately, the Agency didn't take the time to discover that I use my middle name as primary. Only used car salesmen call me "Dennis.” I didn't know about the 75th anniversary, so thanks for letting me know. I will make plans. Is there a schedule of events yet? It is five days long? (Craig, see the


CLASS NEWS information for the 75th Anniversary in this Reveille and the previous Reveille. We will have even more complete details as quickly as we get our new website up. This should be within 45 days! Please visit us online then at http:// You can contact Craig at his email address: John R. Street ’68 ‐ David Yoho ‘68 wanted to update you on a classmate’s contact information: John still has the same phone number: 253‐566‐1879. His new mailing address is: Box 64144, University Place, Washington, 98464 ‐4144. His new email address is: You may remember that David sent you an email that John’s wife passed away on January 21 this year. Since then he has sold his home and now lives on his boat, David is encouraging him to come to the 40th this year. He is glad to receive his Reveille by email. You can reach out to John and get him to come for his 40th Class reunion this October a t h i s e m a i l a d d r e s s : Michael R. Grimler ’69 – “Bill, thanks for the note. I will absolutely be there for the 75th Anniversary and 40th reunion for the class of '69. Holy cow, it just doesn't seem like it's been 40 years! As for me, I'm still at Los Alamos National Laboratory and will celebrate my 17th year here soon. Right now, I'm a contract assurance officer deployed to the security directorate and basically my job is to keep the Lab's security boss out of trouble regarding expectations in line with contract requirements with the US Government and security performance of the Lab. Given the number and variety of "events" over recent history, it's

quite a challenge. I'm flying a desk more these days which is counter to my past history of "boots on the ground" security work and expertise, but still find it interesting and challenging. I'm looking forward to catching up with the class and others I knew from the '63 to '69 time frame which was my span of attendance at Farragut (I was one of only 3 original class of '69 members to go the full stretch ‐‐ me, Fred Steffens ’69 and Jeff Graham ’69). Those were all great years of my life and I value that e x p e r i e n c e e v e r y d a y . I read with sadness about the passing of Rhett Sanders. I remember him and his "Bah‐owlo‐ gy" class with great fondness. Among other impressions, I can still hear that booming voice talking about how the heart beats with the "lub‐dub, lub‐dub" sound, and still recall writing on the front of each test "I do hereby certify that I have not given or received any information on this test." He was truly an institution ‐‐ one of many that Farragut has had over the years ‐‐ to the benefit of thousands of young lives. Thanks again and looking forward to being there in 2009!” Michael. You can reach Mike at his email address: (More info about Michael!) “Bill, I've been very fortunate, that's for sure. I'm also the Chairman of the Firearms Safety and Security Committee here at LANL and as such got to have some fun on a recent trip to Dillon Aero in AZ to evaluate a new weapon system for the armed protective force. Needless to say, we had a blast...literally!” Robert M. Henry AFA '70 – We (Continued on page 9)

CLASS NEWS (Continued from page 8)

received this nice update from Bob Henry. Here’s what he had to say. “I recently received this and would like my classmates to hear of it.” Also, “Don't worry about the world

as I run a lot of music shows here in Nashville. Would love to have him come out & see the town maybe even sing if he chooses. Anyway this is my Music MySpace page as I write a lot of songs here in town. Let me know if there is a way to contact Lorenzo thru phone or e‐mail......or you can send him my e‐mail or cell # . . . . . . t h a n k s again! Joe Hrasna

coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia " (Charles Schultz) “I invite you to view (my w e b s i t e a t ) Remember, "Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese or a red wine." And, remember only God can count the number of apples from one apple seed. You can contact Robert at his e m a i l a d d r e s s : View letter at 150%. Joseph J. Hrasna, III ’72 – Joe sent us the following update: “Thank you, hope you are having a great summer too so far. I am trying to get in touch with Lorenzo Lamas (we were at Farragut North same time)

RADM Mark H. Buzby ’75, USN Mark sent us an update. He said, “Hi Bill, Thanks for the update on AFA goings on. Wanted to pass on minor correction to info in the Alumni News: I'm actually in Norfolk vice Wash DC, and my email is Also as an FYI, I'll be promoted to RADM (two‐star) tomorrow 1 Jul. (Rear Adm. Mark H. Buzby, USN, has been assigned as deputy chief of staff for Global Force Management and Joint Force Operations, N‐3/N‐5, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk, Virginia.)Seems like just yesterday I was getting my first star there in St Pete....All the best, Mark” (Mark, Thanks and congratulations! You're absolutely correct! Time does fly, doesn't it? I'm sure that you probably wished it would pass a little more quickly when you were at GITMO! Mark, we're all so very proud of you, and of course, your lovely wife too. Oh yeah, we can't forget your great classmates! What a group of Farragut alumni! I hope you can make it to the 75th Anniversary next year ‐ March 31st through April 4th! Your class, being the class of “75” will surely be in an enviable spot. Congratulations again on your new star. I hope I live to see at least two more!!! Sincerely, Bill) CDR Roy H. Wheeler ’76 ‐ “I started

