AAM Application for Absence During School Time Parents wishing to apply for their child to have leave from school should complete this form and return it to school for authorization well in advance of the proposed leave. PARENTS SECTION (to be completed first) Surname of child
First Name
Grade Level
Home Room
Surname of Parents/ Guardian
First Name
Email Address
Telephone number
About the request for your child’s leave of absence
Reason for taking a holiday during school time
Length of absence From To (School days) (date) (date) Parents/ Guardian’s signature It is understood that all missed work/tests/assignments during this leave must be completed by the student. This completed form should be handed in to school administration. An email will be sent to the parent after consideration of the request. SCHOOL SECTION Student’s attendance record for this year: Has a leave already been granted during school time this year? If so, the number of school days missed: Holiday during School Time Principal’s signature
Yes / No
School days
(ii)not approved
School days Date: