Toolkit to Promote Collective Dialogue and Organising

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Toolkit to Promote


Fashion Revolution Malaysia


Once you have defined with your team which local issue you want to address, it will be time to get started in planning a local event to foster collective dialogue and organise collective action. This toolkit aims to guide you in the process of building a solid plan for action, that can be measurable and results in impactful stories of success as we move the fashion industry towards a fairer, cleaner, safer, and more transparent one.

We recommend using this toolkit between February a and execute your ca engaging policymak your community an stakeholders during Revolution Week 202


Define your goal

Clearly articulate what you aim to achieve through your event. This will help guide your decisions throughout the planning process and ensure your event has a clear purpose and direction.

For example:

Foster connections among fashion stakeholders in your locality. Raise awareness and discuss key local issues identified by your team. Identify a specific local issue to address through a campaign aimed at engaging policymakers.

Develop an action plan for your campaign to engage policymakers

Identify your event type

Consider how you want to bring together diverse fashion stakeholders in your locality to foster collective dialogue and organise action. Tailor your event to your goals, audience, and available resources.

Here are some activity ideas to inspire you:

Panel/roundtable discussions

When planned effectively, these sessions can be a powerful tool to spark collective dialogue and serve as a starting point for planning your campaign to address local issues with policymakers.

Set clear objectives, prepare an event agenda, and invite diverse stakeholders to facilitate inclusive discussions. Engage participants through interactive formats like live polling, Q&A sessions, breakout groups, case studies, and virtual Q&A to encourage participation.

At the end, summarise key points, outline the next steps, and propose a follow-up date. Consider creating a report or infographic to share with attendees and stakeholders.

Community circles

Create a safe and inclusive space for open dialogue, where participants can share personal experiences and reflect on fashion’s impact on their lives and work.

You can also host a "Collective Reimagining" exercise within your community circle, inviting attendees to envision and define the fashion industry they want to co-create. This exercise helps participants visualize the tangible benefits of a more ethical and sustainable industry, identify their role in the movement, and highlight the transformative power of collective action in driving systemic change.

For inspiration, explore similar community circles hosted during FRW24, such as Fashion Revolution Singapore’s "Rest is Revolutionary" and Fashion Revolution India’s "Nature Walk and Love Letter to Your Garment" events.

Break into smaller groups or online breakout sessions for more intimate discussions, share prompts verbally or in print, and encourage creative responses through illustrations, poetry, or other forms of expression.


Individual reflections:

Does your current wardrobe spark joy?

What role does clothing/fashion play in your life?

What slow fashion practices are you already engaged in?

Rest is Revolutionary

What slow practices can you easily adopt to reduce your impact?

Collective reflections:

What excites you about the future of fashion?

Nature Walk and Love Letter to Your Garment

How can fashion become a source of healing, regeneration, and connection instead of extraction, destruction, and exploitation?

What types of clothing services or infrastructures would benefit you or your community?

What are some realistic, actionable steps we can take to make this vision a reality?

What role do you see yourself playing in this revolution?

What policies are in place in your local context to protect people and the planet from the impact of the fashion industry?

What policies are in place in your locality to hold brands accountable for the impact of their operations?

Who are the main policymakers working in the fashion industry space in your locality?

What can be improved in the local legal framework to protect people and the planet and hold brands accountable for the impact of their operations?

How can your local representatives and policymakers support bringing this vision to life?

Mend in Public Day

We received great feedback from our global community about our first global Mend In Public Day in 2024 so we are bringing it back on April 26th, 2025.

Don’t forget to register your event here!

The idea is simple: get out into your local community and stitch in protest against disposable fashion. Amidst busy Saturday shoppers, we will repair our torn pockets and broken seams and spark conversations on making Loved Clothes Last.

Mend in Public Day stands as a beacon of change in a world inundated with fashion waste. By participating, you’ll be part of a global creative action resisting the cycle of excess through repair and reuse. Get your repair pile (or other fibre crafts!) at the ready, find a Mend In Public Day event near you, or host your own. All skill levels and Fashion Revolutionaries are welcome!

Find mending inspiration & resources here.

Stitch n’ bitch

A Stitch n’ Bitch is a cross between a roundtable discussion and a mending circle, where attendees bring their own sewing and mending projects to work on and take part in a guided conversation.

Creative workshops

These are hands-on, interactive sessions designed for collaboration. For example, an upcycling workshop where attendees bring old clothes to transform into new items fosters creativity while starting conversations about textile waste issues in your community.

Include diverse stakeholders

Effective community engagement and organizing rely on collaboration with diverse partners, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach to your campaign. Be sure to involve stakeholders from various sectors, such as citizens, students, artisans, academics, local businesses, grassroots groups, community leaders, activists, influencers, and policymakers.

Use the Toolkit to Identify Local Issues to conduct a Stakeholder Mapping exercise to pinpoint key players within your local fashion ecosystem to engage in your event.

Bring beneficiary’s voice to the table

It’s important to have the beneficiary or affected people’s voice at the table. Who is being affected the most by the issue you identified and selected to work on during this campaign? How can their voice be heard during your event? We have great learnings from collective organising such as workers' unions.

Physical or virtual event?

Identify Your Local Issues Toolk

Fashion Revolution Week has always been about bringing people together to amplify our message, with hundreds of events hosted around the world in shops, studios, schools, universities, community hubs, and more.

If you ' re hosting an in-person event, begin by securing a space - this could be your school or workplace, or you could look for free venues like community clubs. You can reach out to coworking and event spaces and find out if they'll donate their space for the cause.

If you ' re partnering with an event space, such as a gallery, theatre venue, cafe, coworking space, or brand, ensure you have clear guidelines and expectations in advance.

If you ' re hosting an event online, begin by choosing a platform such as Zoom, Instagram Live, Facebook, or YouTube Live.

Plan your agenda

A well-structured agenda is essential to ensure your event runs smoothly, engages stakeholders, and will effectively kickstart your campaign planning to engage policymakers.

Here’s a sample agenda to follow:

Welcome & introductions

10 minutes

Make everyone feel comfortable and acknowledged

Purpose of meeting

5 minutes

Clearly state the purpose and goals of the meeting

Keynote/panel discussion

30 minutes

Introduce speakers/panelists, discuss identified key local issues and challenges

Open discussion

30 minutes

Encourage open dialogue about community needs and campaign ideas with participants

Feedback session

15 minutes

Invite participants to share ideas and strategies for engaging policymakers

Action planning



Designate time specifically for marginalised groups to speak

Active listening

Establish a game plan and timeline

Closing remarks

10 minutes 10-15 minutes

Summarise key takeaways and next steps

Use paraphrasing to clarify and validate what each person says.

Breakout groups

For larger gatherings, break out into smaller groups to make discussions more manageable and ensure quieter voices are heard.


Prepare resources

Here’s a list of resources/materials you may need to run a successful event:

Presentation materials

Slide decks or infographics that explain the local issue, the importance of collective action, and ways participants can engage with the campaign.

Interactive tools

Online platforms for live polling, surveys, or Q&A sessions (e.g., Slido, Zoom polls)

Promotional and decorative materials

#WeAreFashionRevolution posters, flyers and event banners

Seating arrangements

Chairs, cushions, or setup materials for physical comfort.


Snacks, drinks, or catering, if appropriate for the event.

Volunteer support

Clear roles and guidelines for volunteers assisting with logistics.

Follow-up resources

Contact lists or digital thank-you notes with next steps for participants.

Actionable handouts

Printed or digital materials summarising key takeaways, resources, and suggested action steps for participants to follow after the event.

Creative supplies

For workshops or community circles, prepare materials like markers, paper, mending kits, discarded fabric swatches, etc.

Registration materials

Sign-in sheets, name tags, or digital tools like Eventbrite or Google Forms to streamline ticket sales and manage attendee registration.

Tech setup

Projector, microphone, speakers, and reliable internet for virtual elements.

Feedback forms

Physical or digital forms to gather participant insights and suggestions.

Waste management

Recycling bins and clear signage for sustainable waste disposal.

Stakeholder outreach strategies

Engaging key stakeholders is critical for the success of your event and campaign.

Here are some strategies to connect with and involve stakeholders:

Tailor your messaging

Craft clear, compelling messages that align with each stakeholder group’s interests and priorities. Your outreach message can include: An overview of the event you are planning to promote collective dialogue

A concise introduction to the issue(s) you intend to tackle through your campaign to engage policymakers and its significance. The role stakeholders can play in contributing to the solution. The potential outcomes of their involvement, emphasising how it aligns with their values or mission.

Event Agenda

Register your event

Personalised outreach

Reach out directly through personalised methods such as phone calls, emails, or direct messages on social platforms.

Leverage existing networks

Collaborate with organisations or individuals who already have relationships with your target stakeholders. Ask for introductions or co-hosting opportunities to reach a wider audience.

