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REVEILLE Admiral Farragut Academy. . . the Choice of a Lifetime Alumni Newsletter V O L U M E

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Admiral Farragut is a Naval Honor School as designated by the Secretary of the Navy

WELCOME! NEW BOARD MEMBER, H A R O L D G A I N E S ’ 5 0 P G 2 On the morning of May 17,

2008 the 74th Graduating Class of Admiral Farragut Academy were presented their diplomas. This is the highlight W H O O W N S A F A P G 4 of each academic year by the graduating cadets and their families. This year, we graduated 62 cadets who will continue their educational endeavors at NEW ENGLAND ALUMNI colleges and universities all across the land. This has been an outstanding year GATHERING PG 5 for Service Academy Appointments and ROTC scholarships. The class of 2008 75TH ANNIVERSARY PG 6 has set a school record in this key area. Over 19% of the senior class have been selected and many cadets JOHN H. NORRIS ’46“TO received more than one appointment or scholarship. Bold letters indicate the THE EDGE OF SPACE” PG 7 offers each cadet may choose to accept. CAPT ERIC TERHUNE, SON OF PAUL TERHUNE PG 7

The following 2008 graduates have received Service Academy appointments and/or NROTC scholarships:


Blake Lusty Kathryn Thomas Eric Palmer Andrew Fuller Alex Banks Stephen Moore David Pelletier Thomas Ferrante Brittany Cross Greg Cogswell Natalia Widulinski Nick Noren


Assuming a dollar value of $325,000 for each Service Academy $175,000 for each ROTC Scholarship, the Class of 2008 has earned over $4.7 million in Military Scholarships.

R E S E R V A T I O N F O R M Appointment and

PG 31

“Success is Never Accidental”

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Alumnus Richard W. Fisher ’67, President and CEO of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Gives 2008 Commencement Address at Admiral Farragut Academy

doing things in their own sweet time. I was in New Jersey for four years, marching to meals, studying hard, leading a highly disciplined life, and getting by on a $2‐a‐week allowance. We got $5 a week as seniors, but it didn’t make a whole lot of difference because we only got out on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. My life and my friends’ lives were as Note: (You can paste the link below into your computer’s web different as night and day. Sound familiar?” browser and read the entire Graduation Address given by Richard “And yet, I wouldn’t go back and change any of it— Fisher on May 17, 2008). If you are looking at this online, simply even with the hindsight gained in the 45 years since I click the link. showed up on the doorstep of Farragut Hall. I wouldn’t change any of it Here is an excerpt of what because the lessons I Mr. Fisher had to say: “Every learned in those four commencement speaker at years made it possible for every school and university, me to accomplish all including Gen. Schwarzkopf, those things that George will dispense pretty much the Michel bragged on earlier. same advice over the next We learned to few weeks of internalize—to come by commencements: Be as instinct—all those disciplined; be prepared; be attributes mentioned so loyal, brave and thrifty; don’t eloquently in those great waste your talents; take risks; leaders’ words I cited push the envelope; respect earlier. We learned the your fellow men and women; values of punctilious serve others; never Richard W. Fisher ’67, President and CEO of the Dallas courtesy, sticking to compromise your integrity; to Federal Reserve Bank is joined by some of his Admiral conviction, never thine own self be true and be Farragut Academy classmates at this year’s Graduation wronging a friend or on May 17, 2008. Shown L to R are: Edward DeSeta ’67 true to community and bowing to overwhelming BC, Dr. Alex Garcias ’67, Richard Fisher ’67, Robert country; give back when odds. We learned that Jauernig ’67, and Russell Phillips ’67. others have given to you; semper fidelis—being promise no more than you can deliver; stick to your always faithful to your country, your mission and your obligations; never—there it is again—never forget you own potential—is reward in and of itself.” have talent to do good; never, never, never, never “We also learned a lesson that is quintessentially give up the pursuit of excellence…” unique to naval academy prep schools. When you “We rose at 6:15 every morning, mustered out to the wear a uniform and you live in the same dorms and parade field for inspection and marched to breakfast eat the same food in the same place, nobody cares in formation. We had morning classes and then whether you are rich or poor or where you or your formed up and marched to lunch with our drum and parents come from. I was the son of immigrants. My bugle corps. After lunch came more classes, then father never got past fourth grade; my mother was a activities and sports at 3:30. And then, for the last secretary. Alex Garcias was a Cuban immigrant whose time of the day, we formed up and marched to dinner mother survived by waiting tables when she first at 6. We went straight to our rooms after dinner to do landed on our shores. Bob Jauernig was an Army brat. homework before lights‐out at 10. On weekends, we Russ Phillips was a country boy from Finksburg. We had full‐dress parades. We learned how to handle were at school with a lot of rich boys from Manhattan weapons and, being at a naval academy prep school, and other tony places who had fancier bloodlines, but how to tie knots and navigate by the stars. it didn’t make a bit of difference. You moved up in In those days, Farragut was an all‐male school. My rank according to your effort and achievement. You buddies back home thought I was nuts. They were got what you earned and you earned what you got.” with their families, dating good‐looking girls, driving (Continued on page 3) cars, spending money, having fun, sleeping late and

Page 3 (Continued from page 2) Excerpts from Richard Fisher’s Commencement Address to the Class of 2008:

“I can’t tell you how many times people now ask me: Just how did you get to Annapolis and to Harvard and all those fancy schools? How did you end up on Wall Street, make money, become an ambassador, and do all those high‐sounding things in Washington? How did you end up working with Henry Kissinger? And how did you end up sitting at the table with Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve? What’s your secret?

An honest answer requires the ultimate disclaimer that it helps to have good luck on your side— serendipity comes in mighty handy. I have had way more than my share of it. But I believe that the lessons and disciplines learned at Farragut, just like those you have learned, are what allowed me to make the most of that good luck.”

Pictures to Remember

Alumni president, Christian Chiari ’92 with Dr. Alex Garcias ’67, and Robert Jauernig ’67.

Richard Fisher ’67, Dr. Alex Garcias ’67, Blake Lusty ’08 Co‐Valedictorian, and Lily Lusty, Blake’s Mother.

“Hats in the Air” George Michel ’49, Robert Jauernig ’67, Alex Garcias ’67, CDR Monrose, and Christian Chiari ’92.

Marks the Finale of Graduation Day May 17, 2008

MEET OUR NEWEST BOARD MEMBER, HAROLD GAINES ’50, Harold Gaines ’50 is the latest Alumni to join as a member of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Gaines graduated from AFA South in 1950. After graduation he attended the University of Miami. Following college he became involved in a newly formed armored truck company in early 1952, and later became its major stockholder. He sold the company to Wells Fargo in 1964 and became Vice‐ President of Wells Fargo, Florida. He remained with the Wells Fargo organization for the next seven years.

Thereafter, an opportunity to develop a

Bob Jauernig ’67, Alex Garcias ’67, CDR Bill Monrose, Richard

Holiday Inn in downtown Coral Gables arose, and for approximately the next fifteen years he was the Managing Partner of the Coral Gables Holiday Inn. During the last five years of his management, the hotel achieved the prestigious “Top Twenty Status” by Holiday Inn. This award signified that the hotel was one of the “Top Twenty Holiday Inns Internationally” recognized for guest satisfaction, on‐ sight inspections, occupancy, and profitability. Mr. Gaines retired when the hotel was sold in 1986. In the past he has served on the Board of Trustees of the Florida International University Foundation as well as Mt. Sinai Hospital on Miami Beach. Though presently retired, he pursues various investment opportunities, and enjoys travelling. We all welcome Harold Gaines ’50, and thank him for his willingness to serve as Trustee.

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Who Owns Farragut Now?

One of the precious freedoms enjoyed by Americans is the right to own property. Sitting on the West side of St. Petersburg with its waterfront on Boca Ciega Bay, Admiral Farragut Academy enjoys a tract of real estate with one historically designated building and several other buildings having a total estimated value of over $17,000,000. currently assessed as not‐for‐profit property. It is not public property, and therefore, often assumed to be of private ownership. Admiral Farragut Academy in Saint Petersburg has existed for almost 65 years and often, even today, after several articles in the Binnacle, the question still arises. “Who really owns Admiral Farragut Academy?” When the question of ownership comes up, the earlier alumni and past parents often answer, “Captain Russell, a past chairman of the board, owns it.” However, this is not true. The State of Florida and IRS has designated the academy as a non‐ profit, private 501(c)3 corporation. Although the Trustees, also known as the Directors, have fiduciary responsibility and establish broad policies for the management of the school, they own no stock in the corporation and serve only as stewards of the Academy. Each member of the Board of Trustees is an elected member of the board and serves in that position without pay or other compensation, and agrees to seek no personal gain from being a trustee. The Headmaster, in his relationship to the Academy, we can compare to the commander of a naval vessel whose skills guide the ship, but whose ownership is limited to the safe charting of its course within the day‐to‐day operation. One can say that Real ownership belongs to those, who, over the years, have enabled the Academy to fulfill its mission! First, the students have the right to claim ownership. Without the students and the parents, who make it possible for them to attend, there would be no Admiral Farragut Academy in Saint Petersburg, Florida. It began with 99 students in the winter of 1945 and continues with each succeeding class up to this year of

2007‐08 with 401 students. Second, the staff and faculty figuratively are the stockholders in the corporation because they labor daily to feed, house, and educated the students. They are there to encourage, challenge, and protect each student. They bear the brunt of the responsibility of making a difference in the lives of these young people to help them make the tough choices required of adolescents as they go from childhood to become responsible adults. The employees’ livelihood is dependent upon the success of the Academy. Third, it is the donors who can claim ownership. Every time an alumnus, a parent or grandparent, a Trustee or a friend of the Academy shares their resources to purchase a piece of equipment, assist in a program, or give for an endowment, they have made an investment in this great institution and a part of them is giving meaning and investing in the future of our youth. Not long ago, in response to a request for a grant, the executive director of a foundation that gives only to private elementary and secondary schools such as Farragut asked what percentage of the parents and alumni were already giving to the Academy. He was not interested in the amount given, but whether alumni and parents cared enough to give. His response to the questions was, “Why should our foundation invest in Admiral Farragut Academy if the majority of alumni and parents are not willing to support it?” Real ownership comes into focus if you have ever experienced a visit to a campus of a school that has closed. There you will see scores of empty buildings and silence rules the campus because there are no students, faculty, or staff to give it life and vitality. It is then that one can realize that from the youngest student to the oldest alumnus all must claim ownership. If AFA ever goes out of business, the ownership belongs to either a successor school or the State of Florida. Every one of the some 4,000 persons who make up the Admiral Farragut alumni family, and who’s been touched in some way by what Admiral Farragut has done to make a difference in their lives, is challenged to be a donor, no matter how small, to insure the future of Admiral Farragut Academy for another three‐quarters of a century.


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Between the accreditation, strategic planning and On Friday, June 6 , we had a very successful Alumni celebrating 75 years it has given us a look as to where we Gathering in Boston at the Hilton – Boston Logan Airport hotel. need to take the school in the future. Alumni who travelled attended the event from Vermont, New • He spoke about the excellent job that our cadets are Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts. doing academically and specifically mentioned that on Farragut Headmaster, Robert J. Fine, Jr. spoke of the the morning of May 17, 2008 the 74th Graduating Class many changes that have occurred recently at the academy: of Admiral Farragut Academy received their diplomas. • He said he has new energy for the first time in the 10 • This has been an outstanding year for Service Academy years he has been the Head of School. The chief reason is Appointments and ROTC scholarships. The class of 2008 the restructuring of the Board of Trustees. has set a school record in this key area. Assuming a dollar • Alumnus, George J. Michel ’49 heads the Board of value of $325,000 for each Service Academy Appointment Trustees. Presently, there are four alumni on the board. and $175,000 for each ROTC Scholarship, the Class of • The changes to the Board’s by‐laws provide for a larger 2008 earned over $4.7 Million in military scholarships. board, with term limits. • The 62 graduating cadets will continue their educational • The objective for the immediate future is to expand the endeavors at colleges and universities all across the board to include community leadership as well as alumni. land CAPT Fine went on to say that for the 1st time in • Our Alumni Chairman has tasked me to find other Farragut history he feels we are truly and independent members for the board. We currently have a world school. renowned professor from Stanford serving on the board. • We adopted a Strategic Plan that really focuses on Board Chairman George J. Michel ’49 spoke to the value of academic STEM (science, technology, engineering, and the recent changes to the Academy. All board meetings are mathematics). Our Board has established a program of open to alumni. He said, “the present financial condition is Academic Chairs in conjunction with STEM, and the not what it needs to be, but the school is paying its monies from the Academic Chair Program are restricted obligations on time.” Further, he said, “I challenges all alumni to endowment so the money earned will perpetuate the to support the restricted endowment program which academic programs forever. guarantees that only the interest generated by the • We are more of an admissions driven school this year endowment money will be spent. Your Board is financially than we have been in the past. Curriculum and decisions committed and welcomes any participation and assistance are admissions driven and direct our educational from interested alumni in helping the school to grow and programs to higher areas of competence. There is a continue its mission throughout the next 75 years.” change in the direction of where education is going these days, and we will be onboard. Others alumni present, but not pictured include: Harvey Gladstone • We recently went through our accreditation and we had ’49, and Christian Chiari ’92, Alumni President. an evaluation team of 15 educators come onto our campus, they spent two and a half days with us and we did extremely well. • We had no standard violations, and if you’re in an industry that has visits and accreditation you know that like anything else there is a book that is an inch thick of standard violations, and we had none.

George Michel ’49, Al Ross ’49, & Peter Hughes ’61.

Boston in the Mist!

Anton Self ’86 and CAPT Bob Fine.

Al Ross ’49, CAPT Fine, & Bill Monrose.

Alison Lescarbeau & Charles Gulino. ’52

Peter Hughes ’61 and George Michel ’49.

CAPT Ernest Hegi ’58, Bill Monrose, Susan McCarthy, & Janet Hughes.

Burns Cameron ’56, A. Lescarbeau, & George Rubin ’50.

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Cultural Awareness Day

Career Day April 1st Wednesday Evening Music Concert

April 2nd Thursday April 3rd Friday April 4th Saturday

A Day in History Golf Tournament Campus Tours and Activities VIP Reception in the Evening Old Main Street Celebration Parade and Guest Speakers Evening BBQ and Show Black Tie (Optional) Dinner Brig. Gen. Charles Duke Speaker

Celebrating 75 Years! A Diamond Anniversary

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John H. Norris ’46 AFA Test Pilot Takes Aircraft to Edge of Space As we approach our school’s 75th Anniversary, let us reflect upon some of the accomplishments of our graduates. We often celebrate the accomplishments of our Alan Shepard ’41 and Charlie Duke ’53, our two Moon Walking astronauts. Today, we recognize and remember John H. Norris ’46 for his contributions that blazed the path for his later alumni. John H. Norris graduated from Admiral Farragut Academy, St. Petersburg, Florida in 1946. In the spring of 1958, John was flying the Grumman F11F‐1F in the development of a flight profile to set a new World’s Altitude Record. The – 1F, called the Super Tiger, was a derivative of the F11 Tiger with a General Electric J79 engine with 17,500 pounds of thrust replacing the production Curtis Wright J65 engine with 10, 500 pounds. With that configuration John achieved a Mach Number 2.05 at 45,000 feet in comparison to the production of F11’s Vmax of 1.16M. Unfortunately the ‐1F was not put into production and only com‐ pleted 2 experimental prototypes. For the altitude record attempt John worked out a profile that efficiently ex‐ changed kinetic for potential energy, and in April returned to the United States from Rus‐ sia with a flight of 75,550 feet. The pressure suit he wore was the David Martin Mk1 con‐ figuration that was uncomfortable but very effective in keeping his blood from literally boiling at the reduced pressures above 65,000 feet. On several of the build‐up flights, John had to shut down the J79 engine on the way up because the mini‐ mum fuel flow that the engine fuel control could provide at idle was more than the engine needed, and that was driving the turbine inlet temperature to an overheat condition. That the suit worked perfectly each time was, to say the least, a comforting outcome. John lives in Palmdale, CA and is enjoying retirement with his wife, Cecelia.

It is with profound sadness that we report the loss of the son of Paul H. Terhune ’69S who gave his life in the cause of defending his Country while serving in Afghanistan.

Captain Eric D. Terhune, United States Marine Corps, of Lexington, Kentucky, was killed in action on 19 June 2008. Captain Terhune, age 34,was serving with 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, deployed in the Farah Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Captain Terhune had previously completed two tours of duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He served honorably for more than 10 years of Active Duty service to Country and Corps. Reared in Lexington, Kentucky, Captain Terhune graduated from Wheaton Academy, Wheaton, Illinois, after which he served four years in the Marine Corps as a noncommissioned officer. He traveled to the far East, South America, and Europe in his capacity as a reconnaissance sharpshooter. After being honorably discharged, he used his GI Bill benefits and graduated with honors from Morehead State University, where he competed on the varsity rifle team. Upon graduation he was commissioned as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps, earned his wings as a Naval Aviator, flying the CH‐53 Sea Stallion helicopter. More recently he was assigned as a Forward Air Controller and was serving in that capacity when he was mortally wounded. His citations include three air medals while serving in Iraq as well as numerous additional combat related awards, including the Purple Heart. Captain Terhune was known for his devotion to his Lord Jesus Christ, his family, and his country. He is survived by his grandparents, Daniel and Joy Terhune of Lexington, Kentucky; and his Father, Paul (Carleen) Terhune of Houston, Texas. Memorial contributions are suggested to Camp Nathaniel, P.O. Box 129, Emmlena, KY 41740, Fisher House Foundation, Inc., 1401 Rockville Rd., Suite 600, Rockville, MD, 20852, or Anchor Baptist Church, 3601 Winthrop Dr., Lex., KY 40514.

Page 8 Joseph E. Bissanti ’38 ‐ May 19, 2008, This afternoon at approximately 1400 hours I received a very nice telephone call from Mr. Joseph Bissanti who called to let me know that he and his bride, Margaret will not be able to attend the Alumni Gathering at the Logan Airport in Boston on June 6, 2008. We chatted for quite some time. Joe graduated from AFA in 1938 and the USNA in 1944. His lifelong work after the military service was with the Raytheon Corporation. He was a radar specialist and was responsible for locating ICBM’s that with potential launch platforms from submarines. He presently does not have an email address. He is living in Bedford, MA. I hope we will be able to meet Joe at some future event. You can reach him at his telephone 781/275‐8161, and he’d love to hear from any of his classmates. Sidney R. Mason ’44 – We received an AFA Alumni Update from Sidney. He and his wife Marguerite Atmore Mason are living in Duluth, MN. Sid has been retired since December 30, 1997. He was a US Navy Aviation Pilot & Home Insurance Agent. Sidney and Marguerite pass their winter months in Port Charlotte, Florida. Sidney wants to know how many Class of 1944 Football Players are still alive and kicking. This was a good year for AFA, the only football players who might still be around were Annapolis and West Point Plebs, as 1944 was a good year for AFA! You can reach Sidney at his email address:


CLASS NEWS Edwin A. Richards ’47 – We received an online update from Howard Sakolsky ’47 who has been travelling throughout the West and South West this spring. Howard writes, “Dear William: Joy and I are presently in Las Vegas. Today we had lunch with Ed Richards and the lunch lasted 4 hours. He has had a very interesting life through his fencing. His former wife will soon be in the Fencing Hall Of Fame for giving 20 years of service as a very important person to the organization. He looks pretty good and I am attaching 3 images that Joy took of us today in front of the restaurant. “ You can reach Howard at his email address:, or Ed at his email address: Phone: 603.801.0171

’47 Classmates, Ed Richards and Howard Sakolsky in Las Vegas!

George J. Michel, Jr. ’49 – George sent us the following email: “Dear Bill, As you know General Schwarzkopf and I have been friends for many years. We often talk about our times in prep school ‐ he about Valley Forge and me about

Farragut. Naturally we never agree on which is the better school, but the one thing we do agree on is that our prep school experience prepared us for life, while college prepared us for our careers. When I saw the notice in the September 2007 TAPS section of the "Reveille" about the passing of Tom Weinstein ('52 N), I took the opportunity to send it to the General, because I had a feeling he did not know that Tom was a graduate of Admiral Farragut Academy. I received a personal note in which in part he said; "I had no idea that Tom Weinstein was a graduate of the Admiral Farragut Academy. He was a product of which Admiral Farragut Academy can truly be proud. Tom was one of the very best general officers in the Army. I personally considered him a dear friend and often turned to him for advice and counsel. He will be missed by his classmates and his Army." Signed: H. Norman Schwarzkopf General, U.S. Army, Retired “That is indeed high praise.” George You can reach George at his email address: CAPT David B. Gibson ’54 USN (Ret.) –Dave and Twyla Gibson sent us the following news. “Hello Everybody ‐ We have finally worked our way out of the deepest part of the swamp for work, appointments, medical, laundry, mail and honey‐does to write down our experiences for our world cruise 2008. We just thought (Continued on page 9)

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CLASS NEWS you might like to know how it went for us on this type of cruise. Hope you will have time to read it and enjoy it when you do. Of course, this story will be in my next supplement to the book I published last year. Hey, this story is almost a book in itself.” The wonderful story about their 2008 World Cruise is available on the Alumni Website, alumni/2008WorldCruise.pdf.

Burns E. Cameron ’56 – We received some further information about Jeopardy from Burns. He said, “The game was also different in that the security was looser.” He recalls, “People would lunch on their own. Most left the eighth floor of New York’s Rockefeller Center to sample what New York City had to offer. As for me, I had two slices of pizza and a Coke, but it turns out the women I played against one day had gone out for a couple of martinis. When we played, they couldn’t find the buzzer, figuratively speaking. After I had a lock game, I winked at Art Fleming and put the buzzer down for about five minutes so that they could win some money, because back then you kept what you won.” Burns would like us to send him the Reveille by email. You can contact Burns at his email address: Sergio M. Oliver ’58 ‐ We received the following email from Sergio.

