JuJu - Harriet Anderson

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JuJu. DEC 2012

JuJu. An insight into Talismans and Good luck.. .

CONTENTS. Introduction 1

JUJU Talisman 2

Good luck youre gonna need it article 5

Nostalgia 12

As luck would have it 20

Contributions 29


We all secretly believe that the supernatural world exists and pray that someday we will receive that letter from Hogwarts. In this publication we question the truth about good luck and if it is our Talismans and Charms that hold our fortune or do we create our own luck. Looking from both a realistic and fashion point of view we see how the fashion industry has changed the true meaning of these objects and how we seem to feel notalgic when talking about this subject. So take yourself back to when you where young. Did you have an object or piece of jewellery that would make you feel safe or lucky? Do you believe in the supernatural realm or is it all in our heads? Editor, Harriet Anderson


Talisman noun: an object typically an inscribed ring or stone that is thought to have magic powers and bring good luck.





Good Luck.. . .

Youre gonna need it!


hether it’s a plastic ring you found in a cereal box when you where five or a

treasured family heirloom that has been past down to you. We all have those things that in some way bring us ‘good luck’. Many cultures believe that talismans or charms possess magical or supernatural powers. It seems since the dawn of time certain items have been used to give us faith and positivity. The word ‘Talisman,’ derived from the Greek verb ‘teleo,’ means, primarily, to accomplish, or bring into effect. Talismans can be a design, object or symbol that are believed to have ‘magical powers’. Virtually every religion and culture in human history has deemed small decorative objects to do anything from healing to protection or success. The Egyptians are the first culture that springs to mind when thinking about talismans, with their lavish jewels and golden drenched homes. The Egyptians spared no expense when it came to possessions. They lived their whole lives worshiping certain symbols and objects, as they believed that the soul lives on after death.

The symbol that was most treasured was the Scarab Beetle or more commonly known as the Dung Beetle. This small insect would emerge from a ball of dung and as they grew they would fly away towards their true nature. The Scarab Beetle was a symbol of transformation, resurrection and protection. The Beetle symbol would appear in the tombs to help the deceased on their journey to the afterlife, symbolising the transformation they would experience, blessing with good luck as one is born into the spiritual realm. Being brought up in a very liberal family I have always been free thinking and open to others. Being more spiritual than religious, I like to think that there is some sort of force or higher being that determines our path in life. After researching into this subject I started to feel a sense of nostalgia, I had never thought about this topic until now and it made me think about my childhood. I would sit for hours in the garden sifting through the clover plants trying to find that one with the four petals. Why did I do this? I surely didn’t understand the true meaning of this symbol but it gave me a sense of

achievement and positivity that I will find it one day

The four-leaf clover has always been considered a lucky charm. This old Irish rhyme explains why, One leaf is for fame. And one leaf is for wealth, One is for a faithful lover. And one to bring you glorious health. This poem intrigued me. Is this all we want from life? Fame, Wealth, Love and Health? When life doesn’t go our way do we put our faith in an object to bring us the luck? Although not all of us desire fame. Wealth seems to be the main factor in our lives. The national lottery is the biggest money prize-draw in the country and when I stand in line at the local newsagents waiting to get my ticket, I always observe others around me. The man that has played the same numbers since 1999, a young mother walking away from the kiosk gripping onto her lucky necklace, muttering ‘’It has to be my week’’ So why, if money is so limited do we spend our last few pounds on a game that brings so much disappointment? Is it our talismans and charms that give us the faith to keep trying every week? Or is the only way to win this game about being at the right place at the right time?


I recently came across an article that told the story of a young lady that kept experiencing good luck due to wearing a particular pink skirt. She happened to randomly bump into a girl on the street that ask her where she had got that pink skirt from that encounter became a friendship. On that same day her new friend introduced her to her future husband. She joked and said that ‘the secret to finding love, friends and happiness is to wear a bright pink skirt.’ It seems the real secret is to keep faith, be positive and always be open to serendipity. Whether you believe in the magic or not we all want to buy into the prospect of having good luck. The lady in the article believed her skirt brought her good fortune and we’ve all heard somebody talk about their lucky pants or socks! The meaning of talismans has somewhat changed over the years and the fashion industry plays a huge role in this. Talismans and charms have become fashion accessories, and in someway I feel the true meaning has been lost.

‘the secret to finding love friends and happiness is to wear a bright pink skirt!’

But then my mind turned to what keeps my faith, what is my talisman? I have lots of special jewels and trinkets that I cherish but do any of them bring me luck? After much thought I came to the conclusion there is no object. My mum is my talisman. She is my good luck charm and although she does have magical powers she keeps my faith and positivity. Therefore in our rational minds we assume that these objects do not have supernatural or magical powers. From a logical point of view, the faith we have in these objects gives us the positivity to create our own luck. Say for instance we are attending a job interview and we wear that lucky necklace. Do we end up getting the job because of the supernatural power the necklace holds or is it because our positive mental attitude gave us the power? It begs the question is it our minds that create our fortune or have the Egyptians had it right all along?

Companies such as Pandora have rekindled the magic and taken the idea of a traditional charm bracelet and put a personal touch on it. Pandora has become much more popular recently especially amongst young women and celebrities. There are thousands of charms and bracelet styles to choose from and each charm is personal to the individual that wears the bracelet. Vogue regularly features Pandora’s Ad campaigns with photographs of celebrities such as, Girls Aloud and Keira Knightly thus attracting us to buy into the ethos of the product. I do not consider myself a particularly lucky person and after battling an illness for nearly a year and loosing several dear friends, I found it difficult to imagine when my luck was going to begin.






Nostalgia noun: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in ones life to ones home or homeland or to ones family and friends a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time a nostalgia for his college days.









as luck would have it. .




you can buy these!


urban outfitters


'When people talk about the good old days I say to people Its not the days that are old its you thats old. I hate the good old days. What is important is that today is good.' -Karl Lagerfeld







Everything in life is luck. -Donald Trump


with thanks to.. models rebecca teesdale charlotte oxnard


photography harriet anderson laura morris kitty hedley




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