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my full time career at the Academy in 1983 teaching math in the Junior School. We only had a few Radio Shack computers and no real Computer Science program then. In the mid‐‘80’s we began our first real computer curriculum and I began teaching Computer Science. I set up our first computer network and our first Internet connection and designed and maintained the Academy’s web site. In 1987 I became the Alumni Director while still teaching Computer Science. I was also the Dual Credit Liaison with the St. Petersburg College. The school’s Alumni and Development efforts had been sporadic over the years and Admiral Wheeler and I revitalized them. We set up the Wagner Museum and created the current Banks Alumni House. In 2004 I was given the Chief Financial Officers position and was able put my MBA to work. As an alumnus, in my current position, I can bring my 36 years of experience at Farragut as a cadet, teacher, and administrator into perspective when dealing with the Academies finances to help ensure our future as we enter our 75th year.” You can contact Roy at his email address: Alan P. Harding ’81 – Alan sent us an email update. He said, “I am currently living in Coral Springs, Florida with my wife of 24 years and my two children. After having spent many years as an attorney, I sold my law practice a few years ago and in 2005 started an electronic race timing company to provide race timing services for 5K, Marathons, Triathlons, etc. I now get to spend my days completely devoted to my love of running and have become the U.S. distributor for RFID race timing system nationwide. I haven’t (Continued on page 10)


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been back to AFA for a few years but am looking forward to the 75th Anniversary Celebration and seeing all of my old school mates…wouldn’t miss it for the world!!” You can contact Alan at his email address: Tim Carley ’83 – Tim sent us an email expressing dismay that he missed the New England Alumni Gathering. “Hello, I just reviewed the attachment and saw that there was a New England get together. I have been trying to get an alumni meeting together for 2 years and have been in contact with your office. I am disappointed that I was not even aware that this event on June 5 was taking place. Tim Carley” (Tim, Believe me, we are sorry too! We send out approximately 500 mailings to people who live in the New England states. As Pennsylvania is not technically one of the NE states, you didn't receive a notice. However, we tried to blanket nearby states with email notices. Many were returned to us because of filters set up by their owners. We will be having other Gatherings during the coming couple of years and we'd definitely like to be sure you are included. If you’d like to get a group together we would be happy to publicize the event and bring a contingent up to visit with you. Would you please send me an update about yourself that I can reprint in the next edition of Reveille? I'm sure your classmates would like to know what you've been up to as of late. You can do this online at: http:// Then click on Update Record. Send along a picture if you can. Thanks! Bill) You can reach Tim at is email address: Nicholas F. Trujillo ’84 – “Good morning Bill, I appreciate your


CLASS NEWS assistance with the documentation I require from the Academy. My USA mailing address is: Nicolas F. Trujillo, P.O. Box 227607, Miami, FL 33222, and in Ecuador, where I currently reside: Nicolas Trujillo Newlin, Avenida Central #900, Apt. B2, Cdla., Santa Cecilia, Guayaquil, Ecuador. US cell phone: (305) 776‐ 3388, Ecuador cell phone (from the US): 011 593 9 244‐7067.” With regard to an update for the next issue of Reveille: "After nearly 30 years living and working in Florida, I returned to my native birthplace of Ecuador last April. Having completed 20 years of service to Equiflor Corporation, the last 14 as President and CEO, I decided it was time to fulfill my goal of one day returning to be closer to my father’s family and my childhood friends. Fortunately, since my business career has been spent in the fresh floral industry, and Ecuador is currently the world's largest exporter of Roses, we have associated farms and freight forwarding activities down here that keep me busy, in addition, I will soon begin consulting for the local government toward helping small independent agri‐businesses develop both ecologically and financially sustainable, value‐added exports. I am deeply grateful for the education and life experiences gained during my five years at Admiral Farragut Academy in St. Petersburg. Undoubtedly, I received a great academic foundation that has helped me immensely in my career, and I continue to enjoy the enduring friendships developed during the time I attended Farragut. Thank you and my best regard to all back at the Academy.” Sincerely, Nicolas F. Trujillo ‘84. You can reach Nick at his email a d d r e s s :