He is looking for one of his classmates who he has lost contact with over the years. Here is what he had to say, “CDR Monrose, I graduated from AFA (St. Petersburg) in 1958. I am wondering if you have an address or contact information for Samuel Jackson Mathis. “Jack” and I graduated together. After our respective mothers who were close friends died, I lost tract of Jack. I am currently considering attending my class reunion next fall. If I am able to located Jack I would encourage him to attend also. I have been very proud of my affiliation with AFA. The Academy infused strong leadership skills that I use every day of my life. I am please that it continues as an institution that continues to mold young people into useful citizens with strong values. I will appreciate any help you can give me. Serge If anyone knows of Jack Mathis’ whereabouts, you can reach Sergio at his email address

William Emerson ’52 ‐ Bill is traveling in Europe. He sent us the following email: “Dear Bill, Bob and Jack (Morris), I shall not be able to "Man the Rail" for Graduation this year. My automotive journeys have me in England on that day. I've already shipped one of my cars (the Innocenti coupe) to England where it I will show it on May 16‐17, and again on May 26... Then it is off to tour Europe in the same car!!! With luck (and a full credit card for the petrol), we will be involved in Healey events in

Holland, Sweden (Where I'll be the announcer for one of the events), Denmark, Germany, Italy, and finally France before returning to England in Aug. where the car will go aboard ship for a return to Florida... I'll be sure to drive it to Homecoming in October. (Bill): Thanks for your efforts on getting the news out to us "Older" Cadets. Bill Emerson, '52.”

Robert C /John W Morris ’51 – Bob and Jack are living in Saint Petersburg, Florida. They are frequent visitors on campus, and always have great ideas. They prefer the hardcopy of Reveille. They will be celebrating their birthday on July 20th. You can contact Bob and Jack at their email address: Robert A. Capwell ’60 – Bob sent us an update. He and his wife Loretta live in Naples, Florida. Here’s what Bob sent us to pass along. “I graduated NROTC from Marquette University in 1964. I then served as a Naval Flight Officer with VP‐22 at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii for 3 years, with deployments to Adak, Alaska and Naha, Okinawa. I joined Bank of American NT & SA in San Francisco, CA in the International arena and spent 15 years in South America with assignments in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. I retired to Naples in 1995. We have one daughter, Carrie, and attorney with the Justice Department in New York.” You can reach Bob at his email address:


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Christopher T. Wormwood ’61 ‐ Chris Wormwood's family moved to Tampa when he was 14. Immediately drawn to the water, he began cruising the West Coast of Florida and learned to sail. By the time he was 15, Chris owned a motorboat and sailboat. The memory still brings a smile. He and his brother raced sailboats extensively throughout the U.S. and occasionally into the waters of the Bahamas, Caribbean, Mexico and Canada. After receiving his Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the University of Florida, and with 10 years experience and an MBA equivalent in Financial Management, Chris became a Licensed Real Estate Broker and a Certified Real Estate Review Appraiser. You can reach Chris at his email address: COL Frederich "Fritz" M. Burkhart ’62 USAF (Ret) – We received an online update from Fritz. He is living in Colorado Springs, CO. “All, Well, I need to tell you all that effective 2 July 2008, I will retire from Harris. I have had a good 12 years with Harris. Business Development has been great fun for me since 1996 and Harris has grown in Colorado Springs very nicely. I will continue to remain here in town and can be reached at any time. My number here is still 719‐393‐6376, and e‐mail


CLASS NEWS until 2 July. I have formed a company of my own, "Command Consulting Service," which has Federal, State approval, its own account and I'm awaiting its Dunn & Bradstreet number soon. As you know, I have always focused on space O&M, BD, Command & Control, teaming, and capture. I will be happy to support companies such as yours and will be happy to do so after 2 July when retirement is effective. Please feel free to contact me at, for now, home number 719‐597‐1560 and/ or e‐mail before or after 2 July.” Fritz Steven Ledewitz ’62 – Steve sent us an email. He said, “Dear CMR Monrose, It was interesting to see that the South Florida Alumni had a golf tournament. I had played in the tournament in the Fall of 05, and had expressed an interest in being involved in the (South Florida Alumni Club) organization. Please add my name to alumni in South Florida. Sincerely, Steven Ledewitz ’62.” (Thanks for your email. I'm passing it along to Rich DeWitt ’65. We sent Invitations to everyone in the South Florida area, via email. You should have received an invite. Please stay in touch and do send me an update, about yourself, that I can reprint in the next Reveille. I'm sure your classmates and friends would like to know how you are and what you've been up to as of late. Sincerely, Bill.)You can reach Steve at his email address:

Alfred Thomas Ferrante ’64 – Al sent us an email with the following comment. “Friends, please use only the following email address after June 3, 2008. You may remove any other email addresses you may have for me in your address books. Thank you! Al.” Here’s the new email address: Robert W. Ketchum, Jr. ’64 ‐ “I guess I won’t be using the boat for awhile.” This terse comment is following the recent flooding in Arkansas. Bob also commented further, “BTW, (by the way) Congrats on your $200K endowment from Dr. Rossignol. And I am saddened at the loss of Captain Rhett Sanders. We will miss him. Lastly, I have finally begun writing my autobiography and have reached the point in my life where I started at AFA as a Junior School 8th grader in 1959. Doing the research on my six years at Farragut has been a labor of love and I am relishing every sentence I write about my time spent at AFA. And NO, you cannot get a "sneak peek". You'll just have to wait for the rest of the corps to find out what I have written. See you all in April '09 at our 45th. You'd better reserve a large table for the Class of '64, but you figured that, anyway, didn't you? Best, Bob Ketchum ’64. P.S. Here is a picture (Continued on page 11)

CLASS NEWS (Continued from page 10)

of my wife Jane and I taken in 2007 at my 60th birthday party.” (We hope everything turns out okay for Bob and his family.) You can contact him at his email address:

Russell N. Zausmer ’64 – Rusty is one of Coach Slaby’s Boys! Rusty sent us a photo of his basketball team. I am including it here. Rusty said, “The basketball photo that I

sent is the 1963 varsity team. The players are, from left to right: Gerry Robinson, Charles McGee, Barry Brayden, John Morton, Pete Slosson, Coach Slaby, Adin (Tex) Brown, Rusty Zausmer, Pete Bolton, Tom McGee, and Bruce Greenspan. Drew N. Elson ’67 – Drew took the time to send us the following. We are placing the internet link here so you can double click on it. for a beautiful rendition of music This is something you’ll want to pass along to your friends, other than your alumni classmates. We are on the threshold of a vast, unexplored universe and its significance in our lives is something to ponder. http:// 20in%20time/index.htm

You can reach Drew at: (Thank you Drew for sending this along!).

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Gary H. Amsterdam ’68 – Gary and CLASS OF 1968 UPDATE. . .from Donna will be at the 40th reunion. David Yoho ’68 – We received an He is recovering from a staff email update from David and as infection in his foot. Contact him usual he sends along some updates H: (201) 567‐7606 for his classmates. He said, “June C: (551)404‐3518, or email at: 2, 1968 40 years ago we left the shores of the Rio Toms with different experiences and Thomas L. Abbott ’68 ‐ Tom and perceptions. It was only a short his wife, Hermine are coming to part of our lives but indelible ‐ for our 40th too. Their daughter better or worse. Speaking Elizabeth survived a brain tumor personally, David had this to say: last year but she isn't out of the “I get to do some acting during the dark yet. Their eldest daughter year. I just played a court martial Sara is married to a mountain officer in a new movie currently in climber who completed an Iron editing called Clancy. Also, I Man competition. Sarah recently played the part of a graduated from an MBA program prisoner in the cell) And I was just at Emory last month which privileged to do a non‐speaking included visits to Viet Nam and commercial for Angel Flight, a non‐ Thailand. Their daughter, Kathryn profit organization that flies sick just graduated from Georgia Tech children and/or family around the in Polymer Engineering. She's a country when they cannot afford student of Nano‐technology and it.” how it will revolutionize medicine. (Sounds like Chasko) Med school is next. Tom's into classic cars. He owns 22 vehicles including his first, a 1960 Triumph TR3. Their son Michael is a freshman at GA Tech and inherited Lizard's love of speed. Evidently, Michael is taking AngelFlight.html . Who's the a year off driving after seeing how biggest redneck in our class? fast his dad's Porsche would go. Believe it or not, it's “The Bod”! He He blew up the Porsche engine, a actually owns a BBQ restaurant transmission, and a boat motor all called Bubba's about one mile from before his 19th birthday. (678)296‐ the Woodstock site. I'm heading up 8863. Contact Tom at his email there this summer to spend a address: weekend in the home he and I stayed in during the festival in Robert P. Brandon ’68 – and wife, August 1969. The difference now is Jackie will be in St Pete ‐ he owns a that he owns it. Here's the nationally renowned marina just restaurant's web site. http:// (Continued on page 12)


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outside of Baltimore. Check out his website ‐ awesome ‐ http:// He's giving you an open invitation. Contact Rob at: (410)939‐0548. John M. Decker ’68 – and wife, Brenda live in Greenville SC, but has been managing a project for a multi‐ family class A property in Yardley PA. He's in charge of renovating the 42 acre property. John called Coach on his 84th birthday in April. You can reach him via email at:

CLASS NEWS Michael J. Amoroso ’68 and brother, Christopher K. Amoroso ’68 are planning to attend their 40th Homecoming. Chris is has just come off of a carpal tunnel surgery. Mike is hobbling after arthroscopic surgery on his left knee. You can contact them at: email at:, or phone at: (610)334‐2083. Ronald S. Bramson ’68 ‐ tells us that he and Elaine are planning a move to Panama in the next couple years. They're trying to buy land right now so they can build a home. Contact Ron by email at:, or by phone: (770)979‐7479. Hoagie and Betty Hunt's granddaughter Emily just got accepted to Law School at age 17 (College of William & Mary). This is Joe Hunt's daughter ‐ you may remember we affectionately referred to him as "Hamburger Hunt". You can reach Betty in Hilton Head at either her email or telephone:, or (843)681‐3082. Contact Joe Hunt at: You can get Emily Hunt at: 1968 H O M E C O M I N G N O T E S

– “Mark the dates now ‐ especially Oct 31 and Nov 1 ‐ Oct 30 if you can ‐ there are all kinds of events Thomas S. Lanahan ’68 – Tom was on Thursday. You might actually selected recently, to serve on the Dr. Robert W. Walton ’68 – Dr. Florida Department of Corrections’ Bob and his wife, Karen are hosting want to tour the campus, visit the alumni house. Coach brought lots Re‐entry Advisory Council. He a party at their home on St Pete of memorabilia to the campus. received this honor through a Bay Registration will begin soon but personal invitation from the during for now, reply and tell me you're Secretary of State for his our coming. The Alumni Director Bill knowledge and experience in the 40th. Monrose is a great guy. They care corrections field. The council Here's a about us as much or more as the addresses issues of ex‐offender picture north campus did. As far as I know, reentry and assists with the from everyone is arriving no later than formation of a statewide strategy the Toon's dock during our 2003 Friday October 31, since the to reduce recidivism within the party. Homecoming Football game is that state correctional system. You can night. There's a tailgate party you contact Tom at his email address: William M. Farrell, Jr. ’68 – Bill won't want to miss. For those and Ginger are coming too! He'll arriving earlier, there's a fill you in when he sees you in Continental breakfast that morning Frederick E. Borchert, III ’68 – October. In case you can’t wait, followed by an informal alumni Rosemary, Bo Bo’s wife, has been you can contact Bill at his email gathering and career day with the playing nurse lately. He had quite address: cadets. They're encouraging alums a bit of surgery on his knees to relate how AFA prepared them including a replacement. In July Ronald A. Rose ’68 ‐ Ron and Linda for their professional lives. There's 06, he chased and caught a thief are also coming. Ron never missed also lunch and a formal alumni after a robbery. While doing so, he an alumni game at the north business meeting before the party dislocated and tore his rotator cuff. campus, nor has he missed one of starts. Remember ‐ it's Halloween! But ‐ Bo says he's ready to party at our 5 year St Pete events. You can Bizarre (costume) outfits will be our 40th this Oct. (919)556‐8858, contact him at his email address: (Continued on page 13) or email at: .


