Fashion at Chester University

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Fashion at Chester

BA(Hons) Fashion Design BA(Hons) Fashion Marke/ng and Communica/on

BA(Hons) Fashion Design

Designers with ‘individual iden/ty’….. Our ambi1on is for graduates to be 21st-­‐century designers and crea1ve thinkers who are highly prized by the crea1ve industries and contribute considerably to economic growth.


BA(Hons) Fashion Design Level 4 (First Year) study •  •  •  •

Introduc1on to Fashion (40c) Introduc1on to Tex1les (40c) Fashion Culture and Context (20c) Shared with FMC Contemporary Fashion Industry (20c) Shared with FMC

*USP: Community through collabora1on

BA(Hons) Fashion Design Level 4 (First Year) study •  Introduc1on to Fashion (40c) – establishing individual design approaches to concept development (challenging your crea1vity & pushing comfort zone)

BA(Hons) Fashion Design Level 4 (First Year) study •  •  •

Introduc1on to Fashion (40c) –Balance of crea1ve and prac1cal skills Experimental draping and paTern cuUng technical underpinning – how to translate ideas three dimensionally

BA(Hons) Fashion Design Level (First Year) study Introduc1on to Tex1les (40c)

Transla1on into Toile prototypes •  Tex1les for Fashion (integrates tex1les into making process) •  Concept expansion – tes1ng techniques and viable fabric applica1ons

BA(Hons) Fashion Design Trend and market analysis (importance of research, cri1cal analysis and industry prac1ce)

underpins key skills in layout & presenta1on Mastering of: •  Photoshop •  Illustrator

BA(Hons) Fashion Design Level 5 (Second Year) study –  Develop a strong industrial focus through an introduc1on to the fashion industry to enable a professional approach to your prac1ce. –  Experiment, test out ideas and develop your own interests and specialisms such as menswear, knit or print. –  Start to direct your work towards developing a designer iden/ty through both live fashion industry projects and self-­‐authored assignments. –  You will have the opportunity to undertake a work based placement in fashion / tex1le design or related industry environment.

BA(Hons) Fashion Design Level 5 (Second Year) study •  Professional Focus – e.g. Menswear, Womenswear, ‘Athleasure •  Well executed range planning and mini collec1on – develop sense of self as a brand •  Work Placement opportuni1es

Placement opportuni1es •  Chloe Moyse – assistant designer Burberry

BA(Hons) Fashion Design Level 6 (Third Year) study •  Prac/ce opportuni/es such as developing fashion collec1ons with couture ambi1ons and design for ready to wear and specialist apparel sectors. •  Live client driven projects, self-­‐generated assignments, compe11on entries, professional prac1ce, research, and a final major collec1on that will be presented to public audience. •  Establish their own approach to fashion design prac1ce and competently produce two dimensional, three-­‐dimensional and digital fashion artefacts

Final Collec1on – 6 ou_its

40C Crea1ve Development & Realiza1on •  Final collec1on shoot

Contextual crossover between modules •  Stereotypes in Fashion?: Age, Race, Religion, Gender & the Body

Concept – ‘Indian Hijras’ Gendered Clothing

Breaking new ground – ‘gender fluid clothing’ •  Inves1ga1ng the true meaning of Hijra transgender cult from India; looking at elements of escapism, iden1ty and the cultural values towards a Hijra, and cross referencing their persona within society.

presenta1on – look book

20C Por_olio Development

Fashion Marketing and Communication

BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing, & Communication The programme provides a clear route for ambitious students inspired by fashion & clothing but mo1vated to be crea1ve in suppor1ng and projec1ng fashion design talent rather than being designers. Students will develop a broad-­‐based understanding of marketing, brand development, promotion and communication principles within the context of the fashion industry.

BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing, & Communication •  Features –  Opportuni1es to engage with the communica/on of contemporary global fashion market issues –  Tradi1onal and newly evolving approaches, pla_orms and technologies

Understanding ‘Brand building’ and associated lifestyle strategy in relation to Market Performance Joan Didion hTp://­‐ didion-­‐celine-­‐ad-­‐campaign/

Between 20‐30 per cent of gross margin is spent on advertising support to create global campaigns to enhance brand image in foreign markets.

Owned by French conglomerate LVMH (Moët Hennessy -­‐Louis VuiTon) Sales 2015 (35,664 million)

Photos By: Juergen Teller for Céline

•  •

‘Luxury’ - increasing tension between the desire to be ‘exclusive’. product line expansion and widespread distribution which could ultimately dilute the brand’s value.