n i c k @ e q u i f l o r . c o m o r (As a note of interest to all ALUMNI: Any request for transcript information will be handled expeditiously by going to: http:// and then clicking Alumni which takes you to the Alumni Website. Here you will find an active link “Transcripts Form” which will allow you to print out the Transcripts Form and complete the required information needed to complete your request for a transcript. I hope this information will be useful and will facilitate quick handling of all requests of this nature.) CDR Vincent H. Scott '85 – “Bill, here is my latest mailing address: CMR 480 Box 1443, APO AE 09128. I have just reported in to the US European Command in Stuttgart for the J2 (Director of Intelligence).” You can reach Vince at his email address: Michael P Harris ’87 BC – “Thank you for the newsletter, Bill ‐ I seem to have fallen off the email radar for awhile there, so I'm happy to be back on it. I hope you and everyone in St. Pete is having a terrific summer ‐ take care and please stay in touch. Regards, Mike” You can contact Mike at his email address: Leonard J. Bonacci ’89 ‐Thank you for the Alumni News. I enjoy reading about all of the success being enjoyed by Farragut Alumni. I wanted to send you an update. In January my wife and I were blessed with a baby girl. Her name is Victoria. I have included a picture of Victoria and her “rookie” parents.” (Leonard, Congratulations! Victoria is beautiful! I hope that (Continued on page 11)

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CLASS NEWS (Continued from page 10)

someday she will be able to enroll in AFA. My two daughters would have given their right arms to attend, but sadly it was before we were accepting co‐eds. We’re still hoping to have an Alumni Gathering for an Eagles football game this Fall. Christian Wagner, who will be our Alumni President for 2008‐2010 is trying to work something out for some group arrangements in your new stadium this fall.) You can reach Leonard at

his email a d d r e s s : Let Leonard know if you’d be interested in joining in an Alumni Gathering at an Eagles Football game. He is the Director of Event Operations for the Eagles.

Bruce A. Sarte, Jr. ’91 – Bruce sent us an update. Here’s what he had to say: “Bill, I’d like to update the alumni office on three key changes in my life. First, I have taken a new job with the East Penn School District in Emmaus, PA as the Network Services Manager. Second, on August 23rd Erin Boyd and I will be married in at my Parents home in Millstone, NJ. Some Farragut alumni will remember Erin as one of the first female cadets to attend Admiral Farragut Academy in Pine Beach during the 1990‐1991 school year. I am fairly confident in saying that we are probably the only Farragut cadets to be married. I will forward a wedding photo after the ceremony. (There have been several cadets from the south campus who have married.) And third, my first novel, Sands of Time is going to be published by Cacaoethes Publishing on 8/15/2008. Here is a link to the website for the book: http:// It is of interest to Farragut alumni because significant scenes in the book take place in Beachwood, Pine Beach and the AFA Pine Beach campus. While the book itself is not about the school, it is part of the backdrop. Thanks! Bruce Sarte, AFA Class of 1991.” You can contact Bruce at his email address: Gabriel T. Quave ’92 – Gabe and his wife Genie are going through the final stages of delivering identical twins. Here is the news he sent us to pass along to all of you. “Hello all !!! Genie just finished her 34th week and is in her 35th week of pregnancy. This is great news because if she can make it to 36 weeks before the twins are born, they will be born in Arcadia. If not, we’ll have to go to Sarasota to the

NICU. We are hoping to go to 40 weeks or beyond, but most twins are born naturally at 38 weeks. Genie is feeling good but goes

Genie and Gabe with Iris

through bouts of tiredness and puts her feet up to help with the swelling. She walks on the treadmill 4‐5 days a week for 20 minutes and enjoys it! I’ve attached a few pictures of Iris. She is so amazing. Her vocabulary has tripled in the past week and loves to run through the house noticing the pitch changes in her voice with each step. We have accidentally taught her to pull weeds which might not be a bad thing in the future but she isn’t quite perfect with identifying what is a weed and what isn’t! She sleeps from 7:30pm to 7:00am. Which we LOVE! Of course that will end soon but we are very excited about identical twin boys. We have begun choosing names and aren’t 100% sure what they’ll be but we appreciate the suggestions! Please write back with what’s going with your world and family. We miss you all and hope things are (Continued on page 12)