CLASS NEWS (Continued from page 12)

appropriate. Our class is staying at the Bil‐Mar Beach Resort. http://

(make sure you mention the AFA rate) although there are many fine properties nearby on St Pete Beach. On Saturday, we usually meet at the pancake house in honor of Perkins (we're flexible) but the school has a continental breakfast followed by alumni rifle and drill competitions AND you can take out one of the sailboats if you wish. C'mon Strong and all you real sailors! If you're interested in marine science, there's an opportunity to listen to the Dolphins using special hydrophones. The most important part of Saturday is the party at the Toon's home on St Pete Bay. Alumni Reunion Dinner follows a Cocktail Hour later in the evening. More information later…It's always a great time. There's nothing scheduled for Sunday although most of us chow down before leaving town. You could stay ‐ the beach is gorgeous! Many or most of us will have spouses with us ‐ some won't (me, Gary, Jay, Lanahan I believe).” T H E S T A N S L A B Y E N D O W M E N T F U N D ‐ Coach does NOT know about this, but a scholarship fund is being established in his name. Right now, we need seed money. Let’s keep this under wraps until we’ve got it made! While we're hoping for 10 people to pony up $5,000 each; we need as many as possible to ante up at least $1,000 before we solicit the general public and coaches boys. You may have seen the list in the last "Reveille".

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Our initial donors will be referred to as "The First Team". Let me or Bill Monrose know if you want to play a part. All the best ! YOHO (wife = Annie, Asst = Lynne) (800) 220‐0440 Cell = (502) 552‐8136.

your classmates join in the grand celebration of the 75th Anniversary of AFA! Let me know if you’d like any help in contacting your classmates!) You can contact Michael at his email address:

Louis J. Canonico ’68 – Louis sent us the following online update: “(I’m) moving to my new home on the Pasquotank River in two weeks. (I) retired on January 1, 2006, after 30 years as a union carpenter. (I’m) now taking care of my 2 year old grandson. (I’m) looking forward to fishing, Bass Ale, and the Outer Banks. As yet, no new phone and my e‐mail address to change. I’ll update soon. You can contact Louis at his email address: Michael R. Grimler ’69 – Michael sent us an online update in which he requests that we send him the Reveille via email each time it comes out. Mike lives in Espanola, New Mexico. Here’s what he had to pass along, “Still at Los Alamos National Laboratory (16+ years) in New Mexico working for the Security organization. While I don't think I'll make it to this year's Homecoming, I will definitely be there next year to celebrate my 40th (YIKES!) reunion. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones...!” (Mike, we’re looking forward to having you and

Harry J. Ferguson ’70 – Harry sent us an online update to request that we continue to send him the hardcopy of Reveille. Harry is living in Carversville, PA. He did not send along any news about himself, but did include his email address, so you’ll be able to pry something out of him concerning what he’s been up to over the last 38 years. His email address is: COL David G. Cotter ’73 – David is somewhere in the service for his country as indicated by his APO address. He did not elaborate. You can write to him at the following address; ASG‐QA, APO AE, NY 09898, USA, or via email at: . He requests us to send him the Reveille via email. Robert Geoffrey Neefe ’73 – Robert sent us an online update. He requested we send the Reveille via email. Rob will be celebrating his Birthday on July 26th. He sent us a picture which we include in the update. Here’s what Rob had to say, “I Hit a Royal Flush at the Seminole Hard (Continued on page 14)


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lives in Lehigh Acres, Florida. He would appreciate our sending the Rock Casino‐Tampa about two Reveille via email. Ray sent us the months ago, that paid $8,000.00. following news: “I am pleased to Now I can afford to contribute to share the news that after many AFA! Robert” (Rob, this is very years in the Design and thoughtful. We certainly Remodeling appreciate all of the support you Industry, that are comfortable in sending our way!) Robert included a link which I just attained my you can go to for more pictures "CAPS" and a video: http:// certification . You can reach Robert at his email from the address: National Association Stephen N. Davis ’74 – Stephen of Home Builders. This means I am sent us an update online. He is now a Certified Aging in Place living in Ellicott City, MD. You can Specialist (CAPS). Many retirees contact him at his email address: wish to remain in their homes for as long as health and age allow, and with Access modifications to the residence, it allows many, the Michael Lloyd Froscher ’75 – independence they give up with Michael sent us an online update and requests that we send him the moving to assisted living facilities. Reveille via email link. He is living Disability and illness, chronic or in Eagleville, progressive, (especially with the Tennessee. huge baby boomer population He says, “I'm soon retiring) gave me the impetus currently to study and go for the certification working at which clearly gives me the American separation from others in my Eagle Airlines industry who believe they know and am based how to plan for , and treat the in Chicago. I aging with dignity and fly 50 seat professionalism, but many fall Embraer‐145 jets and my routes short. Many do not know what to do, how to communicate with, or cover most of the Eastern half of run a remodeling project in a the United States, Canada, and senior citizen's home to minimize Mexico. I currently live on a small farm near Nashville, Tennessee and the impact or stress this kind of project entails. There are HIPAA would enjoy hearing from some of my old classmates!” Contact Mike laws to comply with, etc. I just at his email address: wanted to share this with my AFA family. I reside in Lehigh Acres, on the SW Gulf coast near Fort Myers. Raymond P. Op't Hof ’75 – Ray Life is good these days. I beat the (Continued from page 13)


odds and am a Cancer survivor, so every day is a gift! After all, many of us are getting up there, ’ya think? (Ray, Congratulations. You’re correct, we are aging, one day at a time with the Grace of God, and most likely will contemplate your services, or someone like you, at some time in the future!) You can contact Ray at his email address: James A. Flynn ’76 – Jim sent us an email update. Here are his thoughts. To: ’76‐Classmates & Friends with my A.F.A. classmates in many years. “I’m saddened by the passing of Ken Francis ’75, in the last newsletter. Hope this finds all of you doing well. It truly has been a long time since I've been in touch with anyone. John Ogden and I e‐mailed a bit starting last fall, but that's been my only contact was rather upsetting, and has truly made me realize both how short life can be, as well as the incredible gift of being an A.F.A. alumni member. We all shared a far more unique high school experience than most ever do. In 1995 my wife and I separated, later to divorce. I have two wonderful sons, now ages 30 and 21. Although a sometimes difficult task, at other times a genuine blessing, I managed to do the "single parent thing," raising both of my sons through school, and well on their way in life, from the ages of 17 and 8. Of all the things I've done, I consider my hand in their development as fine young men, my greatest accomplishment. Back (Continued on page 15)

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in the 90's, to accommodate being a single parent, I elected to resign from my position as Manager of a steel processing company with demanding hours and travel requirements, for a position with Amtrak which afforded me the simple scheduled hours that I needed to focus on my family. Today, I am still with Amtrak, and hope to be until I can retire in about 13 years. As step one towards that end, I transferred to central Florida about 2 years ago, which is somewhere I'd always wanted to live. Life has been wonderful, everything I'd hoped for in Florida, although I did hit a bit of a speed bump last May when I lost just about everything I've ever owned to a building fire; the result of a careless construction worker who was welding with no safety equipment or fire extinguisher, on a day with 20‐30 mile per hour winds. Thankfully, there was no loss of life, but the damage was complete. What hurts most is the loss of things which are hard to replace, such as pictures, things my boys made while in grade school, and yes, my A.F.A. yearbooks. (Jim, we may have a copy of your ’76 Yearbook. Send me an email, and I’ll see if we do.) Ok, enough about where I am today. I'd be delighted to hear back from any of my fellow alumni, and what's happening in their life. God bless and keep each of you and yours healthy and happy. Best regards, Jim Flynn, 76.” Mike Harris ’76 – Mike sent along an update via email. He is living

with his wife Edda and children in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Here’s what Mike had to say: “Hello All! It is really great to hear from you guys. Hard to believe it's been 32 years since our last formation together. AFA was an awesome experience for me as well, and I will always be grateful for the 3 years I spent there. I always believed that had I not gone to AFA, I probably would have been a statistic from the streets of West Philadelphia. I enlisted in the USAF the fall after graduation, and went on to travel the world for 22 years. I was a Communications Manager and retired in March of 1998 as a Master Sergeant. My last assignment was at Hurlburt Field, Florida where I was the Command Radio Frequency Spectrum Manager for the Air Force Special Operations Command. I'm now a Property & Casualty Insurance Agent and Legal Services Broker in Fort Walton Beach (NW Florida Panhandle). I have a lovely wife (Edda) whom I met and married while stationed in Germany. We have 4 children ages 29, 26, 23 and 20. My oldest son Brad is a 2LT in the US Army. The 26 yr old (Chris) is a Truck Driver. Johanna (23) graduated from College with a degree in English, and our youngest son Roman is a Straight "A" Student about to finish his 2nd year in college. Roman is also a College Baseball Player. Life has been very good to me, and I'm aging gracefully. (I have) only bad knees and a sore back to complain about. It is really sad that we have lost so many of our friends so soon, and it's a shame we didn't have or

Page 15 attend reunions together. I am all for keeping in touch, and participating in future reunions. We live approx. 7 hours from AFA South. As I told Dave Owens, everything of value (gained) from AFA North is down there at that AFA South campus. Even though some feel that we are not a part of the current AFA, I disagree. I'm all about trying to save Sick Bay (if possible), and having periodic reunions near AFA North. But I also feel that as a group, we can make a great showing during reunions at AFA South. Many of the classes before us have shown strong support for the current school, and the Cadets at the school do respect us. If you show up on campus wearing an AFA Alumni Shirt, you will be welcomed with open arms by all . . . If, we all show up and participate, it would be a blast!! Let's keep in touch, and get together soon!” (Mike, Thank you! I hope everyone will plan on attending next year’s 75th Anniversary Celebration of the Academy.) You can contact Mike at his email address: mike ‐ Steven Eugene Madden ’76 ‐ Steven called and spoke with me concerning his desire to be included in our list of alumni who did not graduate. He expressed what AFA had meant to his life, and wanted to be able to renew his friendships with those he went to school with. He is living in Bayville, NJ. Had he completed his education at Farragut, he would have graduated in 1976. (Continued on page 16)


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Here is what he had to say, “It was great to talk with you regarding alumni status. Here is a brief update of my life since Farragut. I went on to Ocean County College, had a short lived Jet Ski Business. Then in 1982 started a construction company ’Madden Builders Inc.’ we specialize in high end remodeling along the Jersey Coast. I married my wife Chris in 1984 and have two sons Jonathan 19 yrs. and Kevin 22 yrs old. We live on Cedar Creek about five miles south of the old Farragut site. I am a licensed Coast Guard captain and take people fishing on the weekends in the summer months. I also compete in many of the local fishing tournaments. I am looking forward to catching up with old friends from Farragut. Please email me the Reveille.” You can contact Steve at his email address: Mark W. Yale ’78 – Mark sent us an update on line. He is living in Richmond, TX. He prefers the Reveille as a hard‐copy. You can reach Mark at his email address: Heriberto Hernandez ’79 – Heriberto is living in Kissimmee, Florida. He sent us an online request to send him the Reveille by email. We did not receive any news about what he’s been up to


CLASS NEWS as of late, however, you can most likely get some interesting stories by sending him an email. You can contact him at his email address: Carlos F. Colon ’80 – Carlos is living in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He requested us to send him the Reveille by email. You can contact Carlos at his email address:

Perry Andrew Williams ’80 – Perry sent us an online update. He is living in Arcadia, Florida. No news to report other than he’d like to receive the Reveille via email. You can reach him at

John W. Conner, IV – ’82 John is living in Harrisburg, PA. He did not send us any news through his online update. Here is his email address:, see if you can get him to send along something we can reprint about what he’s been up to as of late. Donald E. Hendrickson ’84 – Donald is living in Simi Valley, CA. He requests we email the Reveille to him. You can contact Donald at his email address: Larry P. Pomeroy ’84 – Larry He sends the following news update: “I still live in St Petersburg with my wife, Sandy, and my son, Shawn.