Cita1on: Christopher M. Moore, John Fernie, Steve Burt, (2000) "Brands without boundaries – The interna1onalisa1on of the designer retailer’s brand", European Journal of Marke1ng, Vol. 34 Iss: 8, pp. 919 – 937

The Fashion Product

The Winter Coat

WGSN Trend Forecasting Database •  •

New York Fashion Week, F/W 2016-17 February 2016

The Winter Coat

WGSN Trend Forecasting Database •  •

New York Fashion Week, F/W 2016-17 February 2016

The Bomber Jacket

WGSN Trend Forecasting Database •  •

New York Fashion Week, F/W 2016-17 February 2016

The Bomber Jacket

WGSN Trend Forecasting Database •  •

New York Fashion Week, F/W 2016-17 February 2016

Trend Forecasting


Retail & Buying > Brands & Previews > UK Retail Previews

Retail & Buying > Brands & Previews > UK Retail Previews

Retail & Buying > Buying > Buyers' Briefing

Retail & Buying > Buying > Buyers' Briefing

WGSN: S/S 18: Big Ideas

WGSN: S/S 18: Big Ideas

WGSN: Future Views (1)

Retail & Buying > Buying > Brands to Watch

Future Trends > A/W 17/18 > Future Trends Cri1cal Path

WGSN: Future Views (2)

Future Trends > S/S 18 > Forecast

Future Trends > S/S 18 > Forecast

Future Trends > S/S 18 > Forecast

Future Trends > S/S 18 > Forecast

Retail Trends

WGSN Trend Forecasting Database •  •

Future of Retail Report March 2016

New Brand Analysis

The Local Brand: Finery London

Finery London, SS2016



Finery London, SS2016

The Local Brand: Finery London {Product Types}

BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing, & Communication

Level 4 (First Year) study

–  You will be introduced to fashion design product development and the necessary rela/onship between design, making, marke/ng and promo/on. –  You will develop an understanding of fashion’s importance culturally and economically –  You will be introduced to the intellectual tools of brand / label development as well as the communica/ons tools and channels to promote the fashion product. –  The roles and responsibili/es within the contemporary fashion industry will be explored along with an apprecia1on of the collabora1ve nature of fashion design, styling, promo1on, buying and retailing.

BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing, & Communication Level 4 (First Year) study –  AD4603 Fashion Culture and Context (20c) –  AD4604 Contemporary Fashion Industry (20c) –  AD4605 Introduc1on to Fashion Marke1ng & Communica1on (40c) –  AD4606 Fashion Brand Development (40c)

BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing, & Communication Level 5 (Second Year) study –  Your skills in product development and promo/on will be extended, gaining an understanding of the impact of the narra1ve of fashion in contemporary culture, styling and trend forecas1ng on the design, making and marke1ng environment. –  You will also have the opportunity to undertake a work based learning placement in fashion / tex1le / communica1on design or related industry environment.

BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing, & Communication Level 5 (Second Year) study AD5603 Fashion Culture and Society (20c) AD5604 Contemporary Fashion Communica1on (40c) AD5605 Fashion Forecas1ng & Narra1ves (40c) AD5404 Art & Design Experien1al Learning (20c) [Department module] [op1on] –  WB5105 Enhancing Your Employability Through Work Based Learning (20c) [Ins1tu1on Module] [op1on] –  –  –  –

Work placement opportunities Marke1ng: Commercial and Editorial Copy (Anton now Marke1ng Manager for Folk) Folk (lookbook) – lex Graduate Collec1on Shoot (both taken by Fashion Communicator)

BA(Hons) Fashion Marketing, & Communication Level 6 (Third Year) study –  You will determine your future career pathways through exploring the very broad range of fashion design, marke1ng and communica1on and related disciplines. –  You will iden/fy and pursue your ambi/ons through prac1ce opportuni1es from developing a fashion business project individually or in collabora1on with a fashion designer or label. –  You will be able to explore the collabora/ve nature of fashion marke1ng and promo1on through work with students in support disciplines such as photography, graphic design, journalism and performing arts.

Opportunities to collaborate building of brand identity

fashion MARKETING &


Jobs directly related to your degree:

•  •  •  •

Art Director Visual Merchandiser Sales Promo1on Account Execu1ve Marke1ng Execu1ve

Jobs where your degree would be useful: •  •  •  •

Purchasing Manager Retail Buyer Market Researcher Media Planner


fashion design Jobs directly related to your degree: •  •  •  •

Womenswear Designer Menswear Designer Product Developer Product management

Jobs where your degree would be useful: •  •  •  •

Trend Forecas1ng Garment Technologist PaTern CuTer/Grader Fashion Merchandiser/Fashion Buyer


Contact Us! •

Elizabeth Kealy-Morris –  Senior Lecturer in Art & Design –  Programme Leader – Fashion Marke1ng & Communica1on – –  01244.515706

Delphine Wilson –  Senior Lecturer in Art & Design –  Programme Leader -­‐ Fashion Design – –  01244.515868

Admissions –  01244.511000 –

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