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well. Best Regards, Gabriel Quave.” You can contact Gabe at his email a d d r e s s : Jeffrey L. Pires ’93 – Jeff sent us an update. He is deployed in the Persian Gulf area. He said, “Great to hear from you and AFA. I'm deployed again with my "Special Missions Unit". Just a brief update: Myself and Tony Citrano('93) are currently serving as assault team members on our SWAT team. And I'm also competing with our SWAT team in the SWAT Round‐Up International that takes place in Orlando every year. I have two daughters: Taylor(9) and Kennedy (4). Cherie lives in Orlando with our mother and Jennifer is on her way back from Brazil, hopefully this July. I hope all is well and I am looking forward to coming back stateside.” You can contact Jeffrey via email at: Scott A. Burns ’95 – Scotty sent me an email update. Here’s what he had to say. “CDR Monrose! Long time no speak! Hope all is well with you and yours~ Life has been pretty busy for me since I’ve seen you last. I’m still local, still flying, amongst other things, and am a full time single dad of a 2.5yr old little girl named Skyla Grace Burns, and I just turned 30. Also I’ve been busy with my passion over the last 12 years, Skydive Photography and Videography. I’ve been doing this in a Wingsuit now for the last 5, which I’ll send you some pics of. I’ve recently completed shooting for the History Channel and True TV in the last week or so. I’ve gotten a couple Covershots of magazines, published as an AP photographer in newspapers around the world. I‘ve


CLASS NEWS got a recent video that I shot with some friends of mine out in Elsinore California. There’s a few links on the bottom of this that would be my website on top, and the next two are of recent Covershots I’ve had, and the fourth is the link to my video on YouTube, that a friend put up for me. Also, if the school ever has any interest in a Wingsuit demo jump for a game or whatever, I’d love to tell you what I can do, it'd be fun... hope to talk to you soon!” Scotty Burns Paste these sites into your web b r o w s e r . http:// parachutist/online% 20archives/2007/01.07/ January2007.htm. My latest video.. about 85% of the footage in this video is from the top of my head~ v=XfEINpHimWw. “The last picture attached was one a friend got of me last summer that was a half page in one of our skydiving magazines, and was also in a Ukrainian Digital Photography magazine. Can you believe that? Let me know if you want to go on a tandem jump.” Scotty Joshua A. Hirsch ’98 ‐ Josh sent us an update. He said, “Thought I would take a few minutes and update the Alumni Association about my new job. Starting Monday June 30 I joined the Palm Beach School for Autism as their Director of Development. The school is a Charter‐School part of the Palm Beach County school system. There are 30 kids in the Pre‐school and 35 kids in Kindergarten through Third grade, next year we will be expanding to Fifth grade. We have our "angel" who is ready, willing, and able to finalize the deal and purchase 7 acres of land to start

building the new school. In the upcoming months we will be kicking off our multi‐million dollar capital campaign for Phase I of the project; which will be a Pre‐school, Elementary, Middle and High school with capacity up to 150 children. Phase II will be a center attached to the school which will encompass all medical disciplines aimed at helping families with Autism. Needless to say I am very excited about this opportunity. You can find out more about the school at Thanks. Josh” (Congratulations Josh, what a wonderful new undertaking. We wish you all the success the world has to offer. I’m sure many of our alumni will have an interest in your new career. Please keep us informed.) Marshall T. Hampton ’03 – We received the following update from M a r k H a m p t o n , f o r m e r Psychologist/Teacher at AFA about his son Marshall, a graduate of 2003. “Hey Bill, I thought I would give you a Marshall ('03) update. Marshall graduated from Case Western Reserve University May18th with his Civil Engineering degree. He will be specializing in S t r u c t u r a l E n g i n e e r i n g . Infrastructure Corporation of America hired Marshall on May '08 as a Project Engineer for the company's BRIM (Bridge Repair, Inspection, and Maintenance) division. ICA, is based out of Nashville, TN., but Marshall will be working out of the new Tampa, Florida office starting July '08. ICA has a contract for the maintenance and repair of 3200 bridges located in west and central Florida. Marshall will be the first to respond to any emergencies concerning the (Continued on page 13)

CLASS NEWS (Continued from page 12)

Sunshine Skyway Bridge and other bridges in Pinellas County. Another duty of Marshall's will be developing a bridge asset management program (software) that will be used not only for the maintenance of bridges in Florida, but nationwide as well. Marshall passed his Fundamental Engineering Exam in April and received his E.I. (Engineering Intern) certification. At present his professional moniker is Marshall T. Hampton, E.I. He will be working towards his Professional Engineer (P.E.) certification over the next four years at which time he will be known as Marshall T. Hampton, P.E. We wanted to send you this picture of Marshall on the very top of the Skyway Bridge. As some of you

know he works for ICA (http://ica‐ ) as a Project Engineer. He had to go up there (433 feet above the water) to inspect the area. As you can see he is beaming… anyway, we don't want to bore you with the "life of the Hampton Family", but we thought that you might want to see this. God bless!” Mark and Debbie Hampton (Marshall recently graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a degree in Engineering. If you’d like to see something about the company he works with, click this link: http://ica‐ You can c o n t a c t M a r s h a l l a t William Steinmetz, III ’05 USN – Will sent us an update! Here’s what he had to say, “GREETINGS ADMIRAL FARRAGUT, BEST WISHES IN THE COMING SCHOOL YEAR, ALWAYS THINK OF A.F.A. WITH GREAT MEMORIES, HELLO TO ALL THE STAFF. WE, (USS LAKE ERIE CG 7O, GUIDES MISSILE CRUISER AND HER CREW ) ARE BEING DEPLOYED TO RIMPAC....THE LARGEST NAVAL MANEUVER WITH OUR ALLIES TO BE CONDUCTED WITH 14 COUNTRIES INCLUDING RUSSIA,CHINA,JAPAN, KOREA AND AUSTRALIA. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND KEEP US IN YOUR P R A Y E R S . . . . S I N C E R E L Y W I L L STEINMETZ, UNITED STATES NAVY.” Will also sent along this comment that Homer Hickam made on TV this morning. In case you don't know who he is, Homer was a poor West VA miner's son who worked his way up to being an employee/ scientist for NASA. He wrote a book called "Rocket Boy" which was later made into a great movie called "October Sky."

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rocket firing boosted our National defense 100 fold . N Korea, Iran, China, Russia, know now that we have a safety net that can accurately stop their incoming missiles even if they are out of the earth's atmosphere." You can contact Will at his email address: HELLOBILLY53@AOL.COM Andrew S. Fuller ’08 – Andrew has just finished his first days at the U.S. Air Force Academy after his graduation from AFA on May 17th. Here is an update from Andrew. “I finished Air Force Basic Training; (7) weeks of intense training. I also qualified Expert Marksman on the M16‐A2. I started classes on August 7th, and it is stressful to manage everything here at the Air Force Academy, but it's very possible. It would be awesome to get letters from friends if they knew my address! I'm planning right now on majoring in Foreign Area Studies ‐ Asia, with a Chinese Minor. Please keep sending me encouraging letters. I'd love to hear from more people from my class! Thanks!” Andrew PS I would like to receive Reveille updates via email. Here is Andrew’s mailing address, telephone number and email address: Andrew S. Fuller, P.O. Box 3289, USAF Academy, CO 80841 USA, Phone: (719) 313‐8026, Email a d d r e s s :

This morning he was interviewed and had this to say about the “one‐ shot shoot down” of the crippled satellite: "If this country's head was on straight, they would be holding a ticker tape parade for the Crew of the Cruiser, USS Lake Erie...This one



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Alumni Testimonial: How AFA Education Prepared Me for College Here is an email from 2008Graduate, Natalia Widulinski. Rather than put it in the class news, I feel it is worthy of making a separate report to our alumni. It speaks to what our great Naval Science program is accomplishing! Dear Captain McClelland, CWO Schuyler, and Chief Blasko, I am writing first of all to thank all of you. I just finished up my NROTC Basic Training (INDOC) and I have to say thanks to your years of teaching me Naval Science, I successfully completed the training. It was a very difficult week and I honestly did not think I was going to make it having to sound off every second and having Platoon Sergeants and Squad Leaders yelling at me all day, but I made it! I aced the knowledge test thanks to all of you I have to say because whenever I was studying my Gouge (knowledge) all I could hear is your voices teaching me this. It was very motivating to remember your classes and how well they prepared me for NROTC. Drill was no problem because of the countless times I performed column left and rights and about faces over the past three years. I also want to thank you all for encouraging me to join NROTC. I know was skeptical in the beginning, but I am now confident it is one of the best choices I've ever made. The school year has not even started but just from INDOC I see that everyone supports each other, we are one unit. I know I have people around me who will become my family, just as CWO Schuyler told me before graduation. Thanks to one week of training I have seen huge changes in my confidence and bearing and it is an amazing feeling. I've also decided to take part in the Marine Option PT, Semper Fi. Training is three times a week in the morning and once a semester we do field training in the wilderness. It is optional for Navy Options but I am excited to be a part of such a motivating program and will work get through it. I also hope you all convince more females from AFA to apply for ROTC Scholarships, I think they need to know what an amazing organization is. I was once in their shoes, not wanting to do ROTC and just needing a scholarship. But, I know now it is so much more and I cannot wait to serve my country. Also, for those cadets interested in ROTC, make sure they know their chain of command and general guard orders by heart ‐ it's a big help. Once again I want to say thank you for your years of commitment to my Naval Science education. I'll write more throughout the year letting you know how my NROTC career is going. Sincerely, MIDN 4/c Widulinski Northeastern University, and assigned to the NROTC Unit at Boston University