My daughter is now married and we welcomed our first grandchild, Callie. I am a store director for Winn‐Dixie. I am looking forward to our 25th reunion. I hope all class of 84 will attend.” He wants to receive the Reveille via email. You can contact Larry at his email address:

The Most Reverend Joseph P. Cavanagh, OMF, DD ’85 – Reverend Cavanagh is living in Beverly Hills, FL 34465. He sent us an online update. He requests we send him the Reveille by email. Here is the news: “On Jan. 5th 2008 Bishop Joseph P. Cavanagh, OMF, DD, was elected by the College of Bishops of the Roman Orthodox Catholic Church at the Galway, Ireland meeting of the College of Bishops World Conference as Presiding Archbishop and Patriarch. In attendance were all the Bishops from the UK, France Germany Italy Spain and all the bishops from Africa and Australia. In a unanimous vote His Grace Joseph P Cavanagh, OMF, DD formally Arch‐ Abbot of the Order of Marian Franciscans was elevated to the Office of Presiding Archbishop and placed upon him was the Pallium, a symbol of authority as Archbishop and Patriarch. You can reach the new Archbishop at his email address: (Continued on page 17)

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David C. Kleimeyer ’85 – David sent us an update via email. He said, “I have lived in New York City, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Sarasota, Tampa, Tallahassee, Panama City, Chicago (of course ‐ origin point) and now Middletown CT. I’ve been engaged twice, but no joy. (No kids either)! Now I live with my girlfriend of 3 years and my 120lb Rottweiler, Nikko in Connecticut.” He graduated from Farragut in 1985 and then attended Florida State University. He served in the 1st Gulf War in the US Navy. He worked for Best Buy for 8 and a‐half years and then entered into the printing industry where he printed checks for banks for a couple of years. He then was an assistant project manager for an electrical construction company before joining Walgreens in Connecticut where he is a store manager. Dave hopes to join us in the Boston Area for our June 6th Gathering. You can contact Dave at his email address: Matthew M. Vollmers ’85 – Matt sent us an online update. He is living in Winchester, VA. He would like to receive Reveille via email. You can contact Matt at his email address: Joseph N. Zolfo ’86 –“Dear CDR Monrose, I graduated AFA, Toms River in 1986. My wife and I are expecting our first child in a few

weeks and because of my great experience as a cadet at AFA we have decided to decorate our son’s nursery with a Navel theme. One of our ideas was to frame my dress blue jacket with all of the medals and ribbons I earned as a cadet. The one problem that we have is that we have my medals, but we cannot locate my ribbons. I am afraid that over the years they were misplaced or lost. Would you be able to help me replace my ribbons so that I can display my jacket as it look the day I graduated from AFA? Of course I will cover any costs that are associated with the replacements. I have record of earning the following: Marksman Ribbon, Honor Co. Ribbon, 3.0 Ribbon, and NJROTC Unit Honor Ribbon. In contradiction to this list is my graduation photo, to which I am wearing five ribbons though I only know of four. Is it possible to check my academic record to see what I am missing? Also, my dress hat was lost over the years. Would it be possible to get a replacement hat as well? Please let me know if you can help with these matters. Thank you for your time.” (Joe, we are diligently trying to gather as much of your request as we can. The Naval Science department and the Ship’s Store will be contacting you in the very near future. If for some reason you do not hear from them, please let me know to follow up for you. Congratulations on the new edition to your family. I hope you will send him to AFA when he is old enough!) You can contact Joe at his email address:

LT Col Brian Crane USMC ’87 – “My family and I are just about to move from Jacksonville, NC to the Fayetteville area. We are PCS’ing to our next duty assignment at a joint command aboard Fort Bragg. I will attend Joint Forces Staff College this summer in Norfolk. You can reach me at my email address:, or my cell phone at: (910) 526‐1957.” Roger R. de Pass ’87 – Roger check in online. He is living with his family in Victoria, BC, Canada. Here’s his update: “After graduating from Stetson University '91, Deland, Fla. I found myself trekking across the continent and settling down in Victoria, BC Canada, a short boat ride from Vancouver BC and or Seattle, WA. After some a period of time working with the local provincial government, I applied to the police department and have been in law enforcement for the last 10 years. I love the job, there is something amusing every day, and I have been fortunate to have worked in a couple of different sections/roles. By far, my favorite was the three years I spent in the canine section and I still have my last K9 partner with me. He actually runs the house and we listen. My wife, Meighan, and I recently moved into a new house and we hopefully will have another member of the family joining us soon. You can contact Roger at his email address:

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Robert Chadziutko – ’88 – Chad is living in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Chad would like to receive the Reveille via email each time it comes out. He hasn’t seen any news from his classmates and wants to go on record. Here’s what he has to say. “I am writing this to speak out for all my buds from the class of '88. I NEVER see any updates in the magazine from our year so I will step up (after all we were the last of a fine breed if you know what I mean). After FSU I was in the Navy for 6 years working on F‐14's. Took that experience and built on it for a few years. Now I own my own business (Softech Automation Inc). I work around the world as a consultant to many fortune 500 companies updating their manufacturing process with the latest in Robotics, assembly machines, data collection, etc. Increasing their overall production rates while lowering labor and scrap costs. I am really looking for James Blanton, and Glen McClung (where are you guys). Anyway here is a success story for the class of 88. (James Blanton is living in Hawaii. His telephone number is: 808‐661‐9649. Glen McClung is living in Palm Harbor, Florida, but we have no email address or telephone number). You can reach Chad at his email address: Calibri (Body) Anthony J. DiAngelus ’88 – AJ sent us an update online. He lives with his wife Lynn in Odessa, Florida. AJ requests that we email the Reveille to him. He submitted


CLASS NEWS the following news to us: “I earned my BS in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer in 1992 and basically went straight into PC building, repair and programming. After working for 5 years as a programmer and winning the “Software of The Year Award” for the first Windows based employee background screening program, I decided to strike out on my own as a freelance consultant in 1997. Y2K was fantastic for business along with the dot com explosion. I traveled all over the country and worked on some fantastic projects. Unfortunately, as fast as I made my money – I spent it. AFA and RPI taught me how to make money but didn’t teach me how to accumulate wealth ‐ I am working on that now ( I still maintain my personal consultancy and take care of a few high profile long term clients. My main focus now is growing my consulting firm that I share with my brother Dan, Blue Rhino Group ( We are premier Sun Microsystems Partners and have been steadily growing over the past 3 years. I got married a few years ago to my wife Lynn. We have no kids, 3 cats, live in Odessa (North of Tampa, Florida,) and travel back and forth to Louisville, KY every week consulting on the $1B+ UPS World Port expansion project. I am on Facebook and LinkedIn along with a few others.” You can contact AJ

at his email address:

Christopher Whyms‐Stone ’88 – Chris sent us an email update. He says, “Hey everyone…this is my new email address so use it as the (kasnet) one seems to be giving problems. Thanks! Chris.” Here is the new address: Alejandro Lay ’89 – Alejandro sent us an online update. It is great to hear from him. It’s been awhile since he was on my soccer team. He is living in Atizapan de Zaragoza, Mexico 52977. He is married and sent us a nice picture of himself and his wife, Becky. They have two children: Alexa Rebeca, almost 4, and A.J. soon to be one year old. He says, “I have a software development company here in Mexico, and life is treating us really well. Please send me the Reveille by email.” You can contact AJ at his email address: Diego Altomonte ’91 – Diego is living in Tamiment, PA. He requests us to send him the Reveille via email. He didn’t send along any news, but he did give us his email address so you can contact him and try to find out what he’s been up to as of late. Get him to send us something to reprint in the next Reveille with a picture, if he will. You can contact Diego at his email (Continued on page 19)

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address: William C. Eyler ’91 ‐ We received an email update from Chad. Here’s what he had to say: “Dear CDR Monrose, I just wanted to send a quick email to say hello, and to thank you again for the excellent treatment of my Grandparents when they visited you in Florida a few years ago. They still talk about what a nice time they had. Last year my wife and I had our second daughter Brynn, and beginning in August 2008, I will be starting at Villanova University School of Business and attending their Executive MBA program. As part of the Program, the class will spend eight days in Asia to gain broader understanding of the complexities of doing business in an emerging economy. In past years the trip included stops in Vietnam and Thailand, hopefully we will stop in Thailand and I can meet up with my old roommate from Reinhardt Hall, Pipat Busaracumwong ’91. I hope everyone is doing well, and I will try and make a trip down to AFA soon! Best Regards, W. Chad Eyler ’91.” Christopher P. McKee ’91 – Christopher is living in Alexandria, Virginia. He says, “I recently moved from New Jersey to the DC area. I’m working in Business Development Federal Market Space, for Systems Plus, Inc. I would like to request the Reveille be sent to me by email.” You can contact Chris at his email address:

Eric Mitschele ’91 – We received a newsy online update from Eric. He is living in Statesville, NC. He wants us to send him the Reveille by email. Here’s what Eric passed along to his fellow classmates and friends. “(I’m) just wondering where everyone from Farragut North, Class of 91 has gone. (I) haven’t heard from anyone in years. (This is) just an update. I now live in North Carolina. After the navy, Ii decided to live a life‐ long dream of being in NASCAR, both as a driver, and team owner. I have a beautiful wife, Heather, of 16 years, and 3 kids Brianna 15, Emily, 12 and Ryan 11. All of which are also into NASCAR Racing. Farragut has given me the tools to become very successful in all my life’s endeavors. I really do miss it now when I think about it.” You can let Eric know where you have all been as of late, and what you are doing with your life. Maybe you can get some tickets to a NASCAR Race. Here’s Eric’s email address: Jason J. Adams ’93 – Jason sent us an online update. He is living in Kennesaw, Georgia. Here is what he had to say. “As a Middle School Social Studies Teacher at Lost Mountain and a proud member of Cobb Democrats, I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the Georgia State House of Representatives, District 35 (Kennesaw and Acworth). I look forward to meeting a great number of my fellow citizens and listening to what they have to say as I campaign for office in the

Page 19 upcoming months. While my candidacy is in its infancy, I can tell you right now that I am running on a platform of financial responsibility and common sense, showing the public that government can actually work for the people and spend tax dollars wisely. Additionally, I will work to see that the DOT is making progress in alleviating Atlanta's traffic nightmare and not sowing the seeds of future problems. Finally, I am for a fully funded education system with improved salary and benefits for all public school employees, lower classroom sizes, and safer schools. Anyone interested in discussing these issues, giving input, or helping with my campaign is free to send me an email at: or visiting, or Daniel E. Downs ’93 – Danny sent us an online update with a request to send him the Reveille via email each time it is produced. Dan is living in Tampa, Florida. He says, “I am working for a financial consulting company. Here is a picture of me and Liz.” You can reach Dan at his email address: Basilios B. Poulos ’95 – Billy sent us (Continued on page 20)


