FACE PAINTING BY FASHION ZEND The Official Newsletter of Fashion Zend Network
A FEW FACE PAINTING TECHNIQUES It has become an essential part of every children’s parties, carnivals and other events. This will entertain the kids and make them busy. Adults like face painting, too, and they have their faces painted. This activity was formerly used on warriors of tribes who go to battle. They used face paint to intimidate their enemies and hopefully scare them off. These days, face painting is used solely for fun and which kids could enjoy. There are a lot of face painting services available nowadays so why not try your take on this business too? To help get you started on face painting, here are some of the helpful techniques you can use.
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The first technique in face painting is to choose your designs. Ensure your copy of the design you want to do and make sure that you can do that. Make sure that you can copy the picture or do something similar to that. Prepare separate designs for boys and girls and have some neutral designs too. You can download copies of face painting designs online or get a copy of a face painting design book at your local bookstore.
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The second technique is to do an outline. If you think you cannot do free hand on the faces of the kids be sure you buy a face painting marker which you can use to outline your design first. It is very helpful since you can just choose the right colors and shade after doing this. Another technique is to be careful when painting around the eyes. Since eyes are very sensitive, you should be careful since even if the label says it’s safe, it could still hurt the eyes when it gets through it. Ask the kids to close their eyes or try to avoid the areas near the eyes. Better be safe than regret it afterwards. Face Painting Technique number four: Use water based face paint. This type of face paint is highly recommendable since it is easy to remove on the face and on clothes. Since kids are fond of having the paint get on their clothes, it is advisable to use a water-based paint because it might be hard to remove if you use other types of paints. The best paint to use are those water-based paints since they are hypoallergenic and won’t harm children’s skins. Lastly, remember to have fun! To show the kids that face painting does not hurt, you can try face painting your face first. This will assure the kids that it is safe and you will end up looking great too.