Peacoats -- One of God's Better Inventions

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A few old memories here…sent by CAPT David B. Gibson ’54 USN (Ret) You remember them: Those ton and a half monsters that took the annual production of thirty-five sheep to make. Those thick black rascals with black plastic buttons the size of poker chips. The issue coats that drove shore duty chief petty officers stark raving nuts if they caught you with the collar turned up or your hands in your pockets. "Hey, you rubber sock, get those damn hands outta them damn pockets! Didn't they issue you black leather gloves?" So, you took your hands out of your pockets and risked digital frostbite rather than face whatever the Navy had in store for violators of the 'No Damn Hands In Peacoat Pockets' policy. There's probably a special barracks in Hell full of old E-3s caught hitchhiking in sub-zero weather with hands in peacoat pockets. As for those leather gloves, one glove always went missing. "Son, where in the'hell are the gloves we issued you?" Well? I don't remember this nasty, ugly so-n-so being at Great Lakes or Bainbridge when the 'jocks and socks' petty officers were throwing my initial issue sea bag at me and yelling, "Move it!!" As for the gloves, once you inadvertently leave one glove on a bar stool or on the seat of a Greyhound bus, the remaining glove is only useful if a tank rolls over the hand that fit the lost glove. In the days long ago, a navy spec. peacoat weighed about the same as a flat carload of cinder blocks. When it rained, it absorbed water until your spine warped, your shins cracked and your ankles split. Five minutes standing in the rain waiting on a bus and you felt like you were piggy-backing the Statue of Liberty. When a peacoat got wet, it smelled a lot like sheep dip. It had that wet wool smell, times three. It weighed three and a half tons and smelled like 'Mary had a little lamb's gym shorts. You know how heavy a late '50s peacoat was? Well, they had little metal chains sewn in the back of the collar to hang them up by. Like diluted Navy coffee, sexual sensitivity instruction, comfortable airconditioned topside security bungalows, patent leather plasticlooking shoes and wearing white hats configured to look like bidet bowls, the peacoat spec. has been watered down to the point you could hang them up with dental floss. In the old days, peacoat buttons and grocery cart wheels were interchangeable parts. The gear issued by the U.S. Navy was tough as hell, bluejacket-tested clothing with the durability of rhino hide and construction equipment tires. Peacoats came with wide, heavy collars. In a cold, hard wind, you could turn that wide collar up to cover your neck and it was like poking your head in a tank turret. The things were warm, but I never thought they were long enough. Standing out in the wind in those 'big-legged britches' the wind whistled up your cuffs and took away body warmth like a thief. But, they were perfect to pull over you for a blanket when sleeping on a bus or a bus terminal bench. Every sailor remembers stretching out on one of those oak bus station pews with his white hat over his face, his head up against his

AWOL bag and covered with his peacoat. There was always some 'SP' who had not fully evolved from the apes, who poked you with his Billy club and said, "Hey, you! Get up! Waddya think yer doin'? You wanna sleep, get a room!" Peacoats were lined with quilted satin or rayon. I never realized it at the time, but sleeping on bus seats and station benches would be the closest I would ever get to sleeping on satin sheets. Early in my naval career, a career-hardened (lifer) first class gunner's mate told me to put my ID and liberty card in the inside pocket of my peacoat. "Put the sonuvabitches in that gahdam inside pocket and pin the damn thing closed with a diaper pin. Then, take your heavy folding money and put it in your sock. If you do that, learn to never take your socks off in a cathouse. Them damn dockside pickpockets pat 'cha down for a lumpy wallet and they can relieve you of said wallet so fast you'll never know you've been snookered. Only an idiot will clam-fold his wallet and tuck it in his thirteen button bell bottoms. Every kid above the age of six in Italy knows how to lift a wallet any fool pokes in his pants. Those little locals learned to pick sailor's pockets in kindergarten. Rolling Bluejackets is the national sport in Italy ." In Washington DC they have a wonderful marble and granite plaza honoring the United States Navy. Every man or woman who served this nation in a naval uniform, owes it to himself or herself to visit this memorial and take their families. It honors all naval service and any red-blooded American bluejacket or officer will feel the gentle warmth of pride his or her service is honored within this truly magical place. The focal point of this memorial is a bronze statue of a lone American sailor. No crow on his sleeve tells you that he is nonrated. And, there are further indications that suggest maybe, once upon a time, the sculptor himself may have once been an E-3 white hat because…The lad has his collar turned up and his hands in his pockets. I'm sure the Goddess of the Main Induction laughs at the old, crusty chiefs standing there with veins popping out on their old, wrinkled necks, muttering, "Look at that S.O.B. standing there with his collar up and his damn hands in his pockets. In my day, I would have ripped that jerk a new one!" Ah, the satisfied glow of E-3 revenge. God's better inventions A VETERAN Whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount "up to and including their life". That is HONOR, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it. -Author unknown You can contact Dave at:

Relationships By Verne Packer, Director of Development

Once in a while we have the opportunity to give back to a cause that’s close to our hearts ‐ A cause that changes the lives of young men and women as they prepare for life’s journey. Like many of you who attended Admiral Farragut Academy, my life was changed by attending a military prep school. The lessons learned, relationships made and foundation laid changed my life forever. I arrived as a young boy and left as a young man ready for life’s adventures. Without a doubt I look back to realize without that opportunity my life would be much different. As the new Development Director of Admiral Farragut Academy I get to relive that wonderful part of my youth. I see young boys and girls learning discipline, self control, honor, perseverance and military bearing all while receiving the highest academic education possible. They may not know it yet but they are building relationships that will last a life time. In addition I get to meet Alumni from AFA who have done great things with their lives. Astronauts, Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, Business Professionals, Government Officials, Military Officers and people who just love Admiral Farragut Academy. How blessed

I am to spend my days building relationships, hearing how Farragut changed their lives and prepared them for the future. The common bond we all share is the passion and commitment to the school that has produced the best of the best for 75 years! Alumni relationships are the cornerstone and life blood of Admiral Farragut Academy. Out future success relies on your passion and memories of your time at Farragut and appreciation of how it played that vital role in your personal success. With this in mind we hope you visit us during this 75th Anniversary year. We are celebrating in ways you can’t imagine. Our Homecoming October 30 – November 1 and 75th Celebration, March 31 – April 4 will show case Admiral Farragut like never before. If you haven’t visited don’t miss this opportunity and if you come regularly you will see many changes and enhancements to the campus and Cadet Corp that will surely impress. Relationships are a big part of our lives and we so appreciate all of you who help continue the traditions, memories and future endowment of this great institution. Please come and visit anytime so we can further our relationship with you. Celebrate and Educate is our theme for this year……we hope you will join us!

NEWS FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES We are very delighted to have Terry Hirsch as our newest member of the Admiral Farragut Board of Trustees. Terry L. Hirsch graduated from Boston University in 1972 and obtained his JD degree from Stetson College of Law in 1975. He is a shareholder with the St. Petersburg Law Firm of Englander & Fischer, P.A., focusing his practice on business litigation. He is a graduate of the Leadership St. Petersburg program, a member of the All Children’s Hospital Development Council and has served a President of the Sunshine City JC’s and Temple Beth‐El. He formerly served as the Chief Operating Officer of a state‐wide chain of retail jewelry stores. Mr. Hirsch is married to Elissa Hirsch, a native of St. Petersburg who teaches Elementary education in the Pinellas County public school system. They have three children, Josh (AFA ’98), Jonathan (AFA ’02), and Lindsey (AFA ’07).



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Let us pause to reflect upon our Alumni whose duty in this life has been fulfilled...May they Rest In Peace!

