1 minute read
RACHEL (WAYCHEL PHOTOGRAPHY) is a queer, body-positive female photographer based in Singapore. She started out in 2021 as a pole dance photographer, empowering dancers (especially women) to represent themselves the way they want to be seen. Driven by a love for connective and compassionate stories, her work aims to foreground people and narratives marginalised in mainstream photography. She enjoy creating imagery that is both bold and dreamy, saturated with the surreal, sensual, and strange.
I’ll block fashion spam, cos I’ll go make it myself though imperfect by hand, it’s an act of free will to make things that last seasons and evade landfills. Have a minimal or maximalist shelf the style choice is yours, but remember talk is cheap: there’s exploitation on every supply chain thread the price is the planet or workers’ daily bread. Instead let’s buy less, make more, treasure what you keep, sashiko personality into repair crochet your own magic with planet friendly yarn reconsider each new hole as a chance to darn I’ll make it myself - cos I can decide what’s fair.
I’ll make it myself because I care where it goes we only have this blue earth, so let’s protect it and give time around the sun to every outfit. Let’s start a fashion rev with our DIY clothes.
About The Poem
This poem is written with a 12 syllable ABBA / CDDC / EFFE /GHHG rhyming scheme.
Using crochet, I have visually represented the lines of the poem, each colour is a rhyming scheme: A / B / C / D/ E / F / G / H and each stitch represents a word in each line.
Yarn used to represent the piece is recycled wool, acrylic and organic cotton, and all scraps from other projects to ensure nothing is wasted.
TEGAN SMYTH is a poet with roots in Hong Kong and Australia. She was born in Sydney (Gadigal) and raised between Australia and Hong Kong, with parents hailing from both places. Her work has been published in Asian Cha, Voice & Verse, Twin Cities Anthology, KongPoWriMo and The Economist. In addition to her writing, Tegan is the founder of a grassroots refugee charity in Hong Kong called Grassroots Future. @grassrootsfuture
Fashion lives to express, delight, reflect, protest, comfort, commiserate and share. Fashion never subjugates, denigrates, degrades, marginalises or compromises. Fashion celebrates life.