Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) Programme 2014-2015
Welcome to the programme of Extracurricular Activities at Uptown School. This letter aims to inform you about the Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) offered by Uptown School staff, starting on Sunday September 21st ,2014 until Wednesday 3rd June 2015. It is our goal to encourage all students to participate in after school activities. Extracurricular Activities are offered in three blocks of 10 weeks, which will enable students to attend a greater variety of activities over the course of the year.
Block 1: Sunday, September 21st , 2014 to Wednesday, December 3rd , 2014 Block 2: Sunday, January 11th , 2015 to Wednesday, March 18th , 2015 Block 3: Sunday, April 19th , 2015 to Wednesday, June 3th , 2015
This provides our students with a greater opportunity to try different activities throughout the year.
Our school offers ECA programmes in the following broad areas: Academic Sports Performing Arts & Cultural& Music Art/Craft & Media General Hobbies We strongly encourage all students to participate in this programme as it offers a unique opportunity to meet new friends, be a risk-taker and share experiences whilst having fun! The programme enables students to share their skills and fully become part of our international school community. The students have selected these activities so we hope everyone will participate. The variety that is on offer this academic year is excellent and we sincerely hope that all our students will enjoy their time after school. If you have any questions or comments regarding the GR.1-5 ECA programme please do not hesitate to contact the ECA Coordinator at eca@uptownschool.ae Florin Sirbu ECA Coordinator
Registration deadline Please find attached a timetable of all ECAs offered and an ECA Selection Form. Once a decision has been made of which club/s your child/ children selects, complete the Selection Form with the information requested and return the ECA Selection Form via e-mail to eca@uptownschool.ae Deadline for Block 2 ECAs registration is Sunday, November 30th, 2014 at 6.00.PM Please ensure that your child’s full name and class is stated clearly. Allocation of activities Placements will be decided on a first-come, first-served basis. Places are allocated as e-mails are received. All students (parents) will receive a confirmation e-mail, which states whether they have been accepted or placed on the waiting list, for the activities of their choice. Students who do not make it into an activity will be placed on a waiting list. G1-5 G1-5 clubs will be held from 2.30-3.30 pm on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday inclusive. G1-5 students may choose up to four activities and will be guaranteed a minimum of one activity.
Please spend time with your child and select four (4) ECA preferences for each Block and rank them 1, 2, 3, 4 “1” being the most important and “4” being the least important. We will then make every effort to accommodate your child’s preferences such that s(he) enrolls in minimum 1 ECA and maximum 2 ECAs per week.(Gr.1-5) Important – The activities of our ECAs are repeated in Block 2 and Block 3 so all students are required to choose different clubs. This will allow students who did not get selected for their chosen club in Block 1 the chance to do so in Block 2 and Block 3.
Dress code (Sporting activities) All participants of sporting activities are expected to wear appropriate, functional clothing. No normal school clothes are allowed. Indoor activities require non-marking, clean indoor shoes. Commitment When you sign up for an activity, it is vital to be aware of the commitment expected from you. Uptown Primary has the general expectation that once you have signed up you attend the activity for the entire length of the time. If circumstances prevent students from continuing or coming to an activity we ask you to inform the ECA Coordinator and the activity teacher.
No swapping of ECAs is permitted. We request you to collect your children from the school no later than 3.30pm on an ECA Day. Please keep checking our web-site for new information regarding ECAs offered throughout the year.