Joseph V. Canzani ’35, artist, educator, and President of the Columbus College of Art & Design, 1949‐ 1995 died in Columbus on Friday, a few days before his 93rd birthday. He lived in the historic Rush Creek neighborhood in Worthington. His influence on genera‐ tions of artists and designers was significant. Graduates of the college who learned through his teaching and through the curriculum he created, had the skills and work ethic to build successful careers in art and design around the world. "His fierce love for the institution and his lifelong commitment to its suc‐ cess created a mighty legacy," in the words of President Dennison Griffith. "Clearly, CCAD would not be what it is today had he not so tirelessly dedicated himself to the development of the College and the success of its students." Mr. Canzani was born in 1915, in El Marche, Porto Sant' Elpidio, Italy, and emigrated to the United States as a child with his parents Pasqualina and Enrico and broth‐ ers Victor and Vincent. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, playing clarinet, oboe, and saxo‐ phone in a military band, and returned to study Design at Pratt Institute in New York City after the war. He later completed his master's degree at The Ohio State University. A dedicated and inventive teacher, he was asked to assume the leadership of the tiny Columbus School of Art, then part of the Columbus Gallery of Fine Art (now the Columbus Museum of Art). He later brought the school to fully accredited status as a college of art and design. During his tenure the school grew from just 17 students at the close of the Sec‐ ond World War to over 1,200 at the time of his retirement at age 80. His 46‐year leadership as head of CCAD made him one of the longest‐tenured college presidents in U.S. history. Canzani is preceded in death by his wife, Vasa. Survived by son, Vincent, (Cheryl); granddaughters, Maria and Angela; and great grand‐ children Melissa, Ashlee, Maddie, and Cameron. Arrangements to be announced by JOHN QUINT TREBONI FUNERAL HOME, 614‐ 294‐4416. Donations may be made to the Joseph V. Canzani Scholarship Fund at CCAD, 107 North Ninth St. Columbus, Ohio 43215.

We would like to offer you a free “AFA Gmail Account”

If you’d like to have a free AFA Gmail account, just let us know. There are many advantages to having your own AFA Gmail account through Admiral Farragut’s Gmail Program. Take a couple of minutes to watch and listen to the advantages of this offering. It is free for all of our Alumni and it has many benefits that will help you to organize and facilitate all of your present email accounts. Click the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser. Be sure to turn up the volume on your speakers. Please let us know if you’d like to take advantage of our offer to open a Gmail Account under the Admiral Farragut Academy Domain. All you need to do is let us know, either by email or “snail‐mail” and we’ll get you set up in this exciting new AFA Gmail Program. It costs nothing, and the benefits are almost too numerous to believe. You will be able to view all of the many aspects of AFA life through this account. Don’t wait. . . get started today! R E V E I L L E R E V E I L L E

Alumni Golfers Wanted This year our Parents’ Group has booked one of the outstanding courses on our side of Tampa Bay and we hope members of our Alumni Association and their families and friends will put together a two‐some, four‐some or multiple of the same to join in the fun! The form below is the “Official Entry Form”. You can copy it and fax or mail it to us to reserve your start for this enjoyable event! Fax: (727) 384‐4717

Maybe you’d like to take advantage of a Sponsorship or Package opportunity for this year’s Group Tournament! See the availability on the center form to the right. Everything

Bring you clubs and join us for the AFA Golfing Event of the year! Everyone is welcome!!!

Reservation Form

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2008 Homecoming—October 30th through November 1st Alumni Name _________________________________________________________ Class____________________ N or S _________ Spouse Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Guest (s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Event Description




Alumni Welcome Continental Breakfast



Thursday Lunch in West Lounge

$ 7



Annual Spirit Party/Tailgate Party New Alumni Center




Friday Football Game



Homecoming Reunion Dinner Reservation Please indicate your choice of Main Entrée

NY Strip Steak




(Dinners include: Chef’s Selection of Seasonal

Seared Salmon Filet




Accompaniment—House Salad‐Mixed Seasonal Vegetable Ravioli




With choice of 3 dressings‐Freshly Baked rolls




Chicken Piccata

And Butter or Appropriate Bread– Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Tea—Key Lime Pie Credit Card □ (only Visa, MasterCard or Discover)

or □ CHECK

Please charge my Reservation to my __________________________________________________________________________________ Print Number of Credit Card Expiration Mo / Yr Name as shown on Credit Card _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street No. City State Zip Telephone Number_(_______)_________________________ Email address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Signature

__________________________ Date

Dates for the 75th Anniversary Homecoming in 2009

March 31, 2009 though April 4, 2009

We have blocked 120 total room nights at the Trade Winds Sandpiper Hotel & Suites for the 75th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration...(20 for Thursday, April 2nd, and 50 each for Friday, April 3rd and Saturday, April 4th, 2009.) When you call for reservations you must mention AFA. The rates per night are as follows: Courtyard Hotel: $169; Courtyard Suite: $184; Gulf Front Suite: $204. Make your plans now to schedule your vacation in conjunction with our 75th Anniversary Celebration which is going to be held on March 31, 2009 through April 4, 2009. April is the month the native Floridians make their first trek to the beaches after the winter. The weather is almost perfect with warm days and cool evenings. It is usually a dry month in terms of precipitation. You’ll enjoy the Beautiful Beaches on the Gulf of Mexico.


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