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an online update and has requested us to send him the Reveille via email link. Billy is living in Tampa, Florida and I'm the Assistant County Auditor for Hillsborough County. My brother Tony who graduated with me lives in Tampa as well. Tony is an attorney.” Billy will be celebrating his 31st Birthday on July 26, 2008. You can reach Billy at his email address: Jessica (Muccino) Nelson ’97 – Jessica sent us an online update along with a request to send her the Reveille via email. She is living in Sparta, New Jersey, and has brought us up to date with some very interesting facts in her live. Here’s what she had to say, “My husband Josh and I started a company called The Network Studio East about a year ago. Basically, we set up workshops and seminars in Manhattan, where actors meet and audition for the top agents, managers, and casting directors from NYC and LA. (

Also, here’s our daughter Sasha who is turning 2 on June 15th!!!” Samuel James Dillahey ’97 – Mr. Dillahey sent us an online update. We hadn’t heard from James in sometime. He just celebrated his


CLASS NEWS 30th Birthday! Wow, time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Oh yes, he sent us some news. He said, “Crissy and I had our first child, Isla Lucille on September 8, 2007. We live in Charleston, SC and I am working at the Citadel as the Bagpipe instructor.” (He modestly omits that he was once a National Champion Bagpiper, as well as a fantastic shot on the Rifle Range. A perfect score, I seem to remember!) He continues, “We are hoping to get back to AFA soon to visit.” (I hope so, as I believe his Mother and Father still live in Dunedin, Florida and they’d like to see their Granddaughter, so just do it!) You can reach James at his email address: Maria Athena Camarinos Hall ’98 – Maria would like us to send the Reveille to her by email. She will be celebrating her birthday on August 22nd. She is living in South Pasadena, Florida. We received the following happy news about an important event in her life. “I just got married May 3, 2008, to the most wonderful, amazing man, Mark Hall. We had a very beautiful wedding at St. Stefanos Greek

Orthodox Church, then a memorable reception at Bayfront Towers, in downtown St. Pete. We just got back from our two and a half week honeymoon to Europe, where we traveled around four countries and through about 20 cities. Life is great! (Congratulations Maria and Mark! We all wish you a Very Happy Life together.) You can reach Maria at her email address: Geoffrey G. Lilienfeld ’03 – Geoff sent us an online update. He is living in Kansas City, MO. He did not send us any news, but here’s his email address: Maybe you can coax him into bringing us up to date with his past 5 years. He did request the Reveille by email and we’re happy to oblige. Michael Bindas (Gross) ’04 – Michael’s current mailing address is still in Seminole, Florida. He would like us to email the Reveille to him. He sent the following news about himself, “On 24MAY08 I will be commissioning into the Army as a Military Intelligence Officer. My unit is the 260th Military Intelligence Battalion in Miami, Florida.” You’ll have to email him for his new mailing address. We hope he remembers to send it along to us as well. You can email Mike at: Alexis J. DeSeta ’04 BC ‐ Alex graduated from The Citadel in Charleston, SC on May 3rd with a degree in Business Administration. (Continued on page 21)

CLASS NEWS (Continued from page 20)

He also received his commission as a 2nd Lt. in the US Army. Since graduation, Alex has become a Licensed Realtor in South Carolina and will be joining the Real Estate firm of Carriage Properties in Charleston after he fulfills his Officer and Ranger training in Ft. Sill, OK and Ft. Benning, GA. Alex has a home in Charleston, SC. Here’s a picture of Alex, BC of the Class of 2004 and his brother, E.J., and father, Edward, BC of the Class of 1967, at his recent graduation from The Citadel. Kennard Charles (K.C.) Thole, Jr. ’04 – K.C. is living in San Ramon, CA. He requests us to send him the Reveille via email. K.C. sent the following news: “Just been working full time. (I) will graduate school within a semester or two. (I) have a girlfriend which whom I love dearly. Everything is actually going very well for the time being.” You can contact K.C. at his email addresses: or Lauren Martinez ’05 – Lauren visited with us a couple of weeks ago. She has just graduated from

Auburn University. She promised to send me an update soon about how Admiral Farragut was such a life changing experience for her. Lauren is living in Tampa and is presently studying for her LSAT (Law School Aptitude Test). She is planning to attend Stetson College of Law here in St. Petersburg. She said, “I did attend graduation the other day! (May 17th)…It was lovely! I will be emailing you the short article I promised.” You can contact Lauren at her email address: Jenna James ’08— Jenna is the Co‐Valedictorian of this year’s graduating class. She will be attending New York University in the Fall of 2008 and is planning on studying Creative Writing. She was awarded the Dean Scholarship with travel abroad status. Her Grade Point Average is 4.35 She has attended Admiral Farragut Academy since 6th grade. She has been a member of the National Honor Society, track team, cross country team, Battalion Staff, Student Government and, Multicultural Club. She is the daughter of Wade and Mirella James of St. Petersburg. Blake Lusty ’08 – Blake was the Co‐ Valedictorian of this year’s graduating class. We have other news to report. Blake received the award for Volunteer of the Year

Page 21 for 2007 and received a flag that had flown over the White House, presented to him by US Congress Bill Young, shown here on Wednesday, March 19th at the Bay Pines VA Hospital. Blake serves on the Republican Party of Pinellas County Executive Committee as a Precinct committeeman. Here is a picture with Florida Governor, Charlie Crist. Blake is the youngest person appointed to this position in the history of Pinellas County, Florida. After the May 17th graduation, Blake had his picture taken with the graduation speaker, Richard W. Fisher ’67, President and CEO of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank. In a few weeks, he will be attending the US Naval Academy.


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HOW TO GIVE TO FARRAGUT With the 75th Anniversary just around the corner, we have been requested to give some more

examples of how alumni can give to Farragut. Here is some information provided by the Development Office: Annual Fund Annual fund dollars are unrestricted and can be used by AFA where needed and priorities are greatest. Annual fund gifts support a variety of programs including academics, faculty development, naval science, athletics, college placement, technology, alumni services, and the library. The 2008‐2009 goal for the annual fund is $250,000 in cash and pledges. Annual fund gifts allow AFA to :

Restricted Gifts Some donors only want to support specific areas of campus activities such the waterfront, naval science, and so forth.

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Recruit outstanding faculty and retain them through faculty development initiatives; Attract a bright and motivated student body; Offer a comprehensive curriculum that is both rigorous and wide‐ranging; Provide need‐based financial assistance for students and their families; Maintain our campus and facilities.

These donations may be restricted and not part of the an‐ nual fund if they support “extras” that are not included in the Academy's overall budget.

Funds may be named in perpetuity with a minimum of gift $20,000, which can be arranged to be paid over time. As with most endowment funds, annual payouts are esti‐ The Admiral Farragut Academy (AFA) Foundation was mated at five percent per year. Following are some exam‐ founded in 1997 and is a non‐profit, tax‐exempt organiza‐ ples of naming opportunities available through the Admiral tion or public charity operating under IRS Section 501(c)(3). Farragut Foundation. The Foundation's purpose is to support, financially and whole‐heartedly, the mission of Admiral Farragut Academy • A named scholarship fund requires a minimum invest‐ ment of $20,000, which will provide a scholarship of at by providing a consistent, dependable, and sustainable least $1,000 for a deserving Farragut student in perpe‐ flow of income from endowment in support of the Acad‐ tuity. emy's current and future goals. The Foundation currently has assets of $1.5 million held in an institutional endow‐ • A faculty incentive award fund requires a minimum ment account managed by Merrill Lynch. investment of $50,000, which provides an annual grant award of at least $2,500 for a high‐achieving teacher to The Foundation accepts gifts of any amount that support attend conferences, conduct research, and support the key areas of student scholarship, faculty excellence and special classroom initiatives. campus enhancement. Gifts of less than $20,000 are com‐ bined with other gifts of similar magnitude and invested by • An endowed chair fund requires a minimum invest‐ ment of $250,000, which provides $12,500 in faculty the Foundation. Proceeds from this general endowment salary incentive. Endowed chairs are awarded to ac‐ may be directed annually toward scholarships for deserving complished teachers who bring special skills and students, incentive grants for accomplished faculty, fund‐ knowledge to the classroom. ing for special campus needs, or reinvested for the future.

Endowment Giving through the Admiral Farragut Academy Foundation

Charitable Remainder Trusts Charitable remainder trusts are irrevocable trusts that can be an excellent way for an individual to give highly appreci‐ ating assets to Admiral Farragut Academy and retain an income interest for his/her family. A charitable remainder trust makes periodic payments to one to eight persons for life or for a term of up to 20 years. Upon termination of the trust, the remaining assets are used for the charitable pur‐ pose specified by the donor. An individual may act as a

trustee or designate a trustee of his/her choosing. There are two types of charitable remainder trusts:

Unitrust: income adjusted annually as a fixed percent‐ age of the fair market value of the trust. This type is best for those who want to participate in market gains and can tolerate some risk. Annuity trust: Income payments determined at the time of the gift. This is attractive to individuals who wish to avoid risk.

Farragut is subtracted from the value of the gift. This can be an excellent way to support the Academy and to pass A charitable lead trust can provide significant charitable and tax benefits. During the term of the trust, a percentage of the assets is on family business interests or other appreciating assets to family paid out each year to Admiral Farragut Academy (or the AFA Foun‐ members with reduced taxes. This is an excellent way to support AFA and to pass on family business interests or other appreciating dation), and at the end, all of the remaining assets can return to the individual or pass to his/her heirs. Gift or estate tax paid on this assets to family members with reduced taxes. gift can be reduced because the present value of the payments to

Charitable Lead Trust

(continued from page 23)

Gifts of Life Insurance and Retirement Assets A gift of a life insurance policy can be a way to combine charitable objectives with tax advantages for an individual who has a policy that is no longer needed. An irrevocable gift of life insurance may be appropriate when the growth of assets or the reduced needs to support dependents make a policy unnecessary. Retirement plan assets: The disposition of assets held in IRAs and retirement plan accounts (for example, 401(k), 401(a), 403 (b) or 457 plan accounts) is governed by beneficiary designations for the accounts. An individual can give the assets or a portion of the assets in these accounts to Admiral Farragut Academy (or the AFA Foundation) by naming Farragut as a beneficiary on the appropriate form provided by the plan administrator. Using retirement assets to make charitable gifts at death avoids the expense of revising a will or revocable trust agreement. Also, it has the advantage that long‐deferred, usually significant income tax on highly‐appreciated retirement assets will not be incurred either by you or your family.

Planned Giving Bequests In addition to being one of the simplest ways to distribute an estate, an individual's will can be a superb vehicle through which to make a charitable gift to the Admiral Farragut Academy Foundation. The Foundation can be named as a beneficiary through a will or an amendment to the will. This amendment, called a codicil, means the entire will does not have to be redrafted. The following are types and examples of bequests: Residuary bequest: A residuary bequest is used to give a portion of the estate property after all debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests have been paid. • Example: I give the rest or residue of my estate (or a stated percentage of the residue) to the Admiral Farragut Academy Foundation, Inc. ‐ a nonprofit corporation qualified under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in St. Petersburg, Florida ‐ to be used for its exempt purposes. Specific bequest: A specific bequest is another way to make a charitable gift by will. With this bequest, you simply specify a dollar amount or a specific item of property. • Example: I give $100,000 to the Admiral Farragut Academy Foundation, Inc. a nonprofit corporation qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in St. Petersburg, Florida ‐ to be used for its exempt purposes. Contingent bequest: When writing a will, it is important to include provisions for the distribution of your property in the event that a beneficiary dies prior to your death, or a beneficiary

Page 23 Life insurance proceeds: Like retirement assets, life insurance proceeds are paid to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the policy owner. To make a gift of life insurance proceeds to Admiral Farragut Academy (or the AFA Foundation), Farragut should be named as the beneficiary. As with retirement accounts, an individual can choose the amount to be paid to a selected charitable beneficiary ‐ either a set dollar amount, a percentage, or all of the proceeds. An individual also can make a current gift of a life insurance policy with a cash value by transferring ownership of the policy to Admiral Farragut Academy (or the AFA Foundation). Benefits may include: • Receiving an income tax deduction when you name Admiral Farragut Academy (or the AFA Foundation) as an irrevocable beneficiary or owner of a life insurance policy. • If an individual continues to make premium payments after making a gift, those payments also may be deductible. • The amount of the deduction depends on the type of policy contributed or other factors. disclaims the property. In anticipation of such an event, the Foundation could be named as an alternate or contingent beneficiary. • Example: If (name of beneficiary) predeceases me or disclaims any interest in (describe property), I give such property to the Admiral Farragut Academy Foundation, Inc. ‐ a nonprofit corporation qualified under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in St. Petersburg, Florida ‐ to be used for its exempt purposes. Restricted bequest: In the bequest provisions mentioned above, the language "to be used for its exempt purposes" is a general and unrestricted statement. If you have more specific purposes in mind, you should identify them more clearly. For example, if you wish to memorialize a family member or an honored colleague, you could establish a named fund (subject to required minimums) that will provide support for a program in which you or the named person have had a particular interest. • Example: I give $50,000 to the Admiral Farragut Academy Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation qualified under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in St. Petersburg, Florida. This gift will be held as a permanent endowment to be known as the (insert name) Endowed Fund, to be administered in accordance with Admiral Farragut Academy Foundation endowment policies for the benefit of (insert the program or purpose for which the gift is to be used).

For more information on giving to Admiral Farragut Academy contact: Director of Development, Admiral Farragut Academy (727) 343‐3678

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HAVE YOU TRIED “FACEBOOK” YET? Everyday, we are becoming more and more technology innovated. Tools we have taken for granted for over 75 years are changing. The “Internet Age” is offering new tools, almost every day! Those who have grown up in the age of the manual systems, once considered state of the art are reluctant to venture into the new era of today. However, you’d better not wait too long, or you’ll be hard pressed to keep up as the tried and true of the past is fading forever. For those who are stout of heart and still young enough to try something new...hop on to the world of today’s tried and true! Let me introduce you to “Facebook” is relatively new, and has been growing at exponentially at rates that make the current gasoline prices appear to be the speed of a snail by comparison. “Facebook” started out as a social networking site, dedicated to college students. Since its beginnings it has achieved the status of a networking giant as it expanded by leaps and bounds from its first‐born infancy. “Facebook” is quickly establishing itself as the industry standard, the veritable “Mercedes Benz” of the online world. This is due mostly to its simplicity, and its clean and safe nature. It is very different from its ugly cousin, “MySpace.” Once you are registered, (and it’s FREE) you are able to add friends, relatives, business connections; to share photo albums or video pictures; or to talk online either one to one, or in public, or privately with each other. As people in your network, business, or infinity group create “Facebook” accounts or a number of your friends or business associates add a new friend that “Facebook” feels you have something in common with, it will notify you, and ask if you would like to establish and online connection with that person or group as well. “Facebook” gets unique when as a user you can create and manage events that you have coming up and promote noble causes, such as a “Blog” about lowering gas prices, or why you think someone should become the next President. You can, in addition to sharing of “daily blogs”, also participate inter‐actively with others in many online activities, such as games, forums of many types and topics. The possibilities are nearly endless and it continues to expand to the degree you are willing to be a part of it. We are presently in contact with more than 400 members of the “Admiral Farragut Community: who are currently using “Facebook”, and that number continues to grow. If you think this is just for KIDS, tell it to the members of the class of 1950 who are currently using “Facebook.” The Admiral Farragut Academy Alumni Group, within the “Facebook” site, allows you instant access to your peers within the group; to check out upcoming dates; utilize easy to find AFA links; transmit newsletters electronically; and increase personal contacts while at the same time eliminating the costs of postage and printing expenses. People around the world are adapting too, and using the internet as much as possible. Now, its your turn to begin by clicking the link below and registering for your own personal FREE account, and begin communication with people of the past and present immediately! The registration is FREE! Try it! You’ll like it and be amazed as you gain facility through trial and error! You’ll become a constant user. Register at this link: To join the Admiral Farragut Academy Alumni Group, please click this link:‐8285442415. WELCOME ABOARD, SETTLE DOWN AND ENJOY THE RIDE! But, prepare yourself for the ride of your life!

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T A P S Let us pause to reflect upon our Alumni whose duty in this life has been fulfilled...May they Rest In Peace!

Charles Robbins Disharoon ’36N ‐ Charles Robbins Disharoon passed away peacefully Tuesday, May 6, 2008, with his three children by his side. Charlie was 89years old and always had a smile on his face. His birthplace was Salisbury, a small town with a Southern flavor. In 2005, he attended his 70th high school reunion for the Class of 1935. Charlie also attended Admiral Farragut Academy, and spent two years at Washington & Lee University, before graduating from the University of Maryland in 1940. Go Terps! He entered into insurance sales in Salisbury in September 1940 and then into the U.S. Navy V‐7 program, becoming an ensign in the Navy Reserve. His first duty station was on the destroyer USS Sands, berthed at Treasure Island. The USS Sands was on neutrality patrol off the Monterey Coast at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack. Charlie participated in several landings while serving on the Sands. New orders placed him on a new destroyer escort, the USS Shelton. The Shelton sank in October 1944, when torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. Charlie was awarded the Bronze Star as the damage control officer who helped keep the ship afloat long enough for its personnel to transfer to other ships. After this, his new orders were to report to the brand‐new heavy cruiser, the USS St. Paul. This ship joined Admiral Halsey's Task Force and immediately went to the Japanese Coast in June 1945. The declaration of Peace in August 1945 found him still aboard the St. Paul which fired the last shot of World War II. He retired as a Navy Commander in 1963. Charlie met his future wife, Mary Mount, on July 4, 1941, in Yosemite. Their marriage would continue for 61 years, until her death on his birthday in 2004. Survivors include two daughters, Leigh Cool of Lake Forest, CA, and Lynn of Walnut Creek, CA, and a son, Rob of Petaluma, CA, and two grandchildren and six great‐grandchildren. His family will miss him greatly. He was very generous and modeled how to live a productive, useful and loving life. His ashes are inurned at Lafayette‐ Orinda Presbyterian Church Columbarium, where he will once again be with Mary ‐‐ this time for eternity. David Mackey ’40N – David lived in Menlo Park, CA. “I am sad to report that my father, David Mackey, died on February 12th of this year. I do not know his class year, but believe it was in the early '40's as he went on to Annapolis and served in the Pacific in WWII. He was preceded in death by my mother, Betty, and my brother David Craig. He is survived by my brother Scott and me as well as four grandsons, four granddaughters, and three great‐ grandsons.” Sincerely, Suzanne Mackey Carey Suzanne Carey

Herbert T. Pontin ’40N ‐ HT Pontin was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1922. The family owned and operated Pontin Lighterage and Transportation in New York Harbor. His father and grandfather were respected members of the New York Maritime Industry. After HT graduated from Admiral Farragut Academy he enlisted in the United States Coast Guard in 1942. HT served as Boatswain’s Mate Second Class. His service included patrolling the North Atlantic aboard a Wooden Sailing Schooner disguised as a fishing vessel, scouting for German Submarines. In 1945 he received his Honorable discharge. In 1943 Herb married Christine Welsh, an American citizen originally from, Glasgow Scotland. They began a family and had three sons’, Craig, Lance, and Duke. Operating out of Brielle, New Jersey, HT ran the Charter (Continued on page 26)


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Let us pause to reflect upon our Alumni whose duty in this life has been fulfilled...May they Rest In Peace! (Herbert T. Pontin ‘40N Continued from page 25)

boat, ’SHIRBILL’ until moving his family and the boat to the keys in 1961. They purchased the Sea Center on Big Pine Key and their oldest Son Craig ran Sea Center in Upper Key largo. During the 60’s and 70’s Herb and his family also cruised the Caribbean aboard the Schooner ’RED HEAD’, amassing many exciting sea stories! From the mid 70’s to 1985 HT commuted from his home on Ramrod Key to New York to serve as Captain for McAllister Brothers Towing. Working with his son, Duke, they pushed loaded fuel barges up and down the East Coast for 13 years without incident. During that time Captain’s, HT and Duke went to Saudi Arabia to dock Super Tankers. Herb held a Master’s Freight and Towing license for all Ocean’s and his last license was on its 13th issue. In the 1990’s HT sailed several loads of humanitarian aid to Cuba. In between those trips he often sailed alone offshore, patrolling the Straits of Florida for days searching and saving Cuban refugees adrift in makeshift craft. H.T.’s wife of 64 years, Christine and his Son, Capt. Craig preceded him across the threshold of life. Survivors include his son and daughter‐in‐law Captain’s Duke and Brandi Pontin, his grandson’s Captain Cove and Keal Pontin. From Cape May New Jersey, his Son Lance, his wife Bonnie, grand children Craig and Tiffany Pontin and two great grandchildren. (We sadly received notice that HT has made his last trip across the Sea of Life. All of us in the Alumni and Development offices will miss him. Last July, HT invited us to come down to his beautiful home located in Ramrod Key, Florida. We enjoyed visiting with HT and meeting his daughter‐ in‐law Brandi, and his grandsons. We will miss him.)

Ralph W. Austin ’43N – “(I am not sure of his graduation year, but it was during WWII) is deceased. He died on Sept 6, 2003 from complications arising from a car accident. His widow Margaret passed away early this January and their four surviving children spread their ashes off Fire Island, NY on May 17, 2008. Again, thank you for your condolences, and kind assistance.” Regards, Joyce Austin Frederick Chandler Gambke ’46N ‐ passed away suddenly on Monday, February 25, 2008. He was born in Kingston, NY and grew up in Englewood, N.J. Fred graduated from Admiral Farragut Academy in 1946 after a distinguished academic and athletic record. He entered the United States Naval Academy and graduated with the Class of 1951, lettering in both football, and wrestling. Upon graduation, Fred married Eileen Dodson on June 3, 1951, and remained at the Naval Academy as an assistant coach with the plebe football team the following fall. He then entered flight training at Pensacola, Fla., receiving his wings as a Naval Aviator in Hutchinson, Kan. on February 3, 1953. He was qualified in several types of aircraft, including the SNJ, P4Y‐2, P2V‐6AD‐4, F6F‐5, and the SNBZSG‐4 airship. He served overseas in Argentina, Malta, and Formosa. After retiring from the Navy, Fred was a (Continued on page 27)


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Let us pause to reflect upon our Alumni whose duty in this life has been fulfilled...May they Rest In Peace!

manufacturer's representative for several companies in the states of Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. He was also locally active in the Richmond area as a Cub Scoutmaster, and served as president of (Frederick Charles Gambke ’46N Continued from page 24)

numerous organizations, including the Laburnum Elementary School PTA, North Chamberlayne Civic Association, as well as the Richmond chapter of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association. He was inducted into the Admiral Farragut Athletic Hall of Fame in 1988. He is survived by his wife, Eileen Dodson Gambke; and his three children, Cathy Kimball, Karlyn Gambke‐Johnson and her husband, Jeff, all of Richmond, Va., and Frederick Charles Gambke, along with his wife, Anita, of Somers, N.Y. Fred is also survived by five grandchildren, Frederick Kurt and Mary Beth Gambke of Somers, N.Y., Courtney Kimball and Kaeti Johnson of Richmond, and U.S. Marine Sgt. Kristopher Johnson, who just recently returned from his third tour of duty in Iraq. A memorial mass will be held at St. Joseph's Catholic Church at 828 Buford Road in Richmond at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 1. In lieu of flowers, you may make donations in memory of Fred Gambke, to the U.S. Naval Academy Foundation Athletic and Scholarship Program at 25 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, Md. 21410. Inurnment will take place at the U.S. Naval Academy Columbarium at a later date.