What can’t be measured can’t be improved!

Please let us know what you are planning and when, so we can collect all the metrics and stories of success for our future campaigns. We will make your event visible on our website, which can also help you drive traffic and attention to your efforts.

Register your event here.

Promote your event

Here are some strategies to engage your community and build momentum for your event:

Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok to promote your event. Tailor your message to each platform's audience.

When sharing your event on social media, include the hashtags to help the message get greater outreach #ThinkGloballyActLocally



Share sneak peeks leading up to the event, such as behind-thescenes footage, guest speakers, or sneak previews of activities.

Work with event collaborators to create co-branded posts and crosspromote on each other's channels.

Make sure you leave enough time to generate interest in your event. Try to begin advertising the event at least 3 weeks before it takes place.

Reach out to the local press, bloggers, influencers, or other organisations who can help get the word out about your event.

Share your event on local community boards, university websites, or event directories.

Find 2025 Brand Guidelines

If the event is in partnership with other organisations (such as an event space), make sure you follow directions on how to use the Fashion Revolution logo on page 9 of our brand guidelines.


To foster meaningful dialogue and inspire action, your event should create a safe, collaborative, and inclusive space. Here’s how to ensure success:

Arrive early to set up the venue or log into the virtual platform. Ensure seating arrangements, tech equipment, and materials like sign-in sheets, name tags, and visuals are ready. Test microphones and projectors.

Review the internet connection if this is needed, to ensure your live stream will go well (if you are broadcasting on social media).

Delegate responsibilities among team members, such as greeting attendees, facilitating discussions, managing tech, and documenting the event. Use a checklist to ensure nothing is missed.

Register your attendees.

Create a safe, inclusive space by welcoming participants and expressing gratitude for their involvement.


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To measure the success of your event and understand its overall impact, it’s essential to gather and analyse both qualitative and quantitative data. Here are some tools and methods you can use:

Digital tools

Google Forms / SurveyMonkey / Typeform to create customised surveys to collect feedback from participants. Use them to assess attendee satisfaction, understand what worked well, and identify areas for improvement.


Use built-in Analytics tools on social media to track engagement on your event’s posts and assess the reach and impact of your event’s messaging.

Hold a meeting

After the event, organize a debriefing meeting with your team. Discuss what went well and what could be improved. Use a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to evaluate the internal impact and effectiveness of your event.

Create comprehensive post-event impact reports that include:

Quantitative data

Attendance, engagement rates, survey results

Qualitative insights

Testimonials, feedback themes


Action steps taken, pledges made, policy changes discussed

Next steps

How you plan to follow up or build on the momentum


Image bank

Share highlights, photos, videos, and key takeaways on social media and in our shared image bank to keep the conversation going and amplify your impact.

Don’t forget to engage attendees after the event by sending thankyou emails or posts, expressing gratitude for their participation. Keep participants and stakeholders involved beyond the event by regularly sharing relevant resources, updates, and ways to get involved in your campaign aimed at engaging policymakers. Register your success in this survey!


Fundraising is a crucial part of organising your event and supporting the ongoing work of Fashion Revolution. Here are some tips and tools to help you effectively fundraise for your event:

Where possible we encourage events to be made free to attend, so they remain accessible to attendees. If you ' re hosting a free event, you can give attendees the option to donate to your local Fashion Revolution team as a way to fundraise for your activities and future events.

Use the official Fashion Revolution logo in all fundraising materials. Follow directions on how to use the logo on pages 8 to 10 of our brand guidelines.

You can print and use this envelope template to collect donations at your event.

Setting a clear fundraising target motivates donors by giving them a tangible goal to support and increasing their likelihood to contribute.

Transparency is key—communicate how the funds raised will be used and highlight the specific goals or outcomes they will help achieve.

In our experience, charging a small ticket price for virtual events helps ensure that attendees are more likely to turn up, and gives a better estimation of the expected number of attendees ahead of the event.

You can find a fundraising/sponsorship deck ready for you to adapt and use here

Sponsorship templa


Here’s a list of design templates and tool links to assist you in organizing your local events and plans: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Brand Guidelines

Event Checklist and other tools

Event agenda design template

Attendee registration - samples

Stakeholder mapping

Stakeholder Database

Fundraising envelope

Mending inspiration


Help us keep our resources open source and free for all, so we can create a fashion industry that values people and planet over profit.


If you found this resource useful, please consider making a small donation of £5/$5/€5 to help us change the system.

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