Robert I. Steinfeld ’54N— passed away Wednesday, Feb. 6, at Ocean Medical center, Brick, NJ. He was a Neptune resident for 58 years before moving to Cedar Village in Brick in 1998. He graduated from Admiral Farragut Academy, Toms River and majored in Business at Ryder University. He owned and operated Steinfeld's Hamilton Meat Market, in Neptune. Robert was the former Fire Commissioner for Neptune, ex‐chief and life member of the Hamilton Fire Co., as well as the past president and life member of the Hamilton First Aid Squad. Robert volunteered for 11 years at Jersey Shore University Medical Center as a Patient Representative and also volunteered at the Long Street Farm for the Monmouth County Park System. He was a member of the Asbury & Jordan Masonic Lodge #142 and a former member of the Shrine Crescent Temple of Trenton. Robert was a member of the Phi Sigma Epsilon National Fraternity. He was a member of the N.J. Exempt Fireman's Association for 50 years, a member of the N.J. Fire Chief Association, as well as a member of the U.S. Naval Reserves stationed at Lakehurst. Robert was a former member of the finance committee of Cedar Village and a current member of the Board of Trustees of Cedar Village. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Whiteman Steinfeld; his daughters, Lynn Huff and Carol Berndt; and his granddaughters, Christina, Jennifer, and Gail. Condolences may be made online at


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The 2008 Homecoming Celebration is scheduled for this coming fall and will be held October 30th, 31st (Halloween), and November 1st. Everything will be as in the past with respect to a gathering of alumni to celebrate the following special reunion years: 1938—70th 1943—65th 1948—60th 1953—55th 1958—50th 1963— 45th 1968—40th 1973—35th 1978—30th 1983—25th 1988—20th 1993— 15th 1998—10th 2003— 5th Of course, all alumni are always welcome at every Homecoming Celebration!


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Our Athletic Department would like to establish an “Athletic Hall of Fame” to complete our history. When the Toms River Campus closed, many records were never retrieved for the benefit of maintaining a complete archive in recognition of outstanding athletes of the Academy. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could fill us in with the names of cadets, the sports they achieved athletic Hall of Fame distinction in, and the year they were inducted. Please sent this information to the Attention: LCDR Joe Holtsclaw, Athletic Director, c/o 501 Park Street North, Saint Petersburg, FL 33710, or via email to: We hope to have the Hall of Fame complete by our 75th Anniversary! Thank you for your kind assistance in


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WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS, BE SURE TO TELL THEM YOU WANT THE ADMIRAL FARRAGUT ACADEMY SPECIAL RATE! Trade Winds Island Grand Resort 5600 Gulf Boulevard St. Pete Beach, FL 33706 Telephone (727) 363‐2215 Fax (727) 363‐2221 GUESTROOM RATES FOR ADMIRAL FARRAGUT ACADEMY ALUMNI AND GUESTS: Trade Winds Island Grand Resort is pleased to confirm the following special guestroom rates for the Fall 2008 Homecom‐ ing Celebration: Standard Hotel Rooms $155.00, per room, per night, based upon availability. Tropical Hotel Room $170.00, per room, per night, based upon availability. Gulf Front Parlor Rooms $180.00 per room, per night, based upon availability. Standard One Bedroom Suite $185.00 per room, per night, based upon availability. Tropical One Bedroom Suite $200.00 per room per night, based upon availability.

Trade Winds Sandpiper Hotel & Suites Next door to the Trade Winds Island Grand Hotel on the Gulf of Mexico. GUESTROOM RATES FOR ADMIRAL FARRAGUT ACADEMY ALUMNI AND GUESTS: Trade Winds Sandpiper Hotel & Suites is pleased to confirm the following special guestroom rates for the Fall 2008 Homecoming Celebration: Courtyard Hotel room $145.00, per room, per night, based upon availability Courtyard One Bedroom Suite $170.00, per person, per night, based upon availability. Gulf Front One Bedroom Suite $200.00 per suite, per night, based upon availability BILMAR BEACH RESORT 10650 Gulf Boulevard Treasure Island, FL 33706 Telephone (727) 360‐5531 FAX (727) 360‐2362 1(800) 826‐9724 BILMARBEACHRESORT.COM GUESTROOM RATES FOR ADMIRAL FARRAGUT ACADEMY AND GUESTS: The following discounted rates are available and reservations must be made by calling the hotel directly at (727) 360‐ 5531 and ask for the Admiral Farragut Rate. All rooms are based on space availability, single/double occupancy. All rates are subject to applicable taxes and a $1.00 plus tax “Safe Warranty Fee”. (SS) Gulf Front Studio $109.00, per room, per night Gulf Front Studio (SS) Well appointed brand new rooms located in the Shell Building overlooking the white sandy beaches and the Gulf of Mexico. Two (2) queen beds, mini‐refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker and electronic safe. (DS) Deluxe Gulf Front Studio $129.00, per room, per night Roomy deluxe gulf front studio with a private balcony located in the Palms Building overlooking the sparkling blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Two (2) queen beds, flat panel LCD TV, Kitchenette with custom cabinetry and granite counter tops equipped with dishware, and a two (2) burner flat top stove, mini‐refrigerator, microwave, coffeemaker and electronic safe. Suites and Penthouse are available through the Sales Office. We will offer discounted rates for the Suites and Penthouses based upon availability. Payment Procedures—all room reservations require a credit card to guarantee the reservation and date!


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ALUMNI SHIRTS ARE OUTSTANDING! ASK ANY ALUMNI OWNER HIS OPINION OF THE QUALITY OF THE SHIRT…ORDER YOURS TODAY! Pictured, is one of the newly adopted collared Alumni Shirts that we presented to each of the graduating Seniors following their graduation on May 17, 2008. We asked them to wear this shirt each time they return to campus, and of course on the day of the Dress Parade at Homecoming Celebrations. The shirt color is “Butter and Navy.” This shirt is made of high quality pima cotton, which is very soft, comfortable to wear, and holds up well over many, many washings. The shirt boasts the newly designed and embroidered AFA Alumni Association Logo with the year of graduation also embroidered beneath. This shirt will be available to all Alumni on an ordered basis with delivery within three weeks time. The basic cost is $49. plus $10 shipping and handling for all orders within the Continental United States. For other orders, please write, telephone, fax, or email for additional charges. All we need from you is the year you graduated, and the size you want, and whether you want the male or female shirt.. Shirts are available in adult sizes from small (S) to extra large (XL) for $49 plus shipping and handling charges within the US. For sizes extra, extra large (XXL) add $3. Extra, extra, extra large (XXXL) add $5 to basic cost of $49. We will ship multiple shirt orders at the base $10 shipping and handling charge.

Please indicate below:
















$____________ GRAND TOTAL





□ XL




□ XXXXL (Special Order)

NAME: __________________________________________________________ YEAR GRADUATED: ______________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________________________ STATE: __________ ZIP CODE: ______________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE ENCLOSE CHECK FOR TOTAL COST: Make out checks to: Mail to: OR USE CREDIT CARD:

Admiral Farragut Alumni Association 501 Park Street North Saint Petersburg, FL 33710


Or FAX TO: (727) 384-4717

DISCOVER VISA OR MASTERCARD ONLY (Please circle card used)

Please charge my Alumni Shirt purchase to my _____________________________________________________________ Print Name of Charge Card Used Name as shown on card Credit Card Number ______________________________________________________ Print Name as shown on Credit Card Expiration Date of Card _________/___________/ 20__________ MM / DD / YR ____________________________________________________________________Signature


Reservation Form 2008 Homecoming—October 30th through November 1st Homecoming Dinner—November 1, 2008 at The Sandpiper Resort


Alumni Name _________________________________________________________ Class____________________ N or S _________ Spouse Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Guest (s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ COST NUMBER TOTAL Event Description Alumni Welcome Continental Breakfast N/C ________

$ 5.



Annual Spirit Party on site of New Alumni Center

Friday Lunch on the Grounds



Friday Tailgate Party before Football Game




Homecoming Reunion Dinner Reservation

Please indicate your choice of Main Entrée

NY Strip Steak



________ ________

(Dinners include: Chef’s Selection of Seasonal

Seared Salmon Filet



Accompaniment—House Salad‐Mixed Seasonal

Vegetable Ravioli


Chicken Piccata





With choice of 3 dressings‐Freshly Baked rolls


And Butter or Appropriate Bread– Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Tea—Key Lime Pie Credit Card □ (only Visa, MasterCard or Discover) or □ CHECK Please charge my Reservation to my _______________________________________________________________________ Print Number of Credit Card Expiration Mo / Yr Name as shown on Credit Card _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street No. City State Zip Telephone Number ____________________________________________Email Address _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

__________________________ 2008

Dates for the 75th Anniversary Homecoming in 2009

March 31, 2009 though April 4, 2009 We have blocked 120 total room nights at the Trade Winds Sandpiper Hotel & Suites for the 75th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration...(20 for Thursday, April 2nd, and 50 each for Friday, April 3rd and Saturday, April 4th, 2009.) When you call for reservations you must mention AFA. The rates per night are as follows: Courtyard Hotel: $169; Courtyard Suite: $184; Gulf Front Suite: $204. Make your plans now to schedule your vacation in conjunction with our 75th Anniversary Celebration which is going to be held on March 31, 2009 through April 4, 2009. April is the month the native Floridians make their first trek to the beaches after the winter. The weather is almost perfect with warm days and cool evenings. It is usually a dry month in terms of precipitation. You’ll enjoy the Beautiful Beaches on the Gulf of Mexico.

Reveille Admiral Farragut Academy Alumni Association

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Saint Petersburg, FL Permit No. 609

501 Park Street North Saint Petersburg, Florida 33710 (727) 343-3678 (727) 384-4717 Fax

Alumni @ Address Service Requested


Alumni Association Office. This is YOUR means of keeping in touch with your classmates, and for receiving reunion, alumni club, and Homecoming information. We depend on you to advise us immediately of any address, or email changes so we can update our database files. If you are aware of any classmates who are not receiving our alumni mailings, please let us know. WE need to hear from you! Please complete this form and return it to the

Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Class of: ______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Phone #: (________)______________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maiden Name: ___________________________________________Spouse’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Occupation: _______________________________________________Place of Employment _________________________________________________ Work Phone #: (______)____________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ News—Marriage, children, grandchildren, promotions, etc. If possible, please email us a picture. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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